What does it mean to remove drm licenses? DRM license - what is it on your phone and computer? When is DRM used?

An integral part of any software platform is the software for it. For such widespread user-oriented platforms as Android and iOS, the convenience of obtaining, installing and updating application software comes first.

Dmitry Gusev, Protection Technology Research

An integral part of any software platform is the software for it. For such widespread user-oriented platforms as Android and iOS, the convenience of obtaining, installing and updating application software comes first. To this end, platform holders build into them advanced support for a content distribution system. IN Android case the main such content provider is Google Play(formerly called Android Marketplace). Google Play (GP) is an intermediary between the content producer (authors of programs or audiovisual works) and the end consumers (device users.) Since much of this content involves payment by the consumer, the provider and producers use one or another DRM system to control the distribution of content.

The article discusses the five most popular solutions in the world for protecting mobile software and content from hacking and illegal distribution. Due to the fact that the article was prepared by a specialist from Protection Technology Research (StarForce), which produces its own DRM solution for protecting Android applications, the names of the solutions under consideration have been changed to conditional ones. The StarForce solution is not discussed in this article.

The main purpose of the article is to provide developers with initial information about the level of application protection and licensing opportunities in popular protection services existing on the market.

Basic information about the Android platform

Android is a fairly open platform. Majority Android versions allow you to record onto the device and run programs from arbitrary sources. Thus, Google Play is not a monopolistic content provider (unlike iOS, where an application on a typical device can only be installed from Apple App Store after passing the certification process.) This allows multiple content providers (and even independent developers) to coexist simultaneously with their own DRM systems.

Android applications are self-contained container files with the .apk extension.


The first solution we are considering, in general, acts as an ordinary content seller. For the end user, the system provides user account management, billing, storefront and file delivery system. When purchasing content, the user is sent a regular non-personalized file that is in no way tied to the final equipment.

Thus, an application purchased once can generally be easily copied to different devices or distributed in other ways.

To control the use of content and prevent its unauthorized use, Android_DRM_1 offers a Software Library that allows you to request information from Android_DRM_1 about the fact that the application was purchased from the current user account.

Conventionally, this DRM is a regular function that returns one of three values:

  • Licensed - the application is licensed for of this account and can be started
  • Not Licensed - the application is not licensed for this account and its launch is not recommended
  • Error - license check is not available (for example, there is no network connection)

Server responses are signed using a unique (for the seller) private key, public is contained in the application. To allow the application to run when there is no network access, the system allows caching of server responses.

The Android_DRM_1 Software Library allows (although it strongly does not recommend) linking a program to a specific device, but it must be implemented by the developer independently. The documentation suggests using third party server(developer/publisher), who would maintain the registration-identifier - device-identifier database. It is also suggested that you develop methods for obtaining a unique device identifier yourself.

Thus, the Android_DRM_1 Software Library is a separate high-level component that the developer must independently integrate into the application and implement the necessary logic. The Android_DRM_1 Software Library does not provide any direct protection to the application code or itself. The DRM implementation is written in Java, supplied as source code, and can be easily decompiled, examined, and modified to overcome licensing restrictions. The manufacturer of Android_DRM_1 recommends using third party tools to protect the code.

Hacking resistance Android_DRM_1

  • There is at least one publicly available project on the network to automatically search for Android_DRM_1 Software Library code in .apk files and neutralize it.


It is a proprietary solution for a network store that sells Android applications. The basic operating principle of the system is identical to Android_DRM_1 (the application checks the fact of purchase on a remote server), however, unlike the Android_DRM_1 Software Library, the process of embedding DRM into the application is automated. The developer/publisher simply uploads his finished application to the server of the online store and a security module is automatically built into it.

When protecting an application, additional classes are added to it that implement DRM functionality. The finished application code is parsed and calls to verification functions from these classes are built into it (most likely automatically). Judging by feedback from developers, this does not always work correctly and in some cases the application may crash with a verification error in the JVM.

