Tablet security threat what to do. How Google Play Protection fights malicious apps

Hi all! Today we will briefly describe the main advantages and problems in the Android mobile operating system. Tens of thousands of articles and hundreds of books have been written about Android security. Of course, we will not try to embrace the immensity; Instead, let's try to look at the ecosystem as a whole.

By the way, you may also be interested in the article “”, in which we talked about how forensic scientists extract information from phones and tablets.

Let's say right away: Android smartphones are the most common, but at the same time the least secure. Versions of Android 4.4 and below can be called a leaky bucket, without sinning too much against the truth. Critical vulnerabilities and gaping security holes were (and are) in builds 5.0–5.1.1.

The minimum acceptable level of security in Android was achieved only with version 6.0, and only in those devices that left the factory with Android 6.0 on board. But in Android 7 (the relative share of which has still not exceeded 8% of devices), physical security has already been implemented quite well.

Calling Android a leaky bucket, one cannot fail to clarify that in terms of the absolute number of vulnerabilities found, iOS is far ahead. However, if Apple fixes the vulnerabilities and releases an update within two to three weeks, then the vulnerabilities found in Android will be fixed in the "spherical horse in a vacuum", the semi-mythical AOSP. Ordinary users can receive them along with a monthly security update (only for current flagships from selected manufacturers), receive them in six months or a year, or never receive them. Diagram of prevalence of different Android versions hints that up to 7% of users will receive current security patches in a timely manner.

In the case of Android, it matters not only what version of the system is installed, but also what version the device left the factory with. So, Android 6.0 “out of the box” by default encrypts the partition with user data, but this will not affect smartphones updated to Android 6 over the air.

  • How many Android phones are encrypted?

At Google I/O it was reported that about 80% of devices running Android 7 and about 25% running Android 6 are encrypted.

What does this mean in practice?
Let's compare the prevalence of Android versions with encryption data:

Android 5.1.1 and older: ~62% of the market (no encryption data);

Android 6: 0.31 (31% market) * 0.25 = 0.078;

Android 7: 0.07 (7% market) * 0.80 = 0.056.

In total, we get a figure of 13.4%. This is the number of Android devices that are accurately encrypted. The main credit here goes to Google, which forced manufacturers of devices coming with Android 6 or 7 on board to enable encryption.

Android security. Encryption

There is no data on encryption of older versions, but it can be assumed that their users are not eager to slow down the device by enabling optional encryption. Taking this into account, it is unlikely that the final figure of encrypted Androids will exceed 15%.

Although Android, like iOS, runs applications in sandboxes, there is much more freedom here. Applications can interfere with the operation of other applications (primarily various Accessibility services, which can even press buttons, and third party keyboards, which automatically gain the ability to spy on the user). Applications can collect data about the approximate location of the user, even if the corresponding rights are absent (the mechanism is interesting, often used in practice and deserves a separate article). Numerous malware appear weekly, and in some phones (we wrote about these) they are located directly in the firmware and can only be gotten rid of by flashing the firmware.

Yes, this feature, or rather the degree of freedom, is built into the system (that is, it is a feature, not a bug), and the same Accessibility services and third-party keyboards require separate confirmation for activation. But believe me, this won’t make it much easier for your child, mother-in-law or grandmother, no matter how hard you try to teach them to “never poke you here.”

What about unlocking a smartphone? It would seem like the simplest action that cannot be spoiled... But no, Android developers(namely Android AOSP) - they were able to. In Android there are any, even the most insecure authentication methods. For example, Smart Lock - automatic phone unlocking based on location (imagine a situation in which the FBI did not have to pay a million dollars to hack an iPhone 5c - instead, the agent simply walked to the suspect's house). Or unlocking when connected to a trusted Bluetooth device (the agent turns on the activity tracker or radio in the suspect’s car).

You can also log in using the user’s face or photo. Some methods can be prohibited using corporate security policy, but to prohibit them you must list them explicitly. System Administrator Forgot to disable unlocking via Bluetooth devices? This loophole will certainly be taken advantage of. Well, if a new unsafe unlocking method appears, it will have to be prohibited additionally.

Android security. Security Settings.

Yes, the intentions were good: to at least somehow try to force users of devices without a fingerprint sensor to set a lock code. But the harm from such methods is simply catastrophic: the user is instilled with a false sense of security, but in reality it is “protection” similar methods can only be mentioned in quotation marks.

