Learning to sell through Instagram: practical recommendations. How to successfully sell clothes on Instagram

Hello my readers!

Today I will briefly tell you how to sell on Instagram using your account. Until recently, Instagram was the most popular platform for posting beautiful photos. Now it is actively used to promote your business, services and products.

How to sell on Instagram

I want to warn you right away: you should not use your personal account, it is advisable to create a separate one.

How to start selling products on Instagram?

Many users who decide to take advantage of the capabilities of this social network, the question arises - how to sell products through Instagram, what needs to be done.

The answer is actually simple - any category of goods, the placement of which does not violate the rules, can be sold. Starting from children's clothing, lamps, furniture, ending with cakes, various services.

Once you have created your account, uploaded about 20 photos with descriptions, you can start. To do this, you can use one of the automated services or start doing everything manually.


Here it is important not to forget that the most important thing is high-quality photos and videos. This is what will attract the attention of your readers.

It is important to make the channel attractive and informative: instead of one photo, you can publish collages with an interesting inscription, create short video reviews with comments.

Try to study the accounts of your competitors in the chosen niche. Look at how they attract attention, how they are designed, what they post and when, how they work with their subscribers.

Selling post on Instagram

The second point you should pay attention to is the sales post on Instagram, which is different from the usual description.

IN short description When presenting your product to your advantage, there must be triggers that attract attention, benefits and advantages that your buyer will receive.

In addition, the text should be natural and easy to read. To achieve the desired effect, you can study articles about selling texts and read blogs.

It is best to trust the professionals and involve a copywriter in writing such texts. For a quality description, you need to study your target audience, their problems and desires.

Briefly describe how your product or service can solve all the problems. Writing posts in different styles will help attract attention. For example, storytelling - interesting story about a product or service, told for ordinary people.

It is important to remember that selling posts should alternate with regular ones. Be sure to respond to comments, analyze each post and track the activity of your subscribers.

Adjust, change the presentation of material, hold various competitions and quizzes. This will help keep your readers' attention.


I hope that the information about how and what you can sell on Instagram was useful to you. Write in the comments if you have an account and how you use it.

Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

Today we have to find out Top tips and recommendations about this process presented to our attention. In general, online sales, and even properly organized ones, are the key to your success. So, sometimes it’s worth either trying on your own or resorting to some tricks. We have to find out about all this. on a social network? What's the best way to do this?


There are many options. It's no secret that anything that can be sold can be promoted through social networks. So, this is not the most difficult question yet. But organizing the process causes some difficulties for some. Careful preparation is needed, it will save you from troubles and unexpected moments.

If you are thinking about how to sell on Instagram, you should start by registering an account on the social network. Without this process, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life. Just remember - you are creating a work profile. No personal photos, no personal information. Now account - Registration on Instagram is free. A few clicks, a couple of minutes of filling out your profile - and you're done.

You will also have to online wallet. Preferably on universal services such as "WebMoney". PayPal will do. With its help it will be possible to receive money from users.

Next, when the sales channel is ready, and you also have an electronic wallet, it would be nice to get yourself a debit account bank card. She will help you with cashing out funds. “Plastic” is linked to an electronic wallet, then the money received is transferred to a bank account. And that's it, you can use them.

In some cases, it is recommended to officially register your activities. If you are thinking about how to sell on Instagram, and even plan to do it regularly, make a good profit and, in fact, run a business online, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. At the same time, it is not necessary to open a separate bank account; the card is for individuals will do too. Current offer for those who earn good money. With small and unstable profits, registration of an individual entrepreneur is usually not necessary.


Now a little about what will help sell you this or that product. We will discuss what is better to choose later. Of course Instagram accounts are something like a collection of images. Minimum information, maximum images. And this will just help you ensure a successful business.

Do high quality photos of the product being sold, then post it in a specially created profile. Original and numerous images that allow you to examine the products in all details and angles are what will inspire confidence.

If you cannot take high-quality photographs yourself, invite a photographer. Usually they don’t ask for much for an image of a particular product. But remember - if you want to understand how to sell clothes and other things on Instagram with particular success, you cannot neglect photographs.


