Social media etiquette: What you shouldn’t post on the Internet and how not to harm yourself. How to be tactful on social networks? Differences from normal communication

Social networks are used today for dating and flirting, discussing sensitive topics, and doing business. For many, the Internet has replaced real communication. Virtual life follows its own rules that must be observed. Most of the rules of communication in in social networks are aimed at improving interactions between people, making them safer and more enjoyable.

virtual communication

People learn social interaction from childhood. Network communications are subject to the same laws. You can make a good impression on your virtual interlocutors only by remaining tactful, polite, and friendly. We have formulated several tips on the topic: “How to communicate correctly on social networks.” These recommendations will help you create a reputation as a person who is pleasant in all respects.

Never do not behave intrusively, asking friends and subscribers for reposts and likes. Such requests cause irritation and a desire to limit communication. When posting information on your social network page that is submitted by strangers, try to check its relevance. Perhaps the photo of the lost child was posted five years ago. During this time, the baby managed to be found. Why draw people's attention to an alarming but long-past event?

Try not to make your personal life public. Stories about problems in relationships can be told to a very limited circle of people. Posting messages about events from your personal life on your wall on social networks is hardly worth it. The problems will end sooner or later, but the impression of you as a person who does not know how to control himself will remain. In addition, there may be attackers who want to take advantage of the situation and gain confidence.

How to have a private conversation

Through personal messages on social networks, you can communicate with friends or classmates who live in other cities and countries. But such correspondence has its own characteristics. Therefore, if a person does not respond to a message immediately, do not rush to be offended by him or blame him for being slow. Perhaps your friend is “offline” or simply forgot to leave the page, distracted by other matters.

When starting a conversation, always greet your interlocutor broadly. A short “Hello” or “Hello” sounds a little dismissive. Better use expressions like “Good afternoon.” Addressing your interlocutor by name creates an atmosphere of friendly communication, putting the person in a positive mood. This is especially important if your plans go beyond regular online correspondence.

Literacy never hurt anyone

If you want your words to be listened to, learn to write meaningfully and competently, especially since it is not difficult to do this now. User errors made in printed text are checked by the Word program, which highlights all clerical errors and typos. All you have to do is pay attention to the tips and use them. Multiple errors in the text are annoying, suggesting that the person lacks a basic education. Agree, it is unlikely that such an opinion about you will create a good reputation.

The modern Internet - slang is replete with many abbreviations and deliberately distorted funny words. Network jargon undoubtedly has a right to life, but we should not forget that the main goal of communication is to be understood. Therefore, you can use slang to shorten correspondence only where it is accepted. Show off on forums with your knowledge of abbreviations like “IMHO” (“In my humble opinion" - "In my humble opinion"), "NFC" ("Near Field Communication" - "near field communication") or "LOL" (very funny) are not necessary. In addition, many people simply do not know the meaning of these abbreviations.

Strengthening written language

An oral story carries an emotional overtones because it is accompanied by gestures or changes in intonation. Conveying your feelings through a short text is much more difficult. You can express your attitude to what is happening using special icons - emoticons. However, you should not abuse them. Pictures should not replace words, so that the interlocutor does not decide that you are simply too lazy to type text.

Sometimes the emotionality of the discussion goes off scale and people begin to use amplification techniques writing. If this is observed, there is nothing wrong with using succinct epithets and apt comparisons. But here a large number of exclamation and question marks, as well as spelling words in capital letters, is perceived by interlocutors as an increase in tone during a normal conversation. On most forums, by the way, the use of “CAPSA” (button caps lock) forbidden.

Communication culture

If you don’t want to be branded as an ill-mannered rude person, never do not use profanity. Swear words look unattractive, even when they are simply spoken. But the text posted online will be read by hundreds of people participating in the discussion or visiting the page. Needless to say, when communicating with subscribers or virtual friends You can only touch on decent topics. The reputation of a cynical, cheeky person will not decorate anyone.

Having started personal correspondence, it is advisable do not delay in responding to a message. Waiting is annoying, negating the beauty of the conversation. If you were not the initiator of the correspondence, try to respond to the message within 24 hours. The culture of interpersonal communication involves polite manners. If you contact a person with a request or for clarification of information, always say “Thank you!” after you have been answered.

What you should not report online

Personal information on social networks

Provide your personal information, especially your phone number, with caution. No one can guarantee that a new acquaintance will turn out to be an adequate person. Changing a SIM card due to intrusive night calls or SMS is a troublesome task. Always remember that there are just as many scammers online as there are in real life. Don't give your number to anyone bank card or a control code from it. When paying for services, delete the data, otherwise it may become the property of attackers.


