Types of scanners: manual sheet-fed flatbed. Flatbed scanners

Scanners have long become a familiar element of the computer desk and are firmly established in everyday life not only among printing organizations, but also among ordinary PC users. Everyone knows perfectly well why such a device is needed, but few people realize that there are a lot of varieties of devices of this kind - literally for all occasions.

Some types of scanners are so specific that you simply won’t see them on the shelves of regular stores. Today we’ll just talk about the varieties of such periphery. This will certainly help guide those who are planning to buy such a device.

So, let's look at the types of scanners, their scope of application, features, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

What is a scanner

First, let's figure out what kind of device this is. If you take any instructions for the scanner, then in the very first paragraph you can find a clear definition and purpose of this device. A scanner is a device for digitizing paper (or other) visual information media. The latter may be some documents, photographs, newspapers, magazines, books and other materials of a textual and/or graphic nature.

Some types of scanners can act as a peripheral device, where it is necessary to connect to a personal computer, or work autonomously, transmitting processed data via Wi-Fi protocols, email or other methods. Modern and advanced models can work both in tandem with a PC and solo.

Types of scanners

All devices of this type can be divided into two types - for home use and industrial. Home scanners are much cheaper than their professional counterparts. Although they are designed for everyday use, they cannot withstand serious, that is, industrial, load. Such devices are not distinguished by wide functionality and cope specifically with everyday needs: scanning documents, photos or books.

Industrial models are used in production. They find their application in design studios and printing organizations, that is, where large volumes of work are performed and significant equipment output is required. This type of device is subject to serious operational requirements in terms of speed, reliability and load.

In general, any scanner can be used to digitize documents, so here, by and large, the only question is the price and practicality of purchasing one or another model. If you need to process several sheets of text from time to time, then it is better to take the simplest hand-held (portable) document scanner rather than splurge on a high-efficiency flatbed or roller model.

Tablet models

Flatbed scanners are the most common type of device, and they are usually used in everyday life, that is, in home or office settings. In this case, the digitization source is located on a glass surface and is covered with a lid before starting work.

Inside the structure there is a carriage and a lamp. Photosensitive elements, together with the optical system, move along rails and read data from the layout. As a result, a digital version of the original appears on the computer. Before you connect the scanner and start working, you need to install the appropriate software and only then start digitizing. So this type of equipment is picky about the operating system, and for full use special drivers are required (usually included in the kit).

Flatbed scanners have intuitive controls and are not picky about the digitization source. The main thing is that the latter fits in the work area and is not too thick and heavy. This type is widely used both at home and in the office. In addition, prices for flatbed scanners are not high, so most models are affordable for the average user.

Drum models

As the name implies, the main element of the device is a drum or roller. The peculiarity of a roller scanner is that the layout is fixed on a roller, that is, it wraps around it, and is not positioned in the usual way, as was the case with flatbed models.

The light beam, passing through the layout, hits the photoelectronic multiplier, which converts the image into digital form. Rotating, the drum scanner processes the original point by point, without missing a single detail. That is why this type is so highly valued by those who need very high digitization accuracy.

Due to their far from small dimensions, drum scanners do not take root at home, and in offices there is no practical benefit from them as such, especially since such devices cost two or even more times more than their tablet counterparts. The main consumers of roller models are printing and design organizations.

Lengthy models

Such scanners are designed for digitizing multi-page documents, that is, they have high efficiency. Some people call them that - documentary. For large offices, this is an indispensable tool, especially in the accounting or legal departments.

The design of the scanner resembles a conventional printer. A stack of layouts is placed in the receiver, and automatic feed rollers pull sheet after sheet through the photo-reading system, which digitizes the documents.

Distinctive features

Unfortunately, this type has one serious drawback: the scanner cannot cope with sheets that are sewn or somehow fastened, so before broaching it is necessary to get rid of staples and other foreign elements. The latter can damage the roller and photo system, so careful selection of documents before broaching is required.

A similar problem is sometimes solved by purchasing a combined device - a flatbed scanner. Such devices are equipped with both a drawing roller and a separate area for stitched layouts. Long-haul models also differ in levels: the higher it is, the greater the speed and threshold of the maximum daily load.

Projection models

A projection scanner is a non-contact type of device that is used to digitize any layout. They are also called planetary or orbital because of the design feature: the photocells are located at a fixed distance from the original, that is, as if in orbit.

Such equipment has found wide application in museums, research centers and other similar institutions where delicate work with documents, which, as a rule, have a dilapidated appearance, is needed.

The main scanning element is located several tens of centimeters away from the working area. The eye on the head looks through the document from top to bottom, and the viewing speed varies depending on the desired resolution.

You can also find matrix non-contact scanners that operate on the principle of a camera. That is, with each shutter released we have one digitized part of the document. The higher the resolution, the more such pictures the matrix will need to take.

Design Features

In addition, a good half of these scanners are equipped with a special V-shaped cradle for books. It serves as a page aligner along the desired axis. This system comes in handy when you need to work with thick and old books of several thousand pages.

Some models are additionally equipped with an automatic flipping assistant. Such “tricks” greatly simplify and systematize the scanning process, and old books do not have to deal with human fingers, which allows the material to be preserved in its original state for much longer.

