Does Yandex depend on Google. Google or Yandex, which is better? Comparison of the leading competitors of the World Wide Web

Most recently, Google has fulfilled the requirement of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation - it provided Android users with a choice of a search engine in the standard Chrome browser. Now, after installing the latest version or using a special settings menu, everyone can choose what to look for information on the Internet: Yandex, Google and Mail.Ru. Which one is better? Let's take a closer look.

Without going to the search itself, we will estimate convenience of the main page"The magnificent three". Let's start with Google:

Google's traditionally austere home page is centered with just a line where you can enter your query. To get to the rest of the company's services, you must click the button with the grid. From there you can read news, go to mail or maps. If you want more right on the main page, then you need to install either the main one for Android and iOS. There, all services, mixed with the search bar, are immediately displayed on the main screen.

Yandex did not skimp on the functionality of the home page in the mobile version. The site is literally crammed with all possible services from a Russian company, and upon entering it immediately asks for access to the location. If allowed, the main page will immediately show a block with a cafe next to you, and also adapt the Yandex.Traffic widget. I know many people who use Yandex solely because of its user-friendly home page. It is described as some kind of store, where you go for one thing, but forget about it, and at the exit you have a full cart of various goods, except for the same one.

If the main page of Google is ascetic, then for Mail.Ru it is simply the height of minimalism. In a bad sense of the word, since there are no information cards, interactive elements and other things on it. If you select news from the menu, the site will kindly offer us to "search for news" in 2017. I think this review of the main Mail can be completed.

We carry out further testing on two parameters: locality and convenience. Read more about each parameter in the corresponding subheadings.


This parameter determines how one or another search engine is optimized for the needs of users of the CIS region, in particular - from Russia. For a clearer demonstration, many searches were associated with the provincial city of Bryansk.

First, let's see how the three search engines understand local catchy words and the context of their use. For example, the name of the city of Chelyabinsk is often abbreviated as "people". What if you enter the query "people routes":

Google and Yandex realized what I wanted from them, but Mail didn't.

How well do the three search engines know the great and mighty Russian language? Let's ask them for help in resolving a popular mistake - theirs or theirs:

Google responds to such a request with a brief help from a third-party site, explaining that the first option makes speech rude and low. "Search No. 1 in Russia" even when entering a query shows the correct answer, but when you go to the search engine, no help is given - we will take the word for it. But Mail.Ru did neither the one nor the other - it just gave the first result. It could be worse.

Let's throw in the search for the tricky query "Europe time". It is understood that we will see the opening hours of a large shopping center "Europe". Let's see what they show us:

As expected, the more global Google has issued a table of time zones in major European cities. But Yandex, in the second block, guessed to show information about the shopping center along with the opening hours. The second Russian search engine disappointed with the absence of both.

Now let's move on to a purely local history - to search with location enabled. Let's try to find us a place to dine:

It's funny, but only Google managed to understand us, although the first result was a parsing of the word "dine". In second place was immediately a map with a list of local establishments. For some reason Yandex decided to teach us the spelling of a word, like Mail.

How about ordering a pizza?

In the search for a corporation of goodness, nothing has changed, but Yandex has improved. The only pity is that the "smart" engine needs to be nudged by the name of the city.

Summarizing in the locality parameter, we can say that Yandex often has a more modern database of organizations. For example, while searching for a café, Google showed me an eatery that hasn't existed for a couple of years - Rise. Yandex removed it a long time ago. In 2GIS, which is used by Mail.Ru search, this cafe is no longer there either.

The same situation is with bank branches and other points on the map. For example, in Google there is no information about the branch of Oriental Express Bank, which a year ago belonged to another bank.

Moreover, in Google, even on the map, branches of this already defunct bank "Uniastrum" are marked. In Yandex and Mail.Ru, maps are more relevant. Eventually: Yandex is more "localized" and has an up-to-date information base in the Russian Federation and CIS countries; Google is a little worse in this regard, but you can use it; Mail.Ru is in last place.


Convenience means the ability of a search engine to quickly provide the necessary information for trivial queries. For example, some kind of schedule, company information card or built-in services for ordering some services.

Let's start with the banal - we will ask you to display the weekend schedule in June:

Yandex showed the full list of weekends for 2017, except for standard Saturdays and Sundays. Google limited itself to links to sites, but Mail.Ru was a little surprised - it showed a calendar with marked weekends.

