Information system patron information articles. Criminal registration

Criminal (forensic) registration is a branch of forensic technology that develops scientific basis and technical support for the accumulation and use of forensically significant information.

  • Law of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1991 N 1026-1 “On the Police”, providing for the implementation of records of individuals and legal entities, objects and facts provided for by law and the use of data from these records; use information systems, video and audio equipment, film and photographic equipment, as well as other technical and special means that do not cause harm to human life, health and environment; carry out registration, photography, sound recording, filming and video recording, fingerprinting of persons suspected and accused of committing crimes, subject to administrative arrest, as well as persons against whom there is a reason to initiate a case of an administrative offense, if it is impossible to establish their identity and other persons, in respect of which, in accordance with federal law, mandatory fingerprint registration is provided;
  • Federal Law of July 25, 1998 N 128-FZ "On state fingerprint registration in Russian Federation", Article 14 of which also provides for the possibility of using and obtaining fingerprint information by bodies carrying out operational investigative activities;
  • Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 N 5473-1 “On institutions and bodies executing criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment”;
  • Federal Law of July 15, 1995 N 103-FZ “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes”;
  • Federal Law of August 12, 1995 N 144-FZ “On operational investigative activities”;
  • Federal Law of December 13, 1996 N 150-FZ “On Weapons”.

Intradepartmental legal acts are of great importance:

  • Concept for the development of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (order of March 20, 1996 N 145);
  • Manual on the formation and maintenance of centralized operational reference, forensic, investigative records, expert forensic collections and card files of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 12, 2000 N 752);
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 1, 1993 N 261 “On increasing the efficiency of expert and forensic support for internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.”

Of great importance is also the order of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the FSB of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control dated December 29, 2005 N 39/1070/1021/253/780/353 /399 “On unified registration of crimes”, etc.

The grounds for registration in relation to living persons are: protocol of detention of the suspect; resolution of the prosecutor, investigator or person conducting the inquiry to bring him or her as an accused (or indictment); a court ruling on the selection of a preventive measure in the form of detention or a sentence or court ruling; resolution to place a person on the wanted list. Other objects are subject to registration on the basis of investigative protocols.

Registration objects. Methods of describing and maintaining records

The following are subject to criminal registration: 1) detainees, those in custody, those put on the wanted list, those brought in as accused, convicted persons, missing persons, persons unable due to health or age to provide information about their identity, unidentified corpses, foreign citizens who have committed crimes and administrative offenses on the territory of the Russian Federation, etc.; 2) ownerless or stolen animals; 3) numbered items (for example, vehicles, weapons, etc.), unnumbered items stolen from metal storage facilities, items of special historical, cultural, scientific or artistic value, counterfeit coins and banknotes, burglary tools, etc. .; 4) counterfeit documents produced by printing, counterfeit financial and identity documents, securities, stolen and seized documents, counterfeit prescriptions; 5) fingerprints, speech phonograms, etc.; 6) serious and especially serious unsolved and solved crimes with a characteristic method of commission, crimes that have a serial and interregional focus, crimes committed with the participation of foreign citizens, etc.

When conducting forensic registration, general and specific characteristics of the objects under accounting are established. Information is recorded and systematized using a scientifically developed methodology that ensures ease of information retrieval. Information in accounting can be recorded different ways, such as:

  1. description (verbal description of signs and various diagrams);
  2. obtaining casts and impressions;
  3. photographs of registered objects;
  4. phonograms of speech and video recordings;
  5. collecting accountable objects;
  6. combined (when several methods of fixing subaccountable objects are involved).

The forms of record keeping are card indexes, collections, albums, photo and video libraries, computer databases data, etc.

Registration system

Some authors also include traces of fingerprints from the scene of an incident as expert-forensic reference and auxiliary records; traces of burglary tools, shoe soles and vehicle tire treads; micro-object files; collections of counterfeit medical prescriptions for narcotic and potent medicines and handwriting samples of persons engaged in counterfeiting them; files of subjective portraits of unidentified criminals; collections of narcotic and potent toxic substances; collections of firearms and ammunition, collections of headlight lenses, fuels, lubricants and fibrous materials, paint and varnish coatings, etc.

Automated information retrieval systems

Particularly developed at present are those based on the use of modern computer equipment And software Automatic Data Banks (ADB) and Automatic Information Retrieval Systems (AIRS). These forms of accounting exist within almost any type of accounting.

Among the operational reference types of AIPS, it is necessary to note the AIPS "Papillon", "Dakto", "Uzor" and others, conducted at the regional level. At the federal level, the “Criminal-I” system plays a significant role, containing information about crimes, administrative offenses committed by foreign citizens and stateless persons, their participation in road accidents, being put on the wanted list, being under investigation, under arrest, serving a sentence, etc. d.

Among the forensic AIPS, we can single out the "Dossier" AIPS, which is aimed at recording the methods of committing crimes and includes the thematic subsystems "Violence", "Maniac", "Block", "Fraud", "Banker", "Octopus" and "Portrait".

Verification of centralized records is carried out by sending requests to the State Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, verification of local records is carried out by sending a request to the territorial information center (IC of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Information Center of the Internal Affairs Directorate, etc.) or territorial ECU (ECO, etc.) . If it is necessary to check against centralized-local records, the request is sent simultaneously to both the State Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the territorial information centers, however, a person can be checked only according to the territorial information centers. If there is information about the long-term location of the person being inspected on the territory of another subject of the Federation (or another city), it is possible to send a request not only to “your” IC, but also to another territorial information center of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate (Internal Affairs Directorate, etc.).

As a rule, special knowledge is not required to check through the information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republics, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, etc.). Another thing is records kept by expert departments (ECC, ECU, etc.). To check this category of records, special forensic knowledge is required.

Inquiries about accountable objects are carried out using queries. Requests may be written, telephone, fax or telegraph. Written requests are made on special forms (requirements) about each object of interest to the investigation separately. Telephone, telegraph and fax requests are made after pronouncing a valid, periodically changing password.

Requests may contain:

  1. a complete set of necessary characteristics of an object;
  2. partial information about the accountable object;
  3. assignment for the selection of analytical and statistical information.

The request must contain information about the object of interest to the investigation and its description. To requests for operational reference records of surnames and fingerprints, as well as for records of persons who have committed grave and especially grave crimes, records of missing persons, unidentified corpses, citizens who are unable, for reasons of health or age, to provide information about their identity, except requests containing a description of appearance and clothing must be accompanied by fingerprint cards of the persons being checked.

