Directum replace a file in a document. Search order

DIRECTUM company announces the release of DIRECTUM 5.5. The new version is aimed at building the interaction of different ECM systems within one organization, implementing a single process from document creation to approval with counterparties, and improving the usability of working in the system. We paid attention to users, developers and administrators: we refreshed the interface, simplified the development of web modules by moving away from .NET as much as possible, developed a new solution for intersystem interaction, as well as a new connector to 1C.

Modern web client

IN new version We have made working in the web client as simple and convenient as possible by updating the interface:

To relieve the user's workspace, basic actions such as creating, launching and searching for objects have been moved to top part conductor:

In addition, they abandoned the tape. Now a more compact action bar is used:

As you noticed, the appearance of object cards has also changed; in particular, bookmarks have been moved to the top of the screen.

For more information about what's new in the version for users, see the video.

Lightweight desktop client

The desktop client also did not stand aside. For more comfortable work We have updated the colors, covers and icons:

To ensure that frequently used folders are quickly accessible, on top level and place them in a convenient order. After upgrading to the new version, folders that were previously in the folder panel will automatically be pinned to the top level of the tree:

Even if you exit DIRECTUM, the system will remember which top-level folders were expanded.

Every organization conducts newsletters and employee notifications, resulting in a large number of notifications. To avoid overloading Explorer folders, it is better to delete notifications after reading them. Using the new button Read and delete you can easily deal with this:

If you do not use the preview, you can remove the link to the notification from its card using the button Remove link. The link will be removed from the folder from which the notification was opened.

For comfortable work on monitors with high resolution in Explorer.

In addition, we simplified the folder icons and navigation bar, updated the design of route diagrams to improve clarity: in view mode we simplified the list of actions on the ribbon and removed the alignment grid.

We also changed the appearance of statuses and removed seconds that took up useful space in the date columns. You can now enable a preview pane in the Related Documents window.

Easy web module development

In version 5.5, we focused on simplifying the modification of web modules: now you will less often resort to .NET and JS development, since most of the improvements for the web client can be done using the usual ISBL.

Calculations in events“Form-card.Display”, “Record.Opening”, “Before selection”, “After selection”, “Data set.Opening” will be picked up automatically in the web client. This means that you don’t have to write calculations in .NET to hide and control the availability of details, to filter data when selecting the value of a property and opening a directory.

Often, in order to perform any client-side actions using the Web Access Client API, it was necessary to get the value of an application constant. This could only be done using a special web service or script, while sending additional request to the server. Now the web developer will be able to use the value of the constant in calculations by checking the box Available in the Web Access Client API in the desktop client:

Development of the developer tool

In previous versions, in order to perform ISBL calculations in the web client with parameters and the returned result, it was necessary to use scripts and functions that were created separately from the current component. In DIRECTUM 5.5, all calculations are stored in one object - applied method, which has parameters and a return result. provide easy reuse of calculations, thereby simplifying desktop and web development.

We'll talk about other changes in the next article.

Unified mechanism for working with documents

DIRECTUM 5.5 will allow you to organize the entire process of working with a document: approval within the company, sending to counterparties through the exchange system, control of the return of the document and storage in the EDMS:

After the document has been approved within the company, a standard route will automatically be launched to send documents to the counterparty. The functionality of electronic exchange with counterparties can now be easily into any standard routes using application dialogs and standard route blocks.

In addition, from version 5.5, the technical solution “Electronic archive of financial documents” has been transferred to the standard DIRECTUM delivery as . The electronic archive stores documents, coordinates primary accounting documents and prepares for various audits.

Thus, the entire process of internal and external document flow will be continuous, transparent to the user and easy to configure at each stage.

Sending and receiving documents from exchange systems is also supported in the web client.

The “Integration with exchange systems” module itself has been renamed to “Exchange with counterparties”. In addition, work with organizations that work with several exchange systems has been implemented through:

Intersystem communication

Large companies use business processes that connect users and objects of parent and subsidiary organizations. For example, subsidiaries negotiate contracts with the parent organization, and the head office sends instructions to the subsidiaries. To ensure transparency of such processes at the level of the entire corporation, DIRECTUM offers a new solution for interaction different systems within one group of companies - DIRECTUM Cross-System Interchange(DCI), or Mechanisms of intersystem interaction.

In DIRECTUM 5.5, DCI mechanisms allow you to configure the process of interaction between different instances of the DIRECTUM system, as well as organize not only end-to-end business processes, but also synchronization of directories. IN next versions Support for other systems is planned:

New connector to 1C:Enterprise 8

In version 5.5, a new connector to accounting system"1C:Enterprise". Unlike the previous connector, it uses Universal data exchange mechanism in XML format , and also allows you to synchronize large amounts of data from 1C to DIRECTUM in the form of XML files, provides the developer with a convenient mechanism for changing a data package using calculations in the ISBL language, supports loading data into DIRECTUM using key details and much more.

The scheme for loading data from 1C to DIRECTUM using the new connector may look like this:

If your organization has already purchased a license for a 1C connector, a license for a new connector will not be required. Support for the old connector will continue, but functionality development is not planned.

Stable connection between client and session server

Improved operation of the IS-Builder platform in conditions of loss or complete absence communication between the client and the session server.

Thus, if the connection between the session server and the client is interrupted for a long time, its session now does not terminate, but goes into the state No connection. In this case, the session ceases to occupy the license, and object locks are retained if possible. The user can wait until the connection is restored or forcefully close the client part.

Previously, when the client computer went into sleep mode or hibernation, the connection with the server session was broken, and when resuming work, the user experienced errors. The session will now enter the state Sleep mode, in which it will continue to occupy the license, object locks will remain.

Other changes

    In the folder history, you can see who inserted and deleted a link to a specific object.

    If your organization actively conducts applied development, it will be useful Development transfer history. The component allows you to control the transfer of development; in particular, you can view a list of development elements transferred within the package.

    In previous versions, documents were opened for editing by default. This led to the fact that when opened, those documents that were opened only for reading in the editor application were blocked. Now for each document format in the component Editor applications Can .

    To convert a document to PDF format, you can use new type document conversion - Native2, which provides high stability and speed (more than twice as fast as Native), and also does not require the installation of additional software Microsoft Office. Native2 supports popular formats Microsoft Office and LibreOffice, combines the capabilities of Native and Printer conversion types. In addition, DIRECTUM 5.5 uses updated version virtual printer NovaPDF, which installs without errors in modern Windows operating systems.

    Previously, there was a restriction on the uniqueness of the first character of the code of our organizations, about which. Because of this, a limited number of our organizations could be created. Now the first character of our organization code is not used when generating the directory entry code. DIRECTUM 5.5 uses continuous numbering.

