Why are plugins needed? Plugins for browsers and other programs on your computer

Hello dear reader! In this article we will talk about what plugins are and how they can be useful. Many people even know how to install and remove them, but at the same time they do not fully understand what they are actually dealing with. We will try to figure this out today.

What is a plugin? The word “plugin” comes from the English plug-in (translation of noun module, adj. removable, block). A plugin is a module for a program that is created separately and, if necessary, can be connected to an already running application. The main task of the plugin is to expand the functionality of the main program.

For them to work, it is necessary that the main program provides the ability to connect additional modules (plugins). Thus, the plugin is completely dependent on the main program and cannot be used separately from it.

The main program, on the contrary, is able to connect and use plugins independently of each other. The functionality of the program may be reduced due to the lack of additional features provided by plugins.

With some programs, a somewhat inconvenient situation is possible when, after exiting new version, the plugin for them is not immediately updated, and it may turn out that they are not able to work with each other. In this case, you must wait until the plugin version is updated to restore the functionality it provides.

Installing plugins in different applications can be quite different. For example Adobe Flash Player It will offer to install itself as a browser add-on. This will happen if you access a page on the Internet that contains information for which you need it to play. You can read one example of installing the plugin in my article “”.

Other programs have created a special tool for managing plugins. As an example of such an application, I will give a mail program. To manage plugins in it, you need to click “Tools” - “Add-ons”. You can do everything in the window that appears necessary actions in the most convenient way: find, install and remove, turn on and off.

In general, the modularity principle that works when using plugins is very good.

Installation example in Mozilla Firefox:

Judge for yourself. What's better? Have a program that has basic functionality in some area, and large collection plugins for it that, if necessary, expand this functionality? Or big program who can do a lot of things at once? I believe that it is much more practical to use a tool whose functionality can be expanded as needed, without wasting computer resources on unnecessary functions.

For greater clarity, here are a few examples of useful and common plugins. Already mentioned above, Adobe Flash Player for various Internet browsers is necessary to display video. PDF browser plugin from Foxit allows you to view *.pdf documents posted on the Internet right inside the browser.

There are a lot of different plugins for the program Adobe Photoshop, allowing you to apply various effects to images.

Plugins for mail programs. These may be additions from third party companies, for example a plugin from the developer antivirus program to check emails for SPAM and viruses. There are also many native plugins for mail clients, for example for spell checking and other additional features.

Popular file manager Total Commander In general, it implements all its widest functionality thanks to its plugins. All its additions are divided into groups according to the tasks performed. During installation, you can usually select the version you need in terms of functionality. Depending on this, certain groups of plugins will or will not be installed.

Plugins can greatly facilitate the use of many programs, so you should not neglect them.

Now that we have figured out what a plugin is, you can safely download them for your applications and get started.

See you soon on the blog!

P.S. Today for dessert - how a newlywed jokes about his wife, if of course it can be called a joke 😳 .

And begins to get to know him, i.e. for newbies.

Let me remind you once again that this engine has a number of capabilities and is universal. Its functions can be constantly improved, both by yourself, having certain knowledge, and with the help of ready-made solutions.

What is a plugin?

Plugin – software module, connected to the main program and designed to expand its capabilities.

They add the necessary functionality to the site and make it more beautiful. Let me give you a comparison, for example, with a bodybuilder. If a person wants to look beautiful and have physical strength, he goes to the fitness room and builds muscle mass (pumps up). We do the same with the engine. WordPress by installing plugins on it.

An example of their work: the “up” button on the site, page navigation, pop-ups, installation social buttons, site maps, etc. Each plugin has its own task, function.

The number of their installation depends on the preferences of the site owner. But it's not that simple. Each plugin is unique and has its own weight, i.e. carries a load on the site. Which affects the page loading speed and the operation of the entire blog as a whole.

So just before installation, collect as much information as possible about the plugin. To do this, type the name into a search engine and read everything, including comments about it (what reviews visitors leave).

Installing a plugin on a blog.

Installation can be done in several ways. Let's look at them all, and choose which one is more convenient for you. Also, in addition to installation, we will decide how to remove it.

First way. This method is the easiest. Go to the WordPress admin panel in the “Plugins” section.

Then “Add new” and in the empty search engine window that opens, enter the name of the plugin we need (in in this case Rus-To-Lat) and then “Search for a plugin”.

The search engine gave us a result stating that the plugin was found and invites us to look detailed information about it or install it immediately. Click “Install” and confirm your action.

That’s it, the plugin files are installed on the hosting and now we need to put it into operation - click “Activate plugin”.

This completes the installation. Some plugins require configuration after installation. To do this, you need to find where they are (perhaps in “Tools” or in “Options”). Everyone has their own individual settings and location.

Second way. It often happens that the above method does not give results, i.e. The search engine in the admin panel does not find the plugin. Then you have to look for it through the main search engines and download the plugin archive first to your computer, then to your hosting. The procedure is almost the same.

Third way. Installation via FTP connection to hosting. I use . This option is the most reliable if done correctly. As in the second method, the archive must be uploaded to HDD computer. Just before uploading it to your hosting, you should unzip it. Here is the path to the folder with plugin files /public_html/wp-content/plugins. Then, after installation, activate it in the admin panel.

