Watch YouTube video online. New feature in Youtube: search videos by hashtags

Online video, due to its huge popularity among users global network, turns into an effective and powerful marketing tool. This highway is capable of attracting to any site great amount target audience, thereby increasing conversion and sales. You have repeatedly noticed how search engines in their search results offer not only links to sites with textual context, but also pictures and video files.

There is no need to ignore such tips; on the contrary, you should take it into account in order to attract interested users to your resources by watching videos in search results.

Youtube search bar (working)

YouTube search system is a video hosting service where you can upload your video materials completely free of charge, watch other people’s videos, comment on them and save the videos you like for yourself. This resource has developed so much that it ranks third in popularity on the world Internet, and many users have abandoned classic television in favor of YouTube.

Youtube is one of the significant sources of traffic:

    First of all, it is free, which cannot be said, for example, about;

    Video viewing is increasing exponentially. If you take Twitter or any other social network, then all previous posts are lost in the mass of others, while a new video helps the old ones move. Your channel can be compared to cognac; the older and richer it is, the better it is.

    Thanks to the video search engine, you have a chance to build advertising network his personal brand. Videos will help increase the trust of the target audience in your product or service.

    Google search engine loves YouTube. Nine years ago, Google bought Youtube and made it its main video hosting service. Gradually improving the platform of this system, he turned it into a giant video storage, after which a spider was added, which ultimately allowed the search giant to display video materials on its first pages. For webmasters working in the field of SEO promotion, you are familiar with the difficulties you sometimes encounter when trying to get to the first page for any key query. Therefore, some took the opportunity to stake their claim to first positions through video with delight. True, this was once the case, now many are already working on creating videos and adding them to their websites. In addition, you can make very good money from the videos themselves, but more on that in another article.

    Youtube search A marketing system is a great way to present your content visually. For example, a podcast that uses only an audio channel is not capable of conveying the full range of emotions. Nowadays, everything has accelerated and most users do not want to waste time reading long articles, preferring to get acquainted with the information faster. And YouTube easily satisfies such desires by providing short videos.

Some statistics highlighting the popularity of this service:

  • It occupied more than half of the entire Internet video market;
  • Over 6 billion hours of video are watched on the resource every month;
  • In one minute, 100 hours of video are uploaded to the site;
  • Behind recent months the 1 billion monthly visitors mark was exceeded;
  • Video search engine second in global internet after Google.

YouTube is a modern and effective promotion tool

I have already mentioned that the number of visitors to the project is simply huge, therefore, it is logical to look for methods that will help bring these people to your sites. Let's look at the most popular among them.

Creating a useful video

I think everyone understands that the most popular videos are those of an entertaining and educational nature. Nowadays, it is extremely easy to gain popularity on YouTube; all you have to do is film your original idea. I will talk about video promotion in the YouTube search engine in my next articles.

Video promotion on the website

As in other search engines, in the YouTube search engine, video materials are searched for, which means that videos should be optimized for targeted queries. This approach will increase the number of visitors to your videos.

The main advantage of such promotion is that using correct settings targeting will be able to attract target audience, which will subsequently be the focus of advertising. And since modern humanity, especially the younger generation, watches less and less television, this type of advertising is much more effective than television advertising, and also requires minimal monetary expenditure. What benefits primarily small and medium-sized businesses, as well as advertisers.

Advertising on YouTube search engine

I think it has already become clear to everyone that you can advertise on this resource. Most people are already taking full advantage of this opportunity. famous brands, thereby promoting their products even more successfully.

As I wrote above, YouTube has completely replaced television for the younger generation. And this trend is not declining, but rather growing by leaps and bounds every day. And this is not surprising, because here you can watch the video in high quality on any topic of interest at a time convenient for the person.

Using your channel, a YouTube search engine, or using other people’s channels (for a fee), you can successfully sell your products or services, or communicate with your audience. That's why this service is one of the types of promotion. Therefore, I recommend using it in parallel with contextual advertising And SEO promotion for getting maximum effect. If you refuse this type of promotion, you will lose a lot potential clients, which will flow to your competitors, who are actively developing this direction. The high efficiency of service promotion has already been confirmed by Western companies, which quickly rushed into this niche as soon as it appeared. If you approach this issue wisely, you can get excellent results even when investing small amounts.

