How to open a web page. Opening a web page

Hello, dear blog readers. With this article we will start learning the basics HTML language.

You probably already know that the main Internet language is hypertext language HTML markup(HyperText Markup Language). In this article we will find out basic concepts HTML and learn how to create simple WEB pages.

Let's start with the most important thing, let's look at how it works The World Wide Web— Internet. To produce web pages, you create files written in HTML and place them on a web server. After this, any browser installed on a device with Internet access, be it a computer, phone or tablet, can find your web pages.

Web server- This regular computer with special software and Internet access. It continuously listens for requests from browsers for web pages, images, audio and video files. Having received a request for one of these resources, the server looks for it and sends it to the browser.

Browser is a special program designed to view websites, for example Internet Explorer. Using a browser, you browse websites by clicking on links. Any such click causes the browser to make a request for the HTML page to the web server, receive a response and display the page in its window. It is when the page is displayed that the HTML language begins to work; it tells the browser everything about the structure and content of the web page. Using commands - tags, HTML tells the browser where paragraphs of text begin, what part of the text is a heading, and where to insert tables, and even pictures. And tags are words in angle brackets, for example


, .

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HTML language and its tags

The first version of the HTML language appeared back in 1992. At the time of 2013, the specification of a new HTML versions number 5. The development of this specification is carried out by the World organization Wide Web Consortium, or W3C for short. The W3C organization develops other Web standards. You can familiarize yourself with these standards on their website By the way, many Web browsers already support some HTML 5 features.

I suggest starting to learn HTML right away with an example. So let's create our first Web page. Anyone can create WEB pages. text editor. I suggest first using the built-in Windows Notepad(in general, in the future, I recommend using to edit html code). You can find it: “Start->All Programs->Accessories->Notepad”. Let's create a page about cars. So, open Notepad and type the following text in it:

Example Web Page

Website about cars.

Welcome to our automotive website. Here you will find many interesting and useful articles about cars. The site contains descriptions of many imported and domestic cars.

Next, save the created web page to a file named index.html. In this case, in the file saving dialog box, you must set the encoding to UTF-8 and enclose the file name in quotes, otherwise Notepad will add the txt extension to it, and our file will be named index.htm.txt:

Now all that remains is to open the created file in the browser and look at the result. To do this, you can use the supplied Windows browser Microsoft Internet Explorer, or any other browser installed on your computer, by double-clicking on the index.html file or dragging the file onto the browser icon. Open it and see something like this:

Thus, we created a Web page in Notepad, although a little nondescript, but already containing a large heading and a paragraph of text that is automatically broken into lines and contains a fragment in bold.

What is a tag?

Now let's talk more about the page structure. Let's look at the fragment:

Website about cars

. Here we see the text that appears on the page as a title, enclosed in tags


. What is a tag in HTML?

HTML tag are ordinary words and symbols enclosed in angle brackets, for example


, . So tag

is the opening tag, tag

closing tag, and the text between them is called the content of the tag. Also tag

and tag

are called paired tags. Together, the opening tag plus the content plus the closing tag form an HTML document element. There are also elements consisting of one opening tag:

So paired tag

defines a first-level header element. There are six levels of headings in total, these are the elements


Elements can be block or inline (text). Block Elements carry out structural formatting of the page. Block elements are always displayed on the page with new line and are indented from neighboring elements. Inline elements perform direct text formatting or logical formatting. Element

is a block element.

That's all for me!!! See you in the next posts!


If you have not changed your browser settings before, it should save your browsing history by default, recording all the sites you have visited. If you remember when you visited the web page you want, you can easily find it and reopen it.

In the browser menu section, first open “History” or “Journal”, then select the desired item from several: “Yesterday”, “Today”, “Last week” or “This month”. After clicking on the line you need, a list of sites that you visited during the selected period will open. Having found desired page, click on it with the left mouse button. The browser will immediately open a tab with the page you were looking for.

