The bat how to add a mailbox. Setting up The Bat email client

Safety of work in the program The Bat! can only be guaranteed if its version is 4.0 or higher. If the version of The Bat! 3.99.29 or lower, then it is not safe to use. We recommend installing mail client newer version.

Configure via IMAP protocol

To set up The Bat! via IMAP protocol:

4. On this page, enter the following information:

6. On the settings page that opens, enter the following information:

  • To access the server, use the protocol - IMAP;
  • Server for receiving mail -;

8. In this section, provide the following information:

10. For better protection You can enable encryption of the data you send and receive using your email program. To do this, in the window that appears, check the box next to “Yes” after the question “Do you want to check the remaining properties of the mailbox?” and click "Done".

11. In the menu on the left, select “Transport”, and in the “Sending mail” and “Receiving mail” sections, in the “Connection:” drop-down lists, select “Secure on a special port (TLS)”;

Check that the IMAP server port is 993 and the SMTP server port is 465.

12. Click “Authentication...” next to “SMTP server”, check the box next to “SMTP Authentication”, check the box “Use mail receiving parameters (POP3/IMAP)”, and also uncheck the box next to “POP before SMTP authentication” » click OK.

13. To make the list of folders in your mail program similar to the list of folders in your mailbox, click right click mouse over the name of the newly created account and select “Update folder tree”.

14. Now you need to specify the folders in which all letters sent from the mail program, as well as letters from other system folders mail program. To do this, right-click on the name of the newly created account and select “Mailbox Properties...”.

15. In the window that appears, go to the “Mail Management” section, check the boxes next to “Sent Items” and “Trash”, select “Sent Items” and “Trash” in the drop-down lists, respectively.

16. Go to the “Delete” subsection and check the boxes next to “Place in specified folder" in sections " Normal removal" and "Alternative deletion", by clicking the "Browse" button, select the "Trash" folder from the proposed lists.

17. Uncheck “Use alternative deletion for old emails”, and check “Mark deleted emails as read” opposite.

18. Click OK - mail program set up!

Configure via POP3 protocol

To configure the mail program The Bat! via POP3 protocol, necessary:

1. B top panel in the “Box” menu, select “New Mailbox…»;

2. In the “Mailbox Name” field, enter any name, for example: Mail.Ru Mail.
Click Next.

3. On this page, enter the following information:

    • “Your full name” - enter the name that will appear in the “From:” field for all messages sent;
    • “E-mail address” - enter the full name of your mailbox.

4. On the settings page that opens, enter the following information:

    • To access the server, use the protocol - POP3;
    • Server for receiving mail -;
    • The SMTP server address is
      Check the box "My SMTP server requires authentication."

6. In the window that opens, enter the following information:

    • User - the full name of your mailbox in the format [email protected];
    • Password—the current password for your mailbox.

7. Check the “Leave letters on the server” checkbox if you want to leave letters downloaded by the mail program in a mailbox on the server.

9. To better protect the data you send and receive using your email program, you can enable encryption. To do this, in the window that appears, check the box next to “Yes” after the question “Do you want to check the remaining properties of the mailbox?” and click "Done".

10. In the menu on the left, select “Transport”, and in the “Sending mail” and “Receiving mail” sections, in the “Connection:” drop-down lists, select “Secure on a special port (TLS)”.

Check that the POP3 server port is 995 and the SMTP server port is 465.

11. Click “Authentication...” opposite “SMTP server”, check the box next to “SMTP Authentication” and check the box “Use mail receiving settings (POP3/IMAP)”, click OK. The mail program setup is complete!

Change SSL settings

Safety of work in the program The Bat! can only be guaranteed if its version is 4.0 or higher. If the version of The Bat! 3.99.29 or lower , then it is unsafe to use it. We recommend installing a newer version of your email client.

To set up your TheBat! By secure protocol SSL:

4. If your email program is configured using the IMAP protocol.

In the “Sending mail” sections, in the “Connection:” drop-down list, select “Secure on a special port (TLS)”.

Check that the SMTP server port is 465.

If the above settings are already installed in your email program, then no changes need to be made.

Error: The TLS hello did not complete. The server name ("") does not match the certificate" or another error mentioning the inability to complete the connection using TLS.

