How long does it take to charge an iPhone 6. How to charge a new iPhone and iPad battery

How to properly charge an iPhone?

Quite often you can hear the question: “ How to properly charge an iPhone?" Especially if this is the first such device. Beginners do not know how many charge-discharge cycles need to be carried out, how charging is carried out when using the device daily, etc. This article provides comprehensive information on most of these questions.

On any device Apple used as a battery lithium ion batteries. If you are not strong in chemistry, let us remind you that lithium is one of the lightest metals. The advantage of lithium-ion batteries is that they can be charged at any time. In the first models cell phones Nickel batteries were used, which had to be completely discharged and only then charged.

How to charge iPhone?

This information is useful for beginners, but all other readers can skip to the bottom of the page.

So, you have become the owner of your treasured iPhone, but several hours have passed and the battery is completely discharged. Open the box the phone was in, you will find a network adapter and a USB cable. If your iPhone came from the US, the AC adapter will have a flat plug. In this case, you can use several options to solve the problem:

  1. Charge your phone using a USB cable by connecting it to your computer.
  2. You can buy an adapter that adapts the plug to European standards. Such a device costs approximately 50-100 rubles.
  3. A more expensive option is to buy a European standard network adapter.

If you are buying phone accessories, it is important not to skimp or buy pirated copies.

How to charge an iPhone for the first time?

In order for the battery to last as long as possible in the future, the first 2-3 charging cycles after purchase should be carried out in compliance with the rules. The battery needs to be completely discharged, after which the phone can be charged and kept for 4 hours.

There is no need to disconnect the phone from the network when 100% charge is shown. The reason is that lithium ion batteries are charged first fast charging, and then the process proceeds with a weak current.

How long does it take to charge an iPhone?

If you are not using your smartphone during the charging cycle, the first charging stage will take approximately 2 hours. The same amount of time will be required for the second charging stage.

About iPhone charging cycles.

How to charge iPhone with daily use?

If you use your iPhone daily, then at least once a month you will need to full cycle charging and discharging.

The iPhone battery does not tolerate exposure to low temperatures. Therefore in winter time It is best to keep your phone in your inner clothing pocket.

Many iPhone owners charge their smartphones once a day, turning it into a daily ritual like brushing their teeth and drinking their morning coffee. Others are seeking help charger only after the battery is completely discharged. But, one way or another, all owners of electronic gadgets would like to save themselves from the need to replace old batteries with new ones too often. Experts say that in order for the battery of an electronic device to last as long as possible, it should not be charged to the maximum.

Tech enthusiast Eric Leamer says charging your battery frequently can cause minor damage. However, one complete discharge/charge cycle should still be performed approximately once a month.

It is recommended to charge phone batteries to no more than 50% whenever possible. In general, the optimal charge level is between 40% and 80%. The reason is that each cell lithium polymer batteries charges to the required voltage. The higher the charge level, the higher the voltage level. The more voltage a cell stores, the heavy load she is experiencing. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in the number of possible charging cycles. The researcher says that a battery charged to 100% will last only 300-500 cycles, and a battery charged to 70% will last 1200-2000.

Limer also debunked the myth that you need to charge new gadget for 72 hours before use so it "remembers" what it feels like to be fully charged. This advice is valid when working with nickel batteries, but in the case of lithium-ion batteries, which are used in new phones, it is completely untenable.

The expert noted that to maintain lithium battery in good condition it is necessary that the electrons in it are periodically in motion. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep your tablet or laptop constantly connected to the network. Ideally, the owner of an electronic gadget should continuously charge and discharge the battery during use, leaving the charge at 40-80%. In this mode, the battery life increases many times over.

The specialist also advises not to expose your phone to extreme low/high temperatures. The recommended storage temperature for most batteries is 15°C (59°F), and the maximum safe temperature generally ranges from 40°C to 50°C. At an average temperature of 25°C, a lithium-ion battery will lose 20% of its maximum capacity every year. At 40 °C its capacity will drop by 35% annually. That's why it's best to avoid wireless chargers: inductive wireless chargers create excess heat that toasts your device's battery.

You can extend battery life yourself by setting your phone's screen brightness to low and turning off apps that use GPS, like location-based services, Leamer says. In regions with bad signal It is recommended to turn on Airplane mode so that your iPhone or iPad does not waste valuable electricity searching for nearby base stations and connecting to them.

Every owner of a new car is firmly convinced that he knows almost everything about it. After all, having become the owner of such an expensive branded gadget, you want to fully enjoy all its sophisticated features. But such a trivial question: how to properly charge an iPhone may cause slight surprise and even bewilderment for many users. Well, what could be simpler and more understandable than this procedure - insert the charger into the iPhone and connect it to the network. At first glance, in this process there is nothing complicated. Is it possible normal charging harm electronic gadget? But in fact there is great amount various nuances that affect the quality and speed of charging, as well as those responsible for the durability and condition of the battery.

