How to disable paid services on MTS. How to disable MTS paid services? How to refuse unnecessary MTS services

The question of how to disable MTS services is asked by many subscribers of this operator, because cases when a company imposes paid services on its customers are far from uncommon.

If you notice that in Lately funds began to disappear from your account somewhere or the subscription fee for the tariff suddenly increased; most likely, the money is being “eaten up” by some service from MTS. This article will tell you how to disable paid services on MTS yourself. If you want to know how to disable paid subscriptions for this operator, you will find instructions in.

How to find out what paid services are connected to your MTS number?

Before you disable anything, you should pay for which services your funds are used. The point is that there is no universal method, which would allow you to immediately, in one go, get rid of all paid options. Therefore, you will have to deactivate the connected services one by one.

  • Find out the list of connected MTS services You can send a blank SMS to number 8111. In response, you will receive a message with a list of all connected services (paid and free). If to the number 8111 send an SMS with the text 1, then in response you will receive an SMS with a list of paid services. An SMS with the text 0 will allow you to see the list of active free services.
  • You can also check which paid services and subscriptions are connected to your number using the service command ✶ 152 #.

    Enter this request on your phone, and in the menu that appears, select "Your paid services", or immediately dial the direct command ✶ 152 ✶ 2 #. Now you can choose: get information about paid services or find out about those connected to your number paid subscriptions. In response, you will receive an SMS message about the connected services and instructions on how to disable them.

How to disable paid services on MTS from your phone? USSD and SMS commands

The vast majority of paid services can be disabled independently. You just need to send a specific USSD command from your phone or send an SMS to service number. In this list you will find commands to disable the most common paid MTS services:

  • Disable the service “Beep” (GOOD’OK) the combination will help ✶ 111 ✶ 29 #
  • USSD commands ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # and ✶ 111 ✶ 338 # will allow you to disable the service "They called you".
  • The key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # is intended to disable the MTS service. You can also deactivate it by sending an SMS with the text 33330 to short number 111 .
  • To disable the service "Child under supervision" and completely remove your family’s data from the service, send an SMS with the text DELETE to 7788.
  • Disable the service "Locator" You can send an SMS message with the text OFF to number 6677. If you send an SMS with the text PACKAGE STOP to the same number, the service will be suspended. This will stop writing off subscription fee for the option, and the list of friends will be saved.
  • To deactivate the service "On full confidence» MTS use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 32 #.
  • Option "All Russia" disabled by the key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 895 #.
  • To disable the service “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” send an SMS with the text 8680 to number 111 or use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 868 #.
  • To disable the service "Internet Assistant", enter the command ✶ 111 ✶ 24 # on your phone.
  • To disable the option "MTS TV" use one of the following commands:
    ✶ 999 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 999 ✶ 2 # - with a daily subscription;
    ✶ 997 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 997 ✶ 2 # - with a monthly subscription.
  • Disable the service "MTS Music" (MTS Music) USSD command will help ✶ 111 ✶ 9590 #.
  • Disable the service "BIT" You can use USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 252 ✶ 2 #.
  • The command ✶ 111 ✶ 628 ✶ 2 # will remove the option "SuperBIT".
  • The combination ✶ 111 ✶ 62 # will help get rid of the option "MiniBIT".
  • Disabling the option "SuperBIT Smart" done using the command ✶ 111 ✶ 8650 #.
  • Refuse the service "GPRS" you can send the command ✶ 111 ✶ 17 #
  • Deactivate the service "Favorite number" command will allow ✶ 111 ✶ 43 #
  • To get rid of the service "Neighboring regions", dial USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 2110 #
  • USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 442 ✶ 2 # will delete the service "Black list".
  • By sending the command ✶ 111 ✶ 47 # from your phone, you will disable the service "Caller Identifier".
  • Disable the service "Call Forwarding" the team will help ✶ 111 ✶ 41 #.

Another option to disable connected services on MTS directly from your phone is to install the application on your smartphone "My MTS". With its help, you can not only manage paid services and subscriptions on your number, disabling or connecting them, but also check the balance (main and bonus), top up your account, control the balances of packages of minutes, Internet traffic and SMS, change tariff plan and much more.

You can find and install the application on your smartphone in Google Play(for Android 2.3 and above), iTunes (for iOS 7.1 and above) or Windows Store(for WP 8.1 and higher).

Disabling MTS services through “Personal Account”

Another way to refuse paid MTS services is to use the “Personal Account”. It is located at Registration in this service will not take much time: you only need to enter your phone number and password from SMS, or you can log in to the site through your account from social networks.

Having gained access to your “Personal Account”, you can disable unnecessary MTS services in literally one click.

To do this, go to the section "Tariffs and services" and select "Service Management". You will be redirected to a page with a list of services active on your number.

Opposite each option you will see information about its cost and connection date. All you have to do is carefully review the list and refuse unnecessary services by clicking on the “Disable” button opposite each of them. After this, your phone will receive an SMS with a report about the disabled services.