On their Internet pages, beauties strenuously demonstrate their own charms: the result of the work of cosmetologists, hairdressers, and nail art specialists. Such behavior suggests that young ladies are too fixated on the perception of themselves in the eyes of others. If your goal is not to create the image of a silly woman dependent on other people's opinions, limit yourself to a small number of frames good quality. You should not publish your candid photos on the Internet, even if you hide them with privacy settings. If intimate footage becomes public, your loved ones are unlikely to like it.

I would like to remind young people that girls are impressed by their sharp mind, good upbringing, and sense of humor. But a photograph against the backdrop of someone else’s expensive car will only cause a condescending smile. It’s also not a good idea to post pictures online from parties where you drink alcohol or fool around.

Posting photos of food is considered bad manners today. Pictures of homemade dishes are good on a culinary blog, but not on an Instagram page. Virtual and real friends your menu is not interesting.

About other people

Before you post photos of your party, ask people you know if they want their images to be shared online. Perhaps what seems like harmless fun to you will become serious incriminating evidence for another person. Never tag people in a photo without their permission. If you know online friends in real life, do not share any information about them. A person will independently tell about himself when he considers it necessary.

About your location

Keep your vacation plans secret and do not rush to publish photos from the seaside if the apartment is left unattended at this time. The information can be used by burglars who look for victims through social networks. For the same reasons, you should not post your daily schedule or voice your plans for the weekend.

About children

Any parents want to brag about their child to others. However, for the safety of children, do not post their movements or activities outside the home on social media. 2-3 photos with discreet comments will be enough. If the child is no longer small, respect his personal space. You should not post photographs of a teenager on the Internet without his permission, and it is even more unnecessary to publish photographs of him at an earlier age, even if you find them quite funny.

What can harm your reputation?

It proceeds according to special rules. Particularly heated battles take place in political discussions. Each of us has own opinion on this or that issue, but not everyone is able to stand up for it with consistency. Many people find it difficult to restrain themselves, especially when they are sure that the interlocutor is wrong or poorly informed. However, even with such communication, maintain decorum. There are several rules that will allow you to defend your own point of view without spoiling the mood for yourself and others:

  • do not troll people in the discussion, provoking negative emotions;
  • do not blame or slander your interlocutor, this will only show your bad character;
  • calmly argue your point of view;
  • challenge your interlocutor’s opinion without getting personal;
  • do not insult those arguing with you, they have the right to their own point of view.

If you understand that the discussion goes beyond the bounds of decency, calmly explain to your interlocutor that you do not intend to continue communication on this wavelength. There is no need to stoop to the level of a poorly behaved person, because the general discussion will be seen by hundreds of people on the Internet, among whom may be your good friends.

You should not correspond while drunk, so as not to say too much. After drinking alcohol, it is better not to look at social networks at all, so as not to later explain to your friends that yesterday’s stupid statuses were written not by you, but by five glasses of Martini. Please note that your inappropriate behavior may be witnessed by people with whom you intersect in real life: friends, relatives, bosses.

If offline life intersects with online

Make it a rule to decide important questions at real communication, especially if we're talking about about relationships with the opposite sex. Don't announce your breakup online. Someone once close to you undoubtedly deserves an explanation for what happened. Tell your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend about the reasons for your action.

After the first date with a virtual acquaintance, it is also better to immediately announce your decision. If you don’t plan to date a guy or girl any further, say so when you say goodbye. Be sure to thank them for the meeting and wish them a successful search for their other half. There is no need to make a person wait for messages or expect a meeting.

Meeting offline with virtual friends

Today people of all ages are interested in virtual dating on the Internet. Most people find it very attractive to communicate with the opposite sex while remaining at home in front of the monitor screen. But when correspondence goes beyond the usual online flirting, the question of meeting in real life arises. Communication via the Internet creates a deceptive feeling of intimacy. But in practice it is often virtual dating, which have flown offline, turn into crime stories. Therefore, do not rush to invite a new friend home. Choose crowded places where you will feel safe.

The simple rules given here will allow you to successfully communicate on social networks, creating a pleasant impression among your virtual acquaintances. Please note that careless statements on sensitive topics or naughty photos on the Internet can cause permanent damage to your business reputation. Remember that in addition to the rules of etiquette, there are rules of law. Avoid information that could be perceived as promoting violence or inciting unrest.

