How to learn to cope with stress. The main thing is activity, strength and will: fight stress and depression energetically

Is one of the most common reasons nervous disorders. A boss with a difficult character, unkind colleagues, as well as unfulfilled hopes can play a role here. You are the smartest and most talented, but no one appreciates you.

It is important to be able to cope with such a negative phenomenon in order to preserve your health. Although in modern world Career and stress are completely interconnected things.

The dangers of work stress

The impact of stress at work negatively affects all areas of life. The first to suffer are work itself and family. Performance decreases, excessive irritability and emotionality appear. Then it all goes into .

As a result, simple irritation begins to be aggravated by health problems. First of all, problems with sleep may appear, both insomnia and excessive lethargy and drowsiness. In addition, sweating and shortness of breath occur - this can lead to problems with the heart and blood vessels.

As you know, any stress, without proper treatment, can develop into persistent depression. Sometimes, to get rid of stress, people delve into bad habits, for example, and this is a direct path to big problems.

But the most important danger of any stress remains the stress on the psyche. A person ceases to control himself, negative phenomena develop, including severe disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Moreover, among all chronic diseases there are none that could not be provoked by severe stress. Liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract - pathologies can develop everywhere if you are in a state of constant stress. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to cope with stress at work.

Emotional exhaustion at work

Emotional exhaustion is a human condition in which all the body’s resources are depleted. If work stress leads to emotional exhaustion, the patient will experience the following symptoms:

  1. Persistent feeling of fatigue.
  2. Decreased appetite and weight.
  3. Frequent heartbeat.
  4. Sleep problems.
  5. Decreased sexual desire.
  6. Bad mood, negative thoughts.

In addition, a person is visited by thoughts of loneliness and uselessness. Psychologists identify several professions in whose representatives emotional exhaustion is most common. These are psychologists, doctors, teachers, police officers themselves, social workers. Actually, those specialists who are most often exposed to stress at work, including emotional stress.

To prevent emotional exhaustion from taking you by surprise, doctors recommend taking time away from work and engaging in physical activity.

How to cope with work stress

In order to avoid stress, you must be able to cope with all nervous situations. It is important to follow several rules to help avoid stress at work:

  1. Ability to concentrate. If a person knows how to concentrate on one thing, without being distracted by unnecessary breaks, without doing several things at once, then he will not face stress.
  2. The ability to say “no”. Stress is an unnecessary burden. If a person does not take on more than he can do, he is always calm and in control of everything.
  3. Priority. It is important at work to understand what is more important and what can wait.
  4. Teamwork. You can't try to do everything yourself. One person cannot do the work of the entire team. Therefore, it is necessary to contact colleagues and subordinates.
  5. Don't put things off until later. Sometimes, to relieve pressure, some people put off certain tasks until later. They accumulate, and in the end everything has to be resolved in an emergency. This creates conditions for unnecessary stress and provides breeding ground for stress. Especially if deadlines are running out.

In addition, you need to get rid of all bad habits. They can contribute to depression and provoke stress problems. The more an employee takes on himself, the faster it will lead his psyche to nervous overload.

The work must be in work time, but, in addition, you also need time to rest, to relax. In the evenings, you should take warm baths with herbs, and work on weekends should be completely prohibited.

How to eliminate stress at work

To eliminate a stressful situation at work, it is necessary to remove all factors that can cause negative emotions. It is necessary to ventilate the room, select the right temperature so that everyone is comfortable. Management is obliged to properly organize the work process so that all employees have time to rest and do not experience physical and emotional overload.

In addition, if the profession involves hazardous work or difficult working conditions, it is necessary to properly establish the process to reduce the risks of stress in the workplace. It is important to control relationships between employees so that conditions of pressure or bullying of certain members are not created in the team.

The employee should be able to drink green tea, coffee, and also change body position. In large companies, corporate trips to the gym can be organized - this will increase team spirit and reduce the impact of stress at work.

It is also recommended to consult a psychologist. And try to establish the right daily routine. You are supposed to sleep at least 7 hours a day. It is important to organize proper nutrition, as well as to spend more time in the fresh air.

Work-related stress can spill over into other areas of life. Therefore, it is important to separate work, family and leisure. And don’t be shy - you need to contact a psychologist at the first symptoms.


Career and successful work imply certain stress on the nervous system. But high-quality fulfillment of basic duties occurs only when a person is healthy both physically and psychologically.