The next step that will help solve our question today is to ensure the popularity of your profile. This process is also called profile promotion. By the way, there are not many options for solving the problem. You can either independently advertise your profile, created specifically for sales, or seek help from special organizations.

Typically, users combine these two techniques. The first does not require investment, but is not particularly fast or reliable. The second one provides you with quick promotion, but requires some investment. There is no point in saving on promotion. After all, the more users know about your sales portal on Instagram, the more likely it is that you will be able to make a profit from your activities.


The next point, which plays an important role in the question, on Instagram or any other product, is communication. Any conscientious seller must communicate with his customers and clients.

This is not about friendly conversations. But you must clearly understand that all questions that users will ask you will have to be answered as soon as possible. The faster you act, the better. So, take care to maintain communication with customers.

It's not always easy to do this on your own. If your workload is especially heavy, hire a consulting manager who will monitor your sales profile and also communicate with potential clients. But don’t forget to communicate yourself. All this will help you in running an online business.

Forums and topics

How to sell this or that product on Instagram? Various thematic forums and groups on social networks will come to the rescue. When your profile is ready - filled with photographs and descriptions, promoted and awaiting clients - you can visit different places of communication. And leave ads there with a link to your sales account.

Please note that thematic forums and public pages on the Internet are successful. Just attract new customers, offer them your product if it seems that this is exactly what they need. Self-promotion on thematic sites will not harm anyone. Perhaps it will only attract the attention of users to your profile. Next, you agree on the order, the money is transferred to you, and you are the product. And everyone is happy. There is nothing difficult or special about it.

Product visibility

Some people think about how to sell an Instagram page or any other non-standard product. In addition to all the techniques listed above, it is worth ensuring visibility of what exactly you are offering for sale. Nowadays, the use of so-called hashtags is gaining popularity on the Internet. They help you quickly find what you need.

This is exactly what you can use. Link several hashtags (3-4 will be enough, but more are often used) with your posts and products. Then you can wait for the results. Least, this technique will ensure visibility of what is offered and this is already a step on the path to success. So, you shouldn’t neglect hashtags on Instagram. They can serve as a good “search engine” for a particular product on a social network. Especially considering the fact that users quite actively use this component.


In principle, we figured out how to sell this or that product through Instagram. But what exactly is being sold this way? What ideas are the public most interested in?

Secondly, cosmetics and household chemicals. Most often distributed by real sales managers. Moreover, this is done deliberately on Instagram and other social networks. True, there is a lot of competition here.

Thirdly, hand-made. Crafts and decorations self made- that's what attracts the public. Especially if you make something to order. Handmade work, and original work at that, brings good profits. Most often, interest is shown in costume jewelry, decorations and interior items.

Fourth, services and knowledge. You can offer your skills and abilities on social networks. The offer is perfect for photographers, videographers, hairdressers, makeup artists, stylists, and in general, any profession can be successfully promoted online.

In the end, if you have figured out how to sell through Instagram, but don’t know what exactly to offer, you can try writing essays, tests, dissertations, and custom texts. Such services on social networks are not such a rare occurrence. There is a lot of competition, but there is always work. A very good layout for diligent users.


So we figured out how to sell this or that product on Instagram. In addition, several tips for running a business are also presented. Mastering this business is not so difficult.

The main thing is to always strive to develop your profile created for sales. Regularly update photos and ads, advertise the page, look for clients. Then and only then will you be able to achieve success!

Probably many of you have a pleasant time in social Instagram networks. But on Instagram you can not only have fun, but also make good money.

Now I am selling fruit tree seedlings on Instagram. Using the example of two of my accounts, I will show you how everything works and what you need to do to make good money.

Creating a commercial account on Instagram

The first thing you will need to promote your product is to create an account specifically for sales, so that your subscribers know that you are selling the product, and not just posting photos of it for your own pleasure.

Therefore, after registration, you should transfer your account to a commercial basis. It’s not difficult to do this, just go to the profile editing section on your smartphone and select “ Try tools for companies", and then link your Instagram page to Facebook.