    Added support for office applications OpenOffice 4.1.3 and LibreOffice 5.3.4.

    Web Access Server has been discontinued Windows Server 2008, minimum required operating system is Windows Server 2008R2.

    We exclude mobile web access from the delivery. Mobile applications DIRECTUM Solo and Jazz have significantly developed their functionality, making it more convenient to work on mobile devices.

Which of the new products interested you the most? Write in the comments!

Ahead of you is a series of articles with detailed description new products DIRECTUM 5.5. Check out the full list of changes now - download the document “DIRECTUM 5.5 Changes” from the DIRECTUM support site.

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1 EDMS “DIRECTUM” GENERAL user instructions for working in the system (detailed)

2 Contents Contents Terms and definitions Normative references Roles System description Rules for working with folders Purpose of folders Recommendations for using folders for storing documents Assigning access rights to a folder Recommendations for using folders for storing tasks/tasks Working with documents Working with document content Viewing and changing documents Settings access rights to documents Life cycle and versions of documents Deleting documents Searching for documents Electronic digital signature Working with tasks and tasks Creating tasks Accepting work on tasks Viewing the status of tasks and tasks Terminating, resuming and restarting tasks Creating subtasks for tasks and tasks Setting up access rights to tasks and tasks tasks Deleting tasks and assignments Office Nomenclature of cases Registration of documents Directories Actions with directory entries Service functions of the system User management Setting access rights to objects when changing an employee Replacing users Setting rights to documents using the script “Wizard for setting rights to electronic documents and folders” Backup/ system recovery... 22

3 2 1. Terms and definitions A version of an electronic document is the next edited or agreed upon version of a document. Each version has a current status: in development, active, obsolete. A task is the amount of work that needs to be done to achieve a result. A task is an assignment within a task that needs to be completed by the performer. Route is a list of performers for a task, indicating the sequence and deadlines for completing tasks. A folder is a structural unit of DIRECTUM system modules that allows you to combine links to electronic documents/tasks/assignments and other folders. The folder itself can also be included in the contents of another folder. RKK registration and control card. Nomenclature of files is a systematized list of headings of files opened in an organization, indicating their storage periods, drawn up in the prescribed manner. The nomenclature of cases is compiled for the purpose of reasonable distribution of documents and the formation of cases, ensuring the search for documents and accounting of cases. It is a classification reference book and is used to build an information retrieval system. Place of registration is the workplace (division) where incoming/outgoing documents are registered. The place of registration of documents can be one for several divisions. Each registration location maintains its own logs of incoming/outgoing documents. The directory is a component of the DIRECTUM system, designed to work with conditionally permanent structured information. Directories are lists of records. A component is an integral part of the DIRECTUM system MODULE, which has a characteristic interface, data set and functions performed, for example, Users, Directory Types, Reports, Scenarios. A list of all components is displayed in the Components component. 2. Regulatory references The user manual has been developed in accordance with references to the following documents: 1. User manual for the EDMS “DIRECTUM” (hereinafter referred to as the user manual). To access the User Manual, press the button on the keyboard or the corresponding item in the “Help” menu of the “DIRECTUM” EDMS program. 3. Roles User is an employee who uses the information system to perform his duties. Administrator - employee involved in configuration information system in accordance with the needs of the organization and support during its operation.

4 3 4. Description of the DIRECTUM system is an electronic document management and interaction management system aimed at increasing the efficiency of all employees of the organization in different areas of their joint activities Rules for working with folders Purpose of folders Folders allow you to group documents, tasks, assignments by topic and are often one of the ways search for documents in the DIRECTUM system. Some documents (university regulations, job descriptions, instructions for working with the DIRECTUM system, etc.) it is more convenient to search precisely by presence in the folder, and not by the name or content of the document. The “Inbox”, “Outbox” and “Favorites” folders are the user’s personal folders and are accessible only to him (if necessary, to his managers or deputies). Therefore, the user can place and delete links to folders, documents, tasks and tasks inside these folders in an arbitrary manner that is convenient for him personally. The “Shared Folder” contains objects that should always be quickly accessible to all users. Therefore, in this folder, as well as its subfolders, the distribution of information should be by areas of activity, and not by users (at least by departments). Only users who have the appropriate rights can change the composition of the elements of the “Shared Folder” (at the highest level only the administrator) Recommendations for using folders for storing documents For effective use folders (both personal and shared), you must adhere to the following recommendations: - the number of elements in the folder should be such as to fit on one screen of the system explorer, which will make the work more convenient, because will not require the use of scrolling. You can adjust the number of elements by highlighting subfolders; - one responsible person must be assigned for each folder, who will monitor and optimize the documents placed in the folder; - the user who created the document (for outgoing and internal documents) or the user who received the document for execution (for incoming documents) is responsible for placing the document in the appropriate shared folder (if this document may be required for work by other users). If the user does not have rights to change the desired folder, then he must send a link to the document to the person responsible for the folder; - since a link to the same document can be in several folders, folders should be created in different sections to expand search capabilities (for example, a folder for a specific event, where to collect links to documents from different departments). However, in order not to make it difficult to organize documents into folders, it is better to use folder grouping; - for the convenience of working on temporary projects, it is recommended to create folders with collections of documents from other folders. In the future, such folders can be deleted (since the folder does not store the objects themselves, but only links to them, deleting the folder will only entail deleting the links located in it);

5 - the folder name should be meaningful in itself, and not just in context specific folder(for example, “Instructions for working with the DIRECTUM system”, and not just “Instructions”). This will allow you to correctly evaluate its contents when accessing it through a folder search; - the folder name must start with capital letter without leading spaces, to further ensure correct (same type) sorting of subfolders within one folder; - foreign (English) names must be written without translation, or the translation must be indicated in brackets. For example, Petrol (Petrol); - the ability to use search folders - folders whose contents change automatically in accordance with specified criteria. The criteria are set in the folder card. The contents of the search folder are updated when you navigate to the folder. Assigning access rights to the folder User access rights to the folder should be made less strict than to documents, because folders are general (and document specific) and may be required by a larger number of users. Lack of access to the folder will complicate the search, but will not increase confidentiality, since rights to documents are set separately. There should always be one person assigned to each folder. When assigning access rights to a folder, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules: - rights to view the folder must be given to all users who may need information on this topic (in most cases, all system users); - rights to change a folder must be given to those users who can add to its contents; - full access It is recommended to leave access to the folder only to the author of the folder. A description of setting access rights to folders is presented in the section “General provisions for working in the DIRECTUM system>Setting access rights to folders” of the User Guide Recommendations for using folders for storing tasks/tasks Folders for storing tasks and tasks are, as a rule, the user’s personal folders. Their main purpose is to divide tasks by topic, urgency, location, etc. For example, we can recommend selecting the following folders: - the most important for the execution of tasks; - most important tasks, transferred to the performers and under control; - tasks that subordinates are working on (links to the “Inbox” folders of department employees); - deferred tasks without specifying a due date. 4

