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If, when connecting the gadget to a PC to synchronize with iTunes an error occurs, this is not a reason to panic and suspect that the iPhone is broken. Possible reasons error appears great amount: it can be caused incorrect firmware or the reluctance of the computer's security software to allow the connection Apple technology. It is important to pay attention to the error code: the numbers can tell not only the reason why the PC does not see the iPhone, but also a way to solve the problem.

Why iPhone doesn't connect to computer: iTunes connection errors

All errors that occur during connection Apple smartphone To iTunes, can be classified into the following types:

  • Errors due to connection problems.
  • Errors caused by a conflict with antivirus software (firewall, firewall).
  • Problems arising due to incorrect USB connection of the gadget.

Let's look at each type of error in more detail.

Network errors

This type of problem is usually caused by the computer being unable to connect to the server. Apple updates or with a device.

Network error numbers: 17, 1403, 1004, 1013, 1014, 1015, 3200, 3004 .

Communication problems are accompanied by messages like “ There was an error loading the software" And " An unknown error has occurred».

Solve network problems on one's own not easy, and sometimes even impossible - often you just have to wait for the update server to return to correct operation. However, you can still try to correct some errors yourself - for example, the following:

  • 1403. This code shows that for iPhone recovery Damaged firmware is used. Download another file or upload the same one, but through a different download manager.
  • 1013-1015. Similar errors appear if the user tries to transfer his iPhone to an older version of the OS, because the new one seems inconvenient to him. Apple allows you to rollback up to previous version OS only for 2 weeks after the new one is released- this period is given to the user to familiarize himself with the capabilities of the current software. In other cases, return to more old version approved Apple ways prohibited.
  • 17. An error occurs if iPhone owner trying to translate his gadget with one custom ( modified by the user) firmware to another. This operation must be performed by first entering the smartphone into DFU mode - then there will be no problems. Details about DFU mode told .
  • 3004 , 3200. The user runs the risk of encountering these errors if he decides to update his smartphone in the first days after the update is released. The problem is that Apple's servers are extremely busy. The average owner of Apple equipment, of course, cannot solve such a problem - all he has to do is wait until the excitement subsides.

Problems with security software

If you regularly encounter the fact that your iPhone does not connect to your computer due to a block of security software, you should think about installing another antivirus, because how to synchronize your gadget with iTunes will have to constantly. You can deactivate the protection every time you connect your iPhone, but in this case there is a high risk that later you will simply forget to turn on the antivirus.

Another alternative solution is to switch to another program for downloading media files (for example, iTools), but most likely, when using similar software, the antivirus will also “swear”.

You can understand that the problem lies specifically in the security software by looking at the error numbers. Problems of this type are assigned numbers9006, 9807, 11222, 13014, -39 and so on.

The appearance of one of these codes on the screen indicates that some operation is blocked. For example, if there is an error 9807 certificate checking is blocked, and if there is an error


Separately, it is necessary to mention a problem with the code ( -39) - it appears if you cannot download music tracks purchased from iPhone to your iPhone. iTunes Store . The reason for the appearance of this error can be not only an antivirus - it is probably loaded on the PC outdated version iTunes. Before changing security software, you should update iTunes, go to the store again and try downloading again.

Problems with USB connection

The error number makes it clear which component of the connection is causing the failure.

Errors associated with an incorrect USB connection have the following codes: 13, 14, 1601-1609, 2001-2011, 4005, 4013 (etc.).


The fact that the problem lies specifically in the connection can be judged by the following messages in the error window:

  • « An unknown error occurred during synchronization».
  • « iPhone timed out waiting for response».
  • « The device can work faster».


Let's look at ways to troubleshoot the most common problems:

Errors 13, 14. The USB cable may need to be replaced. Such errors often appear when a user tries to connect an iPhone to a laptop using a low-quality Chinese cable. Please note that the reason may be different: for example, 13 The th error also appears when trying to install beta version of iOS from Windows environment, A 14 -th - due to a software conflict with the antivirus. Therefore, before you go to the communication store for a new cable, try other, less expensive ways to solve the problem.

