What to do if google doesn't work. Why Google search doesn't work

There are four main reasons why Google stops working: blocking by an antivirus program, lack of necessary components in the root folder of the program, blocking by a firewall, incompatibility with the system.

Detailed consideration of the reasons

An antivirus program can block a browser in two cases:

1) If the program is infected with a virus.
2) If the antivirus has functions like a firewall. All applications trying to connect to the network are simply blocked by the antivirus.

To solve the first problem, check local disk, on which the web browser is installed, for viruses and, if found, eliminate them. If the treatment procedure does not help, then remove the browser and install it again.

To solve problem number two, go to the antivirus menu and disable the function that blocks applications from accessing the network.

The lack of necessary components may occur due to their accidental removal. For example, you install some program, and randomly it is installed in the browser folder, and one file of this program replaces the web browser file. The result of this replacement is a startup failure Google Chrome.

Removal also occurs as a result of the uninstaller application. This application cleans your computer of errors and unused files, and in some cases deletes necessary ones, mistaking them for unimportant ones.

Files may also be deleted during antivirus treatment. To solve these problems, it is best, as in the previous case, to reinstall the browser.

Firewall blocking is a common reason for programs that require network access to fail. To disable the firewall, use the following algorithm: “Start” menu => “Control Panel” => “Windows Firewall” => “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” => “Turn off the firewall.” For more later versions In Windows, you don’t have to disable the firewall, just check the box next to “Allow this program to access the network” in the program itself.

When using the old one Windows versions There may be an incompatibility problem. In this case, reinstall the OS or try downloading more old version. The browser may also not work due to incompatibility with some applications installed on the computer. Uninstall the applications, restart your computer, and the web browser will open.

The Google Chrome browser may not start for several reasons, including exposure to viruses or a conflict with some software installed on the computer. Antivirus programs and firewalls help protect your computer from viruses and prevent the spread of malware, but they can also prevent your browser from starting. This is due to the fact that they can block some programs associated with Internet connections, including Google Chrome.

Also, the reason for failure to launch may be a damaged browser profile, lack of memory, etc. Let's take a closer look at all the options.

Antivirus software

Modern antiviruses provide secure access to the Internet by restricting access using certain protocols or for individual applications. Your antivirus or firewall may be set to block all Internet connections to Google Chrome. To check, you need to temporarily disable all anti-virus software on your computer and check whether the browser starts. If Chrome starts, then you need to add it to the list of exceptions for your antivirus or firewall.

Impact of viruses and software conflicts

Google Chrome has a simple tool that can help you identify programs that negatively affect the browser. To do this, just enter the following query in the address bar “ chrome://conflicts».

In the picture above you can see that Chrome found 130 modules loaded into the browser. However, no conflicts were detected with any of the modules.

If there are conflicts with third-party software, Chrome will display them on this page. Detected viruses may also be present in this list.

To resolve these conflicts, you need to disable, update, or remove problematic programs. If found malware, then you definitely need to clean your computer using some kind of antivirus program. Google Chrome itself will suggest the steps you need to take to fix each problem.

Checking protected system files

Sometimes the reason the browser fails to launch is damage or changes in system Windows files. System files are very important for stable operation systems and applications. Sami Google developers Chrome recommends checking protected system files if you have problems launching the browser.

In order to check system files, you need to enter the command “ SFC. exe / SCANNOW" In this case, there must be a space between these two components of the command.

Chrome user profile corruption

If your browser does not open or starts for a while and then closes, then possible reason this problem may be due to profile corruption Google user Chrome. In order to restore the browser, you need to create new profile user. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Close your browser.
  2. Open Windows Explorer(keyboard shortcut " Win+ E»).
  3. After opening the Explorer window, enter the following path at the top in the address bar:
  • For usersWindows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
  • For users Windows Vista, 7,8 : %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\
  1. Press the " Enter" A list of browser folders and files should open.
  2. In this list, find the folder " Default" and rename it, for example to " Default BACKUP».
  3. Launch Chrome.