The number of profiles on social networks is growing rapidly. Look around at your friends, relatives and colleagues - almost everyone has a page on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook. Communication on social networks can bring pleasure, the joy of meeting those you haven’t seen for a long time or seeing the one you were in love with in the 5th grade.

The popularity of social networks has led to the fact that in order to analyze the qualities of an applicant when applying for a job, many HR managers search for and view profiles on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, and VKontakte. Your manager, colleagues or relatives can also view what you write or what photos or videos you post online. Thus registering or filling various information You need to remember your page on any social network because of the impression they can make on your friends, colleagues and other people.

The consequences of communicating and posting on a blog or Facebook page can be unpredictable, so content own page and all communication on social networks must comply with certain rules. By following these rules, you will show respect for other Facebook users, make a good impression on those who are interested in your personality, and ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

In general, the rules of communication in networks are similar to the usual rules of communication at work, in a supermarket or on the street. Unfortunately, many users, due to the nature of communication on the Internet, forget about basic rules good manners and personal safety. Don’t forget that your profile can be viewed by almost anyone, and with any intentions, so adhere to a certain social network user code, and then communication on Facebook, classmates and other networks will only be beneficial and bring positive emotions.

By the way, positive emotions can be found not only on social networks, but also in the game game consoles. If you are choosing which model to choose, we can recommend the K-Magic Combo game console. If you buy this for yourself gaming device- it will give you a lot of vivid impressions.

Communication Rule #1 - Your real name.

When registering on a popular social network, follow the rules that are established for users - register under your real name (Facebook, VKontakte and many other networks ask for this).
Naturally, you can play around and register a profile with a completely unreal nickname or a fictitious name. But if you intend to look for friends, colleagues, classmates or communicate with acquaintances from foreign countries, establish business contacts, you must register under your real name. This will make it easier and more convenient for everyone. Moreover, social networks and blogs are intended specifically for communicating with acquaintances and friends, and not for trolling and sending spam.

Communication Rule No. 2 - Avatar, personal photos and videos.

Communication Rule #3 - Text messages and similar information.

We all have very different moods and states. Someone has fallen into depression, someone is recovering from yesterday's party, someone has met an interesting girl or two at once. This may be very interesting to your friends or colleagues. But remember that you don’t know who exactly is viewing your profile or who is hiding behind unfamiliar nicknames or even a completely ordinary photograph and the name Vasya Morkovkin. Therefore, you should only open personal records to those in whom you are truly confident.

Sometimes, even when communicating with friends, you need to be extremely correct and careful; be sure to keep in mind that any materials on the Internet can be easily copied and shown to someone who should not see them. Therefore, just as in the case of photos and videos, before you write something, ask yourself - is it worth doing? Out of respect for your readers and friends, try to write positive things, this will attract people to you and lift everyone's spirits.

Communication Rule #4 - Friend Requests.

When sending or accepting a friend request, be polite. If you receive an offer from a stranger, look at his profile; perhaps you have known each other for a long time or have crossed paths through work, study or business. A friend request quite often only means that you and your posts or photos are simply interesting to this user. After reading the profile of the person who sent the friend request, you have the right to accept or not accept the proposal, but in any case, do it as politely as possible and do not ask too many questions - good users(not trolls or spammers) indicate everything necessary information about yourself in your profile.

Communication Rule #5 - Pages and Groups.

You should not add other users to groups without first agreeing with them. Do you like this attitude towards yourself? Golden Rule reality: “Treat others as you treat yourself” also works on the Internet.

Communication Rule No. 6 - No spam!

Communication Rule No. 7 - Communicate on decent topics.

Social networks like Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or all kinds of blogs are not intended for sexual dating. Naturally, you can meet and meet in real life with anyone, but still do not forget about the specifics of social networks - friendly communication. To find a sexual partner there is special services and websites.

Communication Rule No. 8 - Likes and competition.

It is no secret that many of the difficulties of communication in real life are also reflected in communication online. Many fairly adult people compete with each other on the number of friends; I often add just anyone, including banal brands, stores, and absolutely strangers. The result of such actions will be a folder full of spam and other nonsense with personal messages and regular headaches due to putting things in order on your profile pages.

The same goes for likes - you shouldn’t write to strangers or people you barely know and ask them to like your messages, photos or videos. Take care of your and other people's time. Offers to purchase any products or invitations to events should not be sent to everyone - send them to those who really need them.