Hacking resistance Android_DRM_2

Because this type of protection is built into the application without deep integration with its code, the protection is also easy to neutralize by modifying the code. This can be done by performing the reverse operations of the installation - parsing the application code, finding security calls and removing them. An even simpler way is to simply disable checks in the protection kernel or replace it entirely with a dummy.


Android_DRM_3 is a simplified alternative to Android_DRM_1 and Android_DRM_2.

Unlike Android_DRM_1, to purchase an application you do not need to have a store application installed on the end device. The purchase is made directly from the Android_DRM_3 web page. Upon purchase, the user immediately pays via PayPal or GoogleCheckout and receives a personal link to download the application. No modification of the finished application is required.

Another service provided is the Android_DRM_3 Software Library. It is an alternative to Android_DRM_1 Software Library. When purchasing an application (in the manner described above, or, for example, through the website of another provider), the user also receives email activation key. When launching the application, the user must activate it by entering this activation key. The key is verified on the Android_DRM_3 server. The system is extremely simple and comes with source code.

Hacking resistance Android_DRM_3

  • Since the system does not use any special code protection, it is quite easy to study and neutralize it by modifying the application.


Android_DRM_4 is an embeddable DRM library and backend. Functionally, Android_DRM_4 repeats Android_DRM_3 - when purchasing an application through an online store or other distribution system, it is entered in the database on the server side unique account purchases. At the same time, the buyer receives a letter from the server with an application activation code. When launching a protected application, the user enters this code, it is compared with the one registered on the server and, if it matches, the application launches successfully. Unlike Android_DRM_3, when deploying this system, a separate server will be required to contain the server part of the protection.

The system is available as open source under the GNU GPL2 license.

Hacking resistance Android_DRM_4

  • Since the system does not use any special code protection, it is quite easy to study and neutralize it by modifying the application.
  • The key is verified through an unencrypted channel; it is possible to use a proxy server to deceive the security.


The company that produces Android_DRM_5 produces a wide range of products to protect application code and provide DRM functionality. Unfortunately, not a single “live” application protected by Android_DRM_5 could be found, so further information is based on press materials from the developers.

  • Android_DRM_5 only protects the application code. DRM functionality is not provided.
  • Protects only the Native part of application code. This code must be written in C/C++. Java is not supported.
  • Floor protection automatic mode is built into the source code.
  • The source code is processed using Clang + LLVM into intermediate bytecode, to which subsequent steps of obfuscation/checksumming/etc. are applied, resulting in a standard object file. After linking, the application is processed again (probably to arrange and calculate checksums).
  • The protection ideology is based on the integration of special markers into program functions that can perform the following actions:
    • Obfuscation of function code (shuffling, littering, etc.);
    • Determining the presence of debuggers;
    • Application integrity check;
    • Application code recovery (fighting patches);
    • During subsequent processing of the source code, these markers are transformed into a security code;
    • The package only works on Linux and MacOS.

Based on the above, we can conclude that this product is positioned as a means of protecting program code from analysis and modification.

Hacking resistance Android_DRM_5

As mentioned above, it was not possible to detect a single protected application to assess its burglary resistance.

Comparison table of DRM systems

* The code itself is not protected, but numerous calls to the protection kernel are built into it.


All the solutions considered offer approximately similar functionality. Except, perhaps, Android_DRM_5, which exclusively protects the mobile application code from analysis and hacking and does not offer any licensing options.

It is obvious that on this moment, among the most popular solutions on the market there is not a single reliable application protection against piracy for the Android platform. Breaking such protection is not difficult for an average hacker. Therefore, the fight against piracy on the Android platform is postponed until better times.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is technology that enables online video and audio services to enforce that the content they provide is used in accordance with their requirements. This technology may restrict some of the things you can do in the browser. While some DRM-controlled content can be viewed using the Adobe Flash plugin, many services are moving towards HTML5 video that requires a different DRM mechanism called a Content Decryption Module (CDM).