Google itself is interested in the development of this system, because it takes its share for advertising placement, which in total amounts to billions of dollars. Therefore, Google is doing everything to make advertising convenient and not intrusive, but generating income for the webmaster and the company itself, and for advertisers of potential clients.

Subtleties of searching for videos on YouTube (video)

But sometimes it takes quite a lot of time to find the right video.

It turns out that this can be fixed and it is not at all necessary to have any specific knowledge in order to easily find the video you need on YouTube.

1. Find a specific YouTube channel.

There are tons of videos on YouTube, but if you want to watch official video, add the word “channel” to the search and separate it with a comma:

2. Limit your search to recently uploaded videos only.

To do this, we use “today”, “this week”, “this month”, etc. in the search. separated by commas:

3. Search only official videos.

To do this, you just need to add the word “partner”:

4. Search by movies.

Enter the word "movie":

5. High quality video.

"Tron: Legacy trailer, hd"

6. Search for long videos.

Add the word “long” to the search:

7. Search for videos with an exact match by title.

This may be useful if your country prohibits the display of a particular video (for example, for geographical reasons).

To do this, use the Google search “allintitle”: allintitle:"google goes gaga"

8. Mixed search.

And in the end, I’ll add that YouTube has an equally wonderful filter in which you can set several search parameters at once by loading time, quality, duration, format, number of views, etc.

By using manual search you can just get more granular (like with allintitle or loading times).

Now you can easily find the video you want on YouTube. In addition, it should be noted that Russian users, recently, can

YouTube is more than a platform for entertainment, viewing and creating high-quality content, YouTube is also a search engine.

Therefore, in order to advance on YouTube, you, our dear partners, definitely need to know and understand how the search algorithm of this platform works. Especially considering that the current market and average earnings on YouTube are currently experiencing a slight decline.

Even if you're not an SEO expert, these easy tips will help you improve your YouTube search rankings and perhaps fight back against the current decline in earnings. How to get more views on YouTube?

1. Optimize your video based on audience search.

It is very important for you to understand exactly what words and phrases people use to find content similar to yours.

This strategy will help you come out ahead when searching for content on YouTube and maybe even get you on the first page. There are many on the Internet free tools, such as YouTube Trends and Keyword Planner, which could help you with this matter. Using these (or similar) tools, your task will be to find words that are quite popular, but at the same time do not have strong competition for them, otherwise your channel may simply get lost in the search. There is no specific threshold in the selection of words, so you need to choose them at your own discretion.

One last thing, if you use YouTube Trends or Keyword Planner, be sure to select the country whose audience you are targeting.

2. Target views and more.

The position of your video in YouTube searches depends on the number of views, but the number of likes, how many people have shared your video, and links on websites also play a big role.

Once you upload your video to the channel, you need to do everything in your power to increase your statistics, share your video with everyone in social networks and embed links to your videos on your websites. You can also contact blogger websites and arrange for them to share your video on their site and maybe write a post about you.

3. Invest in improving video quality.

YouTube always highlights HD quality videos.

Therefore, if you have the resources, then you can easily take advantage of this opportunity. Even if you can't produce video in HD quality just yet, remember that video is very poor quality find themselves at the end of the search, and in most cases lose their audience very quickly. Therefore, if you want your material to remain competitive, then you need to always maintain good quality your videos.

Have a great day everyone and good luck,
Your BroadbandTv team

How to attract a mobile audience to your YouTube channel? Find out .

More tips on developing your YouTube channel can see .

to the largest BroadbandTV network by number of subscribers!

Do you want your channel to be seen by a lot more people?

Don't expect me to tell you now secret secret, and the happiness of rising to the TOP will fall on everyone. It would be cool, of course, but I don’t know him.

However, in practice, we were able to bring some aspects of the operation of YouTube algorithms to light. What I will tell you in this article will bring guaranteed results.