Let's compare the information cards of objects like computer games, for example, the old Gothic, which came out in the early 2000s:

In all three search engines, the description is completely different, but in Google the card is the scarcest - only a link to Wikipedia with an indication of the developer and series. The most popular search engine in Russia gave a Metacritic score, as well as more detailed information from Wikipedia. Mail.Ru, in addition to the usual description, also provides links to descriptions of games in the series, engine, role-playing system and other features - very good.

Let's move on to one of the most popular functions - calculations:

There is a lot to talk about here. In a Google search, when you enter a mathematical query, a small calculator with the calculated expression is shown. In addition to getting the result, the user gets the opportunity to continue the calculations or solve some other problem - very convenient. In Yandex, the approach is different, in many respects more convenient. When you enter a query even in a line, the system immediately understands it, leads to mathematical spelling and displays the result - you don't even need to go to the search itself. Mail.Ru traditionally disappointed with links to its own "Answers".

Let's take a look at the work of the unit converters. Let's set a not the easiest option for translation - micrometers to meters:

The Google Conversion Widget shows the number of meters in one micrometer as a 10 minus X power formula. The "Search # 1 in Russia" widget is more understandable - you can set the number of micrometers in it and get the usual number with zeros after the decimal point. Mail again refuses to convert and count.

Let's try another function with a verbal trick in action. Let's enter the query "calorie content". It is clear that we are talking about a cake called an anthill and its calorie content:

The search engine of the "corporation of good" correctly recognized our request and showed the calorie content of the cake in the form of a table with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But Yandex gave only a single indicator of calorie content, but in the next request it showed a link with a convenient snippet, where all the ingredients of the cake are indicated. Mail.Ru limited itself to links.

Let's try to order a taxi directly through the search. Let's enter a query for Moscow, since we can't count on advanced functionality for the regions:

Habit is a terrible thing. Some things are taken for granted just because you are used to them. Often asking people like: "Why are you looking for Yandex?", I get the answer: "Yes, I got used to it somehow." Today we want to compare side-by-side popular products of Yandex and Google and evaluate the real value of the Russian sworn friend of the American world thug.

The parameters that interest us in the first place: integration of company services, mobile use, the need for additional steps to install a particular software, as well as design and enjoyment of use.

start page

You can talk about taste, or you can just look at the screenshots. Google has a focus on search, there is a voice search right there. No banners, tickers, exchange rates, news and other information noise that the national search engine literally packs a Russian citizen.

Probably, this is some kind of peculiarity of Russian consumption (or are they just used to it?), Since the same for the world looks quite tolerable and ... bagel-parallax.

But we remember about and continue to test the performance of the Internet to them.

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 1

Search results

We asked search engines about Lobachevsky. Personally, I like Google's SERPs better, but I'm just used to it. In terms of usefulness, all are the same. The only thing that the most strange issue is in the project of the future Yandex - Islands. Judge for yourself and do not judge for taste.

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 1

Voice search

Google searches with a better voice. You can verify this on your phone and tablet. I have not yet figured out how to search by voice on a Yandex computer. For fun, my son (6 years old) and I recently tested the Yandex browser and compared it with Google Chrome, namely, the voice search for this couple. Live test results below :)

This is how Google understands the little balabolka (for which Russian and not native at all):

And here is how Yandex understands it:

And here and there the language was in advance exposed to Russian.

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 0


I know Yandex employees who use Gmail for personal purposes, but I have not seen Google employees using Yandex.Mail.

Yandex mail has cute themes and an interesting interface, a lot of space and good Russification. In Gmail, a modern user interface, pluggable web plugins (such as Any.DO), and custom scripts. Gmail is integrated with Google Drive and Google Docs.

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 0

Board cards

The main thing in cards is not beauty, but functionality. Submitting a deep analysis of the map, it is easy to get into a mess and we will not do this. Let's just pay attention to the feeling of beauty of those who made these products, look for an arbitrary address in Moscow and pay tribute to the cork functionality.

Look and feel

Google Maps looks modern and it is not even clear what to add to them. Yandex maps are from the Stone Age.

