Stuck on windows 7 icon. Windows freezes

Computer freezing is a rather annoying problem. This can happen both at the stage of system startup and in the middle of its operation. Let's figure out why this can happen and what to do about it?

Why does my Windows 7 computer freeze?

Your computer may freeze for a number of reasons. Among them:

  • many tasks in autorun;
  • the car is dirty with dust;
  • Availability malware;
  • “clogged” device memory;
  • problems with programs.

Ways to solve problems

  1. Cleaning programs
  2. If your worker freezes Windows table 7, perhaps the easiest solution would be to clean your computer. There are a number of programs for this. Among them is CCleaner. With help similar application you can clean the registry, delete unnecessary files, programs, cookies.

    Windows 7, 10 freezes if there is not enough space on drive C. Remove unnecessary files from it, create archives. Windows 10 has a Compact OS feature that compresses files, thereby freeing up disk space. To enable compression, enter compact /compactos:always at the command prompt.

    The size of the C drive can be increased by creating additional section. For this purpose they use a special software, For example, Aomei Partition Assistant.

  3. Cleaning up the task manager
  4. Perhaps your computer is slowing down due to the fact that autorun is a large number of programs or some utility is not responding. In order to correct the situation, you need to go to the dispatcher and remove tasks.

    The dispatcher is called by pressing the key combination Esc+shift+ctrl or Ctrl+Alt+Del. Next, you need to find the program that is not responding and click End task. Pay attention to the CPU column. You should remove the process that causes maximum CPU load at the time of freezing. You can also cancel those programs that automatically load when you start your computer, but you don’t need them.

  5. Dust removal
  6. Quite often, dust accumulated inside the device slows down the system and causes Windows 7, 10 to freeze at the logo. It prevents air circulation, interferes with the cooling of computer components and contributes to its overheating.

    Disassemble system unit and, using a special brush, clean it. Pay attention to the condition of the thermal paste. It may need to be replaced.

  7. Removing viruses
  8. Quite often, the reason why Windows freezes is due to viruses. Malicious programs can penetrate the system when downloading a file from an unverified source, when going to an infected page on the Internet, or when using removable media.

    There are a number of antiviruses available to search for and remove malware. All you need to do is download the program and run an in-depth system scan. Once the process is complete, the detected files can be deleted.

  9. We fix problems with hard drive
  10. Quite often, Windows 7, 10 freezes due to problems with the hard drive. To detect them, the Victoria 4.46b utility was developed. Download it to a flash drive.

    Start the computer in safe mode (press F8 until the menu appears and select the appropriate item). After that, connect the flash card and run the program. In the window that opens, select the Tests tab. In the lower right corner, set the Remap indicator and click Start. The presence of red and green squares will indicate errors.

  11. Solving problems with RAM
  12. Windows 7, 10 freezes when loading in case of problems with the RAM. As a result, a blue screen may appear.

    To check the status random access memory, you should use the memtest86 program. If you find errors, try cleaning your computer or using an eraser to go over the contacts. In extreme cases, you will have to buy new memory.

    Windows 10 freezes when working

    WITH similar problem faced by quite a few users. The main reason is that this software is relatively new. Freezing can occur for a number of reasons:

  • faulty RAM;
  • presence of viruses;
  • errors in work hard drive;
  • simple overheating;
  • crowded autostart;
  • lack of hard disk space.

If you notice that problems began after performing a particular operation, fix it. So, if “glitches” on your computer appeared after downloading the program, it is recommended to remove it.

Cause after Windows updates 10 the computer freezes, it may be due to the installation of the wrong drivers. You may have installed a 32-bit driver on a 64-core OS. Remove wrong drivers, perform a system restore.

Good afternoon. Let's look at the problem today booting Windows which I encountered twice within a week. The first incident occurred on personal computer, the second on an HP laptop. I searched the Internet and it turned out that the situation is quite common and everyone has their own way of solving it. Let's try each one in order. Exactly how this problem manifests itself. According to users, they work at their computer without disturbing anyone, and one fine morning, when they try to turn on the computer, the screen freezes in the picture “ Starting Windows”, at that moment when the “balls” are not yet spinning. We tried to wait 30 minutes and an hour, but nothing changed, the picture remained in place. What to do? First. We need to make sure that the problem is not in Windows itself. Perhaps later virus attack important system files and the system now simply cannot find them. Take a disk with a clean operating system and install it. If the problem does not go away, then the problem is in the hardware.

