Where is the best place to start advertising a one-page website? A real example of calculating profit from a one-page website

Hello, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about one-page sites (aka Landing Page or LP, or Landing Page, or landing page, or capture page). And we’ll talk about this because, as usual, I rely on your questions and many are interested in how to still sell their goods or services through one-page sites. But in addition, I will tell you what a selling one-page page should be, in my opinion.

By the way, if you need to make a one-page website yourself or order it inexpensively, then these articles will help you:

  • (65 templates).

One-page or full-fledged website

Here you need to start from your goals. If you have only a few types of products or services, then a one-page website is better. Ideally, of course, if you have only one product or service. If you have a lot of products, then a one-page website will not work. One-page sites sell better than full-fledged online stores, because the information on it constantly calls for action (buy or leave your contacts). This has long been proven and tested by many.

How to sell through a one-page website and how to promote it

Many people whom I helped create a one-page website think that they set up a website and that’s it, clients started flowing like a river and the first lines in Yandex and Google are just around the corner. This will NOT happen quickly! You need to know the basics. So how do you attract people (traffic) to your one-page website? That's how:

  • Contextual advertising (Yandex Direct, Google Adwords);
  • Teaser advertising;
  • Social networks (posts in communities);
  • Targeting in social networks (targeted advertising);
  • Spam on forums, subscription services and message boards;
  • Mailing to thematic subscription databases.

I wrote about that in Yandex too. There are a lot of teaser networks, I usually don’t use them!

When buying posts in thematic communities, pay attention to community statistics and topics, try to select the most narrow ones thematic communities. In general, all advertising is PAID with the exception of spam, but I would not advise you to engage in it.

Conclusion: You need to buy advertising for a one-page website and there is no other way. By setting up advertising, you receive TARGET traffic on your one-page page, and people are already either buying your product or service or not. Well, in order to bring potential people closer to making a purchase, you need to make your one-page website correctly, and we’ll talk about this below!

What should a selling one-page website be like?

There are more and more one-page websites, and the mere presence of a landing page can no longer sufficiently distinguish a company from the rest. To withstand competition and capture the attention of customers, you will have to pay close attention to detail, including page design, its structure and text.

1. Don't post an image mindlessly

Firstly, it is better to use real photographs and other images rather than stock ones. For all their beauty, images taken from stock sites statistically cause distrust among buyers. Those. try to photograph your product or choose the most attractive photo for your service so that it inspires more confidence.

Remember that the image evokes a mood, under the influence of which a person will either buy the product or not. Make sure that the photo evokes the right, positive emotions.

When placing an image on a website, you need to clearly understand what role it plays. It can show the result or joy of using your product. Demonstrate the size of the product or its reality, or simply create the right mood. The main thing is to first come up with an idea and select an image in accordance with it.

2. Save the client from the agony of choice

An excess of decisions made in a short period of time tires a person. This is a fact confirmed by research. If you give the client too much big choice, he will leave the site without purchasing anything. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the options and, if possible, push the visitor to optimal solution using visual highlighting, that is, making a choice for him.

3. Introduce your team

Let the person get to know the employees of your company in advance. Post their photo and short biographies. This will significantly increase his confidence, and, consequently, sales. If there are no employees, then it’s okay, this point can be missed or your identity (the owner) can be used.

4. Product demonstration

Showcase your product. Or rather, the result of its use. The joy of people riding a bicycle, smooth skin after applying cream, shiny hair after shampoo. To do this, it is convenient to use not only photographs, but also presentations or videos. A person, being on your one-page website and reading the information, should already see himself with this product and already feel a kind of pleasant effect from using it. We are ruled by emotions, use it!

5. Social proof

The actions of others greatly influence a person. If a client sees that 100 people have already used your services, his desire to do the same will increase. Therefore, do not forget to include customer reviews, numbers and facts about the number of people who have already contacted you in your website design. Just try to publish real reviews, because the fake can be easily seen!