Search for addresses

"Russia, Moscow, Gogolevsky Boulevard, 12s4" where is this? Both products are well aware of this, and Yandex also suggested the nearest metro. This is useful if you are a pedestrian, right? But Yandex does not know how to build pedestrian navigation.

Traffic jams

Yandex is the king of traffic jams. Drivers say that there is no equal to them. It is useless to compare with the eyes.

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 1

Mobile cards

Visual comparison:

On iOS 7, the Google product looks very "in the subject". Yandex product is still in the past. It is worth noting that for Kiev the maps are no longer pixelated, although they were probably like that a month ago. Thank you. And yes, there is no pedestrian navigation in Yandex maps either. But both support transport and are quite good.

It is worth saying that Yandex maps are better at caching, for example, a city. But on the same Android, this is easily solved by simply uploading the location you need to Google maps, which may be a city.

Well, if you travel a lot outside the CIS, then you can simply delete Yandex maps and use a single solution for the whole world - Google Maps.

And of course, Yandex is the king of traffic jams. And therefore a draw.

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 1


Today, the Google.Music service for Russia has officially launched and it is no longer possible to forgive the Yandex.Music design from the Stone Age. See for yourself:

As for the price, the offer from Google is cheaper: 199 rubles. Yandex against 169 rubles. Google and the latter are also free for a month. Additionally, you can drive up to 20,000 of your tracks to the Google cloud and use its cloud to sync between all devices in your account.

If we talk about mobile applications, Yandex has them for iOS and Android, while Google only has them for Google.

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 0

Working in the domain and with office tasks

If you have a domain and you need to raise mail on it and all that is needed for work, then there are two suitable products: Google Apps and Yandex SDA. Yandex only gives you mail. Google gives (apart from third party apps):

  • mail
  • the calendar
  • cloud disk
  • simple office suite
  • Hangouts chats
  • and much more!

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 0


Before talking on this topic, you need to understand one fact - both Google and Yandex need your browser for a lot, but the main thing is to monitor your behavior. Everyone is watching and doing it so much that it is better not to even think about it.

Personally, I deliberately choose the browser from Google only because it does not have the obtrusive branding of Yandex and the involvement in the Google product is determined only at the time of installation and entering the account data.

If you use Google services, then you'd better stay on Chrome. If you use Yandex services, then you can conveniently do this from the same Chrome.

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 0

Mobile devices

The beauty of the iPhone and iPad is that something from your carrier or national search engine won't jump out at you. You get a bare system and bet what you want on it. You will be forced by the same Yandex only in the search (you can cut it out) or in the data points on the map (you cannot cut it out). Everything, then only your choice. On Android, choosing starts with accepting that Google rules. Even if you buy a Nexus and there are no bells and whistles from the operator or phone manufacturer or alternative search engine, you are still at the mercy of Google services. Leave it there. Why would you build another layer of services on top of an unhappy processor and a gimmick battery, if from the examples above it more or less follows that everything will be fine with you anyway? Namely: an excellent browser Google Chrome (many on it and on iOS sit!), Excellent Google Maps with worldwide coverage (and the farther from Russia, the better it will work), excellent Gmail mail, Google Drive, Docs of your domain, for example, you will have all the music in the cloud, even funny gifs will be thrown at you through Google+ :)

Account: Google: Yandex 1: 0

Is the locality of Yandex services worth it in the modern world to build another service layer on a computer or mobile phone? Our answer is no, not worth it. And if you need traffic jams or habits, the features of issuing or the beauty of Yandex mail are nice to you, then leave everything as it is.

But on the topic all eggs in one basket we can talk in the comments. Although, personally, it does not seem to me that one basket, two or three is of great importance in general. Either eat a basket or "carry" your "eggs" yourself without "baskets" if education is enough :)

Among users, there have been debates about which is better for a long time: Yandex Browser or Google Chrome... We tried to look at the problem in an unbiased manner and do our own comparison of the two web browsers. Here's what we got.

Someone might say that comparing these two browsers is incorrect, since one is an exact copy of the other. In part, these people are right. But the web browser from Yandex does not look like its "ancestor" for a long time. Therefore, it is quite possible to compare them.

Even though both web browsers are based on the same engine, and Yandex successfully uses extensions from the store, these products are diametrically opposed. And from this material you will find out why.

We will start our comparison with the simplest and most understandable stage for each user. The main task of a browser is to load pages. And we will try to understand which of our today's heroes does it faster. For this, we conducted a kind of test.