Moreover, Smart Lock remains available even in the latest builds of Android and even in devices already equipped with a fingerprint sensor. No, no one will force you to use Smart Lock, but it’s so convenient...

Fortunately, using a security policy, some types of unlocking can be administratively restricted:

Security of Android systems. Types of blocking.

However, there is no way to prevent the user from deactivating such a policy!

Android allows you to install your own certificate for sniffing HTTPS traffic:

Security of Android devices. Adguard tricks

Now the Adguard application has the ability to cut out advertising from HTTPS traffic. But you understand that anything could have taken its place.

Big Brother is watching you

Google collects a large amount of information about users of Android devices. Its detail and elaboration are simply fantastic: you can see in detail where you were and what you were doing at such and such a time on such and such a date over the past few years.

What is typical is that Google knows not only where you were in terms of geographical coordinates, but also where you visited. Hotel, restaurant, bowling alley, theater, park - and correlates them with the location of other users (and there are billions of them). The result is that the company knows everything, including how long you spent sitting at a table in a restaurant waiting for your first course.

You say, am I exaggerating? Not at all. We have already written in the article “” about what Google collects and how to get to this information.

Security of Android devices. Google Timeline

It goes without saying that Google has statistics on app launches and usage, browser history, and search queries, logins and Chrome passwords, words entered using the Gboard keyboard, voice queries viewed on YouTube videos and many many others.

Yes, surveillance and collection Google information you can limit and delete already collected data, but the variety of this data is such that just listing them would take several pages of neat text.

Security of Android systems. Google information collection

Most Android phones come with unlocked service memory access modes, which were originally created to flash devices in the event of a malfunction. These same modes can also be used to retrieve data from the device, even if it is turned off or locked. In particular, this is typical for most Qualcomm processors(9006 and 9008 modes), almost all MediaTek, Rockchip, Allwinner, Spreadtrum, some devices based on Samsung Exynos. LG phones have their own low-level service protocol, and using it to retrieve data is a matter of technology.

Using service mode to steal data leaves no traces. Protecting against information theft through service mode is quite simple: just enable data encryption (Android 6.0 or higher is recommended, but even in Android 5 the encryption is already quite reliable).

Granular control over application permissions in Android is a sore subject. In "pure" Android (AOSP), control over the use of permissions appeared only with the release of version 6.0. IN third party firmware It was there before, but it was extremely unstable. At the same time, control is far from perfect: prohibit the application from running in the background regular means is not possible, and restricting access to the location permission only results in the application locating the device in other ways through the use of permissions, the granular control of which is not possible even in latest versions Android. Finally, many applications simply do not support granular permission management, and the user still agrees to the request for a whole bunch of permissions, some of which are not at all innocuous.

Using corporate security policies, you can prohibit the user from some (but, unfortunately, not all) ways to bypass the security measures built into the system. For example, you can force it to use a PIN code, disable Smart Lock, force it to use built-in encryption. You can also buy a BlackBerry Android smartphone; on them, by at least, security patches arrive in a timely manner and the mode is active trusted download. However, from the actions of the user himself, surveillance and data leakage to the cloud proprietary software BlackBerry does not protect in any way.

There is simply no such thing in Android general model security that could protect the device and user data at all levels. You can enable KNOX, you can select a phone with a trusted boot... but all this will not prevent the user from installing some application that takes advantage of Android “features” (for example, Overlay and Accessibility) to automatically install dangerous malware, and those again exploit system vulnerabilities , will try to gain root access and register in system partition.

  • Editor's word

It is worth noting that although the author is right about which OS smartphone is more vulnerable to hacking, it should be kept in mind that we are talking specifically about smartphones, but not about Android as an operating system. Yes, Android has earned the reputation of being a leaky operating system and a breeding ground for viruses, but if you think about it: what is Android? Is this what is installed on LG or Samsung smartphones, those highly modified operating systems that seem completely different from “naked” Android? Are these firmware from less common brands that are installed on smartphones that have not received updates for years? Or maybe it's something else?

Technically, the Android OS is what Google makes available to the public in source form as part of the AOSP project. This is the same pure Android that the company reinstalls on Nexus smartphones and, in a slightly modified form, on Pixel smartphones. All other firmware, heavily and not very heavily modified, in terms open source are called forks. In fact, this is something else, but all this is nevertheless usually called the common name Android.

