Remove all paid subscriptions. How to check and disable paid Megafon subscriptions

The Beeline company offers its customers a whole range of additional services. In addition, any subscriber has the right to sign up for a subscription that interests him. If a person consciously connects subscriptions, he, as a rule, learns in advance how to disable them, and no troubles arise in the future. But sometimes paid subscriptions appear without the knowledge of the subscribers themselves. Let's say that a paid subscription can be activated during the placement of a certain dubious site, where the user simply indicated his number.

It also happens that the operator himself adds a subscription to the tariff plan (and money may not begin to be debited for it immediately, but, say, after a few months).

And therefore, each subscriber must know the ways that will allow him to get rid of useless, money-eating subscriptions at any time.

Some subscriptions can be attached by the operator itself

Ways to disable subscriptions

USSD requests

Beeline users can find out about connected subscriptions and disable them using the so-called USSD request. By dialing the combination 110*09# plus a call, you will instantly receive an SMS, which will list the names of connected subscriptions and special commands to disable them. Here are a few examples of special USSD requests that can be used to disable specific subscriptions:

  • *110*070# plus call – to disable anti-caller ID;
  • *115*230# plus a call – to disable the “Auto speed detection” subscription;
  • 0684211640 plus a call – to disable the “Love Predictions” subscription;
  • 0684211525 plus a call – to disable the “General Horoscope” subscription;
  • 068422311 plus call – to disable the World News subscription;
  • *110*010# plus a call – to turn off the “Answering machine”.

Beeline personal account

You can disable any subscriptions yourself on the official Beeline portal in the so-called Personal Account (PA). After logging into your Personal Account, you should open the “Service Management” section. Here the user has the opportunity to deactivate all subscriptions. They will be displayed in a single list, in addition, here you can check the box next to the “Only connected” item.

Through the personal account, the subscriber can also order account details and thus find out how much money was spent on the previously connected subscription number.

Call to operator

Questions regarding subscriptions can be resolved by calling the Beeline hotline - 88007000611, you just need to dial the specified number and follow the answering machine commands. This method has a known drawback - you can wait quite a long time for the operator’s response, since they are all busy. In addition, to disable or connect subscriptions, the subscriber's personal passport information may be required.

Visiting a communication salon

It is not a very convenient and time-consuming method, but its effectiveness is beyond doubt. Today, in almost any city, even a small one, there are Beeline salons. You should go to one of them and explain your problem. A specialist will perform the shutdown quickly and completely free of charge. When going to the salon, do not forget to take your passport. It will be true proof for the specialist that you are the owner of the SIM card.

Via mobile application

A separate application called “My Beeline” is available for smartphones based on Android, Windows or iOS, where you can not only view all subscriptions, but also get other information about the number, balance, funds spent for certain periods, etc.

In essence, this is an analogue of the Personal Account on the website in terms of functionality, only in the application format, which is very convenient for mobile gadgets.

A convenient application will show all the information about your account

Via SMS messages

To use this method, you must first find out from which number the subscription materials and notifications are coming from. And you need to send a response SMS to this number with the text “Stop” or “Stop”. In most cases this works.

How to disable paid subscriptions on a modem?

When we talk about modem subscriptions, we usually mean high-speed Internet plans. To reset and disable current tariffs, use the following USSD commands:

  • *115*070# – to deactivate Highway 7 GB;
  • *115*080# – to deactivate Highway 15 GB;
  • *115*090# – to remove the “Highway 30 GB” option.

If you have a modem, you probably have access to the Internet. This means that you can disable all interfering subscriptions in the manner already described above through your Personal Account. Contacting the Beeline office is also a relevant solution in this case.

How can I check my subscription list?

All the same methods mentioned earlier are also suitable for checking your subscriptions. But here you can also use the mobile menu. It is called by the combination of numbers *111# plus a call. Further control is carried out by entering numbers that correspond to the numbering of menu items. To display a list of connected options, select the “My Beeline” subsection, then “My data” and “My services”.

Questions from subscribers

Good afternoon I don’t understand how, but I signed up for subscription 9855 “Order content”. I only recently found out about this. For it they charge me 20 rubles every day. How to disable it? Why does Beeline connect subscriptions without warning users?

This subscription is not provided by the Beeline operator. This is a subscription of a third-party legal entity, RGK-PRODUCTION LLC. As a rule, people connect to it accidentally by clicking on a banner on a suspicious site. To disable it, you need to send an SMS with the text “Stop” to the same number 9855. If you cannot unsubscribe this way, contact the hotline operator and outline the problem.

