Installing 2 RAM. RAM slots

Random access memory (RAM) or random access memory is a component of a personal computer or laptop that stores information (machine code, program) needed for immediate execution. Due to the small amount of this memory, the computer’s performance may drop significantly; in this case, users have a reasonable question - how to increase RAM on a computer with Windows 7, 8 or 10.

RAM can be added in two ways: installing an additional stick or using a Flash drive. It’s worth saying right away that the second option does not have such a significant effect on improving the performance of the computer, since the transfer speed USB port not big enough, but still it's simple and good way increasing volume random access memory.

Method 1: Installing new RAM modules

First, let's look at installing RAM sticks in a computer, since this method is the most effective and frequently used.

Determining the type of RAM

First you need to decide on the type of RAM you have, since their different versions are incompatible with each other. Currently there are only four types:

  • DDR2;
  • DDR3;
  • DDR4.

The first one is practically no longer used, as it is considered outdated, so if you bought a computer relatively recently, then you may have DDR2, but most likely DDR3 or DDR4. You can find out for sure in three ways: by the form factor, by reading the specification, or by using a special program.

Each type of RAM has its own design feature. This is necessary so that it is impossible to use, for example, DDR2 type RAM in computers with DDR3. This fact will help us determine the type. The picture below schematically shows four types of RAM, but it’s worth saying right away that this method is only applicable to personal computers; in laptops, the chips have a different design.

As you can see, there is a gap at the bottom of the board, and it is in a different place in each one. The table shows the distance from the left edge to the gap.

RAM type Distance to gap, cm
DDR 7,25
DDR2 7
DDR3 5,5
DDR4 7,1

If you don’t have a ruler at hand or you definitely can’t tell the difference between DDR, DDR2 and DDR4, since the difference between them is small, it will be much easier to recognize the type by looking at the specification sticker, which is located on the RAM chip itself. There are two options: it will indicate the device type itself or the peak throughput value. In the first case, everything is simple. The image below shows an example of such a specification.

If you do not find such a designation on your sticker, then pay attention to the throughput value. It also comes in four different types:

As you might guess, they are fully DDR compliant. So, if you see the inscription PC3, this means that your RAM type is DDR3, and if PC2, then DDR2. An example is shown in the image below.

Both of these methods involve disassembling the system unit or laptop and, in some cases, removing the RAM from the slots. If you don’t want to do this or are afraid, you can find out the type of RAM using the program. By the way, this method is recommended for laptop users, since its analysis is much more difficult than a personal computer. So, download the application on your computer and follow these steps:

After this, the type of RAM you have will be indicated in the field to the right of the drop-down list. By the way, it is the same for each slot, so it doesn’t matter which one you choose.

Choosing RAM

If you decide to replace your RAM completely, then you need to understand its choice, since there are currently great amount manufacturers who offer a variety of RAM versions. They all differ in many respects: frequency, time between operations, multichannel, availability additional elements and so on. Now let's talk about everything separately

With RAM frequency, everything is simple - the more, the better. But there are also nuances. The point is that the maximum mark will not be reached if throughput motherboard less than RAM. Therefore, before purchasing RAM, pay attention to this indicator. The same applies to memory sticks with frequencies above 2400 MHz. This great importance is achieved through eXtreme Memory Profile technology, but if the motherboard does not support it, then the RAM will not produce the specified value. By the way, the time between operations is directly proportional to the frequency, so when choosing, focus on one thing.

Multichannel is the parameter that is responsible for the possibility simultaneous connection several memory sticks. This will not only increase the total amount of RAM, but will also speed up data processing, since the information will go to two devices at once. But there are several nuances to consider:

A heat exchanger can only be found in memory last generations, having a high frequency, in other cases it is only a decorative element, so be careful when purchasing if you do not want to overpay.

If you do not completely replace the RAM, but only want to expand it by inserting additional sticks into the free slots, then it is highly advisable to buy RAM of the same model that you have installed.

Installing RAM into slots

Once you have decided on the type of RAM and purchased it, you can proceed directly to installation. Owners of a personal computer need to do the following:

After this, the installation of RAM can be considered complete. By the way, you can find out its quantity in the operating system; on our website there is an article devoted to this topic.

