All ways to log into the WordPress admin area. Wordpress admin

More and more Internet users and bloggers are using this remote administration system. With Worldpress you can post articles, video and audio files, and photographs. The editor also allows you to monitor visitors and record their activity. The most important advantage of the system is that you can edit texts and photos without using additional software. Enough editor tools.

Using the system

Many webmasters are well aware of a wonderful tool for quick creation and editing websites and blogs. This is the Wordpress editor. His main feature- ability to edit text and pictures online. Possessing a wide range of tools for webmasters, the editor allows you to create a colorful, structured and informative Internet page without additional effort.

The editor's scope of application is quite wide. It is used by site administrators and moderators. The web page management system is also popular among bloggers and those who work remotely. All you need to get started is download and install special software. For ordinary users it’s even easier - go to home page editor of the hosting you are interested in and register. You will receive credentials, and with them the ability to create and edit your own page. That's it, Wordpress admin is available. Many companies offer users hosting with the Wordpress editor installed to host websites and blogs. More and more commercial organizations are installing the Wordpress site management system on their corporate pages.

Other programs for managing web pages

There are many website management systems (SMCs). As an alternative to managing a web page, there is, for example, 1C-Bitrix, a system that coordinates with the 1C-Enterprise program. Almost all organizations have such a database, but its administration requires special knowledge. This system is also cumbersome and slow, unlike Wordpress. Logging into the admin area is all you need to get started. Russian webmasters are well aware of Joolma, Amira and many other management systems. Working with them also requires special training and does not require the connection of an ordinary user. The Wordpress editor allows you to do without additional skills. Installing it is quite simple. You only need basic computer knowledge to make the Wordpress admin available.

How to access?

To understand how a system works, it is necessary to structure it. You need to understand that the program itself is installed on the server where the site is located. The user, opening a page with a specific address, simply connects to the system remotely. Without providing user credentials, the program will not be able to recognize you and open your blog. There can be many pages edited by different bloggers. This is what identification is done in Wordpress. Logging into the admin panel does not require entering a captcha or SMS confirmation. Just enter your password.

To open the Wordpress admin panel, just enter its address in the browser. It looks like this: http://your blog/wp-login.php.

Or like this: http://your blog/wp-admin.php.

In some versions this appears: http://your blog/login.

A window with Wordpress will appear in front of you, where you need to enter the site login and password. After this, you will find yourself in the control panel of your site. Here you can create new page or edit an existing one.

If you are a user

Installation information is most likely to be useful to administrators. intuitive for all users of standard office applications, difficulties may arise mainly with logging into the system. Most calls to technical support are related to the fact that the Wordpress admin panel does not open. This problem occurs for beginners and those who started working in the editor a long time ago, but forgot their credentials. There is nothing reprehensible in this; all beginners face a similar problem.

If you are an ordinary user who edits your blog remotely from using Wordpress, you will not be able to log into the hosting. To remember your password, use the reminder system. To recover your password, first of all, you need to go to the editor’s home page: http://Your blog/wp-login.php or simply: http://Your Website/login. Below, under the window for entering credentials, the path will be indicated. Just click on “Forgot your password”. Enter the email address you left during registration. You will be sent a link to change your credentials. Follow the link to change your credentials. Remember or write them down. Your password is valid again. This is why you indicated your email address. After your account has been restored, log in again. home page and re-enter your username and password. Now you can start editing the site.

How can an administrator log in?

If you have forgotten your login details for the administration panel, you can find them. All information is stored in a database on the hosting. If you are also the site administrator, go to the control panel of the hosting on which the editor is located, then to phpMyAdmin, find the wp_users table and click on the “edit” button. After this, you can safely copy your username and password to manage your site.

Are there any problems left?

Even if you do everything right, problems may remain. Most of them are related to the fact that the Wordpress admin panel does not work. or a message from the hoster will not please those who are trying to get their work done on time. When you log in, you will see a message stating that it is impossible to work in the editor for one reason or another. There may be several reasons to change the Wordpress admin panel:

  • Paid hosting may have a subscription expiration. In this case, you again need to go to your hosting control panel. Consider whether you received any warnings from your hosting company. If there is a message about the expiration of the paid period, you should renew the subscription.
  • The entry states that maintenance work is being carried out, you need to wait until the end of the technical break.
  • Login to the administration panel can be replaced by the hoster. This is done in case virus attack or site hacking. You should contact technical support hosting to clarify the timing of restoration of the site and new credentials.
  • Damage to the site as a result of a virus attack, temporary interruption of its operation to troubleshoot problems. Contact the hoster's technical support to clarify the situation. It is possible that the hosting company itself will send an email notification about the possibility of further work in Wordpress. You already know how to log into the admin area after troubleshooting.

