Data recovery. Preparing to restore production after a site is damaged

This option will help return the system to the state recorded at a certain point in time - the restore point. If saving such points is configured and enabled, then before installing updates, drivers and applications, the system state will be recorded on HDD.

Reverting Windows to a restore point will save everything personal files, but drivers and applications that appeared after the point was created will need to be reinstalled.

To start it Windows recovery, press right click to “Start” (Win + X) and go to “Control Panel” → “System and Security” → “System” → “System Protection”. Click "Restore" → "Next" and select desired point recovery.

Another path option: “Control Panel” → “All Control Panel Items” → “Recovery” → “Run System Restore”.

If the restore point is not found, it means that system protection is disabled, and you will have to use other methods.

To avoid troubles in the future, enable the creation of restore points. To do this, in the same “System Protection” menu, select the system drive, click “Configure” and enable protection system disk.

2. Return the computer to its original state

If there are no restore points or going to them does not help, try returning the system to its original state. You can roll back while saving the files or completely delete everything and . Also, some computers - often laptops - have an option to restore factory settings.

In Windows 8 and 10, you can start restoring to its original state by going to Settings → Update and Security → Reset your PC → Get Started.

In Windows 7, to do this, go to “Control Panel” → “System and Security” → “Backup and Restore” → “Restore” system parameters or computer" → "Advanced recovery methods" → "Return the computer to the factory-specified state."

3. Restore Windows using a disk

A recovery disk is useful, for example, for rolling back to a saved point or returning to its original state if Windows refuses. Suitable for the role of such a disk regular flash drive, external hard drive or DVD.

The recovery disc should be written in advance and stored in case of system failure. Under Control Panel → All Control Panel Items → Recovery, click Create a recovery disk. In the menu that appears, check the “Back up system files to a recovery disk” option, and you can use the USB drive not only to fix errors and rollback, but also to reinstall Windows.

Create DVD recovery In Windows, you can go to “Control Panel” → “System and Security” → “Backup and Restore” → “Create a system repair disk.” The same method works in newer versions of the system, only the name differs: “ Backup and recovery (Windows 7)" instead of "Backup and recovery".

To correct errors, boot the system from disk. In the recovery environment that opens, click Troubleshoot. Start going back to the system restore point in the menu " Extra options» → “System Restore”.

4. Restore Windows using a full system image

Another option for restoring Windows is to roll back to a previously created system image. The image is written to a hard drive, DVD, or network share.

Unlike a rollback or point-to-point restore, using a full image preserves all files, applications, settings, and drivers installed at the time it was created.

The most appropriate moment to create such an image may be when everything is installed on the system and required applications, but there is nothing superfluous. This way you can continue working immediately after recovery.

To create a full system image, in the Control Panel, select Backup and Restore (Windows 7) → Create a system image. (In Windows 7: Control Panel → System and Security → Backup and Restore → Create a system image.)

In the menu that appears, you can choose which of the existing partitions and files to include in the system image and on what media to burn it.

With a complete system image at your disposal, you can quickly return Windows to the state you want. You can start image-based recovery when you restart the computer: “Diagnostics” → “Advanced options” → “System image recovery”.

The method is suitable if the system is stable starts And included the function of creating points without user intervention or there is a backup, collected by the system on one's own.
To start the process, you need to open a special software utility. To run it, use the instructions:

In the window that opens select drive protected against data loss. Usually the volume on which the OS is directly installed is selected.

Afterwards, you need to press the button "Recovery…"

A program will open to restore the previous state of the OS. Click the button " Further" and we see a menu that requires select a point recovery. The menu presents those that were created by the operating system itself.

To see all available rollback points, check the box " Show other restore points»

Let's follow further instructions, we agree with reboot system and the fact that it will be impossible to cancel the restoration in the future. System will reboot and there will be a rollback.

Please remember that after the rollback the password, which was in use at the time. To avoid problems with logging in, make sure you have utility password reset. When will it happen return OS to the previous state, the previous points will disappear, but a new one will appear, created immediately before the reset attempt.

Returning the original settings

If items recovery missing, or return to previous states did not help, then you should try returning the PC to factory condition.

Often, most Windows laptops have this option, regardless of the version; instructions can be found from the manufacturer.

If you are the owner stationary PC, with installed Windows 7, then the method is unlikely to work, since usually in this case the OS requires a disk.

For latest Windows, beginning from the eighth version, you can use the following algorithm:

Open the menu " Options" - Go to the section " Update and Security» — « Restore your computer to its original state» → Button « Begin»

System rollback using disk

This option is suitable if the operating system categorically refuses to start. The disk can be almost any external data storage device, even a USB flash drive.

For creation recovery media you will need to go to control Panel and in the category " system and safety» select the item « Backing up computer data". After that, click on the inscription “ Create a recovery disk". In the new window, select the drive you want to use, then click " Create disk».

Now you will always have the opportunity to fix a system problem without resorting to a complete reinstallation.