Removing plugins.

To remove a plugin, you must first deactivate it. Go to the admin panel, go to “Plugins”, then “Installed”.

We are looking for the required “Deactivate” and “Delete”. You can get rid of an unnecessary plugin through FTP access to your hosting.

Where to download the necessary plugins.

I note that wordpress.org is the official website WordPress .

Plugins are good, but don't get carried away.

A program released by any manufacturer cannot fully satisfy the needs of users, no matter what it is. There is also no point in creating applications with many functions. And that's why:

  1. Price the product will be high, which the users themselves will obviously not like.
  2. A large number of bugs And errors. If the software has many functions, it will be impossible to test everything. This means that not all bugs can be fixed.
  3. The application will be difficult to manage. Huge functionality means many buttons, windows and other things. Thus, it will be difficult to understand the controls.

That's why extensions were invented ( plugins). What it is? This additions to the program, that is, a kind of subroutine that adds some more to the main functions, depending on what the application is for, what functions it performs.

Why do we need plugins?

We understand what it is. Let's now take a closer look at why they are needed. They perform two functions:

  1. Do work with programs easier And faster. If it contains all the functions, then its weight will be enormous. And the amount of resources it consumes will simply go off scale. As a result, you will end up with huge and slow-running applications. Extensions in this case allow you to connect only needed by the user functions in addition to the main functionality.
  2. Program improvement. You can connect add-ons to them without affecting the main functionality. It turns out that any programmer can write the addition he requires, and not wait for the program developers to deign to do it.

Official and unofficial plugins

are such plugins that are developed by the company that released the program or its partners, under its supervision. They are safe, but may require fees. For example, you need to pay for installation or monthly use.

Unofficial- created by craftsmen from the people. They may be no worse than the official ones, but not always. They are often unfinished and may contain errors or not work at all. They may also contain built in malicious code , which can harm your computer or original program. If you have purchased a licensed copy of the program, then it is advisable to download or purchase extensions from large and trusted manufacturers.

If, due to a large number of add-ons, your computer slows down or works poorly, look through all installed extensions and get rid of unnecessary ones.

What are the plugins?

An example is the most popular and familiar plugin - Adobe Flash Player. Thanks to him are reproduced videos on websites, flash animation and other elements.

Today there are a huge number extensions for browsers. For example, for downloads video and music from the VKontakte website. They work directly with browsers and they cannot do it separately. There are also extensions for other programs:

  • For image processing: effects, filters, etc.;
  • For audio editors: effects, sound samples;
  • For games: these are mods and patches, but they are the same add-ons (they add new levels or features, objects, characters, etc. to games);
  • For sites: Thanks to add-ons, the user can interact with the web page much more comfortably.

Add-ons are developed for almost any computer software. We have given examples of the most popular of them.

How to install

There are two installation methods:

  1. Copy file containing the code directly into the program folder.
  2. The program provides menu for installation additions.

Installation of extensions for each program is individual. IN as an example Let's look at installing it on WordPress.

WordPress is a website management system. Many plugins are being developed for it, which greatly improve the functionality of the site.

The most convenient way to install extensions is through admin panel. Everything is done simply, without deleting or unzipping.

Almost every person who owns the Internet uses plugins.

Many users even know how to install or remove them, but few people fully understand what these modules are and why they are needed. Let's try to figure it out.

If we talk scientific language, plugin (from English. plug-in- “replaceable”) is a compiled module aimed at expanding the capabilities of a program. Simply, it is an addition, an add-on, thanks to which the program already installed on the computer becomes better for the user.

The peculiarity of the plugin is that it is not able to work independently, but only complements the existing main application. At the same time, the program itself, on the contrary, can connect plugins and also function freely without them.

After we have found out the meaning of the plugin, a completely logical question arises: “Why is it needed?” Isn’t it more convenient to initially provide the main application with all the necessary functionality, so as not to waste time on installation? additional programs?

Perhaps more convenient, but not entirely advisable, since the plugin is responsible for two significant functions:

1. Makes the basic application easier and faster. If you release a program with wide functionality, then it will take up a lot of space on your hard drive and also take up unnecessary PC resources, which will result in a decrease in the performance of other applications. Using plugins makes it possible to provide the program with only those functions that are necessary to a specific person, thanks to which the application will take up less space and run much faster.

2. Provides an opportunity to improve the program. In progress basic applications A modular scheme is used, according to which the plugin can be installed or removed without disrupting the operation of the program. In addition, any programmer is able to write the addition he needs without waiting for the developer of the main application to do it.

Today there are a huge number of plugins for the most different programs, however one of the most famous is Shockwave Flash. It is used to play multimedia videos and allows users to fully enjoy the beauty of vector 3D graphics, flash games and others. interactive elements online.

Shockwave Flash works with many Internet browsers (Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer) and makes it possible to correctly display interactive sites that were created using Shockwave technology.

Sometimes it happens that while playing a game or watching a video, the screen goes dark and a window appears with the message: “The plugin has crashed.” This happens in cases where the plugin suddenly stops working for one reason or another.

