Insert the “Like” button from VKontakte. Add the “Like” widget (Vkontakte) and Facebook Like Button (Facebook) to your blog How to change I like in contact

Hello everyone, friends! A few weeks ago I wrote, and . Today we will continue to use social networks to promote the site. In this post I will write how the I like VKontakte button and the I like Facebook button are installed on the site.

How to install the “Like” button on VKontakte

In order for you to see a beautiful VKontakte button on your website, you need to take only three steps:

  • Add website to social media VKontakte network;
  • Customize the appearance of the button;
  • Copy the code and paste it onto your website.
  • As you can see, the I like button is installed on the site very quickly. Now let's talk about everything in order.

    1. Go first right here and connect your site if it is not there. To do this, fill in several fields. Here's how I did it:

    2. Now you need to customize the appearance of the button. Below you can always see what you got. For example, I chose a button with a miniature counter. The name of the “like” button. And I left the height at 22 px.

    3. After you have customized the appearance of the button, you need to copy the code and paste it into your website. First, copy the first part of the code

    and insert it into header.php before the /head tag (if the site is powered by Wordpress). After that copy the second part of the code

    After inserting the second part of the code, you should see a “I like” button from VKontakte on your website. If you have any problems, write in the comments, I will try to help: smile:.

    How to Install the Facebook Like Button

    To get started, go here. If you are not logged in, please do so. Now on this page we need to fill in some fields first. Although they are in English, it’s okay, we’ll figure it out: smile:.

    • URL to Like – . We leave this field empty because we want to install the button on all pages;
    • Height – height. You don’t have to set anything, by default the button height is normal;
    • Layout – here we need to specify the appearance of the button. I chose the last option button_count, in my opinion it is the best. You can try another option and see how it looks. If you like box_count or standard better, then please put the one you like.
    • Show Friends" Faces – show. I unchecked it because I don’t want to show avatars.
    • Width – width. I didn’t set anything, if the width of the button doesn’t suit you, you can specify it.
    • Color Scheme – color scheme. I left it at the default light.
    • Action Type. If you select like, then the inscription on the button will be “like”. And if recommend, then “I recommend.” I chose the first option like.
    • Include Send Button - Include the “Send” button. I don't need it, so I unchecked it.

    After filling in all the fields, I got it like this:

    Now click on the “Get code” button to receive the code.

    You need to place the first part of the code in the footer.php file before the /body tag. And the second part is in the place where you want to see the “Like” button from Facebook on your website. You can place the “Like” button from VKontakte after the code in the single.php file.
    That's all for me. How do you like the article? 😉

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    How to add a Contact “Like” button to your blog

    So, to install this button on your blog:

    create , then go to , connect the new site and select the desired button option:

    This code needs to be inserted inside the tag (in the header.php file):

    VK.init((apiId: #######, onlyWidgets: true));

    Don't forget to replace the ###### signs with your individual numbers!

    But paste this code in the place where you want to place your button:

    VK.Widgets.Like("vk_like", (type: "button"));

    As you can see, I placed this button after each article on the blog (single.php file).

    How to Add a Facebook Like Button

    We figured out the widget for, now we need to install the widget for Facebook.

    We go to , we see this window:

    URL to Like – leave this field empty

    Layout Style – counter style (I chose standard).

    Width – button width. Choose it to suit your design (I chose 450px).

    Verb to display – which word will be displayed on the button: Like or Recommend. I settled on the first option.

    Choose Font and Color Scheme to your taste.

    After you have made the necessary settings, click on the Get Code button:

    The following window will appear:

    We are interested in the code from the top field of the iframe. Copy this code to the place where you want to see the “I like” button.

    Now a very important point! If you have a blog on WordPress, then after

    need to be inserted

    My code looks like this:

