Protective film for tablets: features. Instructions for properly applying a protective film to the screen of your device Corning Gorilla Glass - new technology

In most cases, the film is a transparent plastic that has the property of sticking to the screen. Although this material is relatively inexpensive, there is one caveat here: the diagonal of the screen of a mobile device can be from 3.5 to 10.5 inches, which implies the need to find a film that is suitable in size. Another option is available - purchasing a large sheet of plastic, from which the required piece is subsequently cut out.

Disadvantages of transparent plastic

Many people think that transparent film is an ideal element for protecting the touch display. This is not true. Problems can begin at the stage of gluing plastic to the screen. Air bubbles may appear under the film after its application, which will lead to the need to repeat the procedure.

Another drawback of the material is the appearance of scratches from objects that could not harm the screen itself. A lot of such damage leads to the need to remove the old layer and apply a new one, otherwise the appearance of the smartphone will be completely unpresentable.

The technical characteristics of the film are not at all ideal. It is advisable to keep in mind the following nuances:

  • Cheap material has a negative impact on the touch properties of the screen;
  • The plastic is 99% transparent, which makes the image slightly blurry and cloudy.

If the decision to use film as display protection is nevertheless made, you should take into account the recommendations for its application. This step-by-step procedure might look like this:

  1. The screen must not only be cleaned of dust, but wiped with soapy water;
  2. Starting from the top of the device, apply the film to the touch surface.

Corning Gorilla Glass is a new technology

The issue of protecting the touch screens of mobile devices has become more serious with the advent of Android tablets. Corning quickly took stock of the situation, providing gadget manufacturers with the opportunity to apply a coating to the display even at the manufacturing stage of the device. The new product was protective glass, when applied there was no air cushion, the image was not distorted.

Although the new technology was used by tablet manufacturers, it still had one drawback - the complexity of tempered glass to install. Everything changed in 2013 with the advent of Gorilla Glass 3, an even more advanced product from the same Corning. The glass has become 40% more resistant, and the comparative ease of installation has attracted attention to the company's products from smartphone manufacturers. Now, unless we are talking about cheap Chinese counterfeits, almost all mobile devices in this category are equipped with such protection.

As practice shows, the Gorilla Glass screen cannot be scratched with a coin, key, screwdriver, or other similar object. Any doubts? You can easily verify this by searching the Internet for videos on the relevant topic.

When you still can’t do without a protective film

Gorilla Glass is able to withstand the effects of man-made materials almost flawlessly. The conclusion suggests itself: a protective film is not needed. This is not entirely true. There is also sand, a substance that can leave scratches even on a screen with such a serious coating. This is the reason why mobile devices with LCD displays are not recommended to be taken to the beach. If, however, there is no choice, in this case it is worth sticking protective plastic on the display, which will save you from scratches.

The first step is to carefully examine the original packaging. There should be no dents or tears on it. This ensures that the device has not been shipped, and also allows you to verify that the box has not been shipped, and that it is a new device that has not been returned by a former user.

Check the contents of your tablet. The kit must include a charger; a USB cable is often included; Some tablet computers come with a memory card, OTG cable, headphones, and a case (at the discretion of the manufacturer). A complete list of components can be found in the attached documentation.

It is advisable to check the operation of the charger so that there are no surprises when you get home. Carefully inspect the tablet case for mechanical damage, scratches, chips, etc. Check to see if the glass is coming away from the body. Lightly squeezing the gadget in various places, make sure that there are no creaks.

Next, it’s worth assessing the serviceability of the screen. While the device is turned off, take a closer look to see if there are any glare or bright spots on the display. If there are defects, you have every right to demand a replacement of the device.

After switching on

Now turn on the device and evaluate the health of the screen matrix. Faulty elements on a dark screen will glow white or, conversely, on a light screen - dark. “Broken” pixels are a good reason to replace the gadget. Turn it on yourself, without the help of the seller.

Be sure to check that the touch screen does not have any dead zones. Launch applications with controls in different areas of the screen.

Turn on one of the preset tunes - with working speakers, the sound should be loud enough, without rustling or crackling.

If the store has a wireless Wi-Fi network, it makes sense to check the operation of the radio module of your device.

Test your device's cameras by taking a few pictures. Make sure there are no “dead zones” on them. Such defects indicate a malfunction of the photosensitive matrix.

Typically the tablet is ready to use once you take it out of the box. That is, there is already some software available. Please also note that this device is supported by Google Play - older versions of Android OS often crash when accessing the application store.

In this article, I will tell you how to properly stick a protective film on the display of your tablet or smartphone yourself. A protective film is simply a necessary accessory that will protect the screen of your device from dust, scratches, mechanical damage, etc. The most interesting thing is that after a few months you can return the device to its ideal appearance by simply replacing the film. But many people have absolutely no idea how to glue it correctly and beautifully, so in this article we will look into this issue in detail.

