IOS vs Android: why you should give up Apple and trust Google. Android gadgets and devices

With the advent of the Android system for tablets and phones, even the owner of an ordinary inexpensive phone becomes the owner of a reasonable and functional gadget. With her support, it became possible to easily watch movies, install add-ons, chat on Skype, social media. networks, read books and much more, and if you can get root rights, the possibilities will become limitless!

basic information

The system is quite easy to use. All you need is access to the Internet and a Google account. All these simple activities will make it possible to communicate freely, upload files and will greatly facilitate numerous aspects of life. Today, all smartphones, tablets and various gadgets tightly entered our lives. The user interacts with them using the operating system, and this is mainly Android.

The green robot is the emblem of this system and is familiar to everyone. But not everyone is aware of the capabilities of Android and does not use it to the fullest. For example, the HP StoreVirtual storage system is very useful and can be useful for almost anyone. Many manufacturers of tablets, phones, smartphones such as Asus, Samsung, Sony and many others work with the Android system.

Advantages of the Android system

Android is very reliable and fast system. She gained popularity due to her qualities, which can be listed endlessly. For example, it has a huge number of free applications, while others have to buy them. High-frequency processors can be operated at full capacity. All devices on which the Android system is installed have good resolution and the quality of photographs.

She simplified work with social media. networks, because supports almost all the necessary components. It has become possible to install websites using free applications. The desktop can be customized as you like, even down to changing shortcuts.

To start working with components, you only need to create one account rather than doing it separately. If you are the owner of an Android smartphone, then you do not have to worry about losing your contacts; even if you lose your smartphone, you can restore them using backup copy or with root rights- even without a backup copy.

An accessible, simple and easy interface that is understandable, including for children. Even low-budget modifications on which the system is installed demonstrate remarkable results. It is always updated and improved. And, therefore, the level of protection increases. Therefore, it will satisfy even the highest requirements.

Unfortunately, multiple updates can sometimes make working with Android difficult, and this also consumes a lot of traffic energy. And yet, Android has more advantages than disadvantages, which allows it to be a leader and remain popular among platforms.

Android is an operating system based on Linux kernels, and designed for communicators and various portable devices.

Since the first version, which was released in September 2008, several system updates have been released. The updates are designed to fix known bugs and add even more functionality to devices running on this system. Each version of this OS has its own code name, which is the name of the dessert. Version names are assigned in alphabetical order.

Android gadgets and devices

In addition to communicators and tablets, today a huge number of different devices and gadgets made on Android based. So, for example, from interesting gadgets Noteworthy are the i"mWatch smart watch, released by Blue Sky, and a camera from Nikon.

A short video review of the innovations of Android 4.2

It is also possible to install Android on devices originally released on other platforms. For example, using the Nidroid port, the system can be installed on Nokia N810/N900 tablets, originally developed for the Maemo platform. It is possible to install the system on a number of devices developed by manufacturers under Windows platform Mobile.

Various alternative firmwares

Today, there are various modified firmware developed by enthusiasts. Among the most famous, fully open firmware, the following should be mentioned: CyanogenMod, FroyoMod, MIUI.

Typically modified versions of Android are created for:

Removing Google services from devices (for example, synchronization with services is removed and data is stored exclusively on the Android device);
Exceptions to the transfer of various identification information;
Faster updates compared to manufacturers;
Support and updates for outdated device models whose support has been discontinued by the manufacturer;
Adding new functions not implemented by the device manufacturer;
Corrections of errors made by manufacturers;
Increased speed and stability of work.

To flash a device running Android OS, you must obtain superuser rights (root access to the system). This operation is called "Rooting", and gives full control over the system and installed applications.

Initially, all manufacturers of Android-based devices blocked in every possible way access with superuser rights and flashing of their devices. This was motivated by the fact that root access not only provides great opportunities, but also carries a great threat of damaging the device or installing malware on it. However, due to the widespread use of various rather complex techniques for obtaining root access, some manufacturers have accommodated users halfway. For example, Sony Ericsson and HTC provide the possibility of official unlocking, but all risks associated with possible breakdown of the device are transferred to the user, through early loss of the device warranty.