No. 1. Prepare content that users are looking for

Paid tools will not provide much more data, but their main advantage is that they show how difficult it will be to rank higher for a particular request.

Determine the golden mean when and keywords will give you enough views and the competition will be moderate.

Have you decided? Feel free to start creating content.

Record a video that people are searching for

What question do you think users ask most often about business? Everything is correct. “” or another variation of “How to start a business from scratch.” Oles decided to answer it in this video. Result: more than 100,000 views and 100+ comments in just 1.5 months.

Optimize your video for search

For all its power, it is still difficult to recognize the content in a video. Therefore, you need to tell about it yourself. Put it in the description.

If you use keywords (organically, without spam), it is likely that you will rank higher. Write them in the video title (it's better to start with them), description, add appropriate tags and captions to the video (they should contain the target words).

No. 2. Increase your video viewing time

This is the most important factor ranking on YouTube. It's simple: if your video is watched for a short time, you lose positions. And vice versa - if the video is interesting, it is watched more often to the end, which means its rating is higher.

But we are talking not only about minutes, but about the percentage of viewing from the total duration (although it is ideal to increase both of these indicators).

Look at the latest Olesya. They are small, as before, up to 10 minutes. But there is a small detail that we changed, and as a result, we significantly increased user engagement. If you've seen old posts, you'll likely notice this:

From the first seconds, Oles immediately voices the topic and gets down to business. Take this into account - Avoid long introductions and conclusions.

People will watch your video longer and more often. YouTube will understand that it is valuable to users and will show it to a wider audience. Accordingly, the video’s position in your category will increase.

No. 3. Let people spend more time on your channel

It may not be easy, but try to get users to watch more than one of your videos. Of course, this is what all channel owners want, but not everyone is actively encouraging people to watch something else. This tactic has more advantages than it might seem at first glance.

If on your channel users watch one video after another (even if they then go to other channels), the algorithm will count this as a plus for you, which, of course, will have a positive effect on search results.

A good way to encourage people to watch more videos is interactive thumbnails. Use them to guide users further through your channel.

At the end of this video, Oles mentions another video on the topic, where you can go and learn more.

Another important point– the content you provide should actually be very useful so that users click further. No other way.

No. 4. Create consistent content

YouTube (like its big brother) respects authority. If you've been regularly uploading videos on the same topic for several years, you're much more likely to rank well in searches than a new channel.

So choose as narrow a niche as possible and stick to your theme. YouTube will recognize you as a trusted source in this area and will help your rankings grow. If your content is too varied, it will likely search algorithm will let him through the satiety. Remember, on YouTube the niche is in the TOP.

No. 5. Promote your videos with external links

We just said that YouTube prefers authoritative videos. This also applies to links. If your video is linked to by some quality resource on the Internet, YouTube thinks that your content is really important and gives you points.

Consider how you can promote your content to external sites that are relevant to your market.

Not everyone knows that search string The service allows you to clarify your requests using special parameters. Using these additional conditions, you will get much more relevant results and save your time. A search query can contain several parameters, which are separated by commas.

YouTube has plenty of legal full-length movies, but getting to them in search results may not be so easy. So use the parameter movie for their quick detection.

Time-based video search

Sometimes you may need to find videos that have been uploaded recently. To do this you can use the parameters hour, today, week, month, year, limiting search results to only videos uploaded in the last hour, day, week, month and year, respectively.

Search for high quality videos

If you are only interested in videos in HD quality, then you should add hd.

Search by playlists

As you know, YouTube allows you to create playlists, which many users successfully use to create thematic collections interesting videos. Sometimes, instead of searching for individual videos, it is much more convenient to find a ready-made playlist containing information on a topic that interests you. For this we use the parameter playlist.

If you need to filter out too short or, conversely, long videos, then use the parameters long And short respectively. The first displays films 20 minutes or more in length, the second - only those videos whose duration does not exceed 4 minutes.

All of the listed search query parameters can be activated on the service page using the “Filters” button. However, it only appears on the search results page and reloads the page with each refinement. If you immediately create a request with parameters, you will instantly receive an accurate result that meets the conditions you specified.