There is access, but the page cannot be edited

There is one more problem - you are logged into the site and the console, but you cannot edit the entry. The reason is simple - someone else is editing the same page. This can happen if you work in a team and your work is supervised by an editor. In this case, you should contact a higher-ranking employee to clarify the situation. The reason for this error is not Wordpress. The admin address may look the same for everyone working on the site, but the address of your profile or article is unique and cannot be confused. The post you create can be edited either by you or by an editor with broader access rights, such as a site moderator. If your content does not comply with the rules for posting information or is contrary to the law, it may be removed or edited.

You saved your changes but they are not visible

According to user reviews, this problem is also observed in Wordpress. How to log into the admin panel is not the most difficult aspect of the work. The situation is not related to the program itself, but to the web page caching mechanisms that are widespread everywhere. After editing a picture, the changes are not reflected in the preview, and the picture retains its original appearance. One of the treatment options would be to reboot your account. You will have to leave the Wordpress editor. You already know how to log into the admin area again.

Grand total

Today, Internet resources are actively developing and interacting with the user. Latest news, advice, stories from your personal life will appear regularly on your page. Of all the website management tools, an editor accessible to everyone is the best solution. It’s no wonder that webmasters use Wordpress so widely. How to log into the admin panel is the only thing you need to know.

The WordPress admin panel is a secure section of the site. In it, the webmaster works with the content of the resource - adds new pages, uploads media files, edits code, installs and configures plugins. Webmasters get access to the site’s admin panel after installing the CMS - on specified mail a combination of login and password is received, a link to log into the console. The site owner can add new users by creating accounts for them and defining roles - administrator, editor, author, SEO specialist. This feature makes it easier to work on a large-scale resource.

If you just installed CMS WordPress and don’t know what to do next, I suggest you study this guide. You will learn how to log into the admin panel and configure it, what errors sometimes prevent you from logging into the console, and what to do to protect your site from hacking.

To log into your WordPress admin panel, type in address bar link http://your_site/wp-login.php or http://your_site/wp-admin/, where instead of “your_site” - Domain name(address) of your website.A page will open with a form for logging into the admin panel. Enter your username and password into the form fields, which you received by email after installing the CMS, and click on the “Login” button.

In it you can add new site pages, edit texts, change the template, add new CSS etc. The console interface is clear and simple, thanks to a logical structure. Even if you have not worked with the WordPress CMS before, you can understand the basic functions in 2-3 days without studying user manuals.

Why can't I log into the admin panel?

Problem #1: the URL to enter the admin panel was entered incorrectly

Most often, users enter the link to enter the admin panel incorrectly. The page cannot be opened due to an incorrectly specified protocol - for example, https instead of http, - the domain name of the site, or extra characters in the link. When you click on the link, you will see “The page cannot be loaded” or something similar.

Solution:check the URL is correct. Use links like this to log into the admin panel http://your_site/wp-login.php or http://your_site/wp-admin/.

Problem #2: the login or password is incorrect

Due to errors made when entering your username or password, you will not be able to log into the admin panel. The system will display a warning and prompt you to follow a link to restore access.

Solution:find in the indicated at CMS installation email with your admin login details. If you deleted it, follow the link “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions to regain access to your account.

Problem #3: cache and cookies

Disabled cookies may become a problem when logging into the admin area. The same as a non-updated browser cache.

Solution:check whether cookies are enabled in your browser settings, clear the cache and cookies. After that, try logging into the admin panel again.

Problem #4: wp-login.php file is damaged

If the wp-login.php file, which is intended for authorization in the CMS, is damaged, deleted or moved to another folder, you will not be able to log into the administrative panel. In this case, the page with the authorization form does not even open.

Solution:replace the wp-login.php file with a new one, but make a backup first. To do this, log in to your hosting control panel, find the “Hosting Backups” section in the menu and follow the instructions provided by the hosting. Most often, a backup will be created automatically.

