Workshop for the production of bread and bakery products. Leavening and fermentation of dough

Bakery products are made in the form of piece products, which are baked from flour dough that undergoes a fermentation process. The technological line for bread production improves the quality of product output and assortment. The surface of the product is covered with a hard crust. Inside there is a porous, soft crumb in the form of rubber.

Wheat flour is the main ingredient of bread

Main raw materials for bread production:

  • Rye flour;
  • drinking water.

Additional raw materials for bread production:

  • salt;
  • fats;
  • yeast;
  • sugar;
  • nutritional supplements.

Flour for bakery products is made from mealy grains, soft wheat. The composition of this flour is powdery and free-flowing. Auxiliary raw materials are converted into liquid, intermediate semi-finished products: emulsions; solutions and suspensions.

Baking dough, upon completion of kneading and fermentation, takes on certain physical properties, such as gas-retaining and shape-retaining abilities, as well as elasticity and acidity, necessary for this type of bread. These properties guarantee the maximum number of dough pieces that go into baking.

Production recipe

The bread dough should rise in a warm place

Nowadays, in the baking industry, you can find a description of the technological line for bread production, or rather, two types of them, which differ in the stages of mechanization.

  • Mechanized line.

Allows the production of bread for an assortment that allows you to switch from the production of one subtype of product to the production of another, which are within the boundaries of assortment groups. Mass subtypes of products, namely round and shaped hearth bread; loaf - produced on special complex mechanized lines.

The main process in the production of a bakery product is fermentation and kneading of the recipe mixture, that is, dough. When kneading, everything is mixed necessary components, the mixture passes machining and is saturated with air bubbles. Next comes the hydrolytic effect of moisture on the dry components of the resulting mixture. Later the dough frame will be formed in a sponge form.

Dough kneading machine

Dough fermentation occurs due to the action of yeast and various bacteria in fermented milk products. Fermentation causes enzymatic and microbiological processes, which subsequently change all physicochemical properties. A porous-capillary structure is formed, which is held by a plastic-elastic skeleton, its pores are completely filled with gas, which consists of carbon dioxide, alcohol, water and pores, auxiliary results of fermentation. Next, flavoring and aromatic substances accumulate, and the consumer properties of the bakery product are determined.

A bakery product can only be produced in a commercial, finished, consumer form. The storage period for bread products without specialized packaging should not exceed 1-2 days, because of this, production is organized at points of direct consumption. For proper transportation, the product is laid out on trays made of wood. These trays are placed on carts or racks and transported by special machines.

Technological process

Manufacturing bakery products has the stages necessary for production. Several can be highlighted:

  • aeration;
  • storage;
  • mixing;
  • flour dosing;
  • sifting flour.
  1. Tempering salt and sugar solutions, yeast suspensions and fat emulsions.
  2. Measuring the recipe component, fermenting the dough and dough, kneading.
  3. Dosing the “ripened” dough into parts of equal weight.
  4. Formation. The dough piece undergoes mechanical shaping, which gives the product the required shape: cylindrical, spherical, cigar-shaped, etc.
  5. The formed dough pieces undergo a fermentation or proofing process. After this, cuts can be made on the dough.
  6. Dough pieces and baked bread undergo hydrothermal treatment.
  7. The final stage is rejection, cooling, packaging, and storage of products.

Equipment complexes

Speaking about the characteristics of equipment lines, we can distinguish several stages of the technological process. The initial stage is carried out using a whole complex of devices for transportation, storage, preparation for the production of water, flour, sugar, salt, yeast, fat and other types of raw materials.

Fabric bags, reinforced concrete bins and metal containers are used to store the material. Small businesses most often use mechanical transportation of flour bags using forklifts. Flour is transported by elevators, screw and chain conveyors. Larger organizations will use a pneumatic flour transportation system. And thin semi-finished products are pumped using pumps.

To prepare raw materials, sifters, magnetic devices, mixers, filters, and other additional equipment are used.

The main line complex includes:

Bread dough forming line
  • tempering equipment;
  • dosing components;
  • mixing equipment;
  • fermentation of dough and dough;
  • section of the finished dough into portions;
  • dough formation;
  • dispensers;
  • dough mixers;
  • dough making equipment.

Additional line complex includes:

  • proofing machine;
  • styling equipment;
  • baking mechanism;

It contains – transplants, cabinets, styling equipment, cutting, ovens.

The final complex of the machine for lines:

  • proofing machine;
  • cooling;
  • package;
  • transportation;
  • storage.

It has a cooling compartment, equipment for expeditions and a finished product warehouse.

Line diagram

Machine-hardware bread production line Machine-hardware bread production line, the diagram of which is shown in the figure above, is one of the main mass subtypes of bread production.

