How to open an HTML file: the simplest means. How to open an html file on a computer

HTML is a standardized language hypertext markup on the Internet. Most of the pages in world wide web contain a markup description written in HTML or XHTML. At the same time, many users need to translate an HTML file into another, no less popular and in demand standard - a text document Microsoft Word. Read on to find out how to do this.

There are several methods you can use to convert HTML to Word. At the same time, it is by no means necessary to download and install third party software(but there is also such a method). Actually, we will tell you about everyone available options, and it’s up to you to decide which one to use.

Microsoft's text editor can work not only with its own DOC formats, DOCX and their varieties. In fact, this program can also open files of completely different formats, including HTML. Therefore, by opening a document in this format, you can resave it in the one you need as an output, namely DOCX.

1. Open the folder where the HTML document is located.

2. Click on it right click mouse and select "To open with""Word".

3. The HTML file will be opened in a Word window in exactly the same form in which it would be displayed in an HTML editor or in a browser tab, but not on the finished web page.

Note: All tags that are in the document will be displayed, but will not perform their function. The thing is that markup in Word, like text formatting, works on a completely different principle. The only question is whether you need these tags in final file, but the problem is that you will have to remove them all manually.

4. After working on text formatting (if necessary), save the document:

Thus, you were able to quickly and conveniently convert an HTML file into a regular text document in Word. This is just one way, but by no means the only one.

Using Total HTML Converter

- it's easy to use and very convenient program to convert HTML files to other formats. Among these spreadsheets, scans, graphic files and text documents, including the much needed Word. The only minor drawback is that the program converts HTML to DOC, and not to DOCX, but this can already be corrected directly in Word.

You can learn more about the functions and capabilities of HTML Converter, as well as download a trial version of this program on the official website.

1. After downloading the program to your computer, install it, carefully following the installer instructions.

2. Launch HTML Converter and, using the built-in browser located on the left, specify the path to the HTML file that you want to convert to Word.

3. Check the box next to this file and click on the panel quick access button with a DOC document icon.

Note: In the window on the right you can see the contents of the file you are about to convert.

4. Specify the path to save the converted file, if necessary, change its name.

5. Clicking "Forward", you will be taken to the next window where you can configure the conversion settings

6. Pressing again "Forward", you can customize the exported document, but it is better to leave the default values ​​there.

8. The long-awaited window will appear in front of you, in which you can start converting. Just press the button "Begin".

9. A window will appear in front of you indicating the successful completion of the conversion; the folder that you specified to save the document will automatically open.

Open the converted file in Microsoft program Word.

If necessary, edit the document, remove tags (manually) and resave it in DOCX format:

  • Go to menu "File""Save as";
  • Specify the file name, specify the path to save, in the drop-down menu under the line with the name, select "Word Document (*docx)";
  • Click the button "Save".

In addition to converting HTML documents, Total program HTML Converter allows you to convert a web page into a text document or any other supported file format. To do this, in the main window of the program, simply insert a link to the page into a special line, and then proceed to convert it in the same way as described above.

We looked at one more possible method HTML conversions in Word, but this is not the last option.

Using online converters

On the endless expanses of the Internet there are many sites where you can convert electronic documents. The ability to translate HTML into Word is also present on many of them. Below are links to three handy resources, just choose the one you like best.

Let's look at the conversion technique using the ConvertFileOnline online converter as an example.

1. Upload an HTML document to the site. To do this, click virtual button "Choose File", specify the path to the file and click "Open".

2. In the window below, select the format to which you want to convert the document. In our case, this is MS Word (DOCX). Click the button "Convert".

3. The file conversion will begin, upon completion of which a window will automatically open to save it. Specify the path, set the name, click the button "Save".

Now you can open the converted document in the Microsoft Word text editor and perform all the manipulations with it that you can do with a regular text document.

Note: The file will be opened in Protected View mode, which you can learn more about in our material.

To disable Protected View mode, simply click the button "Allow editing".