And this is only possible with the correct calculation of one’s strength, a healthy diet, and constant physical activity. And in no case should you confuse work and other areas of life. It is important to understand that you can change your profession, but you cannot acquire new health.

This question is asked by psychologists, personnel officers, and doctors. And everyone answers it differently. According to psychologists, those who are most susceptible to stress at work are those who take care of elderly and sick people, as well as children's nannies. Due to constant emotional stress, 11% of workers in this field suffer from depression for two or more weeks every year. Second place went to catering staff. Health care workers took third place. Architects, scientists and engineers have the least amount of stress.

Recruitment specialists approached the issue from a different angle. They decided to evaluate the impact of an employee's position in the company on the level of stress experienced by the employee. It turned out that middle managers are the most nervous. And this is not surprising, because they often bear the main burden of responsibility for any malfunctions. A bit less negative emotions experienced by ordinary workers, and the calmest, oddly enough, were representatives of senior management.

But doctors have found out for whom anxiety poses the greatest danger. According to doctors, women suffering from premenstrual syndrome and in menopause are at greater risk of developing serious illnesses due to stress than others. PMS is usually a consequence of endocrine disorders in the body, and menopause is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Against this background, stress can cause excessive tearfulness, irritability, abnormalities in blood pressure, pulse and other unpleasant symptoms.

Another risk group is workers who drink alcohol and smokers. Alcohol disrupts the functioning of all organs, including the brain, and makes it difficult to properly respond to stress. And nicotine, when it enters the body, constricts blood vessels, increases the pulse rate, and damages the walls of blood vessels. As a result, when under stress, the cardiovascular system of smokers experiences excessive strain.

take care of yourself

Have you found yourself in at least one risk group? This means that you urgently need to take measures to prevent work stress from affecting your health.

Get enough sleep! If there is not enough rest, then the reaction to stress will be inadequate. In addition, lack of sleep combined with stress can cause heart attack, stroke, and thrombosis.

Eat right. It is very important to get enough B vitamins (the body uses them especially actively during stress), omega-3 fatty acids - they will help prevent depression, magnesium - it fights muscle tension, antioxidants - they reduce the damage that cortisol (a hormone released during stress) ) causes brain cells.

Play sports. Physical education is training not only the muscles, but the whole body. During sports, the same hormones are released into the blood as during stress, but in small quantities. This helps the body adapt and survive in a critical situation.

Away, worries!

Of course, taking preventative measures will make you more resilient in the face of stress. But what to do at a time when emotions overflow?

Try relaxing with breathing exercises. Deep breathing will quickly normalize blood pressure, heart rate, and reduce stress levels. Inhale deeply for 4 counts and exhale through your mouth for 8 counts. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Another quick way get rid of stress - massage the back of the neck. There are several points here that you can act on to relieve tension and get rid of headaches. To massage, tilt your head forward and place your index, middle and ring fingers on the area located below the base of the skull (the distance between the fingers of both hands is about 3 cm). Massage these areas quite intensively for 5-7 minutes, breathing during the massage should be slow and deep.

How to calm down quickly

Drink some water. Cool liquid, drunk in small sips, helps to even out your breathing and control yourself. Quickly clench and unclench your fists. Sudden movements reduce the level of adrenaline, one of the stress hormones. If possible, breathe in the air for at least five minutes. During times of stress, the brain often experiences a lack of oxygen.

Someone smokes cigarette after cigarette, someone swallows pills in packs, and someone reaches for a glass. And all this is not at all beneficial to the body. As a result, a highly paid job, at the altar of which health is sacrificed, forces one to spend large amounts of money on treatment. It turns out that you are working for medicines and doctors. But how to avoid this?

Manage the situation.

A simple and effective method, which you can use as a unique weapon against stress. Take a look at the picture:

Here the boat is a person , and a whirlpool is a stressful situation. The boat's task is to overcome the whirlpool and swim out in the right direction. If the whirlpool is stronger, it will knock the boat off course, throwing it out in a random place. If the boat can handle it, it will be able to taxi to where it needs to go. To do this, he needs to turn on the engine at full power. And it’s not a fact that this power will be enough. Do you have enough ENERGY to work in a state of high nervous tension? long time? Any person has a limited supply of strength and health. Is it possible pass the whirlpool? Imagine that the boat has an air cushion. The engine switches to blowing air, and the boat rises above the whirlpool funnel. Then it’s very easy for him to go in the right direction. You are free to make a decision if you over the situation. Do you want to quickly calm your nerves and take control of the situation? Switch the engine to hovercraft mode and fly over the dangerous funnel. How to do it?