Found out that you are subscribed to “Videomir 18+”? What kind of subscription is this anyway? How to disable it?

This subscription provides access to a catalog of adult video content. You can refuse to use it by sending the word “Stop” to the four-digit number 6506. As a result, an SMS notification will be sent to your mobile phone that the service is no longer active. It is also possible to disable “Videomir 18+” in your Personal Account in the “Service Management” section - there is a special sub-item “Subscriptions”.

Hello! How to disable Beeline.Music subscription?

This is a subscription from Beeline itself and you can disable it in all the described ways: by USSD request, through your Personal Account, or by calling the operator. Plus, you can disable your subscription on the portal in the “Settings” subsection. Disconnection is free of charge.

A few months ago I signed up for the “Russian Lessons” subscription. Now I don't need it. How to disable it?

The simplest way to disable this service is to send an SMS message with the word “Stop” to the short number 6386. Another option is to dial the command 0684210205 on your mobile and make a call.

You can accidentally activate a paid service not only by sending a message or making a call to a special number, but also by simply following a link in your browser. So, many sites offer to download free music, and for this you are asked to follow a link. And here you need to be very careful and read what is sometimes written in small print on the site, since by proceeding to download you can automatically give consent to activate the service. This is especially true when using the mobile Internet, when the network automatically detects the subscriber number on which the paid option will be activated.

To avoid unexpected costs for unnecessary services, you should not only be careful when following links, but also use additional services from the operator. With their help, you can almost completely avoid activation using your paid subscription number.

How to block paid subscriptions

Cancellation of paid subscriptions on MegaFon is available both for individual and for their further connection. If you decide to block access to them on your phone, then just dial the short command *526#. After this, all messages and calls to partner short numbers will become unavailable. Numbers belonging to MegaFon services will remain active.

You also need to take into account that activation is available not only when using short numbers. You can connect to a paid service on sites that offer various services for accessing their content. This means that sometimes you can receive paid content on the service portal, and not receive messages about its use to your number. You can only find out by debiting money from your balance to pay for it.

It is worth remembering that if you prohibit paid subscriptions, those already used by MegaFon number will remain active. This means that fees for them will continue to be charged in the future, until subscriptions are disconnected on MegaFon’s phone number.

There are three ways to view MegaFon subscriptions. The first is a call to the operator, who will tell you which paid services are active. You can also ask the MegaFon operator to disable subscribed services that you do not use or connected by mistake.

The second option is to view activated services on the special MegaFon website “My Subscriptions,” which can also be used for a SIM card in a modem. Here you can get comprehensive information, as well as disable subscriptions that the subscriber does not need. Similar functionality is available in your personal account in the services section.

Working with the site has certain features. So, if you simply follow the link, access will be blocked. Full functionality is available only to operator subscribers when using a cellular Internet connection. In this case, the system will automatically identify the subscriber and a list of all paid content services connected by his number.

The third way to disable subscriptions on MegaFon is via SMS. Its advantage is that you can use it without access to the Internet. There are much more disadvantages. To disable subscriptions, you need to know which ones are active for the subscriber. It’s easy to disable some of them - just send a message with the word “STOP” to 5151.

It’s much more difficult with others, including those from third-party suppliers. To disable them, you need a unique subscription code consisting of three or four digits. You can find it out online on the operator’s website. The list is impressive, and it’s quite difficult to find what you need right away. To search, you need to know the name of the subscription, or the site on which it is issued. After the word “STOP”, the service code is indicated in the message, separated by a space, and sent to 5151.

But if you use content services, but want to protect yourself from accidental charges, we recommend activating a separate balance for such services. This cannot be done remotely and will require a visit to the mobile operator's showroom. Once you apply for a separate account for content, your primary balance will no longer be available to pay for such services.

You can top up a separate content account with a simple transfer from your main balance. You can do this completely free of charge using the command on your phone *393#.


Disabling paid subscriptions on MegaFon is not difficult, but connecting them, especially by accident, is much easier, just like with any other operator. The advantage of MegaFon is that there is a special website that displays all activated by phone number.

It is inconvenient for the operator to disable it via SMS, since you need a unique subscription code, which can be found on the operator’s website, and this will require access to the Internet. Another way to deactivate is to contact the operator by phone and leave a request for deactivation.

It is also possible to set a block on further connection of paid subscriptions. If you need to use subscriptions, you can activate an additional balance to have full control over paying for content.

When subscribers start debiting money from their accounts for no reason, then it’s time to think about how to disable subscriptions. As a rule, the main reason for incomprehensible debits from the account is connected paid subscriptions or paid services of this cellular communication.