Flour is delivered to the enterprise in flour trucks, which accept up to 8 tons of flour. The car is hung on truck scales and then transferred for unloading. To unload the car pneumatically, it is necessary to equip the flour truck with a special air compressor and a flexible hose to connect to the receiver panel (8). Using pressure, flour is loaded from the vehicle container through pipes (10) to silos (9) for storage.

In a special structure, solutions of sugar and salt, melted fat, and yeast mixture are created (21). These semi-finished products are stored in consumption tanks (20). From these, with the help of dispensers, the raw materials are mixed. When operating the line, flour from silos (9) is unloaded into a hopper (12) using an aerosol transport system. It includes not only pipes, but also a compressor (4), an air filter (3) and a receiver (5). The flow of flour from all silos is regulated using a switch (11) and a rotary feeder (7). In order for the compressed air to be evenly distributed near each of the operating modes, an ultrasonic nozzle (6) is installed in front of the rotary feeders themselves.

The program for the consumption of flour from silo (9) is carried out using a production laboratory at a bakery, on the basis of various baked goods, using a mixture of flour from different batches. If batches of flour are mixed, the baking quality of the flour mixture for the recipe is equalized. Then, the recipe mixture is cleared of additional impurities and fed to sifters (13), which are equipped with a magnet-based catcher. Next, the raw materials are loaded into production silos (16), through automatic scales (75) and an intermediate bunker (14).

To obtain high-quality bread, this line uses a two-phase production method.

  • First phase:

making dough, kneading it using a dough mixer (77). Flour, pre-dosed, is put into the dough mixing machine and comes out of the production silo (16). Water that has been pre-tempered is also poured into it. Then, the yeast mixture enters there, which is passed through a dosing station (18). To knead the dough you need 45-75% flour. From the equipment (77) it is unloaded into a six-section dough-preparing mechanism (19).

  • Second phase:

After the fermentation process is completed, within 4-5 hours, the resulting dough from the machine (19) is transferred to the second dough mixing equipment, while simultaneously feeding the remaining portions of water, flour, sugar and salt solution, and melted margarine (fat). The second phase of preparing the dough consists of fermenting the finished dough using container (22) for 2-3 hours. The concentration of millet dough after the completion of kneading forms 1300 kg/m3, at the end of kneading it is only 600 kg/m3.

Dough divider

The prepared dough will flow from the tank (22) into the receiving funnel of the dough dividing equipment (23), which is designed to receive a dose of dough in the same mass. After processing the dough portions, ball-shaped dough pieces are created in the rounding container (24). Using a pendulum stacker (7), they form into the cells of the proofing tank cradles (2).

Proofing of the dough piece takes 40-60 minutes. At average air humidity, namely 85-90% and a temperature of 40-45 degrees Celsius, the dough piece becomes porous. This happens as a result of fermentation. The breadth increases approximately 1.6 times, the density decreases by 45%. The workpiece acquires a smooth, even and elastic structure. To protect the dough pieces from creating cracks and tears during baking, which most often occur on the top crust, at the moment when the dough piece is transferred under the oven (25), they are cut and pricked.

Industrial bread oven

The entrance section of the baking chamber carries out hygrothermal treatment, lasting 2 minutes, using a humidifying mechanism with a temperature of 110-150 degrees Celsius. If the humidity is relative, namely 75-80%, then baking is carried out for 15-50 minutes, at a temperature of 160-260 degrees Celsius. Everything, of course, depends on the weight of the portion and the recipe of the planned bakery product.

Using a stacker (26), the finished product is loaded into a container (27), and then sent to the expedition through the cooling compartment.

The total preparation time for bakery products, including all stages and phases, from the moment the flour is added until the finished product comes out, averages 9.5 hours.

Video: Automatic bread production line

Bakery products are an integral part of the diet of our compatriots. The country's large domestic market and the need for these products allows us to actively develop the industry and expand the range of products.

Key stages in the production of bread and bakery products

The technology for the production of bread and bakery products has three main stages:

  • creating a test from the original components;
  • preparing and shaping products before baking;
  • directly baking.

At each stage, its own technological process production of bread and bakery products, which complies with GOST standards and other relevant documents. Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Working with bakery dough

The dough preparation process involves two stages - kneading and maturing. To knead, you need to place all the components in a dough mixer, which will automatically mix them and bring them to the required state. At large bakeries, the dough is kneaded automatically, and the operator only serves the ingredients. In small private bakeries or establishments with signature cuisine, the process of kneading the dough is carried out manually by an experienced chef.

The kneaded dough is placed in special containers in which the process of maturation occurs - the yeast or lactic bacteria contained in the dough break down sugar and produce carbon dioxide, which leads to loosening of the dough and increasing its volume.