Some MTS services cannot be disabled either in the “Personal Account”, or via SMS, or USSD commands. For example, from the options " Parental control" or "Content Ban" can only be opted out through contact center(), or in the MTS store.

I hope that the information from this article helped you figure out how to disable MTS services. If you know of other methods or know how to disable any paid service that was not mentioned in the article, I would be glad to hear your comment!

Telecom operator MTS is among the most popular mobile operators Russia. In 2009, the company entered the top 100 largest global brands. Many subscribers are interested in how to disable paid services on MTS. By getting rid of unnecessary functions and stopping paying for them, the user gets the opportunity to more rationally distribute their expenses for cellular communications.

How to find out connected paid services on MTS

Most subscribers tend to look for the most favorable rates(Super, Ultra, Per Second), changing them regularly. Initially, the tariff plan often includes free features(Goodok, Horoscope, Weather Forecast, Music, Money on Credit), the use of which subsequently requires payment. Users are surprised to notice how money is withdrawn from their account with minimal communication. To prevent this from happening, you need to look and find out which of the existing options are activated.

The first method is the simplest and most popular:

  • you need to dial the combination *152# “Call”;
  • in the interactive menu that appears, select the category “Your paid services” by pressing number 2;
  • in the next menu, select the first item, send a request;
  • after that you will receive a message with a list activated functions requiring payment.

The second method is in many ways similar to the first with minor differences:

  • dial the combination *152*2# “Call”;
  • you will see a pop-up menu;
  • select item 1 (“Options”);
  • Wait for an SMS that will list the names of all connected functions.

The third way is to contact support. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • make a call to the short number 0890 or 88002500890;
  • using the voice menu, select the “Manage services and subscriptions” option or contact the support operator with a request to list the activated services that require payment, then ask to deactivate the unnecessary ones.

It is convenient to cancel unclaimed services by using the online function “ Personal assistant" on the official site mobile operator. To do this you should:

  • go to the website;
  • login to your personal account;
  • if you are not registered, do this by selecting “Receive password via SMS”, enter your phone number, wait for the SMS and enter a combination of numbers or letters in the “Personal Account” section;
  • find the category “Services and Facilities”;
  • it will list all activated services that require payment.

Ways to disable paid options and subscriptions to MTS yourself

Many users mobile communications I’m interested in how to disable paid services on MTS yourself. If you don’t want to spend your money on a melody instead of a standard beep, you need to cancel roaming, unsubscribe from news, deactivate radio and other unnecessary add-ons, thereby reducing the amount of your regular payment, you can resort to several methods.

Contact the company office for help

An effective, simple way to find out what options you pay for and how to disable paid services on MTS is to contact directly official office companies with a passport. There, professional managers will inform you about which functions are activated. They will also provide assistance in disabling them and tell you how to prevent the activation of new options.

Call your operator's technical support service for free

Calling technical support is another effective, simple way to refuse operator services. cellular communications, which you do not want to pay. The procedure is as follows:

  • call toll-free number 8-800-250-0890. If you are in roaming, then dial +7-495-766-01-66;
  • after dialing you will be connected to an operator technical support;
  • you need to contact him with a request to remove all unnecessary paid features.

To find out how to disable unnecessary paid services on MTS, you can also use the voice menu. To do this, you need to dial 0890 and follow the informant’s commands. Among the voice menu items there is activation and deactivation of additional paid functions. With its help, you can easily deactivate unnecessary paid services.

Send an SMS message to a short number

The easy way find out the list of connected paid functions and choose useful ones among them - send a message with the number 1 to number 8111. You will receive a response SMS listing all active options. Opposite each of them will be a combination of numbers, the dialing of which will deactivate unnecessary functions. This procedure from the mobile operator is free.

Use the Internet assistant service on the MTS portal

You can check which services are activated by using the Internet assistant. To do this, go to Having found the “Internet Assistant” section, select the “Services and Options” menu item. Among the categories, find “Service Management,” where you can easily deactivate unnecessary options installed on your number. If you cannot find your personal account, you can use the site search.

Disable using USSD request

Many subscribers who are interested in the question of how to quickly disable paid services on MTS use the functions of USSD requests. These are simple commands that are sent to toll free number, automatically deactivate unnecessary services one by one or the whole package. The USSD request is certain combination symbols, which allows you to manage your phone, check your account balance, find out what services it pays for, disable them, and more.

List of USSD commands for disabling paid services

Here is a list of USSD requests that disable unnecessary options:

  • *111*29# – remove the GOODok music function;
  • *111*11# – disable MMS+;
  • *111*17# – deactivate GPRS;
  • *111*39# – eliminates the option “They called you”;
  • *111*22# – disable the “Internet+” service;
  • *111*24# – get rid of the Internet assistant;

By dialing the combination *111*43#, the subscriber can deactivate the “Favorite number” option. If there is no need to communicate with other regions, the user can disable the “Neighboring Regions” function using the request *111*2110#. For those who do not like to waste time on chats, the combination *111*12# will help you deactivate this service. Don't trust weather forecasts? Unsubscribe from them by sending a request to *111*4751#. If you are skeptical about astrological forecasts, the command *111*4752# will allow you to refuse annoying horoscopes.

