You don't have permission to access this folder in Windows - what to do. You don't have permission to save files You don't have permission to open a file windows 10

In this article we will talk in detail about how you can change access rights to files and folders in Windows 7, as well as how to change the owner of a file or folder. This knowledge will be useful, for example, for organizing a home network to which several users are connected.

The easiest way to change the owner of a file or folder is to use Windows Explorer. Let's see how this can be done.

How to change the owner of a file or folder

Right-click on the file or folder and select the command Properties, then open the tab Safety. Click the button Additionally.

A tab will open Owner.

Click the button Change and a window will open Additional security options. Now select the desired user or group from the list Change owner to and click on the button OK.

Let's assume that the required user or group is not in the list. Click the button Other users and groups. Now in the field Enter the names of the selected objects enter a user or group name.

However, you must enter your name according to special rules, which you can find out by clicking on the link examples.

There is an easier option - click on the button Additionally and then on the button Search. In the window searching results All users and groups on your computer will be found.

All that remains is to select a user or group and click on the button OK. We will return to the previous window, where the user we selected will be indicated.

Click the button OK. Now The main thing– check the box Replace owner of subcontainers and objects, then click on the button OK. As a result, the folder or file will receive a new owner.

How to change permissions on files or folders

Okay, we've sorted it out with the owners. What about access permissions? Now we have added a new owner, however, what if it is necessary to indicate what exactly he is allowed to do, and why should he not roll his lip? You can also do this using the tab Safety.

Right-click on the file or folder and select the command Properties, then go to the tab Safety. Select in the field Groups or users desired user/group and click on the button Change.

Now in the column Allow and Deny Check the boxes next to the permissions you require. For example, if you need to prevent a user from changing files or folders, check the box in the column Prohibit opposite permission Change. Then click on the button Apply and the ban will come into force.

If the required user is not in the list, click on the button Add. A window that is already familiar to us will open, in which you can add the desired user. How to do this is described in the previous subsection.

By the way, in the window Permissions You can easily delete a user or group by just clicking the button Delete.

Windows 17 on “Access rights to files and folders in Windows 7”

This is exactly what I'm talking about. I have one movie, I wanted to put it on a flash drive. When I click everything as expected, I throw it on the flash drive and Windows tells me “remove write protection.” I tried it through “my computer”, and became the owner of this file, and for the reliability of the entire section, I became and allowed myself access. Everything is as it should be in short, I wasn’t even lazy and activated the admin account, logged in from it, tried the same thing - it was useless. And by the way, there are no “read only” flags there, I checked - everything is in order. As a result, Windows tells me that I can do whatever I want with this file, full access everywhere and all that, but in reality I’m trying to copy it again, and it tells me again “remove the write protection.” What the hell is the matter. Please explain to me, maybe I’m a noob or something else, but I did everything to defeat this arrogant system, and it ignores me ((((How can this be?

Yes, you are a noob :) The computer asks you to remove the WRITE protection! That is, it is not your movie that is blocked, but a FLASH DRIVE. On the flash drive, most likely, the tongue is in the “Lock” position.

By the way, I saw you have another article here on how to access a file via the command line, I did it as it was written, they wrote on the command line that everything was changed, everything worked out (well, in that sense). I tried it, nothing changed (((

Isn't there a write-protect switch on the flash drive itself? Look, there are many. Plus, the flash drive needs to be formatted. If it doesn’t help, use AlcorMP

There is no switch, I checked everything, there is definitely no switch. I formatted the flash drive 2 times, the first time quickly, and the second time it took a very long time to format completely. I tried it. still doesn't help(((
“If it doesn’t help, use AlcorMP” - use in the sense of following the link? I tried it, but it doesn’t work, or do I need to register this somewhere? For example, on the command line or somewhere else?