Preparatory processes for the production of bakery products

Once the dough is ready, it moves to the molding room. The technology for the production of bakery products at this stage involves separating pieces of the required weight from the total mass of dough and placing them in baking dishes. To avoid burning and sticking of the raw dough to the metal sides of the molds, the inner surface is lubricated with oil or a special non-stick compound.

There are two main types of dough depending on the original raw materials - wheat and rye. The first option is most widespread in the manufacture of “white” varieties of products. The second option is suitable for making “gray” and “black” breads due to its dark color. In the process of preparing rye dough, special starters are used to rise and ripen it.

Baking bread

The finished dough in molds is placed in special ovens, where the baking process takes place. Each type of test has its own temperature regime, which is strictly observed by bakery workers. In the process of exposure to temperature, the dough turns into bread, that is, it is baked.

The technology and organization of production of bakery products allows the use of ovens of various designs - belt or cradle. In the first case, the workpieces are moved along a metal belt, which is located inside the furnace, and in the second case, in special hanging cradles. The choice of oven type and its configuration depends on the production capacity of the bakery plant and other features.

Federal Agency for Education East Siberian State Technological University

Business plan for a company producing bread and




organizational and economic part of the diploma project


and coursework in economics and management

bread and bakery products companies


for students

specialties 270300

"Technology for the production of bread, confectionery and


flour products"

implementation of the organizational and economic part

diploma project and course work in economics and




Compiled by: Mantatova S.A., Norpolova L.A.

specialty 270300 “Manufacturing technology

bread, confectionery and flour products"

Key words: business plan, estimate, capital costs, marketing plan, bakery products

Compiled by: Mantatova S.A. Norpolova L.A.

Publishing house ESGTU Ulan-Ude 2005

1.1. Economic-geographical and environmental characteristics of the area

justification for the project

1.2. Justification of the enterprise's capacity for

based on marketing research

1.3. Analysis of production and sales

company capabilities

II. Business plan of the company

2.1. Executive Summary

2.2. general description companies

2.3. Products and services

2.4. Marketing plan

2.5. Production plan

2.6. Financial plan

2.7. Calculation of capital costs and eco-

General provisions

This methodology is a guide to developing the organizational and economic part of a diploma project and completing coursework in economics and production management on the topic “Business plan for a company producing bread and bakery products” for students of specialty 270300 “Technology for the production of bread, confectionery and flour products.”

The object of development of a business plan is the assignment of the department “technology for the production of products from plant raw materials” to reconstruct an existing enterprise or build a new one.

The organizational and economic part of the diploma project and course work consist of two sections:

I. Technical-ecological-economic justification of the project

II. Business plan of the company.

When completing a diploma project, the development of Section I must precede the implementation of the technical parts of the project, and the development of Section II is carried out after the completion of the technical parts of the project.

The student collects information for completing his diploma project and course work during the period of technological and pre-graduation internship.

I. Technical, environmental and economic feasibility study for the construction (reconstruction) of an enterprise based on marketing research

This section is performed at the beginning of work on the diploma project and course work using the results of technological and pre-diploma practice, as well as based on the study of literary sources.

Economic-geographical and environmental characteristics of the project justification area Justification of the capacity of the enterprise under construction or reconstruction based on marketing research Analysis of the company’s production and sales capabilities

1.1. Economic-geographical and environmental characteristics of the project justification area

This subsection is compiled on the basis of materials collected from local authorities, studying literary sources and reference books.

In this section it is necessary to show the geographical location of the republic, region, city, district; characterize the most important industries (baking, confectionery, pasta); describe transport conditions ( railways, highways, waterways). Pay attention to the environmental characteristics of the justification area, the impact of the activities of the designed enterprise on the environment environment, especially in Baikal

region where Lake Baikal is recognized as a Member of the World Natural Heritage. Briefly describe the demographic situation and the reasons for the population decline.

1.2. Justification of the capacity of an enterprise under construction or reconstruction based on marketing research

1.2.1. Marketing research

To make an informed decision on the construction or reconstruction of a bakery (confectionery, pasta) factories, it is necessary to research the market for bakery products, its capabilities, determine the demand for bread in the future and the market capacity before and after the construction (reconstruction) of the enterprise.

Determining the demand and capacity of the bakery products market

The demand for bakery products in the region is determined based on the future population size and the average per capita rate of bread consumption per day.

Prospective population size (N) is determined by the formula:

X n

H = A 1

where A is the population of the region at the time of calculation (thousand people); X – average annual population growth (%);

n – the difference in years (assumed to be five years); To determine the average annual increase (loss)

population, it is necessary to provide data on the population size for the last three years and calculate

growth or loss rates. If there is a population decline, then it is necessary to briefly explain the reasons for this phenomenon and propose measures to improve the demographic situation and, on this basis, project the value of X for the future.

