Top 10 best linux distributions. Best Server Distro: Ubuntu Server

So - the decision has been made. We will assume that you are convinced of the promise and convenience of the Linux system and, instead of buying a new computer running Win8, you have decided to replace WinXP with a free OS. How to be? There are so many things around... Not every Linux is equally useful for a “refugee”, but the choice of suitable options is quite wide. Currently, about 350 distributions use the Linux kernel, in addition to systems based on Debian, there are also systems based on Slackware, Red-Hat, Arch and Gentoo. Many options are very specialized and fall off the list of candidates for replacing WinXP at home.

Will have to sort it out a bit

All sorts of things Arch And Gentoo- the destiny of Linux specialists glorified on the Internet and for simple user not quite suitable. Of all the options RedHat You can look at only two versions that are easily suitable for immigrants from WinXP:

Fedora Linux( pleases the eye every time and amuses with the freshness of its functionality. However, no one there cares about the economy of old hardware and is not particularly worried about newcomers who are about to switch from Windows. But everything is beautiful and very relevant.

Mageia( was released at the beginning of 2014 in version 4 and also belongs to the family RedHat. Perhaps, of all the options, this is the only one that is clearly aimed at a simple end consumer. The best system installation manager in the Linux environment and a very successful graphical shell (your choice of KDE or Gnome). One argument against Mageia: this is still a young development and it is unknown how it will develop in the future.

Open SuSe( - the only member of the family Slackware, which can be discussed here. For more than a decade, this distribution was generally the only option that was tailored for the desktop computer and created for the convenience of the end user.

Ubuntu and comrades - people from a glorious family Debian and are currently best choice for novice users. Anyone who needs a simple, fast and stable system, but does not want to delve into the settings, will be happy. Among other things, a friendly company of different Ubuntu offers common base numerous options for different taste and needs.

The best Ubuntu for those who want to "switch"

This is almost a standard for desktop Linux -- Ubuntu( Current version 14.04 is the so-called LTS (long time support), which is also suitable for production use (server, etc.), since it will be supplied with updates for another five years. Installing Ubuntu It's simple; using the system is almost intuitive. Some may find the Unity work surface criticized by traditionalists strange, but general impression little suffers from this. And for those who really can’t bear it, there are options for every taste.

Kubuntu( is still Ubuntu with all the amenities, but instead of Unity it uses a very elegant KDE surface. This shell shines with the greatest possible variability, has great amount settings and additions. Kubuntu expresses its advantages on a larger monitor and fresher computers. Any fan of tinkering with system settings will be simply happy. Numerous communities on the Internet are full of “tuned” desktops of proud users.

Ubuntu Gnome( - this option replaces Unity with graphical shell Gnome, as the name suggests. This environment is also elegant and thoughtful, but all the graphics “stuff” requires its attention from the processor and video card.

A relative novelty is Elementary OS "Luna"(, based, for now, on the previous LTS version of Ubuntu 12.04. The main feature of this distribution is the Pantheon surface derived from Gnome, which, in some way, copies MacOS. The authors have created a nice system with a set of especially economical and fast programs. But the user can assemble everything to his taste - the main components of Ubuntu are preserved.

Linux Mint ( is currently distributed in version 17 and is also based on Ubuntu. This OS version differs from the above most low demands to the iron. The Cinnamon desktop is a departure from Unity, and the traditionally designed menu is a clear invitation to those moving from Windows.

The system is quickly and easily installed, configured and expanded. Unlike other systems, Linux Mint is able to handle all audio or video codecs immediately after installation. Update Mint versions follows Ubuntu versions. And for KDE fans there is also a corresponding version - currently it is Linux Mint 16 "Petra".

Fresh wind on old iron

Often, after removing WinXP from service, the home is left with a rather weak computer with outdated peripherals. But don’t give in to despondency - minimalist Linux shouldn’t look poor and modest. Already from Pentium III or Athlon AMD And random access memory on 512MB you can run a pretty decent system that can adequately replace the old Windows. In general, you can rely on operating systems that use the XFCE or LXDE graphical shell. These are, respectively, Xubuntu And Lubuntu. Again, Linux Mint comes in a version with an LXDE environment.

Linux is a popular free operating system for computers and laptops. It's ideal for a variety of standard tasks, as well as for something more special, like creating games or programming. It is noteworthy that this operating system has a huge number of different images - both those that in their structure resemble a regular command line through which all actions must be performed, and those that are no different from regular Windows according to convenience.