If everything went well, the browser should open with default settings and automatically create new folder « Default" Recovery previous settings you can try to copy some data from backup folder to the folder " Default", but it is not advisable to do this, because The old profile is corrupted and these actions may corrupt the newly created profile.

Update 01/13/2016

With the exit latest versions Google Chrome, renaming the “Default” folder no longer gives the desired result. This may be due to a change in the structure of the folders in which user data is stored.

To solve this problem, you can rename the folder " User Data", which is the parent of the "Default" folder. After renaming and launching the browser, a new “User Data” folder will be created with default settings, and from old folder you can try to retrieve your settings.

Not enough RAM

Your computer's operating system uses RAM to run itself and to run various programs. Although for modern computers and laptops, this is not entirely relevant, because... they have a fairly large volume random access memory, however, if many applications and processes are running at the same time as Google Chrome is launched, the browser may not open.

To check your computer's load, press the key combination " Ctrl+ Alt+ Delete" and launch the task manager. In the window that opens, look at how many processes and applications you have running, and how much free physical memory you have. Try closing some programs and check that Google Chrome is running.

Update or reinstall your video card driver

Majority modern browsers(including Chrome) use video card resources ( hardware acceleration) for rendering pages. Therefore, if the video card driver is faulty or its version is outdated, this may cause Google Chrome to fail to launch.

Today we’ll talk about the Google Chrome browser, and more precisely, about why Chrome may not start. Any user can encounter this problem, so let's discuss the causes of the problem and their solutions.

Viruses and software conflicts

Everything is simple here. If yesterday you were using Chrome without any problems, and today it stopped starting, most likely the problem is some kind of virus or malicious file. In this case, be sure to use an antivirus with the latest downloaded databases and a utility like Dr. Web Cureit, which will help you find the source of the problems.

In addition, if you do manage to launch the browser, you can familiarize yourself with the connected modules in Chrome. To do this, type the phrase in the address bar chrome://conflicts/ and press Enter key. You will see the loaded modules in front of you. If the system detects conflicts, it will definitely notify you about it. You will need to disable the module. If we're talking about about any program, it is better to remove it or reinstall it. Just don't delete any system file, otherwise you may not start Windows next time!

Firewall and antivirus software

If you use a firewall, then you probably know that it does not allow all programs to access the network. It is worth noting that the setup occurs automatically, at the same time the system can block you from accessing the network important programs. You need to open your firewall or antivirus if it uses your own firewall and add Google browser Chrome to the exception list.

Damage to system files

Theoretically, it is possible that system files that are somehow associated with the browser can be damaged. This happens very rarely, and if it does happen, then, as a rule, viruses and malicious files. In this case, there are two options: this, or restoring the system to an earlier point in time. In other words, you need to roll back the system.

Click on the "Start" button, then select "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "System Restore". Here you need to select a restore point (the date at which Chrome was working) and follow the instructions. The main thing is that you have at least one restore point.

User profile corruption

IN in this case We are talking about damage to the Google Chrome user profile. You can suggest deleting the profile folder, and all data, including extensions, bookmarks, etc. will be deleted. If it doesn't bother you, delete it User folder Data. It is located at:

  • Windows 7, 8 and Vista: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\ (for example, C:\%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\)
  • Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\ (for example, C:\%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\)

In this case, before the procedure itself, you can copy the folder to another directory - if something happens, you can restore it back.

If this does not help, it is better to follow the instructions and install it again.

Not enough RAM

There is an opinion that Google Chrome may not start due to insufficient RAM. I haven’t encountered this, but there are reviews about memory on the Internet. This can be solved by closing programs. To do this, turn off running applications one by one.

If this helps, you might want to consider increasing your RAM.

Update your video card driver

Google Chrome can use video card resources. So you can try it. This is not difficult to do, as I already talked about earlier.