I downloaded this program, but for some reason it doesn’t see the flash drive (((And I don’t think that the problem is in the flash drive itself, because I threw another movie on it and it recorded perfectly, and then I launched it from the flash drive on the TV and everything worked. Here either the problem is in the file itself, or in stubborn Windows that thinks it’s smarter than me)))

How is the flash drive formatted? FAT or NTFS?
If you watched it on TV, it’s most likely FAT.
Hence question 2: What is the size of the file that you cannot put on a flash drive?

if you have set the access rights, then the error is related to the transfer between the computer and the flash drive, try inserting the flash drive into other slots, first upload a small file, if ok, then with a large size of your file type, if ok, then you can upload your file

I didn’t succeed in changing access, I did everything as written here, I’m trying to move the file to another folder, it says request permission from Roman-pk to change this file

Good afternoon
Please tell me how to make sure that I have access rights to edit text documents on drive “D”?
Previously, Windows XP was installed and there were no problems with changing text files.
I installed Windows 7 (drive “C”), but I can’t make changes to text files located on drive “D”
I'll describe what I did:
In my documents (drive “D”) I open an existing text document (Notepad), and I need to add or edit something in it. I click “Save” but the “Save As” window pops up, then I click “Save”. A window pops up asking you to replace the existing file. I click “OK”
And it tells me that access is denied. And on the desktop, if I create, save and then edit a text document again, it saves without problems.
And one more thing, the file (Notepad) that I created and edited on the desktop is copied without problems to the “D” drive, replacing the existing file.
What could be the reason?
I already tried to go into the properties of drive “D” and did as indicated above in the article (How to change the owner of a file or folder and How to change access permissions to files or folders), at first it helped, but after a reboot everything went back to normal. Then I went back to the properties of drive “D” to check if the boxes for access rights to folders were checked, under folders and files, there were checkboxes for full access everywhere. But I still can’t edit a text document (Notepad) on drive “D”.
I briefly described my actions, who knows how to eliminate this miracle, please help.
Thank you in advance!

I have such a question, today I installed one game, it chose its own path in some way and installed itself in the C drive, that’s when I wanted to delete it, I can’t find it, I know where it is, so I checked the memory, it’s located “users”7 ' but I can’t find it there.. help if anyone can, the disk dies if inside this folder, checking everything, check how much memory there is, it shows 2 GB, and if outside 40 GB, I don’t understand, all this is either hiding folders or something else, help

In Linux everything is simple - sudo chmod [max access] [filename].
Maybe I'm a fool, but why the hell are such hemorrhoids in Windows? Why the hell are there a lot of users and windows to fucking put permissions 0777 on a folder?

Mac OS X 10.6: Setting permissions

Permissions settings control who can view and change an object. To control access to important information, Mac OS X automatically configures access rights to drives, folders, and files.

How to change permissions

Select a drive, file, or folder in Finder and choose File > Properties. If you don't see the Sharing and Permissions panel in the Properties window, click the triangle to open it.

If prompted, click the padlock icon and enter your username and password.

If you are the owner of the object, then to change the owner or configure the “Apply to attachments” option, you will need to go through the identification procedure: enter the administrator name and password.

If you do not own the object, then as a standard user you can only change existing permissions. To add and delete users and groups, change owners, and change access rights to nested objects, an administrator name and password are required.

Select a user or group in the Name column.

In the pop-up menus in the Permissions column, configure access rights for yourself or another user.

Read/Write: Allows the user to open an object to view and change its contents.

Read-only: Allows the user to open an object to view its contents, but does not allow the user to change the contents.

Write only: Converts the folder to a mailbox folder. Users can copy items to a mailbox folder, but they cannot open the folder itself and see its contents. Only the owner of the folder can open the “mailbox” and extract the contents.

No Access: Blocks access to the object by selecting all users in the Name column. Users on this list cannot open the object, change it, or copy its contents.

Custom: In this mode, you can set a more complex combination of access rights.

To apply the same rights to every object in the selected folder or drive, open the Action menu and select Apply to SubObjects.

To change the owner of an object, select the new owner in the Name column, then open the Action menu (the gear icon) and select Make Owner.

To add a user or group, click the add (+) button at the end of the list of accounts, and then select the user or group.

To delete a user or group, select that user or group and click the delete (-) button.

To undo changes, open the Action menu (gear icon) and select Restore Old Values.

Information about setting access rights to shared files on the local network:

Error when saving a file to a folder in Windows 10. How to fix it?