In addition to diversity, Linux has another undeniable advantage - almost no common viruses affect it. This is due to the variability of the system - it is impossible to write a malicious program if it is not clear what exactly it should do. Naturally, for complete safety You'll have to tweak some programs and tools, but the results will be impressive.

This is very important point. The average user will not need any specialized system image designed for designers or programmers. And the latter may not be enough for a regular distribution without additional bells and whistles. Therefore, it is important to immediately decide what exactly you want to get from the download. This will determine what exactly is worth looking for.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the comments and description. It is important to know that most builds have a lot of bugs that make them difficult to use. Therefore, if there is a lot of negativity in the comments to the distribution, you should not download it. More nerves will be wasted. Many also require professional customization, which should also be taken into account.

Standard distributions without bells and whistles

These include the three main and most popular, but at the same time the most average. For special features It’s worth looking for something special, but if you find it, there will be no price for such a distribution.

Debian. The most stable build of all existing ones. But at the same time, it is also the most outdated of all possible ones. The Debian development team numbers hundreds of people. But updates are released extremely rarely - once every few years. Therefore, Debian users are often left without the latest programs and components. But it has practically no errors. If nothing more serious than work in text editors and you don’t need to surf the Internet - this is the best solution.

Ubuntu. Completely turns the previous approach on its head. Updates occur very frequently and with amazing stability. But with the same stability in these updates are software errors, which make using this assembly impossible for an inexperienced user. Because, as they say, you need to “finish it with a file,” that is, correct errors yourself. But such practice will help you get better at computer art.

CentOS. Essentially the same as Ubuntu. But it is better suited for system administration, very often used for servers. Therefore, a person who knows how and loves to crash in CentOS will be in great demand in the computer labor market. Because it is difficult to understand, and there are not enough specialists.

The best distribution of 2016

However, in addition to the standard and, so to speak, basic distributions described above, there are a huge number of others. If you choose a random assembly among them, then it may not end in the best possible way. Wasted nerves and time, for example. However, every year, lists of the best builds are compiled that can captivate any computer enthusiast. We recommend visiting the site and see a more or less real picture of the popularity of various distributions. So, in the version of this site, the most popular distribution for a long time has been Linux Mint, which is based on the equally famous Ubuntu.

This build is a slightly redesigned Chromium OS, which has been remade to fit the Ubuntu base. It seems like it was created specifically for laptops - its beautiful, but not overloaded interface and stable work make the device's battery last much longer. You can run anything on it software for Ubuntu, if you use Synaptic and Gdebi, as well as all programs from the Google extension store.

At the same time, the Cube does not require serious technical capabilities from . Therefore, it will run even on fairly old machines. It only needs 512 megabytes of RAM, 1 gigahertz of processor performance and 4 gigabytes of hard drive.

However, Cube Linux has its drawbacks. For example, it loads somewhat slower than other distributions. It also has a not entirely user-friendly application menu. But you can get used to it.

This will probably be the best build for those who just want to switch from Windows to Linux. Its interface subtly resembles Microsoft products, which will allow former Windows users to feel at one with Linux. This operating system will be an excellent transition point for any user. It has almost all the Linux features hidden under the visual shell of Windows.

During installation, along with ChaletOS, a pack of necessary and useful programs so that the user does not search for them later. These programs and tools will make it easier to set up and use the system. Essentially, helping to “move” to Linux.

However, you need to remember that this distribution appeared only this year, so errors and shortcomings are possible. Although its convenience and advantages can overcome minor problems.

This is a professional distribution aimed exclusively at activities related to multimedia functions. Here you can find everything the soul of a designer, musician or other creative people desires. All the most best programs, which are aimed at this type of activity, are collected specifically in Ubuntu Studio.

It is noteworthy that the distribution kit itself is not demanding on the computer and “eats” quite a few resources. Therefore, everything that is not spent on it can be used to run multimedia programs.

Don't assume that this distribution is not too different from regular builds. It’s better not to install it just like that, but only if you are professionally involved in something related to multimedia programs.

This build is many steps ahead of its competitors in terms of convenience and customization flexibility. However, it also requires sufficient literacy in Linux distributions, because it needs to be properly configured once. But after that it will work stably for many years. But if you have no experience, but want to figure out what kind of beast Linux is, you can install Arch and study it inside and out.

Immediately after installing the operating system, the user... There will be nothing. He will have to independently find the desktop and all the programs for the operating system. Moreover, you will have to do everything manually - you won’t have to wait for any automatic action. This apparent disadvantage ultimately turns out to be a big plus– you can customize your computer 100% for yourself.