    Advice: Don't forget to save the document when you finish working with it.

Now we can definitely finish. From this article you learned about three various methods, with which you can quickly and conveniently convert an HTML file into a text file Word document, be it DOC or DOCX. It is up to you to decide which of the methods we have described to choose.

Beginner users, when encountering a file with the .html extension, may have problems opening it. Such files can be received by mail or via a social network and contain, for example, a report or some forms. But it is strongly recommended not to open such files if you are not sure of their reliability.

First, it’s worth understanding what html files are for. Basically, this extension is used for one purpose - to open them in the user's web browser. All sites that the user visits are built exclusively on them, or rather written in html codes, which are not visible to site visitors. The user sees only finished pages, as they were intended. To open this file, just double-click on it with the left mouse button. Please note that next to the html file there may be a folder with images, text documents etc. This may be the case if this is a saved (or created) site page. This folder– the external content of the entire page, we are only interested in the main one htm file l. By default, the system selects web browsers as the operating program for opening html files. IN in this case it will open the file using the web browsers installed on the computer. If the OS was reinstalled, or web browsers were not installed, the file will open standard browserInternet Explorer. It is possible that there is no program assigned to a given file extension. Then you need to choose work program on one's own. Right-click on this file and select "Open with...". If you want to look full list programs, click “Select program...”. A window will open showing all available work programs. We are interested in web browsers. In the screenshot below, the computer has browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox. Any of them will be suitable to open this file. The above method is suitable for opening ready html document. But there may be times when we need to open this file to change its structure, its html code. Here you can use an ordinary notepad, having previously set it as a working program. If you don't want the file this extension always opened with notepad, uncheck the bottom box. Notepad will display similar structure, this is the html code. The given structure is given as an example and represents a saved page of this site. Other documents with the html extension may have different structures. Although Notepad opens these files, it can still be inconvenient to work with html documents, especially if changes need to be made there. It is best to use the Notepad++ program, which is specifically designed for working with html and is used by many programmers.

Using these methods, you can open any file in html format both for making changes and easy viewing. It should be remembered that files with the extension html and htm are the same and do not differ in any way.

How to create an HTML file, open, edit, convert and what is its difference from HTM:

Files with the HTM or HTML extension are files written in hypertext markup language ( Hypertext Markup Language), which are standard web pages.

Since HTM files are text files, they contain only text, as well as text links to other external files. For example, the pictures in this article.

HTM and HTML files can contain links to other file types - for example, video, CSS or JS files.

How to open an HTM or HTML file

Any browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc., will open and display HTM and HTML files correctly.

There are many programs designed to make editing and creating HTM/HTML files easier. The most popular editors are Eclipse, Komodo Edit, and Bluefish.

Another popular editor with a huge amount additional features is Adobe Dreamweaver, however it is not available for free use.

You can also use a simple text editor to make changes to the HTM or HTML file. Notepad++ - maybe the best option. "Notepad", included in operating system Windows also works with HTML files. But it was designed to solve other problems. Therefore, before opening an HTML file, you need to get used to its features.

How to convert to HTM and HTML files

The structure of HTM files is built in a special way and has a very specific syntax. This is done to ensure that the code and the text within it display properly when opened in a browser.

Therefore, converting an HTM or HTML file to another format will result in the loss of the web page. But if you want to convert HTM or HTML file to another format for more convenient viewing, for example, into a picture or PDF file, then this is done very simply.

To convert a web page to PDF in the Google Chrome browser, select “Save as PDF” from the “Print” menu.

Also for Google browser Chrome extension Full Page Screen Capture is available. It converts a file opened in the browser into PNG format. Other browsers also have similar tools and extensions.

In addition to this, you can use special services designed for converting HTM/HTML files, such as iWeb2Shot, Convert Webpage, or Web-capture.

Note: It is important to understand that you cannot convert an HTM/HTML file to any other format other than text. For example, it cannot be converted to an MP3 audio file.

HTM vs HTML: what's the difference?