Use the 3-step formula.

STEP 1. Command “STOP MACHINE”. Do you realize that situation takes place. To facilitate this task, let us turn to the classification of situations.

Situations at work are divided into 3 categories:

  1. TASK SITUATIONS. You have an urgent job that needs to be done on time. But suddenly various interference: additional tasks, setups from partners, phone calls, meetings, etc. and so on. This pisses you off.
  2. A SITUATION OF CHANGE. You have a new position, a new boss, a new workplace etc. You have been knocked out of your usual work routine and this is very hard for you. annoying.
  3. RELATIONSHIP SITUATION. You don’t get along with a colleague, with a boss, with a client, or in a word with a person with whom you are forced to communicate due to your line of work. This someone drives you crazy.

Any of these situations at your work can seriously shake your nerves and will take considerable time to calm them down. But you can stop the situation while it is still in its infancy. To do this, it needs to be recognized in time.

STEP 2. Command “SWITCH TO NEUTRAL”. Attention! THIS STEP IS THE MOST IMPORTANT! It should be discussed in more detail. Actually, at this step the nerves calm down. To do this, turn your attention to your bodily sensations. You calm your breathing and relieve muscle tension. This may take from a few seconds to several minutes. Everything will depend on your training. For such training there are simple and very effective self-regulation exercises, which can be mastered through training or on your own.

Step 3. “GAIN ALTITUDE” command. In a calm state, feel yourself above the situation. This is how a person observes the swarming of ants in an anthill. Look at the situation through the eyes of an outside observer. What will you see? Let's look at examples for each group of situations.

TASK SITUATION. We determine priorities and ignore or postpone secondary tasks for later. We delegate some of the work to other people. We refuse with reason where we deem it necessary.

A SITUATION OF CHANGE. Now you see what's radical nothing changed. There was no earthquake, tsunami, fire, or flood. There's nothing wrong with you. There is no reason to worry at all.

RELATIONSHIP SITUATION. Now you see that your conflicts are just work issues and nothing more. Here you are a player and play by the rules. Other people here are also players. But some people sometimes forget about this. Then they get emotional. This does not benefit them. But you are not one of them. Because you don't care. And you feel good.

That's all. Nothing complicated, as you can see. But what an effect! Use this method, and you won't have to calm your nerves either at work or outside of it.

In small amounts, stress is good for you. But we must remember that everything is good in moderation. In a stressful situation, our body mobilizes all its reserves to fight it. As a result, our immunity increases, blood circulation increases, and brain function improves. During nervous tension, quite a lot of a large number of hormones, which is manifested by an increase in respiratory rate, blood pressure and blood sugar.

Only all this is useful in the beginning. Then, with prolonged stress, the body begins to become exhausted, and health problems begin due to overexertion. And the way out in this situation is the ability to switch, not to let the body prolong stress.

Why stress occurs.

This condition is provoked by many events. They may not necessarily be negative, but they expose us to a strong emotional state. These include:

  • Change of job, problems with further employment.
  • Death or serious illness of a loved one.
  • Birth of a child.
  • Intense pace of work.
  • Moving to a new place of residence.
  • Returning to work after vacation.
  • Increased consumption of caffeinated drinks also leads to stress.
  • For city residents there is a lack of fresh air and high city noise.

The following symptoms are characteristic of a state of increased stress in a person:

  • Restless sleep, difficulty falling asleep.
  • For a long time a person suffers from back pain and headaches.
  • Intestinal disorders are observed.
  • Blood pressure often increases.
  • There may be increased irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, and it is difficult for a person to concentrate.
  • There is a tendency to quarrel and argue with others.

If it is impossible to relieve nervous tension for a long time. There are already such changes, then you should start fighting stress.

Most often, after a hard day at work, we like to lie down in front of the TV or sit on the sofa with a laptop. Of course, this is a pleasant activity, but it also leads to tension in the nervous system. Therefore, you need to use other methods of relaxation.

Ways to deal with stress at home and at work.