If nothing works out

If all else fails, you can launch Chrome using the no-sandbox key. But! It is strictly not recommended to use it, since, according to some data, in this case some vulnerabilities may be opened in the browser. Therefore, this method is best used if you need to retrieve some saved data from the browser.

Find the Google Chrome shortcut on your desktop and click on it right click mouse and select “Properties” from the menu. Go to the shortcut tab and enter —no-sandbox in the object field (before no there is not one dash, but two in a row!). Save the changes.

Let's try to launch the browser.

Once again, if in this case Chrome boots, I recommend removing all important data from it and reinstalling it until it starts starting without a key.

Everyone knows that the Belarusian segment of the Internet is characterized by a shortage of external IP addresses. Our republic has a very limited range of them. Therefore, all providers diligently use NAT technology to work with external traffic on TCP/IP networks.
This, in turn, can cause certain problems for domestic Internet users. One of the most common and annoying is the constant throwing out of captchas in Yandex search and blocking Google search page.

As a result, the computer user cannot use the search necessary information in the Internet. “Google Sorry. We're sorry!" - it's a pity!

This often happens... but that’s half the trouble.

The situation is familiar and unpleasant for many. Now let's talk about how to eliminate it. What to do to prevent problems with opening Google search an unpleasant surprise further?

What to do if you get banned and Google search page won't open?

To solve the problem, we must understand what Google blocks when the host accesses the DNS server. It is at this stage that the problem arises - there are a lot of users at the same time, through limited number IP addresses are trying to do the same. Therefore, our task is not to use DNS server when accessing the search page.


Copy to address bar one of the Google search IP addresses:

  • - google.com
  • - google.ru
  • — google.by

You only need to copy the numbers into the address bar (as in the picture).

Click Enter. We get normal search page, where you can search for anything: services, goods, places on the map.
In order not to search for the “numeric” IP address of Google search every time your external IP is “banned”, I suggest creating a bookmark Google pages with the entered numeric IP address or save this page bookmarked for quick search required values addresses.

This method may not always work. In this case, you need to reboot the router (modem) by briefly turning it off and on. When restarted, the router will be able to work in a different range of external IP addresses, which will allow you to get rid of blocking search service Google.

There is another way to solve the problem of blocking Google search, it is written about.

Why do Android devices work with Google service Play Store having problems? Many users are familiar with such situations. The reason may be technical problems Google services or malfunctions of the smartphone (tablet) from which you operate. There are a great many options, but we have selected a dozen of the most common difficulties and described methods that make it possible to find a way out of the situation.
Rebooting your smartphone or tablet is the first thing to try if the Play Store suddenly refuses to work. Alternatively, the cause could be a system freeze (users encounter this situation quite often). The most interesting thing is that rebooting often helps not only in case of failures in working with Play Store, but also in case of problems arising with other services and applications. It also happens that the device has rebooted, but the market does not want to work. Then you can try other methods.

Method 2: Reset Google settings Play Store
Resetting service settings also helps quite often, and it is done in the following way:
1. Go to the settings menu of your smartphone (tablet);
2. Select the section " Applications" or " Application Manager»:

3. We find it in the list Google Play Market, select it;

4. In the application management window that opens, select “ Clear cache" or " Erase data", click on this button.

5. We reboot the Android device so that the system responds to the changes made to the settings.
6. If the Play Store doesn't work, try other methods.

Method 3: Uninstall Google updates Play Store
Everything is done in the same way as in method 2 described above, with the only difference that instead of “Clear cache” the button “ is selected Uninstall updates" The application will return to its original version, in which it worked normally before installing the updates. If the problem really is new version software or Android device, due to technical imperfections, does not support these updates, then the service will work in the mode familiar to the user. No new features, but fine.