Section 1. General description of the information system. Methodology for classifying marks……………………………………………………………… 3

2 Classification of weapon marks…………………………………………… 4

3 Classification of cartridge marks……………………………………………. 7

Section 2. Working with the “Stamp” information system……………………… 11

List of used literature

1. General description of the information system. Methodology for classification of marks.
The information retrieval system (IRS) “Stamp” was developed at the request of the ECC and is intended for storing and retrieving information on marks on weapons and cartridges. The system contains information on more than 3,750 weapon and cartridge marks. The system allows you to enter data on brands, edit previously entered information, search for brands according to specified conditions, as well as store and display graphic image stamps. To identify a brand as a graphic image, information is entered into the system in accordance with the methodology for classifying brands.
Methodology for classifying marks. To describe the mark as a graphic image, the following method for describing the design of the mark has been created. The marks on cartridges and on weapons are described separately.
For a more accurate description of the stamp design, the following concepts and definitions are introduced.
The concept of “Letter” means a letter of the Russian, Latin or Greek alphabet, as well as hieroglyphs or signs of Arabic writing.
The concept of “Number” means Arabic numerals from 0 to 9 and Roman numerals I, V, L, X, C, etc.
The term “Sign” refers to the following signs: . , : ; * + – () = & \% $ @ # ! ? « / | and so on.
The term “Symbol” means any letter, number or sign.
The concept of “Group of letters” means a collection of two or more adjacent letters.
The concept of “Group of numbers” means a set of two or more adjacent numbers.
The concept of “Group of symbols” means a collection of two or more adjacent symbols.
The term “Group of Images” on the stamp of centerfire cartridges means a group of symbols or individual images. Using the classifier, you can describe up to four groups of images for marks of central firing cartridges.
The concept of “Image” on the stamp of a weapon or cartridges (except for centerfire cartridges) means a fragment of the image of the stamp in any part of it, which can be isolated from the entire image for a formal description using concepts from the attached classifier. The classifier allows you to describe up to three groups of images for marks of weapons and rimfire or pinfire cartridges.
The concept of “Monogram” refers to a monogram image of symbols (a monogram is a combination of the initial letters of a first and last name, company name, etc. in the form of a ligature or intertwined and forming a pattern).
The concept of “Heraldic sign” refers to the image of the coat of arms or its fragment (for example: swastika, hammer and sickle, etc.).
Letter, number, oriented along a circle - in the normal (readable) position of the letter or number,
which is located along the generatrix circle.
A letter or number oriented along the radius - in the normal (readable) position, a letter or number that is located along the radius (diameter) of the stamp’s circumference.
“Three groups of symbols placed at angles...” To determine the angles of mutually placed groups of symbols on a brand, it is necessary to mentally (and approximately) establish the center of each group and connect it to the center of the brand. The angles between such lines are the ones required to describe the mark, in accordance with the classifier.
1.1 Classification of weapon marks.
To classify a weapon mark, it is necessary to determine the values ​​of the following positions:
a) the type of weapon on which the mark is located;
b) location of the mark on the weapon;
c) characteristics of the shape of the mark;
d) characteristics of three groups of images on the stamp;
e) method of applying the mark;
e) data on three letters (if they are on the stamp).
Type of weapon. To classify a mark by this position, you must select one of the following values:
− no data;
− hunting weapons;
− ...