If you don’t have a Facebook account, then you can simply create a new one; in principle, this will not affect your work on Instagram.

After switching your account type to commercial, you will be able to fill out your profile in more detail and show clients what you offer them.

In addition, you will be able to view statistics of your publications to analyze the effectiveness of posts and the characteristics of your audience.

The most effective methods for recruiting active subscribers

The number of sales and their stability depend on the number and quality of subscribers you collect on Instagram. Therefore, this issue must be taken seriously.

If you type in the search engine “Promotion on Instagram” then commercial offers a lot will pop up, and when you go to each site, you will see examples of work, how customer sales have increased, and how the number of subscribers has grown.

But most of these promotion companies consist of just one person who simply created a website for himself and ordered advertising in direct messages.

For example, if you look at these reviews, you can immediately see that they have the same style and were written by the same person.

Since I myself have written landing pages more than once, and, accordingly, reviews for them, I can recognize my colleague’s work from afar. And naturally, I have no reason to trust such a service for promotion on Instagram.

If you want to try one of these services, then be prepared for the costs, and of course, for the fact that not all of them are as high-quality as they say about themselves.

Naturally, you may be offered to try promotion and promotion for free for some time, but such services have one significant drawback. (service example: instaplus.me)

You've probably heard about programs that can churn out hundreds of bots, and it's enough to have such a program and you can get subscribers. Example of a subscriber boosting program: IBot

But in reality, for an account in which you want to make sales, bots do not provide any real benefit, they can simply affect the number of likes and leave typical comments.

Therefore, most effective way attracting live subscribers is advertising in well-promoted accounts of your topic; of course, the costs of such advertising will be slightly more than services that, for thousands of subscribers, will ask you for only a few hundred.

But the result itself will be many times higher quality, since all your subscribers will be real people who can order a product from you and who are interested in it.

Namely, this is the key to constant sales growth, and the possibility of a natural increase in subscribers, since people sometimes tell each other where they made purchases.

Eat special applications who will be in automatic mode subscribe to accounts with the parameters you choose, but here you also need to work carefully, since Instagram really doesn’t like third party applications and your account may simply be banned.

In addition, you can leave interesting comments on the pages of other users, the most important thing is that they are on topic. Then a certain number of a person’s followers can go to your profile and follow you.

The most important and The best way attracting subscribers to your Instagram page is quality content. It is he who allows you to achieve good results, increase sales and attract constantly new, lively and interested in purchasing subscribers.

Content requirements

Instagram is quite different from social networks such as VKontakte or Facebook, and accordingly, the requirements for your posts will be slightly different.

The first thing you need to understand is that on Instagram, content consists of three main parts:
Signature (post text);

All three parts are interconnected and must be a single whole. But at the same time, each of them is responsible for its role in promotion and sales.

Photo - Naturally, this is the main part of the Instagram post.

This is the first thing a person will see when your post appears in their feed. And if the photo interests him, he will read the description and may want to make a purchase.

Also, if the person conducting the search sees an interesting photo, he may also want to look at it.

It is worth noting that photo content processed in graphic designers and beautifully sleek, Instagram users don’t really like it.

As my practice shows, the best photos are those taken simply with a camera or phone, with good resolution, but so that it can be seen that this is a photo taken by just a person, and not by a professional photographer.

Of course, if you are selling something, then you may not have the opportunity to take such photos, but in this case it is recommended to simply alternate posts with interesting photos and posts with selling photos.

The most important thing is to constantly give your subscribers something new so that they do not have the desire to unsubscribe from your page.

The second and no less important part post is the signature or it would be more correct to say the text of the post itself.

As you can see, I start my signature with a greeting and briefly say what the post is about.

The fact is that under the photo on Instagram it shows only 10-12 words; to read the rest of the description the user needs to open it.

It is these first two sentences that should interest the user as much as possible so that he opens Full description and read your text. Therefore, they should be given special attention.

To do this, you simply need to describe all the positive aspects of the product, and focus the reader’s attention on some of them, in which it compares favorably with its competitors.