How to properly stick the protective film:

1) First, prepare soft, lint-free wipes to clean your device's display. Wipes that are used to clean LCD monitors are ideal.

2) The ideal place to apply the film is the bathroom, because there is usually the least dust there. Before gluing, wash your hands well with soap and running, warm water, wait until they dry on their own, do not wipe with a towel because lint will remain. It is also recommended to run a hot shower for a short time so that the humidity level in the bathroom rises and all the dust settles.

3) We very carefully wipe the device screen with the napkin we prepared earlier, making sure that there are no dust particles, fingerprints or other contaminants left on the display. For better cleaning, you can use LCD monitor spray or a little water. Never wipe the screen with household cleaners or products that contain alcohol!

4) Now let's open the package and take out the film. In any case, the protective film must have a special transport coating with stickers. Typically, coatings are called Step 1 And Step 2. You should not remove Step 1 entirely. It is better to start gluing from the straight and wide part of the display. Carefully remove Step 1 about three centimeters and evenly apply the edge of the film to the edge of the screen. The following picture emerges: the protective film has only slightly stuck to the screen, it can be pressed tightly, which allows us to see whether the gluing is going smoothly, and if not, we can easily re-glue it if desired.

5) After making sure that the film sticks evenly, smooth it over the surface of the screen, gradually removing Step 1. During the gluing process, air bubbles will appear on the surface, just take a credit card and swipe it over the film several times, the bubbles will go away (the smallest ones will remain, they will disappear on their own through some time). If large bubbles do not go away, it means that there is still debris or lint underneath these bubbles, which can only be dealt with by peeling off the film, removing a speck of dust, and re-sticking and smoothing.

6) When the film is completely pasted, the bubbles have been removed, you can remove the Step 2 protective layer from the front side and start using the device.

A few more tips:

A good quality film can be removed and washed under running water if dust is stuck to it on the back side, but you should not do this often
- During operation, the film can be cleaned with any non-aggressive agent, or better yet, with just water.
- If you use it correctly, it will last at least 12 months.
- If during the process of applying the film a few dust particles still get under it, do not remove and wash it! You are unlikely to be able to glue it better next time. And the dust particles will become less noticeable after a while.
- It is recommended to purchase the film immediately when purchasing the device. Since the screen of the new device is protected by a technological film, removing it will give you a pristine screen.
- You will never wipe the screen perfectly - there will always be lint and dust left (or they will accumulate while you are gluing). PAPER TAPE is the best way to remove them! or any tape that does not leave glue on the surface after it comes off.
- If there are dust particles left after gluing, bend the edge of the film and use the same paper tape to remove dust and lint. There is no need to peel off the film completely.
- The film should be changed once every six months or less often if you see that the film is in good condition.

Articles and Lifehacks

After purchasing a new mobile device, people usually immediately run home to immediately immerse themselves in its unique magical world, although experts recommend staying in the store and buying a few important accessories for their new friend.

For example, a protective film for tablets is the accessory that you need to purchase first because it will help protect your gadget’s expensive touch screen from scratches and dirt.

Types of protective films

There are quite a few types of films on sale. More expensive films are thicker and will distort the screen image less, while less expensive films may be a little thinner and will need to be replaced more often.

Essentially, screen protectors can be divided into two types:

  • Matte films. They are denser in texture, so scratches and fingerprints are almost invisible on them. Although the use of matte films can lead to a decrease in screen brightness, which significantly reduces the comfort of working on the tablet.
  • Glossy films. On such coatings, scratches and fingerprints are more noticeable, although they do not affect the brightness of the display in any way.

Why do you need protective film?

It can perform the following functions:
  • Firstly, it protects the touch screen of this device (which, by the way, is not that cheap) from possible scratches that may appear during use.
  • Secondly, if there is damage or scratches on the screen, then using film helps correct the situation. That is, a protective coating can literally transform an old display, which can be very useful before selling the device.
  • The films have the ability to block 99% of ultraviolet radiation emanating from the screen, which, as is known, is not very good for human vision.
  • When you press on a screen covered with a film, your fingers sweat much less, which means that there are practically no fingerprints left on it.
You can stick the film yourself, fortunately, today you can find a lot of information on the Internet about how this can be done, but it is better to seek help from specialists who have extensive experience in this matter, this will help to avoid possible problems and material costs.

The incredible joy of purchasing a brand new tablet may, after some time, be overshadowed by a gradual deterioration in its appearance. And this is not surprising, users actively use the device, swiping their finger across the screen several hundred times a day. A light touch certainly does not cause problems. However, it is important to take into account that grains of sand can get on the screen, which can easily be caught by your fingers and cause minor scratches. There are many reasons for the deterioration of the appearance of the device. As a matter of fact, they are not so much of interest to owners of brand new tablets, who have heard about the aesthetic problems of the device, as they are interested in the question of what actions to take to protect the screen from damage. The answer to this question is not difficult to find. Experienced users and service center specialists strongly recommend purchasing a special protective film. Many people agree to purchase it, but not everyone knows how to stick this film on a tablet.