6 Working with documents The “Electronic Document Management” module is designed to work with documents in the DIRECTUM system. Each electronic document of the system consists of a set of information (text, graphic, audio, video, etc.) of the contents of the electronic document, and a form card containing a set of attributes describing the document (author, document type, creation date, correspondent, etc. .), which can be used to search and group electronic documents. To organize the storage of documents, folders are used in which links to electronic documents are placed. Working with document content The DIRECTUM system allows you to use any programs for creating and editing electronic documents (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, etc.) To quickly create documents of the same type, templates are used that define the initial contents of the document. For example, templates “Order for main activities”, “Supply agreement”, “ Commercial offer" and so on. In this case, the fields filled in the document card can be automatically inserted into the document text. Work on adding, adjusting and deleting document templates is performed by the Administrator or the system user. The procedure for creating a document from a template is presented in the section “Managing electronic documents>creating documents>procedure for creating documents from a template” in the User Guide. In addition to creating a document using the system, the user can enter a ready-made document into DIRECTUM from any operating system file, as well as directly from the scanner using the document import function. The procedure for creating a document from a file is presented in the section “Managing electronic documents>creating documents>procedure for creating documents from a file” in the User Guide. The procedure for creating a document from a scanner is presented in the section “Managing electronic documents>creating documents from a scanner” of the User Guide Viewing and editing documents Viewing and editing documents is carried out by using the editor application in which the document text was created, for example, one of Microsoft applications Office or In order to view, edit or print the text of a document, you need to open the document text in the editor application and then use the capabilities of the editor application. A description of the work on viewing and changing documents is given in the section “Managing electronic documents>viewing and changing documents” of the User Guide.

7 Setting up access rights to documents The DIRECTUM system allows you to differentiate access rights to documents. The document is accessible only to users who have been assigned access rights. Other users do not see links to the document. Such users cannot find the document by searching and work with it. By default, only the author of the document has access rights to a document. The author can assign access rights to other users. To set up access rights to a document, do the following: 6 1. Select the document in the system explorer and select the menu item File/Set up access rights. The “Setting access rights to an electronic document” window will open: The “Users” tree is located on the left side of the window. This tree contains all users of the DIRECTUM system. Users are grouped. At the top level there is always a group “All users (ALL)”. This group contains all registered users of the DIRECTUM system. The remaining groups are configured by the system administrator. On the right side of the window is the “Access Rights” table. This table contains those users and user groups for which access rights are configured. Change the composition of users and groups in the “Access Rights” table. To do this, use the buttons 2. and 3. Specify the type of rights in the *Type of rights field. 4. Click on the OK button. As a result, the access rights to the document will be changed. The changes will take effect the next time you access the document. A description of the work on setting up access rights to documents is given in the section “Managing electronic documents> setting up access rights to documents” in the User Guide.

8 Life cycle and versions of documents Each document can have an unlimited number of versions. This allows you to store a history of changes in the content of a document (for example, during the approval process) and avoid working with outdated information. In this case, versions of the same document can be in different formats(eg DOC and PDF). The version of the electronic document reflects the relevance of its contents. Each version can be in one of the states: in development, active, obsolete. A special font style is used to visually represent the version status. The procedure for changing the state (life cycle) of a document is presented in the section “Managing electronic documents>working with versions of electronic documents>viewing and changing the state of a document>procedure for changing the state of documents” of the User Guide. The card is the same for all versions of the document. The document properties specified in the card apply to all versions of the document. For example, access rights apply to all versions. New versions are created based on existing versions. The content of the new version of the document initially coincides with the content of the version on the basis of which it is created. The number of document versions is unlimited. To create a version of a document, do the following: 7 1. In the system explorer, select the document and select the menu item Actions/Create version. The “Creating an electronic document version” window will open: 2. Fill in the following fields: *Based on the version, the version whose text will be placed in the new version; Note version note. The note will be visible to all users when opening the document; *State version status. The state affects the style in which version information is displayed; Open version indicates that the text of a new version will be opened. If the checkbox is checked, then immediately after creating a version its text will be open for editing. 3. Click the OK button. A document version is not an independent object. It does not have its own name and the link cannot be copied to it. But versions can be deleted. To delete a document version, do the following: In System Explorer, select the document and select the Document Status menu item. Window 1. “Electronic Document Status” will open. 2. Select the version you want to delete and select the File/Delete menu item. As a result, the version will be deleted. Restore remote version cannot, so you should remove versions with caution.

9 The procedure for creating and deleting document versions is presented in the section “Managing electronic documents>working with versions of electronic documents>the procedure for creating document versions and the Procedure for deleting document versions” of the User Guide Deleting documents When deleting a document from the DIRECTUM system, all information about the document is deleted: card, all versions of the text, work history, links to the document, etc. Restore deleted document cannot, so documents should be deleted with caution. As a rule, only erroneously created documents should be deleted. In other cases, it is recommended to use other system capabilities. For example, if a document is outdated, then instead of deleting it, you can do the following: - mark the document as outdated; - remove links to the document from all system folders. In this case, the document will remain in the DIRECTUM system for history and will not interfere with daily work. The procedure for deleting documents is presented in the section “Managing electronic documents> deleting documents> procedure for deleting a document” of the User Guide Searching for documents The DIRECTUM system provides various options for quickly searching for documents in in electronic format. The search can be carried out according to the specified card details, as well as according to the contents of the document, taking into account all grammatical forms of words based on morphological analysis (full-text search). To perform any free search, do the following: Open the search card. To do this, in the system explorer in the Search menu, select one of the following 1. items: General search; Document search; Search for tasks; Search for tasks; Search for folders. To open the component search card, press the key combination +. A window will open in which you can set search conditions. For example, when searching for tasks, the “Search for Tasks” window will open: 8

10 9 2. In this window, set your search conditions. To do this: for each attribute for which you need to set a condition, in the Value field, click the button. A window will open<Имя реквизита>. For example, for the Text attribute, the window for setting conditions looks like this: set the condition and click the OK button. The window for setting the conditions of the details will close (see the section “Methods of setting the conditions for free searches”). 3. In the search window, click the Search button. As a result, a window will open with a list of found objects: When searching by details Text, Search string, the “Rating” column is displayed. The values ​​in this column show how well the found object satisfies the current search condition.