Creating an image

This method is also suitable for those who have lost the ability to start the OS, important honors this option from the previous one is that using full image disk, absolutely everything is restored custom settings, files and applications. Recommended make an image at a time when everything is on the PC basic drivers and programs, but there is no unnecessary software.

To create an image, follow the same instructions as described in the previous method. Only at the last stage should you follow the link “ Creating a system image«.

In the window that opens offered select a location to save the image. The typical storage location is DVD as it can be used if damaged hard drive, which is very convenient. The best way is an entry in network storage , it would be better to use this particular point, since in in this case, the probability of losing the image will be reduced to zero.

The recovery itself begins in the following way when the computer is rebooted: “ Diagnostics» — « Extra options» — « Restoring a system image».

There is so much suffering and trouble in the material world. In a short period of time, people manage to receive a lot of pain from other people and events in life, and because of this they have no trust in anyone. It’s even worse if trust disappears in the relationship between two close people - this jeopardizes the relationship and the integrity of the family. Therefore, this article will talk about how to restore trust in a relationship, thus preserving the family and returning close, trusting relationships.

To learn to truly trust, a person needs to seriously and deeply work on himself, his character qualities. Trust by itself cannot be stable and permanent. It is very stupid to think that you just need a certain person who will never disappoint and will be trustworthy. In this world, everyone is imperfect, so it’s impossible to trust even yourself 100%.

When we raise our level of consciousness, when we begin to turn to the Highest source of all the blessings of the universe, including trust, then only then do we have the opportunity to believe in people, to trust them, despite the fact that they commit many contradictory actions.

Below we will briefly look at the reasons for trust leaving a relationship, as well as the necessary steps to restore trust.

What causes trust to disappear?

In a relationship, trust can be lost for various reasons. This:

  • Deception, lies, understatement

Any omissions may cause a loved one to unconsciously begin to doubt you and not believe your words and actions. It’s better to always talk about everything, literally accustom yourself and your loved one to the fact that you always discuss everything.

  • Treason, betrayal

Physical cheating understandably destroys trust, but you should know that cheating doesn't just happen at the level of the body. Treason and betrayal happen in words: when you discuss your loved one with someone or publicly insult him, talk about his shortcomings. And you can betray in your thoughts: thinking that perhaps I am worthy or worthy better man and so on. We need to learn loyalty at all levels.

  • Your high expectations

You can expect a lot of things from your loved one, but the question is whether your expectations match reality. At the beginning of a relationship, under the influence, we can invent a lot of things about a loved one, although in fact he will be different. And then falling in love passes and you see the real picture. Therefore, it is important to learn to live in reality, and not in the illusions of the mind.

  • Jealousy, low self-esteem

Excessive jealousy kills relationships in the bud; those who have internally low self-esteem are especially often jealous, although outwardly they may seem different. A feeling of healthy jealousy is necessary, but this article will help you find out where this line is:

  • Excessive faith in a loved one

As mentioned above: in this imperfect world there are no ideal people, everyone is prone to making mistakes. Therefore, blind faith in a person destroys relationships and trust, among other things. Excessive faith in a person encourages him to behave completely opposite, because the more we want something from another person, the less chance we have of getting it. Only one faith does not fail - faith in God, and all other types of faith in this world are very fragile and incomplete. Cultivate faith and love for God - He will never disappoint you.

  • Own imperfection

And of course, the cause of all our suffering in this world is our beloved false ego. We consider ourselves very good, worthy of the best, but this is usually a delusion. Usually we have quite a lot of shortcomings and we need to work out great amount working on yourself in order to somehow meet the high expectations of other people. Moral: destroy your false ego and get out of its influence, and develop your mind.

First: everything that happens to you is the influence of your destiny.

Any events, including problems in relationships, do not happen by chance. This may be a direct response to your mistakes already in this life, or it may come from a more distant past. Therefore, at the beginning of solving any problem, it is very important to understand that

All events in life, everything that happens to you is the influence of your destiny, which is formed by you in the past.

Based on the above, it follows that you need to accept these events as your fate, and a well-deserved one. But this does not mean that you can allow yourself to be used, humiliated, etc. In any case, you need to maintain your dignity.

That is, we adhere to the golden mean: we wisely accept our fate and pass this test with dignity. You can learn how to accept your destiny in this 4-minute video:

The ability to accept fate can greatly facilitate your future life and minimize suffering.

Second: Your relationship was not created by chance.

Close relationships are never accidental, especially if they have lasted for a year or more. This means that you cannot give a damn about what is given to you from above, which means that there is some meaning in these relationships.

If the relationship is not accidental, then you need to try to maintain it and make every effort to do so. This is what a reasonable and adequate person thinks and acts. A stupid person immediately puts an end to the relationship when the first difficulties arise.

Remember that happy families are created through overcoming difficulties and obstacles, thanks to the efforts of partners, thanks to their work on relationships and themselves. This is what the attitude of a reasonable person towards the family looks like:

The family needs to be saved, like the life of a child.

Third: it will take time to rebuild trust.