The demand for bread and bakery products is determined by multiplying the prospective population by the average per capita consumption per day (350 g) (Table


Calculation of demand for bread and bakery products in the city (region)

The supply of bread and bakery products in a city (district) can be considered as a result of the production activities of bakeries in the city (district) in the form of a commodity mass intended for sale.

Next, it is necessary to explore the possibilities of meeting the demand for bread and bakery products (supply) in the market for these products. To do this, it is necessary to determine the capacity of the bread market (supply), compare it with demand in the future (in 5 years) and draw a conclusion about the possibility of meeting demand.

The student determines the capacity of the market for bread and bakery products based on data on actual production and sales for the year by bakeries in the city (district). If a student has difficulty collecting information, then it is possible to determine the approximate production volume, knowing the daily productivity

bakeries and bakeries of the city and working period for the year


Table Determination of the market capacity of bread and bakery products in the city


Daily allowance

Annual volume, t



Production and

sale of bread


Bakery 1

Bakery 2

Bakery 3

gr.2 x gr.3


Market capacity up to

Total (Mg)

construction of a new


new plant


Market capacity after

plant construction

1.2.2. Justification of the bakery's capacity

Having compared the demand for bread and bakery products in the future with its supply on the market (market capacity before construction, Table, the student draws a conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of satisfying the need for bread with the available capacities in the city.

The size of the production capacity of the designed bakery is calculated based on the necessary increase in the production capacity of the city's bakeries to meet the population's demand for bakery products over the next 5-10 years:

M" = Mn − Md,

where M" is the necessary increase in the production capacity of bakeries and bakeries in the city in 5-10 years;

Mn is the required total production capacity of the city’s bakeries and bakeries to satisfy the city’s population’s demand for bakery products in 5-10 years (demand for bread and bakery products in the future); Md – the total production capacity of existing bakeries and bakeries in the city at the time of design – the capacity of the market for bread and bakery products.

Mn = T× m.

The necessary increase in the production capacity of bakeries and bakeries in the city is the basis for justifying the capacity of the bakery, which must not only cover the resulting capacity deficit, but also have some reserve to ensure uneven population demand for bakery products and an insurance reserve. The total amount of reserves should be within 20-30%, based on which, the use of the production capacity of the designed bakery is 70-80%. Then the production capacity of the designed bakery should be no less than M"/0.8 and no more than M"/0.7:

M"/0.8< М< М"/0,7 ,

where M is the production capacity of the designed bakery, i.e.

The estimated production capacity of the designed bakery shows the market potential of the company, i.e. the amount of industry market demand that falls on the firm. It will determine the firm's share of the industry market.

Example: Provide a quantitative justification for the construction project of a bakery with a capacity of 45 tons per day.

Initial data:

City population in 1996 – 503.4

Perspective – 5 years;

Annual natural population growth –

The total production capacity of bakeries and bakeries in the city at the time of calculation is 149 tons/day;

Accepted coefficient of utilization of production capacity of the designed bakery

– 0,72.

Then the projected population in 5 years:

N = 503.4 (1 + 0.6 / 100)5 = 518.5 thousand people

The required total daily production capacity of bakeries and bakeries to meet the needs for a 5-year period:

Mn = 518.5× 1000 0.35 = 181.5 t/day

The required increase in the daily production capacity of bakeries and bakeries in the city:

M" = 181.5 – 149 = 32.5 t/day.

Then the daily capacity of the designed bakery, taking into account the production capacity utilization factor:

M = 32.5 / 0.72 = 45 t/day.

The market potential of this company is 45 tons/day. The firm's share in the industry market is determined by the ratio of the firm's market potential to market capacity:

Dr = 149 45 × 100 = 30.2%

1.3. Analysis of the company's production and sales capabilities

The study of production and sales opportunities involves, first of all, an analysis of the economic potential of the company. In the case of reconstruction, for the company to be successful, it is necessary to correlate the requirements and demands of the market with its own capabilities.

This subsection is important look marketing activities because, having determined only the needs of the market, the company will not be able to effectively select a specific segment, the target market for massive marketing activities. To satisfy the identified demand, it is necessary to determine the firm's ability to meet this demand. Here it is necessary to study the efficiency of use of production capacity, calculate capacity utilization factors, intensive and extensive equipment load factors, study the factors influencing the amount of production capacity, and identify reserves.

It is also necessary to study the efficiency of the organization of main production, examine flow production, determine the workload of workplaces, and the correspondence of the rhythms of workplaces to the rhythm of the flow.