The operator has no need to deceive its subscribers and take money from their accounts. He already has enough ways to legally make money from us. People subscribe to some subscriptions themselves, and then simply forget about it. They subscribe to others automatically when changing the tariff, since subscriptions there are enabled by default. In any case, you need to learn to control your expenses. And the Internet assistant will help you with this.

The first and easiest way to disable paid services and subscriptions is to use the “Service Guide” (or personal account). To do this, you need to go to the website and register or log into your account. We wrote in this article how to log into your personal account.

When you log into your personal account, you need to select the “Services and Options” section

In the menu that opens, you will see all connected services and subscriptions with a detailed description. The fee for each of them will be indicated next to it. You will also have the opportunity to disable them by clicking on the button opposite the service or connect new ones.

The second way to disable subscriptions via the Internet is to go to the website from your mobile phone. If you access this site from a computer, it will not be accessible. Then in the section " My subscriptions» select the subscription you want to disable. After that, click " Further", then " Unsubscribe».

How to disable subscriptions via SMS

If you do not have access to the Internet, then you can disable subscriptions via SMS. To do this, send an SMS message with the text “ Stop XX» to the number 5151 , Where XX- subscription code. You can find out the commands and SMS codes for disabling.

For example, let’s take the “Dating” subscription. To unsubscribe from it you need to send an SMS with this content STOP 6310 to the number 5151 .

How to disable services and subscriptions using USSD command

First of all, it should be noted that there is no one USSD command with which you could immediately disable all subscriptions. For each subscription you must use a different combination of numbers. In addition, not every subscription has the ability to disable it via USSD command.

First, find out what subscriptions you have connected. To do this, dial the USSD command on your phone *505# and press the call button. After this, you will receive an SMS with a list of all connected subscriptions with commands to disable them. But sometimes it happens that only names are received in SMS without indicating codes. In this case, we recommend that you use any of the other methods we have discussed.

Disable subscriptions in the mobile operator's communication salon

Another not the most convenient, but effective way to disable subscriptions is to visit the nearest communication store. In order to be served in a communication salon, you need to have a passport and some free time. This service will be free.

Prohibition of paid content short numbers

And finally, one more way to completely get rid of paid subscriptions. The operator has the following option: ban on paid content short numbers. The service allows you to restrict access to paid entertainment SMS, USSD, voice services of content providers, as well as to numbers of the Mood service. To activate this service, you need to dial a short command on your phone: *526# and press the call button. To disable the service you need to type the same command.

The ban applies to paid service numbers of content providers and Mood service numbers.

This service does not apply to:

  • short voice, SMS, USSD numbers of own services belonging to the operator;
  • payment for parking via the app via USSD *377# And *775# , and via SMS to numbers 7377 And 7757 ;
  • calls to numbers in DEF code 800 . Those. calls to numbers 8800 xxx-xx-xx remain accessible and are not blocked.


After activating this service, you will still have access to purchases through Pay By Click (purchases on social networks, etc.). Also, existing subscriptions for subscribers are not disconnected. Therefore, we first recommend disabling all connected subscriptions and then activating this service.

This service is provided free of charge on all tariff plans.

Now you know all the available ways to disable paid services and subscriptions.

In a situation where funds are systematically debited from your phone balance without any objective reason, you should not immediately blame the provider for dishonest fulfillment of its obligations. Any operator, including Megafon, values ​​its reputation and will under no circumstances withdraw money from its user’s personal account without good reason. Here you need to carefully analyze the optional functionality of the number and understand which paid services that are useless to you were activated as part of the package offer, and which ones were activated due to your own carelessness.

Unfortunately, not a single subscriber is immune from the risk of getting an unnecessary paid subscription or even several. You can subscribe to additional paid services either through your own fault or while surfing the Internet.

Often, out of interest, a subscriber accepts mailing invitations to use information, entertainment, news and other subscriptions, losing sight of the issue of regular payment. Some time passes, the service becomes unnecessary and forgotten, and then the user is surprised to discover an incomprehensible charge of funds.

Traveling across the vastness of the World Wide Web also poses a clear threat of automatically and unnoticed for the subscriber connecting to a subscription to some dubious resource. Therefore, it is very important to know how to disable subscriptions on Megafon and save yourself from unnecessary overpayments, the amount of which can be quite substantial.

Internet assistant has prepared a compact and up-to-date review on this topic so that you can quickly identify the entire list of activated services and disable all paid subscriptions.

Ways to disable Megafon subscriptions

To optimize the use of balance funds, you must be able to disable paid services in various ways. We will look at them all so that you can choose the most convenient deactivation options for yourself.