If you have a laptop, then you cannot offer universal method installation of RAM, since different models are quite different from each other design features. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some models do not support expandable RAM. In general, it is highly undesirable to disassemble a laptop yourself without any experience; it is better to entrust this task to a qualified specialist at a service center.

Method 2: ReadyBoost

ReadyBoost is a special technology that allows you to convert a Flash drive into RAM. This process is quite simple to implement, but it is worth considering that the bandwidth of a flash drive is an order of magnitude lower than RAM, so do not count on a significant improvement in the performance of your computer.

It is recommended to use a flash drive only as a last resort, when you need to increase the memory capacity for a short time. The fact is that any flash drive has a limit on the number of records it can perform, and if the limit is reached, it will simply fail.


As a result, we have two ways to increase the computer's RAM. Of course, it is better to purchase additional memory sticks, as this guarantees a huge increase in performance, but if you want to temporarily increase this parameter, you can use ReadyBoost technology.

Not everyone knows that simply installing RAM into a computer is not enough. It’s useful to set it up and overclock it. Otherwise, it will provide the minimum efficiency specified in the parameters. Here it is important to consider how many strips to install, how to distribute them among slots, and how to set parameters in the BIOS. Below you will find tips on installing RAM, learn how to properly install, configure, etc.

The first question that arises when users want to increase the performance and speed of RAM is whether it is possible to install memory modules from different manufacturers that differ in frequency into a computer? When deciding how to install RAM in a computer, purchase better modules one production, one frequency.

Theoretically, if you install modules of different frequencies, the RAM works, but at the characteristics of the slowest module. Practice shows that incompatibility problems often arise: the PC does not turn on, the OS crashes.

Therefore, if you plan to install several strips, buy a set of 2 or 4 modules. The same chips have the same overclocking potential parameters.

The usefulness of multi-channel mode

A modern computer supports multi-channel RAM operation, with a minimum of 2 channels equipped. There are processor platforms with three-channel mode, and others with eight memory slots for four-channel mode.

When dual-channel mode is enabled, the processor's performance is increased by 5–10%, and the graphics accelerator's performance is increased by up to 50%. Therefore, when assembling even an inexpensive gaming device, it is recommended to install at least two memory modules.

If you are connecting two RAM modules, and the board installed in the computer is equipped with 4 DIMM slots, follow the installation order. To enable dual-channel mode, install modules in the computer, alternating the board connectors through one, i.e. place them in 1 and 3 or use connectors 2 and 4. The second option is often convenient, because often the first RAM slot is blocked by the processor cooler. If the radiators are low profile, similar problem will not arise.

You can check whether the dual-channel mode is connected through the AIDA64 application. Go to the “Test cache and memory” item. The utility will also help you calculate RAM performance before overclocking, observe how the memory and its characteristics have changed after the overclocking procedure.

Setting frequency and timings

To overclock RAM, you need to know how. When you just install RAM in your computer, the RAM will most likely run at the minimum possible frequency, available in the technical parameters of the processor. The maximum frequency needs to be set, configured through the motherboard BIOS, or manually, there is a way to speed up Intel technology XMP, supported by almost all boards, even AMD.

When you manually set it to 2400 MHz, the memory will operate at standard timings for this frequency, which are 11-14-14-33. But modules HyperX Savage cope with stable work at lower timings high frequency at 2400 MHz, this ratio (low timings with high frequency) are a guarantee of high RAM performance.

A useful technology developed by Intel - Extreme Memory Profile - allows you to avoid manually setting each timing; in two clicks you select the optimal profile from those prepared by the manufacturer.

Memory overclocking

We said above that installing, even correctly, the RAM strips is not enough. Having turned on two-channel, preferably four-channel mode, select optimal settings frequencies related to timing. Remember, first of all, that no one will give you a guarantee of overclocking; you will be able to overclock one memory perfectly, but not successfully overclock another memory. But don’t be afraid that the memory may fail when you overclock it: if it’s turned up too high, it will simply not start.

What to do if overclocking is unsuccessful? Typically, motherboards are equipped with an auto-reset function, which you can use when the computer does not start several times after overclocking. You can also do it manually by using the Clear CMOS jumper (aka JBAT).

The frequency is selected experimentally, and the supply voltage and timings are also set. Of course, there is no guarantee that the selected ratio will be better than the maximum XMP profile. Often, with maximum frequency overclocking, you have to increase the timings.