However, it is worth noting that manufacturers such as Sony Ericsson not only provide the ability to unlock and gain root access to their devices, but also strive to support developers in every possible way third party firmware, providing documentation for device architecture and original firmware code.

Conflict of interest

There is a certain conflict of interest between Android device manufacturers, Google Corporation and users, which is expressed as follows:
Manufacturers are interested in installing various “advertising” applications on devices, making it impossible to remove them without obtaining root access;
Manufacturers do not want to release updates for what they consider outdated devices, forcing them to purchase new models every six months;
Search giant Google is seeking to gain maximum amount information about device users (not only personal data, addresses Email, but also information about user movements such as GPS coordinates, and location data received from cellular base stations)

Google Play (Android Market)

This is perhaps the most convenient way installation of applications for Android devices. The store provides a selection of a huge number of applications, books, music and a wide variety of content. Today, Google Play hosts more than 700 thousand Android applications, and this store operates in 190 countries.

Disadvantages of Android

There aren't many disadvantages to Android, but they still exist. Among the most relevant are:
Vulnerability of rooted devices to malware;
Non-standard Bionic library, not compatible with libc;
The need to use closed applications and enter into a contract for developers to access Google Play.

Advantages and benefits of Android

Openness of the platform;
Good integration with Google services;
Full-fledged Bluetooth stack (with the ability to receive and transfer files, create a peer-to-peer network, implemented FTP and PAN);
The presence of a MicroSD card reader in the devices, the ability to present file system memory cards device like flash drives ( USB Mass Storage Device);
Simply disable the ban on installing programs from “unverified sources”;
Availability for a large number of hardware platforms (MIPS, ARM, x86).

Android application/ Android application

It has long been no secret that the market leader mobile devices is Android, but many users still give their preferences and tablets. At the same time, the debate about which platform is better does not subside for a moment. In this post we tried to collect all the arguments that testify in favor of the transition from iOS To Android.

Let's start with 10 reasons that are the main ones according to AndroidPIT. It is quite natural that dedicated Android the resource will not speak badly about their favorite operating system, but their argument looks very convincing.


The best Android Smartphones have always been cheaper, but in terms of technical characteristics they have never been inferior to them, and are often very seriously ahead. Years go by, but the situation does not change: it costs $850, Galaxy S4 - 600.

Launchers, keyboards, background design and other little things - all this can be changed without much difficulty in any Android smartphone. The choice is almost unlimited: alternative applications V Google Play many, and recently in market a tool has appeared for selecting custom design themes, with which the user gets access to more than 50 thousand different options interface design. IN iOS there is nothing like that.

Variety of devices

You can't argue with that. How many new smartphones have come out? Apple this year? Just two: iPhone 5S And 5C. Android every year it pleases its fans with dozens, if not hundreds, of new devices with different technical characteristics and prices.


Creators iPhone constantly boast about the image quality that the user will see on the screen of his Apple smartphone, but in reality it is lower than that of top-end Androids. At the same time, the flagships Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony equipped with significantly larger displays, which gives them advantages when watching movies and surfing the Internet. Let's also not forget about the endless number of games that perform much better on the big screen.


IN Apple stubbornly refuse to equip their devices NFC chips. But technology allows you not only to pay in a supermarket using a smartphone, but also helps automate its work using NFC marks. Manufacturers Android devices have understood this, and most smartphones have long been equipped with the appropriate hardware.

Google Drive, Google Docs, Google+, YouTube, Google Now , mail, browser, calendar, contacts and much more are always available on any Android smartphone. It's clear that iPhone there are similar opportunities, and some services are also available on apple platform, but you won’t be able to take full advantage of them. Someone might object by saying that Apple there is, for example, and this is an advantage iOS before Android, but you and I know how many dissatisfied users leave their angry comments about Tuna.

No iTunes

Want to drag music and videos to your Android? Just connect your smartphone to your computer and do it. No third party client not needed. Fast, simple, convenient, reliable.