After installing Windows 10 over a previous version of Windows, you may find that when you try to save a file to another (non-system) partition, an error appears:

You do not have permission to save files in this location. Contact your network administrator for permission.

This is what the error window looks like when you try to save a file downloaded from the Internet directly to another (non-system) local drive in the Mozilla Firefox browser:

Also, when copying or moving files in Windows Explorer, you may see the following warning:

To copy to this folder you must have administrator rights

To avoid such an error or warning and to be able to save files to folders on other partitions of your hard drive, you need to configure permissions for such folders or partitions. The following operations can be applied to both a folder and a disk partition to obtain write permissions for all folders on the disk and for the disk as a whole.

In Windows Explorer, right-click on the folder (or Local drive) for which a warning or file writing error appears, switch to the “Security” tab and click on the “Change” button.

In the Groups or Users list, find and highlight Authenticated People. If there is no such item, click on the “Add” button.

In the dialog that appears, in the lower field, type the phrase “Verified” and click the “Check names” button.

The system will find and format the name of the found user group. Click on the "OK" button to add the user group.

In the previous dialog box, for the “Authenticated” item in the top list, check the boxes next to the items in the bottom list:

  • Change
  • Read and Execute
  • List of folder contents
  • Reading
  • Record

Attention: There is no need to tick the “Full access” box!

Click on the “Apply” button, wait until the operation is completed and click “OK”.

As a result, in the security properties window you should have an “Authorized” item with the items listed above checked.

Close this window by clicking OK.

That's all! Files should be saved without errors or warnings.

GeekElectronics » Windows must die » Windows 10 - You do not have permissions to access this folder

Yesterday I updated my laptop to Windows 10 and ran into a small problem. When I tried to open directories on the disk, the message “ You do not have permission to access this folder”.

In fact, this problem can be solved by simply changing owner for now catalog and its contents. In case someone doesn’t know how to do this, I decided to describe everything step by step.

Opening properties folders.

Then go to the Security section.

At the bottom of the window, click on the Advanced button.

At the top we see that in the line Owner it says “Could not display the current owner” and a link to Change.

Click on Change.

In the window that appears, enter your user name.

To once again make sure that we did not make an error when entering, click on the Check name button.

Great. The user is specified correctly. Click on the OK button in this window.

At the top of the window, check the box “Replace” owner subcontainers and objects”, so as not to repeat this procedure for all subfolders and files.

Click on the OK button.

Click on OK again.

Depending on the number of files in a given directory, the process of changing ownership may take some time.

After completing this operation, we can re-open Properties - Security - Advanced and make sure that the change of owner was successful.

No permission to write to disk in

General Discussions

This is my first topic on this resource. I already searched all over Google before asking my question here. Both in Russian and English. I wasted a lot of time, which I don’t have, and I still haven’t found adequate solutions (the solution that is popular on the Internet with a change of owner is clearly not our option).

With the sale of new computers, we are slowly switching to Windows 10 Pro. And the problem was found where it was not expected at all. The problem is that there seems to be no write permission on network drives. At the same time, everything worked perfectly on WinXP, Win7 and Win8/8.1 and still works to this day.

There is a domain. On the DK server (WinSrv 2003), there are balls: let’s say, there is a certain “Groups” folder, inside of which there are folders by the names of the organization’s departments. Groups in ActiveDirectory were created with the same names, and membership in ActiveDirectory groups of the same name with full access rights was registered on the department folders. The “Groups” folder is the share, the rights and access to it are registered both in the “Access” tab and in the “Security” tab, but for the folders inside it (for department folders) rights are distributed only in the “Security” tab. Computers are connected to the domain, users are created. Each user is a member of a specific group (department) and for each user, when logging into the domain, a logon script (login.vbs) is triggered, which maps the folders of those departments of which this user is a member. Each user has full access to the network drive of their department.

Disks are connected. Everything that is on them can be opened, executed, viewed, copied from a network drive to a computer, etc. The problem appears when you try to write something TO a network drive. The copy window appears, but nothing happens. This problem occurs even under my account, which is a member of the Administrators and Domain Admins group.