When the system saves the data, you will receive an email with the archive to the email address you specified during registration.

To download latest version CMS WordPress, where there was no error, just select the desired backup.If the login problem was in the wp-login.php file, then after these changes you will be able to log into the admin panel.

Problem #5: The installed theme update is not compatible with your version of WordPress

Sometimes the latest theme updates are not compatible with installed version WordPress. Due to such a conflict, login problems may also arise.

Solution:rollback to standard theme default may solve the problem. Go to the folder wp-content/themes, rename the theme folder and try logging into the admin panel again. If the problem with logging in was caused by updating the theme, then after making the changes you can easily log into the console.

How to change the administrator password

There are three ways to change the password for logging into the WordPress admin panel - through the password recovery form, through phpMyAdmin, and also in the console settings after authorization. The easiest way is to request New Password on the admin login page. We have already briefly reviewed it above - you just need to click on the link “Forgot your password?” and follow the CMS instructions.


Another way to change the password without logging into the admin panel is with using phpMyAdmin. To do this, you will have to log in to your hosting control panel, click on the “Manage MySQL” section and click on “phpMyAdmin Editor”. An authorization form will open in a new tab, into which you need to enter your login and password.

In the menu on the left, find the wp_users folder, double-click on it, select the user for whom you want to change the password. Double-click on the user_pass field and set a new password. Save your changes.

In Control Panel

Scroll down the page and find the “Management” section account" and click on the "Create password" button.

Enter a new password in the field that opens and save the changes.

To make working with site content more convenient, configure appearance administrative panel. Edit the main console screen by clicking on the “Screen Settings” button and unchecking the blocks that you want to hide.

All changes are displayed in real time. The positions of blocks on the main screen can be easily changed - just drag them to the desired location.

Go to the “Users - Your Profile” section.

Choose your favorite color scheme, change the language if necessary, check the box next to “Hot Keys” to speed up working with content in the editor. Save the changes by clicking on the “Update Profile” button.

The “Help” pop-up section contains hidden tips that make working in the WordPress admin panel easier.

Click on it if you have difficulty navigating the console or interpreting individual elements in a section.

How to protect the admin panel from hacking

Any website, including yours, can be hacked. To protect your data from intruders, use several recommendations. First, change the login page URL. To do this, you will have to rename the wp-login.php file - for example, to 123-wp.php - and then in the code editor replace all references to the old name with the new one.

Secondly, hide the admin login page. Edit the .htaccess file by inserting the following code:

# Hide admin URL start RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key&redirect_to=/wp-admin/ RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-admin/?my_secret_key RewriteCond %(SCRIPT_FILENAME) !^(.*)admin-ajax\.php RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*) RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*)\.php RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*) RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^my_secret_key RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=logout RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=rp RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=postpass RewriteCond %(HTTP_COOKIE) !^.*wordpress_logged_in_.*$ RewriteRule ^.*wp-admin/?|^.*wp-login\.php /not_found RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) ^loggedout=true RewriteRule ^.*$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key # Hide admin URL end

In the code, instead of my_admin_url, specify the new address at which the site will be accessible; my_secret_key replace complex key from numbers and letters in Latin (don't forget to save it); instead ofsite.comspecify the site domain; and if you changed the URL of the login page in the filewp-login.php, change the old name to the new one.

Third, do not use simple logins like admin, user, administrator, etc. In this case, the attacker will only have to guess the password.

Fourthly, set a complex password to log in. It was described in detail above how to do this.

Fifthly, establish access via IP. It should only be used if the content of the site is managed by one person.

An additional method of protection is to install plugins. Most often webmasters use plugins Captcha, WPS Hide Login, Login LockDown, Lock Down Admin, Hide My WP. They are easy to find in the catalog by name, install and activate.

The WordPress CMS admin is not as scary and incomprehensible as it might seem at first glance. Now you know how to customize the console to suit your needs in order to quickly and easily edit content on the site.

Of course I started to drip and started to figure it out. Tried deleting the cache, tried re-uploading new file wp-login.php, dug into the configuration files. Nothing helped. Failed to log into control panel. I didn't give up! I decided to take it by storm! I decided to create a new password and it worked!!! It then dawned on me that the whole point was that the password was too long and complex. Apparently you can’t go overboard with this either.