At the end of the post, I always ask users to write in private messages or comments, and also leave their contact information. After all, despite the fact that the contacts are listed in the profile, not all users will log into it to view them.

The simplest and most effective way is for the contacts to always be in front of the potential buyer, and he can contact you without any problems.

In your post, you should never forget about such an important thing as customer care. You can remind about free consultation, about customer problems that you can solve with your product, or something of your own.

The most important thing is that the client feels that he is at least a little cared for.

Don’t forget about emoticons in your posts; they attract attention perfectly and allow you to divide the text into blocks, which can be done using normal formatting It’s quite difficult to do on Instagram.


I decided to highlight hashtags on Instagram in separate section, since they are quite a controversial topic. Most people simply do not prescribe them and you can find commercial accounts Instagram, where hashtags are also not included in posts.

But this is a mistake, hashtags are a great tool thanks to which you can tell a lot more people about your page.

The fact is that photos are distributed by hashtags in Instagram search, and accordingly, according to popular hashtags, your photo will be in the top for about an hour, and these are free interested visitors, a certain percentage that will become your subscribers.

Of course, about half of the subscribers who come using hashtags may turn out to be bots, but half are real users, to attract whom you will not need to spend time and money.

Instagram allows you to add 30 hashtags for each post, try to make sure they are compatible with your topic.

Thematic hashtags allow you to attract a larger number of targeted visitors.

Personally I use free program Letstag – Instagram hashtags for selecting hashtags. You just need to enter one word, and she will select the most popular hashtags on this topic.

Try to choose popular hashtags as they will attract more visitors. Personally, during my experiments, the record was on an account with one post in an hour and a half, while the photo was in the top, I got more than 70 likes and 40 new subscribers. And this is thanks to well-written popular hashtags and a simple home photo.

By the way, when activity begins to subside, you can replace the hashtags with others, and your photo will again reach the top for a while. This way you can increase the number of visitors for one post.

How do sales work on Instagram?

Sales on Instagram are practically the same as on other social networks, although there are some differences. After all, Instagram only works fully on smartphones; therefore, almost all communication with clients takes place through a smartphone.

Therefore, customers will mainly contact you in the comments, from where you should gently transfer them to a private message for private communication and placing an order.

Some people can immediately write in a personal message and ask for information about the product and order.

In addition, people may often contact you via Viber or WhatsApp, since these are the two most popular messengers on modern smartphones. They are easy to use and you will always be in touch with your clients.

For maximum effective sales, you will need a product catalog if you sell more than one product, or a price list for your services.

Everything here is at your discretion, you can make a document at virtual disk, create a small website.

For example, my colleagues and I decided to mark up a catalog of seedlings that we have in stock in our VKontakte group.

There you can add products, descriptions, prices and photos for free. Thanks to the ability to create collections, you can divide products into groups to make it easier for the client to navigate.

After the person has looked at the product, everything goes according to the established pattern, you agree with the buyer on payment and delivery method and the deal is concluded.

What I would like to advise everyone who is planning to start selling on Instagram. Try to work as honestly and transparently as possible, because if you have regular customers who trust you, then this is a very good source of profit.

Take care of your reputation, because it is the main factor in the trust of new buyers in you.

What can you sell on Instagram?

You can sell almost anything on Instagram. These can be goods from or your services, the most important thing is to present them correctly to the buyer and show that it is most profitable to buy from you.

But in order to establish a sales flow and gather a circle of regular customers, you will need to make a lot of effort or invest money in advertising. Then you are guaranteed a good profit.

The most important thing is not to be lazy, and work to attract new users, constantly expand the range of products and delight customers with new products.

With this approach, even one Instagram account will bring you good profits, but you can create several of them, and accordingly attract more more people and have the opportunity to experiment with the target audience, developing the most selling product presentation.

Today we'll talk about Instagram how effective channel sales. Instagram was originally created as free application for exchanging photos, but over time, sophisticated entrepreneurial minds came to the conclusion that it is possible to sell through this “graphic social network”. And sell great!

