All about creating a telegram bot. Music bot in telegram - review

We write /start to him and get a list of all his commands.
The first and main one - /newbot - we send it to him and the bot asks him to come up with a name for our new bot. The only restriction on the name is that it must end in “bot”. If successful, BotFather returns a bot token and a link for quick addition bot to contacts, otherwise you will have to rack your brains over the name.

This is already enough to get started. Those who are especially pedantic can already assign an avatar, description and welcome message to the bot here.

Don't forget to check the received token using the link /getMe , they say, doesn’t always work the first time.

2. Programming

I will create the bot in Python3, however, due to the adequacy of this language, the algorithms can be easily transferred to any other.

Telegram allows you not to upload messages manually, but to install a webHook, and then they will send each message themselves. For Python, in order not to bother with cgi and threads, it is convenient to use some kind of reactor, so I chose tornado.web for implementation. (for GAE it is convenient to use the Python2+Flask combination)

Bot frame:

URL = "" % BOT_TOKEN MyURL = "" api = requests.Session() application = tornado.web.Application([ ( r"/", Handler), ]) if __name__ == "__main__": signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_term_handler) try: set_hook = api.get(URL + "setWebhook?url=%s" % MyURL) if set_hook.status_code != 200: logging.error("Can"t set hook: %s. Quit." % set_hook.text) exit(1) application.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start () except KeyboardInterrupt: signal_term_handler(signal.SIGTERM, None)
Here, when starting the bot, we install a webhook at our address and catch the exit signal in order to return the behavior with manual unloading of events.

The tornado application for processing requests accepts the tornado.web.RequestHandler class, which will contain the bot logic.

Class Handler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def post(self): try: logging.debug("Got request: %s" % self.request.body) update = tornado.escape.json_decode(self.request.body) message = update["message"] text = message.get("text") if text:"MESSAGE\t%s\t%s" % (message["chat"]["id"], text)) if text == "/": command, *arguments = text.split(" ", 1) response = CMD.get(command, not_found)(arguments, message)"REPLY\t%s \t%s" % (message["chat"]["id"], response)) send_reply(response) except Exception as e: logging.warning(str(e))
Here CMD is a dictionary available commands, and send_reply is a function for sending a response, which takes an already generated Message object as input.

Actually, its code is quite simple:

Def send_reply(response): if "text" in response: + "sendMessage", data=response)

Now that all the logic of the bot is described, you can start coming up with commands for it.

3. Teams

First of all, you need to follow the Telegram convention and teach the bot two commands: /start and /help:

Def help_message(arguments, message): response = ("chat_id": message["chat"]["id"]) result = ["Hey, %s!" % message["from"].get("first_name"), "\rI can accept only these commands:"] for command in CMD: result.append(command) response["text"] = "\n\t" .join(result) return response

The message["from"] structure is an object of type User , it provides the bot with information about both the user id and his name. For replies, it is more useful to use message["chat"]["id"] - in the case of personal communication there will be a User, and in the case of a chat - the chat id. Otherwise, you can get a situation where the user writes in the chat, and the bot responds in a personal message.

The /start command without parameters is intended to display information about the bot, and with parameters it is intended for identification. It is useful to use it for actions that require authorization.

After this, you can add some of your own commands, for example /base64:

Def base64_decode(arguments, message): response = ("chat_id": message["chat"]["id"]) try: response["text"] = b64decode(" ".join(arguments).encode("utf8 ")) except: response["text"] = "Can"t decode it" finally: return response

For mobile Telegram users, it will be useful to tell @BotFather what commands our bot accepts:
I: /setcommands
BotFather: Choose a bot to change the list of commands.
I: @******_bot
BotFather: OK. Send me a list of commands for your bot. Please use this format:

Command1 - Description
command2 - Another description
whoisyourdaddy - Information about author
base64 - Base64 decode
BotFather: Success! Command list updated. /help

With this description, if the user types /, Telegram will helpfully show a list of all available commands.

4. Freedom

As you may have noticed, Telegram sends the entire message, not split, and the restriction that commands begin with a slash is only for convenience mobile users. Thanks to this, you can teach the bot to speak a little humanly.

UPD: As they correctly suggested, this will only happen through personal communication. In chats, only messages starting with the command (/ ) (

For the bot to receive all messages in groups, write the @BotFather command /setprivacy and turn off privacy.

