Tricolor no signal quality what to do. Checking the physical connection

You turned on the TV and instead of your favorite programs you saw the inscription "NO SIGNAL". Why did this happen and what to do? Let's list all the reasons why Tricolor TV (or NTV Plus) does not show and why the signal from the satellite has disappeared.

Why does "Tricolor TV" write "No signal".

The reasons why the message “NO SIGNAL” appears on your TV can be divided into two groups.

1. External, i.e. independent of your receiving equipment
2. Internal, when the reason needs to be sought from you

Now let's talk about everything in order. You turned on the TV and it “delighted” with the message “no signal”. We are trying to find out what the problem is by using the method of exceptions, examining all the problems in order. First of all, make sure that the TV remote control selects the exact input to which the receiver is connected. If everything is correct, we move on.

External reasons


Make sure that Tricolor, NTV Plus or another operator is not currently carrying out scheduled maintenance work on the equipment through which the satellite signal is transmitted.

How to check:

View news on the official website of the operator company about preventive maintenance. Check now

When maintenance work is carried out, there is no signal on all channels.

How to fix:

Wait until the work is completed.


If there is heavy snowfall or the passage of a thunderstorm front, the signal cannot get through from the satellite to your dish.

In this case, the signal will be either very weak or completely absent.

How to check:

Look at the weather outside, make sure there is no rain, heavy snowfall, or clouds on the side where the plate is facing.

How to fix:

Wait for the weather to improve.


There is another reason for the lack of signal. If you have not used the receiving equipment for a long time, then during this time obstacles could arise on the path of the signal from the satellite to the dish, for example, trees have grown or a tall house has been built.

How to check:

Look at the sun at 13 o'clock. The imaginary straight line from the dish to the sun should not have any obstacles; even tree branches can interfere with the signal.

How to fix:

If an obstacle appears, the plate, alas, will have to be moved to another place or, if possible, the obstacle itself will have to be removed.

Internal reasons

If external causes are excluded, then the problem is most likely yours. receiving equipment. Let's check point by point.


Over time, a satellite dish may slightly change its position or become deformed.

How to check:

Find out whether the plate is firmly secured enough.

How to fix:

If the antenna is “walking”, try moving it different directions while monitoring the signal. If the signal appears, tighten the fastening nuts. It is best to entrust the antenna setup to professionals and call an adjuster.


The accumulation of snow and ice can also interfere with signal reception.

How to check:

visually inspect the plate for mechanical damage whether there is ice, snow or other foreign objects on it.

How to fix:

Carefully clear the plate of snow and ice and remove all excess.


The satellite converter is located on a dish and is therefore subject to external influences. It is the breakdown of the converter that very often causes signal loss.

How to check:

Instead of your converter, replace it with another converter that is known to work.

How to fix:

in case of breakdown, replace the converter with a new one.


How to check:

Visually inspect the cable for breaks and damage, check whether the F-connectors are tightly screwed in.

How to fix:

Tighten the F-connectors, if damaged, replace the cable


The receiver is the most expensive part of the kit.

How to check:

If possible, connect your receiver to another antenna that is known to work. If there is a signal, then the problem is not with the receiver.

How to fix:

If the receiver turns out to be inoperative, you will have to send it in for repair or replace it with a new one.


It happens that the message “no signal” has nothing to do with the operation satellite dish and the inscription is given directly by the TV.

How to check:

Press the “OK” button on the Tricolor (or NTV+) remote control. If the channel list does not appear on the TV screen, then the TV settings have gone wrong.

How to fix:

You need to use the TV remote control in the TV menu to select exactly the input to which your satellite receiver is connected.

Weak, unstable signal "Tricolor TV"

It happens that there seems to be a signal, but it is too weak for high-quality viewing of TV channels. The reason may be a loose cable, broken cable connections, swinging plate.
If the signal constantly disappears and then appears again, then the cause may be overgrown tree branches.
Outdated models of receivers can behave the same way. Here the reason lies not in the level and quality of the signal from the dish itself, but in the equipment. In this case, adjusting the dish will no longer solve the problem; you will have to change the receiver according to

In Russia the largest supplier digital television is the Tricolor. Most subscribers are familiar with the situation in which a message about no signal appears on the TV screen. Message "No signal" should not be a reason for serious worries and worries. The inability to watch a channel in most cases is actually caused by a lack of signal, and the reasons for this situation are intuitive and can be eliminated by the subscriber independently.