It is noteworthy that updates continue continuously. As soon as it comes out a new version software - Arch will update it immediately. And it has an extremely large number of applications and tools. Almost every program that generally works in Linux can, in most cases, be found in its repository.

Simple, but at the same time convenient and functional, this distribution will captivate both novice Linux users and professionals. It can be considered one of the best if something specific is not required from the computer. Deepin Linux has an intuitive interface, which at the same time does not have anything superfluous.

Its basis is the usual Debian, but with a uniquely designed desktop, which is divided into three types - modern, aimed at former Mac users OS created specifically for those moving from Windows 7, as well as for fans of the “old school” in as Windows XP.

It’s worth noting right away that Deepin Linux comes with a lot of built-in programs that will be useful to most users. Here you can find both office applications and entertainment or educational ones. This system has its own “store” of free and not so free applications.

8 Best Linux Gaming Distributions of 2016

Long gone are the days when it was impossible to find games for Linux. In fact, the number of games being developed for Linux is more and more, the development process does not stop, the growth is stable and this has been most noticeable in recent years.

While there are hundreds of Linux distributions out there, all with different mantras and for different purposes, distros created for the sole purpose of gaming are not released very often. But of course there are some really good ones that have been developed and are already available to everyone. Today we will look at the full list best distributions Linux for games.

These distributions are equipped various drivers, software, emulators and tools for a better gaming experience, so you can install them right now and enjoy the gaming experience.

The Best Linux Distributions for Games

Just to clarify, the distributions that will be listed below will be considered in random order, this is not the top from the first position to the last, which one you choose is completely up to you since it is quite difficult to determine the best one by the top, I hope you will try it and unsubscribe in the comments which is better and why.


Steam OS is one of the most popular gaming distributions developed by Valve Corporation. From the creators of Steam. Steam OS is designed exclusively for running games from the Steam client.

  • Based on: Debian 8 (Debian Jessie)
  • Desktop Environment: GNOME optimized for quick access working with a keyboard and joystick.
  • Package format: DEB

Steam OS supports a variety of graphics cards and joysticks/gamepads. If by chance the driver for your hardware is not included out of the box, you can always manually configure it.

Equipment requirements :

  • Processor: Intel or AMD supporting 64-bit architecture
  • Memory: 4 GB or more RAM
  • Hard drive: 200 GB or larger drive
  • Video card: NVIDIA video card/ AMD video card (RADEON 8500 and higher) / Intel Graphics
  • Additionally: USB port to install UEFI firmware (recommended)


  • Soothing user interface
  • Mail support for all the latest Graphic Cards
  • Compatible with various additional devices, joysticks/gamepads
  • Huge collection of games from the built-in Steam client


  • High hardware requirements
  • Running games only from Steam

If you have upgraded your computer and your machine meets the requirements of the Steam OS, without a doubt, this distribution is worthy of being installed on your computer, whether to install it or not is up to you.

2. Sparky Linux - Gameover Edition

Sparky Linux - Gameover Edition is another one of the best distributions for games.

  • Based on: Debian
  • Desktop Environment: LXDE
  • Package format: DEB

Sparky Linux - Gameover Edition comes with built-in special utility which is called Aptus Gamer. This utility makes it easy to install support for various consoles, emulators and other tools for gamers. Aptus Gamer supports a very large list of emulators.

A large number of Linux games come pre-installed with this distribution. Apart from the above, it also comes with pre-installed installed by the client Steam, for Windows games with Wine pre-installed and PlayOnLinux bundled with Sparky Linux - Gameover Edition.

It’s also worth adding that a utility is provided pre-installed to help you install proprietary drivers for your video adapters and additional devices, set-top boxes, joysticks, and you can also install multimedia codecs using this utility.


  • Steam Games supported
  • Support for installing games using Wine and PlayOnLinux
  • Aptus Gamer Tool support
  • Stable version of the distribution


  • I would like to mention it, but I can’t, it’s too good.

If you want a stable Linux gaming distribution that supports a wide range of games from a variety of platforms, try this one.


Game Drift Linux is optimized to provide best access for games on Linux. It provides out-of-the-box support for Linux and popular games for Windows.

  • Based on: Ubuntu
  • Desktop Environment: MATE
  • Package format: DEB

Game Drift has its own game store filled with various open source games, its list has both simple and a large number of high quality Linux games. The game store is regularly updated with new games, there is never any downtime. The game store in this distribution supports the installation of games with one click of a button without additional husk like I agree and so on.

