Check visitors in contact. Is there a VKontakte service “My Guests”

Guests. This is quite useful and interesting feature, especially if you know how to use it. There are quite a few ways that can help you implement this idea.

Why is it needed?

Well, we'll start by trying to guess why we even need the function that we'll learn how to use today. If you are thinking about how to view, then most likely you are interested in identifying visitors to your page.

In fact, this opportunity helps to identify desirable and undesirable guests, as well as restrict access to certain users. So it's very useful opportunity. However, sometimes it can be considered useless. Let's try as soon as possible to figure out how to view guests in Contact and, in general, whether all users have such an opportunity.


Naturally, if we have already asked ourselves some question, then we have the function in question. The first way you can find out who viewed our page is the “Guests in Contact” program. It is quite simple to download, install and use. Enter your username and password, and then view your visitors.

But you should treat with special caution this application. The point is that this method cannot be called completely safe. Various programs that expand the functions of social networks are mostly viruses and can hack your account. Thus, if you think about it and you are not afraid of security threats, you can use this method. In the meantime, we will move on to more gentle methods that can help us.


The first method that we can use (among the safe ones) is, of course, a special application for a social network. It is called "Guests and Fans" in "Contact".

In order for you to be able to see who visited your profile, you simply need to indicate the address of the application you installed so that your visitors follow this link. Only in in this case you can see the guests of the page.

For example, you can insert a link into a particular text and publish it. Or just write it in the “web address”. Once you engage a user and get them to check in, you will have a great opportunity to view all the users who have visited your profile. However, these are not all the methods that can be used. Let's try to figure it out with you what else can help us in our idea.

Special services

If you are thinking about how to view guests in Contact, then, of course, many users may advise you to find so-called specialized sites that offer services for providing a list of users.

Naturally, many are interested in this matter. You are asked to provide your login, sometimes your password, plus pay a fee for the service. After you do this, they will promise to provide you with lists of profile visitors. For example, it will be sent to you by e-mail at some intervals.

You shouldn’t be happy and think that this is how you can use such a service as viewing guests in Contact. Often such actions can be equated to hacking programs. You will simply give money to the scammers, and they will never provide you with a service. In addition, you can simply be hacked and your account stolen. Agree, not the best outcome. However, many users still stubbornly fall for such a scam. Especially if the desire to get to know visitors is quite high.


Is it really impossible to use some more universal means that are provided by the VKontakte social network? In fact, the site administration does not allow its users to view the profiles of those who visited the page.

Instead, everyone has a great opportunity to see some statistics that relate to visitors and guests. There you will be asked to see the age of the audience who viewed the profile, gender and even country. In addition, each user can also see the number of views on their account. This is quite an interesting thing. Now we will learn how to use it with you.

Go to your profile, and then look at the caption under the audio recordings. The line "Statistics" will be displayed there. Click on it and then see what you get. A window will pop up in front of you that will help you figure out who is viewing your page. Here you will see how many men and women visit your page, as well as statistics by day of visit. There is a separate schedule for this. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Today, almost everyone knows what it is social network. We communicate, visit each other, exchange opinions and gifts. More and more interesting and sometimes surprising functions appear on such sites every day.

For example, many Russian-language networks have implemented the ability to view profile visitors, and for all “residents” of these resources, checking the list of guests has become commonplace. You always want to find out who is interested in you. It might even be useful! However, for some reason there is no “Guests” page on one of the most popular sites “VKontakte”...

Background of the issue

Users of the VK network have always been interested in seeing those who visit personal pages, but for some reason the creators of this resource did not give their clients the opportunity to view guests.

Today, various sites vie with each other to offer viewing services. There are special resources, various kinds of programs, and extensions for browsers... Some inventions are asked to be paid for, while others are provided free of charge.

The administration of the VKontakte website assures its users that all offers to view page guests are deception and deception of money from gullible citizens. Is it really? Let's check!

About the motives of user behavior

Soon you will learn about what “Guests of my page” on VKontakte are and how it works. But first, let's think about how these same guests behave, what are they doing while visiting your profile?

What benefits can the VKontakte service bring you? My guests"? Firstly, you will find out the true motives for the behavior of your friends and acquaintances. Secondly, you will have the opportunity to identify enemies and well-wishers. And finally, thirdly, you can find out who is interested in you. But how do all these people behave when they come to visit you? Let's see!

Among your visitors there are unusually active users who always leave some kind of note on your page. You can note that they sympathize with you and come with good intentions if they are ready to come in several times a day.

There is a second type of people who visit you. These individuals do not leave any traces on your page. Most likely, they are jealous of you or offended by something. Or maybe they are stealing your notes? It is possible that the page is used by unknown silent people who do not want to reveal themselves.

The third type of visitors are friends from real life, the most dear and beloved, because they were the participants in many of the events that you talk about in your profile.