By the way, before I recovered my password, I deleted the plugin from root directory website on hosting, which displayed reCaptchy on the login page to protect against brute-force attacks.

What to do if you can't log into your WordPress admin panel?

This information will be useful to those who for whom the login page opens, but the login does not occur. That is, the login page to the admin panel opens, but you cannot log in. Maybe someone has encountered or has encountered such a problem. Try creating a new password and logging in using it. Perhaps it will help you. It helped me.

Under the login form, click on the tab – Forgot your password?

All is ready! Now you need to log into the admin panel again, only with a new password.

Attention! Do not use too long and complex passwords! It is recommended to use the password that WordPress automatically generates. This password meets all the necessary parameters.

Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

Can't login to WordPress admin panel updated: April 8, 2017 by: Ilya Zhuravlev

Did you know that 40% of users leave websites with bad design? Why lose profit? Choose and install one of them right now 44 thousand premium website templates. The ideal choice for your business!

WordPress has changed the way content is created. With built-in publishing features, it has helped startups and young companies create a strong foundation for content marketing. Finally, this system has helped millions of bloggers around the world and those who have long wanted to become one in creating, publishing, working together and unleashing a solid creative flow, changing once and for all the way we consume online content. In many ways, the WordPress admin helps users, which I will talk about in more detail in this article.

WordPress is the #1 content management system and blogging platform (though it's not limited to blogging at all), but above all, it should be thought of as easy to manage, operate, and optimize. Without WordPress add online content will not be the same as it is now.

WordPress Admin – WordPress Benefits

Our team has been helping our readers for several years now in choosing the most stylish and high-quality WordPress templates and plugins for creating websites of various types: from blogs and magazines to corporate websites and online stores. Versatility is one of the most important features of WordPress, which means that you can create any type of website on its basis without any problems. It’s not at all surprising that our site also runs on WordPress. From our own experience, we talk about everything related to: from choosing a solution and development to content management and promotion. We also publish a large amount of valuable and useful information regarding other platforms and CMS, both for corporate and personal sites, and for the eCommerce field. Magento, Drupal, Joomla, Shopify, PrestaShop – you will find a lot of interesting information about all these solutions, but today I would like to focus exclusively on WordPress.

WordPress is a system that provides users with extensive features and customization options in the form of themes and plugins. There are so many of them for her that in order to get a site with the same design, you need to try very hard. For example, Envato has two platforms: one for templates (ThemeForest) and one for plugins (CodeCanyon). So, only there on this moment hosted 10,261 templates and 5,769 plugins exclusively for WordPress. This is many times more than for other platforms and CMS (for example, for Joomla there are only 1000+ templates, and for Drupal there are generally 500+ templates). If you really don't want to feel limited when creating a website, trust WordPress and the opinions of more than 18 million users who work on its basis.

You will find no other platform like this that provides so many options for customizing the appearance of your site, including in-depth customization of its various components using the admin panel.

20 templates and plugins for the WordPress admin area:

WordPress also allows you to customize the admin area itself, where all the magic happens. This can be done using special plugins and extensions for the admin panel. With them, you can change the admin panel beyond recognition, making it a more pleasant-looking and flexible, customizable, full-featured machine for work. Moreover, you don’t need to think about the opinions of users, because the admin panel is your personal working tool, which you can configure the way you want.

Together with my colleagues, I have selected for you the most popular and probably the best plugins for setting up admin WordPress panels, which are very easy to install and configure. This process takes a matter of seconds. Many of the solutions provide solid opportunities for optimization, customization and expansion of features and functionality so that the admin panel of a WordPress site not only looks amazing, but is also incredibly convenient to work with in everyday life.

Well, are you ready? Go!

WordPres Admin – Best WordPress plugins and templates, change the admin 2017

I decided to split the review into three parts. In the first, I will present premium plugins and templates for the admin panel that will improve the appearance and functionality of your admin panel. The second part will be devoted to free admin themes with best design, and the third – free admin panel plugins to expand its capabilities. Administrator themes have been around for quite a long time, and many of the presented plugins have already proven themselves to be the best. Although some of them are quite new, they are still ready to provide bloggers, businessmen and store owners with the most flexible options to improve the user experience and interface of admin panels. If your favorite plugin or template is not on the list, we will definitely tell you about it - just let us know in the comments. Share your experience!