What are the reasons

First you need to understand causes, causing problems with signal transmission. All problems in which the dish signal disappears can be divided into two large groups:

  • writing an error message TV may be due to external reasons, which do not depend on the subscriber’s receiving equipment;
  • TV is capable of writing an error message due to internal reasons, which are caused by equipment malfunctions or are associated with settings failures.

External causes that can cause problems with signal transmission include external influences in the form of wind, snow, rain, when exposed to which the TV begins to show poorly. This group includes the need to carry out all restoration work in case of accidents, when the signal begins to disappear and the Tricolor stops showing. The signal begins to disappear during periodic maintenance work by the operator.

First steps if there is no signal

Problems may not be related to the operation of the satellite dish, since in some cases the message may be shown by the TV itself. It is necessary to find out the reason why the TV channel stopped working. To find out the influence of the TV settings, you need to use the Tricolor TV remote control press"OK" button. If the general list of channels is not displayed on the screen, then the TV settings have failed. To resolve, you need to re-configure the TV by selecting the connection input satellite receiver.

It is recommended to disconnect the signal receiver from the power supply for about 1 minute. Turn on the receiver again and wait until it enters operating mode. Check what's on the desired channel the message about no signal disappeared.

If the situation has not changed, then you need to check the number of channels on which the “No Signal” entry appeared. If the error message is not displayed on all channels, but is shown only on one channel, then it is enough to update the list of TV channels. To do this you need to do a number of simple actions:

  • select the “Menu” item and press the “OK” confirmation item;
  • Answer “Yes” and “OK” to the warning message about updating channels.

Updating channels may take a long time, so don't worry. Once the update is complete, a window will appear on the screen indicating the total number of channels found. You need to save the settings.

If the message "No Signal" appears on all channels, then the reason must be search in the operation of the equipment.

Why is there no signal on Tricolor TV

To solve the problem of no signal, it is necessary to perform a number of actions, the implementation of which will give 100% result:

Before finding out whether there are technical problems with the equipment, it is worth checking for natural causes in the form of a lack of broadcasting channels. It is likely that in this moment Preventative work is being carried out. According to functional responsibilities the operator is obliged to inform the subscriber about planned maintenance work several days before the start of work. Most subscribers ignore incoming messages or the information does not reach them for certain reasons.

Check information about the event preventive work you can:

Problems of this nature are usually resolved within 10-20 hours. Information about the occurrence of an unforeseen situation must be posted on the official website of the provider.

Absence messages about preventive maintenance and unforeseen situations means that the root cause must be looked for elsewhere.

Technical problems

You need to check the cable connection from the receiver. For this necessary:

  • check if there are breaks or damage on the cable;
  • check the tightness of the contact threads

You need to find out if there are breaks or any damage on the cable. Visual inspection may reveal obvious damage. If there are none, it is recommended to use a tester and check for hidden problems.

If problems are identified, the cable must be replaced. If it is not possible to completely replace the cable, you can eliminate the break and connect the cable parts. This requires a special connector and two F connectors. You need to do the following actions:

  • cut the cable where the break is detected;
  • strip the braid;
  • screw the connectors onto the cable;
  • secure firmly with a connector;
  • strengthen the connection by wrapping a layer of electrical tape over it.

If no damage is detected in the cable, then it is necessary to check the tightness of the F-contact threads.

No signal may be caused by a faulty receiver. To check the device, just connect it to a working antenna. To do this, you can contact your friends or relatives, neighbors who have the Tricolor. If a signal appears, then the cause of the breakdown must be sought in antenna.

A negative test result in the form of no signal indicates a breakdown of the receiver. In most cases, the tuner responsible for receiving the Tricolor signal fails. In this case, the receiver must be taken for repair to service center.

Antenna malfunction

Very often, antenna malfunction occurs as a consequence of exposure to unfavorable natural conditions such as strong winds and heavy rainfall. In this case, as a rule, the side connections that hold the antenna in a certain direction become loose. Even a deviation of the antenna by 1-2 degrees leads to the fact that the satellite signal passes by it and problems occur in viewing Tricolor TV channels. For elimination problems needed:

  • prepare wrenches for tightening the nuts;
  • inspect the place, providing possible sources dangers;
  • stretch all antenna connections;
  • tune the antenna by pointing the antenna in a certain direction until a clear signal is received.

When trying to change direction, each position must be fixed for 3-5 seconds. It is recommended to use the help of an assistant when setting up, so when setting up a specific rotation to receive a signal, you need to check its quality. The signal quality can be checked by calling up the banner by pressing F1 on information channel. A scale of signal quality and strength is displayed at the bottom left of the screen. To be able to view stable and high-quality image TV channel, both scales should reach 70%. When a good signal is received, you can stop working.

