Land share - what it is, how to allocate and register it, what can be done with it. AstraZeneca painkiller Emla - “Almost perfect! Almost no pain! You can vaccinate with it! I’ll tell you how to minimize discomfort!”

Arduino- it's small electronic device, consisting of one printed circuit board, which is capable of controlling various sensors, electric motors, lighting, transmitting and receiving data... Arduino is a whole family of devices different sizes and opportunities. And also this is a whole zoo of Arduino clones and a world of Arduino-compatible devices. But let's talk about everything in order.

1 "Brain" Arduino

The "brain" of Arduino is microcontroller families Atmega. A microcontroller is a microprocessor with memory and various peripheral devices, implemented on a single chip. In fact, it is a single-chip microcomputer that is capable of performing relatively simple tasks. Various models from the Arduino family are equipped with different microcontrollers.

Atmega328 - the brain of the Arduino UNO

The photo shows a microcontroller Atmega328. Such microcontrollers cost Arduino UNO And Arduino Nano(but in a different building).

2 "Hands" Arduino

But what good is a brain if it has no hands? Hands in in this case serve electrical terminals, placed around the perimeter of the Arduino board. There are boards with more pins, and some with fewer. For example, the largest board in the Arduino family is Arduino Mega - has more than 70 independent outputs, and the smallest - Arduino Pro Mini - 22 pins in total.

The photo shows a comparison of Arduino Mega and Arduino Pro Mini. Can you imagine what a person could do with as many hands as there are Arduino Mega pins?

3 Digital and analog conclusions

Not all Arduino pins are the same. There are conclusions digital, is there analog. The fundamental difference between them is that the digital pins can have only two values: either logical “1” (TRUE, from 3 to 5 volts) or logical “0” (FALSE, from 0 to 1.5 volts), and On the analog pins, the range from logical “1” to “0” is divided into many small sections.

Why is this necessary? Let's look at this clear example. If connected to digital output Arduino LED and apply a logical “1” to the output, the LED will light up with maximum brightness; If you apply "0" the LED will go out. There are no intermediate options. If the LED is connected to an analog output, then the brightness of the LED can be controlled smoothly. In practice, some kind of analog sensors are most often connected to the analog outputs.

4 What can it control? Arduino

As a result, Arduino has such a number of “arms” that it allows you to connect to it great amount various peripheral devices. Among them, for example:

  • buttons, reed switches and joysticks,
  • LEDs and photodiodes,
  • microphones and speakers,
  • electric motors and servos,
  • LCD displays,
  • radio tag readers (RFID and NFC),
  • bluetooth, WiFi and Ethernet modules,
  • SD card readers,
  • radio receivers and radio transmitters,
  • GPS and GSM modules...

And also dozens of different sensors:

  • illumination,
  • magnetic field,
  • ultrasonic and laser rangefinders,
  • gyroscopes and accelerometers,
  • smoke and air composition sensors,
  • pressure, temperature and humidity sensors...

And much, much more

All this turns Arduino into a universal system core that can be configured in a completely variety of ways. Want to make a radio-controlled pet feeder? Please! Do you want the window on your loggia to close when it starts to rain? Please! Do you want to control the brightness of the lighting in your room from your smartphone? Easily! Would you like to receive email notifications if your houseplants' soil becomes too dry? And this is possible!

The photo shows only a tiny part of the peripherals that can be connected to the Arduino. In fact, there are many, many more.

5 Communication with Arduino

How does the processor know what exactly it should do? You should tell him this. Writing messages for Arduino is called programming. There is a language for communicating with a microcontroller, simplified and adapted specifically for Arduino. Mastering this language is not at all difficult if you have the desire and some persistence, even if you have never programmed before.

And to simplify this process, a special software environment has been developed - Arduino IDE. It includes dozens of examples of good, working programs. After studying them, you will very quickly learn a lot about the language of communication with Arduino.

Arduino will allow your programs to exit virtual world into the real world. You'll be able to see how the programs you write make an LED blink or a motor rotate, and then do more complex and useful things. Arduino will allow you to learn a lot of new and interesting things in both electronics and programming. In the end, this can serve as an excellent hobby for you, a fun activity with children, and a wonderful and useful pastime.