There is built-in support for CrossOver technology to run Windows games. You can play more than 1200 games that are developed for Windows. You will also be able to run various Windows software with CrossOver.

  • CPU: 1-2 GHz processor(32 or 64 bit)
  • Memory: 1-2 GB RAM
  • Hard disk: 4GB hard disk
  • Video card: ATI, Nvidia or Intel
  • Additionally: LAN / Internet


  • Your own game store
  • Windows game support


  • CrossOver is not free as you need to buy a key to activate it

If you want to have Windows support games and can afford to spend money on purchasing a CrossOver license, Game Drift Linux is a good choice for you.


Play Linux is another good gaming distro for Linux and comes with Steam and PlayOnLinux pre-installed.

  • Based on: Ubuntu
  • Desktop Environment: Nebula
  • Package format: DEB

Nebula is a lightweight and customizable environment that includes a wide range of settings for the appearance of Play Linux. Play Linux automatically detects the load on the processor and disables unnecessary functions without user intervention, such as Compiz, temporarily while you are busy with the gameplay so as not to load your video card with unnecessary loads that you can do without.

Unique features for the Play Linux distribution are provided by the integrated AutoGPU installer. It automatically configures and installs its graphics drivers so you don't have to waste your time.


  • Simple and lightweight distribution
  • Steam support
  • Pre-installed PlayOnLinux (for Windows startup games)
  • Automatic installation of graphics adapter drivers


  • Beta version of the distribution
  • May not be suitable for very new games, although this will smooth out over time

If you want a gaming distribution that is also compatible in addition to the gameplay with normal use desktop for everyday tasks, you can choose Play Linux.


Lakka OS is completely different from the distributions we discussed above. It's a lightweight Linux distribution that turns your computer into a full-blown gaming console, literally.

  • Based on: OpenELEC
  • Desktop Environment: RetroArch

Lakka OS is capable of emulating a wide range of consoles. Systemically provided support for all necessary console emulators for comfortable gaming in the RetroArch environment.

All emulators are provided with pre-improved configurations, specially optimized so that games in Lakka OS run more smoothly and without problems, which cannot be said about emulators without preset. Most games have very low hardware resource requirements, except Playstation games or Xbox.

The key features of Lakka OS are Multiplayer, Savestates, Shaders, NetPlay, rewind and wireless joystick support.


  • Easy in robot
  • Beautiful interface
  • Large number of supported emulators
  • Various supported hardware
  • Automatic joystick recognition
  • Various useful features for games


  • No support for Steam or Windows games

If you are a hardcore gamer with a console and a high-end computer, Lakka OS is without any doubt waiting for you.


Fedora Games Spin is a great example that demonstrates the capabilities of the Fedora distribution for running games.

  • Based on: Fedora
  • Package format: RPM

Fedora Games Spin comes with thousands of Linux games. With a link to the official website:

The included games cover several genres, first-person, real-time and turn-based strategy, all games are logical in nature.

Steam client, Wine or PlayOnLinux are not installed by default. If you want Steam and Windows game support, you'll need to manually install them using a package manager. Some pre-installed games also require Additional requirements to launch and begin the gameplay.


  • Thousands in advance installed Linux games
  • Stable, fast and lightweight distribution


  • No out-of-box support for using Steam and Windows games
  • Drivers are not pre-installed
  • Not for hardcore gamers

Although this distro is not that advanced for gaming, but if you are a Fedora hobbyist and fan, you should try this distro.


Ubuntu GamePack is a gaming distribution that provides support for about six thousand Linux and Windows games. It was developed to bridge the gap in game availability between Linux and Windows.

  • Based on: Ubuntu
  • Desktop Environment: Unity
  • Package format: DEB

Ubuntu GamePack does not include any games outside the box. Rather, it opens the door to running on Linux, Steam games, Windows games and various consoles on your computer.

The Steam client, Lutris, Wine and PlayOnLinux come pre-installed with the Ubuntu Gamepack. Lutris is open source gaming platform for controlling the console, Linux, Steam and Windows games.

There is support for Adobe Flash and Oracle Java. So, you won’t have any problems when playing online games.

Ubuntu GamePack also provides a dedicated repository with a collection of hundreds of games.


  • Pre-installed Lutris
  • Compatibility for online play
  • Support for installing games from Steam and launching Windows games and consoles


  • May seem a little slower than other distros listed above


MGAME (formerly known as Manjaro Gaming) is a distribution designed for gamers and Manjaro fans.