An educational video about what you may encounter when communicating on social networks.

0 comments 05/10/17

For many of us, communication on social networks has long gone beyond the scope of non-binding entertainment. Internet communication has become an important, and for some, a mandatory form of interaction with other people. Global network- this is a special environment that differs in many ways from real life.

In this article I will talk about the basic rules of conduct on social networks. Knowledge of psychological subtleties will allow you to bypass all the traps virtual world and create a positive image in the eyes of others.

An ethical person is ethical everywhere, including on social networks

Compliance general rules Ethics in online communication is just as important as in real life. Our manners are the cornerstone on which a person's image is built. When conducting personal correspondence or discussing in comments, avoid familiarity, use “you” and, if appropriate, tactfully switch to “you”.

Network communication has erased the usual boundaries; on the Internet we often communicate with people of a different nationality, race, and religion. It is important to remember that a tactful person will never place inappropriate emphasis on these features, as well as unnecessarily touch on potentially sensitive topics: politics, the unacceptability of religious views, etc.

Politeness and courtesy are your main weapons on the battlefields of social networks.

I have repeatedly been convinced that public discussions on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and even intelligent Facebook are increasingly reminiscent of battles. Even if you find yourself in a crisis communication situation, remember - politeness and tact are your main counteraction to aggression and anger. Learn to “filter out” provocative discussions (trolling) and ignore them - this is perhaps the most important skill and the main rule of behavior on social networks. “Don’t feed the trolls” can be difficult; you need to be able to curb your emotions, not succumb to aggression and understand that communicating with a provocateur is a waste of time and emotional energy.

Untimely answers create anxiety in the interlocutor

When you are asked questions, don't forget to answer them. Late responses and lack of response on social networks keep a person in a state of uncertainty. This often creates anxiety and false interpretations in your counterpart. Typical reaction to unread letter, usually, is: “They don’t answer me because they ignore me or this person is not interested in me.” In fact, at this moment the interlocutor is simply busy with important matters or other thoughts.

Literacy works for your image

You can work on your online image for a long time, but everything comes to nothing if a person writes with errors. Language-tied sentences, spelling mistakes and neglect of punctuation immediately catch the eye and repel many interlocutors. If you are not 100% confident in your literacy, use programs automatic check spelling, and also proofread the typed text well. In correspondence, avoid long and ornate sentences. Write simply, but as specifically as possible, so that the interlocutor can grasp the essence of your message.

How to be tactful on social networks?

Don't overdo it with self-promotion and don't be pushy - this important rule behavior on social networks. It, like any advertising, in excessive quantities begins to irritate other people. It can be expressed in boastfulness, exaggeration of one’s merits, and excessive posting of photographs.

Publish and repost information on your page whose truth is beyond any doubt. This is especially important given the increase in the number of fake news, fraudulent schemes for siphoning off money, and so on. By publishing everything on your page, you will look naive in the eyes of readers and quickly lose their trust.

Security and social networks: rules of conduct

Every Internet user is surrounded by potential risks: he may suffer from scammers, malicious content, virus programs or become a victim of virtual stalking, the problem of which is currently becoming increasingly urgent.

Cyberstalking on the Internet can take many forms: from systematic harassment, to threats to meet in real life or virtual harassment. The best way to protect yourself from the attacks of ill-wishers - do not tell anything and everything about yourself. Do not publish addresses, phone numbers and other contact information on social network profiles. Follow the rules of network ethics and do not provoke dubious interlocutors with rude answers. If a person remains obsessive, add him to the “black list” of contacts. Refrain from confidential communication with people you do not know well.

With the development of technology, our world is becoming more and more virtual. We noticed how quickly we got used to email, Skype and social networks. Less and less time is spent communicating with friends on the phone, because you can write a message and send a photo. More and more often we stay at home in the evenings at the computer, instead of going out, and we follow the lives of our friends on the news on social networks.

Social media

The most popular is Facebook. It has 1.3 billion users and was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. Users share their information, photos, thoughts. It is possible to create interest groups, as well as pages of what you like.
All users from Russia know VKontakte. It is also the most popular Russian-language network. Created by Pavel Durov in 2006. Has 342 million monthly active users. It is probably difficult to find a Russian person who is not registered on VKontakte. This social resource captured all the inhabitants of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Users constantly update statuses, music, photos. A lot of interest groups are being created, these include cinema, music, sports, books and so on. Most registered users take an active part in the life of this Internet resource, and for many this has become a necessity.
Odnoklassniki is the second most popular social network in Russia. Launched in March 2006 by Albert Popkov. The user audience is more than 205 million people. Since July 4, 2013, the project is available on English language.
My world from Mail Ru Group. A small social network that is available to users who have account by postal Mail service ru.