Be sure to test your result using the AIDA64 Cache & Memory Benchmark utility. Overclocking can lead to a drop in speed, becoming almost useless. Typically, low-frequency versions have higher potential than high-end ones.

Installing memory and overclocking it are simple processes, especially when the RAM supports ready-made XMP profiles. Remember that it is more practical to buy RAM for your computer as a kit in order to get a performance boost from dual-channel mode, not only from overclocking. We recommend purchasing a low-profile RAM for your computer to avoid incompatibility when using a large-sized processor cooler. Follow the tips, then you can overclock the RAM to maximum speed.

The speed of a personal computer directly depends on the correct selection and installation of all its components. Correct selection and installation of RAM memory modules is the most important guarantee successful work your PC.

In the previous article we looked at . In this article we will look at the issues of selecting RAM and its proper arrangement in the motherboard connectors.

Basic recommendations applicable to all types and types of memory:
– it is best to install DIMM modules with the same memory capacity;
– the modules must match in operating frequency (Mhz); if you install modules with different operating frequencies, then in the end they will all operate at the frequency of the slowest memory;
– for installed RAM cards, it is advisable to combine timings and memory latencies (delays);
– it is better to select modules from one manufacturer and one model.

Some enthusiasts try to buy modules from the same batch, but this, it seems to me, is already a perversion!

These tips are not strictly followed; situations vary. If memory modules differ from each other in manufacturer, volume and operating frequency, this does not mean at all that they will not work. In this case, there are no special memory layout secrets - just installing them is enough.

There are also no special features when installing already outdated types of memory such as SDRAM (there is one rule - the more, the better).

But in modern computers, motherboards support special operating memory modes. It is in these modes that the speed RAM operation memory will be the most efficient. Therefore, to achieve best performance you should take into account the operating modes of DIMMs and their correct installation. Let's look at the most common RAM operating modes today.

RAM operating modes


Single Mode (single channel or asymmetric mode) – this mode is implemented when only one memory module is installed in the system or all DIMMs differ from each other in memory capacity, operating frequency or manufacturer. It doesn’t matter in which slots or what memory to install. All memory will run at the speed of the slowest memory installed.

If there is only one module, then it can be installed in any memory slot:

Two or three different memory modules can also be installed in any configuration:

This mode is more of a necessity when you already have RAM, and the first place is to increase the amount of memory and save money, and not to achieve best performance PC. If you are just buying a computer, of course, it is better to avoid such a memory installation.


Dual Mode (two-channel or symmetrical mode) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each DIMM channel. Modules are selected according to operating frequency. On motherboards, the DIMM sockets for each channel are different colors. Next to them is written the name of the connector, and sometimes the channel number. The purpose of the connectors and their location along the channels must be indicated in the motherboard manual. The total memory volume is equal to the total volume of all installed modules. Each channel is served by its own memory controller. System performance increases by 5-10%.

Dual Mode can be implemented using two, three or four DIMMs.

If two identical RAM memory modules are used, they should be connected to the same connectors (the same color) from different channels. For example, install one module in the slot 0 channel A, and the second - into the connector 0 channel B:

That is, to enable the mode Dual Channel(interleaved mode) should be done the necessary conditions:
– the same configuration of DIMM modules is installed on each memory channel;
– memory is inserted into symmetrical channel connectors ( Slot 0 or Slot 1) .

Three memory modules are installed in a similar way - the total memory volumes in each channel are equal to each other (memory in the channel A equal in volume in the channel B):

And for four modules the same condition is satisfied. There are two parallel dual modes at work here:


(three-channel mode) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each of the three DIMM channels. Modules are selected according to speed and volume. On motherboards that support three-channel memory mode, 6 memory connectors are usually installed (two for each channel). Sometimes there are motherboards with four connectors - two connectors make up one channel, the other two are connected to the second and third channels, respectively.

With six or three sockets, installation is as simple as with dual-channel mode. If four memory slots are installed, three of which can work in , the memory should be installed in these slots.