  • Based on: Manjaro
  • Desktop Environment: Xfce

MGAME automatically installs necessary drivers for popular graphics cards. It also provides various tweaks for an optimal gaming experience.

MGAME comes with various additional utilities and sources that are often needed by gamers, additionally supplied pre-installed applications for video editing, video recording and streaming, applications for taking high-quality screenshots, etc.

There is pre-installed support for a huge list of console emulators. Wine and PlayOnLinux are also preinstalled to run Windows games. If you want to play games on Steam, you'll have to manually install the Steam client, which is a feat on Arch Linux-based distros since Steam is not officially supported on Arch.


  • Previously installed tools for gamers
  • Wide range of supported consoles, emulators


  • Not suitable for hardcore gamers

MGAME is a relatively new distribution in the gaming category. But if you are a fan of Manjaro, you may want to try it.

Have you had experience using one or more of these distributions? Which one is especially the best? Let us know!

Actually, Linux is not a full-fledged operating system, but only its kernel. The finished product is a distribution that combines the kernel with a set of programs, utilities and configuration files. As a newbie, it's hard to decide which Linux distribution to choose because there are so many options.

Much here is determined by experience, personal preferences and the nature of the tasks being solved. In this review, I will give a brief description of the 10 most popular distributions and try to help with the choice.

Ubuntu is probably the most popular Linux distribution today. It is based on Debian, but has its own repositories (kind of analogues App Store). Most of the programs in them are still synchronized with Debian repositories.

The creators of Ubuntu are working to provide the user with a ready-made working system for the office (there is also a server option). GNOME 2 was previously used as a working environment, but recently the distribution has switched to Unity. Ubuntu runs its own Mir graphics server, while the rest of the distros reviewed here use Wayland.

Ubuntu is a very modern solution, although it stays away from the latest developments. New versions are released every six months, but it takes two years to prepare stable distributions with long-term developer support (LTS). Ubuntu is currently working to become available on smartphones and tablets.

Linux Mint

Mint is a fork in the development of Ubuntu. It uses the Ubuntu repositories, so the range of available programs is no different. Mint gained its popularity due to the fact that by default it installs proprietary programs and codecs on the computer that support working with various formats multimedia.

Today this distribution has acquired others distinctive features. You won't find the Unity desktop here. It is being replaced by the more common Cinnamon and MATE. Mint is not so zealous in monitoring the systematic updating of the system and programs; it does not insist on automatic installation critical patches.


If fifteen years ago you had asked a specialist which Linux distribution to choose for a beginner, you would almost certainly have heard the answer - Debian. This operating system includes exclusively open source programs. This project started in 1993 - it is already more than 20 years old! New versions of Debian are still released, but not as often as Ubuntu or Linux Mint. This makes it more stable and conservative. And for many tasks this is very important.

Fedora is a project with a strong focus on free software. In this regard, the search normal drivers for video cards is sometimes a non-trivial task. But with some knowledge, they can be installed from third-party repositories. Fedora is constantly at the forefront of technology development. With her you will always have the most latest versions programs.

Unlike Ubuntu, Fedora does not have its own desktop. But it allows you to try almost anything modern solutions, trying not to add anything to them from myself. The default desktop environment will be GNOME 3, but you can choose something else.

Fedora is company funded Red Hat, and is the basis for the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux project. The latter only includes stable versions programs and has longer developer support.

CentOS/Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a commercial distribution for servers and workstations. As mentioned above, it is based on the free Fedora project and is characterized by increased stability and good support.

Although this distribution is commercial, it consists mainly of open source programs. CentOS is a free project based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but with all code protected by the Red Hat trademark removed. Therefore, you can use it completely free of charge. If, when deciding which Linux distribution to choose, you prioritize platform stability and good support, but don’t want to pay for it, then pay attention to CentOS.

OpenSUSE / SUSE Linux Enterprise

OpenSUSE is developed by a community of Linux enthusiasts, but they have financial support from Novell. Novell bought SuSE Linux in 2003 and created a commercial product based on it - SUSE Linux Enterprise. Just as Red Hat maintains the free Fedora distribution that powers the commercial product Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Novell has the free OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise based on it.

Like Fedora, OpenSUSE tries to keep up with the development vector in Linux world. For a long time, SUSE has been recognized as the most convenient free Linux distribution for regular user. But now this title has been taken away from him by Ubuntu.


Mageia is a fork of Mandriva Linux that originated in 2011. Mandriva - formerly known as Mandrake - used to be one of the best Linux distributions.