First, add a handler to Handler:

If text == "/": ... else: response = CMD[" "](message)"REPLY\t%s\t%s" % (message["chat"]["id"], response)) send_reply(response)
And then we add pseudo-speech to the list of commands:

RESPONSES = ( "Hello": ["Hi there!", "Hi!", "Welcome!", "Hello, (name)!"], "Hi there": ["Hello!", "Hello, (name )!", "Hi!", "Welcome!"], "Hi!": ["Hi there!", "Hello, (name)!", "Welcome!", "Hello!"], "Welcome" : ["Hi there!", "Hi!", "Hello!", "Hello, (name)!",], ) def human_response(message): leven = fuzzywuzzy.process.extract(message.get("text ", ""), RESPONSES.keys(), limit=1) response = ("chat_id": message["chat"]["id"]) if leven< 75: response["text"] = "I can not understand you" else: response["text"] = random.choice(RESPONSES.get(leven)).format_map({"name": message["from"].get("first_name", "")}) return response
Here, the empirical constant 75 reflects relatively well the probability that the user actually wanted to say. And format_map is convenient for the same description of strings both requiring substitution and without it. Now the bot will respond to greetings and sometimes even call you by name.

5. Not text.

Bots, like any normal Telegram user, can not only write messages, but also share pictures, music, and stickers.

For example, let's expand the RESPONSES dictionary:

RESPONSES["What time is it?"] = [" ", "(date) UTC"]
And we will catch the text :

If response["text"] == " ": response["sticker"] = "BQADAgADeAcAAlOx9wOjY2jpAAHq9DUC" del response["text"]
It can be seen that now the Message structure no longer contains text, so it is necessary to modify send_reply:

Def send_reply(response): if "sticker" in response: + "sendSticker", data=response) elif "text" in response: + "sendMessage", data=response)
And that’s it, now the bot will occasionally send a sticker instead of the time:

6. Opportunities

Thanks to the convenience of the API and quick start, Telegram bots can become a good platform for automating their actions, setting up notifications, creating quizzes and task-based competitions (CTF, DozoR and others).

Looking back, I can say that now there are fewer perversions, and the work is more transparent.

7. Limitations

Unfortunately, at the moment there is a limitation on the use of webHook - it only works over https and only with a valid certificate, which, for example, is still critical for me due to the lack of support for dynamic DNS by certification authorities.

Fortunately, Telegram can also work with manual updates, so without changing the code, you can create another Puller service that will download them and send them to a local address:

While True: r = requests.get(URL + "?offset=%s" % (last + 1)) if r.status_code == 200: for message in r.json()["result"]: last = int (message["update_id"])"http://localhost:8888/", data=json.dumps(message), headers=("Content-type": "application/json", "Accept" : "text/plain")) else: logging.warning("FAIL " + r.text) time.sleep(3)

P.S. Regarding point 7, I found a convenient solution - hosting the bot not at home, but on Heroku, since all names like * are protected by their own certificate.

UPD: Telegram has improved the Bot Api, which is why it is no longer necessary to have a separate function for sending messages when a webhook is installed, and in response to a POST request you can respond with the same generated JSON with a response message, where one of the fields is set as h "method ": "sendMessage" (or any other method used by the bot).


  • telegram
  • introduction
  • python3
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It quickly gained popularity, despite the fact that it appeared quite recently. The advantageous feature of the messenger is reliable data encryption using the MTProto protocol. The number of Telegram users is growing every day, which provides great opportunities for business. The development team has created many tools that allow you to use the application not only for entertainment, but also for the purpose of organizing and maintaining your workflow.

Groups, channels and bots in Telegram can become useful assistants if you decide to engage in commercial activities through Internet resources. Many large companies successfully use Telegram tools to work with clients. Opening your own community, channel or launching a robot is not difficult, but will bring great benefits. The bot can use various options from informing people about upcoming promotions, discounts and other news, online consultations to making purchases. For stores this is additional opportunity increase sales.

Anyone who has at least basic programming skills can create sales bots. Such a tool will free its owner from routine work and help run a business. For people who do not speak a programming language, it would be better to use a service for creating robots.

How to create a bot in Telegram

You can make a bot yourself using consistent actions. First you need to create a standard blank. Then it needs to be equipped the necessary options, which would turn a primitive bot into a real seller, capable of making sales independently. It is also possible to link an existing online store.