Is it safer to clean? Android firmware from manufacturers? Yes, many bugs were found in the modified Android from the manufacturer. Moreover, in pure Android these bugs are fixed much faster and updates, with a slight delay, are immediately received by all Nexus and Pixel users. The total support period for these smartphones is two years for major updates and another year for security updates.

As Oleg correctly noted, based on the total number of critical ones found Android vulnerabilities remains behind iOS, and more than half of these bugs are found not in Android at all, but in closed hardware drivers. The problems with smartphones listed in the article, such as the service mode, have nothing to do with Android; this is a problem with the device manufacturer. However, in the same Nexus, the service mode is available - logical, considering that this is a smartphone for developers.

Serious Android problem- this is not at all a leaky or illiterate OS architecture. After all, even version Android 1.0 included such things as full-fledged sandboxes for applications, a system for exchanging data between applications through typed channels with verification of authority, multi-level verification of the legitimacy of certain requests to data or OS functions, and memory safe Java language, leveling 90% of possible vulnerabilities. Oh more later versions with an integrated SELinux mandatory access control system, seccomp-based sandboxes, a trusted boot mechanism, encryption and a whole bunch of other technologies, it’s not worth talking about at all.

A serious problem with Android is the very fragmentation due to which everything that was based on AOSP, but in fact is no longer Android, is called Android. The company releases a smartphone on Android, neglects to update it, thereby endangering the user - Android is declared guilty. Samsung modifies Android, making a mistake in the implementation of lockscreen - Android is to blame. The Chinese supply smartphones with an unlocked bootloader - this is Android with holes.

Also, do not forget about the much greater capabilities of the system, compared to iOS. All these Accessibility, overlays and other features that the author presents as vulnerabilities are a standard part of Android that is accessible third party applications. The more functionality a system offers, the more opportunities there are to use it for dirty purposes.

Compare iOS, a system with severely truncated functionality, the inability to install applications from third party sources and a closed ecosystem, with open android, which gives much more possibilities and is available for free download and modification by anyone, is incorrect. It's like comparing a full-fledged OS Windows type and some Chrome OS.

Is it possible to make Android secure?

If the phone is used by a child, a grandmother, or a person who is interested in anything but the security of mobile operating systems, no. An Android phone will never be secure in their hands, even if it is a Samsung with KNOX activated or a BlackBerry with the latest security patch.

There is too much malware and too much freedom for the average user to remove “interfering” security features, disable encryption at boot, enable installation of applications from third-party sources, and do a lot of other stupid things that you can’t even imagine.

If the device is put into the hands of a specialist and the device is the current flagship of one of the selected manufacturers who do not neglect monthly security patches, then with proper configuration (Smart Lock prohibition, encryption with a mandatory password request for further loading of the device - not to be confused with a PIN code unlocking! - use of administrative policies that strictly prohibit installation from third-party sources, prohibition of overlays and Accessibility services, constant control for what information we allow to be collected about ourselves and to whom exactly) for regular user It will do just fine. . However, officials, presidents, terrorists and criminals will still not take such risks; their choice so far is BlackBerry 10 or iOS.

Traditionally, the last paragraph is about updates and security patches. The specifics of Android are such that manufacturers may or may not update their devices to current versions Android and security patches. Found vulnerabilities may or may not be fixed (in most cases, they are not fixed). More or less regular updates There are flagships from well-known manufacturers, but even in this case, support periods are noticeably shorter than for devices made by Apple or Microsoft. Android phones cannot be put on the same level of security as iOS or even Windows 10 Mobile. The cheaper the device, the worse its security situation will be just a few months after release. Very cheap devices carry additional risks associated with the lack of updates (including fixes for critical vulnerabilities), physical vulnerabilities at the device level, and malicious “bonuses” built into the firmware.

When trying to log into a website, some users may encounter a message "There is a problem with this website's security certificate". In most cases, the cause of this error is a date-time failure on the user’s computer, as well as spontaneous work with certificates of some sites. In this article I will tell you what this problem with the site security certificate is, what causes it, and how to fix it.

Screenshot of the error "There is a problem with this website's security certificate"

There is a problem with this website's security certificate - reasons for the dysfunction

The message in question about problems with the site's certificate appears when you try to log into a site that has a security certificate installed, but the specified certificate cannot be verified by the browser. Typically the error text contains a message stating that the issuer of the certificate is unknown, the certificate is self-signed, and others. similar reasons(especially often differentiates this problem Mozilla Firefox browser).