  • Duration of preservation and reaction of hand sweat and fat traces to developers
  • 2.4. Working with footprints and shoe marks
  • 2.5. Working with teeth marks and other human traces
  • 2.5.1. Working with teeth marks
  • 2.5.2. Working with other human traces
  • 2.5.3. Working with traces of clothing
  • 2.6. Working with traces of burglary tools and tools
  • 2.7. Working with vehicle traces
  • 2.8. Dealing with traces of firearms use
  • 2.9. Working with traces of an explosion
  • 2.10. Working with micro-objects and scent traces
  • 2.10.1. Working with micro-objects
  • 2.10.2. Working with human scent traces
  • 2.11. Working with traces associated with the use of computer technology
  • 2.12. Working with other traces of crime and criminal
  • 2.12.1. Working with biological traces
  • 2.12.2. Working with hair at the scene
  • 2.12.3. Traces of vegetable origin
  • 2.12.4. Working with Knots and Loops
  • 2.12.5. Rare research objects
  • 2.12.6. Food products
  • 2.13. Work with documents
  • Chapter 3. Participation of a forensic expert in investigative actions
  • 3.1. General provisions
  • 3.2. Inspection of the scene of the incident
  • 3.2.1. Stages of crime scene inspection. Preparation for inspection
  • 3.2.2. Inspection methods
  • 3.2.3. Photographing at the scene of the incident
  • 3.2.4. Plans and diagrams of the scene
  • 3.2.5. Digital methods of recording information when inspecting an incident scene
  • 3.2.6. Preliminary investigations at the scene
  • 3.2.7. Participation in putting forward versions based on the results of an inspection of the scene of the incident
  • 3.2.8. Participation in resolving issues regarding the inclusion of material evidence in the case and the selection of samples for subsequent expert research
  • 3.3. Investigative experiment
  • 3.3.1. Preparing an investigative experiment
  • 3.3.2. Conducting an investigative experiment and recording the results
  • 3.3.3. Photo and video shooting
  • 3.4. Presentation for identification
  • 3.4.1. Preparation for presentation for identification
  • 3.4.2. Presentation for identification
  • 3.4.3. Carrying out photo and video shooting
  • 3.5. Interrogation and confrontation
  • 3.5.1. Interrogation
  • Example of interrogation of a suspect (presentation of documents)
  • Example of interrogation of the accused
  • Example of interrogation of a suspect (with presentation of seized traces)
  • 3.5.2. Confrontation
  • 3.5.3. Photography, audio and video recording
  • 3.6. Checking readings on site
  • 3.6.1. Preparing and conducting on-site verification of readings
  • 3.6.2. Photo and video shooting
  • 3.7. Searches seizure
  • 3.7.1. Excavation and participation of a specialist
  • 3.7.2. Conducting a search and involving a specialist
  • 3.8. Survey
  • 3.8.1. Carrying out an examination
  • 3.8.2. Photo and video shooting
  • 3.9. Control and recording of negotiations
  • Chapter 4. Participation of a specialist in conducting operational-search activities
  • Chapter 5. The use of forensic records and collection files in the process of solving problems of forensic forensic units
  • 5.1. Centralized operational information, forensic and investigative records
  • 5.2. Forensic accounting
  • 5.3. Formation, maintenance and use of forensic records
  • 5.3.1. The procedure for the formation of expert forensic records
  • 5.3.2. The procedure for using forensic accounting
  • 5.3.3. Setting up, checking and removing an object subject to forensic accounting
  • 5.4. Features of the formation and use of certain types of forensic accounting
  • 5.4.1. Handprint tracking
  • 5.4.2. Accounting for traces of shoe soles, burglary tools, vehicle tire treads
  • 5.4.3. Accounting for DNA data of biological objects
  • 5.4.4. Accounting for micro-objects (microfibers, paint particles, polymers and metal)
  • 5.4.5. Accounting for improvised explosive devices
  • 5.4.6. Accounting for homemade firearms
  • 5.4.7. Accounting of bullets, cartridges and cartridges with traces of rifled hand-held firearms seized from incident scenes
  • 5.4.8. Accounting for control bullets and cartridges of military, service and civilian firearms with a rifled barrel, including lost and stolen
  • 5.4.9. Accounting for counterfeit banknotes, securities forms and document forms
  • 5.4.10. Accounting for counterfeit coins
  • 5.4.11. Accounting for subjective portraits of wanted persons
  • 5.4.12. Recording of phonograms of speech (voice) of unidentified persons
  • 5.4.13. Craniological records (skulls of unidentified corpses)
  • 5.5. Automation of records of forensic departments
  • Chapter 6. Purpose of examination and stages of its production
  • 6.1. Forensic Science Concept
  • 6.2. Appointment of forensic examination
  • 6.3. Peer Review Process
  • 6.4. Evaluation of the expert's opinion
  • Chapter 7. Examinations carried out in expert institutions of internal affairs bodies
  • 7.1. Author's expertise
  • Literature
  • 7.2. Automotive technical expertise
  • Literature
  • 7.3. Forensic ballistic examination
  • Literature
  • 7.4. Biological examination
  • 7.4.1. Biological examination of human tissues and secretions
  • Literature
  • 7.4.2. Genotyposcopic examination
  • Literature
  • 7.4.3. Morphological examination of human and animal hair
  • Literature
  • 7.4.4. Examination of human scent traces
  • Literature
  • 7.5. Forensic botanical examination
  • Literature
  • 7.6. Forensic economic examination
  • Literature
  • 7.7. Phonoscopic examination
  • Literature
  • 7.8. Linguistic expertise
  • Literature
  • 7.9. Explosive testing
  • Literature
  • 7.10. Fingerprint examination
  • 7.10.1. Papillary patterns on the surface of the palms of the hands
  • 7.10.2. Papillary patterns of the nail phalanges of the fingers
  • 7.10.3. Papillary patterns of the plantar part of the foot
  • Literature
  • 7.11. Forensic gemological examination
  • Literature
  • 7.12. Fire-technical and fire-tactical examinations
  • 7.12.1. Fire-technical expertise
  • 7.12.2. Fire tactical examination
  • Literature
  • 7.13. Portrait examination
  • Literature
  • 7.14. Computer forensics
  • Literature
  • 7.15. Forensic soil science examination
  • Literature
  • 7.16. Forensic handwriting examination
  • Literature
  • 7.17. Medical and forensic examination
  • 7.17.1. Restoration of papillary patterns of altered hands of corpses
  • Literature
  • 7.17.2. Restoration of the intravital appearance and identification of the corpse from the skull
  • Literature
  • 7.18. Technical and forensic examination of documents
  • 7.18.1. Establishing the fact and method of changing the original content of the document
  • 7.18.2. Possibilities for studying printed form impressions
  • 7.18.3. Possibilities for researching document materials
  • 7.18.4. Peculiarities of examination of documents equipped with special means of protection
  • Literature
  • 7.19. Trace examination
  • 7.19.1. Examination of human footprints and footwear
  • 7.19.2. Examination of human teeth marks
  • 7.19.3. Examination of traces of human scalp
  • 7.19.4. Examination of tools, tools and mechanisms
  • 7.19.5. Examination of traces of production mechanisms on products
  • 7.19.6. Examination of vehicle traces
  • Literature
  • 7.20. Phototechnical expertise
  • Literature
  • 7.21. Examination of materials, substances and products made from them
  • 7.21.1. Forensic examination of paints and coatings
  • 7.21.2. Forensic examination of petroleum products and fuels and lubricants
  • 7.21.3. Forensic examination of fibers, fibrous materials and products made from them
  • 7.21.4. Forensic examination of glass, ceramics, porcelain, earthenware and products made from them
  • 7.21.5. Forensic examination of metals, alloys and products made from them
  • 7.21.6. Forensic examination of polymeric materials, plastics, rubbers and products made from them
  • 7.21.7. Forensic examination of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors, medicines, potent and toxic substances
  • 7.21.8. Forensic examination of alcohol-containing liquids
  • 7.21.9. Forensic examination of perfumery and cosmetic products
  • 7.21.10. Forensic examination of forensic identification drugs
  • 7.21.11. Forensic research of document materials
  • Literature
  • 7.22. Food examination
  • Literature
  • 7.23. Examination of edged weapons
  • Literature
  • 7.24. Examination of micro-objects
  • Literature
  • Chapter 8. Participation of a forensic specialist in making final decisions in a criminal case
  • 8.1. Participation of a forensic specialist in making decisions to terminate a criminal case and suspend the preliminary investigation
  • 8.2. Interaction between a forensic specialist and an investigator at the end of the preliminary investigation with the preparation of an indictment
  • 8.3. Participation of a forensic specialist in the development of preventive measures
  • Chapter 9. Participation of an expert in a court hearing
  • Conclusion
  • Manual on the organization of expert and forensic activities in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 11, 2009 no. 7
  • I. General provisions
  • III. The procedure for organizing expert and forensic activities on the use of expert and forensic tools and methods in operational investigative activities
  • IV. Participation of ECP employees as specialists in checking crime reports
  • V. Participation of ECP employees as specialists in the production of procedural actions
  • VI. Providing expert and forensic activities
  • Instructions for organizing the production of forensic examinations in forensic units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation Approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 29, 2005 no. 511
  • 5.5. Automation of records of forensic departments

    The historically established and de facto currently existing priority of the Department of Internal Affairs in the creation of data banks of forensic accounting (variety of types and volumes of arrays) today determines the leading role of the ECP in the formation and use of these information resources in the interests of all law enforcement agencies. The demand for forensic accounting, along with the active improvement of forensic methods and automation tools, determines the high pace of development of this area of ​​ECP work.

    In accordance with the Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Creation of a unified information and telecommunication system of internal affairs bodies" in last years Significant financial resources have been allocated for the purchase and supply of automated complexes to the ATS ECP, which are used for the formation and maintenance of forensic records.

    Fingerprint records. To maintain fingerprint records in the internal affairs department, the software and hardware complex of the automated fingerprint system "Papilon" (ADIS "Papilon") is used.

    AFIS "Papillon" provides the creation, storage and operation of an electronic database of fingerprint cards and traces and automation of the fingerprint identification process to solve a wide range of problems, including:

    Identification by fingerprints and traces of fingers and palms, including by conducting operational fingerprint checks in real time;

    Establishing a person’s involvement in previously committed crimes;

    Consolidation of crimes committed by the same person;

    Identification of unidentified corpses.