The creation process begins by contacting the BotFather bot, the parent of Telegram robots. With its help, most assistants for various purposes are made. We create our own bot using the father of the family, for this you need:

Services for creating bots

The robot created using BotFather needs further development. Some services provide the opportunity to train him for free.

  1. The constructor will allow you to configure the bot without special programmer knowledge. To do this, you need to find and add the @Chatfuel robot in Telegram, then give it the /addbot command and enter the token that was received from BotFather. Your new creation will be saved on the Paquebot service, from where you can program it to suit any of your needs, including setting up a Telegram auto sales bot.
  2. Flow XO. A service specializing in business bots. Some platform options are free, but the main functionality has different tariffs.
  3. The service allows you to create a store in Telegram, and you don’t have to link it to an existing site. By using the @botoboto_bot robot, you can get your own sales bot. Botobot can be used free of charge by stores that include up to 20 products; above this figure, the service provides tariffs.

A sales bot or other business tool can be custom-made by professionals from one of the services. This is how the Qiwi auto sales robot was created, allowing the user to work with their Qiwi wallet. Experienced specialists They will help you set up payment for goods and take into account all the nuances of the store. You can ask for help from members of specialized communities in Telegram.

Let's do a simple bot to publish news to the channel and automatically answer questions in 6 steps.

To bookmarks

Material prepared with the support of

After heated discussions in the IT press about the effectiveness of chatbots, they have found their niche in the ecosystem of users and companies. For example, projects often implement bots to notify about certain events, and support services use them to quickly answer frequently asked questions from customers.

In this tutorial, we will look at the easiest way to create a bot with your own hands and explain how it works.

Let's start with developing a bot that can automatically send company news published on the website or Facebook to the Telegram channel.

Step 1. Create a bot in Telegram

A Telegram bot is created using another bot called BotFather. We send him the /newbot command, select the name that will be displayed in the contact list, and the address. For example, “Bot for DTF” with the address “dtf_news_bot”.

If the address is not busy and the name is entered correctly, BotFather will respond with a message with a token - the “key” for access to the created bot. It must be kept and not shown to anyone.

Through BotFather you can also add an avatar for the bot, a description, etc.

Step 2. Create a channel in Telegram

Now we create a channel with any name and address, and go to its settings. All that is required is to add the bot we created to the list of administrators - it will be the one that will publish notes to the channel.

To search for a bot, you can use its address. For example, "dtf_news_bot".

Step 3: Create a condition

The next stage is to teach the bot to send news from the site to the created channel. For this we will use popular service for IFTTT automation.

With its help, you can create instructions for the bot to work. In our case, it looks like this: every time a new entry appears in the site’s RSS feed, it must send a message to the Telegram channel.

IFTTT stands for If This Then That

Go to the IFTTT "My Applets" section, click on the "New Applet" button and then on the "This" link. Find the Feed, New feed item trigger in the list of functions and indicate the URL of our RSS feed. For example, for Wordpress sites it is usually located at

Instead of an RSS feed, you can track the appearance of new posts in your Twitter or Facebook account - IFTTT has separate modules for each function.

Now let's move on to the second step - select the action that will be performed when detected new entry in RSS. Click on “That” and look for Maker Webhook, “Make a web request” - using this module you can send requests to any services. In our case - to a bot in Telegram.

In the form that opens, in the URL field you need to specify the link TOKEN/sendMessage, substituting the token generated in the first step into it. Method: POST, content type: application/json.

Body - field for the request template that will be sent to Telegram. In it we indicate which channel the message should be sent to and what should be written in it:

("chat_id":"@channel_address", "text":"((EntryTitle)) ((FeedUrl))")

  • chat_id- address of the channel to which the message should be sent. Thus, one bot can be connected to several channels at once. You can also specify as the recipient specific user. In this case, instead of the channel address, you must specify its ID (can be obtained using a bot).
  • text- content of the message. For example, the title of the material from RSS (EntryTitle), its content (EntryContent) and link (FeedUrl). List available options can be viewed by clicking the Ingredient button.

If everything is configured correctly, the bot will send a message from the RSS feed to the channel. The trigger in IFTTT has a delay, so a message that appears in the RSS feed will not be sent to Telegram immediately, but after 30-60 minutes.