Application Market

Once upon a time lovers Apple boasted that their app market is bigger than Google Play. For a long time this was true, but not now. Android market surpassed it in the summer of 2013 App Store by the number of available applications. In addition, prices are lower, and many are unique to apple platform games and applications have been around for a long time Android versions.

Behind last years there are a lot of custom firmware For Android smartphones and tablets that allow you to completely change the appearance of the OS, increase performance, reduce energy costs, and acquire unique applications and features. Soon in Google Play will appear official application for installation CyanogenMod, thanks to which the creators of the firmware hope to surpass the number of users Windows Phone And BlackBerry. At the same time, each custom ROM- this is just a modified and improved version Android.


Obtaining superuser rights opens up new horizons: the smartphone loses factory restrictions, and the user receives complete freedom of action.

This is the argument AndroidPIT are ending. As you can see, not a single bad word about Android, But Lifehacker I also published my opinion on this matter. The post turned out to be more loyal to iOS, since it also shows positive sides platforms. At the same time, the author mentions some disadvantages Android.

Operation speed

Despite weaker processors iOS devices work faster than Android. Of course, such a statement is not entirely fair, because Android There are many smartphones, and the versions of their operating systems can be different, and all this is reflected in the overall performance. But this opinion is found quite often, although in reality some people simply make mountains out of molehills. Someone turns a blind eye to the super-productivity of the latter Android smartphones, mentally remaining in the past when mobile phones Apple They really were faster and more reliable.

Android is an open platform

And this is a very serious trump card. The ability to run emulators, install applications and games not with Google Play- all this gives serious advantages in competition. Don't forget the aforementioned personalization, because it is also a direct consequence of the openness of the OS. This also includes custom firmware.

But this is a very serious drawback. At least in the ecosystem Android and there are many different devices from different manufacturers, but many of them will never receive official updates not only up to KitKat 4.4, but also up to operating system version 4.0. With iOS, everything is much simpler: there are few devices, everything Latest updates always available. True, in Android this problem is solved using custom firmware.

Variety of devices

Slow, fast, made from cheap or expensive materials, with cool and not so cool designs - all this is a great variety Android smartphones. A person with almost any level of income can choose a mobile phone with this operating system. iOS it does not provide such opportunities.

More intuitive operating system

There are a decent number of posts and comments on the Internet, the essence of which boils down to the fact that iOS- a more intuitive operating system than Android. But it's worth making one small correction: most of these opinions come from people who have been using apple devices, and then switched to Android. From this it follows that this is all a matter of habit. iOS can be called a simpler operating system, since it does not have most of the features presented in Android.

the freedom of action

iOS not suitable for those who like to tinker with their device and change a number of parameters to suit themselves. Android It also provides complete freedom of action. This feature is not important for every user, but there are also plenty of amateur hackers, and we should not forget that it was thanks to their efforts that many custom firmware and interesting applications.

But for many users this makes no difference. They are simply accustomed to their platform and find arguments in its favor. Some argue that such a comparison is not correct at all, and both ecosystems exist, and it is impossible to choose the better one. To some extent this is true, let there be both, but if we talk as objectively as possible, then Android There are more benefits, to make sure of this, let's look at another short review.

Colleagues from Phonearene approached the answer to the question of which platform is better a little differently: they compared key points And Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, and this is what came out of it:

  • Lockscreen/homescreen- V iOS 7 lockscreen is much more minimalistic; V Android it contains more features in the form of widgets. With homescreen, the Apple operating system is doing a little better: the maximum number of applications and folders is 24 (for Android 20), the number of applications in a folder is not limited (for Android - 16), but at the same time, unlike Android, there are no widgets in the OS.
  • Quick settings and notifications - quick settings appeared in Android long before iOS. How much more functional they are is difficult to say, one thing is clear: in iOS this option looks more colorful in Android- more strictly. But iOS there is one drawback: Control Center can be called randomly. IN Android the likelihood of this happening is much lower.