You can order Arduino and a wide variety of sensors for it in the Chinese online store Ali-Express. Here prices are lower, but delivery takes from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. You can order Arduino at the electronics store. The prices here are slightly higher than in Chinese online stores, but you don’t have to wait a whole month. Another good store electronics and robotics -

And finally, look at what different and wonderful projects can be implemented using Arduino!

Has hawthorn ripened on your site? What to do with him? Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of fruits, but not everyone will answer the question posed. Make tea from it or add it to dishes? We will talk about all this in this article.

About hawthorn

A small tree or even a bush ripens towards the end of summer, towards autumn. Depending on the type of plant (there are about 50 of them), the berries can be red, black or orange. Only ripened fruits should be consumed for food and medicinal purposes. We will tell you below what you can do with hawthorn. And now I would like to note that there are some groups of people who do not want to include its fruits in large quantities in their diet. This, for example, applies to people with low blood pressure. Hawthorn should also not be consumed by nursing women or those in an “interesting situation.” So how can you use these fruits?

Hawthorn. What to do with him?

You can make very tasty and healthy jam from ripe fruits. The proportions should be as follows: for one kilogram of berries (well washed, peeled, without stalks and leaves) - 300 milliliters of water and one kilogram of sugar (this amount can be reduced if desired). Hawthorn should be poured with syrup, previously prepared from the remaining two ingredients, and left for about 10 hours. During this time, the berries will be soaked in the sugar mixture. Then the future jam should be mixed with a pinch of vanillin and citric acid, keep on fire. Remove the finished dessert from the heat and cool.

What to do with hawthorn fruits that were previously dried?

The berries can be ground in a meat grinder or coffee grinder and the resulting powder can be added to the filling for pies and used for cooking. For example, pour one teaspoon of dried hawthorn leaves and fruits into a glass and pour boiling water over it, then leave for about five minutes. You should drink the tincture after adding lemon and honey.

Medicinal hawthorn. What to do with him?

The medicinal properties of the fruits, leaves and even bark of hawthorn have been identified for a long time, and our ancestors were happy to use it both individually and adding it to other useful herbs and roots. Hawthorn contains carotene, fructose, essential oils, vitamins (B, C), choline, sorbitol and so on. All these beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on the human body. They are especially recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, increased excitability of the central nervous system, and problems with blood circulation.

Some recipes
  1. To calm your nerves: pour one teaspoon of dried fruit into a glass and pour boiling water over it, let it brew for about two hours in a dark place. You need to take the composition regularly before meals, one or two tablespoons.
  2. For heart disease: ten grams of hawthorn flowers and leaves should be poured with 100 milliliters of vodka and allowed to brew for ten days. After this, filter the composition and take 20 drops before meals.

This is such a useful and multifunctional fruit - hawthorn. What to do with it and how to use it, choose for yourself. Maybe you can make wine out of it, or maybe jam or even juice.

After a very long friendship with a razor, I finally asked myself how to manage without it. Nasty prickles after shaving already appear in the morning! And if in cold weather it’s still okay, then in summer it’s terrible. The irritation from everyday shaving is terrible, since I have delicate skin, even aftershave creams don’t help. In short, you put on such a swimsuit and walk in a column so as not to sparkle with red bumps from irritation.
In general, I tried wax strips - not my thing, sugaring is cool, but I don’t have time to go all the time, but the epilator was perfect!
My joy knew no bounds! Exactly until I tried it on the bikini area.
Well, if I epilate my legs and armpits without much discomfort, I simply cannot epilate the bikini area.
This is hellish hell and trashy trash!
I tried this and that, the pain was simply unbearable.
But thanks to Airek, I learned about the miracle cream Emla.
I bought a pack of 5 tubes worth 1,700 rubles, ordered here, and even received a small discount.

I also know that you can buy this cream individually, but I haven’t found any pharmacy that sells it like that.
So, what we have: a thick cardboard box containing detailed instructions(personally, I haven’t seen such instructions for a long time, after it everything is really clear), a package with occlusive (i.e., airtight) dressings and the creams themselves, 5 pcs. 5 mg each. It turns out that Emla is also available in a 30 gram tube, but it was not available at the time of purchase. Although it is cheaper in cost.