You can select any other scenario available on IFTTT as a condition for sending a message. For example, Weather Underground can send a message every day with a weather forecast for tomorrow. The Stocks trigger can be configured to send stock prices at close of trade.

Now we will solve a more complex problem - we will teach the created bot to respond to user messages. For example, send a price list, contacts, or answer frequently asked questions from clients.

Step 4. Connect the server

At this stage you will need web hosting and SSL certificate, which can be obtained for free using the Let's Encrypt service.

The most convenient way is to create a separate subdomain for the bot - for example, - and place one index.php file on it. Inside the file we place the code of a simple bot from the Telegram website.

You only need to make two changes to the bot code:

  • in line define("BOT_TOKEN", "12345678:replace-me-with-real-token"); instead of 12345678:replace-me-with-real-token write the token obtained in the first step;
  • in line define("WEBHOOK_URL", ""); Instead of, specify the URL of the file with the code for the bot:

Step 5. Linking the Telegram bot and the server

Now we need to link Telegram and the file on the server so that requests sent to the bot in the messenger are processed by our script.

You will need a console for this. For different hosting providers, it may be located in different sections of the site management interface. You can also use the Terminal program on macOS by entering the command ssh username@domainaddress.

After entering the password, print for our subdomain simple command:

php -f /var/www/

Nice to meet you - the bot's response to a message sent by the user.

Below in the code we add additional responses. For example, so that depending on the sent word, the bot sends necessary information user (as in

Everyone good day. Vasily Blinov is in touch again. Today you will learn how to create a bot in Telegram. I wrote a lot about them useful features, now the time has come to get your own assistant.

Telegram is now in great demand and its popularity is growing day by day. We will not leave bots for it without attention.

How are they useful?

Bots have become one of the main trends on Telegram. Let me remind you that they are robotic dialogues inside the messenger, capable of quickly solving many problems:

  • show news on a given topic,
  • find and download any information,
  • answer frequently asked questions,
  • send updates from the site,
  • replace or supplement email newsletters,
  • can conduct surveys
  • play with visitors, etc.

Thus, the user subscribes to topics that are relevant to him and quickly finds the information he needs, receiving an answer to his question from the bot.

Mine will allow you to get to know them better.

Creation methods

Write code with pens

To do this, you need to know programming languages ​​(Python, PHP or Java), and there are also a lot of nuances such as registration of hosting and other things. This can be a huge problem for some.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to make a bot for ordinary users who do not have programming skills.

Use a special service

Our savior is

It was on it that I found the Russian interface, clear instructions and the functionality needed at the first stages. Robots on this platform can:

  • send messages to subscribers,
  • make beautiful menus,
  • carry out auto-posting from RSS of your resources.


First of all, let's open @Manybot in the messenger. Click the “Start” button.

Let's select Russian from the proposed list.

Click “Add new bot”.

Let's follow further instructions. We need to register with @BotFather.

Let's enter the command /newbot.

Coming up with a common and technical name with a tail bot. The most important thing is to remember to copy the received key-token.

Let's go back to Manybot and show it this code by clicking “I copied the token.”

Let's come up with a description.

Congratulations, registration is completed. Now you are the rightful owner of your own Telegram robot.


Let's start creating the menu and the first commands. To do this you need to find your robot, for this in search bar enter his name. I have this @iklife_bot.

Creating a simple command

The whole principle of bota is to answer human questions, so you need to write down commands and answers to them.

To do this, call the settings menu - /commands.

Enter the name of the command and the text that it will produce in response to a click on it.

We are waiting for a message about successful creation teams.

Making a menu

It is much more convenient when visitors can quickly select all commands directly from the menu. To create it, go back to /commands and then “Configure ch. menu".

Then “Add menu item”. We name it, select the previously created command.

The menu item is ready!

Let's check it out and see what happens. Everything is working. Other commands with menu items are created similarly.


The main advantage of @Manybot is the instant setup of auto-posting posts from a site with an RSS feed or from social media. networks, or YouTube directly into the chat. Thus, readers will always be aware of updates without leaving Telegram.

Let's launch it!

Enter /autoposting.

We are waiting for verification and a message about successful completion.

Now you will see my articles right inside @iklife_bot.


That's all, I hope this article will help you create your first bot. If you still know simple ways their creations, please share them in the comments.

Thank you for your attention!