  • Customization and personalization- this has already been said twice before, so we won’t repeat it.
  • Contact list- how in Android 4.3, and in iOS 7 Both contact lists are very similar, but Android There is one advantage: next to each contact his photo is displayed. To view an image in iOS, must be opened detailed information about contact.
  • Keyboard and messages- both keyboards are very similar to each other except for one small difference: Android supports additional method text input - swipe. But iOS there is one advantage - iMessage. True, this service allows you to exchange messages over the network instead of SMS only between Apple devices, so the advantage is very vague.
  • Email- y Android there are all the benefits associated with using Gmail. U iOS There are significantly fewer opportunities.
  • Productivity apps- the available services on both platforms are very similar, but iOS there is a compass, a notebook and a reminder system that Android 4.3 must be downloaded separately.
  • Multiplayer mode and multitasking- With iOS 7 Apple devices have received much better support for multitasking, but in Android it has been implemented for more than high level, also a clear advantage of the mobile operating system from Google is support for multiple user accounts.
  • Siri And Google Now- both applications are quite good voice assistants, but Google Now There are clearly more functions, and the application itself will be more reliable and informative.
  • Browser- many users believe that Chrome better than Safari. Whether this is so, let everyone decide for themselves, but we note that Safari there is one small advantage - Reader mode. This is a mode that allows you to clear a web page of all unnecessary things, providing the user with clean text.
  • - The Internet community has generated many memes about cards iOS. They were terrible and no amount of updating would bring them up to par. Google Maps.

  • Camera and gallery - both iOS applications are simpler and more understandable, Android it has somewhat greater capabilities when we're talking about about integration with Instagram, Skype, whatsapp and other similar services.
  • Multimedia- there is a clear advantage on the side Android: not needed for working with media files.

As you can see, even latest innovations they didn't allow iOS achieve the same level of freedom that exists in the mobile operating system from Google. They just did apple OS more like Android, thereby proving the partial inconsistency iOS.

UPD (02.10.14): And here’s how things are a year later

Apple And Google don't stand still. Both companies are developing, improving all their developments every year. But the question is whether it is worth completely abandoning apple smartphones and trust Google, still remains relevant. Time has passed, and the previously mentioned reasons are to some extent not entirely relevant, since iOS became more open and like Android. At the same time, the mobile ecosystem Google also underwent a number of changes, becoming even more advanced. But let's move on from empty speculation to action.


For many buyers, this factor plays a decisive role. Indeed, the price iPhone 6 is one of the highest prices on the smartphone market, which is why not all buyers can afford the device. So, iPhone 6 for 16 gigabytes it will cost you $639. Moreover, one of its main competitors is Samsung Galaxy S5– costs almost $100 cheaper, namely 550 bucks. And don’t talk now about the poor design of smartphones from Samsung, because Apple he has similar problems this year.

Yes, in the new version of the operating system iOS There are several innovations that allow you to make tangible changes to the user interface, but up to the capabilities that are presented in the ecosystem Android, iPhones very far. Now you can install a custom keyboard and that’s it. No launchers with unique themes, no new icon sets, no alternative lockscreens and other joys of life in iOS No. The system remains protected from user intervention.


And one more aspect that gives the platform Android advantage over Apple: Only two iPhones were released this year - . How much did it cost? Androids in the last six months? The exact number is not easy to calculate. It’s clear that among the new products very often there are not the most successful smartphones, but they are also designed for users with a limited budget, which for Apple is something extremely distant, even though the company produced iPhone5C. As for flagship devices with cool hardware, these are Samsung Galaxy S5, Sony Xperia Z3, HTC One M8, LG G3, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, because you can dig deeper by remembering different devices like .


Finally, this technology has reached iPhones, although it is far from being fully implemented. Most likely, the point is that for Android technology NFC has been around for a very long time. It managed to become a full-fledged part of the platform and grew a huge amount opportunities. Take, for example, the same tags that greatly simplify the user’s interaction with a smartphone. All this leads to the idea that the emergence NFC on iPhone This is undoubtedly a significant development, but it will take some time for all the benefits associated with the use of technology to be fully realized.

Google Services

Of course, services Google also available on iPhone, but not all of them, and those that exist often have reduced capabilities. The situation is similar to the one that developed in the case of NFC, however, there is no chance of its improvement, because for Apple it is absolutely unprofitable to acquire full-fledged Google services, since they have every chance of oppressing existing apple alternatives.