Second, What they advise is to go into the BIOS and reset to default settings. To get there, look at what is written on the start picture and see something like “Press DEL Setup BIOS”. This is what we need, click on it a couple of times Delete button and we find ourselves in the mysterious world of “BIOS”. Let’s go through the sections and in the very last of them there should be a “Load default BIOS” item, which is what we need. Click on it, reboot and if everything went well and you finally saw the desktop, congratulations, the problem is solved for you. For those who did not help, move on.

Third, What we are offered is to check our hard drive for bad sectors. There are several ways to do this. For branded laptops, you can check the HDD “without leaving the cash register,” so to speak. To do this, go to the BIOS and in the first section we find Self-test HDD. Found it? Well done. Click on it and the check starts. If there is no such thing, then we take any external storage either optical disk, external HDD, flash drive, writes a Live CD image there, or the diagnostic programs themselves and make a multiboot flash drive (you can read about this). There are many diagnostic programs, the most famous are MHDD and Victoria. If we find bad sectors, then we are looking for a replacement worker HDD, if there are no broken ones and after completing both steps the computer still does not want to work, we move on to the next, fourth method.

Fourth method again means “tinkering” with the BIOS, but this time not resetting it, but reflash it. I wrote how to do this in a recent article, you can read it. We take the firmware from the manufacturer's website. How to find out the manufacturer? Look at the starting picture or enter the model of your motherboard (laptop) into the search. The firmware procedure itself will not take much time. You will be required to ensure that the power is not lost during the firmware. Therefore, it is advisable to use a UPS. Flash it, turn on the computer, check it. If everything now loads as it should, then congratulations, but if not, then I suggest going to the last point.

Fifth What you can do with your computer is to check the RAM. Since it plays a huge role when loading, because all system Windows files are copied from the hard drive to your RAM, and if there is some problem in it, the system may go into a loop waiting for a response from the RAM. You can check your RAM with a program called memtest86. You can easily find a sample of it on the Internet. We write it to our multiboot flash drive and run the test. This check goes through an infinite number of laps, so after the program has passed 1 lap, or better yet 2 (you can find out by checking the Pass item) and if the “Error” item = 0, then your RAM is “healthy”. If the error point is not zero, then there is a problem in the RAM. If there are two strips, then by turning off one by one we determine the broken one; if there is only one, then you will have to either buy a new one or borrow it from a neighbor while checking.

Sixth, check if you have any connected devices, some kind of flash drive or mobile phone. Or maybe there is some kind of disk in the drive. Don't be lazy! Check it out! Personally, I had a case with a laptop that also froze when loading. I spent two days fiddling with it and in the end the solution turned out to be painfully funny. The reason was the connected USB mouse. Which I couldn't even think of. I just accidentally turned it off and the problem was instantly solved. The most interesting thing is that when I connected another mouse, everything worked fine. And for myself, I concluded that the first mouse was a mess, even though it was branded A4Tech.

Seventh (final), a problem with motherboard. I personally had a case where the user’s computer also froze. Then I tried everything, everything I described here, but nothing helped, then I completely disassembled the computer, fortunately it was an ordinary desktop computer, and not some kind of laptop. Got it motherboard, and there swollen capacitor in the chipset area.

Well, it looks like I changed it, and lo and behold Windows started load!

Let's summarize. If you have done everything described here and it did not help you in any way, then the only way out- this means contacting a service center, where you will be diagnosed using special equipment. Of course, you will have to pay money for this, but as a result you will get a fully working laptop. Good luck!

Working on a computer for a long time can cost you a couple of hours. additional minutes to completion Windows operation. Lifehacker has already written about one of the common ailments in which the computer turns off for too long due to an excessively grown operating system swap file. But sometimes even more severe cases happen - Windows does not turn off at all. In this material we will tell you how to calculate the reason why Windows 7 freezes when shutting down or, conversely, loading the operating system.


Let's figure out which process brings Windu into a thoughtful state. And the built-in one will help us with this Windows function detailed report of startup, shutdown, login and logout status. It's not surprising if you haven't come across this report. This parameter Windows is disabled by default and can be activated using Registry Editor.

Working with the Windows Registry

To launch the Registry Editor, simply enter search bar Windows regedit.exe.

Navigate through the folder tree system to the directory


On the right side of the window, find a file calledVerboseStatus. Double-click on it and enter the value in the window that opens1 .

If the file VerboseStatus it didn't turn out, you need to create it. To do this, right-click and select Create, and then DWORD value (32 bits).

Give the file a name VerboseStatus and enter the parameter value 1 .


As a result, instead of the usual phrases “Shutting down” or “Starting work”, loading and closing services and Windows processes. If your system lags for a long time or freezes completely at a certain step, you will know exactly why. Maintaining a startup and shutdown status report does not in itself solve the problem, but exposes it to others. technical specialists, to whom you can turn for help.