Usually popular browsers contain a built-in list of trusted certificate providers (for example, DigiCert). However, the certificate provider for some sites may not be included in this list, and in this case the browser will warn you that you should not trust the Certificate Authority that issued the certificate to this site.

Other reasons why a site security certificate may be problematic include:

How to fix the "The site's security certificate is not trusted" error

Quite often the text of this error with the wording “the security certificate is not trusted” is found on the browser Internet Explorer. On other browsers (for example, Mozilla), the text of this error is often modified to “the certificate is self-signed,” “the issuer of the certificate is unknown,” and so on.

To fix this error you need to do the following:

  • Restart your computer, perhaps the problem is of a random nature and will disappear after a reboot;
  • Disable the certificate insecurity notification if you trust that particular site. Go to Control Panel, go to “Network and Internet”, then click on “Browser Properties”. Then go to the “Advanced” tab and uncheck the “Warn about certificate address mismatch” checkbox. Confirm the changes by clicking “Ok” and try to access the problematic site;

  • Check if the date and time is displayed correctly on your PC(or mobile device). If it is not correct, then you need to change the date and time to the current values. To do this, on a PC, right-click on the date and time at the bottom right, select “Setting date and time” in the list, and then click on the “Change date and time” button. Set the correct values ​​and confirm the changes;

  • Install necessary updates for root certificates(you can download it here);
  • Download a specific certificate for the problematic site(if available) and put it in a trusted certificate store. When selecting a certificate store, select “Place all certificates in the following store”, click on “Browse”, select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” there and click on “Ok”. Then click on “Next”, and then in the “Certificate Import Wizard” window click on “Finish”. More detailed option this decision depending on the browser and operating system can be found on the net.
  • Check your system for virus programs (antivirus tools such as Dr.Web CureIt! are suitable, Malware Anti-Malware and a number of others). I was previously elected best antiviruses For , ;

  • Temporarily disable your antivirus, there were cases that it was the blocking of the antivirus that caused the error in question “There is a problem with the security certificate of this website”;
  • Check integrity hosts file to the address Windows\System32\drivers\etc, it should not contain anything extra except the open phrase Localhost, all other content should be located after the # symbol. It is important to know - .


Above I discussed the error “There is a problem with the security certificate of this website.” Very often the cause of this problem is incorrect set date and time, as well as the lack of a trusted certificate for any individual site. To get rid of this problem, follow the entire set of tips I have listed; one of them will definitely turn out to be the most effective and efficient for you.

In contact with

The extraordinary practicality, versatility, and ease of use of Android tablets have led to the fact that such a shell has quickly spread in gadgets from well-known manufacturers. Such an OS is constantly in the process of improvement, and its latest versions are noted by the owners for commendable, uninterrupted operation. A large number of A variety of auxiliary programs make the tablet a true assistant in many everyday tasks: applications will allow you not to forget a single important event, present the interface in a special way, translate the most difficult phrases, and use multimedia programs.

At the same time, due to the increasing popularity of Android, the malicious creators of harmful installations and ordinary viruses do not sleep. It is low-quality software that is the main threat to the safety of the tablet. An expensive gadget can fail for a very long time without meeting the main requirements.

Video files are not harmful, in the worst case, data loss will occur. But the software needs to be treated with great attention. For future use on the tablet, it is recommended to install software only from official sources.

Reliable operation of the system, as well as immunity to various suspicious programs, can provide frequently installed upgrades. The existence of a high-quality antivirus will not harm the gadget in any way. Famous AVG Antivirus for Android can quickly prevent the installation of applications that contain some kind of threat. Loss or unauthorized transfer of information may occur due to frivolous use unsecured Wi-Fi. Passwords should always be used when transferring important information through a closed channel.

Should always be used personal passwords and don't tell anyone about them. Using this conventional method, protection is achieved personal information. The password should be fairly easy to remember, but not contain names, dates of birth or other data that is easy to figure out. In addition, there is now a service called KeePass, which can save all passwords efficiently and centrally. Android tablets are reliable, innovative devices. You just need to be critical of the software and how you use the device, and the tablet will be able to answer for a long time services.

Disable security warnings

In certain situations, otherwise secure sites may not provide secure submission of a form (for example, a form that contains a password or bank card number). Wherein special program called Safari displays a warning that prompts the person to cancel the operation. If a person does not want such a message to be shown, there is an option to disable it.

