I spilled beer on my laptop keyboard. Restoring a flooded laptop keyboard

If you flooded the keyboard beer or tea, I'll tell you what needs to be done so that the keyboard is not sticky and works
Hi all! It often happens that a glass of freshly brewed, fresh (or not so fresh) beer falls directly on your keyboard. Also, this situation happens with morning coffee or tea. Your elbow touches a cup filled with tea, and your keyboard ends up filled with tea and sugar.
There is a solution, buy a new one =)
First of all, you need to get ready, you'll be without a keyboard for a couple of days. You can, of course, resolve the issue faster, but then you will spend a lot more time and you will have to disassemble the keyboard, remove all the buttons, in short, hemorrhoids for a couple of hours
The keyboard looks like this when disassembled

We see that our paths are under the poured coffee. And in any case, even if you disassemble the keyboard, until the tracks under the numbers are all dry, the keyboard will not function normally
First of all, disconnect the keyboard from USB or other power. Then we take her to the bathroom.
Turn on the cold water and begin to fill the entire keyboard with cold water. It is important to do this with love and tenderness.

Now take a rag with Fairy or another product that allows you to remove stickiness from the keyboard. By the way, this applies when you flooded the keyboard with Coca-Cola, cognac and cola, and beer too.
Three all over the keyboard. It feels good when you massage your back

Now, rinse off this Fairy or other product with cold water again. Fine. We're almost done.
Now you can put the keyboard to dry. If it's summer in the yard you're a little luckier. If it's winter, a little less. We drain all the water from it and set it to dry for a couple of days. In summer, the keyboard dries completely in a day or two. The main thing is that all the paths are dry and there is no water on them. Therefore, do not rush to turn on the keyboard as quickly as possible
If it’s winter, put the keyboard to warm up near the heating pipe. It’s better to take the old replacement keyboard for now and use it for a couple of days.

After a couple of days we connect the keyboard back to the PC. If some keys do not work, or one key triggers another. You pressed up, but on the action pressed down, which means you still need to dry the keyboard and wait
Once the keyboard is completely dry, you can use it. It's even cleaner than before you poured it.

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First of all, I want to say the following: if it has already happened that you spilled coffee, beer or tea on the keyboard, then do not panic. First you need to turn off your computer and disconnect the keyboard on the back of your PC. The next step is to disassemble the keyboard. And dry

And it describes what to do if you spill kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk on the keyboard.

This picture shows the "bottom" of the keyboard. The red marker marks those screws that need to be unscrewed in order to disassemble your keyboard. Of course, the location of the screws is different for different brands and models of keyboards. After unscrewing all the screws, carefully remove the bottom cover without overturning the keyboard. ATTENTION! It is necessary to disassemble the keyboard either on a large clean table or on the floor, because... When removing the bottom cover, the rubber button absorbers may pop out.

In this picture, green markers show some traces of the “work” of the above-mentioned drinks. There is one more problem. Before me, the keyboard had already been disassembled and several shock absorbers were lost (marked with a red marker). In the future, we will borrow these “rubber bands” from the backup keyboard.

The figure shows the layers of the keyboard circuit board. We have 2 conductive layers and one insulating layer. They need to be carefully separated and wiped with alcohol. Don't skimp on alcohol for electronics! Never wipe electronics with vodka or nail polish remover! Use only alcohol and cotton wool! No rags or water! Usually the layers are soldered together in one or two places. If your keyboard is “basement assembled”, then such a solder may not exist! Therefore, after separating the layers of the board, carefully adjust them when reassembling after cleaning!
Assembly is carried out in the reverse order of disassembly. Make sure that all shock absorbers are positioned with their tops facing the button (down). The patches of the printed circuit board layers coincided exactly and were located in the center of the button.

Here is the assembled and clean keyboard! Buttons without shock absorbers are marked with a blue marker - they are “sagging”. You can ask for the necessary shock absorbers from a PC repair service center or ask your friends for a non-functional keyboard. By the way, maybe he has the same problem as you had! But you are now an expert in this matter!

If you act quickly, there is a chance that you will save expensive equipment that is flooded with any liquid

Today, many of you, especially children and teenagers, may find yourself in trouble with your laptop. Through carelessness or inattention, if you are carried away by a movie or, you can easily knock over a glass of liquid onto the laptop keyboard. Such a seemingly harmless incident can easily destroy an expensive computer, and possibly permanently. In connection with this, many careless users today are interested in such a tricky question - if you flood your laptop with beer, what should you do? Today I will tell you a couple of simple recipes that will help save a laptop that is flooded with water, beer or coffee.