Naturally, we are not talking about home or office use of such equipment. Such equipment is very expensive, and using it at home to scan, for example, coursework is simply blasphemy. And there is not an ounce of practicality here.

Passport models

This is highly specialized equipment designed specifically for digitizing important documents. First of all, we are talking about passports, driver’s licenses, tax identification numbers, pension cards, passes, military IDs and other identification documents.

Due to its decent speed and compactness, such equipment is widely in demand at checkpoints, in departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in banks and other places where quick registration of documents with digitization for a database is necessary.

Based on the principle of operation, these are the same flatbed scanners, only adapted to the format of work at a checkpoint. That is, the device accepts documents no larger than A5 size and is designed primarily not for high resolution, but for speed without significant loss of quality.

It is also worth noting the presence of special software in many models. It allows you to extract data from documents and somehow systematize them. This is very convenient if you need the primary information of the submitter, and not a complete digitized copy of the identity card.

The fly in the ointment here is the meager functionality. The narrow focus of such technology does not imply excesses, so, unfortunately, it will not be possible to fully use it for any other purposes. So you shouldn’t be fooled by the attractive price tag of a passport scanner. Some unscrupulous dealers sell such equipment under the guise of ordinary tablet devices, “forgetting” to mention this detail in the specification for the device. Therefore, it would be a good idea to look at the instructions for the device before paying for your purchase.

Manual models

This is an extremely rich segment in the variety of scanners. Almost all hand-held laser scanners-copiers can be divided into three large groups, where each model differs from the other in its design and principle of operation.

First group

Here, digitization occurs using a hand-held monoblock of a certain format (A4, A5, etc.), which must be passed over the document being scanned. Such models are convenient because you can work, as they say, on your knee, that is, you don’t need a special table or any additional devices: turn it on, run the scanner over the document - and you’re done.

Second group

The digitization process is similar to the first group, but instead of clearly defined sheet parameters, we have a pen or pen, where the scanning process is line-by-line rather than whole-sheet. The device itself looks like a small hair dryer, and to transfer data you need to process line by line or some individual areas you need.

Third group

Here we have an analogue of a broach scanner, but with manual feed. That is, there is a video where the layout is placed, and the user himself must pull it through the photo-reading elements. There is no need to talk about high speed, like its older brother, but the models of this group have the highest quality digitization at the output.

Which group and model to choose depends only on your needs. For example, a cashier who needs copies of receipt or expense receipt stubs is more than enough with the simplest device, but he doesn’t need accurate high-resolution digitization at all. All that is required is a black and white copy of the original, where the date, amount and last name are visible. So it’s not worth spending money on models from the third group; the first or second are quite suitable.

The main advantages of hand-held scanners are portability, mobility and autonomy. The last parameter does not apply to all devices. Some devices can operate from their own power source, which needs to be recharged periodically, or on regular AA/AAA batteries. In this case, data transfer, that is, digitization, occurs via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth wireless protocols.

Another equally important advantage of hand-held scanners is the cost of the equipment. A pen or broach module costs two or even three times less than a regular tablet device. One of the disadvantages is the low quality of digitization. Even devices from the third group barely reach the level of stationary models. Therefore, if high resolution of output documents is not so important for you, then manual models will be a good help at home or in the office.

A scanner is a specialized device that is used to convert images of a selected surface into digital form. Such surfaces can be pages of books, magazines, notebooks, photographs, slides and other documents with graphics and text data. Scanning devices can operate as a PC peripheral or as a standalone device, that is, they can independently transmit the scanned image over a global network or wi-fi.

Scanning technology first appeared in 1857 thanks to the Florentine abbot Giovanni Caselli. He created a pantelegraph device that transmitted images over wires. When received, it was applied to the drum using conductive ink, then read by a needle. Five years later, the photoelectric scanning principle was patented. Later, a device using this technology began to be called a telefax. Modern scanning devices have undergone significant changes; they have become an order of magnitude more efficient and productive.


The scanner can be:
  • Industrial use.
  • Household use.

Industrial ones are used in various industries. They are subject to high demands in terms of speed, scanning quality, reliability and other operating parameters, because they are designed for constant operation. Homemade ones are rarely used, as a result of which they are cheaper and less productive. However, recently, home devices have been produced that are not inferior to industrial ones in scanning speed.

By area of ​​application, scanning devices can be:
  • Tablet version. It is the most popular in household use. In this case, the object to be scanned is placed on a glass tablet. A photoelectric carriage with optical elements moves across the tablet, and the image being read is converted into a digital code. Tablet models are usually inexpensive, lightweight and easy to use.
  • Film version. This is a specialized device that is used only for scanning transparent objects, for example, transparencies, negatives or slides. Devices of this type are often used by studio employees or professional photographers. Such devices are rarely used in everyday life, as people prefer to use the services of photo studios.

  • Drum version. In it, the scanned image is installed on a rotating drum. The digital image is captured by a beam as the drum rotates. Such devices provide very high picture quality. However, they have a high cost and large dimensions, as a result of which they are used only by large companies. They are mainly used in printing.

  • Drawing. Such devices are used for unbound documents. They are often called document scanners, because they make it possible to automate the scanning of significant volumes of office documentation. The principle of automatic sheet feeding works here. The system ensures that the scanned materials are pulled through a photo-reading system, which is why they are often called in-line. However, such devices are not capable of scanning stapled sheets.

  • Flatbed-broached are a combination of broaches and flatbed devices.

  • Passport. These devices are adapted for scanning driver's licenses, passports and other identification documents. They stand out for their compactness and good scanning speed.

  • Planetary. Provide contactless scanning of magazines and documents. These devices are often used to digitize originals that require a delicate approach, for example, historical documents that have not been spared by time.

  • Network. They are connected directly to the network infrastructure without the use of a PC. Thanks to this, everyone in the company can scan documents, sending them by email or saving them to a network folder.

A book scanner has the following main elements:
  • The scanning head is located at a small height above the image. In most cases, it is designed as a scanning ruler and scans from one end of a book or magazine to the other.
  • A number of models have a book cradle, which is required to ensure that the height of the book surface is level. Pressure glass can be used to smooth out and reduce distortion. V-shaped cradles can be used for books.
  • The heads often contain matrices that are similar to the matrices of digital cameras. With these units, scanning is carried out during the period of opening the shutter, which allows you to speed up the process. The matrix transforms the light reflection of the image into analog electrical signals (AES) .
  • (AES) signals pass through an analog-to-digital converter. It converts an analog signal into digital form.
  • The processor coordinates the interaction of all device nodes, including generating image data for subsequent sending to the PC.
  • The interface controller controls the exchange of data and commands between the PC and the scanner.
  • The lamp is installed on the scanning carriage.
  • The stepper motor and control unit drive the carriage and the scanning head on it.
Operating principle

The scanner performs a scanning function to transfer a digital image to a PC or send by mail. For this purpose, the object is placed on the transparent glass of the device. When the unit is started, the carriage is set in motion and begins to glow. The optical system of the device, including a lens and mirrors, directs the light flux from the scanned surface of the object to the receiving element. It is where the data is converted.

The analog signal is sent to a converter where it is converted into digital code. Next, the controller comes into action and transmits the code to the personal computer via a cable. On a PC, the resulting image can be edited and used for its intended purpose.

The scanner is used in a wide variety of fields of activity:
  • Companies and organizations where the device is used to scan documents.
  • Printing.
  • Photo studios.
  • Industry.
  • Libraries.
  • Scientific laboratories.
  • Schools, technical colleges and universities.
  • In everyday life, and where there is a need to scan an image from a book, document, magazine, photograph, slide, and so on.
How to choose

The scanner should be selected taking into account where you intend to use it. It is necessary to decide what tasks he will perform. Unlike a computer, it will be difficult to upgrade a scanning device by installing additional components. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons.

  • When choosing a scanner for home or office use, it is important to study its technical characteristics. An office scanning device should best suit the specifics of the organization. In most cases, such technology in the office is used for scanning text documents and digitizing archives. Therefore, the device must have an automatic paper feed function.
  • For organizations that work with large formats and printing, the ability to scan large-sized documents, as well as the quality of scanning, is important.
  • For scanning at home, in most cases, they are guided by low price and compactness. For household use, there is no point in purchasing expensive equipment, because almost all scanning devices can cope with the tasks of an undemanding user. It doesn't require the highest resolution, large format, or interface that runs at high speed.
  • The presence of a slide adapter in the device, including additional options such as red-eye removal or color restoration, will make use more convenient, especially if you want to scan photographs and negatives.
  • Color depth determines how many shades of color the scanning device will perceive. For home use, 24 bits is sufficient.
  • When purchasing directly, be sure to check the scanning device. To do this, you need to scan a photo or other document. You need to see how quickly the scanner works, how colors are transmitted, especially white. You should evaluate the clarity of scanning fine details at a certain resolution, including what formats the images can be saved in on your computer. If you are satisfied with everything, then you can safely make your purchase.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without a computer, which today is used in everyday life, in offices, and in production. Many peripheral devices help expand its functionality. One of them is a scanner, which is used to create a digital copy of a text, graphic or raster document placed on a physical medium (paper, slide, photo and film). The process of digitizing images is called scanning. There are several types of computer scanning devices, the most common of which are tablet-type devices.

What is a flatbed scanner

The modern computer market is characterized by quite high dynamics. Thanks to the rapid development of new and improvement of existing technologies, it can offer various types of universal-purpose scanners or equipment designed to solve specific professional problems:

  • flatbed scanners, which are the most popular and versatile. In these devices, the original to be scanned is placed on a special glass tablet;

    A flatbed scanner has a special compartment with flat glass where a document is placed, the contents of which need to be transferred to a computer file

  • drum-type scanners, which place a document on a special drum. They provide the highest image quality, but have a rather bulky design and a high price. Mainly used in the printing industry;

    The drum scanner uses a glass drum to place the original, allowing you to scan transparent and opaque source materials

  • broaching devices designed for scanning unstitched documentation, in which rollers pull the document past a fixed reading head;

    In a broach scanner, the original document is moved by rollers past a stationary head with a light source and photosensitive elements

  • film scanners used to digitize images from slides and films. These devices have a highly specialized purpose for professional photo studios;

    A film scanner is used to digitize information from transparent image media in the form of films and slides

  • planetary devices in which the original does not come into contact with the working surfaces, which is very convenient when scanning books, bound papers or old old documents;

    The planetary scanner is an ideal peripheral device for converting books and ancient documents into computer format.

  • projection scanners, the movable head of which can be aimed at distant objects;

    The reading head of the projection scanner is located at a distance from the document being copied

  • hand-held scanners that do not produce high-quality copies, but have one very useful property - portability.

    Portable hand-held scanners allow you to work with documents anywhere and without being connected to an electrical outlet.

How a flatbed scanner works

The popularity of the flatbed scanner can be explained by its high functionality and ease of use. To convert any document into a computer format, it does not need to be bent or deformed in any other way, such as in drum devices.

The operating principle of a flatbed scanner is as follows:

Device, main components and parts

Like any other computer equipment, a flatbed scanner consists of mechanical and electronic parts and components. It is the presence of electronics that makes it possible to classify it as equipment that is complex in design, although at first glance the inside of the device looks quite simple.

The design of any flatbed scanner includes the following parts and components:

All types of flatbed scanners that exist today are controlled via a computer, for connection to which there are USB, FireWire or SCSI connectors on the peripheral device case. In addition, some models may have quick scanning buttons on the body.

The body of the flatbed scanner has quick scanning buttons and connectors for connecting the device to a PC.

The main part of any type of scanner is its matrix. Modern devices use two types of matrices that have different photosensitive elements - CCD, which operates on CCD charge-coupling devices, and CIS, which uses contact sensors. CIS scanners do not have an optical system of mirrors, and the light reflected from the original is captured by self-focusing lenses and sent to contact sensors installed on the same line with them. Such devices use LED illumination of the scanned sample. All this makes it possible to make the device body thinner, but the scanning quality, color rendition and depth of field of such scanners are lower than those of devices equipped with a CCD matrix with an optical system.

It is thanks to the higher scanning quality that flatbed scanners with a CCD matrix have become most widespread. But devices based on contact sensors also remain in demand where special resolution is not needed, for example, for sheet-fed digitization of text documents. The advantage of such devices is low power consumption and the ability to receive power via USB, which significantly increases their mobility.

How to choose a flatbed scanner for home and office

The modern computer market provides a large selection of different scanners. To choose the right model for home or office use, you need to know the basic parameters by which these devices differ.

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are buying a scanner and how important the quality of the resulting image is to you. Typically, at home, this peripheral device is used to digitize photographs and images. In this case, color quality and depth of field will be of paramount importance. To scan text documents, it will be enough to purchase a device with a lower resolution.

When choosing a flatbed scanner, you should first pay attention to several basic parameters.

  1. Permission. This is the main indicator that determines the quality of the resulting image. It is expressed by the number of pixels (ppi) or dots (dpi) into which 1 inch of the image will be divided when scanned. The more points the scanned document is divided into, the higher the quality of the resulting digital copy. In the characteristics of scanners, this parameter is indicated by two numbers indicating horizontal resolution (optical resolution) and vertical resolution (mechanical resolution). Sometimes only the optical resolution is indicated, which depends on the matrix used. Typically, to obtain a high-quality digital copy for home use, a scanner resolution of 600x1200 dpi is sufficient. But if in the future you plan to process the resulting image in one of the graphic editors, then you should choose a scanner with a resolution of at least 2000 dpi. In any case, it is irrational to buy a device with a resolution that exceeds that of other peripheral devices, for example, a printer.

    The higher the scanner resolution (the higher the number of dots per inch), the clearer the outlines of the letters on the resulting document.

  2. Color rendition or bit depth. This parameter in the technical data sheet of a flatbed scanner is indicated in bits: the larger it is, the more clearly the colors and shades of the original document will be transmitted when scanning. For scanning text documents, as well as color charts and graphs, a 24-bit scanner will be sufficient. If you plan to digitize images and photographs, then it is better to purchase a 48-bit device. Flatbed scanners with a color rendering depth of 96 bits are classified as professional.

    The greater the color depth, the greater the number of shades and colors the scanner displays and the higher the quality of the image obtained as a result of scanning.

  3. Dynamic range. For non-professional models, this indicator is often not even indicated in the passport, but it significantly affects the number of gradations of image brightness, ensuring a smooth transition in its adjacent tones. For a 24-bit color scanner this figure should be in the range from 2.4 to 2.6 units, and for a 48-bit scanner it should be at least 3.

    The higher the scanning dynamic range, the richer and more contrasting the resulting documents are.

  4. Format of the scanned document. Most modern flatbed scanners for home and office use are designed for A4 size documents (210x297 mm). Larger format devices are used to create layouts in printing or for art studios and are already classified as professional.
  5. Type of connection to the computer. Most flatbed scanners produced today can have three types of ports for connecting to a PC - USB, SCSI, or a combined USB + SCSI. It is best to buy a device with the most popular interface today, which is present on the vast majority of computer equipment - USB.

    It is best to buy a scanner that has a USB connector, which is most often found in modern computer technology.

  6. Supported operating systems. Since any scanner is just a peripheral device for a PC, it must support the operating system installed on it. An excellent choice for purchase would be a multi-system tablet device that will not tie you to a specific OS, and you can change Windows to Linux or Mac OS at the right time.

When choosing a flatbed scanner, its additional functions may also be important. One of them is the ability to use an automatic sheet feeder. This option will not be superfluous for an office where you plan to scan a large array of single unbound documents.