11 The system has the ability to carry out specialized searches for electronic documents using: - predefined searches (for example, “My last modified documents”); - additional searches using frequently used criteria; - the ability to specify for any document documents related to it in meaning or logic and move from one related document to another, including its own related documents. A description of document search work is given in the section “General provisions for working with the DIRECTUM system>Object Search” of the User Manual Electronic digital signature An electronic digital signature (EDS) allows you to replace a traditional signature, guaranteeing the authorship and immutability of a document in electronic form after it is signed. Using an electronic signature, you can sign any version of an electronic document, recording and storing information about who signed and when. The DIRECTUM system supports two types of digital signatures: endorsing and approving. An endorsed signature indicates that the person who signed the document has read it (endorsed it). An approving signature can be placed by a limited number of persons within the given authority and indicates the final approval of the document. A signature of any kind placed on a version of a document protects it from changes. EDS certificates are issued and registered by the system administrator. To sign an EDS document means to put an EDS on one of the versions of the document. In order to put an electronic signature on a version of a document, do the following: Select the document in the system explorer and select the menu item Actions/Sign. The “Sign an electronic document” window will open: 2. Fill in the following fields: *Version is the version of the document on which the digital signature must be added; *Certificate is a certificate that should be used to generate a signature; Note template is the name of the autotext used in the note for the electronic digital signature. Setting up autotexts for notes on digital signatures is done in the same way as setting up autotexts in the texts of tasks and assignments; for more details, see the section “Setting up and using autotexts”;

12 Note A note to the signature, for example, “Agree” or “Acknowledged.” When using autotexts, the field is filled in automatically; Approving signature sign of signing a document with an approving digital signature. The checkbox is editable only if the user has the right to put an approval signature; On behalf of the user being replaced - sign of signing a document with an electronic digital signature on behalf of the user being replaced. The checkbox can be changed if: current user replacement is configured; *User is the user on whose behalf the document is signed. Selected from the Users directory. The field is available for editing if the On behalf of the replaced user checkbox is selected; 3. Click on the OK button. 11 A description of the work on signing digital signature documents is given in the section “Managing electronic documents>signing digital signature documents” of the User Guide Working with tasks and assignments In terms of the DIRECTUM system, any interaction between two or more employees is always based on some task, i.e. a certain amount of work determined by the initiator that needs to be performed. The sequence of task execution is determined by the route specified by the initiator. The task route can be specified manually or using a standard route. During the execution of a task, at each stage of its route, tasks or notifications to process participants appear, or a specified script is executed. Basic concepts for working with tasks and tasks are presented in the section “Managing business processes>working with tasks and tasks>basic concepts” of the User Guide. When assigning executors manually, the initiator independently creates a list of executors from system users. Routing to complete a task can be parallel, sequential, or complex, where a sequentially parallel route through the task can be specified. To manage business processes that are subject to strict regulation or frequently repeated, standard routes can be configured. The standard route mechanism is powerful tool for automated creation of tasks in accordance with specified business rules of any complexity. Using a standard route, a list of performers is automatically specified (including based on roles), any task fields can be filled in (for example, text or subject), information is read from attachments and related objects (tasks, subtasks, electronic documents, reference books). The DIRECTUM system distinguishes two types of standard routes: free and rigid, each of them is formed by a certain set of blocks. Free standard routes allow the user to create tasks according to a specific template and can be used, for example, for frequently repeated processes (distributing an order to department heads, preparing a memo, etc.). The task fields filled in when choosing a free standard route can be adjusted manually by changing the performers, deadlines, task topic, etc. Rigid standard routes are used for strictly regulated processes, from which employees have no right to deviate. The basis of rigid standard routes

13 is a description of the logic of business processes, the scheme of which can dynamically change depending on the results of the previous stages of the route. Personal user folders are allocated for storing tasks and assignments. The “Inbox” folder is intended for tasks that come to the user for execution. The Outbox folder contains tasks that the user creates. Within these folders, the user can create their own folders in order to organize and rank the amount of work required for execution. Also, to structure tasks and assignments, sorting and filtering by specified details (Topic, Initiator, Deadline, etc.) can be used. Creating tasks The DIRECTUM system provides two ways to create tasks: without a standard route (manually) and by standard route. When creating a task without a standard route, the initiator fills in the route and the main properties of the task manually. When creating a task using a standard route, the route and all or some of the main properties of the task are filled in automatically. Depending on the default route settings, the initiator may or may not be able to change the route and task properties after automatic filling. Typical routes are configured by the system administrator. To create a task in the DIRECTUM system means to fill out a card and start the task for execution. To create a task without a standard route, do the following: 1. In System Explorer, go to the folder in which you want to place the link to the new task. 2. Select the menu item File/New/Create task. The task card will open. 12 The task card indicates the route and main properties of the task, such as topic, text, attachments, etc. After the task starts, tasks are automatically created for the task executors. The procedure for creating tasks manually and using a standard route is presented in the “Business Process Management>Creating Tasks” section of the User Guide Accepting work on tasks After the performers complete the tasks on the task, the initiator receives task control. The link to the control task is placed in the “Inbox” folder of the task initiator. Receiving a control task indicates that the performers have completed their work. The task initiator may agree or disagree with the results of the work. Depending on this, the initiator can accept the task or send it for revision. Acceptance of a task and sending for revision are carried out from the task-control card. The procedure for accepting work by task is presented in the “Business Process Management > Acceptance of Work by Task” section of the User Guide.

14 Viewing the status of tasks and tasks The DIRECTUM system provides the following options for viewing the status of tasks and tasks: - the “Status” tab in the task and task cards; 13 - route diagram in task and task cards. Viewing the status of tasks and tasks is described in the section “Managing business processes>viewing the status of tasks and tasks” of the User Guide Terminating, resuming and restarting tasks If there is no need to complete a task, the initiator can stop working on the uncompleted task at any time. The initiator can also resume work on a terminated task or restart work on a terminated or completed task. When a task is resumed, work begins from where it was stopped. When a task is restarted, work execution begins from the beginning. The procedure for terminating, resuming and restarting a task is presented in the section “Managing business processes>terminating, resuming and restarting tasks” of the User Guide Creating subtasks for tasks and tasks The DIRECTUM system provides the ability to create subtasks for tasks and tasks. A subtask is a task created from another task or task. The task or task from which a subtask is created is called the leading task or task, respectively. Subtasks are convenient to use in cases where, within the framework of one task or task, there is a need to create an additional task, for example, if you need to perform the following actions: - ask a question to one of the employees; - send a reminder or add to the task to one of the performers; - forward the received task to other performers; - execute additional work with the involvement of other employees not previously indicated as performers. The procedure for creating subtasks for tasks and tasks is presented in the section “Managing business processes>creating subtasks for tasks and tasks>procedure for creating subtasks” of the User Guide Setting up access rights to tasks and tasks For tasks and tasks of the DIRECTUM system, two levels of rights are allocated: - rights to change individual tasks and assignments; - rights to view all tasks and tasks of the family.