For those whose sense of humor does not allow them to appreciate the jokes from the newsletter, it is easy to refuse them using the request *111*4753#. If you prefer to find out exchange rates from more reliable sources, dial *111*4754#. If you already have a soulmate or you prefer not to meet through mobile phone, deactivate the “Dating” option by dialing *111*4755#. The user can refuse news by requesting *111*4756#. For those who do not want to inform other subscribers about when they get in touch, a command like *111*211420# will help.

Here is a list of some commands that help you undo a row unnecessary options:

  • anti-caller ID – *111*47#;
  • call barring – *111*53#;
  • conference call – *111*49#;
  • mobile office – *111*51#;
  • call hold – *111*55#;
  • Caller ID – *111*45#;
  • call forwarding – *111*41#;

And subscriptions to MTS, without knowing which ones are on your this moment. To do this, dial the command *152*2# using the keys and press the call button. Information about paid services, which are on your number. To disable all paid services on MTS yourself, use the combination *152*2*2*3#. After this you will receive a notification about successful completion operations.

You can disable all paid services on MTS through your personal account on the company’s official website. The entrance to the office is at the bottom of the page. All recommendations upon receipt personal login and the password will be given on the screen, and the procedure will not take much time. Appearance-the assistant changes periodically, but in any case you will see a section of current services. Through service management, select those that are unnecessary and disable them yourself.

Contact help desk operator at 0890 by selecting voice menu direct connection section. First, ask your operator to name the connected paid services, and then tell them which of them you want to disable. The operation is performed right on the spot and upon completion everything will be turned off.

How to disable all subscriptions to MTS

The “Expense Control” service will help you disable everything on MTS, and USSD-*152# will help you switch to it. Using the text menu instructions, you can deactivate unnecessary mailings. You can also find out information about connected services through an SMS request with the number 1 to number 8111. As soon as you find out which information Services active on this moment, look on the Internet or on the operator’s website for codes that disable them, for example, *111*29# for the “Beep” service, *111*20# for WAP and *111*4751# for weather forecast.

You can completely disable all paid services and subscriptions to MTS, even refusing the MTS newsletter. Just enter the command *111*375#. You will receive an SMS notifying you of successful deactivation. It is worth considering that in the future this may prevent you from learning information about your balance.

Contact any MTS communication store and ask employees to disable all paid services and subscriptions. A passport is required for this. However, recently, office employees are increasingly redirecting subscribers to their personal account on the operator’s website, citing the fact that some services can only be disabled there. As a subscriber, you have the right to insist that everything unnecessary is turned off immediately in the salon.

The services of the mobile operator MTS can be divided into paid and free. You receive many of the free services immediately after activating your SIM card; they are quite convenient and can be disabled at any time. Paid services, in addition to packages of messages, calls and the Internet, can be connected by mistake, especially if a child was using the phone. In this article, you will learn how to disable paid services on your MTS number using a mobile application or the company’s official website.

How to disable paid MTS services in the mobile application

To manage your account directly from your phone, download mobile app from the telecom operator MTS. You can find it in Play Market or AppStore absolutely free.

  • Find and download the application.
  • The icon will appear on your desktop. Now you can top up your phone account in just two clicks, connect or disconnect services, and change personal settings.
  • Open the application and log in to it. To do this, enter your phone number and the confirmation code that will be sent to you via SMS.
  • Finding yourself in your personal account, open the menu by clicking on the icon of three horizontal dots on the left top corner.

  • You will see a list of all the features and tabs of the application. You need “Services”.

  • This section has two tabs: Connected and All. Go to the “Connected” tab to see absolutely all the services that are connected to your number at the moment. As soon as you see paid ones, disable them. To do this, move the slider next to the service to the left, thereby changing its color from red to white.
  • Now unwanted paid services will be disabled on your number. You will receive a notification via SMS that the shutdown was successful.

How to disable MTS paid services through the official website

  • On the official website of the company, all users have access to their personal account. You can enter it by simply entering your phone number, and also having it at hand. To log into your personal account, go to
  • In the upper right corner you will see a link “My MTS”, click on it.

  • Now enter your phone number in the special field on the page that opens. Do not enter the combination +7 or 8, as they are already in the field.
  • After that, click on the “Receive password via SMS” item. Without one-time password you will not be able to continue logging in.

  • Enter the captcha from the image, accurate to the registry, and click “Get password.”

  • Wait for SMS message to specified number phone number, which will contain the login password. Enter it in the bottom line on the site to finally enter your personal account.

  • Once in your personal account, go to the “Service Management” section.

  • A menu will open under this tab; you need to click on the bottom footnote “All connected services”.

  • Now view all the services that are connected to your number, simultaneously deleting paid ones. This can be done by clicking on the red cross on the right side of the site. Carefully read the description of the service and the date of its activation so as not to accidentally delete the parameters you need.
  • It is in this way that you can easily and simply remove paid services on MTS. Of course, you can call your cellular operator and resolve all issues over the phone, but these methods are much faster and more convenient.