If it is impossible to set up the antenna yourself, you must seek the help of a specialist by calling him to your home. The technician will configure the antenna using the horizontal scanning method.

Converter problem

In most cases, the cause of the “No Signal” message is a broken converter. The difficulty of diagnosing lies in the fact that it is very difficult for the subscriber to determine whether the error in receiving a signal is the result of a broken converter or whether it was influenced by other factors. It is impossible to visually determine whether the converter is broken.

For checks must be completed the following actions:

The subscriber will most likely not be able to solve a problem of this nature on his own and will have to seek the help of a specialist.

What you should pay attention to

Don’t panic when a “No Signal” message appears on your TV screen. It is not recommended to randomly press the remote control buttons repeatedly while trying to achieve a result. Try to calmly analyze the situation and try to find out the reason possible problems.

Remember, that when trying to search and update channels, you cannot disconnect the signal receiver from the power supply. Otherwise, the equipment may be damaged.

You should not waste time and effort trying to fix a technical problem yourself. In most cases, it is much easier and faster to contact a specialized service center than to do the work to eliminate the causes yourself. Service specialists are able to work in a fairly short time frame and will do everything necessary work By liquidation Reasons for no signal:

First, let's figure out why we need to increase the signal from the satellite dish.

If you want to more channels, then increasing the signal is unlikely to help. Except if there is no reception of several transponders.

It’s another matter when the picture fades or disappears altogether, in other words, there is no signal from the satellite.

Reasons bad signal There may be several, and fixing them can be quite simple.

The wind or someone twisted the antenna, even a few millimeters will be enough for this, or it was initially poorly tuned and the signal disappeared during rain or heavy clouds.

All because mistakes were made during installation, in particular, the fastening bolts were not tightened enough (the wind twists). In this case, to increase the signal, it is enough, not forgetting to adjust the converter (right-left, forward-backward).

Everything was fine with you, the TV was showing properly, but over time the signal began to disappear more and more often, or let’s say in winter (when there is no foliage) everything is fine, but in summer - not at all signal lost from satellite. The reason is banal. A nearby tree has grown a new branch towards the antenna and is obscuring the signal beams from the satellite. It is enough to cut a branch (or tree), or install a satellite dish in another place.

Another very common problem. Its essence lies in poor quality. The insulation layer falls off, water gets in, or it simply gets worn out. The signal drops gradually as the cable fails. The best solution is to replace it with a better one. When installing, do not forget to secure it so that the wind does not dangle it.

There may be other cases with the cable. If the cable is very long, the signal simply fades out. And if the quality indicators near the antenna are good, then you may not detect a signal in the room.

How to improve satellite dish reception

In this case, you should take high quality cable and if necessary, install a satellite dish signal amplifier, there are those. It is better to install it in the middle between the receiver and the satellite dish.

It is extremely rare, but still there are breakdowns of the satellite receiver - in this case, no one except the master will help you. A failure of the receiver can sometimes be diagnosed by connecting and disconnecting the cable to the receiver (if all other equipment is in order); the signal scale should at least react somehow. When the power supplies break down, most often the tuner simply does not turn on, but sometimes it happens that there is no signal or it disappears on one or all satellites.

Well, if everything is in order, but the signal is simply not enough, you need to strengthen it.

In this case, only increasing the diameter of the satellite dish mirror will help. A larger antenna will have more signal strength. To choose the right size, it is better to look at Lingsat for the recommended antenna size for a specific satellite in the desired area.

There are also various homemade ways to increase satellite signal. But I personally haven’t tried them myself and I won’t say that they work.

Some people make special frames, graphite watering cans. I don't think all this works.

Although in the C range it is very great importance has a selection of polarizer and feed. And if you carefully select them, it is possible to amplify the useful signal even to small satellite dishes.

Perhaps there are not all signal amplification options here, and write your objections in the comments.

This is essentially a very important subject in successfully watching television.

After all, from correct installation The antenna depends on whether it will catch a signal from the satellite or not.

Understand for yourself if not... then there WILL NOT BE a picture.

Horizontal position of the satellite dish.

That is, the azimuth direction of the antenna mirror, from your location point, which you will determine according to the compass ( Rice. 1).

When setting horizontally, we will move the mirror itself (reflector), EAST (E- east), or on WEST (W- west).

In reality, this process should be combined with vertical adjustment... I’ll say right away that it makes sense to call a specialist for this operation.

Although it will be problematic to set up the plate alone.