When an error occurs 13 (it's quite common) as a first step, disable USB 2.0 support. You can do it like this:

Step 1. Click right click mouse on the " Computer" and in the menu that appears, select " Properties».

Step 2. In the section menu " System» select the item « device Manager».

Step 3. IN " Dispatcher» find the block « USB controllers" and select " USB 2.0 hub" Right-click on this item and click “ Disable».

Errors 1601-1609. If your iPhone has stopped connecting and shows a similar error, most likely it will be enough to change the USB port on your computer to avoid these errors. However, other measures may be necessary: ​​updating or reinstalling iTunes, file check hosts, linking a domain to a specific IP address, looking for unwanted entries.

Since checking the file hosts– procedure, unfamiliar ordinary users Apple technology, it’s worth explaining in detail how it is implemented:

Step 1. On Windows 7 and 8 the file is located in the folder WINDOWSsystem32driversetc — go to this address and you will see the following:

Step 2. Open the file hosts(the very first one) in notepad:

Step 4. Pay attention to the last two lines - for PCs with Windows 7 and 8 they should be like this:

  • " localhost"
  • "::1 localhost".

On Windows XP, only the first of 2 lines is present in the hosts file.

If you notice that even one punctuation mark is missing, correct it immediately. Invalid file hosts- one of the most common reasons why USB ports PCs are malfunctioning.

Errors 2001-2011. The reasons that the computer does not see the iPhone are malfunctions of the USB cable and port. For example, error 2003 indicates that it is time to clean the port and check the contacts. Error 2005 poses the greatest threat to the user’s wallet: when such a problem occurs definitely you will have to buy a new cable (preferably the original one).

Errors 4005, 4013. These errors appear during the device recovery procedure or after an update. To avoid them, you need to try the recovery again, using a different cable and first entering the iPhone into DFU.

To avoid problems with your USB connection, it is recommended to follow some general tips:

  • Before connecting, remove everything from the gadget additional elements supplies, covers, bumpers.
  • Connect Lightning or 30-Pin directly to a PC port, not to a splitter or keyboard.
  • To connect your smartphone to a PC, use only original cables or accessories manufactured by companies approved Apple (eg. Belkin).

How to fix error 0xE8000003?

Error 0xE8000003(or 0xE800000a) is among the most common; Surely every iPhone user has encountered it at least once when trying to connect the device to a computer. An error with this code indicates that the contents of the Lockdown directory are damaged.

Folder Lockdown is formed when you connect an iOS device to your computer for the first time - you can find it on Windows 7, 8, 10 at the following disk address: ProgramDataAppleLockdown.

The directory stores files with the .plist extension, which provide access to information located on the i-Gadget. If these files are damaged, you will not be able to sync with iTunes.

Correct mistake 0xE8000003 can be done as follows:

Step 1. Go to the above disk address - you will see in the folder Lockdown plist files.

Step 2. Send the contents of the catalog to the "Trash".

Step 3. Connect iPhone to PC and launch iTunes.

Step 4. A message will appear telling you iTunes will request access to information - click " Continue».

Step 5. Confirm that you are giving access to the data on the device itself.

After that in the folder Lockdown files plist will be created anew.

If you are a Mac owner and encounter this error, proceed as follows:

Step 1. Open Finder and select " Go to folder».

Step 2. Enter in the search box /var/db/lockdown and press " Enter».

Step 3. In the window Finder files with long, unreadable names will appear. The files need to be deleted - to do this you will have to enter the administrator password.

Despite the advice of "experts" found on the Internet, do not delete Lockdown folder completely neither from Mac nor from Windows PC.

Step 4. Restart your computer. After the reboot, the iPhone connection procedure should go like clockwork.

Jailbroken iPhone: Common Problems

Owners of a jailbroken iPhone are forced to deal with errors with multi-digit codes much more often. The most common problems are:

  • 0xE8008001 . The user installs an unsigned (in other words, pirated) application on the smartphone. The problem is solved by downloading a fix called AppSync, which can be found in Cydia(repository -
  • 0xE800003D . The appearance of this code on the computer screen indicates that the jailbroken iPhone cannot access the operator’s settings mobile communications. If there is an error 0xE800003D should be followed on PC along the path /System/Library/CarrierBundle and send custom bundles to the cart (which are called Carrier Bundles).