It is likely that this trick can be performed on other operating systems Windows family. If so, share your experience in the comments.

Working on your computer for a long time can take a couple of extra minutes to shut down Windows. Lifehacker has already written about one of the common ailments in which the computer turns off for too long due to an excessively grown operating system swap file. But sometimes even more severe cases happen - Windows does not turn off at all. In this material we will tell you how to calculate the reason why Windows 7 freezes when shutting down or, conversely, loading the operating system.


Let's figure out which process brings Windu into a thoughtful state. And the built-in function will help us with this Windows detailed report status of startup, shutdown, login and logout. It's not surprising if you haven't come across this report. The Windows parameter disabled by default and can be activated using Registry Editor.

Working with the Windows Registry

To launch Registry Editor, simply type in the Windows search bar regedit.exe.

Navigate through the folder tree system to the directory


On the right side of the window, find a file calledVerboseStatus. Double-click on it and enter the value in the window that opens1 .

If the file VerboseStatus it didn't turn out, you need to create it. To do this, right-click and select Create, and then DWORD value (32 bits).

Give the file a name VerboseStatus and enter the parameter value 1 .


As a result, instead of the usual phrases “Shut down” or “Start work,” Windows services and processes that are loaded and closed will be sequentially displayed on the monitor screen. If your system lags for a long time or freezes completely at a certain step, you will know exactly why. Keeping a record of startup and shutdown status does not in itself solve the problem, but it exposes it to technicians who you can contact for help.

It is likely that this trick can be performed on other operating systems of the Windows family. If so, share your experience in the comments.

One of the problems that you may encounter when working on a computer is that the system freezes when loading the welcome window. "Welcome". Most users don't know what to do about this problem. Let's try to find ways to solve it for PCs running Windows 7.

There may be several reasons why the welcome window may freeze when loading. Among them the following should be highlighted:

  • Driver problem;
  • Video card malfunctions;
  • Conflict with installed applications;
  • Hard drive errors;
  • Violation of the integrity of system files;
  • Viral infection.

Naturally, specific way The solution to the problem depends on what exactly caused it. But all troubleshooting methods, although they are very different, have one thing in common. Since it is impossible to log into the system in standard mode, you should turn on the computer in safe mode. To do this, when loading it, press and hold a specific key or key combination. The specific combination depends not on the OS, but on BIOS version PC. Most often this function key F8, But there may be other options. Then in the window that opens, use the arrows on your keyboard to select a position "Safe mode" and click Enter.

Method 1: Uninstall or reinstall drivers

The most common reason that causes the computer to freeze on the welcome window is the installation of drivers on the computer that conflict with the system. It is this option that needs to be checked first, since it causes the indicated problem in the vast majority of cases. To resume normal functioning The PC should remove or reinstall the problematic items. Most often these are video card drivers, less often - a sound card or other device.

  1. Start your computer in safe mode and click the button "Start". Sign in "Control Panel".
  2. Click "System and safety".
  3. In the block "System" follow the inscription "Device Manager".
  4. Activated "Device Manager". Find the name "Video adapters" and click on it.
  5. A list of video cards connected to the computer opens. There may be several of them. It’s great if you know after installing which equipment problems began to arise. But since most often the user does not know which driver is potential cause problems, then the procedure described below must be performed with all elements from the drop-down list. So click away right click mice ( RMB) by device name and select an option "Update drivers...".
  6. A driver update window will open. It offers two options:
    • Produce automatic search drivers on the Internet;
    • Search for drivers on the current PC.

    The second option is only suitable if you know exactly what is on the computer necessary drivers or do you have installation disk with them. In most cases, you need to choose the first option.

  7. After this, drivers will be searched on the Internet and, if found, required update it will be installed on your PC. After installation, you need to restart your computer and try to log in to normal mode.

But not always this method helps. In some cases, there are no compatible drivers with the system for specific device. Then you need to remove them altogether. After this, the OS will either install its own analogues, or a certain function will have to be abandoned for the sake of PC performance.

If you have several video cards, you need to perform the above procedures with all of them until the problem is resolved. Driver incompatibility may also be the source of the problem. sound cards. In this case, go to the section « Sound videos And gaming devices» and do the same manipulations as described above for video adapters.

There are also cases when the problem is related to the installation of drivers for other devices. WITH problematic device you will need to perform exactly the same steps as described above. But here it is important to know, after installation, which component the problem occurred.

There is another option to solve the problem. It consists of updating drivers using specialized programs, For example . This method is good for its automaticity, as well as the fact that you don’t even need to know where exactly the problem is, but it does not guarantee that the software installs exactly the compatible element, and not native driver device that is conflicting.