6. Indicate a call to action

Point to the call to action with an arrow. Simple, angry and extremely effective. The call to action can be a purchase or you just need to leave contact information to receive a price list or something else. People shouldn’t just leave your site. After all, you paid money to get it there, which means you have to extract it. maximum benefit from his time spent on the site.

7. Show the stages of work

They can be presented step by step in the form of a visual diagram with captions like: “You call us” - “We discuss what you need” - “We conclude an agreement” - “We get rid of your problem.” This helps you visualize the process of working with you and understand how easy everything will be.

8. Don't hide the cost

Even if it is difficult to calculate the final price of a product or service, show examples of ready-made solutions with a known cost. This will be much better than no prices at all. I don't understand those who don't show the price. After all, the client will recognize her anyway and will refuse if she doesn’t suit him, but then, on top of everything, time will also be spent talking with the client.

9. Use a map

Use interactive map indicating the location of your company. This is especially convenient if you have several branches. Your physical location also increases trust.

10. There should be nothing superfluous

On a one-page site, nothing should distract the visitor from the main goal. After all, you need to get an order, so guide the visitor step by step to the order. Think over the structure, think over the text, insert profitable and interesting offers for customers so that they cannot resist and leave their contact information or pay for the purchase.


In conclusion, I want to say that you need to try everything! You need to constantly test and calculate your testing costs. Use the Yandex Metrica counter to monitor how visitors behave on the site, to know what can be changed, etc. Constantly improve your one-page site and measure the results. Is not easy job, but if you want, you can do it!

Thank you for your attention! Ask your questions in the comments!

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


To begin with, I suggest you understand the terms. Landing page is landing page, which is seen by the user who follows the advertising link. It may be paid Google link AdWords, advertising banner, newsletter, etc.

They are used to increase the impact of advertising and increase the audience. Landing page also helps the user to concentrate and guarantees a higher conversion rate from advertising messages, and also motivates users to take the actions you need.

the main task- turn an ordinary Internet user interested in advertising offer, V real client companies.

Having decided to engage in promotion in search engines, you must understand that you will encounter a number of limitations:

  • Firstly, results can be achieved only for one semantic group key phrases.
  • Secondly, the chances of getting to the top for highly competitive queries are low.

Do you even need to make a landing page? Think twice.

For example, if we're talking about about the company’s sale of goods from any manufacturer, that is, the likelihood that the buyer will go to the site of this brand and will order products there, not from you.

The second nuance that can be called a disadvantage is the limited information presented on the landing page, which is offered to be received after filling out the form.

Because buyers for the most part have a suspicious attitude and some distrust of advertising pages, they can quickly leave it. But this can be avoided if you place it on the page positive reviews, recommendations, awards and company certificates.

How to correctly determine the semantic group of key phrases for landing page promotion

Let me give you an example using a group of key phrases:

promotion landing page

landing page promotion

promotion of a one-page website

landing page seo

It is visible to the naked eye that the semantic basis of the group of phrases is (landing page promotion). Also (landing page) and (landing page) are synonyms.

And, if you didn’t know, then (promotion), (promotion) and (seo) are also synonyms.

In the future, the meaning and essence of the page will not be spoiled by various additional words to the current key phrase:

landing page promotion reviews

landing page promotion methods

landing page promotion order

landing page promotion cost

promotion landing page price

landing page promotion in Yandex

landing page promotion on google

You can collect an impressive number of phrases with the word “landing”, but you shouldn’t promote one page on them. Here is an example of phrases that do not fit into the already selected group:

creation and promotion of landing page

landing page creation

order landing page

selling landing pages

landing page free download

create a landing page for free

ready-made landing pages

Ways to promote one-page sites

Or what we can influence when promoting a landing page

  1. entry into URL;
  2. title;
  3. description;
  4. keywords;
  5. entry in links;
  6. text on the website;
  7. external factors.

We will consider each of the points separately: how and in what way this or that list position can affect promotion. I’ll also tell you how to use new knowledge in practice and not make mistakes.