And now about the process itself:
The skin should be wiped with tonic and chlorhexidine. The first degreases the skin, which facilitates the epilation process, the second disinfects and prevents irritation from developing.
Next, apply the cream in a thick layer.
I tried to apply a smaller layer, the frost went away faster.
Next, I personally cover with cling film, although the kit includes the same bandages, but I use them for other purposes.
I personally stopped feeling pain after 1 hour 20 minutes, for some an hour is enough, for others a little more is needed, check your sensitivity yourself. I periodically pricked myself with a toothpick))).
After 1.5 hours I wiped it off(I didn’t wash it off, I didn’t wipe it off, I just carefully wiped it off) the remaining cream with a napkin and started epilating.
Let me sum it up right away: everything worked out for me, I’m happy as an elephant!
However, I'll give you a few practical advice, how to minimize unpleasant sensations, but they exist!
1. If you decide, like me, to switch from a razor to an epilator, then I recommend that you first go to sugaring at least once.
Because after sugaring, the hairs will grow thinner and less dense, and epilation will not be so painful.
2. If you are a maniac like me and decide to switch straight from a razor to an epilator, then be prepared for the following:
- it will still hurt in places;
- different bikini areas “freeze” differently, and accordingly the sensitivity is different;
- for the first time, do not smear the entire bikini area, because you probably won’t have time to epilate everything while the freezing is in effect, and your hand may simply get tired. For example, on the first day, epilate the pubis and inguinal folds, and on the second day, move on to the labia and, if necessary, to the intergluteal space.
- at the end of epilation, treat the skin again with chlorhexidine, this will reduce redness.
And now about the pros and cons of this product:
- very good pain reliever;
- quite economical;
- wide range of applications (treatment of trophic ulcers, some superficial surgical interventions, treatment of a child’s skin before vaccination to avoid severe pain, etc.)
- price;
- incomplete pain relief;
- it is difficult to predict when the “freezing” effect will end;
- you may be allergic to lidocaine, which is part of the composition.
However, for me this option for pain relief is this moment the best, and each time you need less and less cream, because... hair began to grow worse.

For rural areas, such a concept as a land share often appears. The question arises, what is it? Especially important aspect is the ownership of such a plot - what can be done with it and how to use it.

Read more about share contribution read

Land share - what to do with it

A land share is a plot of agricultural land that is transferred for use to a private person. The plot itself retains its status as a shared part of the total area. The allocation of such plots is carried out free of charge for the following categories of citizens:

  • members of collective or state farms;
  • pensioners who worked in agriculture;
  • employees of agricultural enterprises, scholarship holders;
  • citizens who live in rural areas.

The corresponding categories are formed by local regulations in accordance with general legislative requirements and regional conditions. Although the allocation of land is carried out free of charge, all costs for completing the documentation are borne by the recipient.

The question is Is it possible to sell agricultural land?, becomes relevant for many owners of such land. The legislation provides for the following possibilities:

  • purchase and sale of such plots;
  • exchange for other real estate;
  • transfer for free or rental use;
  • donation or inheritance;
  • transfer of land as collateral.

This property can be disposed of only after privatization has been formalized. That is, the owner must have documentary rights to the property.

How to sell a land share

Many owners, upon receiving land, decide how to sell their agricultural land share. The main condition for this is carrying out land surveying and registering the site with cadastral registration. That is, registration of full ownership.

The sale of agricultural land is carried out taking into account certain characteristics of the site. These include its purpose, coefficient and. When completing a transaction, the owner can set his own conditions - in this regard, the sale of such a plot is no different from similar transactions with other real estate.

An important aspect is pre-emptive right to purchase of this allotment. It belongs to neighboring owners and other shareholders of the specified territory. The owner can also return the plot to the cooperative for its equivalent value.

How much does a land share cost?

A separate issue in the sale of a designated agricultural plot is its cost. In this regard, the owner is not limited in his decision. They usually focus on the cadastral cost of ownership. The cost may be influenced by the following factors:

  • type of land, possibility of its use;
  • remoteness from infrastructure and communication lines;
  • presence of buildings or other objects;
  • regional prices.