15 Rights to change tasks and tasks are determined automatically based on the nature of the user’s participation in the task. The task initiator has the rights to change a task. The task initiator and the task executor have the right to change a task. You cannot configure rights to change tasks and tasks. Rights to view tasks and assignments are configured in the main task card and are valid simultaneously for the entire family of tasks. Setting access rights to tasks is carried out according to a scenario similar to setting access rights to documents. The procedure for setting access rights to tasks is presented in the section “Managing business processes> setting up access rights to tasks and tasks> procedure for setting access rights to a task” of the User Guide Deleting tasks and tasks The DIRECTUM system provides the ability to delete tasks. All tasks for the task are deleted along with the task. You cannot delete tasks separately from a task. When deleting tasks, all information about tasks and assignments is deleted from the DIRECTUM system: cards, work history, links, etc. You cannot restore a deleted task, so you should delete tasks with caution. To delete a task, do the following: Select the task in System Explorer and select the menu item File/Delete folder/task. A “Confirmation” window will open with the text “Do you really want to delete the task”: 2. Click the Yes button. The procedure for deleting tasks and tasks is presented in the section “Managing business processes> deleting tasks and tasks> procedure for deleting a task” of the Office User Manual To ensure “paper” document flow and control the execution of orders in the DIRECTUM system, the “Office” module is used. Nomenclature of cases Nomenclature of cases is compiled for the purpose of reasonable distribution of documents and formation of cases, ensuring the search for documents and recording of cases. The list of cases is stored in the directory Nomenclature of Cases. The directory is a classification directory and is used to build an information retrieval system. The list of nomenclature of cases is maintained by divisions and places of registration. To be completed by the responsible clerk.

16 You can create case lists in two ways: manually and using the “Create case list” script. To manually create a case, do the following: 1. Open the Nomenclature of Cases directory and create new entry. 2. Fill in the details on the “Basic details” tab. 3. Save the recording. As a result, a new case will be created. The created case can be used when creating the RKK. 15 Using the “Create a list of cases” scenario, a list of cases is created for the next period (for the next year) by copying cases for the previous period. To create cases using a script, do the following: 1. Run the Create Case Nomenclature script. A window requesting parameters will open: 2. Fill in the fields as follows: *Start date of the copied period, *End date of the copied period; validity period of the records that should be copied; *The year of the created period is the year of validity created records; *Our organization, Place of registration, Subdivision of records from directories of the same name, according to which the list of copied records will be limited. 3. Click on the OK button. As a result, the formation of a list of cases for the year specified in the *Year of the period being created will begin. During the creation process, all existing cases that meet the specified parameters will be copied. After completion of the formation, a message will appear on the screen: If the list of cases for the specified *Year of the period being created already exists, a message will appear on the screen: In this window, you can perform one of the following actions: Reform all, reform all existing cases and create new cases for the specified year. After the formation is completed, a message will appear indicating the number of created cases:

17 16 Create missing ones - create missing cases if the list of previously created cases is not complete. After clicking, a message will be displayed indicating the number of created cases. If all copies of last year’s cases exist in the system for the current year, the system will display the message: View list - view the list of existing cases. After clicking the button, a window will open with a list of existing to-dos: After closing the window with the to-do list, the “Confirmation” window will become active again. A description of work with the nomenclature of cases is presented in the section “Office>Working with the nomenclature of cases” of the User Manual Registration of documents The procedure for registering incoming, outgoing and internal documents in accordance with the Nomenclature of Cases, instructions on documents and monitoring their execution is described in the relevant instructions for working with documentation Reference books A description of the basic concepts of the contents of directories is presented in the section “General provisions for working in the DIRECTUM system>Working with directories>basic concepts” of the User Manual Actions with directory entries The following actions are possible with directory entries: - Adding. Attention: to avoid duplicate directories, before adding a new entry, you must make sure that the entry is not in the directory.

18 17 - Change. Attention: when you make changes to a directory entry, the details of all objects (directories, card types) that refer to the directory entry are automatically changed, so creating new entries by making changes to outdated ones is not recommended. - Removal. - Copying. A description of actions with directory entries is presented in the section “General provisions for working in the DIRECTUM system>Working with directories>actions with directory entries” of the User Manual Service functions of the system User management General information about user registration Only registered users have access to the DIRECTUM system. A user is considered registered if he has the following records: - a record in the Users component; - entry in the Users directory; - registration record on the SQL server, in other words, login; - an account in the database, in other words, a database user (User); - entry in the Employees directory. The administrator creates entries in the Users component and in the Employees directory. The remaining entries are created automatically: - an entry in the Users directory is created automatically when saving for the first time - entries in the Users component; - a registration record on the SQL server and an account in the database are created when generating a user in the Users component. The Users component record specifies the main characteristics of the user: name, status, category, authentication method. Users directory entries are used when assigning access rights and for installing digital signature and encryption certificates. The registration record on the SQL server and the account in the database are used to authenticate users at the time of login. The entries in the Employees directory are used when working with DIRECTUM system modules. Authentication methods The DIRECTUM system provides three methods for user authentication:

19 - password authentication - recommended for administrators and developers; 18 - authentication using a recoded password - recommended for users who do not have a domain on the enterprise local network; - Windows authentication - recommended for users who have a domain on the enterprise local network. With password authentication and recoded password authentication, users are prompted for a password when logging into the DIRECTUM system. Users with password authentication can work with the system database bypassing IS-Builder components, for example, through the Microsoft utility SQL Server Management Studio. Their SQL server login name and password are the same as the DIRECTUM system login name and password. Users with recoded password authentication do not have access to data from other applications. Their SQL server password is different from the DIRECTUM login password. Users with Windows authentication log into the DIRECTUM system using their operating system usernames, without re-entering their username and password. Users with Windows authentication access database data through the IS-Builder Application Role. The role is activated when the system explorer boots. User statuses The DIRECTUM system provides three user statuses: - Administrator; - Developer; - User. The user status determines the composition available to the user component and access rights to folders, documents, tasks, tasks and notifications. Users with the “Administrator” status have access to all components without exception, as well as all folders and all unencrypted documents, tasks, tasks, notifications. Users with the “Developer” status have access to all components, excluding components of the “Built-in Administration” type. Folders, documents, tasks, tasks and notifications are available within the assigned access rights. Users with the “User” status have access to components, folders, documents, tasks, tasks and notifications within the assigned access rights. Categories of users The DIRECTUM system distinguishes two categories of users: - regular; - official. All users who work in the DIRECTUM system should be classified as “Regular”. The “Service” category should include those users from