In addition, the firm's share in the industry market at the time of analysis is determined and compared with the projected market share calculated in the previous subsection.

The result of this subsection should be a conclusion about the feasibility of reconstructing the bakery. When constructing a bakery, conclusions must be drawn about the company’s ability to operate in the data

economic conditions, the provision of raw materials, labor and financial resources.

II. Business plan of the company 2.1. Executive Summary

This is the very first section of the business plan. Essentially, an executive summary is a summary of the executive summary. Preparing a resume is especially difficult; it can only be done professionally after the business plan itself has been drawn up.

It should be remembered that the summary is the first material by which the investor will judge the project and it must be written in such a way as to interest the investor. The presentation should not be too dry, but also not too vague.

The summary summarizes as briefly as possible:

The essence of the project;

- the possibility of its implementation in specific market conditions;

- who will implement the project and how;

- potential benefits from the project: sales volume, profit margin and payback period.

2.2. General description of the company

IN This section must reflect the main activities and nature of the company. The following main subsections of such material can be distinguished:

1. Company formation:

Date of creation and expansion of the company, its organizational and legal form;

Capital structure (number and types of shares authorized for issue, number and types

issued and outstanding shares, their distribution and par value).

2. organizational structure of the company indicating the main organizational, production and management divisions.

If a company has been operating for several years, then it is necessary to describe its history, answer the questions: what is this company known for, how does it differ from other similar companies of the same profile, who mainly buys the product, what segment of consumers the company’s products are intended for.

The current state and development prospects of the company are presented. It is very important to present the idea of ​​a new enterprise in the context of the current state of affairs in the industry, highlighting an approximate range of issues: what were the dynamics of sales in the industry in recent years, what new types of products have appeared in the industry recently.

This section ends with the formulation of the main development goals of the enterprise. It is important to clearly define business goals. They must be specific. For example, if a company is growth-oriented, its main goals will be:

Increasing total sales to…. or ….

- increasing the company's share in the existing market to

…. or …. once;

- development of new markets, etc.

If a company does not expect a rapid rate of growth in production volumes, then its main goals are related to increasing the growth of net income and improving product quality.

If a company plans to change its product range, its goals will mainly be reduced to reducing the development period

new types of products; growth in product volume; market penetration and displacement of old products.

2.3. Products and services

IN This section needs to reflect the meaning of bread

And bakery products, the importance of the industry. Provide data on the consumption of industry products, characterize the quality of products, reflect changes in consumer preferences and effective demand.

A potential investor is most interested in the following questions: what the company is going to produce and sell, what is the degree of protection of its product, its advantages and possible disadvantages. It is necessary to consider the products in detail, their distinctive features to obtain a beneficial effect. New or even unique properties of the proposed product are noted, and the reasons for buyers’ interest in it are indicated. The emphasis is on the fullest satisfaction of consumer needs. Brief characteristics of the products are presented.

IN This section uses general technological assessments, product life cycle characteristics, and analysis of its competitiveness.

This typically includes the following information: A) Physical description of the product. You should describe the physical characteristics of the product, what are its advantages and differences from similar products of others

B) At what price will the consumer buy the product? C) The conditions for the production of a product must show that if the production of this product is mastered

Changes may occur in the company:

- requirements for the qualifications of workers will increase;

- the materials used will change;

- technology will be updated and new equipment and devices will be required.

The result of this analysis is a conclusion about the desirability of developing a new product and the size of the financing needs.

2.4. Marketing plan

Choice marketing strategy is decisive at all stages of business - from the appearance of products on the market to their sale.

The marketing plan should contain the following subsections:

Market research. Determining demand and market capacity

Analysis of the company's production and sales capabilities

Determining a rational assortment Strategy and sales channels Pricing policy Competition

(Clause 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 are given in Chapter I)

2.4.3. Determining a rational assortment

The range of bread and bakery products is selected in such a way as to best meet the demand of the population. Consumer preferences and habits are revealed. This takes into account the range of products produced by other bakery enterprises in the city. When choosing

2.4.5. Pricing policy

When analyzing the pricing system, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

1. What pricing strategy does the company use?

- high quality – high price;

- price depending on competitors' prices;

- full reimbursement of costs;

- low production costs – low price.

2. What should be the firm's reaction to competitors' price cuts?

3. Are there legal restrictions on pricing in your industry?

The outcome of this section should be a defined pricing strategy. The possible price can be determined based on:

1) production costs;

2) competitors' prices for similar products;

3) price determined by the demand for a given product.

2.4.6. Competition

This section should be devoted to an analysis of market conditions and characteristics of your competitors. It is necessary to study the strengths and weak sides their competitors based on the following competitiveness factors:



Sales channels;

- promotion of goods to the market;

- production (use of new technologies, equipment, etc.);

- organization and management;

Marketing; provision of qualified personnel.