(flexible mode ) – allows you to increase the performance of RAM when installing two modules of different sizes, but identical in operating frequency. As in dual-channel mode, memory cards are installed in the same connectors of different channels. For example, if there are two memory sticks with a capacity of 512Mb and 1Gb, then one of them should be installed in the slot 0 channel A, and the second - into the slot 0 channel B:

In this case, the 512 MB module will work in dual mode with the 512 MB memory capacity of the second module, and the remaining 512 MB of the 1 GB module will work in single-channel mode.

That’s basically all the recommendations for combining RAM. Of course, there may be more layout options, it all depends on the amount of RAM, the motherboard model and your financial capabilities. Motherboards with support also appeared on sale four-channel mode memory performance - this will give you maximum computer performance!

Updated – 2017-02-05

How to add RAM to a computer? Without memory, a computer cannot work. But even with a small memory, it will not be work, but only torment. Any file will take half an hour to open, and some may not open at all. And there’s nothing to say about games. They simply won’t load for you. What to do? How to add RAM to a computer? Is it really necessary to buy a new computer just for memory alone? I can reassure you. New computer no need to buy. Just add memory. It's easy to say, you answer. And I’ll answer you - it’s easy to do.

Nothing could be simpler. Try it once, and this operation will no longer be a problem for you.
More often than not, memory has to be added rather than changed. By itself, it is reliable and rarely fails. I have computers that are already 12-13 years old, and their memory has never failed. And so, we add memory to the computer.

First we need to figure out what kind of memory we need ( DDR, DDR 2 or DDR 3), and which maximum volume memory supported by your motherboard. If you have documentation for motherboard, then look at what memory slots (connectors) are on your motherboard. If you don’t have documentation, you can look it up on the Internet. Well, if you cannot determine what kind of motherboard you have, then the easiest way is to remove the memory from your unit and show it to the seller.

Before touching the memory, be sure to remove it from yourself, otherwise you risk not adding, but changing the memory completely.

And so, you found necessary memory. Now let's see how to add memory to a computer:

  • Disconnect your computer from electrical network. Completely disconnect all cables from the processor unit (keyboard, mouse, speakers, monitor, and other devices connected to it).
  • Remove the left cover from the system unit.
  • Locate an empty memory slot on the motherboard. They look like this (their color can be bright yellow or red and blue):

  • Blow dust out of slots. Grab the memory carefully by the edges. Try not to touch microchips and other parts. Look where the key notch is on the slot and rotate the memory card so that the key on it aligns with this jumper when you insert the card into the slot.

Must be manufactured in a case that already houses the motherboard and processor attached. Something like this:

In the photo above we see that the RAM has already been installed. We also see the installed motherboard and power supply (indicated by an arrow).

In general, it must be said that if you buy a computer case, then, often, it comes already complete with a power supply and does not need to be installed. But in any case, the procedure for installing the power supply into the case is not complicated: you place it in the designated place (usually at the top of the system unit)

and securely fix it with four bolts on the rear wall.

But we won’t connect the power for now, but will install RAM. In the figure below we see how this is done correctly. You need to snap the plastic clips on the connector to the sides, carefully insert the RAM module into the groove that runs through the entire connector and gently but firmly press it downwards perpendicularly until it clicks and fits tightly into the slot. In this case, the plastic clips on the sides will snap into place on their own; if not, look carefully to see if the memory stick is seated as needed and snap them in place yourself.

In the figure, the power connector for the “CPU_FAN” fan is also circled.

Attention! You may damage your computer! Installing RAM is a responsible matter. Therefore, before installing it, it is very important to make sure that you are installing a memory module in the slot that is suitable for its physical characteristics. For example, the DDR2 connector is installed only memory standard DDR2, in DDR3 connectors - only DDR3 form factor memory, etc.

If, when installing RAM, you discover that there is no sticker (special sticker) on it indicating the type of memory, you can navigate purely visually using the “key”. A key is a special “cut” that divides the lower part of the RAM into several parts. Accordingly, each memory slot has a protrusion in the same place. The “key” serves as a kind of protection against attempts to install RAM in a slot that is not suitable for it due to its physical characteristics.

Here's what the two “keys” look like on the old SD-RAM standard:

If you do not want to open the computer, then to determine what type of RAM is installed in it, I recommend using the “CPU-Z” program. It will show what type of components your PC consists of. We analyzed the work of this wonderful utility.