20 names of which scripts are launched automatically, reminder tasks are created and other automatic operations are performed. Users with the “Official” category are not included in predefined groups and are not displayed in the lists of system users that are used when assigning rights to system objects Setting access rights to objects when changing an employee Providing access to tasks, assignments and documents when changing an employee is done by creating an entry in the User Substitution directory (p Manual substitution configuration). It is also possible to set rights to documents using the script “Wizard for setting rights to electronic documents and folders” (p) Replacement of users If an employee is absent for a long time for some reason, for example, is on a business trip or on vacation, then his duties are usually performed by another employee, i.e. substitute To assign rights to a replacement employee to the same system objects as the absent employee, the DIRECTUM system provides a user replacement mechanism. Under this mechanism, one user can replace another user for a certain period of time. In this case, the replacing user, for the duration of the replacement, receives the same rights to folders, documents, tasks and tasks as the replaced user. The User Substitution reference book is intended for working with substitutions. The administrator assigns (removes) rights to a replacement employee. Types of substitutions The DIRECTUM system provides two types of user substitutions: - Full; - Assistant. The type of replacement determines whether the replacement user's folders will contain links to the replaced user's folders or not. If the replacement type is “Full,” then links to the replaced user’s “Inbox” and “Outbox” folders will be automatically added to the replacement user’s Inbox and Outbox folders. This type of substitution is convenient to use if one employee temporarily performs all the duties of another employee. If the replacement type is “Assistant”, then the replacement folders will not contain links to the folders of the user being replaced. This type of substitution is convenient to use if one employee supervises another employee, but does not fulfill his duties. For example, this type of replacement is recommended for permanent replacement of users by their managers. Regardless of the type of replacement, the replacing user will have the rights of the replaced user to all folders, documents and tasks, tasks, notifications. 19

21 Manually setting up a replacement Manually setting up a replacement means manually creating an entry in the User Substitution directory. Manual setting It is recommended to use when setting up replacements for individual users, for example, for users on vacation. In order to manually configure substitution, you must perform the following steps: 1. open the User Substitution directory; 2. create a new record and fill in the required fields; 3. if the replacement is configured for a specific period, for example, during an employee’s vacation, set the start date and end date of the replacement in the Start Date and End Date fields, respectively; 4. save the entry. As a result, within the specified period, the replacing user will have the same rights to folders, documents and tasks, tasks, notifications as the replaced user. Automatic substitution adjustment Under automatic tuning Substitutions mean setting up substitutions using the Create Substitutions by Manager scenario. The script is intended for the mass creation of user replacements by their managers. In order to automatically configure substitution, you must perform the following steps: 1. make sure that the automatic substitution mechanism is enabled in the system settings. To do this: a) run the Installation script for DIRECTUM system modules; b) select the “Business Process Management and Email” group. documents" and click on the Install button; c) set the value of the Automatic replacement of employees by manager parameter to “Yes”; 2. make sure that the User on the network and Department fields are filled in in the Employees directory; 3. make sure that the Director field is filled in in the Division directory; 4. execute the scenario Creating replacements by the manager. As a result, records will be created in the User Replacement directory about the replacement of users by their managers. Substitutions will be indefinite, the type of substitution will be “Assistant”. 20

22 Setting rights to documents using the script “Wizard for setting rights to electronic documents and folders” To assign rights to documents, you must: 1. run the script “Wizard for setting rights to electronic documents and folders” located in the “Components>General Administration” section of the Explorer window . A window requesting parameters will open: 2. Fill in the fields as follows: Option for changing rights: select “Assign rights to user”; Change rights to: select “Documents”; Change permissions in subfolders: select “Yes”; Electronic documents folder is a folder in which documents to which rights need to be assigned are located. 3. Click on the “Next” button, a window will open asking for additional parameters: 4. Fill in the fields as follows: *User - indicate the user to whom you want to assign rights; *Type of rights indicate rights to documents (view, change, complete); *The method of assigning rights is to select “Add if not available”;

23 *Change rights only for valid documents, select “No”. 5. Click the “Next” button. An information window will open: Click the “Next” button. As a result, the formation of rights to documents will begin for the user specified in the *User parameter. After the formation is completed, a message will appear on the screen: System backup/restore General information about backup Ensuring the safety and security of data is carried out by automatic creation database backups. Copies must be stored on another computer, which is physically located in a different location (in case of fires, floods, terrorist attacks, natural disasters and other emergencies). To reduce the space taken up, database backups can be compressed with conventional archivers, for example, WinZip or WinRar. Scheduled maintenance of the DIRECTUM system database is carried out using SQL server jobs. The frequency and procedure for performing backups, as well as the actual execution of backups, is carried out by the system administrator. Types of backup There are complete backup DB, differential DB backup and transaction log backup.

24 With a full backup, all database elements are saved in the archive. During differential copying, only database elements that have changed since the last full copy of the database were created are archived. It should be noted that subsequent differential copies also contain all changes relative to the last full copy, i.e. difference copies do not complement, but absorb each other. Differential backup is recommended to speed up the process of archiving and restoring frequently changed databases; however, it only makes sense if you regularly create a full database backup. The type of operations logged in the transaction log and whether the transaction log is cleared depends on the recovery model that is installed. Depending on this, when backing up the transaction log, all or some operations performed on the database are saved. Database recovery models There are three recovery models for databases in SQL Server: Full model, Bulk-Logged model, Simple model. The Full model recovery model allows you to restore a database to the state it was in at the time of the failure or at any specified point in time. In this mode, all operations are recorded in the transaction log. The transaction log is not automatically cleared. This mode provides maximum possibilities recovery. In this mode, you must regularly clear the transaction log by backing it up with the backup log command. Therefore, when determining the required size of transaction log files, you must also consider the frequency of backups. Restoring a database to its pre-failure state involves restoring the last full copy of the database, restoring the last differential backup, and restoring the required number of transaction log backups created since the last differential backup in the order in which they were taken. The Bulk-Logged model recovery model allows you to restore the database to the state in which it was at the time of the failure or at any specified point in time, if the following commands were not executed in the database after the last full backup: - bulk insert (BULK INSERT, SELECT INTO commands etc.); - insertion/modification of large binary data (text, image); - operations to create, rebuild and delete indexes. In this case, it is also necessary to back up the transaction log regularly and quite often, and it will be cleared regularly. Otherwise, if the above commands were executed, then this model allows you to restore the database only to the point at which the last one was made backup copy, because such transactions are not recorded in the transaction log. The Simple model recovery model allows you to restore a database only to the point at which the last full or differential backup was made. Just like the Bulk-Logged model, bulk insert operations are not written to the transaction log, and in this mode, the transaction log is automatically cleared, so you don't have to worry about potentially running out of space in the transaction log. It should also be noted that the “Simple” mode implies a simpler database recovery; in case of failure, the last one is restored full copy databases and the latest differential backup. This mode is installed by default for the database when installing DIRECTUM. 23

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Before you start using the software product, you must first install it. This article will be devoted to the installation process of the DIRECTUM system.