In order to help yourself and not bring your body to constant stress, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Don’t be lazy to walk outdoors in the park several times a week.
  • Sing more often, giving vent to internal tension.
  • You can take baths with aromatic additives.
  • Find an activity to do in free time and you will like it.
  • Sit comfortably on a chair (on the floor), keeping your back straight. Place your hands on your knees. We close our eyes and breathe slowly. Imagine how the power of life flows into you as you inhale. When you exhale, you get rid of nervous tension. At this time, you need to completely remove extraneous thoughts and focus on breathing.
  • When things get really bad, the tension cup is full. You can do the following exercise: stand at your full height, take a deep breath, and as you exhale loudly shout “ha.” Then lean forward, arms hanging, raise them one by one. Imagine shaking off all the tension. Start giving yourself the attitude “I will remain completely calm.”


Color surrounds us. The world is colorful and bright. And our body does not perceive different colors equally. The science of color therapy is based on the influence of colors. This unusual branch of scientific knowledge is based on color healing. And on the conviction that everything in our body has its own color, every organ, every cell. And when there is a color disorder, when we are sick, it is enough to simply make up for the deficiency of one or another color in order to restore harmony.

Boost endorphin levels naturally

Our body has great amount receptors that control our feelings and mood. It is these receptors that are responsible for making us sad or happy.

Not all of us pay enough attention to the condition of our joints and bones. In young people frequent problems Regarding joints, there can only be injuries. At a more mature age, a number of problems may arise at once, which lead to diseases of the skeletal system. Not everyone knows that bones develop only until the age of 30, and then the process of destruction begins. Calcium begins to leave the body, and the bones themselves become more fragile. Of course, you shouldn’t be scared, because this process is very long and invisible, but it’s better to follow certain tips to know for sure that your bones are in order.

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From this article you will learn:

  • How can stress be dangerous and why is it so important to deal with it?
  • What are some ways to deal with stress?
  • What are the measures to prevent stress?
  • How to become a stress-resistant person

Stress is firmly established in modern life. Many people now simply do not notice it. They are so used to constantly being in a stressful state that when they come out of it, they feel discomfort. Scientists claim that prolonged nervous tension causes cardiovascular diseases, neuroses, diseases of the digestive system and other health disorders. Therefore, it is very important to know and apply ways to deal with stress, as well as to be able to react correctly in stressful situations.

Why do you need ways to deal with stress?

Stress is the body's response to negative emotions or negative events. Adrenaline is “thrown” into the blood, its amount depends on the emotionality of the person and his susceptibility to irritants. The heart begins to beat faster, blood pressure rises, and the muscles tense. Thus, the body comes into “combat readiness” and mobilizes its reserves. And if he remains in such a state of overvoltage for a long time, this will inevitably lead to unpleasant consequences. To prevent this, you need to deal with stress in all known ways.

Some doctors believe that the majority of all diseases (about 90%) are caused or worsened by stress. It affects many organs and systems human body.

In stressful situations, blood vessels narrow, making it difficult to supply the brain with oxygen. This causes headaches, insomnia, weakness, neuroses and depression.

Stressful conditions are especially dangerous for the cardiovascular system. They cause arrhythmia, hypertension, and increase the risk of the occurrence and development of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Stress can cause disruption of the digestive system, liver and gallbladder diseases, and exacerbation of stomach ulcers.

Prolonged severe stress conditions lead to malfunctions of the body's immune system. As a result, a person becomes vulnerable and exposed to infectious diseases.

Therefore, no one should have any doubt about the need to deal with stress. There are several ways to fight this.

The most effective ways to deal with stress

People are all different, and therefore there is no universal way to deal with stress. What is ideal for one person will be completely useless for another. Still, there are several general methods that help everyone. These include: eliminating the cause of stress, alleviating stress, and preventing stress.

Eliminating the causes of stress

Try to change the situation that led to tension. Addressing the cause is a great way to combat stress. If this is impossible, try to change your attitude towards her. But don’t “cut in from the shoulder”, don’t solve the problem right away, in a “hot head”. Cool down a little, take a break, do something. Or just lie down and sleep. After rest, negative emotions are always replaced by logic. And the current situation will no longer seem so terrible and hopeless to you.

There are two types of problems - solvable and unsolvable. Learn to distinguish them. If the situation can be corrected, then direct all your efforts towards it. In cases where you cannot change the circumstances, just forget about them. Take what happened for granted, don’t stress yourself out, learn lessons and move on. By constantly thinking about unsolvable problems in life, you increase stress.