Other errors when connecting iPhone to PC

iPhone users may encounter other problems that do not belong to any of the listed categories and cannot be solved using the described methods:

  • (-9800); (-9808); (-9815) iTunes does not allow you to transfer purchased content to your device because the purchase time is different from the time set on your PC watch. Simply change the time on your computer to the correct one, and the problem will be fixed.
  • 20000 . iTunes conflicts with graphics Windows shell. Change the theme on your PC to the standard one – you won’t see this error again.
  • 8248 . This error appears after updating iTunes if media harvester plugins that are incompatible with its new version continue to operate. Go to " Dispatcher tasks" and stop the process memonitor.exe- most likely, this will be enough to fix the problem.
  • 414 . iTunes does not allow you to download content, because there is an age limit. You need to correct your date of birth Apple ID. Through iTunes You won’t be able to do this - you’ll have to go to the Apple ID management page and change the data in the “ password and safety».


Apple technology is quite capricious: there are an innumerable number of errors that can occur when connecting an iPhone to a PC. However, multi-valued error codes should not frighten users and mislead them about the difficulty of repair: most problems can be resolved with primitive measures (say, use a different USB port).

Those problems that the user is unable to cope with with his own hand, no one can solve - say, if the error arose due to overload Apple servers, all that remains is to wait for the employees of the Apple company to show efficiency. Contacting the service to resolve the error iPhone connections with a PC is a meaningless measure - the owner of the gadget will only give money for work that he himself could do in a couple of minutes.

In this article, we will look at what to do when your computer/laptop does not see the iPhone when connected via USB or WiFi. We'll figure it out in the operating rooms. Windows systems 10 and Mac OS.

This article is suitable for everyone iPhone models Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6/5 and Plus on iOS 12. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support listed in this article.

The main reasons why the PC does not see the iPhone

The most common sources of the problem are:

  • Failures and hardware damage in the gadget.
  • Software conflict on the computer.
  • Old OS (on iPhone or computer).
  • Installation outdated drivers or lack thereof.
  • Failure of the connection socket on the iPhone and USB port.
  • Mechanical damage to the USB cable.

Most the problems described above The fix is ​​much easier than it seems. Let's look at how to set up iPhone performance when connected to a computer.

Reinstalling USB drivers

One of the proven ways to solve this problem there will be a reinstallation USB drivers for iPhone. You need to remove them using Device Manager and then install them again.

Follow the steps:

Often, if the iPhone is not visible on the computer, this method solves the problem.

Chipset driver update (USB)

All computers have a motherboard on which chipsets are installed. These chipsets are responsible for connecting various devices to the computer. In order for chipsets to function properly, they need drivers.

In some situations, drivers begin to work unstable. Quite often this happens due to system errors Windows.

It also happens that the computer cannot detect not only the iPhone, but also any other flash drives or phones. In this situation, it is necessary to update the drivers for the chipset.

In the first option, go to the resource and click on the green “Download” button to download the “DevID agend” utility. The program performs quick installation and update of drivers.

During installation, you should uncheck the boxes so as not to install unnecessary advertising software.

After launching the utility, select “Start Search”. The software will scan the equipment and then offer to update old drivers.

If it is for the chipset latest version drivers, it will be updated. If the problem is not solved, then move on to the next option.

Download and install the chipset

This method involves downloading and installing the driver yourself. Depending on the motherboard, it may be an AMD or Intel chipset. Let's look at an installation example Intel chipsets:

Auto-selection of Intel drivers

Here you can make Intel itself select the necessary drivers for the system. For this purpose it is used special utility for hardware scanning and installation necessary programs.

Follow the link, click “Download”. After that we install this utility, perform a search. When the software finds suitable drivers, it will be prompted to install them.

Checking the USB cable

If there are any severe bends or damage on the USB cable, this may be the problem. The information is simply not transmitted because the cable is damaged. The solution is to purchase a new 30-pin cable or Lightning connector, depending on the connector on the iPhone.