“A Minute of Tenderness” received 464 thumbs up. Imagine how many of them are your potential customers...

Instagram works with visual images, and this is its strength and weakness. If you have a “tasty” product/service, taking a few nice photos is not a problem. But what if you sell building mixtures, electrician services or used spare parts?

According to statistics, the most “selling” niches on Instagram are:

  1. cosmetics, clothing, accessories
  2. exclusive products
  3. handmade
  4. boutiques, shopping centers, showrooms
  5. cafes, restaurants
  6. hotels, inns, hostels
  7. delivery (pizza, sushi)
  8. services (cosmetology, dentistry).

If your business is not on this list, don't be upset! Even carburetors can be “packaged” in such a way that you will want to buy them. There are a lot of tricks, but more on them below.

First, let's talk about the basics: account registration, basic settings, tags...

First you will need to download and install the program

Instagram is maximally adapted to work with mobile devices, so he immediately suggests doing this through the AppStore or GooglePlay.

You need to start working with any service by filling out a social profile

The following must be indicated: phone number, contacts on Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, email, links to your website/groups on social networks, logo. Attention! There is only 1 clickable link, so choose the most “selling” resource.

Lifehack #1. Fill out your profile in Russian (English) and take care of the “juicy” design

Lifehack No. 2. Create a unique tag with your company name. For example, #MotorBall. If the name turns out to be non-unique, like #fashionbags, don't be discouraged and get creative. You can add a prefix (#bestfashionbags or #fashionbagsonline), which makes the name unique.

Lifehack No. 3. To segment your products, all you need to do is add the prefix #fashionbags#clutch to your nickname and place it under the photo. Using this tag, subscriber clients will be able to immediately go to a selection of photos with clutches.

Lifehack #4. Create your own Insta business card to post on your website

Lifehack #5. Your profile must be public. Just in case, check your privacy settings.

Take care of visuals

If your products/services are not in the entertainment sector, try to add a little visual appeal from the outside. You can upload photos from vacations, corporate events and other everyday joys.

Immediately structure the topics of your posts

For example, select the following blocks: product PR, useful information, corporate life, competitions/promotions, exclusive materials. Over time, it will become clear what the audience responds to better and which segments can be cut off.

An example of selling “head-on”. Suitable for product PR.

And here’s a little “yummy” to brighten up the news feed. Isn't it time to talk about serious things?

Lifehack #1: For complete statistical analysis your profile, use the tools Statigram, BlitzMetrics, InstagramAnalytics or Curalate. This way you can optimize your work plan and achieve maximum results.

Develop a publication schedule

No matter how valuable the content is in your eyes, you should not clutter news feed subscribers with too frequent posts. Most companies make 1-2 posts per day. Through trial and error, you will find out what time of day your subscribers most actively “like” posts and set up your publishing schedule.

Use hashtags (for example, #babydoll)

An example of tagging from a popular blogger. With an invitation to put the hashtag #askrita on your Instagram under a photo with a question to the blogger.

With the help of tags you will 1. help your target audience It’s easy to find you online, because tags help sort pictures by topic, 2. you can use them for competitions and promoting new trends. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

Lifehack #1. Use 2-5 hashtags. A larger number will reduce the loyalty of the target audience, but will help attract non-targeted traffic. For example, #ferrari is a very specific tag. Leave it without additions, and you will be liked by subscribers who love Ferrari. But if you add #car#fashion#luxurycar#speed, etc. to this tag, then you will get 10-20 likes in 1 moment.

Lifehack No. 2. Write tags in the comments to the post, not in the photo description. This way you can quickly remove, replace or restore.

Lifehack No. 3. To attract new (mostly non-targeted) subscribers, you can use the tags #follow #followforfollow #follow4follow #followback #followme #ifollow #like #likeforlike #like4like #likeback #likeme #ilike.

Lifehack #4. tagsforlikes.com is a service that helps you select the right hashtags for your topic.

Use the services of a professional photographer or become one yourself

Children's publishing should, a priori, be colorful and evoke positive emotions

But the pet food store doesn't look so attractive anymore

Improve your skills in Photoshop so that your posts are bright, rich, and colorful. People are led by positive emotions. Photos of carburetors taken on the knee will have the opposite effect.

Lifehack #1. Even try to take personal photos in such a way that elements of your corporate identity accidentally fall into the frame.

Lifehack No. 2. Walk your potential buyer through the process of creating your product. Involve him in the details of production, but do not overload him with technical nuances. Posts must be entertaining in nature.

  1. Services for pumping images: Vscocam, Kwote
  2. Service for creating collages: Instacollage
  3. Services for uploading pictures in full format (Instagram auto-formats pictures): Instasize, Squaready

Actively interact with your subscribers

Here is an example of active interaction with subscribers. In the comments to the photo studio, the blogger directly addresses the subscriber and continues the conversation

Lifehack #1. Never leave comments unanswered. If you don't have time or necessary information, write that “check this point later.”

Lifehack No. 2. Give back likes, thank your subscribers, encourage them, and take an interest in their lives.

Lifehack No. 3. Ask provocative questions: “Which clutch do you like better - blue or pink? What shoes would you pair them with?” Create a sense of presence real person on the other side of the profile.

Lifehack #4. Ask customers to leave a comment about your product/service tagged in their feed. Be sure to repost positive feedback about you. To do this, use applications Repost for Instagram (for IOS), PhotoRepost (IOS, Android), Websta, Iconosquare. Or you can take a screenshot of the post from your phone or tablet.

Use the ability to add 15-second videos

And this is an example of a video from the Eiffel Tower, created specifically for Instagram using the InstaSize service

Video on Instagram is a super format that will allow you to announce new products, do mini-reviews, entertain the audience, contact them directly, and be featured as the main thing. actor companies. People are more likely to watch this video than click on a Youtube link.

Lifehack #1. The video must be of high quality. To do this, use the application https://instagram.com/videoalbum/.

Lifehack No. 2. There is an opinion that it is optimal to publish videos on Instagram from 20:00 to 7:00, because in work time It's difficult to watch a video with sound.

Create momentum around your product/service

Remember that your goal is to sell. Be generous with gifts and competitions, and people will flock to you.

Lifehack #1. Rock your audience: organize a photo contest - let your subscribers “sparkle with beauty” while hugging your product.

Lifehack No. 2. Encourage your subscribers. Post their photos with reviews. Personal PR will be received with gratitude and will increase the loyalty of subscribers. Mention the most active subscribers in posts using the @ symbol is a guarantee that they will receive a notification about the mention. For example, “Today @yanamoroz visited our showroom! So what would you think? She left us with a stunning red clutch #fashionbags#clutch!

For example, a store women's clothing UOI Boutique hosts best photos of his customers in branded clothing not only on Instagram, but also publishes them on his website thanks to the hashtag #uoionline

Lifehack No. 3. Promo codes for purchasing things work well, as well as Giveaway promotions (offer to like your post in exchange for participation in a prize draw; set a date and do not forget to indicate that the winner will be determined randomly, that is, using the https://www.random service. org/).

An example of how, using the program https://instagram.com/repostapp/, users take part in a drawing for a valuable prize. Conditions: be a subscriber of the group, repost and open your profile during the competition. Users are assigned private rooms, according to which the prize will be drawn (using a random number generator)

Lifehack #4. Be sure to give customers the opportunity to pre-order/reserve simply in the comments to the product photo.

Sign partnerships with bloggers/popular people/opinion leaders

Hair extension salon Limelight Extensions involved beautiful models in its PR campaign on Instagram. In exchange for posts with a link to the @limelightextensions profile, girls receive a percentage of sales, fixed amounts or free services

Of course, this mainly applies to the fashion industry, but can also be applied to more specialized technical fields.

If possible, sign a contract with a famous person. It doesn't have to be a pop star. Perhaps a famous person in your niche is a successful artist, architect, etc. A post a la “expert opinion” or a recommendation from an authoritative person who has already earned the trust of the audience will work as a “plus” for you.