So, we install all the memory chips at our disposal into the slots. On modern motherboards they are often marked different colors(two yellow slots, two red). This is a dual-channel mode for using RAM, which slightly increases its throughput.

To activate the two-channel (or three-channel) mode of RAM, we need to insert the strips in pairs: two identical modules are installed in connectors of the same color, then the other two are installed in connectors of a different color. For getting maximum effect memory chips must be really identical according to their frequency performance characteristics, timings, “CAS” and “RAS” delays. Ideally, they should be purchased from a computer company at one point in time :)

Moreover, the colors of the memory slots do not alternate, for example: yellow, red, yellow, red.

We snap all the clamps, check that all memory modules “sit” evenly in the connectors (memory chips should be on the same height line, without raised edges or “protruding” latches).

This is the simplest way to install RAM. As you can see, everything is simple :)

In a recent article, we examined a very pressing topic, how to correctly and with the help of what programs to detect errors. But, if, after all, some errors are found in the RAM, it is time to change or increase the RAM. Therefore, in this article I want to introduce you to how RAM is installed in a personal computer and teach you how to correctly replace RAM in a personal computer.

To begin with, let me make a small lyrical digression in order to introduce you to what RAM is and why it is needed in a personal computer.

As you probably know, a modern computer consists of several particularly important components - a processor, a video card, a motherboard, a hard drive, a power supply and a random access memory device or, as people say, RAM or RAM. The above components are the main backbone, without which the world cannot exist. this moment Not a single personal computer and RAM is one of the components of modern PCs. Why do we need RAM and why should so much attention be paid to installing and replacing RAM?

It is in the RAM that the necessary data is located that is necessary to solve the task set by the user. That is, do you work in a graphic editor, do you play computer games or just watch a movie, the speed of performing those operations directly depends not even on the processor, but on the RAM. It is the RAM that contains all the data necessary to perform a specific task, and therefore largely determines the performance of your PC. Even if you have very strong processor, but there is not enough RAM, the performance of the computer will leave much to be desired and the computer will constantly slow down, freeze and not complete the assigned tasks.

RAM is a kind of intermediary between all other computer components. Why an intermediary? That's why. That all the data for the operation of programs installed on your PC is stored on the hard drive - hard drive, and the programs themselves are executed in the processor. That is, in order for the program to start executing, it is necessary to move data from the hard drive to the processor. But if you move all the data using just one hard drive, it will take a lot of time. And that’s why RAM comes into play. It helps to read files from the hard drive and send them to the processor at lightning speed, which in turn performs the required operations. That is, our RAM contains those operations that are currently being performed by the processor.

Why did I start such a tirade? And besides, do not under any circumstances skimp on RAM, since this is the main element that ensures the performance of your PC, and be sure to learn how to properly replace RAM.

RAM characteristics

Well, now, you probably have a question: which RAM to choose, with what characteristics. And I will be happy to answer this question. But first things first. Today, in modern personal computers, two types of RAM are widely used: DDR 2 and DDR 3. Which type of RAM should I choose? It all depends on what your computer is intended for. If you are going to work in heavy programs and play sophisticated computer games, feel free to choose the DDR 3 type - since it is often of this type RAM ranges from 800 MHz to 1600. Well, if you buy a regular office computer, take DDR 2, the frequency of this type varies from 400 to 800 MHz.

To the question of how much RAM to take, I will answer you this way. In modern computers (and even netbooks), the minimum amount of RAM is 4 gigabytes, this ensures high performance and normal working conditions. That is, when you want to install RAM b(when buying a computer) take at least 4 GB and all programs (if you select the other components correctly) will fly with you literally and figuratively (and you won’t need to replace RAM for a long time). We’ll talk more about the location of RAM in the section on installing RAM.

RAM location. RAM compatibility

RAM is always located on and is a small elongated rectangular plate that is inserted into special sections (slots) on the motherboard. The number of slots starts from two units, and can be four or more. In standard form, each motherboard has 4 slots into which RAM is installed. The figure shows four RAM slots, two of which contain memory modules.