Click “Trust this computer”

When you connect your iPhone to your computer, a request appears on the screen where the user needs to be allowed access to data and settings. Here you just need to click “Trust”.

Connect to another USB connector

You can try replacing the USB connector. Especially when you insert the cable from the iPhone into those connectors that are located in the system unit on the front panel.

Connect the cable to the connector located on the back system unit. These connectors are soldered directly into system board, so they work as efficiently as possible.

Reinstalling iTunes

To fully manage your Apple gadget iTunes must be installed on your Windows computer. If this software does not function well, it should be reinstalled or updated.

Official iTunes website: You can download new version, and then install it on top of the old one. The software will be updated.

Restart Apple Mobile Device Service

You must disconnect your iPhone from your computer and close iTunes before performing this step. Now you need to restart Apple services, as they may malfunction.


After updating iTunes and Apple relaunch service computer should see the iPhone. Open “Computer” and find the smartphone there. In the screenshot of the niche it is at the very top.

Connecting iPhone to another computer

When you connect your gadget to another computer, you can immediately figure out what the cause of the problem is. If another PC sees the iPhone, then the problem may be with your computer, which the smartphone cannot see.

If other laptops and computers do not see the iPhone, then the problem may be related to the phone itself or the USB cable. For reliability, you need to connect the device to two different computers that have different OSes.

The problem may occur due to glitches in iOS. With help forced reboot iPhone can be fixed:

  • On iPhone 6 and above, press the “Home” button or the lower volume key.
  • Press and hold the “Power” button.
  • These elements should be pressed for approximately 10 seconds.

After rebooting the gadget, you can try to connect it to the computer again.

Wi-Fi synchronization does not work

Checking that the iPhone is connected correctly via Wi-Fi

If in iTunes settings option not activated wireless transmission data, then no synchronization will work with the computer.

  • We connect the gadget to the computer via USB.
  • Open iTunes. If necessary, enter your Apple ID and account password.
  • Click on the icon of your device in the iTunes window, select “Browse” in the sidebar.
  • We check that on the right side of the window the “Synchronize with this device via Wi-Fi” section is checked. If there is no checkbox, then mark it.
  • Click on the “Finish” (or “Apply”) button.
  • Disconnect the USB cable, then check that the iPhone and computer are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

If everything is configured correctly, after following the above instructions, you can start synchronization between gadgets using the “Synchronize” option in iTunes. If data exchange has not started, then we move on to other solutions.

Doesn't sync with Windows

The error may appear due to a problem in the service that is responsible for the functioning of iTunes. You should try restarting this service.

  • Close iTunes, disconnect the gadget if it is connected via USB.
  • Now you need to press “Ctrl + Alt + Delete” to restart the “Task Manager”.
  • Go to the “Services” section, in the list that appears we find the section Apple Mobile Device Service.
  • Right-click on the found element and select “Restart”.
  • Open iTunes again and synchronize the gadget.

Doesn't sync with Mac OS

The problem may be due to an error in the process that makes iTunes work. We restart it.

  • Open “System Monitor” along the path “Finder”, then “Programs” and “Utilities”.
  • In the “CPU” section we find a process called iTunes Helper or AppleMobileDeviceHelper.
  • Select the found element with the left mouse button, then click on the cross in the upper left corner of the window and select “Finish”.
  • Launch iTunes and sync iPhone.

If all else fails

  • Reboot the router, reconnect the iPhone and computer to the network.
  • Let's launch wireless synchronization via iPhone. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, select “General” and “Synchronization with iTunes via Wi-Fi.” Then click on the displayed computer name.
  • Updating iTunes and iOS to current versions.
  • We reboot the gadget and computer, then synchronize them again.
  • Turn off data transfer mobile network, we leave only Wi-Fi turned on. We try synchronization again.

The computer does not see the iPhone via USB or WiFi (on Win10 or Mac OS)

5 (100%) 1 person

A multifunctional gadget from Apple, the iPhone is now one of the most popular mobile phones in the world, maintaining its position due to its high performance and unique stylish design which is familiar to everyone to modern man. But sometimes problems arise - the computer may not see the iPhone.