Be tactful

Perhaps part of your audience is not ready to buy publicly. For such cases it is worth using Instagram Direct— a service for exchanging personal and group messages.

A little humor wouldn't hurt

The style of posts should be open, conversational, and close to ordinary people. A humorous tone is attractive. Search the Internet for funny memes on your topic (maybe not on your own, but on the topic of the day) and post it! The main thing is to avoid political topics.

How to monetize your Instagram posts?

You need to collect maximum targeted subscribers. Collect quickly

  1. Paid posts. It makes sense to order them from well-promoted users/groups with several thousand subscribers. It’s best if the topics of your posts are similar, so you’ll immediately reach your target audience. The cost of 1 post is negotiable.
  2. Attracting subscribers through PR studios.
  3. Autoposting system http://www.latergram.me/. You can spend 1-2 days collecting valuable information and preparing bright photo posts, and then put them on delayed posting. This way, publications will appear regularly, regardless of your personal participation.
  4. Massfollowing— mass subscription to Instagram profiles on your part, when the bet is that they will follow you in return. This way, in a matter of hours, you will gain up to 10,000 subscribers, some of whom will leave you over time due to a lack of mutual interest. With the help of special services, the process can be automated, but a more valuable audience will be provided by another option - manual subscription.
  5. Manual subscription. If you have a lot of time, you can manually subscribe to user accounts, first filtering them by topic, by place of residence...
  6. Conducting competitions/ limited-time promotions / gifts in exchange for posts about you on their profile.

One last little trick...

The worse the weather outside the window, the people are more active buy. I don’t want to go outside, but nice purchase- a wonderful source of good mood.

How to sell on Instagram in 2018? Let's look at where to start and how to sell your products on Instagram step by step. On the one hand, there is really nothing complicated about this. On the other hand, many users prefer to learn from sellers paid courses and trainings, although absolutely nothing is said about them newer than that, which has long been freely available. We invite you to save your time, money and set up sales through Instagram entirely on your own.

Selling on Instagram - where to start?

These include the following:

  • download the Instagram program to your smartphone/tablet (distributed free of charge);
  • register your commercial account;
  • fill out your profile.

Attention: to work accounts personal information and photos should not be posted.

Profile promotion

At this stage, you should create a client base by typing maximum amount subscribers.

There are two ways (they can be combined):

  • – they will be able to quickly achieve the desired result.

You should recruit those users who show interest in your products as subscribers.

Attention: to receive money from clients, you need to register an electronic wallet (for example, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, PayPal).

The Inselly service is designed to attract potential buyers on Instagram. If you add the #inselly tag to an image, the service will automatically list the item for sale.

What sales through Instagram bring the most profit? These include inexpensive handmade or hand-made goods (interior items, jewelry, costume jewelry). To help users quickly find your photos among similar ones, add hashtags.

Attention: to increase the number of sales, associate several hashtags with selling posts and products.

What does the sales scheme look like?

It looks like this:

We encourage users to take action and provide contact information

You have beautifully described your products and services - then tell the potential client what he can do with it.

There are several ways to conduct sales on Instagram.

  1. Large famous brands usually they post selling content and non-advertising posts from time to time.
  2. Online stores maintain a storefront account that is completely advertising.
  3. Some users sometimes prefer to offer personal account services or products of partners.

Let's look at how to create a sales post for each of the methods discussed, highlighting areas such as images and text.


For Instagram this is the main factor. Good text can help sell a product in an online store, but sales on this social network are based only on photos.

Unattractive images are immediately scrolled through - no one wants to read the text for them.

How to sell a product? There are 3 characteristic features of images for selling posts.

  1. The quality of photographs must be high, with bright colors and high resolution.
  2. It is best to show the product in action - put a coat on the model, use a garden tool at work. Standard photos Products on a white background are not suitable.
  3. Images should evoke emotions in potential buyers. To do this, study the desires and problems of the target audience. Each person studies the subject in a photograph through the prism of personal feelings. When a model in a photo pretends to have a toothache, most people will notice it.