Recharging the iPhone battery

The battery is the heart of any mobile electronic device. And in order for it to last as long as possible, not only from recharging to recharging, but also until its resource is completely exhausted, you need to know how many times and how correctly it is recommended to charge the iPhone. Neglecting all these tips and rules, gadget owners may be faced with the need to change faulty branded batteries too often. Moreover, replace with new ones, and not always good quality, analogues. And I must admit, this is not a cheap pleasure.

One part of users charges their electronic devices almost every day. Others, on the contrary, resort to this procedure only after accumulator battery completely discharged. One way or another, all owners gadgets want only one thing - for their device to always be active and not fail at the most crucial moment. But how to find that golden mean so that the battery lasts a long time, and the user saves himself from the need to constantly recharge it. Experts recommend: in order for the battery to last as long as possible, it should neither be charged to 100% maximum nor discharged to zero. The most optimal charge level is considered to be from 40% to 80%.

The influence of chargers on the battery condition

For correctness iPhone charging 7 is affected not only by competent and orderly actions of the user, but also by the quality of the power supply, network adapter and USB cable. Every owner of an Apple gadget should know that to recharge the battery, you need to use only original equipment from the manufacturer. The thing is that branded chargers are equipped with special microcontrollers that monitor the process of receiving current. And if the charging conditions are outside the limits acceptable values, for example, the temperature rises, the voltage jumps or the current drops, then the battery simply stops charging.

IN network adapters and power supplies from unknown manufacturers, there can be no talk of any microcontroller. Therefore, such devices must be used very carefully, only in the most desperate situations and for a fairly short time. Otherwise, such an adapter can not only burn out the power controller in the iPhone 7 itself, but also completely damage the battery.

Charging a newly purchased iPhone 7

All electronic devices that hit store shelves already have a certain level of charge. Therefore, a newly purchased iPhone 7 can be used immediately, without any additional actions and restrictions. And the myth that you need to charge a new gadget for 72 hours the first time and then completely discharge it is unfounded. The whole point is that in modern iPhones are used lithium ion batteries new generation. They, unlike conventional nickel batteries, do not have a memory effect of a full charge, so this procedure with new Apple devices there is no point.

But despite the fact that new iPhone, although he has a small charge of energy, he doesn’t care The first charge is required, which is also the most important. It is this that lays the foundation for the future uninterrupted and long work gadget. It is worth noting that the first charging of iPhone 7 is no fundamentally different from recharging previous models. The initial charging cycle for iPhones of almost all models consists of the following simple steps:

  • The iPhone is connected to the charger for 3 hours;
  • after the battery is 100% charged, you need to use the iPhone until it is completely discharged;
  • connect the charger for another 2 hours and do not use any gadget applications;
  • Bring the charge up to 100% again and then you can fully work with the device.

Once the battery is fully charged, the controller that is built into the iPhone automatically turns off the power supply. It is he who tries to charge the battery in as soon as possible and prevent it from overcharging.

Optimal charging time for iPhones

In principle, there are no clearly established boundaries defining the charging time of iPhones. The gadget will be connected to the network exactly as much as it needs to gain the required amount of energy charge. And this depends on a number of factors:

  • iPhone discharge depth;
  • temperature conditions - considered optimal is from 16 to 22 °C;
  • availability of an original or certified charger;
  • wire length;
  • using the gadget during the charging process.

If we approach it purely theoretically, then it may take from one and a half to three hours to recharge the battery from 0% to 100%. Here everything will depend on the device model and battery parameters. It is clear that the iPhone 7 will take longer to charge than all its predecessors. And all because it has the most capacitive battery, which not only draws more power from the gadget, but also works 2 hours longer than batteries installed on previous models iPhones.

You can learn how to charge the iPhone 7 by studying the instructions that come with any new gadget. In it, Apple experts give several important advice and recommendations that will help not only to use battery life economically, but also to extend its service life. Among the most important recommendations are:

  • Use only branded or certified equipment for charging;
  • You cannot charge the iPhone while it is in a case or covered with any object, this can cause the device to become very hot, which will negatively affect the battery itself;
  • It is not recommended to use the gadget in severe frost;
  • if the device will not be used temporarily, then before turning it off and hiding it, its battery must be charged 50%;

You can extend your battery life by lowering the screen brightness and disabling rarely used apps and programs. However, it is up to the user to decide whether to follow these tips or not. After all, they are all purely advisory in nature. And if for some reason you need to turn on your iPhone during the cold season, this does not mean that the battery will immediately fail. The main thing is to use only original chargers and follow safety precautions. And everything else, albeit with small reservations, can be ignored, of course, to the detriment of the battery’s durability.