Information on dynamic web pages can change every second. New comments may appear on the post, new letters may arrive in the mail. In order not to miss important news, you need to update periodically page. How to do this in the most popular Internet browsers?


If you are using Google internet browser ChromeClick right click mice in any free space window. Free means not occupied by any object or application. From the list that appears, select "Restart". Wait for the page to refresh. Another option. At the top of the page, look for the circular arrow icon, when you hover over it, a rectangle appears with the inscription “Update this page". Click on the icon.

If you are using the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser, right-click in an empty space in the window. Select "Update". Or find the circular arrow near the address bar and click on it.

If you are using the Opera Internet browser, right-click in an area free of objects, select "Refresh". Besides, in Opera browser can be set specific mode updates. Instead of "Refresh", hover your mouse over "Refresh every". Select from the list the time interval after which the page will be updated, or set your own. In Opera you can also. This feature helps prevent accidents (such as if a pet cat steps on the F5 key) that could result in loss of information.

If you are using the Internet Internet browser ExplorerThis is probably the most big number options to update page.1. Right-click - "Update".2. Clicking on the icon with two green arrows, when hovered over it, the “Update” rectangle appears.3. From the toolbar, select View - Refresh.4. As with other browsers, refresh the web page in Internet Explorer you can press F5.

Helpful advice

It can be useful to refresh the page if its content begins to slow down. If this does not help, you can also try closing all windows and restarting the computer.


  • update the site

Magazine Every web browser has it by default. It contains history visits Internet sites in you normal mode using the program. It can be deleted to hide your presence on certain resources.

You will need


Recover your web browsing records using the operating system recovery utility. Windows systems. This is relevant in cases where the return point was created relatively recently.

Even if you did not add a restore point manually, look at the system calendar; it is quite possible that it appeared on its own during installation, configuration, or update software your his personal computer, as well as when performing other tasks that have a certain significance in the work operating system.

Find the recovery utility previous state computer through the Start menu, select the list installed programs and go to standard. Run “Operating System Restore” after first familiarizing yourself with the conditions for performing this operation.

Terminate programs by first saving their results to HDD computer. Wait for the system to restore and restart the computer, then find out if the log is restored in the browser visits web pages you have viewed.

Recover your browsing history using special programs like Handy Recovery and its analogues. Please note that the web browsing history is also a file, and therefore, like any other similar element of the system, it can be recovered.

Run a scan hard memory disk, and then select Search for deleted items. Filter the results, then find your journal in the folder tree, and use the function preview. This option is quite complex and can take a very long time, so it is only suitable for extreme cases.


  • how to recover cleared browser history

Losing access to a personal page is not uncommon. Typically, a profile is blocked by the administration due to violations of the rules for using the resource or due to fraudulent actions by hackers. But the user who finds himself in this situation should not despair. In most cases, the account is easily restored.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


Website pages are documents or parts of web resources that have a unique URL address. They are files that contain images, audio files, text, video materials or animation. Working with and viewing it is carried out using browsers.

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What is a web page for?

The main purpose is to view information. The web page contains text, graphic, audio and video content. It is read from the page by the browser and displayed to users.

Also, with the help of pages, a person can perform certain actions on the site: open tabs, menus, fill out forms feedback, place an order in the online store.

How to save a web page

  • Click on the menu and select “Save As”, then a dialog box with the same name will open.
  • In the window that appears, we need to select the file type, page name and save location. Today there are 4 formats, we will analyze them below.
  • Click “Save”, now you can view a copy of the page at any time.

4 page saving formats:

  • Fully. IN this format the selected element is saved in full, with all images and stylistic decisions, design. The browser also creates separate folder, where all materials posted on the resource are placed: pictures, photos, widgets, etc.
  • HTML. There is no longer an opportunity to save images and stylistic decisions; the original is preserved with the same structure and text. This way saves memory space.
  • Text. The saved text can be viewed using any editor; the text is saved in its entirety, not in fragments.
  • Files. All files placed on the page are saved. If necessary, you can change the extension of a particular file.