What could be the problem? And why does everything work in other Windows but not in 10? Has anything fundamentally changed?

Each folder has its own instructions. The created rules protect and prevent data loss, which, unfortunately, often causes problems for the user. Very often, when deleting, moving, or trying to launch some folders, users may encounter the restriction “You do not have permission to access this folder.” In this article we will tell you what to do and how to unlock access to resources in Windows (7, 8, 10).

Main reason for refusal

Often, the main reason for blocking is a mismatch between the name of the administrator and the owner of the PC or the lack of proper rights to perform the operation. This happens when reinstalling the OS, and especially during the transition from seven to ten or when using several operating systems on a computer. In particularly severe cases, the user tries to change something in the system directories, which is highly undesirable. Is it possible to quickly gain access? Yes, you just need to find the right solution.

We give permission to access a folder in Windows 10

Second way

An alternative option is to repeat steps 1-5 from the previous instructions, but instead of choosing a name, we will set it ourselves. Through the window "Enter the names of the objects to select" You can enter one of the options:

  • users or user;
  • administrators, Administrators, Administrator;
  • Users.

One of them will definitely do. Make sure you have all permissions for this account.

If you don't have permission in Windows 7

With seven everything is much simpler. Going into Safety and selecting the item "Additionally", your account name and Administrators group will be immediately offered. If this does not help you, then in this window select the button "Change", and similarly find or register the owner. Don't forget to set the change for subfolders (this notification appears when there are subfolders in the main folder).

More complex ways

In most cases, the previously described methods are quite sufficient, but in particularly severe cases they will not help. You'll have to take a more complicated path - assign an owner to the registry key.

  1. Right-click on the required section and select Permissions.
  2. At the bottom of the window, click “Advanced”.
  3. We indicate the Owner.
  4. Set the required permissions.

This solution is necessary in situations where installed programs or games are involved. It is assumed that several accounts are used on the computer, and the software is installed for a specific one of them.

Interacting with the Command Line

It is immediately necessary to clarify that you need to open the console on behalf of the Administrator, regardless of the running account.

“takeown” is a command that assigns the current user as the owner (of a folder or file).

  • takeown /f "(file location)";
  • takeown /f "(path to folder)" /r /d y.

Here are some illustrative examples:

  • takeown /f “D:\Music\1.mp3” – for a file;
  • takeown /f “C:\Windows” /r /d y – for the folder.

The “icacls” option is a command that changes permissions on a folder or object. In our case, we are interested in discovering the full set of actions, so we will only talk about them.

To open full access, use the commands:

  • icacls "(file path)" /grant (username):F /c /l;
  • icacls "(folder path)" /grant (username):F /t /c /l /q;

You can use any other group instead of the username. In addition, you can find batch files online that will automatically perform the described procedures.

In the case of a flash drive

If you have a similar problem with folders on a flash drive, then changing the owner and permissions does not always solve the problem. The reasons for denial of access may lie in blocking software. For example, antiviruses and, in fact, viruses are often blamed for this. Disabling protection or scanning the system and the flash drive itself can help in this case. If the flash drive is empty, format it.

If suddenly the steps described above do not help in the case of a flash drive, then you should use special programs to unlock access to files. So, the Unlocker, Uninstall Tool, and Total Commander utilities cope well with the problem. They already provide a mechanism for working with such conditions and restrictions. Any such program must be run as administrator.

Let's sum it up

All of the above methods fully solve the blocking “You do not have permission to access this folder” and you now know what to do about it. In any case, remember that Windows activates protection for some folders for a reason. This is especially true for system directories and files located in them. Before deleting, moving or changing, always check the information on such objects.

Question from a user


I need to edit the "hosts" file, but I can't do it because... When opening a file, I see the error: "You do not have permission to open this file. Contact the owner or administrator." What can be done?

I completely checked the system with antivirus (Doctor Web), no viruses were found...


Well, in the vast majority of cases, this happens due to some settings in Windows, viruses and security programs that block access to many system files (for example, antivirus programs, no matter how strange it may sound).

By the way, as for Dr.Web, its healing utility CureIT often blocks access to the file itself hosts.