Entry in URL

Of course, at present this factor does not have such a strong influence on promotion, but still you should not ignore it.

And there is no need to worry about the fact that the domain will not be very beautiful - it is just a landing page, not a company website. The task of the landing page, as I already said, is to sell, and not to carry positioning.

Advice: Use the English version or transliteration from Russian. If you are not good at transliteration, use punto program switcher: select the desired text and hold down at the same time Alt keys and Scroll Lock.

You can also look at the search results to see how search engines recognize the words you need. IN search results robots usually highlight in bold words in transliteration that are understood as keywords.


This is a very significant ranking factor, so it’s worth paying a lot of attention to it.

  • Use the main key phrase at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Add words calling to action.
  • If you can’t avoid repeating a key phrase, then divide the repeated keys into two sentences.

Common mistakes:

  1. A spammy title is when keywords are repeated several times in one sentence.
  2. Incoherence - listing keywords without thought/logic.


Description is not a ranking factor in search engines, but is very important in order to improve the attractiveness of a site in search results.

But if you insert key phrases into the description, they will participate in the text ranking. It is worth using this if there is not enough text on the page to implement keywords


In general, it does not affect anything (and this has been stated more than once by the search engines themselves). However, like description, keywords are directly involved in text ranking. The lowest-frequency phrases or “complex” keywords, which are difficult to enter correctly without damaging the text, can be specified in keywords separated by commas.

Important: enter no more than 3-5 key phrases.

Entry in links

Keywords in anchors have a fairly impressive impact on rankings.

An “anchor” in html is a bookmark with an individual name in a certain place on a site page, so that you can go to it via a link. For example, you have a large informative web page and your task is to make navigation more convenient. To do this, you indicated the content at the very beginning, clicking on the items of which will immediately take you to the corresponding section of the page.

This is what we see in the code:

And this is the place where we need to move.

To work with subheadings and text, you need to divide them into groups semantic core- future text blocks

Example of text blocks on a landing page:

*basic keyword

main keyword what is it

main keyword definition

synonym - main keyword

*main keyword example

main keyword review

*how the main keyword works


According to optimization rules, H1 should be used no more than once on a page (one page cannot have two titles, right?).

What should H1 be? Keep it short, no more than 5 words. The main keyword must be included.

H2 and H3

Subheadings are very important in one-pagers, as search engines can use them as a title in search results. For each text block, you need to write a subheading in H2 or H3 (according to the logic of the landing page).

In the subheading you should use a key phrase that corresponds to the content of the block. Don't forget that content is created primarily for users, so keep an eye on how attractive and adequate (in terms of spam) your subheadings look.

Text on the site

For each group of key phrases on the landing page, a text block is written. When optimizing text, it is important not to overspam keywords; don’t be afraid to combine them

Given:key phrases

*main function keyword

main keyword operating principles

After merging:

*main keyword functions and operating principles

By the way, our other articles are full of tips on content, where the topic of keys and tricks is fully covered :) We were thinking about a thematic newsletter, but we don’t have time yet, so this is the most convenient

We will have a separate article about landing pages (selling landing pages), we really love this impudent format of making money. Now let’s talk about something else: what to do if you can’t do without a landing page, and it’s awkward to play according to the landing rules? How to make a one-page website and not make a mistake in the long run? Let's figure it out together with experts from.

One-page website: is one not a warrior in SEO?

A one-page website is created mainly for context. In this case, it works well, but not for long - while they advertise for it. However, not all business owners are happy with the short term; many want to secure competent search engine optimization. And then the question arises: is it possible to bring customers to a one-page website using SEO?

To start - brief educational program for those who consider a one-page page and a landing page to be equivalent concepts.

One page site(single page, single/one page website) Landing(landing page, landing page)
Not necessarily a landing page.

It is always one page, which can be navigated by scrolling or using links within the page.

It doesn't have to be a one-page site.
Landing can be like separate page, and be part of a full-fledged site. They often make mini-sites of 3-5 pages, each of which is a landing page. primary goal landing page― collecting contacts of a potential client or placing an order from the website.
One-page website (not landing page). Landing page (not one-page).