To know how to open an HTML file on your computer, let's first understand the differences between the two web page formats.

In addition to the letter " L", of course...

Short answer: there is no difference.

Long answer: there is no difference, but be careful when using one or another extension.

Previously, during the days of MS-DOS, file extensions were limited to three letters. For a relatively short period of time, when HTM and HTM ruled the world, HTML did not exist.

Today, web pages that end in both HTM and HTML are completely acceptable.

The server hosting the web page may require you to use a specific HTML file extension. For example, index.html or index.htm . If you are unsure which extension to use, contact your hosting provider.

Translation of the article “ WHAT IS AN HTM OR HTML FILE?” was prepared by the friendly project team.

The htm format, invented more than twenty years ago, is a language for developing web documents. IN this format not only websites can be created, but also music collections, books, etc.

Many people are interested in the difference between htm and . Previously, they did have some differences - html was used in Unix systems, and htm was supported on Windows. Today they are no different and work according to the same scheme.

What program to open the HTM file

First of all, you can open the htm file in: Firefox, IE, Opera (on Windows), Apple Safari (for Mac OS), etc.

If you have Windows, then development applications such as Microsoft are suitable Visual Studio 2010 and Adobe ExtendScript. For Mac OS, Adobe GoLive and Adobe Creative Suite for Mac are used. In addition, there is a cross-platform Adobe program ColdFusion Builder 2.

If you choose how to open an htm file for editing, choose, even the simplest of them allow you to edit and save htm content.

Accordingly, if you use Linux, then Opera for Linux or Firefox for Linux, Konqueror (browser), gedit text editor or GNU Emacs.

How to edit HTM files conveniently

So, we can edit the file both in Notepad and in special development applications, for example in Visual Studio 2010. However, in the second case it will be much more convenient, since in Notepad all tags will have to be entered manually. In addition, some programs do not have special highlighting, and reading the code will be very inconvenient. If you use special application, then due to its intelligent functions it will itself offer you various options tags and will tell you that you forgot to put the closing tag if this happens.

If you created an HTM file, do not forget to save it using the htm extension.

The file should immediately open in the browser as a web page. If you click on the file, but it does not open, then go to the browser, click on the “Open” item, specify the path to the document.

So, in this review We briefly looked at what it is and how to open an htm file, as well as features that should be taken into account in order to make working with this format more convenient. The advantage of this extension is its versatility - many programs allow you to view such documents.

HTML is a “web” page presented as a file. In other words, this is a kind of file extension, as well as a markup language used on the World Wide Web.

With its help, we can not only view the content of sites, but also create “web” pages.

The language itself was created by an English scientist named Tim Berners-Lee. Its development was carried out in Geneva in the building of the European Center for Nuclear Research, around 1986 - 1991. HTML was originally intended to be a language that would allow the exchange of technical and scientific documentation among ordinary people(that is, who are not any specialists in the field of design layout). However, later, it became the basis for the “life” of the Internet.

HTML is a tagged markup language, due to which, regular user can create a relatively simple, yet beautifully designed document.

How to open a html file. Instructions.

Method number 1. By using text editor.

If you need to make any changes to a file of this format, you need to open it using a text editor. This can be done using standard program"Notebook". But it is best to use the Notepad++ program. It allows you to quickly find the required “piece” of code, highlights syntax, is intuitive, and so on.

1. Before you open the file html extensions, you need to download this program and then install it.

2. Now click on required file Right-click, hover over the "Open with" option and select "Notepad++". (If the program is located in the main menu, as shown in, then clicking on the “Open with” item is not necessary).

3. A window with a “code” will open in front of you, which you can now edit.

Method number 2. Using a web browser.

If you just want to view the file you downloaded/created, then . Moreover, it can be anything, be it Opera, Mozilla or Chrome.

Double-click on your file with the left mouse button. If nothing happens, then right-click on it and select the “Open with” option. Then select the required (most frequently used) browser from the pop-up menu.

In these simple ways you can both edit and open your html files.