All conditions regarding payment, advance payment or installment plans must be specified in the concluded agreement. It is necessary to take into account that a land share leased by a collective farm or other cooperative has the advantage of being sold to other members of this association. If the appropriate procedure is not followed, the sale of land will be considered illegal and the transaction may be cancelled.

Land share by inheritance

Land shares for agricultural purposes can be inherited either through a will or through an independent application by the successor. In the first case, the procedure is more simplified - it is enough to submit the document to the same notary office where it was signed. After this, the main condition becomes the relevance and reliability of the documentation.

To receive land by inheritance, you must collect the following documents:

  • death certificate of the owner;
  • heir's identity card;
  • documentation of ownership of the specified territory;
  • supporting documents confirming the relationship with the deceased;
  • conclusion on the estimated value of the said property;
  • certificate of no encumbrance on this land or other restrictions that do not allow it to be registered as the property of the new owner;
  • certificate of absence of tax arrears, as well as other payments.

Next, all acts are checked, as well as the presence of other heirs. If it passes, the legal successor is issued a certificate of the ability to inherit the specified land. After a certain time, the new owner can begin to register ownership.

Is it possible to donate a land share?

In accordance with the rules of use, the owner has the right to register. For this a necessary condition It is also the presence of a cadastral passport and the right to dispose of this property. The concluded gift agreement presupposes the gratuitousness and unconditionality of this transaction.

The consent of the shareholders of this plot when drawing up a gift agreement is a necessary condition. In this case, you can donate either the entire plot or part of it, for example, dividing it among children.

The procedure of donation between close relatives is the most common option for transferring land. It is often used to bypass the will. However, it should be taken into account that the conditions for entering into use cannot be specified in the deed of gift.

How to register a land share as a property?

Procedure for registration land share the property is as follows:

  • a special commission makes a decision on the allocation of land and issues a general boundary diagram - at this stage the site does not have a clear framework, only its percentage share in the total territory is indicated;
  • carried out taking into account the boundaries of neighboring owners, there must be general agreement on the boundaries to be established;
  • based on the survey, a cadastral passport is drawn up;
  • Next, a certificate is drawn up - for this, the minutes of the commission meeting, the cadastral plan and a receipt for payment of the state duty are submitted to the local department of Rosreestr.

The question is how to allocate a land share from common shared ownership, is decided at a general meeting of shareholders. To do this, you need to contact your local government, after which they will set a time and place for the meeting. To allocate land into ownership, it is important that all participants agree with this.

Documents for registering ownership of a land share

To register ownership of an agricultural land share, the following documents are submitted to the Rosreestr office:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • documentation on the specified land indicating its specifications, usually this is a cadastral passport;
  • a copy of a document confirming the absence of claims from other shareholders - for example, if the land was purchased;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • documents confirming the right to own this plot - purchase and sale agreement, deed of gift.

All documents undergo mandatory verification, after which a decision is made to register the ownership rights for the new owner.

Tax on land share

Taxation of agricultural land is carried out in accordance with cadastral registration. It is paid by the owner. If the right of ownership has not been registered individually, then the payment of taxes is carried out by the cooperative. In this case, the order of contributions is usually determined by the percentage of land ownership.

The law prescribes that taxes are paid in any case, regardless of whether the owner uses the land or not. If there is no desire to sell the plot, then for the profitability of land ownership, experts recommend renting out the plot.

Greetings Muskovites, so I decided to write my vision of what can be done with such a TV set-top box, and why they are needed at all. If anyone is interested, please see cat.

So, I’ll say right away that this is NOT a review. Actually, there was an idea to write it, but in the end it went away, I took screenshots, but didn’t take the same photos. I’ll just describe my experience, taking into account the questions in, maybe this material will be useful to many.
I did not order where the link leads, where I ordered is no longer there, I simply provided a similar price offer.


I would like to note that there is now Pro version, on newer hardware, there is already a regular 64bit EFI, and there are much fewer problems with installing the OS. But a lot of things relate to regular version also true for Pro (e.g. hardware video)

It came to me in a simple cardboard box (there is also a color one, with printing, 2 options), a set-box, charger, power supply, HDMI cable. Since the device was taken not as a set-top box, but as a PC, I also took an HDMI-VGA adapter elsewhere, without external power, with a 3.5mm audio output (though it was of no use).