Most often, the crash occurs if your Internet browser does not update the software. Sometimes the crash is to blame unstable work Adobe applications Flash Player or the presence in the web browser of such unusable applications as toolbars - they take up space, take up resources and cause a conflict that leads to plugins crashing.

Usually, to fix the problem, it is enough to simply reload the browser page, but if the plugin continues to crash, then it is more rational to update it existing version until the last one. Another option is to go to the browser toolkit and see how many plugins are installed and enabled on the computer.

You are unlikely to need many of them, so it is recommended to disable them all, leaving only Shockwave Flash, which is necessary for watching videos. When these methods do not help, you have to completely remove the browser and install it again.

If you notice that the plugin still crashes with high frequency, then it might be time to change your browser.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


A plugin is an addition to an application that expands the original functionality.

Plugins, in simple words, are such additions to ready-made programs that are written, as needed, to add some separate option that is useful to users.

Plugins cannot work on their own and must be specific to an application. At the same time, the main software functions independently; it has the ability to add one or more plugins, update or delete them. And this will not affect the performance of the program in any way.

A familiar example is Adobe Flash Player. This is an add-on for Internet browsers that allows you to view information created in Flash formats.

Add-ons are developed for completely different areas and themes.
For graphics programs There are many built-in filters, such as image processing. A common type of add-on is to expand the list of file formats that an application can work with. We use it every day postal services, there are also many functions implemented this way, for example, spam checking.
Function extensions for Internet-related programs and applications are in great demand. These are cms (content management systems), browsers. Below we will take a closer look at which plugins are needed for websites in the first place.

What are plugins used for?

Plugins help solve the following problems:

Simplifying the development of the basic version of the program

Initially, you can release a small, compact program with the aim that all the modifications to the functions can be added separately later. This helps optimize time and resource costs.

This saves memory on the user devices on which the application will be deployed and has a positive effect on operating speed.

Likewise, the ability to select the desired set of options saves workspace. Not everyone needs to have access to viewing the weather, posters, Bitcoin rates and other useful information every minute.

Taking into account individual needs

The second point concerns everyone’s personal preferences. This means that a person can install a set of plugins according to his needs and tastes.

Expansion of program functionality

Additional features allow you to make the software more flexible. If you need a specific plugin, you connect it, modify it, or even write it from scratch and get the desired working system. There is no need to wait for new updates, ask developers to expand functionality and sometimes wait for years.

List of the most popular SEO plugins

There are huge libraries of plugins that are needed for the site: improvements to cms functions, SEO promotion. Using the example of the most popular engine for creating websites and blogs, WordPress, let’s look at how limitless the possibilities of optimizers become.
Usually, basic set What a website management system can do is modest and limited. I want to expand and supplement everything, from a basic text editor to the ability to collect and process analytics.
Most website plugins can be installed free of charge. Some of them have advanced features for money.

1. All In One SEO Pack

Popular plugin For optimization site with a large number of installations and reviews.

Allows you to carry out all the required meta tag settings, set canonical URLs, set the title for the page, category, tags and other types of content on your Internet resource.
There is a paid premium version.

Yoast SEO, WordPress SEO Plugin, SEOPress have approximately the same set of options.

Positioned as powerful plugins for optimizing your SEO, increasing traffic, increasing social exchange, allow you to create HTML and XML maps site, bread crumbs, configure 301 redirects and much more.

Which one is better to choose? Read reviews and forums.
There is an important factor when working with add-ons - the security of your site. According to statistics, a large number of hacking is carried out precisely through third party services. Therefore, the degree of risk and convenience is up to you to assess.

2. For those who are just starting to get acquainted with SEO there is a lot positive feedback about Local Search SEO Contact Page.

This is a compact application that at the initial stage solves all the basic problems for promoting your resource, allows you to link buttons and widgets of social networks, QR codes, geolocation data and more.

3. Google XML Sitemap. For those who still consider a sitemap to be a necessary element, there is a useful website creation plugin that generates a page in a few seconds. All that remains is to set the parameters, which sections to include, which URLs to exclude, etc.

4. Another useful and popular addition is PB SEO Friendly Images. Helps to work on such an important optimization area as filling out tags and alt (alternative text) for images on a website. Thanks to this, search engines will check and take into account the graphic part of the content as much as possible.

5. For those who are serious about analytics and assessing the effectiveness of a resource, we can recommend Google Analyticator. It allows you to pull data from the Analytics counter.

6. There are add-ons that allow you to optimize the loading speed of website pages, for example, the popular one with good rating LiteSpeed ​​Cache. Features include image optimization, customization asynchronous loading CSS and JS Asynchronously, work with CSS, JavaScript and HTML and much more.

7. Another group of plugins helps to refine content, in particular texts, that will be optimized and easy to read. Indicates sections that have problems with the amount of information.
SEO Content Control, SEO SQUIRRLY™.

8. Add-ons like Schema help to correctly configure the structured markup of schema.org; this factor is taken into account by search engines when indexing.

Now you have an idea of ​​what plugins are and how they can make your life easier. The main thing is to determine which aspects of promotion and optimization you want to improve.

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