Typically, motherboard manufacturers give users the opportunity to use several identical memory slots in order to avoid various errors in the operation of the PC. But, I warn you, if you buy several RAM slots, they should have same type(for example DDR 3) and frequency. Since RAM slots of different types will not work together, and if two chips have different frequency, for example, one has 800 MHz, and the other has 1600, then the memory will work according to minimum frequency and you may lose performance and speed of your PC. In the screenshot, different RAM slots differ in color and are divided into pairs; this is by no means a whim of the developers, but a very deliberate step. Since many motherboards can operate in dual-channel operating mode, in order to enable this mode, it is necessary that modules of the same frequency be inserted into memory slots of the same color, that is, the RAM must be installed in accordance with the color of the slot, in orange slot we install memory with a frequency of 800 MHz, and in the purple slot with a frequency of 1600 MHz. Very often, this “play with colors” allows you to increase the overall performance of RAM by as much as 30 percent, which significantly affects the overall performance of the PC.

And finally, I suggest you learn how to replace RAM yourself. Replacing RAM is very simple and does not require any special skills.

In order to replace RAM, you first need to disconnect your computer from the network, remove the system unit, if you have it in a special section of your desktop, and carefully open it. Most often, system units are tightened manually with special bolts that can be easily unscrewed. Or it may happen that you need a screwdriver. Anyway, after that. how did you open system unit You will see a picture similar to the one in the screenshot:

I marked the RAM in the picture. In order to remove a RAM module (for example, if you need to replace RAM) from the slot, you need to lightly press on the side holders, after which the memory will come out of the grooves and can be removed.

If the situation is the opposite and you need to install RAM, to do this, carefully insert the memory into the slots (taking into account its type and frequency) and close the locks until they click. Be sure to click, as this means that you have installed the RAM correctly.

In fact, installing RAM is very simple. Try it and you will definitely succeed.

If you have successfully selected and purchased the RAM module you need, let's install it correctly in our computer. All the parts inside the system unit do not require significant physical effort to handle, so relax a little. Before work, it would be a good idea to read the manual that came with your motherboard; it must have its own instructions for installing RAM.

  • Note: If you have a laptop, then read the article -.

First of all, we remove static electricity from ourselves by touching the unpainted parts of your system unit with our hands.

We perform all actions with the computer turned off. Disconnect the power cord from electrical outlet. We remove the side cover of the system unit and find the slots for RAM on the motherboard. Usually there are from two to four. Each RAM slot has special latches on the edges on both sides; they must be carefully pressed to the sides.

Note: Some motherboards are designed in such a way that install RAM the video card will interfere with you, then remove it.

Now look carefully at any slot for installing RAM, it has a special protrusion.

Now take out the RAM module and you will see a special slot or recess on it.

So, we pressed the two latches of the RAM slot to the sides, and carefully insert our RAM module into the slot.

If you bought the RAM module correctly, then when installing the module into the slot intended for it on the motherboard, this cutout should definitely fit into the protrusion. If the cutout and protrusion do not match, then the RAM module is not designed to work on this motherboard.

The module should fall into the guides without any distortions, now the most crucial moment, lightly and carefully press the module from above on both sides with your thumbs, it should fall into place, and the latches should click into place.

If the latches do not click into place, look carefully to see if the module is fully seated in the slot; if it is fully seated, then fix the latch yourself. I think everything is clearly visible in the screenshots.

Let me remind you that if you have two RAM modules with the same capacity and identical characteristics, and the motherboard supports dual-channel RAM mode, insert the modules into the same colored slots.

We put the cover of the system unit back, connect all the cables and turn on the computer.

How to remove RAM

If you need to remove RAM from the slot, it is very simple to do so, just unlatch the latches and remove the RAM module.

I won’t spill the beans about why additional RAM is needed and what it gives, because if you have already asked yourself the question of increasing RAM, then you probably know why you need it.

The main parameters of RAM for which you need to buy additional RAM:
1. First of all, we need to find out the maximum amount of supported memory on our motherboard. To do this, you can go to the official website of the motherboard or to a site where there is a detailed review.
2. The next step is to open our system unit, namely the left side, after first turning off the computer and disconnecting the power cord from the network.
3. On the motherboard we look for the strip of our “old” RAM. As shown in the figure, bend the fastener in reverse side from the RAM strip itself and remove it.

In order for the compatibility of our new and old RAM to be at its best, it is necessary that all parameters be as identical as possible. To do this, carefully look at the next step.