Try to avoid filters. People want real, raw photos of products in sales posts. You can additionally post posts with filters, but non-advertising ones.

Photos of customers with the product work well. Potential buyer trusts the same user more than the seller.

Selling post on Instagram: text

After the user’s attention is attracted by a high-quality photo, the text comes into play.

Usually people look at the first 3 lines of text displayed on Instagram (90 characters with spaces). It is necessary to interest the reader in these lines so much that he clicks on “more.”

You can mention the promotions and discounts offered.

Let's figure out how to write a selling text.

Selling post on Instagram - example

“Answers to 3 main questions”

Answer 3 questions:

  • why your offer is the best;
  • why the reader can safely trust you;
  • why you need to make a purchase right now.

For example: clothes made from eco-friendly cotton from a popular brand with a 50% discount.

"The Proposal, the Reasoning, and the Bait"

Example: “A unique tea that has helped more than 2 thousand women lose weight. It contains natural..."

“The problem is negative and positive options for the development of events”

Describe the problem that complicates the user’s life, and then offer him 2 options for the development of further events.

For example: “Does your pet get sick often? Spend all your money on treatment or buy quality food.”

After the sales description of the offer, tell the user how to use it:

  • opening hours of the organization;
  • delivery terms;
  • call to action (make a call, visit the establishment, place an order);
  • contact details (electronic Mailbox, phone number, address, link to the order page).

Only the most interested users and in rare cases will collect information on how to place an order on other posts.


How to write ? Write them in the first comment, and not in the signature text. As a result, the last thing a person reads will be the call to action and contact information.

Use specific hashtags that your target audience uses.

So, if you sell vegetable sets, then hashtags that are close to users can be #vegandelicacies and others. Also, do not forget to demonstrate to the potential client the result - a dish prepared using the proposed kit.

It is recommended to select hashtags manually, but you can also use special services. These include instatag.ru. It is not able to select hashtags for highly specialized topics, but you can easily select them by area.

Write lists of hashtags for each post, adding highly specialized options. This will increase the likelihood that users using these hashtags will find you.

What can you sell on Instagram?

Everything that is interesting to young and active women. At one time, selfie sticks became a real “bomb” for sales on this social network. Very soon, from a funny “meme”, this device became an essential item for all active Instagram participants, who now can no longer imagine leaving home without their fashionable gadget. In addition, clothing, various products for small children, cosmetics, and so on are selling well. Below we will consider in more detail the most popular niches in the commercial environment of the social network.

But in order to establish a working sales scheme, you will definitely need careful monitoring and analytics of the traffic that you manage to receive. Therefore, let’s briefly look at what actions should be taken to track traffic on Instagram.

There are a number of ways to do this:

  • use affiliate links;
  • accept applications for a specific mailbox/mobile phone number;
  • add UTM tags to links.

The latter allow you to track which link the user followed and where it came from. This best option for arbitrators.

What goods and services are in particular demand?

Let's look at the best-selling products on Instagram.


Clothing is the main niche on Instagram, but it continues to outsell all other products. There are many people on the social network who need to update their wardrobe.

Photos must be attractive. Items in the images should be on cute models, not on ordinary hangers. When you have your own production, show your target audience the process of making clothes, handmade.


How to sell products? When you sell handmade candies or cookies, or make custom cakes, your goal is to get beautiful food shots. If it looks in the photos in such a way that you immediately want to try it, then your sales will soon go up sharply.

Carrying out festive events

What can be sold on Instagram also includes organizing holidays. The main thing is to evoke the appropriate emotions: happy faces of children celebrating a birthday, or newlyweds from their wedding day. Sign the photo with an interesting slogan and give your customers a compliment. As a result, potential clients will trust you more.

Strive to achieve a festive and positive atmosphere. Offer discounts and promotions regularly. Post photos of your regular customers and their reviews.


  • select a photo that shows the product and service in action;
  • write an emotional text that evokes potential clients interest and attention;
  • select hashtags that are interesting to users;
  • Monitor your sales and the effectiveness of selling posts.

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