WordPress Admin – Premium Templates and Plugins

We try to convince our users that saving money on their business is not worth it. When it comes to website development, I always recommend using optimal solution. It is not necessary to order a website from the developer, but you should not buy a free theme either. The ideal price-quality ratio would be to purchase paid theme WordPress. The same goes for plugins.

What is the difference between premium plugins and themes and free ones? Obviously, premium plugins/themes offer more benefits for their price. Of course, this doesn't mean that free plugins and themes are terrible, but mostly premium plugins and themes are more secure and reliable. They are hosted on specialized sites such as CodeCanyon/ThemeForest or the fairly new YITH. Thanks to this, they are carefully checked by specialists and administrators. As a result, when purchasing, there is a reduced likelihood that the theme will be of poor quality, and the plugin will be severely glitchy or will not work at all with other plugins. This situation is quite common for free plugins, although not for everyone.

In the development industry paid templates and plugins, serious competition has formed, which raises the quality bar for developers. The market forces them to carefully test their products, so both users and developers themselves benefit. By investing in the purchase of a premium plugin, you are making a confident investment in your business, which will pay off very quickly.

Enough words - I present to you eight of the best plugins and themes for those who take branding policy seriously and want their admin panel to bring more features.


WPShapere is great WordPress theme to design the admin panel. It is very easy and quick to customize to suit any task and any taste. Included is a set of customizable widgets that you can show or hide as you wish. The main goal of WPShapere is to provide options for the admin menu at all user levels. It supports the concept of "White label branding", which involves the production of certain goods and services by one company and their use by another company under its own brand. For these purposes, it has a special section for uploading logos.

The theme also comes with creative layout features in the form of unlimited color customization and ready-made professional templates. WPShapere supports a number of plugins, including Visual Composer, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce and many others. Thanks to this, you will be able to customize the design of the admin panel without programming skills, configure the operation of email systems and login systems, and work with stores.

The plugin also has a beautiful admin panel with the ability to add custom links. WPShapere has a beautiful minimalist concept that aims to expand your creativity and imagination. This is a cool WordPress admin theme that will provide an incredible user experience for you and your colleagues. Managing tasks, user priorities and access settings will also be intuitive. You will get a large number of settings for managing the menu, including the ability to rename objects. You will even have access to personalized Dashicons and FontAwesome icons to customize your menu icons. On top of that, you will receive a full set of operating instructions and highly qualified support. Do you want to get an admin panel with a first-class design? Choose WP Shapere and don't hesitate anymore!

Material WP

Our entire team really loves material design and especially appreciates what developers are trying to do with it. Material WP Theme – good example embodiment of this modern concept in the WordPress admin area. This design option will not only completely change the appearance of your admin panel, but will also make the WordPress admin area incredibly convenient and pleasant to use. Particular attention was paid to the subtleties user interface. It also has modern features, such as the ability to reorganize menu items using a drag-and-drop interface, responsiveness and a parallax block, which, in principle, is a unique feature for themes in the style material design. Your admin panel will be able to work with several sites at once and, in addition to the fact that you can change the WordPress admin panel beyond recognition in just a few seconds, you will also receive several styles to change the WordPress admin login. This is a full range of possibilities for the user with the highest requirements.


A theme called Forest should definitely be green! The way it is. This is a ready-made design of the admin panel in a green color scheme, but that’s not all. With this theme, you can customize colors, fonts, content appearance, and logos using a special menu. For more advanced users, custom CSS styles for design and a special “Quick Panel” will be available. And, of course, the premium WordPress admin panel could not help but be made in a modern flat style, optimized for Retina screens. This is one of the best themes for those who love and appreciate fashion style!


Do you want to get not one, but 30 admin themes in one plugin? Choose Ultra, an incredibly powerful WordPress plugin that will transform your admin panel. Administrators will be able to rearrange the location of each object in the admin panel to make it as tailored as possible to their personal needs. All styles are made in a modern manner, so even the most demanding user will be satisfied with this plugin.


The First theme uses flat design. You can customize the admin panel and menu, as well as the login page and footer objects, exactly the way you want. At the moment, the theme has been downloaded by more than 500 users, which means that when you purchase it, you will have a high-quality WordPress admin panel, which occupies a leading position in the market of admin panel themes.