Using USSD commands

To understand which subscriptions need to be cancelled, you must first obtain the entire list of enabled options by sending a USSD request from your phone * 505 # . In response to this command, the subscriber will receive a system SMS message, which should indicate the connected paid services and codes for deactivating them. If the SMS does not contain commands to disable it, you need to find them by the name of the subscription on the provider’s official website.

To cancel a paid Megafon mobile subscription, use the USSD command in the format * 505 * 0 * deactivation code # .

Sending an SMS message

The list of used subscriptions can be obtained via SMS with the text STOP, which is sent to the number 5051 . The response SMS message will indicate not only all active paid services, but also detailed instructions on how to disable them.

Various options are possible here, both with writing a command to unsubscribe and the numbers of the SMS recipient. Most often the message looks like STOP shutdown code and is sent to the number 5051 or 5151 . But other variations of the command spelling are possible (Otp Stop No No Unsubscribe), so it is very important to adhere to the instructions received.

SIM menu

The SIM menu function allows you to use the integrated functionality of the phone menu. To do this, you need to select the “SIM Tools” section (another name is “Megafon PRO”) and alternately find the “Megafon Services” and “My Subscriptions” items. By selecting this option, the subscriber will receive an SMS message with a list of subscriptions, detailed instructions and deactivation codes.

Important! If your Megafon SIM card does not have a SIM menu, you need to contact your provider’s office about replacing it with a more modern version of the SIM card.

Online self-service service Personal account

Using the Megafon Personal Account is one of the most comfortable and effective ways to change your number settings, including disabling tariff options, services and paid subscriptions. Having accessed his client page, the user needs to use the “Service Management” section. This item in the main menu of your Personal Account allows you to deactivate both individual subscriptions using the “Disable” command, as well as radically configure the number using the “Disable all mailings” button, which allows you to get rid of all subscriptions in one click.

The same features are provided in the MegaFon mobile application. Personal Account”, designed for smartphones and tablets with mobile Internet functionality.

Specialized page for Megafon subscriptions

Another convenient way to disable all paid services. To do this, you need to go to the official Mobile Subscriptions portal and enter your subscriber number in a special column in the upper right corner of the page. In response to this action, the service will send the subscriber an SMS with a password, which will provide access to change subscription settings. To unsubscribe from unnecessary services, just activate the “Unsubscribe” button next to each of them.

Call the contact center

A universal, but not always convenient way to refuse paid services would be to call the operator at 0500 (from mobile) or 88005000500 (from the city). By choosing this method, the subscriber risks spending significant time calling a specialist and explaining the situation. In addition, you will have to go through the procedure of identifying the owner of the number by providing passport data. On the other hand, the operator is guaranteed to disable all unnecessary options and subscriptions that require payment.

Visit to the Megafon communication salon

A visit to the provider's office is perceived by many as too troublesome to solve problems associated with changing SIM card settings or tariff options. But it is not so. By entering the Megafon branded communication salon, presenting a passport to confirm the right to own the numbers and expressing his wishes, the subscriber must receive professional, prompt and free service.

Now the user does not need to independently understand the nuances of subscriptions, search for and send disable codes, visit websites and use various services. All these operations will be performed for him by the salon manager. For older people, this is of great importance and brings great user comfort.

Many people suffer from mobile subscriptions. And often without understanding where they come from. Practice shows that in most cases their appearance is associated with banal inattention and reluctance to read the terms of provision of certain services. In this review, we will tell you how to disable subscriptions and completely get rid of unnecessary charges. We will also touch on security issues.

Safety regulations

The claim that operators force subscriptions is false. Their appearance is always the result of user actions. A typical example of this is when a person heard that some command allows you to get a weather forecast. He types the USSD command, but does not think to read the terms and conditions of this service. The bottom line is that after the first weather request, a subscription is attached to the number - the forecast will arrive in the form of SMS every day.

Services with jokes, dating, quizzes, exchange rates and other information work in a similar way. All this is presented in abundance on websites and in the form of mobile applications. Therefore, there is no point in typing any USSD commands to get forecasts and exchange rates. Subscriptions also appear:

  • When typing unknown USSD commands, do not try to enter commands that you accidentally saw on the Internet.
  • Due to the use of file-sharing resources, in order to download a file at high speed, it is proposed to pay a small amount. In the future, the amount will be debited on a regular basis - you need to carefully read the conditions.
  • As a result of clicking on links with automatic subscription, a warning is issued here, but for some reason no one sees it.
  • Due to violations of security rules, smartphone owners download applications from untrusted sources, and then are surprised at something that paid options have appeared inexplicably from somewhere and money has disappeared from the account.