To the point - is it possible to promote a one-page website to the TOP?

One-page websites are created with the expectation of attracting active contextual, banner advertising, links to the site from press releases, mailings, social networks and other channels for receiving traffic that involve a provoked click on the link. SEO in in this caseadditional source, which can be improved in some respects, but you shouldn’t rely on it too much.

Matt Cutts when asked about regarding Google to one-page sites answered: “It all depends on the specific area, topic and type of site. But if a one-pager works for you and your users, it will work for Google.” Quite a vague answer, isn't it? Let's take a more specific look, based on the main search engine ranking factors and other indicators important for promotion.

Disadvantages of a one-page website from an SEO point of view

  • Loses to old multi-pagers

As a rule, single-page sites are young sites that over time either develop into full-fledged multi-page sites or disappear from view.

Search engines are distrustful of “young people”: a newly created resource in the future can be either good or a spam fly-by-night site. Therefore, they take a wait-and-see attitude towards newcomers and do not allow them to quickly reach the TOP, especially for high-frequency queries.

Regarding the age of the domain, Matt Cutts said that it matters, but not as much as it is given credit for. Quote: "Sites aged 6 months and 1 year are not too different for Google." But as practice shows, age still matters, not just as a fact, but in relation to the number of links, content updates and other positive ranking factors that a site can acquire over a long period of existence.

Google's "Information Search Based on Historical Data" patent states that the expiration date of a domain's registration also matters:

“Valuable domains are paid for years in advance, while useless domains are rarely used for more than a year. Therefore, the registration date of the domain term can be regarded as a factor in assessing the quality of the domain and the document posted on it.” ().

As for Yandex, many have heard about its “sandbox”, into which all young sites supposedly end up, but the search engine developers themselves do not comment on this information in any way, so you have to rely only on your own experience and stuffed cones. We can only say one thing - Yandex takes into account the age of the site as a ranking factor, considering adult resources more trustworthy. This is more of a recommendation than a law. But nevertheless it is taken into account. So, we checked 150,000 sites that are promoted using the SE Ranking service, and saw that about 93% host sites on domains more than 1.5 years old.


It is often advised to buy a domain with history, but the fact is that if search engines have not indexed a one-page website throughout its existence, such a domain will be of no use. There is one solution here - to practice preliminary site promotion: buy a domain in advance (for a period of more than a year) and place it on it good content. The site will be indexed (not only the age of the domain, but also the site will begin to increase), which means that by the time the project is launched, the one-page site will not be considered too young for search engines.

  • Covers few keywords.

A big mistake is trying to optimize a single page for a large number of queries, especially from different semantic groups. It doesn't give search engines understand which request your site is most relevant to.

For example, a company is engaged in repairs mobile phones, and also sells new ones. It will not be possible to optimize a one-page website for both services at the same time. Requests for a one-page website in this case are “phone repair”, “smartphone repair”, etc. And for sales you will have to create a separate one-page website. If you offer many different services, it is better to make a full-fledged website.


Promote your one-page website one or three at a time related requests(from one semantic group). Focus the user who visits the site on one product or service - dedicate the one-page page to a specific, albeit narrowly thematic, goal. For example, like on this Soviet poster.

On the one hand, it seems that the authority of a one-page website in the face of search engines should be very high, since all backlinks lead to one single page. And this would be so - in a world where backlinks flow like a continuous river to the same content. In reality, getting links organically without adding new content is very difficult.

First of all, let's divide Internet resources into two categories: commercial and non-commercial sites. They can be formed on a one-page structure, so we formulate the first conclusion - commercial orientation does not serve as a determining factor for advertising events. Coverage of activities is important for both selling landing pages and non-profit public organizations represented on the Internet with a laconic business card website.

We will divide them by topic taking into account the given condition - resources containing information on one page.