    AFIS "Papillon" allows you to work with both traces and fingerprints, and with traces and palm prints. Encoding of palmprints is carried out automatically, of traces - in semi-automatic mode.

    AFIS "Papillon" allows you to enter fingerprints or palm prints on an arbitrary scale. ASC (AutoScaling) technology compensates for any large-scale changes in the papillary pattern (age-related, cadaveric, photography with an unknown scale). The software and hardware complex (PTK) AFIS "Papilon" allows, when entering and storing electronic fingerprint cards in the database, in addition to text information, fingerprints and palm prints, control prints, dactyloformulas, store photographic images of appearance and special features, a verbal description of appearance.

    Verbal portraits and search requests are compiled using unified glossary reference books, ensuring uniformity of terminology and accuracy in describing appearance. Search results are displayed in the form of an album with a selection of photos.

    IN Lately A universal complex for inkless fingerprinting has become widespread - a special scanning device that allows the formation of a video image of a fingerprint or palm print in the process of touching the reading surface of the device. Similar devices are used to solve problems of operational identification when checking persons detained on suspicion of committing crimes. These systems have: an electro-optical device for forming and recording images; device for encoding fingerprint information (encoder); blocks for storing and comparing fingerprint information. The efficiency of their use is high, since in the presence of a regional or federal data bank and communication channels, the time for prompt verification of the received fingerprint information is reduced from several days to several minutes.

    Currently, AFIS "Papillon" is a multi-level structure covering AFIS installations operated by ECP and ATS information centers.

    The first level is the EKP of the city and district level, where automated fingerprint records can contain up to 20 thousand fingerprint cards and up to 5 thousand traces in the database. On this level Currently, more than 90% of AFIS are functioning, most of which are basically single-machine complexes based on personal computers.

    The second level is multi-machine AFIS hardware systems at the regional (territorial) level, where automated fingerprint records contain volumes of up to 700 thousand fingerprint cards and from 5 thousand to 46 thousand traces. Second-level systems, as practice has shown, provide more than half of the total number of identifications on AFIS.

    The high efficiency of using the systems is determined by the maintenance of a single automated data bank of fingerprint records of ECPs and information centers.

    In a number of regions, access to an automated bank of fingerprint information of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation from local or remote workstations installed in the GROVD via fiber-optic communication lines allows specialists of the ATS ECP to carry out checks of hand traces seized from scenes of unsolved crimes, fingerprint cards of persons, of operational interest, identify unidentified corpses.

    The main problems in the operation of AFIS systems at the regional level are the lack of high-speed channels between the territorial ECP and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the insufficient technical equipment of the territorial ECP.

    The third level is the creation of centralized automated interregional banks of fingerprint information in the basic ECPs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Department of Internal Affairs for federal districts (ADIS-FO).

    Interregional AFIS-FOs consist of central PTCs operating in the information centers of the base Ministry of Internal Affairs, Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with interregional automated databases, as well as AFIS stations with the ability remote access installed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    The ADIS-FO database is formed from electronic copies of handprints on grave and especially grave crimes of the federal district subjects.

    The fourth level is the creation of an automated federal bank of fingerprint information. The Federal Bank of Fingerprint Information conventionally includes the Central Fingerprint Library of the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the operational reference (fingerprint) accounting of the GIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    The CDS ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs allows us to provide the necessary level of centralization of trace fingerprint information and a general information field for the disclosure and investigation of particularly serious and serious crimes of an interregional and serial nature under the existing regulatory framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    Automated ballistic systems. The ECP of the Department of Internal Affairs at the federal and regional levels uses two software and hardware systems for identifying firearms based on the traces of a shot on bullets, cartridges and cartridges seized from scenes of unsolved crimes.

    In the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, on the basis of the ABIS "Tais", ballistic records of the federal bulletproof collection are maintained (registrations at the federal level), in the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in addition to the ABIS "Tais", the ABIS "Arsenal" is used for the formation and maintenance of regional bulletproof collections (records of the regional level).

    ABIS "Tais", depending on the modification, allows you to create federal (up to 60 thousand objects) and regional bulletins collections, connecting them into unified networks.

    Automated workplace(Workstation) of the ballista expert in ABIS "Tais" is provided automatic receipt high-quality video image of the entire side surface of the bullet and cartridge case, as well as a full video image of the bottom of the cartridge case. There is an additional option for recording individual fragments for highly deformed bullets. The specific design of the optical-electronic unit provides optimal illumination of the object and allows you to obtain the most informative image of a surface with any type of coating, and the identity of the image of the same object. The software and hardware solutions of the system allow you to simultaneously conduct ballistic examinations and research and carry out operational checks on arrays of databases of bullets and cartridges.

    The television set-top box used in the system allows you to observe on the monitor screen images of objects examined using standard microscopes MSK-1, Leitz, MBS-10, etc. VSK is a television camera with special optics that allows it to be installed instead of a cassette for photographic plates or an eyepiece , regardless of the modification of the microscope and its changes.

    ABIS "Arsenal" allows you to create electronic bullet cabinets with a volume of tens of thousands of objects, to prepare expert opinions in the investigation of crimes related to the use of firearms.

    Among the main functionality systems: formation of four database arrays (registered bullets, registered cartridges, criminal bullets, criminal cartridges); division of registered weapons by type of registration (combat, service, service, etc.); automatic searches in the database for each selected trace; formation of recommendation lists based on search results; working with database objects and recommendation lists, comparative image studies.

    When scanning an object, an autofocusing television camera with a high resolution (2 microns) included in the workplace equipment performs a complete and high-quality photographic scan of the surface of a bullet of any caliber. The ability to isolate identification features on the side surface of a bullet, compare them and store them in a database allows the system to work with large databases of collections of bullets and cartridge cases.

    Automated habitoscopic systems. Card files of subjective portraits of unidentified criminals in the police department are created in order to search for and identify escaped criminals. They are completed with subjective portraits made in the ECC, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs (OVDT), and consist of arrays of completed cards of a single sample.

    The main system used by the specialists of the EKP ATS of Russia for maintaining habitoscopic records is the automated portrait identification system "Portrait-Search".

    The system allows you to create subjective portraits (the "Photo Icon" program) and search for a presented face using a database of facial images (habitoscope search module).

    The objects of comparison are photographic images of a person's face from the front. Comparative analysis images can be carried out both on the basis of anthropometric measurements and direct graphic comparison of images. The result of the program is a sorted array of images according to the degree of “similarity” to the presented face.

    The search algorithm is designed in such a way that it gives positive results even in cases where part of the image is missing or when the image is of low quality.

    Also, employees of the ECP of the Department of Internal Affairs are currently actively using the system for compiling a subjective portrait of appearance “Photorobot-FRS”. The system allows you to quickly, efficiently and at minimal cost perform all necessary operations.

    The Photobot-FRS system has the following main capabilities:

    Drawing up portraits from halftone elements of appearance;

    An original subsystem for editing and retouching halftone elements;

    Printing a portrait and installation data on a matrix or laser printer;

    Support for a database of subjective photographic portraits and installation data with the ability to search by installation data and appearance characteristics;

    Configuring dictionaries-descriptions of installation data in accordance with user requirements.

    Automated systems for recording the DNA of biological objects. In the process of solving and investigating crimes, the use of DNA from various biological objects seized from the scenes of serious and especially serious crimes is becoming increasingly important. Currently, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system there is no single automated hardware and software complex that would ensure the entire process of working with DNA.

    In the ECP of the Department of Internal Affairs, DNA research is carried out in specialized biological laboratories, and until recently, research results were entered into the “Information Card of DNA Data of Biological Objects” manually.

    At the request of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, developments have recently been carried out to create an automated DNA recording system (a single data bank).

    At the same time, in a number of regions, automated systems for recording the DNA of biological objects, created by employees of the EKP themselves, are already being used. An example is the “DNA Information Bank” software package, used for maintaining DNA records in the ECC of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Moscow. The software package allows you to enter general data into the database (date, criminal case number, circumstances of the incident, seized objects, etc.) and elements of the DNA molecule established as a result of biological research, as well as provide the ability to select records according to specified criteria and search for a group of records using the DNA formula .

    When searching by DNA elements, known elements are compared with the formula of each information card stored in the database, and for each IC the number of matching DNA elements is calculated. The search results window displays a probabilistic list of maps, sorted in descending order of the number of DNA element matches.

    Complexes of phonoscopic recording. Complexes of regional phonoscopic recording (RPFU) were deployed in the ECP of the internal affairs department within the framework of the Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Creation of a unified information and telecommunication system of internal affairs bodies."

    The hardware and software included in the complexes have a dual purpose: for maintaining actual records and for carrying out phonoscopic examinations and research.

    In 2006-2007 the results of testing were covered in the media automated systems background records, positive examples were given of identifying persons who made calls with information about planted explosive devices, and information was also provided about the equipping of the regional ECP of the Department of Internal Affairs. The start of operation of the CRFU and coverage of the functional capabilities of the complexes in the media made it possible to reduce the number of registered crimes and increase the percentage of identifying persons involved in their commission.

    Automation of other types of forensic accounting. In their practical activities, EKP employees use both independently developed information retrieval systems and systems developed by third-party developers to automate forensic accounting.

    A significant drawback of these systems is that they do not allow for a full comparison and comparison of objects for a specific type of accounting.

    The Portland company, as part of the development of the Portrait-Search system, has developed an information retrieval system for maintaining records in various areas.

    The "Portrait-Search" system provides a user who does not have specialized programming skills with the opportunity to create databases of various structures. The user can create the necessary forms himself user interface for entering and searching information.

    If necessary, the user can modify the structure of the database, add new characteristics of stored information, create new forms of the user interface, and change old ones.

    Application program information support client place "Client 5.0" is designed for the user to work with databases and allows you to work simultaneously with an arbitrary number of databases of various semantic loads. Moreover, the databases can be located both locally and on remote servers.

    Automated information and support systems. These systems used by EKP employees are intended to obtain information when conducting expert research.

    The company "Forensic Technology" (Podolsk) has developed a number of information retrieval systems for police departments.

    The information retrieval system "Stamp" is designed for storing and retrieving information on marks on weapons and cartridges. The system allows you to enter data on marks, edit previously entered information, search for marks according to specified conditions, and also store and display a graphic image of the mark.

    The information retrieval system "Ruzhye" is designed for storing and retrieving information on hunting and sporting weapons. The system allows you to enter data on weapons, edit previously entered information, search according to specified conditions, and also store and display a graphic image of the gun and its trace-forming parts. It can contain information on 60 characteristics of guns (barrel, device, etc.), more than 50 of them are searchable.

    The information retrieval system "Patron" is designed for storing and retrieving information on cartridges for military, sporting and hunting rifled weapons. The system allows you to enter data on the cartridge, edit previously entered information, search according to specified conditions, and also store and display a graphic image of the cartridge. It can contain information on 34 cartridge characteristics, 33 of which are searchable.

    The information retrieval system "Weapons" is designed for storing and retrieving information on rifled weapons. The system allows you to enter data on weapons, edit previously entered information, search according to specified conditions, and also store and display a graphic image of the weapon and trace-forming parts of the weapon. The system may contain information on the barrel, device, trace-forming parts, etc.

    Generator of expert opinions (GEZ) "Blade". The program is designed to generate an expert opinion on bladed weapons, including the selection of an analogue of the bladed weapon in question, contained in the information retrieval system. The system allows you to enter the data necessary to create a conclusion, select an analogue of the weapon for which the examination is being carried out, generate a conclusion, edit it and print it on a printer, and when outputting to laser printer You can get an image of the analogue in a printout of the conclusion.

    The program also allows you to work with an information retrieval system (IRS), which contains information on bladed weapons and is part of the expert opinion generator. The information retrieval system is designed to store text and graphic information on bladed weapons. In the system you can enter and edit information, search according to specified conditions, as well as store and display a graphic image of a weapon.

    Good afternoon, my dear readers. Today we will touch on an extremely interesting and important topic - information retrieval systems. The ability to work with them correctly, knowledge of basic concepts and operating principles will help novice users learn how to quickly and efficiently search various information online, get the necessary data and quickly develop your online business.

    In this article I will talk about the history of the creation of search systems, the principles of their operation and structure. In addition, I will dwell on very important features that you must know when working with IPS.

    So, let's study in more detail what IPS is and what components are included in their composition.

    Information retrieval systems (IRS) and their types

    This concept arose back in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century. It was then that their first prototypes arose, both in Russia and abroad. According to the definition, it is a system that allows you to search, process, and select the required request data in its own special database, which contains descriptions of various sources of information, as well as rules for using them.

    Its main task is to find the information the user needs. To make it more effective, the concept of relevance is used, that is, how accurately the search results themselves match a particular query.

    The main types of IPS include the following concepts:

    Catalog indexing can be done either manually or automatically with index updating. In turn, the result of the system operation itself includes a special list. It includes a hyperlink to the required resources and a description of a particular document on the Internet.

    The most popular catalogs include: Yahoo, Magellan(foreign) andWeblist, Snail and @Rus from domestic ones.