Table of Contents

Playing DRM-controlled content in Firefox

Firefox for desktop supports the Google Widevine CDM for playing DRM-controlled content. Firefox downloads and enables the Google Widevine CDM by default to give users a smooth experience on sites that require DRM.Firefox downloads and enables the Google Widevine CDM on demand, with user permission, to give users a smooth experience on sites that require DRM. The CDM runs in a separate container called a sandbox and you will be notified when a CDM is in use. You can also disable a CDM and opt out of future updates by following the steps below. Once you disable a CDM, however, sites using this type of DRM may not operate properly.

Disable the Google Widevine CDM without uninstalling

Disabling Google Widevine from the Add-ons Manager prevents it from running on your computer and prevents future updates from downloading. To disable this CDM plugin:

You may encounter sites where content playback is not possible without Google Widevine enabled. You may always turn Google Widevine on again by selecting Always Activate on the menu next to Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc.

Opt out of CDM playback, uninstall CDMs and stop all CDM downloads

You have the choice to globally opt out of HTML5 DRM playback. Once you opt out, Firefox will delete any downloaded CDMs from your hard drive, cease all future CDM downloads and disable DRM playback. This affects only DRM-controlled HTML5 audio and video. To opt out of HTML5 DRM playback completely, follow these steps:

Note: You will still be able to view DRM-controlled content that requires the Adobe Flash plugin, if installed and enabled in Firefox. The Play DRM-controlled content setting only controls HTML5 DRM playback, not plugins.

You may encounter sites where content playback is not possible without DRM enabled. You can always turn DRM playback on again by opening the Firefox Options Preferences General panel and, under Digital Rights Management (DRM) Content, putting a check mark next to Play DRM-controlled content. After checking the checkbox, HTML5 DRM playback will be re-enabled and the Google Widevine CDM will download automatically.

Supported platforms

Google Widevine

  • Windows Vista and higher
  • Mac OS X 10.9 and higher
  • x86 and x64 Linux

Similar opt-out capabilities will be offered on all new platforms where Firefox supports DRM.

DRM stands for Digital Right Management, which translates as “management digital rights" Thus, the answer to the question: “DRM protection - what is it” will be: “It is a class of technologies that are used by publishers to control content.” This can be expressed in this way: an audiobook that was purchased digitally on the site will be played normally on the computer with which the purchase was made. But if you copy it to another computer, it will become unnecessary file, which cannot be opened by any player.

Real application examples DRM technologies may turn out to be much more difficult.

DRM was designed from the beginning to prevent digital products from being copied. But the next generation of technology provided the tools to limit viewing, printing, and editing.

In an attempt to protect the interests of copyright holders, DRM protection has become the cause of a considerable number of complaints from users purchasing digital products. Inability to use purchased music using various devices negatively affected customer demand. As a result, publishers realized that there was an opportunity to sell music in digital form without imposing DRM protection. It will be even more successful. In other words, DRM protection even had a negative impact on sales of various digital products.

DRM protection - what is it?

Over time, these technologies were able to gain support in legislation. For example, a large number of countries have legal provisions that prohibit bypassing copy protection. In these states, disputes about whether DRM protection is needed, how to remove it, etc., are essentially illegal.

But DRM also poses another complication because such technologies can interfere with users' ability to exercise their legal rights. That is why, in order to understand what DRM protection is, you need to realize that with it it is not possible to create backup copies of a purchased work.

Without delving into legislative practices on the application of various laws in everyday life, it is possible to propose a scheme for how to remove DRM protection, which will be completely legal in most countries. The only exception would be Australia. It is possible to create several copies for your own needs or for reserve, but not for sale or distribution. Please note that the process of creating copies of more than 10 pieces may be considered commercial use. Therefore, you should avoid copying more than normal. There are no clear restrictions on making copies. For this reason, it is technically possible to lose DRM somewhere in the process of obtaining mp3 copies that are not protected. But using a program that is designed to disable copy protection may be a violation of the law. Thus, when talking about how to bypass DRM protection, you should remember that you can only do this for your own personal purposes.