Actually, it is for this reason that some owners have problems connecting an iPhone and a PC to transfer data between devices, which in itself is somewhat more complicated than when working with a card; micro sd when connected is defined as regular storage. However, sometimes it is simply necessary to connect your phone to a computer, so you should not refuse this opportunity, citing a bad experience.

Connecting Apple equipment actually differs from the usual with just a few simple nuances, which can be seen from a step-by-step review of the process:

  1. Download and install free program For iTunes sync latest version, which can be found on the Apple website. The program will offer several settings options, from which you can select the most relevant ones or set everything to default.
  2. If everything is done correctly, the program will install everything itself necessary drivers for your device. By the way, it will also help you organize your music, photos and videos by convenient catalogs For quick access and search.
  3. Launch the program and connect the turned on device to the USB port using the cable included in the package. For normal operation you will also need Account in the AppStore: it’s easy to create it on the Apple website.
  4. After a while iPhone time will be detected in the system and will appear in the “devices” tab in the left column of iTunes. Now you can log into your device and start working with files. The program allows you to download programs, games, pictures, videos and music, as well as synchronize files and, if necessary, compress them to reduce their size.
  5. After downloading, you can close the program and remove the cable through secure deletion devices.

Apple technology is considered quite reliable, but in some cases it can fail. Therefore, any user should know what to do in cases where the device for some reason does not want to be displayed in the system.

Why doesn't my computer see my iPhone? The most obvious answers to this question are:

Causes Solutions
Cable failure: defective wire or connector Carefully inspect the cable and check for mechanical damage. Take a look at the connectors themselves, make sure they are not oxidized, otherwise you can wipe them with an eraser or alcohol, and then repeat the procedure. In case of malfunction, replace the cable, do not use counterfeit wires: their use is not justified, as they quickly fail. Also check the USB port using any working one. portable device, for example, a simple flash drive.
Failure of the power cable This part is quite reliable, but it may well fail if the phone is dropped. Without her iPhone connection impossible in principle, however, replacing it is not too expensive. We do not recommend carrying out repairs yourself, since a non-professional, disassembling a smartphone, may unknowingly make the situation worse.
Moisture ingress This type of exposure is quite dangerous for anyone digital technology due to the fact that moisture entering the device circuit begins to cause micro-short circuits, which leads to instability in the operation of the device. Turn off your iPhone and take it to a service center.
Firmware glitches They mainly happen when installing on iPhone pirated and custom firmware. In such cases, it is recommended to roll back the software version to the latest stable one, the most simple solution will reflash the phone to the standard OS.
Power chip failure Quite a rare and expensive item. Must be replaced immediately.

Hi all!

After I wrote several lessons about the iPhone, I began to get asked the following question more and more often: Sergey, why doesn’t the computer see the iPhone?. It’s one thing when you were asked about it once, but another thing when this question comes up regularly! I decided to look into this issue and, as it turned out, the reasons for this may be very different and, naturally, the approach to solving this problem may also be different.

I have collected 10 tips that I want to tell you about here. Let's get down to business right away!

Reinstall drivers on USB

One proven way to solve this problem is to reinstall USB drivers for iPhone. We need through device Manager remove them and then reinstall them.

First of all with via USB cable connect to iPhone computer. Next, go to Properties of the Computer section and open device Manager.

In the window that opens, find the USB Controllers section or it may also be a section Portable devices. Open it and look for Apple Mobile Device USB. You need to right-click on it and select Delete.

In the confirmation window, check the box " Remove driver programs for this device" and click OK.

Old, bad, no required driver will be deleted!

Now disconnect from your computer USB cable iPhone and insert it again. The driver will be installed again, as indicated by the following window:

Also on the iPhone we should be asked for permission to give the computer access to photos and videos. Naturally, click Allow.

In most cases, when the computer does not see the iPhone, this method will solve the problem. But if this doesn't help you, then let's try other tips!

Update chipset drivers (USB)

Every computer has a motherboard and chipsets installed on it. So, these chipsets are responsible for connecting various devices to the computer. For normal operation of chipsets, drivers are also needed. In some cases, drivers begin to work unstably. Most often this can happen if from some.