Recommendations for applying a protective film to the tablet screen.

Rules for gluing film

Service center technicians can provide professional assistance in gluing a protective film to the tablet screen. However, this solution to the issue does not suit some tablet owners. First of all, sometimes it is not possible to visit a service center. Some tablet owners cannot afford to use a professional service because they are experiencing financial difficulties, so they strive to constantly save. You can stick a protective film on the tablet screen without visiting a service center. Having studied the recommendations provided, you can perform the manipulations at home, obtaining the desired result, no different from what could be obtained when contacting the service center.

Do I need film for my tablet?

Unsure whether a special protective film is needed for the tablet, many hesitate to make a purchase. However, at such moments they strive to significantly limit the use of the device. Experts say that if a tablet is purchased for the purpose of using it only at home for a short period of time, then there is no particular need for a protective film.

If the tablet acts as the user’s faithful companion and is used in various conditions, including in public transport, on the street, then it is recommended to provide additional screen protection. Device screens also need additional protection if the tablet is carried in a backpack or bag, where other objects are located nearby. However, protecting your screen from scratches is not the only reason to purchase a special film. It is she who favors:

  • improving the appearance of the tablet screen, which already has minor scratches;

  • blocking ultraviolet rays emanating from screens, which can significantly reduce eye strain during prolonged work;

  • reducing the negative effects of sunlight;

  • prevents excessive sweating of fingers;

  • occurrence of glare.

Having convinced of the need for such additional protection, the owner of the device must understand the intricacies of its gluing, how to stick it correctly in order to avoid aesthetic defects. Having studied the features of the protective film sticker, it will not be difficult to prevent the occurrence of any errors.

Types of protective films

The first thing you have to do is visit a specialized retail establishment to purchase film. However, it is important to consider that there are several varieties of it, and you only need to choose one of them:

  • glossy (this option is invisible, but allows you to protect the screen from scratches, while maintaining the brightness and quality of the transmitted color);

  • matte (this option is equipped with an anti-reflective coating, so it is especially welcomed by users who want to maintain comfortable conditions for working with the device in all weather conditions);

  • shockproof (has the maximum level of protection, even if it falls, the screen remains intact);

  • confidential (allow you to view the displayed information on the screen only at a right angle; nearby third-party observers will not be able to see anything).

Important points

When studying information on how to apply a protective film, you will definitely come across a recommendation regarding the selection of a film of the appropriate size. There is nothing easier than telling the brand and model of your tablet to an employee of a retail establishment. It’s much worse if you can’t find a film for a specific model in either one, or another, or in any store. However, in this case there is no reason to be upset. You can purchase a larger size film.

The size is determined by the diagonal of your device. After purchasing, you need to use nail scissors and carefully trim the protruding surfaces after completing the gluing process. You can also trim before gluing, but in this case there is a risk of incorrect trimming. One of the important points is also the quality of the film you purchase. By saving on its cost, you risk damaging the screen, for the restoration of which you will have to pay a larger sum.

How not to ruin your tablet

The gluing process will be accompanied by a high result if you prepare for it correctly. Consider yourself a jackpot if you purchased a brand new tablet that has primary film on it. If there is none, then you need to degrease the screen and clean it of grains of sand and dust. To do this, you will need to purchase a special monitor cleaner, as well as a small microfiber flap.

It is strictly prohibited to use alcohol-containing products or water as alternative means. Water is not capable of providing degreasing. Using alcohol-containing products can, on the contrary, cause damage to the screen, since alcohol destroys the structure of the material from which the display is made. Before gluing, it is important to make sure that there are no grains of sand on the screen. Otherwise, the film will not be able to fit tightly, and accordingly, it will begin to puff up.

It is also important to prepare the room in which the manipulation is supposed to be carried out. It is better to opt for the bathroom; it contains a smaller amount of dust, which does not rise up under the influence of high humidity. If this possibility is excluded, then any other room needs to be cleaned, the dust wiped off, and the spray bottle used to settle the dust particles flying in the air.

Self-stick film

We also draw your attention to the fact that before gluing the film onto the tablet screen, you need to prepare the following “tools”:

  • a thick plastic card (you can use a bank card);

  • microfiber cloth.

The film has two protective layers. The first bottom layer is peeled off and then glued to the screen. The top layer is removed, and underneath there is a final matte or glossy coating. As soon as you separate the bottom layer, do not touch it with your fingers under any circumstances; hold it gently only by the edges. Place the film against the bottom edge and slowly begin gluing, using the plastic card to help ensure a tight seal. If you notice an air bubble, don't be discouraged, try to expel it using the same plastic card. When the film is glued, remove the top protective layer and finally wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

So, anyone who has such a desire can stick a protective film on a tablet at home. It is only important to first arm yourself with theoretical knowledge and understand the sequence of all the listed actions.