Also, problem with loading stuck "Welcome" may be caused by a hardware problem in the video card itself. In this case, you need to replace the video adapter with a working analogue.

Method 2: Removing programs from startup

Relatively common cause why the computer may freeze at the welcome stage "Welcome", is a conflict with the system specific program, added to autorun. To solve this problem, first of all, you should find which application is conflicting with the OS.

  1. Call window "Run" by typing on the keyboard Win+R. In the field enter:

    Apply "OK".

  2. The shell opens "System Configurations". Move to the section.
  3. In the window that opens, click "Disable everything".
  4. After this, all marks near the list items in the current window should be cleared. For the changes to take effect, you need to click "Apply", "OK" and then restart your computer.
  5. After rebooting, try logging in normally. If the login fails, then start the PC again in « Safe Mode» and enable all startup items that were disabled in the previous step. The problem should be looked elsewhere. If the computer starts up normally, this means that there was a conflict with some program previously registered in startup. To find this application, go to again "System configuration" and check the boxes next to the required components one by one, restarting the computer each time. If, after turning on a specific element, the computer freezes on the welcome screen again, this means that the problem lay specifically in this program. You will need to refuse its autoloading.

In Windows 7, there are other ways to remove programs from OS startup. You can read about them in a separate topic.

Method 3: Checking the HDD for errors

Another reason why a freeze may occur when loading the welcome screen is "Welcome" in Windows 7, is hard drive malfunction disk. If you suspect this problem, you need to check the HDD for errors and, if possible, correct them. This can be done using the built-in OS utility.

  1. Click "Start". Choose "All programs".
  2. Go to the directory "Standard".
  3. Find the inscription "Command line" and click on it RMB. Select an option "Run as administrator".
  4. In the window that opens "Command line" enter this expression:

    Click Enter.

  5. Since the disk where the OS is installed will be checked, then « Command line» A message appears indicating that the selected volume is in use by another process. You will be prompted to check after the system reboots. To schedule this procedure, type on the keyboard "Y" without quotes and click Enter.
  6. After this, close all programs and restart your computer in standard mode. To do this, click "Start", and then successively press the triangle to the right of the inscription "Shutdown" and select from the list that appears "Reboot". When the system reboots, the disk will be checked for problems. If logical errors are detected, they will be automatically eliminated.

If the disk has lost its full functionality due to physical damage, then in this case this procedure will not help. You will either need to take the hard drive to a specialist’s workshop, or replace it with a workable version.

Method 4: Checking the integrity of system files

The next reason that could theoretically cause the computer to freeze during greeting is a violation of the integrity of system files. It follows from this that it is necessary to check this probability using the built-in Windows utility, which is specifically designed for this purpose.

Method 5: Check for viruses

You shouldn’t discount the possibility that the system froze due to viral infection computer. Therefore, in any case, we recommend playing it safe and scanning your PC for malicious code.

The check should not be carried out using standard antivirus, which presumably has already missed the threat and will not be able to help, but by using one of the special antivirus utilities, which do not require installation on a PC. In addition, it should be noted that it is recommended to carry out the procedure either from another computer, or by booting the system using LiveCD (USB).

When detected by the utility virus threat act according to the recommendations that will be displayed in its window. But even if the virus is destroyed, the procedure for restoring the integrity of system objects, described when considering the previous method, may also be required, since malicious code could damage files.

Method 6: Restore Point

If you have it on your computer, then you can try to restore the system to a working state through it.

  1. Click "Start". Come in "All programs".
  2. Go to the catalog "Standard".
  3. Go to the folder "Service".
  4. Click "System Restore".
  5. The start window of the system utility designed to restore the OS will open. Click "Further".
  6. Then a window will open with a list of recovery points if you have several of them on your computer. To see everything possible options, check the box next to the inscription "Show others...". Select the most preferable option. This may be the latest restore point that was created before problems with system booting occurred. After completing the selection procedure, click "Further".
  7. Next, a window will open in which you can start the system recovery procedure directly by clicking the button "Ready". But before you do this, close all programs to avoid losing unsaved data. After clicking on the specified element, the PC will restart and the OS will be restored.
  8. After completing this procedure, it is highly likely that the problem with freezing on the welcome window will disappear, unless, of course, it was caused by hardware factors. But the nuance is that desired point There may not be a recovery in the system if you did not take care to create it in advance.

The most common reason that one day your computer may freeze at the welcome screen is "Welcome" are driver problems. The fix for this situation is described in Method 1 this article. But others too possible reasons Malfunctions should also not be discounted. Particularly dangerous are hardware faults and viruses, which can cause great damage to the functioning of a PC, and the problem studied here is only one of the symptoms of these “diseases”.