A little about programs for viewing visitors

Skilled developers can offer you a variety of programs that need to be installed on your computer. What are the benefits of such inventions? What can programs called “VKontakte” do? My guests"?

The creators claim that their creations can:

  • Show full list guests of your page.
  • Talk about what actions your visitors performed.
  • Display visit statistics.
  • Filter guests by the date they arrived at your place.

One of the most famous programs hosted in World Wide Web, is My guests. It is very dangerous because when installed it infects your PC with viruses. The next step of the creators of this “miracle” is to defraud you of money via SMS. So with special programs for VK you have to be especially careful!

Websites offering to view guests

Many services for checking visits to your page are designed as websites. So, according to their creators, these sites are more convenient and safer to use. The developers report that these inventions can tell you about guests and their actions on your account.

Here are some of these sites:

  1. In order to use the website, you just need to enter the number or name of your page in a special line. Next, you will be asked to pay for the service using your mobile phone.
  2. The resource offers you to log in through VK, and then get acquainted with the list of your visitors. Interestingly, this site also provides many other services for VKontakte fans.
  3. Service "VKontakte. My guests" from Vkontakteuznatktozahodil will ask you to enter your name, and then go through a few more steps. Next, you will be able to see all your visitors.

They say that such sites can steal your password and also hack your page. For this reason, such services cannot be trusted unconditionally!

Special applications on the VKontakte website

Relatively recently, various applications have appeared on VK that help lift the veils of secrecy called “Guests”. These devices allow you to view the guests of your page, as well as the visitors of your friends. In addition, these services generate visit statistics.

Many of similar applications offer to place a special link-trap on your wall. When your guests go to this address, the service that implements the “VKontakte. My guests” will notify you of your visit.

The following applications exist on the VKontakte website:

  1. "Friends. All your guests" allows you to see only visitors to your page.
  2. “VKontakte: my guests and fans” will tell you not only about your guests, but also about those who came to your friends. There are three tabs: “Guests”, “Fans” and “Friends”. The first tab will show you all visitors, the second will tell you about their activity, and the third will reveal inactive and blocked friends.
  3. From the “Guests” service on “VKontakte” you can find out about who is coming to you and what they are doing on your territory. This application is recommended for communities - this way administrators learn about the preferences of their subscribers.

Now you can decide for yourself which application “My Guests. VKontakte" is preferred. Study the entire list that the developers have posted on the social network and choose the most suitable service.

Tricky ways to calculate visitors

Some users claim that by looking at your friends list, you can figure out which of them visits you more often. They say whoever is at the top of your list visits more often. Believe it or not, think for yourself.

An effective way to view recent profile visitors is to temporarily delete the account. To do this, go to the settings of your page and look at the very bottom for the words “Delete page”. Use the delete function. When you are asked to indicate a reason for leaving the site, indicate that you are not allowed to leave comments. Then your page will be blocked. Now you need to restore it, and then move on to your wall. Here you will notice the names of those who often write comments to you.

In order to recognize guests, you can download one of local applications. Following step by step instructions, even a beginner can cope with this task.

Which app should you choose?

VKontakte offers more than a dozen special applications, with the help of which you can not only see visitors, but also see visit statistics, the actions of these people, and also track who was added or removed from friends. Each application has its own “tricks”; by downloading several, you yourself will determine which program is convenient for your needs.

In our article we will talk about two of the most popular applications - “My Guests” and “My Fans and Guests”.

To find the application you need, just enter its name in the search bar above yours main photo On the page.

After clicking on the “My Guests” application, this window will appear where you can familiarize yourself with the main features of the program and see what data you allow access to.

On the right top corner Click “Launch application”.

After launching the application, you can see the people who came to visit you.

Important! The program generates a list of guests based on user activity. If a person simply looked at your page, but did not leave a “trace” (did not like the post, did not comment on the post, did not go to your photo albums), then the application will not display such a guest.

A unique feature of the “My Guests” program is the ability to promote your page. To do this, you need to select the “Promotion” tab and select the city, gender and age of the people to whom you would like to show your page.

Be prepared for the fact that for each person to whom your page is shown, you will have to pay with money or “votes” on VKontakte. For example, in order for about 10,000 users to see you, you need to fork out about 300 rubles or spend 44 of your “votes”.

If these numbers don’t scare you, and you are eager to make new friends who will comment on your photos and posts, and maybe find your love, feel free to order a promotion service. Your account will quickly gain popularity.

When you launch this application, we perform the same initial steps as when searching for the “My Guests” application.

By entering the desired application and selecting “My fans and guests” from the list, a download window will open in front of you. At the top right click “Launch application”.

By launching the program, you will also see your guests, also see who your friends like, and promote your page, as in the previous application. The highlight of this program is the “My Desires” tab. With its help you can express your attitude towards a person. It looks like this:

“My Desires” Tab

Advice! Do not forget that by downloading applications, you consent to the use of your personal data, so carefully read all the terms written in small print or hidden in links.