For this you need:

  1. Select the “Action” menu, then “Settings” and press the “Security” key. (The Actions menu is located in the top right corner of the Safari window and is an icon with gears.)
  2. Uncheck "Always ask before submitting insecure forms to secure sites"

Disabling these warnings will reduce your tablet's security. It is necessary to send personal data or download objects only in a situation of complete confidence in the quality of the open site.

Minimizing risks

There is a huge number of hidden threats for tablets and OS from Google. But at the same time, there are some ways that help reduce the risks of such “infection with digital infection” to an insignificant minimum.

Here are the most effective of them:

  • You must use a VPN;
  • download applications only from a repository called Google Play;
  • When installing, you need to pay attention to the options that will be allowed for this application;
  • create long and strong passwords;
  • carry out authentication of particularly important sites and make it multi-stage.

There's a lot to think about when it comes to VPNs. This method can be used in almost any country. In addition, in China, VPN is the only way to use YouTube and other social networks.

Secure password storage

Eat special services, which will help not only to save multiple person passwords in one place, but also to save them in their original, encrypted form. In other words, even if we assume that hackers manage to get hold of these passwords, they simply will not be able to use them in any way.

Regarding two-step authentication, everything is quite trivial and simple. For example, a person has a Google account. It can set a mode during which to access you will need not only to enter a password, but also to dial the code that was received via SMS on mobile device person specified in his profile.

Some services are also capable of providing specially created applications that issue specific access codes for a person. After entering his master password, a person will need to enter a code specially created in this way, which will be active for no more than 20 seconds.

"Certificate Error" appears as a browser notification to improve security custom data When establishing a connection to sites, the browser checks reality certificate And if verification is not possible, the connection is terminated and a message indicating insufficient security is displayed.

So, if, when connecting to a secure website, the browser reports an error with the website's security certificate, how can I remove the warning for a multi-trusted server?

Reasons for warning

1 . The website certificate is not trusted and if an incomplete chain of intermediate certificates is provided, this error message may occur. There is probably an attempt to extract user information.

2. The security certificate was issued for a website with a different address.

3. Inaccurate time on the client's computer - later than the validity period of the server's SSL certificate. The standard recommendation is to stop working with the website by closing the page. Or, as an option, it is possible to reset the timer: manually or by reinstalling the board battery.

4 . If the error persists when connecting to many sites, there may be a system or network problem. The culprit for introducing false certificates may be an antivirus, or malware that replaces real certificates.

5 . The resource is truly unsafe. If you wish ignore"alarm", you need to add the site to the exceptions. But before you remove the website security certificate error in this way, it doesn’t hurt to further check the cause of the problem.

If the error appears occasionally, you need to download a security certificate from an official source, install it and restart your computer.

Windows VISTA

How to clear the website security certificate error for Windows VISTA:

1 . Add the certificate to the trusted list (not recommended). Then you should confirm the further opening of the window, and in the “Certificate error...” that appears, call up the window of an invalid certificate, indicated by a “shield”.

2. Select “View certificate”, then “General”, where you can track the validity period of the website’s certificate.

3. In the installation wizard, select "Install certificate" and "Forward".

4 . Check the box " Automatically selected certificate store...", confirming by pressing "Forward".

5 . Confirm the operation by clicking "YES" and "Finish" in the request window. The selected certificate is installed.

6. Confirm the changes made by clicking "OK".

7. Select the line “Place all certificates in the following store”, confirm by clicking “Browse”.

8 . In the window called "Select a certificate store", check "Trusted Root Certification Authorities", confirming by clicking "OK".

9 . Complete the procedure: “Next”, “Finish”, confirm the installation by clicking “OK”, and restart the browser.

Windows XP

How to remove a website security certificate error for Windows XP:

1 . In the "certificate store" select the store according to the certificate type "automatic".

2. Clicking "Next" will import and install the certificate.

3. Click "Done".

4 . If pre-appears "Security Warning", click "YES" to confirm installation.

5 . You will receive an installation notification. Click OK. The procedure is completed.

Antivirus products

How can I fix the security of a website using antivirus settings?

The antivirus has an option to scan encrypted connections, and when you reinstall the antivirus, the certificates in the browser's trusted store will be reinstalled.

In the Avast program settings:

  • follow the chain “Settings” - “Active protection”, then “Configure” (near the dashboard);
  • uncheck the settings, select enable http scanning, confirm (“OK”).