The presence of an automatic feeder for scanned documents significantly increases the speed of the scanner, which can be useful for an office with a large volume of document scanning work

There are also scanner models with the ability to connect an external module for scanning film and slides. Of course, it is not capable of producing such a full-fledged high-quality digital print as a film scanner, but it will be quite sufficient for creating a home photo archive on a PC.

The presence of a film scanning module in a regular flatbed scanner will help you save on buying an expensive film device for your home

Connecting, installing and using the flatbed scanner

Before you start using the flatbed scanner, you need to connect it to your computer and install the appropriate software on your PC’s hard drive. Without it, the computer simply will not recognize the peripheral device connected to it.

Typically, drivers and utilities necessary for operation are included with the device on a special disk. They must be installed on a computer without connecting a scanner to it. To do this you need:

  1. Insert the boot disk into the computer's CD/DVD drive and wait for it to autoboot.
  2. If the driver download has not started, go to the “Start” menu - “My Computer” and right-click on the icon of your disk drive. You can select the “Startup” item in the menu or download the desired file manually - such files are usually indicated by the symbols setup.exe.
  3. If the scanner does not come with an installation disk, the necessary drivers and utilities can be downloaded from the official website of the flatbed scanner manufacturer.

Only after this will the computer begin to recognize the connected peripheral device and be able to fully work with it. It remains to check the operation of the scanner. To do this you need:

A program for scanning images is already available in the computer's operating system. Having installed a graphic editor, you can send scanned photos from the scanner directly to it and work with them further. But to process a text document, you will need to install a text recognition program on your PC. It can be found on the Internet and installed in the same way as it was done for scanner drivers.

Video: installing the scanner

How to use a flatbed scanner

You can scan images without installing additional programs on your PC. To do this you need:

To be able to perform any actions with a digitized image, you need to download and install additional programs on your PC. The most popular of them is ABBYY FineReader. In some flatbed scanner models, such a program is supplied along with drivers on the boot disk. It significantly expands the possibilities of working with scanned texts.

The procedure for working with FineReader (as well as with other similar applications) is similar to working with a program integrated into Windows OS, with the only difference being that in the first dialog box you should select the action that will need to be performed after the scanning process is completed.

When working with ABBYY FineReader, before selecting scanning parameters, you must define the final task in the pop-up dialog box

Flatbed scanner repair

Repairing flatbed scanners is a very responsible task that requires special knowledge and skills. A scanner is an electronic computer device, the cause of which may fail is a mechanical or electronic part failure, as well as a software failure. For diagnostics, you will need special equipment, an oscilloscope, a multimeter, as well as knowledge from the field of electronics.

Typical failures of flatbed scanners are:

  • malfunction of the lamp, its burnout and the appearance of dark spots that reduce the flow of light. This problem can be solved by replacing the lamp;
  • Scanning head is clogged. To eliminate the defect, you will need to clean the mirrors, lamp and other elements of the scanner optics;
  • Stepper motor malfunction. Restoration work or replacement of this unit will be required;
  • malfunctions of the moving parts of the scanner. They are often eliminated by carrying out preventive cleaning, lubrication, and in some cases, replacing gears with increased mechanical wear;
  • failure of the power supply. Usually it is replaced with a new one;
  • USB connector malfunction. It can be eliminated by soldering the wires or replacing this assembly part.

Not so often, but there are also electronic malfunctions that require the replacement of individual elements or entire boards.

In most of the above cases, you need to contact a specialized service center for repairs. But still, one of the most common scanner malfunctions can be fixed independently. We are talking about replacing the lamp. Modern flatbed scanning machines use cold fluorescent lamps. Over time, darkening appears on them, which most often occurs in the end part, where the electrodes come from. This results in defects in the scanned image.

You can diagnose the presence of defects on the lamp by lifting the cover while the scanner is turned on. An uneven and dim glow will indicate a malfunction of the light source. To replace the lamp you need:

Video: Removing the flatbed scanner glass

Disassembling a flatbed scanner is also necessary in cases where it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning, remove debris that interferes with the movement of the carriage, or replace a damaged cable. Depending on the model, disassembly methods may vary. In some scanners, you may need to unscrew the screws in the area where the tablet cover is attached, and then simply slide the frame with the glass, removing it from the grooves.

Video: disassembling a flatbed scanner to clean the glass

In other models, you need to turn the scanner upside down and carefully use a screwdriver to open the frame of the tablet with the glass where it is attached to the latches.

Video: how to disassemble a scanner with a tablet fastened with latches

Flatbed scanners are the most versatile of all such peripheral devices. They are used for digitizing both individual sheets and fairly large books. Today this is the most popular and popular type of scanning technology, the quality of the resulting image is close to the simplest models of drum devices, but is much more compact and cheaper. Having the necessary information about the device, operating principle and basic operating parameters of flatbed scanners, you can easily select the appropriate model for home or office use and learn how to scan any documents.

Hello, dear readers of my site. This article provides some useful information about flatbed and broach scanners. The article is aimed at beginners who want to purchase a scanner for home use, and is purely for informational purposes.