So, a little background:

was old computer my grandmother, Athlon 64 3500+ (S939), mother was Foxconn, Count Nvidia GS7300, 1.5GB of RAM (DDR1 400Mhz). Well, I also took an SSD there. At one fine moment, the video card flew, they took a used Nvidia GS6600 as a replacement, installed it, a month later the mother gave up (I note, the computer was taken in 2007, it seems), replaced it with an Asus A8E-N, worked for a month in the same place. As a result, we thought about it and realized that further investments in the computer are pointless, it’s still a used one, and it’s about ten years old, so there’s no guarantee that it won’t break more than once. The decision came that something needed to be changed completely. And then I decided that such a TV box would quite adequately replace the old PC, would be more powerful (we’ll see about that) and would consume less. So we ordered it. So, as a monitor with VGA, you also needed an HDMI-VGA adapter.

Actually, as it arrived, it had Windows 10 Home (32 bit), with an RTM license, and Adnroid 4.4.4, and the disk was divided into several partitions, about 20GB free. But this is, in fact, an ordinary PC, albeit somewhat with a “tablet” pedigree, and it doesn’t matter that there is no BIOS, which is now also found in laptops.

In general, after studying the issue, I figured out that installing Ubuntu on it (and that’s what I wanted to install “for myself”) can be done in two ways: either a 32-bit system, with a 32-bit EFI boot loader somehow attached to it (by default, Ubuntu is 32bit does not have it), or 64bit, with a 32bit bootloader. Well, I got down to business. I won’t describe all my attempts; in the end, I couldn’t get 32-bit to start, but 64-bit is fine. What is needed for this? That's what:
1) ubuntu 16.04 x64 ISO(dialy)
2) file bootia32.efi (search on the net, available on 4pda)
3) flash drive
4) computer
5) actually, a TV box with all the equipment due to it (monitor, for example).
How to “prepare” a flash drive?
We take a flash drive in FAT32, take the software for creating a bootable flash drive (unetbootin, rufus), make the flash drive bootable by selecting the ubuntu image, after which we throw the bootia32.efi file we have into the EFI/BOOT folder.
How to install?
Well, in principle, there may be several options. So, for example, I have a box with dual boot by default, and in it there is an OS selection menu, in which there is an entrance to the EFI settings, where you can select the device to boot. Otherwise, press ESC so that the choice of device to boot appears, or DEL to enter EFI, there in last tab there is a selection menu boot device. We choose, then install in “normal” mode, with reservations, but more on them later. Another point - if you put a TVbox Linux with Windows on the same one as mine, with dual boot, then there is a high probability that the same will be the default (regardless of the parameters specified in EFI, the standard menu for selecting an OS to boot is loaded, where there will be Windows, but not there will be Linux, and it will be stupid empty place, left over from Android.

In short, we installed Ubuntu, what do we have?
What does not work:
1) Wi-Fi. When installing, I used the phone as a USB modem for Wi-Fi transmission Internet connection to the box, maybe LAN works (I don’t have it, haven’t tested it), and WiFi USB should start.
2) No sound (both via HDMI and 3.5mm)
These bugs seem to have their root almost in the kernel itself, they say that with the release it will probably be fixed, or maybe 32bit will get efi. True, I installed LXDE on 16.04, and even 64 bit now consumes little RAM, and I also turned on ZRAM, so it’s normal.
What important things work:
Video output is normal, both via HDMI and via an HDMI-VGA adapter. Hardware acceleration video is also present, works well (especially with oibaf ppa), hardware video transcoding via Intel QS also works (tested on Gstreamer, more precisely, in Transmageddon using it):

In total, a 45-minute 1280x720 series file was transferred from H.264 to MPEG 2 in 13 minutes, which is quite cool for such a “suffocation”.
CPU performance under Linux:


Drivers for graphics (and video hardware)
I advise you to add repositories to the system

Then install everything from them that is suggested.
then install vainfo, gstreamer1.0-vaapi, all the firewood for hardware video will catch up.