2.5. Production plan

IN In this section it is necessary to justify the needs

V factors of production, provide cost estimates for the required material factors: raw materials and basic materials, components and semi-finished products, fuel and energy for technological purposes, production supplies.

Calculations are made according to established standards for each type of material resource, tariffs and prevailing prices for a given region.

The production plan contains the following subsections:

1. Production forecast

2. Logistics plan

3. Labor and wage plan

4. Planning costs for production and sales of products

2.5.1. Forecast of production and sales of products

This section provides a calculation of the expected production volume in physical terms, marketable products and projected sales volume (in current prices of the enterprise).

The volume of production in physical terms is calculated for each type based on the number of furnaces, their productivity, established mode work of the enterprise, progressive technical and economic standards.

The number of furnaces, their systems and capacity for the planned product range are determined in

technological part of the project, the operating mode of the enterprise is also indicated there. The calculation of product output must be given in this section in Table


Product output calculation

The student must obtain wholesale prices for products from the enterprise or calculate them on the basis retail prices. The calculation of the wholesale price for products is given in table.


Calculation wholesale prices for products





After calculating wholesale prices, marketable products and the volume of products sold are determined. At bakery industry enterprises, the balances of finished products in the warehouse are insignificant, so marketable products are equal to the volume of products sold, i.e. the projected production volume will be equal to the projected sales volume.

If the balances of finished products are significant, then the volume of products sold is calculated:

Products sold = Balances of finished products at the beginning of the year + Commercial products – Balances of finished products at the end of the year. Logistics plan

The costs of raw materials and materials necessary to carry out the production program according to the recipe are determined based on the amount of costs per 1 ton of each type of product, the consumption of the main raw material - flour, per 1 ton is calculated on the basis of the projected output of the product:

cm = 1000× 100 V,

where Cm is flour consumption per 1 ton of bread and bakery products, kg;

B – yield of bread and bakery products, % The cost of the main raw material (flour) is determined by multiplying the resulting flour consumption (Cm) by the corresponding price. When calculating the cost of flour and basic materials, transportation and procurement costs are taken into account. These include all costs associated with the delivery of raw materials and materials to the enterprise: transportation, loading and unloading, costs and losses on packaging, wages of workers involved in supply, etc. Transport and procurement costs for flour are determined by aggregated indicators at the rate of 1 – 3% of its cost, and the data obtained are summarized in table.

Federal Education Agency

Novosibirsk State University economics and Management

Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship


Production of bakery products

Completed by: student

group No. 7081у

FULL NAME. Danilenko T.V.

grade book No. 071721

Head: Yakutin E.M.

Novosibirsk 2008

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis business planning

1.1. Business planning as a management tool

1.2. Approaches to the structure of a business plan and justification for your choice

Chapter 2. Business plan for the production of bakery products

2.1. Summary

2.2. Analysis of the state of the industry

2.3. Marketing Plan

2.4. Production plan

2.5. Organizational plan

2.6. Risk analysis


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of business planning.

1.1. Business plan as a management element

Business plan- a document that describes the main aspects of the future enterprise, analyzes all the risks that it may encounter, determines ways to solve these problems and ultimately answers the question: “Is it worth investing in this project at all and does it generate the income that will pay for all costs, effort and resources"

The importance of taking a serious approach to drawing up a business plan is as follows:

1) Today, an increasing number of people are involved in entrepreneurial activity, most of them having little idea about its essence. Many of them have never managed any commercial enterprise and do not always clearly imagine the solution to the numerous problems that life poses to them at every step.

2) The very appearance of the economic model began to change sharply in connection with the beginning of mass privatization and corporatization. New conditions bring into play new laws of economic life, hitherto unknown to us.

3) Any commercial action requires connection in unified system four factors: nature, which gives people materials, raw materials, etc., human forces (physical and mental), entrepreneurial initiative and money, which would move this system. But, as a rule, a beginning entrepreneur does not have a lot of money; it can be borrowed from a bank, or, given the current economic crisis in the domestic economy, from a foreign investor. But you can take this money only if the application is well substantiated and there is confident proof that the money received will bring profit to both the entrepreneur himself and the one who gives it to him.

A business plan is designed to help solve all these problems, the main goals of which are:

Studying the sales market for the planned release of products or provision of services in terms of their quantity and quantitative characteristics;

Analysis of expected costs for the manufacture of products or provision of services, comparison of planned prices with current and possible in the future, determination of the potential profitability of a commercial enterprise;

Comprehensive analysis of the expected course of events in the planned case, study possible difficulties and ways to overcome them;

Identification of a number of indicators by which it will be possible to characterize the progress of the started business.