How to do this?

But it’s good that this technology can be removed using programs for general use that are not covered by DRM protection. How to remove it? The best example In this case, the mp3Recorder Studio application serves. To do this, you need to enable playback of the purchased audio file with protection when using the required program (WMP, iTunes or another). Next, you need to capture the audio using mp3Recorder Studio and then save the audio directly to mp3. This process will use the built-in function of sound cards, which allows you to capture sound already in the middle of the device. Most sound cards provide a recording device called “Stereo Mix”. However, different names are used. This device makes it possible to capture everything that is being played sound card. This may require you to install latest driver from the official website of the card manufacturer. Typically, the drivers that Windows automatically installs most often disable and hide such a device.

“Digital copyright management” (or, more simply, copy protection systems) is supposed to protect copyright. But in reality, not only does it not fulfill its main function, but it also makes PCs accessible to hackers. How and for what reason does this happen?

Why do you need to remove DRM protection?

DRM systems can also be insecure. With the wrong options for implementing copy protection, it is possible to open holes in the computer's security system, which, in turn, would remain closed in the absence of DRM. The point here is that in order to block normal copy functions in the OS, rights management software packages need the broadest access rights to system files, and in fact take over control of such functions.

A good example of an unsafe implementation of this technology would be protective system from copying audio CDs from Sony BMG. This rootkit was placed on a large number of audio CDs from a music label that is one of the most famous in the world. When such a disk was loaded into the computer's CD-ROM, the installation of the XCP program for WINDOWS began automatically. It was supposed to protect against copying of an entire album or the process of stealing tracks from a disc.

The XCP rootkit penetrated deep into the OS, and at the same time it installed completely independently. The ability to uninstall using normal methods was not possible. Also, during operation, it took up a large part of the memory and could cause crashes. But the most important thing is that absolutely nothing was written about this rootkit and its functioning. user agreement(EULA). This is all despite the fact that almost no one reads such agreements.

But the most important thing is that the XCP rootkit created real threat for the entire system. For example, after its installation, all files that begin with $sys$ acquired the “hidden” mode. This was immediately used by virus creators. For example, the Breplibot Trojan, which was sent as attachments to E-mails, was detected only by antivirus programs and programs. Such unsafe files were absolutely invisible to users.

How to disable protection

DRM protection on WMV and WMA files is done in stages.

These days, most downloaded audio and video files that are protected (WMP, iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, Bearshare, Spiral Frog) are DRM files.

The process of writing a file is not complicated. There is a free method to remove DRM protection from WMV and WMA files. This is done in two steps.

1. You need to burn the DRM WMA file to a CD or DRM WMV to a DVD.

2. You need to extract WMV and WMA with protection to the PC itself, after which DRM protection will be disabled.

Rewrite method

This method is the most popular and accessible. It consists of burning DRM WMA and DRM WMV files with a regular converter that converts recorded and unprotected files. Exactly according to the reason for this, What similar technology is easy to use, formats that differ from DRM WMA and DRM WMV will also be supported by converters such as SoundTaxi, NoteBurner and others. But this also has its downsides.

New technology

Hook Hook is an advanced technology that can be used to disable EPUB DRM protection. When comparing these programs with rewriting programs, it is this type that has a noticeable fast conversion. However, it will not be easy to make it work with some of the DRM formats that have new high-quality encryption techniques.

After testing, the result was that DRM WMA and DRM WMV protection is simply removed using Digital Music Converter. This program can extract audio content from DRM WMV files. This program also supports other unprotected formats, such as: mp3, M4b, M4A, WAV, AC3, AAC.