So, what do you need to know first about tablet scanners. The original to be scanned is located on top, on the transparent glass, with the scanned surface facing down. The scanning head moves inside the scanner. The light source moves along with the head. Light reflected from the scanned surface is captured by sensors and converted into electrical signals. Using software, an electronic copy of the read image is formed from these signals.

If we consider another type of scanners - lingering, then unlike flatbeds, here the material to be scanned is pulled through a system of rollers, while the light-sensitive sensors remain stationary. Printer manufacturers often use push-pull scanning systems in multifunction printers. These devices can combine the functions of a printer, scanner, fax machine and copy machine. And all this is located in one building.

Some multifunction devices use a combination of a flatbed scanner and a feed mechanism. This makes it possible to take advantage of both scanning systems, although such devices are more expensive.

As for individual broach scanners, they usually take up less space than flatbed scanners.

Three main arguments in favor of flatbed scanners.

  • They provide better scanning quality. The original on the tablet does not move during scanning (unlike a broach scanner). This makes it possible to obtain a higher quality image with more detail.
  • They are universal. If the original can be placed on the flatbed glass surface, then it can be scanned. These could be book pages, small flat objects, stamps, business cards, fabric, etc. With broach scanners, you are limited to single-sheet paper documents and business cards (which use an additional plastic envelope holder).
  • Flatbed scanners have few moving parts. Stretch scanners can easily jam an incorrectly inserted original document. Also, during long-term use, a broach scanner requires more care, cleaning and adjustments.

From all of the above we can conclude that they are more suitable for home use flatbed scanners. Continuous scanning devices Suitable for offices with large document flow.

However, if you have already purchased a broach model of the scanner, do not worry. This is not a reason to throw away your device. However, you need to accept the fact that you will be limited in the types of originals available for scanning (of course, if you are not going to separate books and magazines into separate sheets).

How to choose the optimal flatbed scanner and learn how to use it, what types there are.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without a computer, which today is used in everyday life, in offices, and in production. Many peripheral devices help expand its functionality. One of them is a scanner, which is used to create a digital copy of a text, graphic or raster document placed on a physical medium (paper, slide, photo and film). The process of digitizing images is called scanning. There are several types of computer scanning devices, the most common of which are tablet-type devices.

  • 1 What is a flatbed scanner
  • 2 How to choose a flatbed scanner for home and office
  • 3 Connecting, installing and using the flatbed scanner
  • 4 Flatbed scanner repair

What is a flatbed scanner

The modern computer market is characterized by quite high dynamics. Thanks to the rapid development of new and improvement of existing technologies, it can offer various types of universal-purpose scanners or equipment designed to solve specific professional problems:

  • flatbed scanners, which are the most popular and versatile. In these devices, the original to be scanned is placed on a special glass tablet;

  • A flatbed scanner has a special compartment with flat glass where a document is placed, the contents of which need to be transferred to a computer file

  • drum-type scanners, which place a document on a special drum. They provide the highest image quality, but have a rather bulky design and a high price. Mainly used in the printing industry;

  • The drum scanner uses a glass drum to place the original, allowing you to scan transparent and opaque source materials

  • broaching devices designed for scanning unstitched documentation, in which rollers pull the document past a fixed reading head;

  • In a broach scanner, the original document is moved by rollers past a stationary head with a light source and photosensitive elements

  • film scanners used to digitize images from slides and films. These devices have a highly specialized purpose for professional photo studios;

  • A film scanner is used to digitize information from transparent image media in the form of films and slides

  • planetary devices in which the original does not come into contact with the working surfaces, which is very convenient when scanning books, bound papers or old old documents;

  • The planetary scanner is an ideal peripheral device for converting books and ancient documents into computer format.

  • projection scanners, the movable head of which can be aimed at distant objects;

  • The reading head of the projection scanner is located at a distance from the document being copied

  • hand-held scanners that do not produce high-quality copies, but have one very useful property - portability.

  • Portable hand-held scanners allow you to work with documents anywhere and without being connected to an electrical outlet.

How a flatbed scanner works

The popularity of the flatbed scanner can be explained by its high functionality and ease of use. To convert any document into a computer format, it does not need to be bent or deformed in any other way, such as in drum devices.

The operating principle of a flatbed scanner is as follows:

Device, main components and parts

Like any other computer equipment, a flatbed scanner consists of mechanical and electronic parts and components. It is the presence of electronics that makes it possible to classify it as equipment that is complex in design, although at first glance the inside of the device looks quite simple.

The design of any flatbed scanner includes the following parts and components:

  • the case, which is the base of the tablet with a removable lid (it should be quite rigid and can be made of metal or durable polymer materials of high density);
  • The body of the flatbed scanner can be made of metal or durable plastic

  • glass that serves as the basis for placing the scanned document;
  • a mobile carriage with a scanning head attached to it and a light source, which is a fluorescent lamp;

  • The main actuator of a flatbed scanner is the scanning head, on which a fluorescent lamp is mounted

  • stepper motor;

  • The movement of the scanning carriage in a flatbed scanner is ensured by a stepper motor on which a pulling belt is attached.