Clientside is a theme focused on the convenience of your clients working with the admin panel. It removes all unnecessary objects and elements characteristic of the standard admin panel. With Clientside, you get only what you really need to add and edit content in a productive environment.


This is another theme that implements the White Label concept. It has one of the most elegant and advanced designs on the market. More than 100 unique design options and 20+ custom widgets for managing statistics. This WordPress admin provides all the features so that you can have a customized WordPress admin login page. Material also supports cross-site functionality, so it will be an indispensable assistant for those who need such a solution.

WP Admin Theme CD

Here is one of the freshest themes with clean and modern design for admin. It has everything you need: custom colors, custom login page, WordPress memory usage statistics and much more. You will also have options for customization beautiful profiles users, which will allow you to motivate your employees. The theme is tested for compatibility with major WordPress plugins: WooCommerce, Visual Composer, MailChimp and others.

Premium themes are better than free ones in all respects, although, as I already said, there are pleasant exceptions. We don’t want to deprive you of the opportunity to choose and decided to prepare a selection free alternatives to configure the admin panel. Try the free ones, compare them with the paid ones, to decide for yourself whether it’s worth investing in premium plugins so that you can have your own professional WordPress admin panel.

WordPress Admin – Free WordPress Admin Plugins and Templates


The Slate admin panel theme makes the standard admin panel more compact and provides an incredible user experience, the main goal of which is to easily add content, rather than the unnecessary hassle of customizing plugins and themes. Slate shifts the focus from a cluttered dashboard to convenient functionality for writing and editing material using time-tested WordPress editor. At the moment, this plugin has already been downloaded by more than 4,000 users. It comes with two color schemes.


Tamed provides bloggers and other WordPress users with a modern admin panel that doesn't look anything special at first glance. In fact, it has very nice color patterns in the sidebar and all the standard WordPress admin elements. This significantly improves the user experience, creating a cozy, modern atmosphere instead of a boring and technical one. This theme is available for free in the WordPress directory, although there is also a PRO version for those who want more features.


Many people can argue for hours and prove that the standard design of the WordPress admin panel is made in a modern style. And although it is quite functional and provides a lot of possibilities, it may not be enough for those for whom design is not just an empty phrase. This is what prompted the developers to create their own Material theme, which, as you might guess, was based on the concept of material design from Google. This is incredible beautiful theme is a perfect example of how flexible WordPress can be in terms of customization, including from the inside. All you need to set up is a little patience and experience. Everything else is not so important. Enjoy this theme to the fullest!

AG Custom Admin

Unlike other stylish admin panels, AG Custom Admin provides full-featured tools for developers who want to customize their admin panel to suit their own needs or even their brand identity. For example, if you have your own publishing house and you want to invite authors to your team, so that they get an incredible user experience and feel like part of the team. And although the standard WordPress admin panel provides quite extensive color customization options, with the AG Custom Admin theme you can achieve much more. You can hide the WordPress admin area, or rather its top panel. You will also be able to edit all objects in the admin panel and remove all logos and elements associated with WordPress, adding instead your company icons and using your corporate colors.

With the AG Custom Admin theme, you can also easily change the admin menu by removing or adding the necessary elements to it. I can’t help but mention color customization once again, because this theme will allow you to customize the color of almost all pages of your admin panel. You will have complete freedom of choice when setting up your work site. You will also have a large number of other features to improve the user experience and interface - AND ALL THIS IS COMPLETELY FREE!

Changing your WordPress admin area with this theme will be incredibly easy and fun.

Fancy Admin UI

More than 3 thousand users are actively using the Fancy Admin UI theme to improve their user experience with the admin panel. And, despite the fact that in this theme the color design was only changed and aligned standard elements, this admin panel in a blue and white style will leave you with only the most positive impressions. You will get a pleasant experience that no other admin theme or plugin can provide. Also, if you need additional functions or additions, you can contact and negotiate this with the developer.

Blue Admin

Blue is the color of calm. It goes well with both dark and light decor. This is the reason why so many plugin and theme developers have chosen this color as the standard color scheme for their admin panel templates. The Blue Admin theme is no exception. The design is nice, clean and very simple. Plus, it's quite modern, especially compared to many other options. Perhaps this WordPress admin is exactly what you need to get some inspiration for new achievements. Think about it!