In some cases, you may need to uninstall an application and install it from scratch, for example, when installing a newer version. Since such situations often arise, I could not ignore the issue of deleting information about a product; the corresponding section will be devoted to it.

All recommendations are taken from the documentation included in the delivery of the system and from the knowledge base; I will provide links to its articles further in the text.

So, let's imagine that in front of us is a distribution kit of the system. If you have no previous installation experience, many questions may immediately arise. In what order should the installation be performed? What parameters should I install with? Will I need to configure anything additional in the operating system?

Indeed, it is necessary to follow the sequence of actions during installation; it is often necessary to configure rights to NTFS directories in a certain way, include them in the necessary user groups, etc. For this reason, no matter how trivial it may sound, installation must be carried out in accordance with the instructions, which fully describe the installation procedure.

So, where to start the installation? First of all, before you begin the actual installation, you need to make sure that your computer meets the hardware and software requirements. Can the application be installed on this computer in principle? Please note that updating system-wide software in some cases entails the need to update application software. In particular, a lot of questions are received regarding the compatibility of DIRECTUM with new Microsoft products, for example, Windows 8. All requirements can be found in the document “Typical hardware and software requirements”, which is always included in the system delivery package.

Often, distributions are stored on a network resource, and installation is carried out from there. Indeed, this is very convenient for many reasons - storage reliability, access from any computer over the network, etc. Client part, integration with office applications, as a rule, this is exactly how they are installed - from network “balls”. Please note that not every application can be installed this way - it may require installation from a local disk. In particular, this nuance concerns the installation of the server part. When trying to install from network resource The following error may appear: “Package error Windows Installer. The installation completion script cannot be run..." ().

Some applications must be installed with permissions local administrator, there is always a corresponding note in the instructions. In Windows Vista and higher, you must explicitly specify this using the “Run as” context menu item. In cases where you need to perform actions on the command line, the command line should also be run as a local administrator. If the installation is performed without local administrator rights, then you may not have enough access rights to perform some actions. So, required libraries or the COM servers will be unregistered in the operating system. Also, when installing some modules, a Windows log, which requires local administrator rights.

Special cases

In the previous section we looked at general recommendations on installation. Now I propose to examine several special cases that often occur in practice.

We’ll start our review by installing the Russian-language Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RUNTIME. The Microsoft SQL Server distribution is supplied under a RUNTIME agreement and is designed to work only with the DIRECTUM system. In this case, the functionality of the system is guaranteed only with a certain set of components. What happens if you choose the composition of the components not according to the instructions, but, say, all the components in general? In particular, the Russian-language distribution of SQL 2008 R2 RUNTIME does not contain the Reporting Service component, so an installation error () will occur.

I recommend using special characters in SQL user passwords with great caution. I don’t encourage you to completely abandon special characters, but it’s better not to use them unless there is a special need for it. Why should you try to avoid this? If you specify a user whose password contains an apostrophe in the SQL server connection parameters, the error “There is a problem with this Windows Installer package…Format of the initialization strings does not conform to the OLE DB specification” will appear. Accordingly, to eliminate the error, you need to change the password ().

Removing product information

Sometimes a product is not completely deleted and the product record remains in the system. For example, in the case of the client part of the DIRECTUM system, this may cause incorrect installation of later versions of the DIRECTUM system on this computer. Also, there were cases when, when installing an application, messages appeared that the application was already installed.

To correctly remove information about an application installed with errors, many programs have been written. In such cases, we recommend using the MsiZap utility from the Windows Platform SDK. The utility is distributed along with the DIRECTUM distribution and is located in the \Utils\MsiZap folder.

To launch the utility and perform steps to delete data about an application installed with errors, you must run next command MsiZap.exe T (ProductCode) ().


The search for a solution may not be limited to the knowledge base on the DIRECTUM support site. Useful information can be found, for example, on the websites Microsoft. Often knowledge base articles link to Microsoft resources (see articles #4301 and #4869).

Installation – very extensive subject area, we have only covered a small part. If this topic is of interest to site visitors, perhaps in the future articles will be written in which we will analyze the intricacies of installing individual modules.

Finally, we wish everyone quick installation and stable operation of the system!

Let's briefly talk about the capabilities of DirectumRX, which make it easy to start working in the system.

1. Videos

If you are a new employee or a newcomer has joined your company, then it is best to use videos and help to get acquainted with DirectumRX. Invite him to spend 40 minutes on the first day to get acquainted and then a few more days, 15 minutes each, to review and study the sections of the help that the employee will work with.

It is also useful for an experienced user to look at the video. It is updated according to the capabilities of new versions and supplemented with recommendations, for example, “Techniques for working with tasks” or “Tasks of a replaced employee.”

2. Smart Help

Feel free to press F1 anywhere in the system (from a list or card, etc.), and help will immediately open for the right topic. For example, if you are in the “Register of Contracts” list, then a help section will open with its description and possible actions plus useful recommendations by filtration.

3. Widgets

Click on the top level “My DIRECTUM” and you will see the widget area, they are clickable and visual - Each employee can customize widgets for themselves. Tip: go from the “My tasks” widget to the list of tasks for today.

4. Stream folders

Users have pre-configured folders into which incoming tasks are automatically placed based on certain criteria; they are convenient to use when there is a large flow of tasks. Employees most often use the “For approval” and “For execution” folders.

If you prefer to work only with the Inbox folder, uncheck the Hide checkbox in the filtering area. All tasks will appear in one inbox

5. Recent documents

The list is designed to search for documents that you have viewed, edited, or created during a specific period of time. For example, you can use it:

  • find a document that you created a few days ago, but did not place a link to it in any of the folders;
  • get a list of documents reviewed today;
  • look at all the documents you worked with yesterday.

6. Drag"n"Drop

If you receive a document by email or want to download a document from your computer desktop, just open the desired folder and drag the file from the email or folder from your computer. The system will automatically open the card, enter the “body” of the document and fill in the field *Content, based on the name of the document, you will only have to fill in the remaining fields.

7. No duplicates when creating incoming invoices

When filling out the fields *Account number, *Invoice date, *Amount, *Currency and *Counterparty The new account card is checked for duplicates. If duplicates are found, a warning will appear. To view duplicates in the incoming invoice card on the tab Search in Group Doubles click on the button " Show duplicates".