  • a pulling mechanism consisting of a tension pulley, a pressure spring and a toothed belt, which serves to move the carriage with the scanning head along the axis of the tablet;

  • The movement of the scanning carriage in a flatbed scanner is carried out along the Y axis of the tablet

  • transport lock, which serves to ensure a stationary position of the carriage during transportation to prevent damage to it;
  • power module;
  • ADC - a device that converts an electrical signal into a digital one;
  • a processor that controls all operating cycles of the device;
  • interface module with controllers responsible for transferring data from the scanner to the computer. In modern scanner models, this element can be built directly into the processor.

All types of flatbed scanners that exist today are controlled via a computer, for connection to which there are USB, FireWire or SCSI connectors on the peripheral device case. In addition, some models may have quick scanning buttons on the body.

The body of the flatbed scanner has quick scanning buttons and connectors for connecting the device to a PC.

The main part of any type of scanner is its matrix. Modern devices use two types of matrices that have different photosensitive elements - CCD, which operate on CCD charge-coupling devices, and CIS, which use contact sensors. CIS scanners do not have an optical system of mirrors, and the light reflected from the original is captured by self-focusing lenses and sent to contact sensors installed on the same line with them. Such devices use LED illumination of the scanned sample. All this makes it possible to make the device body thinner, but the scanning quality, color rendition and depth of field of such scanners are lower than those of devices equipped with a CCD matrix with an optical system.

It is thanks to the higher scanning quality that flatbed scanners with a CCD matrix have become most widespread. But devices based on contact sensors also remain in demand where special resolution is not needed, for example, for sheet-fed digitization of text documents. The advantage of such devices is low power consumption and the ability to receive power via USB, which significantly increases their mobility.

How to choose a flatbed scanner for home and office

The modern computer market provides a large selection of different scanners. To choose the right model for home or office use, you need to know the basic parameters by which these devices differ.

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are buying a scanner and how important the quality of the resulting image is to you. Typically, at home, this peripheral device is used to digitize photographs and images. In this case, color quality and depth of field will be of paramount importance. To scan text documents, it will be enough to purchase a device with a lower resolution.

When choosing a flatbed scanner, you should first pay attention to several basic parameters.

  • Permission. This is the main indicator that determines the quality of the resulting image. It is expressed by the number of pixels (ppi) or dots (dpi) into which 1 inch of the image will be divided when scanned. The more points the scanned document is divided into, the higher the quality of the resulting digital copy. In the characteristics of scanners, this parameter is indicated by two numbers indicating horizontal resolution (optical resolution) and vertical resolution (mechanical resolution). Sometimes only the optical resolution is indicated, which depends on the matrix used. Typically, to obtain a high-quality digital copy for home use, a scanner resolution of 600x1200 dpi is sufficient. But if in the future you plan to process the resulting image in one of the graphic editors, then you should choose a scanner with a resolution of at least 2000 dpi. In any case, it is irrational to buy a device with a resolution that exceeds that of other peripheral devices, for example, a printer.
  • The higher the scanner resolution (the higher the number of dots per inch), the clearer the outlines of the letters on the resulting document.

  • Color rendition or bit depth. This parameter in the technical data sheet of a flatbed scanner is indicated in bits: the larger it is, the more clearly the colors and shades of the original document will be transmitted when scanning. For scanning text documents, as well as color charts and graphs, a 24-bit scanner will be sufficient. If you plan to digitize images and photographs, then it is better to purchase a 48-bit device. Flatbed scanners with a color rendering depth of 96 bits are classified as professional.

  • The greater the color depth, the greater the number of shades and colors the scanner displays and the higher the quality of the image obtained as a result of scanning.

  • Dynamic range. For non-professional models, this indicator is often not even indicated in the passport, but it significantly affects the number of gradations of image brightness, ensuring a smooth transition in its adjacent tones. For a 24-bit color scanner this figure should be in the range from 2.4 to 2.6 units, and for a 48-bit scanner it should be at least 3.

  • The higher the scanning dynamic range, the richer and more contrasting the resulting documents are.

  • Format of the scanned document. Most modern flatbed scanners for home and office use are designed for A4 size documents (210x297 mm). Larger format devices are used to create layouts in printing or for art studios and are already classified as professional.
  • Type of connection to the computer. Most flatbed scanners produced today can have three types of ports for connecting to a PC - USB, SCSI, or a combined USB + SCSI. It is best to buy a device with the most popular interface today, which is present on the vast majority of computer equipment - USB.

  • It is best to buy a scanner that has a USB connector, which is most often found in modern computer technology.

  • Supported operating systems. Since any scanner is just a peripheral device for a PC, it must support the operating system installed on it. An excellent choice for purchase would be a multi-system tablet device that will not tie you to a specific OS, and you can change Windows to Linux or Mac OS at the right time.

When choosing a flatbed scanner, its additional functions may also be important. One of them is the ability to use an automatic sheet feeder. This option will not be superfluous for an office where you plan to scan a large array of single unbound documents.

The presence of an automatic feeder for scanned documents significantly increases the speed of the scanner, which can be useful for an office with a large volume of document scanning work

There are also scanner models with the ability to connect an external module for scanning film and slides. Of course, it is not capable of producing such a full-fledged high-quality digital print as a film scanner, but it will be quite sufficient for creating a home photo archive on a PC.

The presence of a film scanning module in a regular flatbed scanner will help you save on buying an expensive film device for your home

Connecting, installing and using the flatbed scanner

Before you start using the flatbed scanner, you need to connect it to your computer and install the appropriate software on your PC’s hard drive. Without it, the computer simply will not recognize the peripheral device connected to it.