Every iPhone owner asks the question: how to properly charge the device and at the same time ensure long battery life. In this article, we have collected tips and tricks that will help you learn more about this.

Due to improper use of the smartphone, the user may unknowingly shorten the battery life. This happens every day, and in order to correct the situation, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the unspoken rules for extending battery life. Let's consider what negatively affects its work.

Extreme temperatures

Any gadget, be it a phone, tablet or computer, is sensitive to both too low and too low high temperatures. This is justified by the absence of a heating or cooling function for the device in the internal configuration. Consequently, the “filling” of the iPhone may simply freeze or heat up and fail, or in the worst case, catch fire.

  • the screen was not exposed to direct sunlight;
  • the smartphone was not in a closed, stuffy or hot room (for example, in a car in the heat);
  • did not charge in places where there is no ventilation, no access to air, because The device will not cool down.

Rule #1: Do not use or charge your device in extreme temperatures.

Non-original charger

The standard iPhone power adapter has a voltage of 5 volts (V) and a current of 1 amp (A). Together with certified cable The phone charges in an hour and a half. If the equipment turns out to be non-original, both the battery and the phone may suffer.

It's all about the manufacturers - some provide quality products, others may give the user incorrect information about the characteristics, i.e. indicate the standard 5V and 1A, and sell the product with values ​​that will be greater or less than those indicated.

Even with a slight increase in voltage, for example, by 4%, the battery capacity will decrease twice as fast from cycle to cycle. Typically, the differences are regulated by the built-in PCIM controller, which is responsible for supplying current.

Counterfeits may not have such a controller, which can result in high output voltage. This can damage both the charge controller in the iPhone and the battery itself. It is better to protect yourself from problems and use the equipment provided by the manufacturer.

Rule #2: Use the original adapter.

Chinese charging cable

Business with Lightning cables things are more complicated. Many iPhone owners have heard that such cables break easily and are not cheap. Its plug is equipped with a special chip with which the iPhone recognizes its original wire. Finding such an analogue is quite difficult.

However, the Chinese were able to clone this chip, selling similar cables for pennies, which is how they lure users. It is worth assuring that such a product may work, but for a very short time. We recommend using cables that have passed Apple certification - this way you will avoid additional damage to the device.

Rule #3: Buy only certified cables.

Full discharge

Used in smartphone lithium ion battery, and it is very sensitive to the charge dropping to zero. This can cause significant damage, resulting in a reduced service life. This is all due to the depth of discharge - the ratio of the discharged capacity to the nominal one.

For example, if you use up 100% of the charge and do this constantly, the battery in this state can withstand about 500 cycles. If the phone is only half discharged, the number of cycles instantly increases to 1500. It turns out that the more you discharge the battery, the less it will last you.

Rule #4: Don't completely drain your iPhone.

Charge up to 100%

When the device's charge reaches maximum, the battery is in high load. This is due to the fact that each cell of a lithium-ion battery is charged to the required voltage, therefore, the higher the charge, the shorter the lifespan of one battery cell.

Of course, this does not cause as much harm as completely discharging it, but it is better to charge the iPhone in small portions - at every opportunity, even by 10-20%, but often and painlessly. The optimal charge level is considered to be 40-80%, so you can charge the phone starting from 50% and ending with no more than 90%.

Rule #5: Charge your device more often.

No battery calibration

When using the phone for a long time, the charge indicator inevitably goes down. This is due to improper use, frequent discharge, incorrect operation of the smartphone itself (sudden shutdowns, damage internal components, etc.), or charging the battery at random. Full discharge is appropriate if the iPhone displays an incorrect charge indicator. Then it’s worth bringing the phone first to 100%, and then to zero, or vice versa.

This process is called "calibration". Sometimes you have to do it in order to bring the battery back to life. For prevention, it is best to do this procedure no more than once a month.

Rule #6: Periodically discharge your iPhone.

Is it possible to leave an iPhone on charge all night?

Many people are debating whether it is safe to charge an Apple smartphone overnight. Therefore, we conducted our own investigation. In fact, long-term charging at a constant value of 100% does not cause much harm to the battery. When your iPhone is fully charged and connected to a charger, it runs on AC power. At this time, the smartphone is not charging or discharging, and the battery is in a “feeding” state.

If the charge drops by 2% during overnight charging, current begins to flow through the cable. This does not cause much harm to the battery, because this happens infrequently - about once a week. In other cases, the current is kept at a stable level, therefore, the device does not “fry” at night.

Is it possible to charge an iPhone using an iPad charger?