The main value of a business plan is determined by the fact that it:

Makes it possible to determine the viability of a company in a competitive environment;

Contains a guideline for how the company should develop;

Serves as an important justification tool for obtaining financial support from external investors.

1.2. Approaches to the structure of a business plan and justification for your choice.

A business plan has a complex structure. The content of its sections may vary depending on the type of business, but the adopted structure of the business plan should general outline reflect the project or process for which investors give money. In other words, the entire life of the company from the moment of creation to the moment of stability and sustainability should be written out in the business plan in business language understandable to any entrepreneur.

A business plan is a rather lengthy document and is not suitable for an investor’s first acquaintance with your project. It is recommended to provide measured information.

Abstract (up to 1 page) – for senior management, written requests.

Summary (1-3 pages) – as basic information to familiarize yourself with the project’s business plan.

Business plan (45-60 pages) – for a detailed study of the project by investor specialists and experts.

Any proposed form gives only general idea. Any business has its own characteristics, therefore, there cannot be a “standard” plan that is acceptable in all cases. There is one proven principle for drawing up any business plan - the business plan should be short and succinct.

True, sometimes, in order to most fully reveal the essence of the problem, it is made quite deep in content, but at the same time, so that the reader’s interest does not weaken, it should not be overloaded. Most projects should be limited to 30-50 pages. It is best to include all additional materials in appendices to the business plan. Those who want to familiarize themselves in more detail can easily do so.

Below are the most common types of business plan content, which contain all the main points that need to be covered.

First option.

2. Goals and objectives

3. Product (service)

4. Market analysis

5. Marketing plan

6. Production plan

7. Management personnel

8. Sources and amount of funds required

9. Financial plan and risk analysis

10. Detailed financial plan

Second option

2. Analysis of the state of the industry

3. Marketing plan

4. Production plan

5. Organizational plan

6. Financial plan

7. Risk analysis.

I chose the second option, because... it contains all the main points for analysis, allows you to evaluate the project most efficiently and effectively, and besides this, it is not loaded with unnecessary information, i.e. corresponds to the basic principle of business planning - brevity and capacity.

Chapter 2. Business plan for the production of bakery products

2.1. Summary

Mini-bakery “Slavyanka” is created for the purpose of producing and selling bakery products. Currently, mini-bakery products are in great demand. At a time when large bakeries are struggling to cope with the needs of the population, mini-bakeries are increasingly gaining market share in this area.

The fact is that large bakeries are difficult to reconstruct and have great difficulty responding to changes in demand for baked goods. Thus, a mini-bakery is the most optimal and profitable way to produce baked goods. In addition, a mini-bakery does not require such large investments as, for example, a bakery or bakery.

The essence of the project is to provide residents of the neighborhood with fresh and hot baked goods every day. Sales of products will take place directly at the place of production, which will reduce the path of bread from the oven to the buyer’s table to a minimum, as well as eliminate transportation costs for delivering products to retail stores.

The project will be financed by own funds. The initial amount of financing is 1 million rubles.

It is planned to produce 60,000 loaves of bread of various types every month. It should be noted that this bread belongs to the premium category, since the recipe of this bread differs from the so-called “social” bread. In the future, it is planned to study consumer demand for different kinds products in order to adjust the output volume.

2.2. Analysis of the state of the industry

Bread and bakery products are everyday products. Currently, the baking business has great opportunities to increase the number of enterprises, create a developed competitive environment, and new jobs.

Bakery production is a socially important sector of the economy. Most bakeries producing the main types of bread decide important task providing cheap bread to as many people as possible. Now on the Russian bread market it is present as a legacy of the USSR - traditional types bread ("black", "white", round, loaf and loaf), and the premium category that has been emerging in recent years (baked goods with a limited shelf life, content of minerals and organic elements, low-calorie varieties, etc.).

The baking industry is one of the most important branches of the food industry, the level of development of which most directly affects the lives of the entire population.

Bread production is an important component in the total output of the food industry in the Novosibirsk region. The share of the baking sub-industry in the structure of the region's food industry in 2007 accounted for 18% of the production volume. In the ranking of food industry sectors, the baking industry ranks second after the wine industry, whose share was 26.3%.

In the structure of production of bread and bakery products in the Novosibirsk region, the largest volume of bread production (about 60%) according to the Novosibirsk Regional Committee of State Statistics is in the city of Novosibirsk. The Novosibirsk region is characterized by a wide range of bakery products. The growth of the Novosibirsk bakery products market is mainly due to non-traditional types, while the consumption of social bread of the 1st and 2nd grades is quite stable, the share of which is about 50% of the total bread production in the city. Bread production by type in the Novosibirsk region has the following structure: rye bread accounts for 30%, first-grade bread – 50%, other products account for about 20% of the total output at bakery industry enterprises.