Below, I'll look at how to fix everything...

So, what to do with it (with an error...)

An approximate type of error that pops up when this happens is shown in the screenshot below. I note that a similar error can appear when editing any files and programs.

1) Allow everything to everyone through file properties

Right-click on the file (which does not want to open), and select from the context menu properties .

Then check all the boxes, allowing reading, writing, and modification to all user groups. Save your changes.

In most cases, the error should go away...

2) Trying to change access via the command line

An identical* operation can be done using the command line. To do this, you need to run it on behalf of administrator .

Reference! How to run the command line (including as administrator) -

cacls.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts /C /G SYSTEM:F All:F

An example of such an operation is presented below.

For reference!

The CACLS command is used to view and change Access Control Lists (ACLs) for files. CACLS is considered somewhat outdated, but nevertheless still works!

3) Check security programs (antiviruses, security utilities)

Some antivirus programs, and especially anti-malware programs, may block access to some system files. For example, if we touch on the same hosts- then access to it is blocked by many utilities (for example, Malwarebytes, AVG, Panda (when max. protection is activated), Doctor Web, etc.).

Try disabling or uninstalling such software for a while.

By the way, most antiviruses can be easily disabled for an hour or two via the tray icon.

4) UAC... (User Account Control)

One more point: when activating maximum protection UAC(this is a special module in Windows for monitoring all significant changes in the system) - it may happen that you will not be able to change some of the files (in general, this doesn’t happen very often, because the slider is turned to the maximum manually, which means you would be in the know...) .

To configure the “sensitivity” of UAC, open the Windows Control Panel, then the “User Accounts” section, and again the tab of the same name (see screenshot below).

Change User Account Control settings

Next, simply drag the slider down, reducing the level of control (mode: " never notify"- means that UAC will not notify you about changes made by you or applications. This option disables UAC!) .

Save the changes and check the system. After eliminating the error, restore the settings that you changed.

Additions on the topic are welcome...

These instructions are intended for those who, while downloading a file through a browser or simply copying it to the system drive C, encountered the following error (of course, the file name and path may be different):

Full message text

First you need to find out why this happened. So, if, when you try to save a file, a sign appears that says “You do not have permission to save files in this location in Windows 10,” there may be several reasons for this. There are two main ones:

  1. The user tries to save the file to the root folder of the hard drive on which Windows was installed (most often drive C).
  2. Windows 10 was installed on top of another operating system of this family, and the file cannot be saved anywhere other than the system disk.

It is not saved to drive C, Windows folder, etc.

The problem arises due to the fact that the system is initially protected from the possible penetration of viruses that the user receives as part of the downloaded file. The error window suggests saving the file in a folder that is safe and recommended for this type (for example, for pictures they will recommend “Images”, for audio recordings – “Music”, etc.).

The solution is simple - one of three options:

  1. Agree to the system's proposal.
  2. Click “no” and specify another path - for example, to a special download folder.
  3. Select item 1 or 2, then move from the folder where the file was saved to the desired one.

Attention! It is not recommended to use the third option in relation to files with .exe permission, as this risks infecting the computer.
For those who continue to want to save files in the wrong place, contrary to recommendations, the algorithm in the next subsection will be useful.

An error occurs when trying to save to a non-system drive.

If a single download is intended, it is easier to save the file where the system suggests and then move it to the desired location. Otherwise, it is better to perform additional settings for folder and file permissions:

1. Open Explorer.

Opening Windows Explorer

2. Right-click on the shortcut to the folder or local drive where you want to save the files (for example, to drive C:):

Right click on drive C

3. Select "Properties".

C drive properties

4. Switch to the “Security” tab.

Go to the “Security” tab

5. Click “Change”.

Changing security settings

6. In the window that opens there should be a “Verified” item. If yes, move on to the next step. If there is no such item, you need to create it. To do this, click on “Add”, and then in the window that opens, enter the phrase “Verified”, then click on “OK”.

Search for a user or group

7. In the “Allow” column, check all the boxes except the first one – “Full access”. Click “OK”.

Setting permissions for a user or group

Problem solved. Now you can easily save files to this folder or to this local drive.