Page loading speed

To compare page loading speed, we used several options: a site full of animation and all sorts of heavy elements, as well as a simple page (like a Google search). We have compared the launch times of this or that content. They stood right with the stopwatch.

The first test was taken by Google Chrome. It loaded a heavy page in 2.5 seconds. This is an impressive result. But there is nothing surprising. Everyone knows that Chrome is the fastest web browser in the world. The browser loaded a light page in a second.

Our second subject loaded the heavy page in 3.6 seconds. As you can see, the lag behind Chrome is significant. Yandex Browser has done better with lighter content. Just 1.3 seconds. But still far from the leader.

So, in terms of page loading speed, Google Chrome wins. Its built-in optimization mechanisms are working correctly. The same cannot be said about the brainchild from Yandex. Although the lag is not that strong.

Launch speed

After all, no one is interested in waiting five minutes until the web browser deigns to start. Therefore, the launch time of the browser is a very important parameter. And we measured the cold and hot start of our heroes. Yes, they stood with a stopwatch again.

Google Chrome immediately after loading the operating system (cold start) started in one and a half seconds. This is not a bad result. After closing, it started in a split second. Not bad for a product as heavy as Chrome.

The most interesting thing is that Yandex Browser showed exactly the same results on a cold start. All the same one and a half seconds. That's what the same engine means! A hot start for this web browser also took a split second.

As we can see, there are no winners at this stage. Combat draw. This means that both browsers are quite well optimized and are perfectly able to work with the Windows operating system. However, even more interesting tests await us further.

RAM consumption

Another important parameter that many users care about. The gluttony of Google Chrome in this regard has already become legend. But for the purity of the experiment, you still need to check how much RAM a particular web browser requires.

Chrome was the first to be tested. We launched a dozen tabs in it. RAM consumption started at 1.5 gigabytes (a computer with 4 GB of RAM on board was used). Opening 5 more additional tabs knocked out the browser. It just closed.

Yandex Browser with ten open tabs took only 890 MB. Another 5 tabs did not affect its work in any way. It's just that the amount of RAM consumed has increased to 1.4 GB. So much for the same engine.

As you can see, the engine is not the issue. It's just that Chrome has a disgusting optimization in this regard. But Yandex Browser has shown itself to be a fine fellow. And in this round he wins unconditionally. For computers with a small amount of RAM, it is better suited.

Add-ons and extensions

All kinds of plugins significantly expand the functionality of the browser (although they force it to consume more RAM). And their support is a must for a modern web browser. How are our heroes doing with this?

Chrome has a pretty impressive store with a huge number of add-ons for all occasions. Any user can find everything they need there. Integration with the Google browser is ideal, since all plugins are written specifically for it.

But Yandex Browser does not have its own store. But he can easily use extensions from the same Chrome or Opera. This is a plus for versatility. But at the same time, stability is out of the question, since the plugins were not written for this web browser.

We end up with a stalemate. On the one hand, Yandex's brainchild can use more extensions. But on the other hand, Chrome has better integration. So it turns out that the odds are about equal.


This is exactly what is lacking in modern web browsers and the Internet in general. The user cannot feel secure, since all sites permanently collect information about him. What about browsers?

Google Chrome insolently collects all the information about the user and is not at all shy about it. And how the guys from Google use them later - only Gates knows. Even the built-in private browsing mode does not get rid of total surveillance.

Everything is the same in Yandex. But if Google warns the user about this and does not hide their actions, then the guys from Yandex do it on the sly, not advertising this kind of activity anywhere. This is what arouses suspicion.

In general, both web browsers are doing badly in this regard. But the balance is in favor of Google, if only because the company does not hide its actions. But Yandex is not trusted. And yet, in this round, the odds are even.


Of course, it's boring when your web browser looks monotonous. The only design becomes boring and boring very quickly. Therefore, normal browsers have different themes. What about personalization for Chrome and Yandex?

Google Chrome is more or less flexible in this regard. His store has an impressive number of themes. Not to say that they significantly changed the interface, but at least some customization is present.

Yandex has a more original interface, but from the alternative design there is only one dark theme. Unfortunately, those design packs that are in the Google store are not installed on this web browser.