Typically, drivers and utilities necessary for operation are included with the device on a special disk. They must be installed on a computer without connecting a scanner to it. To do this you need:

  • Insert the boot disk into the computer's CD/DVD drive and wait for it to autoboot.
  • If the driver download has not started, go to the “Start” menu - “My Computer” and right-click on the icon of your disk drive. You can select the “Startup” item in the menu or download the desired file manually - such files are usually indicated by the symbols setup.exe.
  • If the scanner does not come with an installation disk, the necessary drivers and utilities can be downloaded from the official website of the flatbed scanner manufacturer.

Only after this will the computer begin to recognize the connected peripheral device and be able to fully work with it. It remains to check the operation of the scanner. To do this you need:

A program for scanning images is already available in the computer's operating system. Having installed a graphic editor, you can send scanned photos from the scanner directly to it and work with them further. But to process a text document, you will need to install a text recognition program on your PC. It can be found on the Internet and installed in the same way as it was done for scanner drivers.

Video: installing the scanner

How to use a flatbed scanner

You can scan images without installing additional programs on your PC. To do this you need:

  • Place the document to be scanned under the flatbed scanner cover, face down.
  • Open the scanning program installed on your operating system by using the Start menu, selecting All Programs and launching the Windows Fax and Scan application.

  • To open the standard scanning program, you need to select “All Programs” from the “Start” menu and find the “Windows Fax and Scan” item in the drop-down list.

  • In the window that opens, select a new scan.

  • To start the scanning process in the program integrated into Windows OS, you must select “New Scan” in the upper left corner of the panel

  • When the dialog box appears, specify the scanner and scanning parameters.

  • In the next dialog box of the program you need to select a scanner (several of them can be installed) and its operating parameters

  • By clicking on the “Scan” button, wait for the process to complete. After the name of the scanned image appears in the list located at the top of the program window, right-click on it, call up the context menu and select the desired action.

  • After finishing the scanning performed by a standard Windows program, you must select the action that should be performed with the scanned image

To be able to perform any actions with a digitized image, you need to download and install additional programs on your PC. The most popular of them is ABBYY FineReader. In some flatbed scanner models, such a program is supplied along with drivers on the boot disk. It significantly expands the possibilities of working with scanned texts.

The procedure for working with FineReader (as well as with other similar applications) is similar to working with a program integrated into Windows OS, with the only difference being that in the first dialog box you should select the action that will need to be performed after the scanning process is completed.

When working with ABBYY FineReader, before selecting scanning parameters, you must define the final task in the pop-up dialog box

Flatbed scanner repair

Repairing flatbed scanners is a very responsible task that requires special knowledge and skills. A scanner is an electronic computer device, the cause of which may fail is a mechanical or electronic part failure, as well as a software failure. For diagnostics, you will need special equipment, an oscilloscope, a multimeter, as well as knowledge from the field of electronics.

Typical failures of flatbed scanners are:

  • malfunction of the lamp, its burnout and the appearance of dark spots that reduce the flow of light. This problem can be solved by replacing the lamp;
  • Scanning head is clogged. To eliminate the defect, you will need to clean the mirrors, lamp and other elements of the scanner optics;
  • Stepper motor malfunction. Restoration work or replacement of this unit will be required;
  • malfunctions of the moving parts of the scanner. They are often eliminated by carrying out preventive cleaning, lubrication, and in some cases, replacing gears with increased mechanical wear;
  • failure of the power supply. Usually it is replaced with a new one;
  • USB connector malfunction. It can be eliminated by soldering the wires or replacing this assembly part.

Not so often, but there are also electronic malfunctions that require the replacement of individual elements or entire boards.

In most of the above cases, you need to contact a specialized service center for repairs. But still, one of the most common scanner malfunctions can be fixed independently. We are talking about replacing the lamp. Modern flatbed scanning machines use cold fluorescent lamps. Over time, darkening appears on them, which most often occurs in the end part, where the electrodes come from. This results in defects in the scanned image.

You can diagnose the presence of defects on the lamp by lifting the cover while the scanner is turned on. An uneven and dim glow will indicate a malfunction of the light source. To replace the lamp you need:

Video: Removing the flatbed scanner glass

Disassembling a flatbed scanner is also necessary in cases where it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning, remove debris that interferes with the movement of the carriage, or replace a damaged cable. Depending on the model, disassembly methods may vary. In some scanners, you may need to unscrew the screws in the area where the tablet cover is attached, and then simply slide the frame with the glass, removing it from the grooves.

Video: disassembling a flatbed scanner to clean the glass

In other models, you need to turn the scanner upside down and carefully use a screwdriver to open the frame of the tablet with the glass where it is attached to the latches.

Video: how to disassemble a scanner with a tablet fastened with latches

Flatbed scanners are the most versatile of all such peripheral devices. They are used for digitizing both individual sheets and fairly large books. Today this is the most popular and popular type of scanning technology, the quality of the resulting image is close to the simplest models of drum devices, but is much more compact and cheaper. Having the necessary information about the device, operating principle and basic operating parameters of flatbed scanners, you can easily select the appropriate model for home or office use and learn how to scan any documents.


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