WP Admin Color Schemes

The developer has set only one goal for WP Admin Color Schemes - to offer you a choice of several color scheme options for your standard admin area. Red, blue, green, black, orange - any of these colors will allow you to create an atmosphere in which you will feel more confident when working with your content. Just install and activate the theme and you'll be ready to go!

Slash Admin

Slash Admin does a little more than the other plugins and themes on this list. It is a complete tool that provides big and small features for your website that you can only get by installing many third party plugins. The Slash Admin plugin has a large number of front-end features. For EU countries, it provides a pop-up window to comply with EU cookie law. So, if you are targeting this market, this feature will be very useful to you. You will also get a simple loading module for pages that load. Additionally, you will be able to change the default content font to any of the available Google fonts and display a polite warning to visitors who use outdated browsers(since it threatens both their safety and yours).

As for the functionality of the admin panel itself, Slash will allow you to use code Google Analytics to track statistics and set a limit on the number of automatically saved changes to records (this will save space occupied by the database, keeping it clean). You can also set a timer that will allow you to block post updates and remove features after a specified time. This is especially important for sites with a large number of authors and editors, where it is important to avoid situations where someone suddenly wants to change the content a couple of months after publication. Another great feature is the so-called “maintenance mode”, which is useful in cases where you need to make certain changes to the site. The user only sees a page with a notification that maintenance work is being carried out on the site. This kind of feature usually requires installing a separate plugin, but with Slash you don't have to worry about that.

This list of features is far from exhaustive. I recommend visiting the plugin page to learn more about it. To do this, simply click on the button below.

WordPress Admin – Additional plugins to expand functionality

Judging by the topics presented above, setting up the WordPress admin panel in terms of design is quite a simple process. But what if you want to expand the capabilities of your admin panel to better suit your needs? This is possible if you use special plugins, which we will talk about later.

Admin Guide widget

The Admin Guide Dashboard Widget will allow you to meet more admin needs, especially those typical for sites with multiple administrators and editors who need notes and convenient organization of post categories. With this plugin, you can quickly create widget blocks for all categories on your blog to display all available posts. This widget will allow you to edit content, leave notes and any other important information for other members of the admin team.

Erident Custom Login and Dashboard

Agree, there is nothing more pleasant than opening your WordPress admin panel, which greets you and pleases you from the first seconds stylish design. Moreover, the one that you created. Erident Custom Login and Dashboard allows administrators to change color scheme, design images background, form styles and many other settings that seriously affect the perception of your brand by other admin users on your team. Spend some time learning Erident and you'll see how it can help you out.

Admin Trim Interface

Although many bloggers diligently search for plugins to add more features to their admin panel, some, on the contrary, want to get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary clutter that only spoils the work and loads the system. Do you want a simpler admin panel? Admin Trim Interface will make sure you have everything you need by giving you an admin interface with a simplified, cleaner, and sleeker look and feel.

MainWP Dashboard

The MainWP Dashboard plugin has more than nine thousand active users, making it the most popular open-source plugin for managing WordPress sites. This indispensable tool for administrators of multiple WordPress sites, which will make your life much easier by providing instant management and customization benefits. The plugin is constantly updated, so you don’t have to worry about security.

Client Dash

Would you like more options to customize your WordPress admin panel? If you know how to work with the built-in widget manager in WordPress, Client Dash will be a real discovery for you. It will provide a powerful widget management feature in the admin area that works similar to a regular widget manager. Only now the process of adding, deleting, reorganizing and customizing widgets will become even easier. Your colleagues will be grateful to you, because now your WordPress admin will give them even more pleasant emotions from work.

I would like to end the review with an optimistic parting word. Whatever plugin or template you choose - free or premium - if you feel comfortable with it and do not experience any difficulties, then you are done right choice. In any case, your new WordPress admin will allow you to get much more than the standard one. You will soon see this for yourself. Good luck!

Artyom is the author of numerous reviews and articles on the project website “Web Laboratory for Success”, dedicated to templates, plugins, courses and other topics of the site. Expert in selecting templates and plugins for WordPress platforms etc. Hobbies: reading interesting literature and active recreation.

To enter the panel WordPress management, in the browser address bar enter site_address/wp-admin/(in our case it is, and don't forget to run DENWER). First of all, you get to the main page of the console, it looks like this.