  • Business card website. Used by small companies for online presence. It is characterized by brevity of information and a limited amount of illustrating graphics.
  • A selling landing page built on the principle of “one page – one sentence”. It is distinguished by its structural design - optimized texts, explanatory graphics, motivating elements, stimulating the user to fulfill the goal intended by the developers - purchasing a product, ordering services or transmitting contact information.
  • Promo site. Used to promote a specific product or service within big project. As a rule, it works as an addition to a corporate or other large web resource. Traditionally saturated interactive elements, video content, graphic inserts– the entire arsenal of visual impact, capable of presenting the promoted product from the best angles.
  • Showcase site. The name implies a focus - the resource is not focused on sales, but only on presenting products to visitors. It is possible to implement a connection with sales pages, but this is not a prerequisite.
  • Creative portfolio. An advertising resource primarily used to display developments, achievements, and samples. Used to attract the attention of an interested audience.
  • Social and community initiatives. Such sites are information-oriented and promote the activities of their organizations.
  • Blogs and personal pages. Thanks to services offering free Internet hosting services, they are popular, in demand and often successful.

To formulate an advertising promotion strategy, we will divide the listed resources into two budget categories: in the first, we will place solvent companies that are ready to invest money in advertising, and in the second, those who are trying to get by with minimal costs and on their own.

Having divided resources into two categories, we will consider the strategy and tactics of conducting advertising events for each of them.

  • Although SEO optimization issues are not directly related to advertising, we highlight them as a strategic task common to everyone. Without taking into account financial investments and efforts expended, we state simple truth– a site that has not undergone optimization processes has no chance of running a successful advertising campaign.
  • For those who are ready to invest money. Develop a comprehensive advertising plan - balance the combination of contextual, banner and search capabilities offered by Yandex and Google services. Don't forget about the topic - find target audience easier on specialized resources. With a long advertising cycle, don’t forget to update the design of your ads - the concept of “banner blindness” did not originate empty space, users stop noticing the familiar ad. Take special care of video advertising – the market is developing and effective. The best way Don’t waste your advertising budget without results - contact a web agency with a request to prepare a commercial proposal. Based on the financial resources allocated for the campaign, you will be offered an optimal placement scheme and the goals achievable with its help will be determined.
  • For the second group, who prefer to make do on their own. Your chances of success are not doomed. Invention, imagination, initiative and patience - everything will work out if you really want it. The desire to save is your weakness... and your strength at the same time. Go on social networks - join groups, organize communities, post interesting materials, conduct surveys and competitions. Find thematic review platforms and post your articles on them. pay attention to viral advertisinginteresting picture or a video that is distributed by interested Internet users. Everyone knows photos with cats, of which everyone’s feed is full. social network– this is the most primitive example of viral distribution of content. Write articles, come up with advertising slogans - there is nothing more memorable than a witty and biting caption for an ordinary photo. Try to promote your interests on thematic forums, but be careful - moderators have a negative attitude towards direct and overt advertising. Run promotions and give gifts in exchange for contact information - collecting a database email addresses, you will be able to personally inform subscribers about your work.

How many people - so many opinions. There are as many options for advertising campaigns as there are sites. The first step that you are ready to take is important - to organize promotion with the help of advertising of your one-page site and climb another step on the ladder search ranking. Good luck!

Greetings, dear readers of my business project. As always, webmaster Alexander is in touch with you. This article is part of a series of articles.
In the last article >>> we looked at a live example of how in 1.5 years I managed to create a network of projects based on the social network VKontakte with a profitability of more than 500,000 rubles per month.
I strongly recommend that you read it carefully

Today, we will talk about the direction that has firmly taken second position in my Internet business.

II place
Earning money on one-page sites
(Landing Page)

“Buy or die” - this is exactly the slogan for one-page websites that was suggested to me at one of the master classes. And this statement has some basis! Of course in a figurative sense! But the reality is that the conversion rate of landing pages is many times higher than that of regular websites.
Conversion rate is 5%, this is considered the minimum for a landing page. And this despite the fact that on ordinary sites, the conversion is a maximum of 1-2%. On good one-pagers, conversion can reach up to 40%!