How to remove a website security certificate error using the Kaspersky program:

  • Click in the program settings: "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Network";
  • in "Scanning encrypted connections" select: "Do not scan encrypted connections";
  • as alternative actions you can mark "Advanced settings" and select "Install certificate";
  • then confirm the changes and restart your computer.

If the "certificate error" persists, it is probably compromised, and you shouldn’t add a certificate from a popular website to exceptions.


Use the latest version of software, including plugins, as installation of malware is possible due to the vulnerability of outdated programs.

When installing programs in the software wizards, accept them from the official website, uncheck the installation of unverified programs.

Do not use deceitful pop-ups that appear to introduce dangerous programs. Learn the details of blocking pop-ups to eliminate them.

Monitor your antivirus in real time.

IN Lately Users increasingly began to see the “Disable dangerous application” notification on Android. As a rule, it appears after a system update has been completed and indicates any preinstalled program in phone. The notification usually pops up after turning it on, but this can happen at absolutely any time. Let's look at the reasons for what is happening and the dangers of using such “unsafe” software.

Reason for warning

Android is actively developing in all directions, the system improves not only functionality and stability, but also security. It is the improvement in security that causes the notification to appear.

Google Play Protection - This powerful tool, which analyzes the operation of applications and processes. The mechanism uses not only prepared algorithms, but also functions artificial intelligence, which allows you to identify “unsafe” software and protect the integrity of the operating system.

The defender is constantly activated, it checks the work in real time, as well as unrunning programs for potential danger to the user and the system. Excess permissions granted by the user to a particular program are also checked.

Are the threats really dangerous?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. In fact, Google Play Protect properly performs the functions assigned to it, protecting the device from viruses and malware. But even system applications from the device manufacturer. Of course, any custom software, and especially firmware, will sooner or later lead to the appearance of such a notification on the screen of a smartphone or tablet.

Already, the defender points out the insecurity of the following applications:

  • Engineermode;
  • HtmlViewer, Cloud;
  • KingRoot, Kinguser;
  • Imemes, Application Center;
  • YotaEnergy and others;
  • all kinds of lunchers.

In general, almost any software that has access to personal information and transmitting user actions, requiring root access or reading the code of the program being executed.

Since the Defender update happened relatively recently, the problem has only just begun to spread.

We can confidently say that in most cases the software is safe for the user. It's about about programs that expand user capabilities. But we should not forget that even “safe” software can expose the system to danger, not to mention user actions that lead to operating system instability.

Interesting situations have been observed when a defender sees a threat in system applications and even the system itself. As a rule, this applies to the manufacturer’s proprietary software and custom firmware.

How to disable a dangerous application on your phone/tablet?

First of all, you need to be sure of its safety. The shutdown instructions themselves are quite simple. So, first, you need to decide whether to disable protection or just notifications.

Disabling includes the following steps.

After this, the defender will stop scanning the system while it is running. The same can be done by opening the PlayMarket settings, Security section. After this, it is recommended to disable the system update.

Important! If you see that the warning indicates a third-party program that you did not install, feel free to remove it. To be more sure, try it in the search.

If you do not want to disable protection, you can do the following.

In addition, you can do a factory reset.

You can always take the advice and disable (delete) the application. Since the scan starts at certain time, there is another way out - freeze the application, making it inactive and removing it from the list of installed ones. They can do this Titanium Backup and analogues. In this case, the required software is launched only when it is needed and does not hang in the tray. The utility allows you to disable even system applications and processes.

Otherwise, you just have to wait for the update of the “problematic” software to come out. Developers are already faced with the need to make changes to their creations, so the search for solutions is actively underway.

Things to remember

Disabling protection and ways to bypass the defender are always risks. It is better not to neglect your own safety and trust your defender. In cases where using the application is necessary, you need to remember simple rules, reducing the likelihood of malware installation and subsequent problems after that.

  1. Don't install apps with low ratings and few downloads. Moderators check the programs entered by the developers, but a detailed analysis takes time.
  2. Use official sources. If we are talking about a trusted software supplier, then in addition to the PlayMarket, you can use the company’s official website to download and then install the software. Otherwise, doing this is highly undesirable.
  3. Check the list of permissions that the application you are installing requests.
  4. Use analogues. Each program has a number of competitors that perform similar functions. Use them if required functions the system does not provide.
  5. Do not install software that is not necessary.

By following them, the likelihood of the “Disable/delete dangerous application” message appearing on Android is minimized.