It happens that the computer not only does not see the iPhone, it cannot detect any other phones or flash drives at all. I have just the same old Windows that's what happened. Updating the drivers for the chipset helped.

What to do in this situation?

First option. First, open the website and click on green button Download to download the DevID agend program, for quick installation and driver updates.

When installing, uncheck the boxes to avoid installing unnecessary ones.

After starting the program, you can click Start Search and the program will scan the equipment and offer to update old drivers.

It would be good if there is a fresh version of the driver for the chipset. In this case, it will be updated. But if not, then try the following steps.

1.2 Download and install the chipset

The second option is to download the drivers yourself and install them. Depending on your motherboard, it could be an Intel chipset or an AMD chipset. Let's look at the installation using chipsets from Intel as an example.

On the official Intel website, at this link: you can download the program for chipsets. Click blue button Chipset.

1.3 Auto-selection Intel drivers

Third option. You can also have Intel select the drivers needed for our system. To do this, they have a special utility on their website that will scan our equipment and install the necessary programs.

Click "Trust this computer"

Please note that when we connect our phone to the computer, a request appears on the screen where we must allow access to settings and data. Just click Trust.

Connect to another USB connector

Try changing USB connector. Especially if you insert the cable from the iPhone to the connectors on the front panel of the system unit. Try connecting the cable to one of those connectors on the back of the system unit. These connectors are directly soldered into motherboard, and they work as cool as possible!

Reinstall iTunes

I hope you know that in order to fully manage your iPhone on a computer, we need iTunes programs for Windows. If it doesn't work well for you, you need to reinstall it. Or you can just update.

Download the latest version and install over the old one. The program will be updated.

Restart Apple Mobile Device Service

Before performing this step, be sure to disconnect your iPhone from your computer and close iTunes. Now we need to restart Apple services. Because you never know, they suddenly become stupid.

Open the search bar by pressing the hot keys WIN+Q and enter Services in the search bar.

We launch the found program and find the Apple Mobile Device Service. Let's open it double click mice.

We stop the service.

Now you need to make sure that the startup type is Automatic and then restart this service.

Open the computer section and find the iPhone

After iTunes updates and restarting the Apple service, the computer should definitely now see the iPhone. Open the Computer section and find your phone here.

In my case it is at the very top, but yours may be at the bottom. Be careful, what if the computer sees the iPhone, but you’re just not paying attention to it here!

Connect iPhone to another computer

If you connect your iPhone to another computer, you will immediately be able to understand where to dig next. If another computer sees the iPhone, then the problem is most likely on the side of your computer, which does not see the phone. If other computers or laptops don’t see the iPhone, then there’s definitely something wrong with the USB cable or with the phone itself! To be on the safe side, I would connect the phone to two different computers, on which different systems are installed.


If none of the above methods solved the problem and the laptop or computer still does not see the iPhone, then something has broken in the device itself. I think that the power connector into which the cable is inserted has simply failed.

Try, test and I hope everything works out for you.

Readers often contact us with various questions about solving any problems related to mobile devices And software. One of the most popular: “ iTunes doesn't see iPhone, what should I do?".

You can find a working way out of this situation on the Internet, but you have to fight your way through the mountains various information. In this article we decided to combine everything possible ways solutions and figure out why, after all, “iTunes does not see the iPhone.”

iTunes is often scary iPhone users, iPad and iPod Touch. The program seems confusing, complex and extremely inconvenient. It also throws out various pearls. Either the music is not synchronized correctly, or the applications have disappeared somewhere, or even iTunes cannot detect the iPhone (iPad or iPod Touch).

There is no need to despair (and switch to Android), there will always be solutions to the problem. If iTunes does not see the iPhone, check its functionality:

  • Software. Reinstall iTunes by downloading latest version from here.
  • Cables. Try using a different cable.
  • Computer. iTunes does not recognize iPhone due to a glitch Apple work Mobile Device. Another computer may help resolve the problem.
  • USB ports. Often the problem lies in the USB port. Try using the connector on the back of the system unit.

If all standard methods didn’t help, then it’s time to take on the heavy artillery.