How to make money on one-page websites?

On this moment There are only two models for making money on one-page websites:
1) You are promoting your services or business through such a site.
2) You sell physical goods through such a site.

What business should you promote through one-page websites?

There are no fundamental restrictions here, but you need to remember one significant disadvantage of one-page sites: as a rule, one-page sites are not adapted for SEO optimization. What does this mean for us? And the fact is that we will need to buy all the traffic to this site. And as a rule, this traffic comes from Yandex Direct, where the price of one click can reach up to $8.
Let's take average$1 per click.
100 clicks = 100$
Out of 100 clicks = 5 conversions ( potential clients)
Out of 5 potential clients, 1-2 will pay.
We find that the minimum profit from one transaction must be at least 3,000 rubles.
Of course, if you are a Yandex Direct master and know how to make a click for $0.03, then the numbers for you will be completely different. But for beginners, I do not recommend starting a POISON company for goods where the income from one sale is less than 3,000 rubles!

How to choose a product to promote through one-page sites?

Before we continue, let's take a closer look at an example of a one-page site:

Let's look at these bestsellers of 2014:

Let's remember the feelings we experience when we see something like this...
What thoughts do we have?
“Wow, cool stuff!” or “I haven’t seen this before”, “This would be a great gift!” etc.
Plus, added to this is not such a high price... As a rule, it is no more than 990 rubles.
And we press the “ORDER!” button.

Now let's figure it all out!
I have come up with several criteria that a product sold through one-page sites must meet. So let's get started:
1) Your product must be unusual! And not just unusual - you can’t just go and buy it in a store.
2) Your product must cost up to 1980 rubles! Yes! Yes! Exactly, 1980! Not 2000 rubles, but 1980! You can argue about this all you want, but it really works. Let's do this nice bonus to the buyer, like 20 rubles. Firstly, you will not become poor, and secondly, as dozens of tests have shown, “uneven price” greatly increases website conversion!
3) And ideally it should cost up to 1800 rubles, more precisely 1780

Let's look at the Case:
Natalya Ermolaeva
Saint Petersburg
Turnover for three months: 500,000 rubles
Website: http://www.happyqueen.ru/

What was done:
Natalya has already arrived with ready-made landing page, but it had several bugs that we quickly corrected. One of these shortcomings was the lack of a selling video on the first screen. (That is, when a person visits the site, he should immediately see an advertising video in front of him).
After my recommendation to add a video, the page conversion increased 5 times! If before this Natalya received only 1-2 orders per week from teaser networks, then after the introduction of this feature (selling videos on the first screen), the number of orders increased to 5-7 pieces per week.

At the next stage, we thought through a strategy for launching an affiliate program:
— Advertising banners were developed.
— Selling texts have been prepared.
— Prepared Personal Area for partners.
— A more simplified order form has been prepared.
The next step was to launch affiliate program across several large communities on VKontakte.

The result can be seen in this screenshot:

225 orders
the cost of purchasing goods is 850 rubles. a piece.
850 * 225 = 191250 for purchase.
Remuneration to the partner for a sold order: 350 rubles.
350 * 225 = 78,750 rub.
Total costs: 270,000 rubles
439230 – 270 000 = 169,230 rubles. Net profit.
Over three months of massive promotion, demand for wholesale supply of this product. In total, 3 wholesale transactions were made for 60,000 rubles. The profit from each was 20,000 rubles.
Total: 169,230 + 20,000 = 189,230 rubles. Total net profit.

This, dear friends, is how we made money on one-page websites.

And finally, we have come close to our honorable third place in the “TOP 3 ways to start a business on the Internet” rating. Today we will talk about a method that has an undeniable advantage compared to other online business models. Namely, if in the past two cases you were required to at least minimum investment, for example, to promote a group or purchase goods, then here you can start with complete zero, without any investment! And today we will talk about the website creation business (without programming skills)

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