    The most common foreign information retrieval systems include Google, Altavista, Excite. Russians - Yandex and Rambler.

    • There are a huge number of different types of information systems in the world, which contain many sources of information. Of course, even the most modern and powerful server cannot satisfy the needs of millions of users. That is why special metasearch engines. They can simultaneously forward user requests to various search servers, and based on their generalization, they are able to provide the user with a document containing links to the required resource. These include MetaCrawler or SavvySearch.

    History of the creation of the IPS

    The very first IPS appeared in the mid-90s of the 20th century. They were very reminiscent of ordinary indexes that are found in any books, some kind of reference books. Their database contained special keywords (words) that were collected from numerous sites in various ways. Since Internet technologies were not perfect, the search itself was performed only using keywords.

    Much later, a special full-text search was developed to make it easier for the user to find the information he needed. The system made a fixation keywords. Thanks to it, users could make the necessary queries for certain words and various phrases.

    One of the first was Wandex. It was developed by the very famous programmer Matthew Graham in 1993. Also, in the same year, a new “search” “Aliweb” appeared (by the way, it still works successfully to this day). However, they all had a rather complex structure and did not have modern technologies.

    One of the most successful was WebCrawler, which was first launched in 1994. Distinctive feature and the main advantage that sets it apart from other search engines is that it can find any keywords on a given page. After this, it became a kind of standard for all other IPS that were developed later.

    Much later, other search engines emerged, which sometimes competed with each other. These were Excite, AltaVista, InfoSeek, Inktomi and many others. Since 1996, Russian netizens began working with Rambler and Aport. But, a real triumph for Russian Internet, became Yandex, created in 1997.

    This Russian analogue of Google has become a real pride Russian programmers. Today, it is confidently squeezing out its competitor in RuNet and is also one of the leaders in search queries among information retrieval systems in Russia.

    Today, there are numerous special “search engines” that are created to solve specific problems. For example, the information and retrieval system “Patron” was designed to store and search data on cartridges for various weapons and is now used both by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and intelligence services, and by professional and amateur hunters.

    There are others designed for notaries, doctors, engineers, military, car enthusiasts, etc.

    How does IPS work?

    The work of an information retrieval system is very complex. However, if you wish, you can understand its structure. The first thing to note is that there is a special program - it is called a search robot (spider). This program systematically monitors various pages and indexes them.

    The web server creates a user request to obtain this or that information, and then provides this request search machine. The search engine examines the required database, then compiles a complete list of pages, and then transmits it to the web server. It, in turn, finally forms all the query results into a “readable” form, then transfers them to the user’s “computer”.

    IPS is intended for the following purposes:

    • Store significant amounts of data;
    • Conduct a quick search for the necessary information;
    • Add and remove various data;
    • Display information in a simple and convenient form.

    There are several main types of IPS:

    • Automated
    • Bibliographic
    • Conversational
    • Documentary

    What search engines are the most popular today?

    In first place, without any doubt, is the indispensable leader - Google. Today, about 80 percent of the world's various requests in a wide variety of areas are addressed to it. As for the second place, it is also deservedly occupied by the American eBay.

    In third place is our domestic, Russian “Yandex”. In fourth place is Yahoo and in fifth place is MSN. Another domestic browser, but occupying only 10th place in the European ranking, is the Russian “Rambler”.


    This search engine is known to a huge number of users. Today it is the first most popular system in the world! It processes more than 41 billion queries monthly and indexes 25 billion pages.

    As for the history of the creation of Google, back in 1996, a pair of Stanford University students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, developed a browser based on new search methods. They called it simply and concisely, just like the design of the Google search engine. The actual name google is a distorted word googol (the number ten to the hundredth power).

    It is based on a special search robot, which is called "Googlebot". It scans pages and indexes them. As an authority algorithm, this PS . In fact, it is he who ensures how pages will be displayed to the visitor in search results.

    One of the first, this company developed and in various languages, which greatly facilitates the entry of data into the system. Well, and finally, it served as the basis for the word “google”, which is increasingly found in the slang of young teenagers.

    « Yahoo» - second most popular in the USA. It was founded in 1994 by two Stanford graduate students, David Filo and Jerry Yang. In the late 90s, they acquired the RocketMail portal and based on it they created the free Yahoo mail server. Today, you can store any number of emails on its servers. In 2010, a Russian-language mail resource appeared - Yahoo! Mail.


    One of the best Russian search engines, without a doubt, is Yandex. Today it ranks fourth in terms of the total number of requests. At the same time, in terms of popularity, Yandex today ranks first in the Russian Federation. The total number of queries generated exceeds 250 million every day

    It was presented in September 1997, and already in May 2011, having placed its shares in an IPO, this company was able to earn greatest number shares among other Internet companies.

    Today, Yandex has 50 services, some of which are unique - Yandex.Search, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Market. In addition, Russian users are very interested in such services as “Blog Search” and “Yandex Traffic.” Basic queries for users mainly from the following neighboring countries: Russia, Belarus, Turkey and Kazakhstan.

    Historically, the company was founded by businessman and programmer Arkady Volozh in 1989. The name of the company itself was invented by Ilya Segalovich, director of Yandex. Thanks to cooperation with the Institute for Information Transmission Problems, a searchable reference dictionary was created.

    Unlike other browsers, it also takes into account the morphology of the Russian language. Thus, the system itself is designed specifically to work in the Russian-language segment of the Internet.

    Since 2010, in addition to the browser, another search engine,, has appeared. This Internet– the resource is used to search on foreign portals.

    Search system "Ebay»

    Ebay is an Internet company from the United States that specializes in conducting online auctions. It manages the portal, as well as versions in other countries around the world. In addition, the company owns another eBay Enterprise.

    The founder of the company is the American programmer Pierre Omidyar, who in the mid-90s developed an online auction for his personal portal. At the same time, eBay is a kind of intermediary in purchasing and selling. To use it, sellers make a certain contribution, and buyers get the opportunity free use site.

    The general principles of its operation are as follows:

    • Basically all people are decent
    • Everyone can contribute
    • In open communication, people show their best qualities

    Already in 1995, millions of different items were sold at thousands of online auctions. Today, it is a powerful platform for buying and selling, both by individuals and legal entities.

    Since 2010, there has been Russian version popular resource and began to be called “International shopping mall eBay." Payment at the auction is made through payment system"PayPal".

    To sell items on this portal you need to write how much it costs, its starting price, when the bidding will begin, and also how long the bidding will last. As in a regular auction, the highest bidder gets the selected item.

    One of the advantages of such an auction is that the seller and buyer can be located anywhere in the world, and the presence of local branches and time frames provide the opportunity to participate in auctions a huge number sellers and buyers.