If you heard from someone that App Store more apps, than in Google Play, please be aware that this is outdated information. Admirers iPhone They often talk about the superiority of their native app market, but this has long been irrelevant. Now Android Market not only contains more content, but is also more enjoyable low prices. Of course Apple there are some exclusive applications, but it’s also a mobile platform Google can really boast about it.

No iTunes

Yes, many users position it as punishment. Whether this is so is up to you to decide. We note once again that with Android With a smartphone you can live without this application. Moreover, in Google Play there is a huge variety.

Custom firmware and root

Having received root rights on his own Android, you can install various complex applications, overclock the smartphone’s processor, remove various software, and also install custom firmware on the device, which significantly expands its capabilities. Moreover, with the right firmware, you can instantly change the design of the current interface to iOS 7. Unfortunately, nothing like that iPhone can't boast.

The Android operating system today is the only mobile platform created on Linux based. She turned the world upside down mobile gadgets, seriously “pressing” clumsy and expensive communicators to the wall Windows Mobile, Symbian and iOS.

The popularity of Android OS continues to grow literally every day. Almost every month we hear about the release of dozens of new devices running this operating system. In this article we will try to highlight what is good about Android and what has become the key to its popularity.

Open platform

A huge advantage of Android OS is the openness of the platform. This operating system has open source, which allows literally everyone to modify it, create certain assemblies, “write” software... An important aspect is that Android is free, which is why many people “grabbed” it Chinese companies and began to install it on their products.

Constant updates

Android developers release updates, new shells, and software products much more often than other representatives of the operating system market. This allows us to say that Android OS is developing by leaps and bounds. The developers do not stop at their achievements and strive to make their product better and better.

No connection to content stores

As you know, a specialized Google store Play, which has collected hundreds of thousands of applications and games for Android devices. Despite this, consumers are not obliged to use exclusively the service described above. They can download software products anywhere, recording them in the form of special archives. In general, such a number of applications as for Android have probably not been created for any existing OS. This is especially true when it comes to deciding which is better: Android or Windows. For a device running under Android control, you can easily find programs of almost any type, which has a positive effect on the functionality of Android smartphones and tablets.

Replacing system applications

In other OS it is not always possible to replace certain system applications. Android allows you to almost easily get rid of software products that you don't like, or replace them with alternatives. If you wish, you can even change the standard SMS messenger to a more progressive product, in your opinion.


The Android operating system has an incredibly flexible desktop, which cannot be said about the rigid and primitive iOS and Windows Phone in this regard. In Android, you can literally do anything you want with the desktop thanks to a number of customization options. In addition, this OS provides special shell programs that you can easily change on your device. In a word, Android is maximum freedom both in external design and in software “life”.

Synchronization with Google

As you know, Android is an operating system closely integrated with Google services. This helps a lot if you actively use Google mail, contacts, photos, schedules... In addition, Android provides easy access to many entertaining Google services, such as Google Talk, Youtube, etc.


operating room Android system Provides decent multitasking. Thanks to this, you can launch and use several applications on your device at the same time. It is difficult to say how many tasks Android can handle, since it all depends on the hardware capabilities of a particular tablet or smartphone.

Huge selection of manufacturers

Than Android better than Windows phone, BlackberryOS and iOS, it is also because it is used by dozens of manufacturers. It doesn't limit potential buyer specific brands. So, for example, you will find iOS exclusively on devices Apple, and BlackberryOS – only on smartphones of the same name. On Windows Phone list somewhat wider, but, nevertheless, it is quite far from Android. In turn, Android smartphones and tablets are produced by all and sundry. Both budget Alcatel for 90-100 dollars and ultra-modern HTC and Samsung Galaxy work with equal success under this operating system. Thanks to this, Android becomes accessible to users with any financial capabilities. It’s hard to say the same about iOS or Windows Phone, given the minimal cost of devices running these operating systems.