There are also many interest networks where everyone can find interlocutors and friends in a certain circle of hobbies. For example, Instagram, where users share their photos, can add friends, and comment on updates. Every user registered on Instagram literally tells his life through photographs: where he was, what he ate, what he wore today. The Myspace portal is mostly populated by musicians and stars. Flics is another photo community.

There are also a lot of dating sites where people meet and communicate. There are specialized sites where people get acquainted with specific purpose, such as marriage and starting a family. Popular Russian-language sites: LovePlanet, Mamba.

Rules of communication

On the website of any social network you can find rules of conduct on this resource; usually you agree to them when registering. This is a copyright, privacy and legal notice. Russian Federation(for Russian-language sites).

The user must not:

  • Create fake accounts.
  • Insult your interlocutors
  • Distribute false information.
  • Distribute advertising information in the form of spam mailings.
  • Distribute malware.
  • Disseminate information containing: propaganda of criminal activity, threats, obscene materials, scenes of violence.
  • It is illegal to post personal materials of third parties without their consent.

The user is obliged:

  • Report any violations to the site administration.
  • Do not provide your account login and password to other persons.
  • Bear full responsibility for the information posted on his page.
  • When registering, provide accurate information.
  • Comply with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation.


The Internet has made our lives much easier. Messages arrive in a second, all the necessary information can be found quite quickly. On the one hand, it is very convenient. But there is also a minus - these are social networks. It is difficult to find people who are not registered on at least one such site. The idea of ​​​​creating a social network was the opportunity to communicate with people and share their information (photos, recordings, videos). Over time, communication on virtual sites began to become an addiction.


You have a constant need to go to your page, check messages, even if you know that no one should write to you.
You spend all your time reading news and looking at the pages of other users, waiting for their information to update.
You need to update your status daily, as well as publish photos of how you spend your time.
You spend a lot of time playing apps, trying to level up in the game.
You have alerts on all devices: phone, computer, Email, messengers.
When you sit down at your computer to check your email, you spend most of your time on a social networking site.

Dealing with this is not that difficult. First, try turning off notifications about new messages and updates. Every time you try to visit a resource site, try to do more useful things: read a book, learn a new foreign language, or at least watch a movie. Next, try not visiting your page for one day. Spend more time with your friends, stop texting, if you want to talk, just call. After some time, you will realize that real life much better than virtual. Just imagine how many things you could do without spending time on a social networking site.

Electronic communication has become an integral element of social activity modern man. The growing popularity of electronic networks has necessitated a revision of the phenomenology of communication, taking into account new technological capabilities. The attention of researchers is drawn to the peculiarities of communication in electronic networks, as well as the influence of the latter on users. For example, N.N. Bogomolova identifies a number of features of communication in the context mass communication, she includes among them: mediation of communication technical means, communication big social groups, lack of immediate feedback, the presence of a mass, anonymous, disparate audience, etc. L.N. Moon points out that there are “communication breakdowns” of perception on the Internet; the absence of emotions and behavioral responses leads to a number of difficulties in the mutual perception of the interlocutor and the construction of his image.

Among the psychological features of Internet communication, the following are most often noted:

Increased verbal activity caused by the almost complete disappearance of communication barriers and the inability to communicate silently.

Discontinuity and mosaic of communication. People involved in rapid communication, in the absence of visual and auditory information, perform short and egocentric communicative acts.

Specific communication etiquette, new language.

Emotional communication: In an attempt to compensate for the lack of nonverbal communication, users often write messages that include words and icons that indicate emotions.

Emotional state during communication.

The experience of “flow”, which is distinguished by the following features: immersion in an activity, a change in the object of activity, a feeling of pleasure, loss of the sense of time, a sense of control over the situation.

Thus, Internet communication is a special type of communication that has the following features: verbal activity, fragmentation, specific communication etiquette, emotionality, possible anonymity.

Internet communication is a special type of communication that has certain characteristics: increased verbal activity, fragmentation, a specific language of communication, emotionality.