    This search engine is a leading Internet browser developed by Microsoft. It appeared simultaneously with the release of the first operating system Windows 95. Later the service began to use this name Email Hotmail, as well as various Microsoft Web sites. At the beginning of 2002, it was one of the largest Internet providers in the United States and had 9 million subscribers.

    The historically established and de facto currently existing priority of the Department of Internal Affairs in the creation of data banks of forensic accounting (variety of types and volumes of arrays) today determines the leading role of the ECP in the formation and use of these information resources in the interests of all law enforcement. The demand for forensic accounting, along with the active improvement of forensic methods and automation tools, determines the high pace of development of this area of ​​ECP work.

    In accordance with the Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Creation of a unified information and telecommunication system of internal affairs bodies", in recent years significant financial resources have been allocated for the purchase and supply of automated complexes to the ECP of the ATS, which are used for the formation and maintenance of forensic records.

    Fingerprint records. To maintain fingerprint records in the internal affairs department, the software and hardware complex of the automated fingerprint system "Papilon" (ADIS "Papilon") is used.

    AFIS "Papillon" provides the creation, storage and operation of an electronic database of fingerprint cards and traces and automation of the fingerprint identification process to solve a wide range of problems, including:

    Identification by fingerprints and traces of fingers and palms, including by conducting operational fingerprint checks in real time;

    Establishing a person’s involvement in previously committed crimes;

    Consolidation of crimes committed by the same person;

    Identification of unidentified corpses.

    AFIS "Papillon" allows you to work with both traces and fingerprints, and with traces and palm prints. Encoding of palmprints is carried out automatically, of traces - in semi-automatic mode.

    AFIS "Papillon" allows you to enter fingerprints or palm prints on an arbitrary scale. ASC (AutoScaling) technology compensates for any large-scale changes in the papillary pattern (age-related, cadaveric, photography with an unknown scale). The software and hardware complex (PTK) AFIS "Papillon" allows, when entering and storing electronic fingerprint cards into the database, in addition to text information, fingerprints and palm prints, control prints, dactyloformulas, storing photographic images of appearance and special features, and a verbal description of appearance.

    Verbal portraits and search requests are compiled using unified glossary reference books, ensuring uniformity of terminology and accuracy in describing appearance. Search results are displayed in the form of an album with a selection of photos.

    Recently, a universal complex for inkless fingerprinting has become widespread - a special scanning device that allows the formation of a video image of a fingerprint or palm print in the process of touching the reading surface of the device. Such devices are used to solve problems of operational identification when checking persons detained on suspicion of committing crimes. These systems have: an electro-optical device for forming and recording images; device for encoding fingerprint information (encoder); blocks for storing and comparing fingerprint information. The efficiency of their use is high, since in the presence of a regional or federal data bank and communication channels, the time for prompt verification of the received fingerprint information is reduced from several days to several minutes.

    Currently, AFIS "Papillon" is a multi-level structure covering AFIS installations operated by ECP and ATS information centers.

    The first level is the EKP of the city and district level, where automated fingerprint records can contain up to 20 thousand fingerprint cards and up to 5 thousand traces in the database. More than 90% of AFIS currently operate at this level, most of which are basically single-machine complexes based on personal computers.

    The second level is multi-machine AFIS hardware systems at the regional (territorial) level, where automated fingerprint records contain volumes of up to 700 thousand fingerprint cards and from 5 thousand to 46 thousand traces. Second-level systems, as practice has shown, provide more than half of the total number of identifications on AFIS.

    The high efficiency of using the systems is determined by the maintenance of a single automated data bank of fingerprint records of ECPs and information centers.

    In a number of regions, access to an automated bank of fingerprint information of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation from local or remote workstations installed in the GROVD via fiber-optic communication lines allows specialists of the ATS ECP to carry out checks of hand traces seized from scenes of unsolved crimes, fingerprint cards of persons, of operational interest, identify unidentified corpses.

    The main problems in the operation of AFIS systems at the regional level are the lack of high-speed channels between the territorial ECP and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the insufficient technical equipment of the territorial ECP.

    The third level is the creation of centralized automated interregional banks of fingerprint information in the basic ECPs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Department of Internal Affairs for federal districts (ADIS-FO).

    Interregional AFIS-FOs consist of central PTCs operating in information centers base Ministry of Internal Affairs, Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with interregional automated databases, as well as AFIS stations with remote access capabilities installed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    The AFIS-FO database is formed from electronic copies hand traces for serious and especially serious crimes of the federal district.

    The fourth level is the creation of an automated federal bank of fingerprint information. The Federal Bank of Fingerprint Information conventionally includes the Central Fingerprint Library of the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the operational reference (fingerprint) accounting of the GIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    The CDS ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs allows us to provide the necessary level of centralization of trace fingerprint information and a general information field for the disclosure and investigation of particularly serious and serious crimes of an interregional and serial nature under the existing regulatory framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    Automated ballistic systems. The ECP of the Department of Internal Affairs at the federal and regional levels uses two software and hardware systems for identifying firearms based on the traces of a shot on bullets, cartridges and cartridges seized from scenes of unsolved crimes.

    In the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, on the basis of ABIS "Tais", ballistic records of the federal bulletproof collection are carried out (records federal level), in the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Department of Internal Affairs for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in addition to the ABIS "Tais", the ABIS "Arsenal" is used for the formation and maintenance of regional bullet-proof records (regional-level records).

    ABIS "Tais", depending on the modification, allows you to create federal (up to 60 thousand objects) and regional bulletins collections, connecting them into unified networks.

    The automated workstation (AWS) of a ballista expert in ABIS "Tais" provides automatic receipt of a high-quality video image of the entire side surface of the bullet and cartridge case, as well as a full video image of the bottom of the cartridge case. Available additional opportunity recording individual fragments for highly deformed bullets. The specific design of the optical-electronic unit provides optimal illumination of the object and allows you to obtain the most informative image of a surface with any type of coating, and the identity of the image of the same object. The system’s software and hardware solutions allow you to simultaneously conduct ballistic examinations and research and carry out operational checks against databases of bullets and cartridges.

    Set-top box, used in the system, allows you to observe on the monitor screen images of objects examined using standard microscopes MSK-1, Leitz, MBS-10, etc. VSK is a television camera with special optics that allows it to be installed instead of a cassette for photographic plates or an eyepiece, regardless from modifying the microscope and changing it.

    ABIS "Arsenal" allows you to create electronic bullet cabinets with a volume of tens of thousands of objects, to prepare expert opinions in the investigation of crimes related to the use of firearms.

    Among the main functionality of the system: the formation of four database arrays (registered bullets, registered cartridges, criminal bullets, criminal cartridges); division of registered weapons by type of registration (combat, service, service, etc.); automatic searches in the database for each selected trace; formation of recommendation lists based on search results; working with database objects and recommendation lists, comparative image studies.