Relief from stress

You need to get rid of stress because it can lead to various diseases. If the cause of stress cannot be eliminated, try to relieve stress and alleviate your condition. There are several quick and effective ways combat stress. These include:

  • Switching attention. Don't dwell on the problem that caused you stress. Try to switch your attention to something pleasant. For example, meet your friends or loved ones, go to a cafe, watch a good funny movie, do an interesting activity, etc. This way of dealing with stress will help you quickly relieve nervous tension.
  • Physical activity- Very effective way combat stress. When a stressful situation arises, the human body tenses up, mobilizes its strength, and produces adrenaline, which needs an outlet. At this time, a person wants to scream loudly, slam doors, break dishes, etc. Sometimes this helps, but it’s still better to throw out negative energy using “peaceful” methods. You can, for example, take a walk, play sports, do general cleaning or do any other active physical work.
  • Breathing exercises. Another way to combat stress is breathing exercises. Here's one option: lie down or sit down, put your hand on your stomach, close your eyes. Relax. Take a deep breath and imagine the air filling your lungs, moving down and lifting your stomach. Exhale and “feel” how the exhaled air carries away negative energy. Breathing exercises relieve tension, calm the heartbeat and normalize blood pressure.
  • Herbal infusions. Many medicinal herbs have a calming effect. They are used in the form of infusion, decoction or tea. Calming herbal teas are recommended to be taken in courses or during periods of severe nervous tension. It is necessary to take breaks so that this method of relaxation does not become the norm and habit. Valerian, fireweed, motherwort, oregano, chamomile, lemon balm and mint are used to combat stress.
  • Relaxation. It means relaxation, decreased muscle tone, a state of rest. An excellent way to deal with stress, it helps to contain it, preventing it from intensifying. To relax, you can lie down with eyes closed, listen good music. You can take a bath or go to the park, breathe fresh air and sit in the shade of trees.
  • Relaxing baths. Such baths are in a good way dealing with stress. They are made with the addition of aromatic oils or decoctions of medicinal herbs. They use decoctions of oregano, lavender, rosemary, mint, lemon balm, and oregano. Oils used include basil, verbena, orange and anise.
  • Tears. For many people they are in a great way dealing with stress. They give a good release and relieve nervous tension. Scientific research showed that tears contain substances that increase human stress resistance (peptides). No wonder in difficult life situations They advise: “cry and you will immediately feel better.”

Another very important topic: ways to deal with stress at work.

Ways to deal with stress at work

With the modern pace of life, the problem of dealing with stress at work is becoming very common. It is becoming increasingly relevant in the practical psychology of our time.

Is it possible to avoid stress at work?

Psychologists say that in most cases, stress at work can be dealt with. But if the situation becomes unmanageable, then you should take drastic measures, up to a change in work activity.

In order to prevent stress at work, it is necessary to analyze all the conditions offered by the employer when applying for a job. Your work schedule should be such that you have at least 10 hours of rest every day. If you have to work in dangerous or unusual situations that require instant decision-making, try to undergo special testing that will determine your resistance to stress.

Developed by scientists special system, containing a description of likely situations for specific work activities. Therefore, a person passing the test will be able to understand whether this vacancy is suitable for him.

When employed, a person is usually in a calm, familiar state. That is why it can be quite difficult during stress testing to determine whether a person will experience stress at work in the future. In most cases, stressful situations do not arise immediately, but only after some time. The reason may be excessive demands or a discrepancy between the expected and the actual situation.

It should be understood that perfect job“in nature” does not exist. Remember the catchphrase “It’s good where we are not”? In any type of work activity there are certain nuances that entail the emergence of stressful situations. They may cause a malfunction various systems human body. Greatest danger The human nervous system is always exposed. You can combat stress by reducing your demands and expectations to reasonable limits.

Ways to deal with stress at work include the following:

  • proper distribution of your time (for work, rest and entertainment) is one of the main ways to deal with stress;
  • planning work activities (distributing loads and rest during work) is a very effective way to combat stress;
  • self-education and development (study and application of new achievements in a certain professional field);
  • lack of conversations about work outside of it (during your free time from work, do not talk about it if these conversations cause you negative emotions).

Knowing ways to deal with stress at work, a person will always be able to keep his emotional state normal. Due to constant severe stress, performance decreases. Regular stress testing will help reduce the influence of “harmful” factors. Get rid of the cause of nervous tension. Learn to treat unpleasant people with understanding or avoid communicating with them. If such “meetings” are inevitable, after them try to quickly switch to positive emotions. For example, a small piece of chocolate will “save” a sweet tooth.