How to restore trust in a relationship quickly? Answer: no way. Trust is a rather fragile and valuable thing, and if it is lost, it will take some time to restore it. And if enough effort has not been made before to establish truly trusting and close relationships, then a serious amount of work remains to be done.

It may take you several months, or maybe several years. It all depends on how much effort you are willing to put in and what you are willing to do for it. But if you value your family, you have a conscience and a more or less developed mind, then you will do everything possible to ensure that the relationship becomes even better than it was before.

In moments of crisis in a relationship, patience greatly helps a person, without which it is generally impossible to build happy and long-term relationships. And only those who have inner strength, which is developed by the methods described below, can tolerate and accept a loved one in difficult moments.

Fourth: let the person know that his action was wrong

If a loved one has made any mistake, then you need to let him know that it was a wrong action. There is no need to be offended and silent, thinking that he will figure everything out on his own. You can literally tell him about this, but you need to do it calmly, without hatred, insults or insults.

In addition, the one who made the mistake must understand that forgiveness must be earned, that he needs to do something for this. You can limit things for him for a while. For example, a woman can deprive a man of sex, and a man can deprive a woman of communication - in both cases these are very strong methods of education that will make the offending partner think.

But keep in mind important point: “don’t go too far,” don’t take on the role of a universal judge. Also, do not become indifferent, as indifference has an extremely negative impact on relationships.

Fifth: Live in the present

It is impossible to restore trust in a relationship if you constantly think about the past, about what destroyed trust. In this case, you simply fall out of reality and live on the platform of the mind. Life exists only in the present and only here and now can any problems be solved. Being in the past or future, we cannot change anything.

Being in the past, a person loses energy and becomes depressed. Therefore, I repeat once again: do not live in the past, return to the “here and now.” Focus on today, approach everything you do consciously. An ordinary return to the reality of the present moment already brings calm, and for the most advanced individuals, happiness.

Sixth: talk about topics that concern you

One of the most effective ways Solving relationship problems is a conversation between loved ones. Lack of communication or insufficient amount of it is one of the signs of a deteriorating relationship and the looming threat of divorce. In normal relationships, everything is discussed, agreed upon, and compromises are found.

So, most likely, it's time to start communicating, telling each other about your expectations, opening your heart, etc. At the same time, you need to remember that close communication at the level of the heart should be between a husband or wife, and not with a friend. The stupidest thing you can think of is to open your heart to a person of the opposite sex - this completely destroys the relationship with a loved one, because it cannot be outside of marriage.

Seventh: develop at all levels of life

Only by developing, only by working on oneself, can a person begin to understand something in this life and in relationships in particular. If there is no knowledge about how to properly build harmonious relationships, then how can they be built exactly like that? As a rule, then it turns out anything but harmonious.

How to restore trust in a relationship if a person has dirt in his heart: resentment, anger, hatred, regrets, etc.? This is impossible. Only those who are harmonious and develop at four levels of life: physical, social, intellectual and spiritual can build happy relationships and restore trust. What harmonious self-development includes can be found in the article:

As a result permanent job your life will be filled with new colors, your view of everything around you will change, you will become happier and more cheerful.

Eighth: engage in spiritual practice

And now about one of the most important. Start doing spiritual practice. This could be prayer or reading mantras, or it could be selfless service; it is even better to combine these two practices.

Thanks to constant spiritual practice, you will be able to calm your heart and get rid of grievances, fill yourself with inner strength, develop patience and perseverance. For an ordinary person who is not engaged in spiritual practice, it is very difficult to forgive, and it is even harder to work on oneself. There are many shortcomings in our hearts and it is impossible to eradicate them with some kind of manipulative or external psychological tricks.

Prayers and mantras help cleanse the heart, but not everyone is ready for these practices initially. It is often better to start with non-selfish activities that we engage in on a regular basis. We help someone, we do something and we don’t expect anything in return. Such activities produce amazing results and can bring a person great happiness, which is simply impossible to experience in other cases.

Summary: How to restore trust in a relationship?

Theory without practice is dead.

We need to act. Therefore, no matter what your relationship is in this moment, they can and should always be done better. Implement the advice received into your life and get real result in the form of restored trust, love, respect and happiness.

Here Steps to restore trust in a relationship:

  1. Acceptance and understanding of your destiny;
  2. Serious and careful attitude to your union with a loved one;
  3. Developing patience and readiness for a long struggle for relationships;
  4. Feedback for a loved one, an explanation of his mistakes;
  5. Living in the present moment, beyond the past and future;
  6. Communication and discussion with a partner of all topics, opening one’s heart to each other;
  7. Harmonious self-development at all levels of life;
  8. Spiritual practice in videos of prayers, mantras and selfless service.

You can also listen (watch) in the video version about restoring trust in relationships:

http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/doveritelnye-otnosheniya-v-seme.jpg 320 640 Sergey Yuryev http://site/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Blog-logologotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-6.jpgSergey Yuryev 2018-08-16 05:00:48 2019-03-12 13:25:15 8 Steps to Rebuilding Trust in a Relationship