In general, it must be said that Android is a platform for the Internet. Offline it has fairly average functionality, but everything changes when connected to the network. Therefore, use tablets and smartphones running this OS without having unlimited mobile internet or WI-FI points, is, if not a sin, then at least an incorrect approach to the capabilities of devices.

Now you know what's good about Android. All that remains is to once again analyze all the pros and cons and make your choice. We hope it will be correct and you will get the most out of using your new gadget.

“The bucket is crooked and ugly”, “The iPhone is expensive and pretentious.” You come to the store, you look at the window, you don’t believe the seller, you don’t know what to buy. In the previous article, 10 advantages of devices running the Apple operating system. Now it’s the turn of the Google platform, which also has attractive points. Comparison in this format is an excellent way to get an objective picture. Now in arguments in the kitchen you can use facts, rather than kitchen utensils that come to hand.

Open Source

Although the developer community is not able to influence the development of the Android project - it is completely controlled by Google - a number of experts classify this OS as a product Open Source. In any case, the operating system is more open to third party developers and manufacturers than iOS.


For personalization appearance On Android, you can install a launcher, change the lock screen, shuffle widgets, change the size of shortcuts, and install new icons. The latest version of iOS introduced widgets, but they are tied to the operating system's Notification Center. Apple's operating system remains protected from user intervention.

Large selection of models

One aspect that gives Android a distinct advantage over iOS is the variety of models. In past Apple year introduced only two new devices – iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. How many Google phones have been released over the past six months? It's not easy to calculate. Of course, among Android new products there are very often not the most successful ones, but they are also designed for users with a limited budget, which is prohibitively far for Apple. As for the flagship devices with advanced hardware, these are the Samsung Galaxy S6, Sony Xperia Z4, HTC One M9, LG G4. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, because you can dig deeper by remembering Chinese brands.

Multiple accounts support

Android supports multiple accounts on one device. Each owner of a smartphone or tablet has ample opportunities to customize their gadget, including creating and deleting user accounts. A person can, say, add a child's account to a device with limited access to applications.

SD card slot

Many Android devices support maps Micro memory SD, which simplifies the exchange of phone data with a computer, making it faster and more productive. Plus, the available gigabytes are easily expandable when needed, opening up more storage options necessary information. The user can easily increase the basic memory capacity of the smartphone by 64 or even 128 GB.

Replaceable battery

The advantages of Android devices over the iPhone include an easily replaceable battery. The debate over which is better, a built-in or replaceable battery, has been going on for years. A replaceable battery is vital for travelers who go for weeks without access to electricity. In addition, it can be used for emergency reboot smartphone. If necessary removable battery allows you to install a more capacious battery into your smartphone.

Remote control support

Android smartphones offer a number of features that are not typical for phones on other platforms. Among them is a built-in IR sensor, which provides the ability to use a smartphone as a remote control remote control, suitable for almost every TV, cable box or home theater.

Custom firmware

Having received root rights, Android user can install various complex applications, overclock the smartphone’s processor, remove pre-installed software, and also install custom firmware on the device, which significantly expands its capabilities. Moreover, with the correct firmware, you can quickly correct the shortcomings of the factory platform. Nothing similar to iPhone can't boast.

Uploading files via browser

Android in this sense is closer to desktop operating systems than iOS. Using Google phones, you can download any files from the Internet, be it documents, music tracks or films. All this is true for torrent clients as well.

Fast charging

Many devices on Android platform support technology fast charging. As a result, 10 minutes spent with a smartphone on the power adapter can provide up to 4 hours battery life. Modern technology Quick Charge 2.0 is supported by select Snapdragon chips. For fast charging, just purchase an appropriate power adapter.


On Android side many free applications, loyal attitude from the developer, wide selection of devices. This is where its weaknesses lie - often the gap between budget handsets and flagships fuels the stereotype that the platform is “slow” and “Android is inconvenient.”

iOS, in turn, leaves the impression of a more holistic mobile OS: it has an impressive library useful applications, a wide variety of accessories and good camera. It also speaks very well for Apple. serious attitude to device security and firmware updates. The disadvantages are the price, which creates the image of a closed pseudo-elite club, the lack of deeper system settings and expensive cloud services.