It’s worth answering right away: yes, you can. This is possible thanks to the built-in iPhone special branded charge controller. With it, the charging speed is deliberately reduced after 80% in order to control the optimal current supply. He is also responsible for “working from the network” and constantly monitors the health of the battery. For this reason, when charging from the iPad adapter, the battery is not loaded, despite the fact that it has a voltage of 5 volts and a current of 2.1 amperes.

Total power iPad charging is twice as much as the iPhone adapter. It is logical to assume that in this case the smartphone will charge faster, but this is not true. IN old iPhones, regardless of the current supply level, the built-in controller does not allow you to receive more charge than what is written in it. In new models, starting from the sixth generation, the manufacturer was able to speed up the process a little, but only slightly.

Long term storage

During long-term storage, the device may wear out considerably - some functions will become worse, the battery will lose its capacity, etc. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Charge your iPhone up to 50%;
  • turn off the device completely;
  • store in a dry place where the temperature does not reach +32 degrees;
  • update every six months charge iPhone up to 50%.

The device should be charged with half the battery capacity, because full charge can significantly reduce service life. The same applies to his absence. At 100% the primary capacity is lost, at 0% the phone goes into deep relaxation, and this harms the battery.

The company has prepared relevant recommendations especially for its customers, which are especially worth listening to:

  • You should not charge your iPhone together with the case, because... this may cause the phone to heat up;
  • the same can be said about using a smartphone in cold weather;
  • should only be used certified accessories marked MFI (Made for iPhone) on the supplied box or on the product itself;
  • Before long-term storage, charge the phone halfway and turn it off.

It is worth noting that Apple only recommends, and does not tell users how to handle the company’s devices. According to iPhone owners, it is not necessary to strictly follow all the rules for using the battery. The manufacturer has created special built-in controllers so that the owner does not damage the battery through his actions. However, the tips described above will somehow help extend its life for many years.

Video instruction

You can see detailed video instructions about how to properly charge your iPhone. The created video will help users better understand the implementation of all the provided actions.


Usually we don’t monitor how we use the battery and don’t notice how much harm we cause it. However, you shouldn’t worry too much about this and constantly worry when the gadget turns off on its own initiative or due to the user’s inattention. Apple carefully monitors the quality of its products.

Therefore, even with normal use, the battery will function as before for the standard three to four years. Ideal scheme There is no way to increase battery life. Just don't overuse the capacity, always keep an eye on the charge and beware of extreme temperatures.

Owners of a fashionable gadget know that they need to charge their iPhone every day. This becomes a habit - I put it on exercise in the evening, in the morning full battery. And some people believe that you can charge your iPhone only after it is completely discharged. Whose opinion is correct?

According to experts, lithium ion batteries need to be charged every day. This also applies to charging iPhones. If you want your battery to last a long time, you don't need to charge it to capacity.

How to properly charge an iPhone

Experts have the following opinions on this matter:

  • You need to charge your phone often. That is, if the charge level has not yet reached 100%, then there is no need to wait for this. And there is also no point in allowing the battery to completely discharge every day until the device is turned off. This mode is detrimental to the phone, so it is better to charge the iPhone several times a day a little at a time rather than from 0 to 100%.
  • The charge level must be kept above the average level. That is, these numbers can range from 40% to 80, and you can connect even when the battery shows a 50% charge. But it’s best to turn off charging when the battery is not yet fully charged. A 90% charge is sufficient.
  • Full discharge and 100% charge – once a month. Battery drained to complete shutdown devices can be charged to the maximum level - 100%.
  • Many Apple product users find it convenient to charge their phone at night. In the morning the battery shows full charge. But in this way you can quickly drain the battery, because it does not charge throughout the night, and then remains in standby mode, but on recharge. This way the battery deteriorates faster.

How to charge an iPhone correctly - tricks or how to extend battery life

To ensure your battery lasts longer, consider the following:

  • if you constantly charge the battery to 100%, then such a device will last for a maximum of 500 cycles, while when the battery is charged only 70%, the battery life increases and then the battery will last for 2000 charging cycles;
  • Do not expose the device to hypothermia or overheating. The extreme temperature range is: from +15 degrees to +40 degrees. If there is a record high outside in the summer, the iPhone battery may lose 35% of its capacity;
  • The battery tolerates overheating worse than hypothermia. Therefore, it is better to refuse a wireless charger or use it in case of emergency, when it is not possible to connect to the network. All wireless charging creates excess heat and wears out the battery life;
  • You can extend the life of your iPhone battery in this way: lower the screen brightness, turn off those applications that use GPS navigation. If the signal is bad and the phone is in standby mode, then it is better to turn on the “Airplane” mode;
  • turn on the “Energy Saving” mode. To do this, go to “Settings” - “Battery”, make the appropriate mark “On”.