Conversion steps:

1. First you need to add DRM WMA, DRM WMV or other files that are not protected.

2. You need to select the desired outgoing format.

What is DRM? Why do you need to remove DRM from WMA WMV files?

Speaking about the meaning of the term “DRM protection” (what it is - we generally discussed above), you need to know: these are programs that protect against copying and make it difficult to perform actions related to video and audio files. For example, if WMA or WMV files downloaded from WMP are protected with DRM, then it is possible to play them only using compatible devices. If every song had DRM, then the user would have to purchase this track on disk in order to listen to it using a player or car radio. For example, if tunes were purchased on iTunes and they are listened to on the iPOd, then due to the fact that they have already been purchased, the user will not need to perform this action again and again. You just need to remove DRM from the file, and you will be able to play it on iPod, Zune, PSP, CD player, PC and other devices.


This method is not entirely suitable, sometimes it can even cause damage to the CD-Roma. WMP only has the ability to record DRM WMA and DRM WMV files. For other formats you will need DVD-Ripper.

Due to the long recording process, the conversion speed will not be better. During the recording process, much of the video or audio quality may be lost.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) license is a tool that allows the copyright holder to control access, prevent illegal copying and distribution of their software. Cracking a digital code will be an impossible task for most people. Therefore, many users quite logically have a question: how can they reset DRM? Android licenses So what's this?

DRM is an acronym for Digital Rights Management, which translates to “digital rights management.” It is implemented through the developer’s implementation of various technical means, which do not allow it to be illegally disposed of. As a result, the person who downloaded the product can use it only for his own personal purposes, without the possibility of copying or transferring it to other users. DRM license is a digital lock, the necessary key to which is held by the developer, who is also the copyright holder of this software.

When creating such a digital code, various mathematical algorithms called cryptoalgorithms are used. We will not go into detail and explain what a crypto-algorithm is, but will only note that it is very difficult to crack a DRM license. The most common scheme for implementing this technology on Android is as follows:

  • The user buys a phone or tablet that, in addition to the OS itself, contains special software from the developer.
  • After the device is turned on and activated, the pre-installed software starts working in a demo version (for a period of a week, month, etc.). After the trial period expires, the program stops working, offering to buy paid version from the copyright holder.

Purchasing a premium product is the acquisition of a DRM license for the selected application. In addition to the above diagram, there may be other examples of implementing copyright protection on Android devices.
You can learn what a DRM license is for Android by watching the video below.

Resetting DRM licenses

Depending on which product is covered by the license, you must use one or another solution to the problem. For example, using various hacking software, you can reset the application activation counter. Some utilities allow you to remove the binding certain files to the site, disable the need to verify the digital key and much more.

For your mobile phone running Android OS, you can reset the DRM license without using hacker programs. To do this, just do the following:

  • Go to the main menu of the smartphone settings, through the retractable curtain or from the main screen.
  • Select the “Backup and Reset” tab. In Android 5 and higher, it is located under the accounts tab.
  • Click on the line " Reset DRM(DRMreset)".

This feature should be used very carefully, especially if you do not know what will happen when resetting the DRM license. The fact is that after the actions taken, the user may lose access to certain features and functions of applications already installed in the memory. Also some branded preinstalled programs, which are present in phones from Samsung and Sony, may simply stop working. But otherwise, the functionality and personalization of the phone will not be affected in any way. A regular factory reset, which can be found in the “Backup and Reset” tab, will not remove DRM licenses.

How to remove DRM protection

Recently, many Android software developers are constantly faced with user protests regarding the inconvenience of a digital license. However, in many products, including mobile applications, multimedia files etc., it is still in use. Let's look at the main methods that allow you to remove the Digital Rights Management "digital lock" from the most common file types:

  • Using specialized utilities. For example, free programs “DRM Media Converter” or “DRM Removal” can bypass and deactivate DRM protection from many popular file types. These include documents with extensions: .WMV, .M4B, .M4V, .ASF and many others.
  • Converting protected files digital license using converters. Such programs include: Digital Music Converter, Sound Taxi, Note Burner, as well as many others that can be found on the Internet. Despite the fact that they are used only for a narrow range of extensions, after conversion you will receive an absolutely “clean file”.
  • Using CD and DWD drives. Files with the WMV and WMA extension can be easily and simply removed from digital protection if you have a computer and a blank blank at hand. It is enough to burn WMA to CD, and WMV to DVD, and then copy them back to the PC. After this, the DRM license will be removed from them.