It was revealed that respondents quite often access the Internet for various purposes: to search necessary information, for study, for communication, entertainment. Respondents have an ambiguous attitude towards communication on the Internet: there are both positive attitudes and characteristics (“easy”, “convenient”, “reduces the distance between people”), and negative ones (“fake”, “deception”, “takes a lot of time”) . The significant differences between communication on the Internet and “real” communication are also emphasized.

Information was also received on what the Internet means for men and women. The Internet for men is mainly a source of information, entertainment, work, “a way to kill time”; for women it is primarily a source of information, as well as a way of spending time and communicating. Thus, for both men and women, the Internet is primarily a source of information and also acts as a way of spending time, but men also noted that the Internet for them is work, which is not the case for women.

As for sites of interest to respondents, there is a wide variety, but the most frequently mentioned site by respondents is the social network Vkontakte.

Scientists have also identified the main goals of communication between men and women with representatives of their own and the opposite sex. Women, compared to men, have more diverse goals in communicating with members of the same sex. The most common purposes are the exchange of information (mostly of an informal nature), as well as maintaining and establishing relationships. For male respondents, the goals of exchanging information are more typical and there are practically no goals for establishing and maintaining contacts.

Regarding the goals of communication with representatives of the opposite sex, the following features can be noted. Male respondents pursue the goals of establishing and maintaining relationships to a greater extent and the goals of information exchange are practically not represented (as opposed to the goals present in communication with representatives of their own sex). Female respondents equally pursue the goals of exchanging information and establishing relationships (and establishing relationships as friendly, friendly and romantic to an equal extent).

It is also necessary to note the differences in the purposes of establishing relationships between men and women. Male respondents are more focused on intimate relationships. For female respondents, these goals are not clearly represented.

Additionally, data was obtained on what informal and business topics respondents communicate on most often. The most popular informal topics among female respondents are topics about love, relationships, members of the opposite sex; among male respondents - topics of sports, leisure, relationships, music. Based on the data obtained, it can be noted that female respondents are more likely to touch on topics directly related to interactions with other people (relationships, the opposite sex, etc.). Male respondents tend to focus more on activities (sports, music, etc.) rather than people.

The most popular business topics among both female and male respondents are topics of study and work.

It was found that for women in informal Internet communication on social networks, the most attractive actions are those associated with the emotional richness of the message (use graphic images emotions - “emoticons”, compliments). In informal communication with a representative of the same sex, men are attracted by the interlocutor’s putting forward arguments and counterarguments during the communication process; When communicating with representatives of the opposite sex, various actions related to both the form and content of the message and its emotional component are attractive.

In business communication, men and women (in communication with representatives of both their own and the opposite sex) are attracted by the presence of argumentation, as well as high degree expansion of the message. In addition, for men, compliments addressed to them are attractive from the opposite sex, and from the same sex, the manifestation of persistence in defending their positions.

It can be noted that in business communication, actions typical for men are noted as attractive actions, while in informal communication both actions more often used by men and actions more often used by women are noted. This may be due to gender role stereotypes: men are more successful in the professional sphere, while family roles are most important for women. Thus, in business Internet communication, actions that are considered typically masculine will be attractive, which creates the impression of success of the interlocutor in matters of a business nature.

The findings that women will be more attracted to emotional manifestations, while men will be more attracted to the content and form of the message, can be interpreted based on the results of the study by A.V. Vizgina and S.R. Pantileeva. The authors, as a result of analyzing the self-descriptions of men and women, found that the emotionality of the text is perceived differently by men and women. The emotionality of the text for men is an indicator of some psychological distress; and vice versa, restrained, unexpressive, rather formal texts speak of self-confidence and balance. The emotionality of the text for women acts as a sign of sociability. An unemotional text may indicate unsociability, lack of self-confidence, or overdeveloped masculinity. The authors suggest that the roots of this difference lie in the different attitudes of men and women to social norms. For men, emotionality is an indicator of the breakdown of the normative framework of restraint and self-control; for women this is a natural characteristic of communication. Thus, men and women in Internet communications are attracted to partners who correspond to their understanding of emotionality. For women, the emotionality of the text means the partner’s sociability, self-confidence; accordingly, emotionality on the part of representatives of both the same and the opposite sex attracts women. For men, emotionality is perceived as trouble and lack of self-confidence of a communication partner. Therefore, displays of emotionality on the part of members of the same sex are perceived by men as unattractive. However, men are loyal to the manifestation of emotionality on the part of representatives of the opposite sex and even consider these manifestations attractive.

Thus, Internet communication has certain characteristics, including gender specificity.