What does the “web page is out of date” message mean?

This is a fairly common mistake. It means that the local copy of the page is out of date while the user is being asked to download it. To solve the problem you need to reload the page.

What does the “web page is slowing down your browser” message mean?

Often when browsing websites, the text “A web page is slowing down your browser” appears. Typically, the slowdown occurs because the browser automatically loads a lot of unnecessary scripts on a given page. To solve the problem, you need to change your web browser settings to fast loading scripts. To do this, go to the browser menu, look for “Tools”, then click “Add”. We are looking for a specialized plugin " Shockwave Flash" and install it. Then in the plugin settings, select the “Ask before activation” item and put a checkmark next to it. Please note that the names of the items may change depending on the browser used, the main thing is to understand the meaning.

After this, the scripts will not be downloaded automatically; the system will ask permission before each download.

The web page is not responding: what to do and how to solve the problem

Here everything is not as simple as in the cases described above. The problem could be anything. Let's figure out how to solve this problem.

The first thing to pay attention to is the URL. Check that the address bar The page address was specified correctly. Next, check whether the resource opens on another computer. If the page does not load on all PCs, check your Internet connection. If everything is fine here, there may be a problem with the site.

The second way is to delete files. This special files, which are created to save information about the created profile. Sometimes cookies become corrupted. This results in pages not being displayed. To delete them, open the browser settings, select “Advanced” and then “Personal data”. Open the content settings and select the files that interest us. Delete “All cookies and site data."

The next method is to change the proxy server. Sometimes connecting through a proxy server may result in slow loading web pages or errors in their display. To solve the problem, go to settings, then open the “Network” item and specify the name of the network. Next, open the proxy server settings and enter the required parameters. If you do not know these settings, contact your network administrator. Then the Internet connection will be interrupted. Reconnect to the Internet and continue working.

Web page has been moved: what to do

You may often encounter this message. Most likely it will be located nearby new address, and the browser will prompt you to follow this link. Go to new option pages and get access to the necessary information.

We have discussed what a web page is and how to use it for certain purposes. As you can see, problems may arise from time to time in the operation of web pages, but all of them can be solved.

To open Internet pages, you must use an appropriate browser. The browser opens and displays Internet pages. For any Windows versions Internet Explorer browser is installed. But many Internet users install additional browsers. For example, one of the most popular browsers is Opera. Although browsers differ in interface and functionality, they operate on the same principle.

You will need

  • Computer, Internet Explorer browser, Internet access


To do this, click Start and go to the Control Panel tab. Then select the "Internet Options" line. Select the General tab. The topmost line will be labeled "Home Page". Below the line there is a window with the address of the current home page. Use your mouse to select this address and delete it. Or click on the “Empty” tab under this window. Then select “Apply” (at the very bottom of the window). Then click OK.

Now you can open without unnecessary interference web pages. To do this, click “Start”, go to the “All Programs” tab and select the Internet Explorer program. When the program loads, it will display a blank window. Please note two top lines. If you already have the address of the Internet page you need, simply enter it in the left line. Then click on the arrow next to the line. The web page will open in a window Internet programs Explorer.

If you do not have a specific page address, but you are looking for web pages with a specific topic, enter a request for necessary information in the right line (for example, “fishing” or the name of the city or hotel). Click on the icon to the right of the window (it usually has the shape of a magnifying glass). The browser will search for pages with the information you need. The pages will be displayed as a list in the Internet Explorer window. From the list of pages, select the one you need, and it will open completely in the Internet Explorer window.


First, we treat the virus itself, which prevents browsers from opening pages when the Internet is working. Download AVZ program from the official website (the program is free and does not require installation) and launch it. With the help of this wizard we look for and fix all problems on our PC. After checking, we reboot the computer, the virus was successfully removed, but browsers do not open sites. The problem is that we removed the virus, but traces of its activity remained.