Horizontal positioning of the satellite dish.

The second parameter is the position of the satellite dish, according to verticals.

That is, the angle of its inclination….

The angle of inclination of the antenna (Fig. 2) will directly depend on the altitude at which the satellite itself is located, and therefore the angle of elevation to the satellite or, as it is also called, the elevation angle.

Well, if you thought of it yourself without special equipment, then something like this...

Let's start with the central head, which should be set to Sirius. In the receiver we set the frequencies to 11766, speed to 27500, polarization “H”.

On the receiver you have two bands:

One signifies the connection of the dish and the signal from the satellite.
The second shows the level of this signal.

When the satellite dish is connected correctly, you should see a signal strength of approximately 40%. All that remains is to adjust the signal quality, which is at zero.

Let's move on to the plate and let's begin...

We turn the antenna to the left and up until it stops and, in search of the best signal level, slowly turn from left to right until it stops.
If the signal is not found, lower the plate 2-3 mm along the fasteners (on the fasteners of the dish up to the bracket there are marks with numbers for more convenient “targeting”), and turn from right to left until it stops, then lower it even lower, and so on until a signal appears.

When you receive a signal, you will see a bar appear. If you approximately hit the satellite, then the signal quality band will be about 21% - let’s fix the antenna in this position.

Now let’s lower it a little and carefully turn it to the left, watch for changes in quality; if it decreases, then return the antenna to its original position.


You caught the signal at 40%, but this is still not enough, with this percentage the slightest wind or rain can interrupt your TV viewing.

To increase the signal quality, turn the converter first clockwise and then counterclockwise and see at what position the signal quality increases.

If the mounting allows, then MirSovetov advises trying to bring the converter closer to the mirror, and then move it away.

This also affects the signal quality, but usually the length of the bracket for the central converter is always adjusted to the correct length. Normal quality signal is 65-70%.

However... as I already wrote with a handy specialist.

Particular attention should be paid to the device for setting satellite dishes SF-500.

The device has a memory that contains all the main satellites used in our regions; it is possible to edit them thanks to the buttons on the device panel.

In a word... an excellent assistant when setting up satellite antennas. Specifically about the device.

Good luck, Friends!


This is not a very common malfunction, and you can’t even call it a malfunction, meaning when the quality of the received signal fluctuates DVB signal T2. Most often this is due to the position of the cable from the antenna to the TV, reception conditions and a number of other reasons. Why this happens is simply incomprehensible to an inexperienced user in such matters, and he can explain this behavior of the tuner as a malfunction of the set-top box or antenna, but that is not the point. However, let's take things in order.


The intensity with which the dvb-t2 signal jumps depends on the height at which the cable has such a horizontal section and how long it is; if it is located close to the ground, then the influence of interference is minimal. It is clear that the longer such a section is, the more the useful signal will be suppressed. To avoid this, place the antenna close to the set-top box; using a high-quality cable also helps.

The digital TV signal also begins to jump when it is tilted, for example when it descends from the ridge of the roof to the wall. It is worth noting that there is a known case when, with an inclined cable, the receiver after tuning showed quite long time, and with the onset of summer and hot weather, the signal level began to change abruptly from 0 to 100, and the quality signal remained at 5%.

There have been cases in practice when, in urban conditions, with a nearby tower located, an active one was used to receive the first and second multiplex indoor antenna. The signal arriving at the tuner was very large, which led to the protection being triggered and, as a result, the signal began to jump on the digital tuner.

There were also opposite cases when the signal was artificially lowered. This refers to obstacles in the form of buildings or trees. Moreover, if there is a tree between the antenna and the tower, the reception is excellent in winter, but in summer the foliage dampens the signal and jumps in its level also occur. In this case, it is enough to move the antenna. By the way, for this reason there is a signal failure on satellite TV, installed plate It was showing correctly for several years and suddenly glitches began to occur, the picture crumbled into squares. It turned out that the tree had grown over the years and began to block the dish from the satellite.

There are many nuances here and they can have an impact - weather, cable quality, tower location range (signal strength), so you need to understand each case when the signal starts to jump when receiving or setting up T2, individually, and no matter what set-top box you have World Vision, Rolsen, etc..

Avoid twisting the wire into a coil, as well as long sections with horizontal and inclined cable positions; use in these cases.

To avoid interference, the cable must be placed away from power electrical wires and avoid crossing the cable with power lines, and when crossing, make it at a right angle.

Wire the TV cable in one piece; if breaks cannot be avoided, then use special connectors with reliable wire contact and shielding, and not twisted with electrical tape.