So it turns out that at this stage Google Chrome wins. It is more responsive to interface changes. Even though Yandex has a lot more settings. With catomization, the latter has no way at all.


It's time to take stock and draw appropriate conclusions. In this article, we decided which browser is better: Yandex or Chrome. Which browser loads the system the least? If we are guided exclusively by the last criterion, then it is definitely Yandex Browser.

But on all other points, it is Google Chrome that wins by a slight margin. It opens pages faster, has customization options, and boasts more optimized extensions. However, the choice is exclusively for the user. We can only advise the most suitable option.

Which is better: Yandex or Google? As Yandex likes to declare “Everything will be found!”, Okay, but nothing was lost in Google! So let's figure out which search engine is better, Yandex or Google?

Having practically displaced or absorbed the closest competitors from Mail and Rambler, leaving exotics like the undervalued Bing and the distinctive Duckduckgo behind, Russian Yandex and American Google today they actually dominate the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

"Domestic" Yandex, somehow completely unpatriotically registered in Holland, in Russia so far remains the main one in the field of information search, but it has long been breathing down the back of its head with the main competitor and world leader in the field of finding information, the search engine from Google.

How the battle of the titans will end, what methods are used by competitors in the struggle for attention, love and money of Russian-speaking users, the questions are certainly interesting, especially since the statistics of search queries show a tendency towards a transition of leadership from conditional Russians to unconditional Americans.

Google is pushing Yandex out of the Russian Internet

According to the latest statistics, Yandex remains the main search engine for about half of Russian users; its positions are consistently high in all Russian-speaking CIS countries and even in Turkey. At the same time, the American search engine Google is increasing its influence in the field of search services by several percent every year.

Gnawing pieces of the market for itself, Google responds more adequately to the latest trends in the IT world, for example, the company has played competently on the massive distribution of mobile devices and the increased need for software for them.

The main reason why Yandex continues to lose positions in runet the search engine itself remains, which has become the talk of the town among Webmasters. A strange, to put it mildly, site indexing system, total commercialization, lack of full-fledged customer feedback, intrusive advertising and promotion, these and other shortcomings, by Yandex for many years of its comfortable existence, not only have not been eliminated, but have only become brighter.

As you know, since 2012, Yandex, along with Vkontakte, has been recognized by the state as a strategically important enterprise.

In practice, this means that no storms, crises and customers leave for competitors, companies are not afraid. All the same, there will be money. To strain, improve and improve in such a greenhouse environment is somehow stupid. The main drawback of most state-owned enterprises, the hope for Big Brother, who, if anything, always gives his shoulder, has made its way into Yandex.

It is not so easy to wait for quick help, and sometimes even an answer, from the Yandex support service, they have more important things to do:

  • Klondike;
  • Classmates;
  • Twitter;
  • Leisurely eating boogers.

This is not to say that the company does nothing at all, algorithms and search technologies are periodically updated, interesting additions appear, filters are no longer so bad at filtering out garbage sites and content as before. But we must admit that all this is nothing more than a race for the leader. Both the postal service, the browser, and the Yandex search engine are deeply secondary.

Yandex's secret of success in advertising

The popularity of the Yandex search engine, as shown by personal experience, practice and reviews of thousands of users, is by no means caused by its analytical core, system flexibility or convenience.

Advertising is exactly the force that allows Yandex to stay afloat.... Who has not met their annoying suggestions for installing add-ons that not so much help in work as annoy? After the ascetic Google pages, with the absence of explicit advertising, Yandex pages and applications are unpleasantly surprised by the abundance of commercial offers and add-ons, which are not easy for an ordinary user to disable.

There is nothing wrong with making a profit for a commercial enterprise, it would be strange the opposite. But Yandex's business style raises questions, especially when compared with similar activities of Google. Why is it that the Californians do not climb into your installer and do not " difficult offer", While Google's profit without any Yandex.Bars is an order of magnitude higher than Yandex's.

Evaluating the results of Yandex and Google search results

Of the advantages of Google over other search engines, it is worth noting greater stability in the delivery of results, the speed of indexing in it is also beyond praise. That is why advanced users prefer to use them.

Of the childhood illnesses of "Yasha" it is necessary to mention the Holy War waged by him with site optimizers and SEO links in particular. There is no doubt, it is high time to put things in order in Runet, for this the company has developed a whole series of search algorithms, in many ways similar to the Google Penguin and all Google zootopia.