I’ll share a secret with you - liquid and electricity should absolutely not be combined. When these two physical phenomena meet, the liquid wins. It can simply destroy all electrical circuits of any equipment, including a laptop. Moreover, in such a situation, you yourself may receive an electric shock if you are not careful enough.

I hope you are not reading this article on a laptop flooded with beer? Remember, never use computer equipment until it is dry.

I spilled beer on my laptop keyboard - what should I do?

The first thing to do is make sure your hands and the power button are dry. If you need to wipe moisture off them, it is best to use a regular towel.

Now safely and as quickly as possible turn off the flooded laptop. Please note that in this case you will not have time to follow the rules for correctly shutting down Windows. If you spilled beer on your laptop keyboard, what should you do - you have to take risks! Just press and hold the Power button. Within five seconds the computer will turn off. This is if the power management circuit is not covered.

The next thing to do as quickly as possible is to unplug the power adapter from the outlet. Simply unplug the adapter from the surge protector or wall outlet. If the battery is removable, try to remove it as quickly as possible.

Now, at a minimum, you will not suffer from an electric shock. Next, disconnect all external devices connected to the beer-drenched laptop - all sorts of mice, cables, flash drives and other devices. Open, unscrew with a screwdriver and remove everything that can be easily removed from the laptop case, which is filled with liquid. For example, RAM and hard drive can often be removed after unscrewing just two or three screws on the bottom cover of the laptop. It depends on the design of the laptop as designed by the manufacturer.

If the drink or liquid you spilled on your laptop turns out to be quite sticky or aggressive (alcoholic drinks, lemonades, beer and dairy products containing sugar), then you should immediately contact a professional technician. You will not be able to clean the motherboard and other laptop components from such aggressive liquids on your own. This requires special tools, cleaning agents and certain skills.

I filled my laptop with clean water - what next?

But if you spill water or vodka on your laptop, then you have a high chance of drying it yourself.

First, thoroughly blot all accessible surfaces with a dry towel. Then remove everything from the table and cover it with several layers of another towel. Open a laptop that is flooded with water as wide as possible, so that the screen and keyboard are almost in the same plane. Now turn it over with the screen and keyboard facing down, and press it against the towel. Leave the laptop in this position for several hours so that all the water drains and is absorbed by the dry cloth.

Don't rush to turn on your laptop. It is better if a day passes before this moment. Turn the laptop over to its working position, install all the removed components, screw on the lid and try to turn it on. If your laptop won't turn on, well, it's time to contact a specialist.

Of course, a lot here depends on luck, on the area covered with liquid. I know of cases where even a laptop drenched in beer was resurrected and then worked for a long time. I do not recommend using any hair dryers or stoves for drying - overheating can cause even more damage. I hope now you understand what to do if you flooded your laptop with beer - you should not rush, be patient, lucky, dry rags and a screwdriver. And may you be lucky!

When working at a computer, especially at home, unpleasant situations often arise - cups, glasses, vases with liquid overturned onto the keyboard. A laptop differs from a desktop computer in that the devices necessary for the functioning of the device are located under the keyboard and spilled liquid can damage them in a matter of seconds. Such a shocking event discourages the owner of expensive equipment; as a result, the user does not immediately take the necessary actions that will help protect the damaged item from damage. Then, subsequent performance depends on the speed and accuracy of the measures taken.

What to do if a user spills beer on a laptop

Among computer specialists, there is an unspoken classification of liquids that users have ever poured into laptop keyboards, and it is divided into aggressive and non-aggressive types.

Non-aggressive types of liquids include still water and unsweetened tea.

Aggressive liquids include beer, carbonated water, juices, coffee, milk, and so on. Aggressive liquids quickly lead to breakdowns of microcircuits inside a laptop due to increased oxidizing ability.

In Fig. you can see how the motherboard oxidized after a day.

Let's consider a situation in which a user spilled a glass of beer on a laptop keyboard and what needs to be done to save the equipment. The consistency and speed of the actions performed will avoid product failure and, as a consequence, expensive costs.