The technological scheme for bread production consists of the following main operations: receiving and storing raw materials, preparing raw materials, preparing dough, forming and proofing dough, baking, cooling and storing products.

Raw materials for baking production are divided into main (flour, water, salt, yeast) and auxiliary (malt, molasses, sugar, dairy products, fats, eggs, raisins, poppy seeds, nuts, spices). Before preparing the dough, the raw materials undergo a certain preparation, during which they are cleaned of impurities and brought into a state convenient for kneading dough.

Preparation of raw materials involves mixing, i.e. rolling, individual batches of flour, sifting it and cleaning it from metal impurities using magnets. The roll is made up of two or three batches of flour, usually mixing weak flour with strong flour. At the same time, prepare and filter the salt solution, heat the water to the required temperature, and dilute the yeast.

Dough preparation consists of kneading raw materials and fermenting them. Since wheat and rye flour differ in physical and other properties, the methods for preparing wheat and rye dough are different.

Wheat dough for all types of products is prepared mainly using the sponge method, i.e. in two phases: first prepare the dough, and then knead the dough on it. Dough is a liquid or thick dough in which yeast is propagated.

Rye dough, as well as dough made from a mixture of rye and wheat flour, is prepared not with yeast, but with sourdough starters of thick or liquid consistency.

Thick starters are the so-called heads and kvass.

The head is a starter with about the same moisture content as the dough (about 50%). Dough preparation by the head method consists of preparing the original head and preparing the dough. The original head is prepared from an old head (a piece of dough left over from previous baking), flour and water, allowed to ferment until the required acidity has accumulated, then usually divided into four parts, on one of which is placed new head, and the rest is used to prepare dough.

Liquid starters with a humidity of 70-75% can reduce the fermentation period of the dough. Bread made with liquid leaven is no different from bread made with thick leaven.

For rye and rye-wheat varieties of bread, as well as for some products made from wheat dough, brewing part of the flour is used. To do this, 5-15% of flour is mixed with hot water. At high temperature starch is gelatinized and saccharified, proteins are hydrolyzed, and water-soluble substances necessary for the nutrition and development of yeast and lactic acid bacteria accumulate. The pre-cooled brew is mixed with the dough or leaven, and then the dough is added. The use of tea leaves accelerates the fermentation of dough, improves the taste and quality of finished bread products, and increases their shelf life.

Fermentation of wheat and rye dough - important process making bread. To obtain a porous structure for bread products, the dough must ferment for several hours after kneading. During fermentation, yeast and lactic acid bacteria introduced into it with dough or leaven multiply in the dough.

Yeast ferments sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide, which leaves the dough and increases its volume (raises the dough). When fermenting dough and baking bread, alcohol interacts with acids and produces esters, which, along with other substances, participate in the formation of the aroma and taste of bread.

Lactic acid bacteria cause lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid formed during such fermentation promotes the swelling of proteins, especially rye dough proteins, improving its structure and physical properties.

During the fermentation process wheat dough Alcohol and carbon dioxide accumulate, which inhibit the vital activity of yeast. Therefore, during fermentation, the dough is periodically kneaded to saturate it with air and partially remove fermentation products. As a result, yeast activity is activated, the physical properties of the dough are improved, and bread is obtained with uniform porosity.

Forming the dough is carried out on long-lasting and dough-forming machines, less often by hand. During molding, the dough loses almost all carbon dioxide and decreases in volume, so to restore its porous structure it is sent to proofing.

The dough is proofed in special cameras, where a certain temperature (35-40 degrees) and air humidity (80-85%) are maintained. During proofing, fermentation continues, loosening of the dough and its final ripening occurs. Violation of the proofing regime significantly affects the quality of the finished products. With excessive proofing, hearth products, due to weakening of the gluten, turn out flat and blurry, and in molded products, the upper crust becomes concave and trough-shaped. If proofing is insufficient, large cracks and tears appear on the surface of the products.

Baking is a critical stage in bread production. Bread products are baked at a temperature of 180-300 degrees. The duration of baking depends on the type, weight, recipe of the products, as well as the oven temperature. The absence or lack of steam in the oven worsens the condition of the bread surface: the crust lacks gloss and becomes covered with cracks.

The readiness of bread during baking is determined by the color of the crust and the condition of the crumb, which in baked bread is relatively dry and elastic.

Cooling is the last operation in the production of bread and bakery products. Piece products can be released for sale immediately after baking hot, since their weight loss during cooling is taken into account when forming the dough, and weighed products only after cooling.

Bread is stored in the cooling compartment, where certain conditions are created. .