Here is collected what, in the opinion WordPress developers, webmasters use most often, and the panel greets you Welcome, which suggests starting to get acquainted with the admin panel right now. In addition to the main one, the panel has many other pages, which can be accessed through the admin panel menu located on the left.

No matter what part of the panel you are in, several of its elements will be available to you.

  • Screen settings. Clicking the button will open the settings panel. Its interface will change depending on the page on which you opened it.

For example, screen settings home page implies enabling/disabling its elements.

At the page Posts There are a few more screen settings.

  • Help. Contains links to the support forum and documentation for the current section. Help, unfortunately, opens in English, but the forum is Russian.

  • . Some kind of panel quick access. From it, as well as from the main page, you can quickly go to the most popular sections of the admin panel, as well as open your profile settings or go from the administrative panel to the site itself.

The plus (and for some, the minus) of this panel is that it is displayed even when you are on the site, and not in the admin panel. If necessary, its display there can be disabled. To do this you need to open Users -> Your profile, on the page that appears, uncheck the box Show the top bar when browsing the site and press Update profile.

Now in admin top panel it will be, but not on the website.

  • . Located on the left. You can collapse it by clicking the button of the same name (its lowest point). Then it will be displayed as icons without labels, but will not completely disappear (screenshot below).

There are no more important elements common to all pages of the control panel, and it’s time to dwell in more detail on the main menu, describing each of its items so that you can familiarize yourself with the administration capabilities of a site built on WordPress.

  • Console. Consists of two tabs - home And Updates. About Home We have already said that the user gets to it immediately after logging into the admin panel. On the tab Updates collected information about available new versions of both the engine itself and the plugins and themes installed on it. If there are updates, a number appears next to the tab name indicating their number.

On the tab you can not only find out details available updates, but also to apply them.

In our case, an update was released for Akismet plugin, protecting the blog from spam. After the update procedure, the number next to the tab name disappeared.

  • Posts. This item and its submenu allow you to manage blog entries: add new ones, view, edit or delete existing ones. Also here you can configure categories and tags. Headings are categories into which entries can be divided for ease of search and navigation. Headings can be added to the site menu. Tags are tags - keywords that improve navigation through the resource and make it possible to find similar articles.

  • Media files. WordPress allows you to add not only text to pages, but also pictures, music, videos and other files. Paragraph Media files contains two subparagraphs: Library And Add new. Library makes it possible to manage all downloaded files directly from the admin panel. You can replenish the collection by visiting the page Add new.

  • Pages. Obviously, the item tools provide the ability to create and edit pages, but it is not obvious how they differ from posts. Imagine a blog. Every day something is published there interesting information, and each new article belongs to one of the sections established on the site. These are records. But in addition to posts, almost every blog has “About Us”, “Contacts”, “Advertising”. These are pages. They do not belong to categories, are not displayed in the blog feed, and are usually not commented on. The item in question is responsible for managing such pages.

  • Comments. Doesn't need any explanation - you are the moderator here.

  • Appearance. An important and functional tab, with the help of elements you can almost completely change the design of the site. It allows you to select a design theme, configure menus and widgets (these are movable information blocks, for example, a search block, recent comments or a calendar), change the site name, add a logo and background, and also use the editor to manually edit theme files. By default, WordPress has three design themes, but you can add others - there are about four thousand of them available from the described panel alone.

To change the design, hover over the theme you like and click the button Activate.

  • Plugins. Plugins are add-ons that extend functionality WordPress. For example, we wanted photos to open beautifully - we installed a plugin and decided to integrate the site with social networks- installed a plugin, decided to add a forum to the blog - installed a plugin, etc. Just like themes, there are thousands of extensions for WordPress. This submenu allows you to manage installed and add new plugins. Also from it you can get into the editor to edit the add-on code, but this fun is only available to web developers, because most plug-ins are one or more PHP files.

  • Tools. Allows you to use additional features engine. For example, here you can import posts and comments from another site to this one, export blog content to a file, quickly insert material from the Internet into your post, or convert categories into tags.

  • Settings. Allows you to manage a large number important parameters blog. For example, here you can configure the principle of link formation, the content of the main page, set the default image sizes, change the site address and the location of the blog on it, and set the date and time.

All these points together make up the functionality of the WordPress administration panel, and you will use them while working on the site. After installing the plugins, the menu can be updated with new items.