  • Magadan;
  • Snezhinsk;
  • Obninsk;
  • Minusinsk.

One of the main tasks of which was to lower the results of sites using SEO links. However, during the testing period of any new system, the search engine begins to jump, which is expressed, among other things, in a large spread of the given positions. Moreover, among the victims are the "correct" sites too.

Although Yandex supports nine languages, it is primarily aimed at a Russian-speaking audience, which greatly narrows the scope of its application.

The issuance of English-language queries by Yandex and Google is fundamentally different. Google is more universal, you can work with it in any language and the quality of issue at the same time of the highest level.

Summing up, we can state that the success of a search engine from Yandex, not in the merits of the service he offers, but in an assertive advertising campaign and state protectionism. Subjectivism often plays a decisive role in choosing a specific search engine, here the ideal is not what is more efficiently looking for information, but what which is "prettier" and better advertised... To a large extent, Yandex's popularity is still based on the banal ignorance by many users the fact that their usual search engine is by no means the only one on our planet.

To this day, debates continue on forums and blogs: which search engine is better, Yandex or Google? Moreover, each of them has advantages and disadvantages. But basically the use of one or the other search engine is a matter of taste, because some people like the interface of a Russian search engine, while others like its foreign competitor. Yandex and Google compete not only in the virtual world, but at the slightest opportunity they sue each other.

How was the confrontation between Yandex and Google formed in Runet?

At first, both search engines had no complaints about each other. In 2007, at the central office of Yandex, Sergey Brin admired the Android operating system, demonstrating it to his colleagues. But in 2015 Yandex filed a multipage complaint against Google with the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The reason for this was the alleged impossibility of Yandex to integrate its products on the Android OS.

But the management of Google countered all these claims, pointing out that any product can be installed on the Android platform, without restrictions.

Where is the best place to look for information requests?

With the help of information requests, a person finds the information he is interested in. Examples of this can be "How to build a house?", "Why is the sky blue", etc. A feature of such queries is that the user in this case, looks through the search results not only from the TOP-10, but in search of information of interest to him goes to the second, third and, possibly, subsequent pages. As a rule, these queries are characterized by the following words: "Why", "Why", "How", "Forum", "Reviews" and others.

To get comprehensive information on their information request, users open several sites. Basically, the owners of information, scientific and educational sites are guided by such requests. At the same time, they may not pursue a commercial goal at all from their resource.

According to the analytic data, it is better to ask information queries to the Google search engine. Compared to Yandex, the results of a foreign search engine are better oriented towards information requests.

Where is it more convenient to search for commerce?

A feature of commercial requests is that the user wants to make a purchase or he needs a certain service. For example, if a person wants to buy a laptop, he can enter “buy a laptop Samsung 700g7c-t02” into the search box. From this request, it is clear that a person needs a specific laptop model. Therefore, the search results should offer pages of sites where this particular product is presented.

According to many experts, Yandex is better targeted for commercial requests.

Is the interface better for Yandex or Google?

Users who are more attracted to minimalism will give preference to the Google search engine. On its start page, in addition to the search line, there are only links that allow you to quickly go to the services of a foreign search engine.

Yandex, however, literally imposes all its services, right from the start, advertising them in every possible way. Perhaps this is a feature of Russian companies, since Mail and Rambler are also actively promoting all their services.

Therefore, regarding the thoughtfulness of the interface of these most popular search engines in Russia, how many people, so many opinions.

Who has better image search?

Who has the best cards?

Regardless of the search engine, the Maps application is becoming more and more popular. Therefore, now it is difficult to imagine a tablet or smartphone where this service would be absent.

When evaluating this application, people most often pay attention to the interface. And, according to many users, it is Google maps that are more thoughtful and understandable. However, Yandex maps have more functionality than Google maps. For example, Yandex.Maps informs drivers about:

  • Cameras for fixing traffic violations;
  • Road works;
  • Provide other functions.

Using this service, drivers can independently mark road events along the way. For example, road works or a speed camera. You can also leave a short message for other road users.

On Google Maps, each company has its own mark indicating not only the address with coordinates, but also contact information.

Both services have good navigation, so they are equally popular among drivers. However, Yandex.Maps still benefit from more features.