Algorithm for saving a flooded laptop

1. Urgently turn off the power to the equipment: unplug the power cord from the outlet and remove the battery from the laptop. In this case, the internal temperature of the device will begin to quickly decrease, and oxidation processes may not even have time to begin, and if they do, they will proceed much more slowly than when the mode is turned on;

2. Using a damp cloth made of quickly absorbing material (microfiber, gauze or spongy synthetic material), vigorously blot the beer-stained surface of the laptop. Try not to press on the keyboard so that the beer liquid does not penetrate deeper and wet the conductors and microcircuits;

3. After pre-drying with a cloth, turn the laptop over and shake it gently. This will allow any beer that gets inside the laptop to drain from the internal components. Make sure that the drained liquid does not get into the area where the keyboard and display are mounted. If liquid gets into the screen case, damage to the matrix or monitor cable will be inevitable;

4. Leave the laptop upside down. Securely secure it to prevent it from falling. Do not turn it on again under any circumstances;

5. Contact technical and service support immediately. Check the estimated start date for repairs. If it is not possible to start repairs in the next 24 hours, look for alternative companies.

Please note that repairing a flooded laptop will always cost a fee, because... This is not a manufacturing defect!

Remember, the amount you will be offered to pay after diagnosis depends on the speed and strict adherence to the sequence of the above actions.

It is possible that restoring functionality will cost a small amount, for example, when restoring the keyboard. Otherwise, you will have to fork out money to replace the cable, matrix or motherboards, one of the most expensive components of any computer.

Remember that disassembling and cleaning the internal parts of a laptop yourself requires certain skills, and often repairs can only be performed by highly qualified specialists using special technical equipment and spare parts.

What to do first?

So, the glass of water is half full. The second half is already in the laptop.

The first thing to do is disconnect the charger and remove the battery. The faster you pull it out, the greater the chance of salvation.

Even if the laptop is turned off, the power circuits on the motherboard work. As you understand, this threatens a short circuit and the purchase of a new computer.

Unfortunately, MacBook owners cannot simply remove the battery. That's why Immediately press the power button until it turns off completely.

Along with battery you need to turn off all peripheral devices, since they can also become victims of water.

Then quickly turn the laptop over with the keyboard facing down. Water will gradually begin to flow out through the holes between the keys. Remaining liquid can be wiped off with a cloth or paper towel.

The main thing is accuracy. You should not press the buttons because this may push water even deeper under the keyboard. Keep the device in this state for at least a couple of hours.

What's next? Can I turn it on and check now?

When you think the laptop is completely dry, don't try to turn it on. There is still liquid under the chips on the motherboard. Perhaps the device will even work, but after some time water and corrosion will still win. Then you will be provided with expensive repairs.

The ideal solution is do not take risks and urgently take the flooded device to professionals, or rather, to the service center. No one can handle your problem better than the experts.

What if I’m on vacation, am I too lazy to go somewhere or am I confident?

The success of “self-medication” depends on skills. If you went to a radio club and are absolutely sure that you can disassemble and - most importantly - assemble a laptop, do it yourself. Turn on the video guide(there are these for almost any laptop model) And just repeat.

Well, then unscrew all the screws you find. First, remove the motherboard and take out the CMOS battery (look at the photos to see what it looks like). It can also cause a short circuit, since it powers the motherboard.

Look at the board. If you see white plaque or dark spots on it, take a soft toothbrush and carefully clean the problem areas.

Then you need to go over them with alcohol, and you need to wipe everything off, don’t be lazy. After alcohol (not inside!) Repeat the procedure with distilled water. Unlike ordinary water, distilled water does not contain impurities of salts and metals that can destroy elements on the board.

If plaque is present over almost the entire area of ​​the motherboard, remove everything that you can remove from it: processor, WLAN module and memory. After this, rinse the board with warm distilled water and leave to dry for at least a day.

Can I just dry it with a hairdryer and reassemble the laptop?

It is better not to dry it with a hairdryer. It can blow hot dust or, worse, melt some elements on the board. For the same reason, you should never place components on the battery.

Perfect option: leave the laptop elements in a warm and dry room for at least a day(or even better for two days). Before this, don’t even try to assemble and turn on the laptop.

You can also put the parts in a container with rice, because rice is an excellent absorbent that is found in almost every home. It perfectly draws out excess moisture.

What water, I spilled soda (actually beer)!

The situation is more complicated. Carbonated and sugary drinks can kill your laptop much faster than regular water because they contain much more acid. They not only accelerate the corrosion of internal elements, but can also damage the keyboard. Therefore, do not leave the laptop to dry, but immediately disassemble it or take it to a service center.

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