Method 4: Reset Google Play Services app settings
Resetting settings is one of the effective options for solving problems with work Play Marketa. The procedure in this case is as follows:
1. Menu " Settings»;
2. Chapter " Application Manager" or " Applications»;

3. Choose " Google Play Services»;

4. Open the menu, select " Clear cache", press.

Method 5: Activating the "Download Manager"
It is possible that while using your tablet or smartphone, you accidentally turned off " Download Manager"and did not attach any importance to the fact that service application stopped working. To reactivate it, you need to go to the settings menu of your Android device, then to “Applications”, then using the “All” swipe, then find “Download Manager” and turn it on by pressing the desired button. Restart your smartphone and check if the Play Store is working.

Method 6: Delete Google Account
We warn you right away: by deleting your Google account, you may lose the necessary and important information, so it is recommended to create a backup copy (sync data) in advance.

1. Go to the settings menu;
2. Select " Accounts» and find yours in the menu that opens, click;

3. In the synchronization menu that opens, click on your mailbox;

4. Select items to synchronize (save in backup). Usually this is “Contacts” and other personal information available in the device’s memory. To select sections, just click on them. If you value all the information contained in your Android device, click on “Options”, then select “ Synchronize"- you will receive backup copies of all existing applications.

Now you are ready to delete your Google account. When you log back into your device from it, you will be prompted to restore the information from the backup.

But let’s return to the procedure for deleting a Google account to normalize the operation of the market. After creating a backup, you need to return to the previous menu and this time select “ Delete", not "Synchronize". Click on the appropriate button, then restart your smartphone (tablet) and log in to your account again. Typically, deleting your account helps get rid of problems related to the operation of Google services. If this does not happen, try other methods.

Method 7: Remove incompatible applications
Sometimes users independently install applications, the presence of which negatively affects the work Play service Market, and in some cases can even lead to its blocking. The list of such programs is very long, but the most common culprit of problems is software popular among gamers Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free. Most likely, it is this application that will have to be removed to solve the problem with the market.
1. In the Settings menu, find Application Manager, then Installed.
2. Scroll through the list until you find it Freedom, select it.
3. Press " Stop" in the application menu that opens in front of you.
4. Uninstall Freedom. It is very important to first stop the program and only then uninstall the application.
5. Reboot your Android device.
6. Check if Google Play is working.
Did not help? Let's try other options for solving the problem.

Method 8: Setting up "hosts"
This system file in Android devices is located at /system/etc/hosts. It is used to block access to unwanted resources. Initially the file contains a single entry localhost Due to the actions of attackers who want to block your Google account and receive money for unblocking, the market address may also appear there. Remove this line, returning hosts file to its original state. For such actions, you may need to obtain root rights. How is this done on various devices We have talked about this many times on our website.

Method 9: Full reset all Android device settings
Full reset- the method is radical and effective, but it requires preparation. Otherwise, you may lose valuable information. Sync your data - create a backup as shown in method 6. Make sure this procedure completes successfully. Now you can go to “Settings”, find the “Backup and reset” section, where you can perform “Reset settings”. After that, restart the device and restore the information using backup copy.

Method 10: Checking your Internet connection
Before setting up your Android device or deleting anything from it, make sure you have Internet access. Check your connection speed, restart the router and double-check the connection quality again.

Method 11: Google Account Activation
Quite often a Google account turns out to be disabled. This can be checked by going to the corresponding section of the menu. Find the application " Google Accounts", activate it if it is disabled. The problem with the market will be 100% resolved.

Method 12: Adjusting the time and date
An incorrectly set date or time may cause problems with Google's work Play. This is due to licenses and other nuances of the operation of Google services, depending on time restrictions. If you have a network connection and its quality is satisfactory, reset the time and date. Do not forget specify the correct time zone. This is done in the “Settings” menu in the items “Date and time”, “Network date and time”, “Network time zone” by checking the boxes the desired option.

We hope that at least one of the methods we propose will be life-saving for you and will help normalize the operation of your Android device with the Google Play service. If you find your own, then send it to us - perhaps it will help someone else.

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