Thus, in 99.9% of cases, the subscribers themselves are to blame - it is impossible for subscriptions to appear on their own.

To protect yourself from subscriptions, it is enough to follow basic safety rules - do not follow dubious links, do not enter unfamiliar commands, do not enter your phone number into any forms, do not call short numbers or send messages to them, do not respond to SMS from short numbers, do not agree to anyone’s persuasion to accept any code on your phone (that’s a scam). You need to install Yandex Browser on your computer and smartphone - it will protect you from rash actions by issuing a warning.

Failure to comply with security rules will lead to the appearance of subscriptions even on the iPhone, which is considered one of the safest smartphones.

Subscriber actions on MegaFon

Your personal account will help you disable paid subscriptions on MegaFon. This is the most convenient way to get complete information about your number. We go to the Personal Account, go to the section with services and options - here you will see a list of connected infotainment services. Now you can disable them, getting rid of the subscription fee. It is very convenient to track paid services and subscriptions directly from your phone using the My MegaFon application.

If you don’t want to contact your personal account, contact the help desk at 0500. If technical support consultants have not helped you, contact the nearest office with your passport.

Now you know how to disable mobile subscriptions on MegaFon. Let's try to figure out how to remove them forever. To do this, you need to activate the “Banning paid content short numbers” service. Dial *526# - your number is now protected. Please note that the connected service does not allow you to disable existing subscriptions - you will have to disable them manually.

In some regions, MegaFon offers the “Content Account” service. This is the most “iron” way to permanently disable mobile subscriptions. For questions about connecting an account, contact the nearest service office with your passport. Subscriptions simply will not be able to connect, since this account will have a zero balance.

Actions of subscribers on Tele2

Your personal account or its equivalent in the form of the My Tele2 mobile application will help you check your subscriptions yourself and immediately disable them. It is simply impossible to find a more convenient and informative service. You can also dial the USSD command *189# - in response you will receive an SMS with a list of paid infotainment services and how to disable them. If nothing works, contact the nearest service office or Tele2 hotline at 611.

A service such as “Content Personal Account” will help you completely get rid of subscriptions. It allows you to connect an additional account to your number, created specifically for paying for subscriptions. By keeping it zero, you will forever get rid of subscriptions - even if you receive them. You won’t be able to connect it via the Internet or through your personal account - only in Tele2 offices.

Actions of subscribers on MTS

The MTS operator has a “My Content” service. It allows you to find out which subscriptions are connected to the current number. To do this, use the USSD command *111*919#. A tool such as your personal account will also help you check subscriptions and disable them; here they are listed in a separate item. If any difficulties arise, contact the service office or the hotline at 0890. Don’t forget about the useful USSD command *152*2#, which allows you to check the availability of subscriptions and disable them.

Officially, there are no “Content Ban” or “Short Code Ban” services, as well as a content account, on MTS. But you can try contacting the nearest service office with your passport to clarify the information.

Actions of subscribers on Beeline

You won’t be able to find out about connected Beeline subscriptions via SMS. To do this, you need to use your personal account - their list is at the very end and is called “Infotainment services”. Here you can disable them. You can also disable subscriptions from the VimpelCom PJSC catalog by sending an SMS with the text “Block” to the short number 6255.

A content personal account will help you get rid of write-offs forever. According to the good old tradition, it is impossible to connect it yourself. Take your passport to the nearest Beeline office - keep your additional account empty and forget about unnecessary write-offs.

How to avoid subscriptions and get rid of advertising mailings forever

When choosing a telecom operator, pay attention to virtual operators. The complete absence of mobile subscriptions and advertising mailings is a good advantage of the young operator Tinkoff Mobile. Subscribers of other operators are literally exhausted from them. It’s worth following some link on the Internet - and there’s a subscription on the number that charges from 3 rubles/day or more. You can also run into fraudulent subscriptions online that threaten you with the loss of much larger sums. Even the most advanced subscribers are not protected from them.

By connecting to Tinkoff, you will forever forget about mobile subscriptions (including fraudulent ones) and advertising mailings - they simply are not here. The operator gives all subscribers the first month of communication free of charge - 600 minutes of calls and a gigabyte package. Also, subscribers of this operator are well protected from fraudsters due to the lack of mobile commerce services. Tired of constant write-offs draining your account? Go to Tinkoff and forget about them.

In Tinkoff Mobile, services are connected only through a mobile application and only by the hands of the subscribers themselves. There are no imposed services here, which often change from free to paid.