Verdict: in general, as a PC on Ubuntu, it’s not very capable yet; there’s no sound, Wi-Fi, or BT yet. Although, there is build 14.04 (in my opinion), where this is fixed, but I couldn’t install it, I cursed during installation.

I installed Ubuntu for myself, so that I could play around with it when I came to my grandmother, and I installed Windows for her (my parents demanded it). Initially I wanted to install Windows 7 ES using a crutch (ideally, I could install EFI Ubuntu, then run the 7K installer from its EFI Grub, and then write the Windows bootloader into Grub), but there is one thing. As a result, the computer had to be handed over, and there was no time to “figure it out,” so I tried to install Windows 8 ES (it has EFI). But it was not there. It turned out that 8ka simply cannot work with disks that are EMMC, that is, without a controller. It can handle SSDs, but with such memory, well, nothing. Windows warned about this when it partitioned the disk during installation, and after the unpacking stage it did not boot, giving an error when loading into the 2nd stage. Unfortunately, Windows 8.1 (which is already installed here) does not have an ES (Embedded Standard) version, or where can you download it, i.e. there is no modular OS. It’s the same story with Windows 10 (or rather, Windows ES based on Win 10 is called Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (Industry), but it’s also not available for download anywhere). In the end, I put it Windows assembly 10 (for a user of 8 and 8.1 it’s not at all familiar, and 10ka is not so different from 7ka) for a PC, which takes up approximately 2.5GB, but compiled on a rather old Developer version (and for our little animal it would be desirable for the assembly to be newer, so that it would be RAM compression, like a Windows analogue of Zram). Installed it, unpacked the archive with backed up drivers (via Double Driver), everything got up and started working as before. After installing everything necessary, there was 2.5GB left free on the 8GB Windows partition. I took performance measurements and screenshots of hardware information.

CPU performance is not particularly different from Linux:

And here is the flash drive:

But, as in Ubuntu, hardware video encoding/decoding works fine; in Handbrake with QS it’s about the same as in Transmageddon on Ubuntu.

I note that I installed the drivers in random order, I just chose unknown device in the Manager, and searched for drivers for it in the specified folder.

Conclusion: on Windows it’s quite possible full-fledged computer, suitable for video, music, office, internet, and simple toys. By the way, C&C Generals: Reloaded Fire did not go with a bang, at 1280x1024, at maximum settings, and this is a pretty hard game. More precisely, if you just play it, it’s not difficult, but when you already have millions of units on the map, even fairly powerful computers can’t always handle it. In short, with Windows it's a great PC out of the box.

Further, a warning for people like me that they want to take it with an HDMI-VGA adapter instead of a PC. DO NOT take an adapter with its own audio output, which is output on the left/right. Better splitter for audio jack. Why? Yes, because it will be cheaper and HDMI-VGA adapter You just won’t be able to connect anything, because the connectors are so tightly packed there that the sound connected there will interfere with both the power supply and the OTG port.

And now a little “perversion”.
The box contained Android 4.4.4, quite old, and with the stock stupid disk partitioning. As an experiment, I decided to try Android 5.1 here for x86. It turned out that there is and, and it is in it that there is EFI (it is supplied in the form img file, I uploaded it to a flash drive via dd).
I installed it on my computer, but the bootloader refused to install for some reason. It doesn’t matter, there is Ubuntu with its Grub. As a result, it began to load perfectly through it.


As you can see, on 64bit Android, the box is faster than on 32 bit. So, right now I have an Onda V703i, with the same CPU, so at 1024x600, it only gains 32,000 in Antutu. From cons - on Android The sound and camera (usb-web) do not work.

Based on the results of the purchase and work with the device, I decided that everything was successful. An excellent replacement for an old PC. I’m just waiting for everything to work fine on Ubuntu, then I’ll install it as the main one, install LXDE and a theme for Win 10, it’s indistinguishable from the original :)
So the computer is much cheaper than what could be assembled locally to replace an old computer, and it consumes a lot of electricity.
Thanks to all!:)
P.S: by the way, the old computer had a single-core Athlon, which scored 760 points in Geekbench, i.e. 1 core of this atom is equal to it.
But still, the atom in terms of performance is so-so: the Cortex A53 core with sequential execution of commands (the atom does not have a queue) in the MT6732 shows even better performance.

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