    An autofocusing television camera included in the workplace equipment with high resolution(2 microns) when scanning an object, it performs a complete and high-quality photo scan of the surface of a bullet of any caliber. The ability to isolate identification features on the side surface of a bullet, compare them and store them in a database allows the system to work with large databases of collections of bullets and cartridge cases.

    Automated habitoscopic systems. Card files of subjective portraits of unidentified criminals in the police department are created in order to search for and identify escaped criminals. They are completed with subjective portraits made in the ECC, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs (OVDT), and consist of arrays of completed cards of a single sample.

    The main system used by the specialists of the EKP ATS of Russia for maintaining habitoscopic records is the automated portrait identification system "Portrait-Search".

    The system allows you to create subjective portraits (the "Photo Icon" program) and search for a presented face using a database of facial images (habitoscope search module).

    The objects of comparison are photographic images of a person's face from the front. Comparative image analysis can be carried out both on the basis of anthropometric measurements and direct graphical comparison of images. The result of the program is a sorted array of images according to the degree of “similarity” to the presented face.

    The search algorithm is designed in such a way that it gives positive results even in cases where part of the image is missing and when the image is of poor quality.

    Also, employees of the ECP of the Department of Internal Affairs are currently actively using the system for compiling a subjective portrait of appearance “Photorobot-FRS”. The system allows you to quickly, efficiently and at minimal cost perform all necessary operations.

    The Photobot-FRS system has the following main capabilities:

    Drawing up portraits from halftone elements of appearance;

    An original subsystem for editing and retouching halftone elements;

    Printing a portrait and installation data on a matrix or laser printer;

    Support for a database of subjective photographic portraits and installation data with the ability to search by installation data and appearance characteristics;

    Configuring dictionaries-descriptions of installation data in accordance with user requirements.

    Automated systems for recording the DNA of biological objects. In the process of solving and investigating crimes, the use of DNA from various biological objects seized from the scenes of serious and especially serious crimes is becoming increasingly important. Currently, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system there is no single automated hardware and software complex that would ensure the entire process of working with DNA.

    In the ECP of the Department of Internal Affairs, DNA research is carried out in specialized biological laboratories, and until recently, research results were entered into the “Information Card of DNA Data of Biological Objects” manually.

    At the request of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, developments have recently been carried out to create an automated DNA recording system (a single data bank).

    At the same time, in a number of regions, automated systems for recording the DNA of biological objects, created by employees of the EKP themselves, are already being used. An example is the “DNA Information Bank” software package, used for maintaining DNA records in the ECC of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Moscow. Software package allows you to enter general data into the database (date, criminal case number, circumstances of the incident, seized objects, etc.) and elements of the DNA molecule established as a result of biological research, as well as provide the ability to select records according to specified criteria and search for a group of records using the DNA formula.

    When searching by DNA elements, known elements are compared with the formula of each information card stored in the database, and for each IC the number of matching DNA elements is calculated. The search results window displays a probabilistic list of maps, sorted in descending order of the number of DNA element matches.

    Complexes of phonoscopic recording. Complexes of regional phonoscopic recording (RPFU) were deployed in the ECP of the internal affairs department within the framework of the Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Creation of a unified information and telecommunication system of internal affairs bodies."

    The hardware and software included in the complexes have a dual purpose: for maintaining actual records and for carrying out phonoscopic examinations and research.

    In 2006-2007 The media covered the results of testing automated background recording systems, provided positive examples of identifying persons who made calls with information about planted explosive devices, and also provided information about the equipping of the regional ECP of the Department of Internal Affairs by the KRFU. The start of operation of the CRFU and coverage of the functional capabilities of the complexes in the media made it possible to reduce the number of registered crimes and increase the percentage of identifying persons involved in their commission.

    Automation of other types of forensic accounting. In their practical activities, EKP employees use both independently developed information retrieval systems and systems developed by third-party developers to automate forensic accounting.

    A significant drawback of these systems is that they do not allow for a full comparison and comparison of objects for a specific type of accounting.

    The Portland company, as part of the development of the Portrait-Search system, has developed an information retrieval system for maintaining records in various areas.

    The "Portrait-Search" system provides a user who does not have specialized programming skills with the opportunity to create databases of various structures. The user can create himself necessary forms user interface for entering and searching information.

    If necessary, the user can modify the structure of the database, add new characteristics of stored information, create new forms of the user interface, and change old ones.

    The software application for information support of the client place "Client 5.0" is designed for the user to work with databases and allows you to work simultaneously with an arbitrary number of databases of various semantic loads. Moreover, the databases can be located both locally and on remote servers.

    Automated information and support systems. These systems used by EKP employees are intended to obtain information when conducting expert research.

    The company "Forensic Technology" (Podolsk) has developed a number of information retrieval systems for police departments.

    The information retrieval system "Stamp" is designed for storing and retrieving information on marks on weapons and cartridges. The system allows you to enter data on marks, edit previously entered information, search for marks according to specified conditions, and also store and display a graphic image of the mark.

    The information retrieval system "Ruzhye" is designed for storing and retrieving information on hunting and sporting weapons. The system allows you to enter data on weapons, edit previously entered information, search according to specified conditions, and also store and display a graphic image of the gun and its trace-forming parts. It can contain information on 60 characteristics of guns (barrel, device, etc.), more than 50 of them are searchable.

    The information retrieval system "Patron" is designed for storing and retrieving information on cartridges for military, sporting and hunting rifled weapons. The system allows you to enter data on the cartridge, edit previously entered information, search according to specified conditions, and also store and display a graphic image of the cartridge. It can contain information on 34 cartridge characteristics, 33 of which are searchable.

    The information retrieval system "Weapons" is designed for storing and retrieving information on rifled weapons. The system allows you to enter data on weapons, edit previously entered information, search according to specified conditions, and also store and display a graphic image of the weapon and trace-forming parts of the weapon. The system may contain information on the barrel, device, trace-forming parts, etc.

    Generator of expert opinions (GEZ) "Blade". The program is designed to generate an expert opinion on bladed weapons, including the selection of an analogue of the bladed weapon in question, contained in the information retrieval system. The system allows you to enter the data necessary to create a conclusion, select an analogue of the weapon for which the examination is being carried out, generate a conclusion, edit it and print it on a printer, and when outputting to a laser printer, you can get an image of the analogue in a printout of the conclusion.

    The program also allows you to work with an information retrieval system (IRS), which contains information on bladed weapons and is part of the expert opinion generator. The information retrieval system is designed to store text and graphic information on bladed weapons. In the system you can enter and edit information, search according to specified conditions, as well as store and display a graphic image of a weapon.