4. The figure below shows the RAM on which there is a sticker with its main parameters:
Memory capacity: 8GB
Clock frequency: 1333MHz
Manufacturer: Corsair XMS3
(It is recommended to buy a “twin” for full compatibility, or at least you can ignore the manufacturer).

Having selected the RAM we need, we proceed to direct installation:
5. Please note that the slots for installing additional RAM are marked on the motherboard (see the figure below).

6. Install our first stick in the DDR3_1 slot, and the second, respectively, in DDR3_2 as shown in the figure above.

7. We assemble the system unit and supply power to it, then turn on the computer and wait for it to fully boot. We go to the “My Computer” property, a small window of your PC parameters will appear at the bottom of which the amount of RAM will be written - this is the total amount of your RAM.

Interesting facts and tips for expanding RAM:
1. Before purchasing new RAM, check that it will suit you in all respects.
2. Know that not every operating system can support more than 4GB of RAM.
3. If you have the opportunity, then when purchasing new RAM, make a preference for one with an iron case - this will increase heat transfer and extend the service life.
4. If you are purchasing two planks at once, then buy them as a set in one box, even if it is a little more expensive, but it is of better quality and more reliable.

Now, as I promised, I will present you a program for testing and obtaining information about RAM:
Program name: Everest Ultimate Edition 5.30.1900 Final
This program is designed to collect information about the computer, both as a whole and about specific device. You can also conduct equipment tests, configure optimal configurations, and receive complete and detailed reports. The program is shareware, that is, its trial period is 30 days, but all its components are available to work.

General window programs

On the left is the navigation menu. We are primarily interested in the section motherboard(it’s also the motherboard, since it’s where our board is connected). Next, we go to the memory subsection and all the information about the memory of our computer appears in the central window. We are interested in physical memory, also known as operational memory. In this section we receive data on the total volume, how much is occupied, free and how much is loaded as a percentage.

If we go to the test section, then for our physical memory there are as many as four test options:
Reading from memory;
Memory recording;
Copying to memory;
Memory delay.

This is how you can view information and conduct tests for free. Good luck with installing a new, additional RAM board!

The type of RAM and its volume depends on which slots for these purposes are implemented within a particular motherboard. Usually located in close proximity to the socket. Moreover, the number of such connectors can vary - from two on simple motherboards to six or more on powerful motherboards.

Visually, the slots intended for installing RAM are a set of contacts, which are supplemented at the edges with special latches aimed at fixing the RAM strips. In addition, there is a corresponding protrusion to ensure correct installation of the RAM. The memory itself is a board small size with microcircuits placed on it, which also contains contacts and a special cutout, which, when installing memory, must be aligned with the protrusion on the slot.

Types of RAM slots

The slot type determines what memory is available for installation. Typically on motherboards you can find slots for the following types of RAM:

  • DDR4;
  • DDR3;
  • DDR2;

Along with this, the type of memory in question can be designated PC, PC2, PC3 and PC4, which corresponds to the list provided above.

Different types of memory are incompatible with each other; for example, you cannot install a DDR2 stick in a slot intended for DDR3.

Although some motherboards are equipped with slots for different types of memory. True, simultaneous installation of different types of memory in such “motherboards” is impossible, so you have to choose one thing.

RAM characteristics

  1. Operating frequency (MHz).
  2. Bandwidth (MB/s).

The second parameter determines the performance of memory modules. For example, the designation DDR3-1600 tells us that this memory is of the DDR3 type, and its operating frequency is 1600 MHz. In this case, the throughput of this bar is determined by the parameter 12800 MB/s. It is calculated by multiplying the operating frequency, in our case it is 1600 MHz, by the number 8 (bit).

Multi-channel RAM architecture

RAM is designed in such a way that maximum memory performance is ensured in cases where several sticks of RAM are installed on the PC. It is customary to distinguish two operating modes:

  1. Dual-channel mode - the number of slots on the motherboard is a multiple of 2.
  2. Three-channel mode – the number of slots installed on the motherboard is a multiple of 3.

The memory operating mode can be determined depending on the number of RAM slots. If there are 2 or 4 slots, then this is exclusively a two-channel mode, and if there are 6 of them, then the mode can be both two-channel and three-channel. This will depend on the processor and quantity installed strips memory.

Two 4 GB sticks in most cases work faster than one 8 GB stick - this is just an example.