Mandriva SA is not currently developing an operating system for desktop computers. It operates in the server segment. But it uses Mageia code as a basis. Thus, this is the same source of ideas and code for commercial product, like Fedora or OpenSUSE.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux is old school. It is much older than most of the other distributions mentioned here. When developing Arch Linux, flexibility, lightness and minimalism are at the forefront. Light does not mean that Arch includes a ton of graphical utilities and scripts to automate installation and configuration. Here you will not find intuitively clear interface. Arch lets you do it your way, but through the command line and configuration files.

The user is given complete freedom in configuring the system and choosing programs. There's not even an official one here GUI for package manager or graphics settings. When installing this distribution, you will go into mode command line, where you need to enter commands to configure the system, partition the disk, install programs, and so on.

Versions, as such, do not exist in Arch. As soon as an update for any of the programs appears, you can install it without waiting for a new “release” of the entire system.

This distribution has a lot in common with Gentoo, which was very popular at one time. Both of them are not for beginners. To use them, you must have a certain amount of knowledge, or at least be ready to learn. The main difference is that Arch uses binary (compiled) packages, while Gentoo requires you to download the source code of the programs and compile them yourself. Consequently, the process of installing programs in Arch is much faster, and CPU time is not wasted on compiling each update.

Slackware Linux

Slackware is another granddaddy of the Linux world. It was founded in 1993, and is the oldest distribution currently supported.

Its noble origin does not allow it to provide the user with a graphical installation environment and scripts to automate the setup. You will have to manually partition the disks and run the installation of programs. By default, Slackware boots in command line mode. This is a very conservative distribution.

Puppy Linux

Puppy is another frequently chosen Linux distribution. It was originally based on Ubuntu, but now uses Slackware. Puppy is a small and lightweight operating system that works well on older computers. The Puppy distribution image size is only 161 MB. It can be used as a portable operating system. Puppy runs on computers with 256 MB RAM, but the recommended amount of RAM is 512 MB.

Let there not be the most modern programs, flashy special effects and other “whistles”. But choose Puppy Linux, if you want to breathe life into an old computer.

In this list, of course, I did not mention all the Linux distributions from which you can make your choice. But if you are just about to enter this “penguin world”, then it makes sense to choose one of the options presented in the TOP 10.

Thinking about Linux? Maybe you have doubts about which Linux to choose in 2016? Just a couple of months ago, Linux Mint 18 was born - the successor to the previous version of the distribution (namely, Linux Mint 17). Don't understand what we're talking about? Then read below!

What is Linux?

Linux is an open source operating system. In other words, anyone can remake the OS to suit themselves. Despite its low popularity (relative to Windows), Linux has such advantages as free distribution, stable operation, use of a small amount of system resources and minimizing the likelihood of infecting your computer.

Features of Linux Mint 18

Let's return to the recently released release. One of the innovations of this distribution is the lack of multimedia codecs - for many users this is a disadvantage, which, however, can be eliminated in a few minutes by installing them.
The visual component of Linux Mint 18 has also undergone changes. Do you like to experiment visually? Then this distribution will delight you with the presence of special icons and new themes that you can customize at your own discretion. Linux Mint 18 now supports HiDPI. What does it mean? This means that your monitor can really surprise you. high degree detail and good graphics.

It is worth mentioning the innovations regarding the performance of the system. The new distribution not only has the same capabilities of Linux Mint 17, but also the ability to use new commands to optimize the process of working on a computer. By the way, in Linux Mint 18 many popular apps– now their installation has become much easier.

Windows or Linux?

“So what kind operating system Should I choose? - you ask.

Of course, most users are already so used to Windows interface, that the transition may cause some difficulties (You will feel approximately the same sensations that you felt, for example, during the transition from Windows XP to Windows 8).
But in reality everything turns out to be much simpler than it seemed before. Linux distribution is excellent working environment, which confirms the experience of users who have already switched to it. You will be amazed at how Linux flies because it consumes much less system resources.

What do you currently have installed on your computer?

A couple of browsers, an email program, a player, Skype? In this case, Linux is ideal for you - all these programs are supported by this distribution. If you are a fan of playing games that office computers If you see the minimum installation requirements and are burned out, then Linux is most likely not for you. The same can be said about users of specialized “heavy” software (AbobePhotoshop, SonyVegasPro, AutoCad, 3dsMax).

So what's the bottom line?

We can say with complete confidence that the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. Try it, experiment! Your nerves, which constantly suffer when Windows freezes, will thank you!