Utility interface for removing DRM protection

Note that in many cases, you can find a free-to-use alternative DRM protected software. Also, by purchasing a paid version of the product from the developers, you guarantee yourself the opportunity to use all the functions and capabilities of the software.

In this article we will look at what a DRM license is on Android and how to remove its protection or reset the DRM.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

What is DRM?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) literally translates as “digital rights management.” Control is implemented by placing various technical means in the product in order to create obstacles to the illegal disposal of the program.

The owner can use the protected product only for personal purposes; the user will not be able to sell or copy it. DRM is essentially a kind of digital lock, to which the key must be purchased from the copyright holder.

The DRM key for gaining access has the form of a code, the creation of which uses cryptographic algorithms. It is difficult to hack, and you can only gain access after purchasing a licensed digital product. This technology on Android is implemented in this way:

  • The user purchases new gadget, into which the manufacturer installs certain software.
  • After launching and activating the device, the software will work in free demo mode. When trial period passes, the application will stop functioning and will require you to purchase a license.

Purchasing access to a full version of the program is an element of DRM. This is only one of the likely options; there are other examples of protection.

We look at information about DRM

To view information about the requirements different programs, which applications will be affected by removing licenses, whether the gadget supports the technologies that are necessary for normal operation services, follow mobile device install DRM Info. The application publishes data about DRM components, indicating whether they are supported on gadgets.


Using this information, you can determine whether you should purchase licensed apps or premium accounts. For example, in order to be able to play videos on Netflix Full format HD and 4K, Google Widevine level 1 required.

Many devices come with the third level, it turns out that there is no point in spending money on a premium account, because... There will be no improvement in quality here - the device does not support the necessary technologies.

Resetting DRM licenses on Android

The process for resetting DRM licenses depends on the specific license. With the help of various hacker software Can:

  • Reset program launch counters that have DRM protection.
  • Unlink similar types of files from certain Internet resources.
  • Remove key verification using software, etc.

On Android, the user has the opportunity to reset all DRM licenses loaded on the gadget:

  • Go to “Settings”.
  • There we select “Backup and reset”.
  • Then click on “DRMreset”.

This option should be used quite carefully, because... If you purchased software with this license, you will lose access to it after resetting the DRM settings. This option should be used in special conditions, for example, if the device is sold.

How to remove DRM protection

Many Android software developers have recently faced frequent user protests regarding the inconvenience of digital licenses. Despite this, it is still used in many products, including multimedia files, mobile applications, etc.

Let's look at the main options that allow you to remove the DRM “digital lock” from the most common file types:

  • Use of specialized utilities. For example, free software “DRM Removal” or “DRM Media Converter” can deactivate protection from large quantity popular file types. This includes documents with extensions: .ASF, .M4V, .M4B, .WMV and many others.
  • Using converters to convert files protected by a digital license. Similar applications include: Note Burner, Sound Taxi, Digital Music Converter, etc., available on the Internet. Although they are used for a small range of extensions, once converted, a completely "clean file" is available to users.
  • Application of CD and DVD discs. Files with the WMA and WMV extension can be simply and easily removed from digital protection if you have a computer and a blank disk at hand. It is enough to burn WMV to DVD, WMA to CD, and then copy them back to the PC. The DRM license will then be removed from the files.


In many situations, you can find a free alternative to DRM-protected software. By purchasing a paid version of the software from the developers, you guarantee the ability to use all the options and capabilities of the program.

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