8. Lists are the most convenient thing

Register of contracts, incoming invoices, documents to be returned - all these are lists. Customize and group columns, filter the information in them according to the necessary parameters in a way that is convenient for you.

So, by filtering the list "Register of contracts" according to the necessary criteria, for example * Counterparty, *State or *Category, we can generate the list of contract documents we need, and then upload it to Excel for printing or further processing.

9. Search

Don’t forget that the system allows you to search by text fragment for documents, tasks, assignments, folders and objects - use the search field above the list or the bookmark Search in the feed.

As the saying goes, “You learn from mistakes.” In order not to wander around looking for an answer, first look at the list of frequently asked questions and answers, they are collected in and can be easily found in the help using the F1 button.

Look out for life hacks for advanced users in the next publication. Share your favorite tips for beginners in the comments.


(for EDMS users)




2 folder types

3 predefined folders

Creating folder 3

Folder permissions 4

Changing folder properties 4

Copy folder 4

Deleting folder 4

Additional operations with folders 5

Copying links 5

Inserting links 5

Removing links 5


Creating a document from a template 6

Document card structure 7

Status bar 8

Creating a document from file 8



Creating a new version 9

Document status 9

Changing document text 9

Document release notification 10

Opening a document for viewing 10

Copying a document 10

Deleting a document 10

Export document 10

Import document 10

Importing a document from file 11

Importing a document from another document 11



General search 11

Free document searches 12

Search by card text fields. 12

Search by card fields containing dates 13

Search by card fields associated with the directory 13

Search by document text (full text search) 13

Quick search 14

Actions in the search results window 14



Context-sensitive search 14

Free search 15


Setting the visibility and order of list fields 15

Sort 15

Grouping 15


Blocking document 15

Unlocking document 16




Creating a new task in System Explorer 16


Manually filling out task card 17




Adding text to task 18

Adding an attachment to task 19

Creating a subtask 19

Completing task 19


General information 19

Acceptance of task 19

Return for revision 20

Create subtask 20










Context-sensitive searches 23



Setting up filters based on field values ​​24

Quick filtering 24

Search by list 24

Quick search 24

Custom search 25


Adding entry 25

Copy entry 25

Changing entry 25

Delete entry 25

Viewing the history of work with record 26

Export to Microsoft Excel 26




Launching the Action Wizard 27


Login. Login to the system is done using the Password Service. The password service starts every time you log into DIRECTUM. When you log in for the first time, you are asked for the server and database in which the work will be performed, and you are also asked for a user name and password to log in. On subsequent system starts, the Password Service will only request the username and password to log into the system; the server and database fields will be viewable only. The same window displays the name of the system the user is working with.


System Explorer allows you to work in one window with all system objects: folders, documents, tasks, tasks and components. The structure and composition of available objects is determined by access rights individually for each user. The picture shows the appearance system conductor.

The DIRECTUM system has built-in help. Help can be accessed both from the system explorer and from any other window of the DIRECTUM system. Click to open help.


Folder types

In the DIRECTUM system, there are the following types of folders, based on the objects they contain: universal folders; folders containing documents; folders containing tasks; folders containing tasks; folders containing components; search folders.

Universal folders can contain almost all elements of the system. Other types of folders can contain only one type of element: either documents, or tasks, or assignments, or components. You can also place a folder of another type into any folder of any type. For example, you can place a task folder in a document folder.

Predefined folders

The DIRECTUM system has five predefined folders that cannot be deleted. These folders form the first level of the tree of all folders in the DIRECTUM system. Descriptions of predefined folders are summarized in a table.



Features of use



Links to tasks addressed to the user are automatically inserted into the folder



Links to tasks created by the user are automatically inserted into the folder


Documents, folders, tasks, tasks, options for launching components, directory entries

The user inserts into the folder links to documents, folders, tasks, tasks, options for launching components, directory entries at his discretion

a shared folder


The folder stores links to folders and documents, needed by the majority system users. The user sees documents and folders to which he has access rights.


Directories, reports, scripts

The folder contains links to everything. The user sees the components to which he has access rights.

The Inbox, Outbox, and Favorites folders are the user's personal folders. Each user has their own folders, and the user can change their contents at his own discretion. The “Shared Folder” and “Components” folders are common to all users of the system. The contents of these folders are typically modified by one or more responsible users.

Creating a folder

In addition to the predefined system folders, each user can create folders, both for personal use and accessible to other users.

To create a folder, you need to use one of the following methods:

Select main menu item File/Create/Create folder,

Select context menu item Create a folder,

On the button toolbar, open the built-in menu and select Create a folder.

In all cases, a card will open folder being created with the ability to select the folder type: Any objects/Documents/Tasks/Assignments/Component. You can leave the default generic folder type or select a different folder type.

Folder permissions

User permissions for a folder are assigned and changed in two ways:

In the folder card;

In the access rights settings window.

In order to change access rights to a folder, you need to open the folder card and click the button Access rights .

In order to change access rights in the access rights settings window, you need to open this window in one of the following ways:

Main menu File/Set permissions,

Context menu Set up access rights.

When changing access rights in the settings window, you can change the rights to several selected folders at once.

Folders have the following types of access rights:

“View” - you can only view the contents of the folder and its card;

“Change” - you can change the contents of the folder and its card, but you cannot change access rights and delete the folder;

“Full” - you can perform any actions with the folder, including changing access rights and deleting.

If users have the same rights to a folder, each user can see a different number of links in the folder. The composition of the links that the user sees in the folder depends on the user's rights to the objects, links to which are located in the folder. If the user does not have rights to an object, then he will not see a link to it, regardless of the rights to the folder.

Changing folder properties

You can change the name, folder type, note, and access rights to the folder in the folder card. To open a card, you need to use one of the following methods:

Main menu File/Open/Open card,

Context menu Open card,


When changing access rights to a folder, it is possible to apply them to all objects nested in the folder. In order to apply folder rights to nested objects, you need to select the appropriate item in the message “Apply folder rights "Folder name" to its contents?”, which opens after saving the folder.

Copying a folder

The copy folder function involves creating a new folder based on an existing one:

Main menu File/Copy folder/document,

Context menu Copy folder.

Deleting a folder

Unlike deleting a link to a folder, deleting a folder involves physically removing it from the system, including automatic removal all links to it. When you delete a folder, all links contained in it are deleted, but the objects themselves are not deleted. Deleting folders is not available to users if the system administrator has set a global ban on users deleting documents and folders.

To delete a folder, use one of the following methods:

Main menu File/Delete folder/document;

Context menu Delete folder;

Button on the toolbar;


Additional operations with folders

When working with folders, history is recorded. The history of working with a folder displays events such as the creation and modification of a folder card.

To view the history of working with a folder, use one of the following methods:

Main menu File/History;

Context menu Story.