The Internet does not open some pages (mainly Internet stores and official pages antivirus software, as it turned out) in all browsers. Writes: Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to... or Network problem. Although everything works on other computers. I am an absolute novice in all computer matters. I found viruses several times with different antivirus programs, after which everything got better, but as soon as I restarted the computer, the sites did not open again. In hosts everything is clean.

06.09.17 1.5K

What's happened web pages A ? This is a document written in hypertext markup language ( HTML), which can be viewed using a browser. The web page is accessed by entering the URL.

A web page may contain text, graphics, and hyperlinks to other pages and files.

How to open a web page

A browser is required to view the web page ( for example Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Firefox or Chrome). In your browser, you can open a web page by entering the URL in the address bar. For example, by entering "", you will open the ESD Computer Hope page.

If you don't know the URL of the site you want to visit, you can use search engine to find a web page or use site search.

When was the first web page created?

The first web page was created in CERN by Tim Berners-Lee August 6, 1991. Before that, you can visit and view the first site and the first web page at

What is the difference between a site and a web page?

A website is a place that contains more than one web page. For example, our resource is a site that includes thousands of different web pages, including the one you are reading now:

In the URL example above, "url.htm" is the web page, it is always the last part of the URL. For URLs that do not end in .htm, .html, .php, .cgi, .pl, or other file extension, the server loads the web page index.htm by default. For example, there is no web page for the contact page URL. In this case, the default index file is loaded from the /contact directory.

Web page examples

We have already mentioned that browsers are used to view web pages. A web page consists of several elements, including CSS, images, and JavaScript. The body of the web page is created with using HTML. This code can be created using an HTML editor, written by a human, or generated using server-side scripts. Typically, a human-created web page ends with a .htm or .html extension. For example, this page has the file name " webpage.htm" Pages generated by the script may end in .cgi, .php, .pl, etc.

What elements does a web page contain?

Below is a breakdown of the main elements so that web designers can understand what the logical web page structure:

  1. The site title, logo, or company name is almost always found in the top left corner of every web page. It's also a good idea to use a slogan or short description pages to give new visitors an idea of ​​the site. This web page element is usually a link that leads to the home page;
  2. The search bar allows visitors to quickly find a web page. It should be present on every page;
  3. The navigation bar or menu is usually found at the top or left side of every web page. It should include links to each of the main sections of the site;
  4. Banner advertisements can appear in different places on a web page. They are typically displayed at the top, left, right, or bottom of a web page, or included in the main content;
  5. Social buttons allow visitors to share a link to a web page on social networking sites;
  6. In created web pages bread crumbs help the visitor understand where he is, as well as navigate to other sections of the site;
  7. The title should be at the top of every web page. It is created using HTML tag


  8. The opening paragraph is one of the most important elements of a web page. It should interest the visitor to read the contents of the web page. One way to grab visitors' attention is to insert an image next to the opening paragraph;
  9. Each web page should be divided into headings of more than low level, which allow the visitor to easily browse the content and find on the page what interests him most. When creating a web page, this can be done using HTML tags

  10. It's a good idea to provide visitors with a link or button that redirects to a feedback form so they can tell you whether the web page was helpful to them or not;
  11. Additional information and tools, such as a button to print the page, may also be useful to users;
  12. The footer should include Additional information, which is important for the company or site. As well as links to other web pages;
  13. Copyright and any legal or confidential notice must also be posted on all web pages. In web page design basics, this element not only can link to relevant legal information. It also indicates that visitors have reached the end of the web page;
  14. A Top of Page button can help visitors quickly navigate back to the top of a web page to access menu links.

What can users do on a web page?

Most web pages have interesting hyperlinks that you click to find more information. You can also listen to music, watch videos, make purchases, chat and much more.