Doesn't see because he doesn't trust

iPhone or iPad are completely self-sufficient, standalone devices, however, they still have to be connected to a computer from time to time to transfer large volumes data, software installation, etc. In this case, sometimes a device synchronization problem arises, which can often be solved using the methods described below.

ON THIS TOPIC:“Trust this computer?” on iPhone and iPad - what is this message and why does it appear?

How to “reset trust” of iPhone or iPad to all previously connected computers.

We will talk about trusted computers, or rather, those installed on them. operating systems. When connecting an iPhone or iPad to a new computer for the first time (or after reinstalling the OS on an old one), the user receives the request “Trust this computer?” and must answer yes to access settings and content on your mobile device.

If you reject the request, then a synchronization problem may arise in the future., and to solve it you will need to use the instructions below.

So, to get a repeat request and “start trusting” your Mac computer, must be selected in command line menu "Go -> Go to folder" (or use the keyboard shortcut "⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + G"),

and then go to /var/db/lockdown and delete all those in this catalog certificates.

On Windows XP, 7, 8, 10

In the case of Windows OS, you will also need to delete the contents of the Lockdown directory. To do this you will need to enable display hidden folders and files (Start -> Control Panel -> Folder Options),

and then go to C:ProgramDataAppleLockdown (for Windows 7, 8, 10) or C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAppleLockdown (Windows XP).

If deleting certificates from a Windows PC does not solve the problem, you will have to use a more complex method:

1. Right-click on the “Computer” shortcut, select “Properties” and find “Device Manager”;

2. In the "USB Controllers" section, right-click context menu item "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" and click "Update drivers...";

4. In the window that appears, click “Browse” and go to the C:Program FilesCommon FilesAppleMobile Device SupportDrivers directory, where we are interested in the file called “usbaapl”, which we need to install.

If none of the methods described above helped solve the problem, then probably the cause does not lie in obtaining a trust status for of this computer. Try this:

iTunes doesn't see iPhone or other Apple device in Microsoft Windows XP

1 . Close iTunes after disconnecting your device;
2 . Go to Start -> Execute and enter in the window that appears services.msc or open Services In chapter Administration Control panels;
3 . Find an item Apple Mobile Device and in the next window click on Stop;
4 . After stopping in the same window, click on Launch;
5 . After restart iTunes services will be ready to work with your device.

iTunes does not recognize iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch in Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7

1 . In Device Manager, right-click your Apple iPhone ( Apple iPad or Apple iPod) and select the command Update driver in the context menu.
2 . Select " Search for drivers on this computer».
3 . Select " Select a driver from the list of already installed drivers».
4 . Click the button Install from disk" (If the button " Install from disk" is not available, select a device category, for example " Mobile phone " or " Memory device" (if available), and click the " button Further" Then a button will appear Install from disk».)
5 . In the dialog box " Installation from disk» click the « button Review».
6 . Navigate to the C:Program FilesCommon FilesAppleMobile Device SupportDrivers folder.
7 . Double-click the usbaapl. (In 64-bit Windows versions this file is called usbaapl64. If the usbaapl64 file is missing from specified folder or the Drivers folder does not exist, look for it in the C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAppleMobile Device SupportDrivers folder instead).
8 . Click the button OK" in the dialog box " Installation from disk».
9. Click the button Further" and complete the driver installation procedure. Open iTunes to make sure your device is recognized correctly.

iTunes doesn't see iPhone or other Apple device on Mac OS X

1 . Disconnect the device from the computer after closing it in iTunes;
2 . Open standard file manager Finder and move to Cart the following elements:
2.1 The folder with the iTunes program (you can find it by going to Programs);
2.2 Label iTunes programs from the launchpad;
2.3 File AppleMobileDevice.kext(you can find it in Finder(tab Transition -> Go to folder) System -> Libraries -> Extension);
2.4 File AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg(you can find it in Libraries -> Receipts);
3 . Restart your computer;
4 . Remove content Baskets and restart your computer again;
5 . Download the latest iTunes version for Mac (link at bottom of page);
6 . Connect your device and use working iTunes.

So, in a few simple steps, you will get rid of the “iTunes does not see iPhone” problem, of course, if you followed the instructions correctly.

Based on materials from yablyk