It is possible that The Bat!'s root certificate database, required to work with a mailbox using the secure SSL protocol, is not up to date, in in this case you need to use Microsoft CryptoAPI, for this you need:

Please also note that for correct operation The SSL protocol requires that the correct date and time be set on your computer. You can check the date and time, as well as reset them, using our instructions.

send us

Error: “Unable to connect to server” or “TLS hello did not complete. The server name ("217.XX.XXX.XXX") does not match the certificate"

Please check your email client settings:

Follow all the steps described above and resend the email. If the problem persists, please send us your email client's sending log to diagnose the problem.

To get the dispatch log:

If you have problems setting up your email program, use our

The Bat is a popular email program. With The Bat you can quickly and conveniently background, manage multiple email accounts, periodically checking receipts new mail, and notifying the user. Using the mail client The Bat! allows you to quickly manage your mail and save your time and Internet traffic, since to check your mail you do not need to enter a login or password - the program does it all itself. In this article, we’ll look at setting up The Bat email client point by point.

The program is intuitive to use, but some users encounter problems setting up the bat program. In order to work with such mail giants as:,,, etc. you need to configure the bat program correctly.

In this article, we will look at the points of setting up the The Bat email client for and clients. But in this way you can configure The Bat mail not only for these services, but also for other mail services, since there are no special differences between them except the differences in the server addresses of incoming/outgoing letters for the POP3/IMAP and SMTP protocols.

By the way, you will only need to configure the bat mail once, and for all subsequent settings you can use saved the settings bat. But more on that later.

First, download and install the Russian version of the bat. Installation, I think, will not cause any difficulties.

Let's launch the program.

And in order for the program to start working with the mail server through the mail client The bat we need to create and configure a new account for your mail account.

Select the “New Mailbox” command from the “Mailbox” menu.

In the window that opens, you will be asked to enter the name of your mailbox. Give it some name, for example: “mail”. To continue, click the “Next” button.

A window will open in which you can enter your name, address Email and organization. To continue, click the “Next” button.

In the next window you must enter the addresses of the mail servers through which you will receive and send mail.

In the “Server for receiving mail” input field, enter:

In the “SMTP server address” input field, enter:

To send mail, the server requires authentication - check the box "My SMTP server requires authentication."

To configure other servers, use following parameters:

The bat settings for Rambler:

Dispatch SMTP mail-server:

Receiving almost Mail. server:

The bat settings for

Sending mail SMTP server:

Receiving almost Mail. server:

The bat settings for Yandex:

Sending mail SMTP server:

Receiving almost Mail. server:

The bat settings for GMail:

Sending mail SMTP server:

Receiving almost Mail. server:

In the next window you need to enter your mail user name and password. Enter the username in full format (together with the domain name): user@

In the last window, the program will prompt you to check other properties of your mailbox. If you want, you can configure it. To complete creating an email account in the “The Bat” program, click “Finish”.

That's all! Very convenient to set up automatic check emails at a specified time interval. When there is a new letter, a “bat” will appear in the tray.

Nowadays, almost every person has their own electronic mailbox. You can’t do without email, because it is through it that registration on various resources takes place global network, including in social networks, is underway business conversation in companies, advertisements, useful and not so useful notifications are sent out. With such a flow of incoming and outgoing letters, there is a need for a more convenient and centralized management all mailboxes. This is why they came up with special mail programs that make working with letters much more comfortable. In this article we will take a closer look at how to configure The Bat email program. Let's figure it out. Go!

After you have downloaded and installed The Bat, the first time you launch the utility you will need to configure it for the service you use. It can be any of them: Gmail, Yandex,, or any other.

Mark the line “Create a new mailbox” with a dot and proceed to the next step. Next, enter a name for your mailbox; the “Home Directory” field can be left untouched. Then enter your username and your email. Now important point. You must select the correct protocol to access the server of the service you are using. Below you need to specify the server for receiving mail and the SMTP server address. Be sure to check the boxes next to the “Secure connection” items.

Depending on which service you use, the settings will differ. In the first section, where you need to select a protocol, as a rule, either POP3 or IMAP4 is used. The fields below are very easy to fill out. If you use, then specify and as the first and second servers. In case you have chosen IMAP protocol 4, then the first field should look like this: Also, don’t forget to check the “My SMTP server requires authentication” option.

Then enter your mailbox username and password. Please note that only the part of the address up to the “@” symbol is indicated as the login. Then uncheck the box “Do not use the Recycle Bin when deleting.” In the next window, immediately click on the “Next” button. In the “Do you want to check other mailbox properties?” answer “Yes” and click “Done”.

In The Bat window, open the “Transport” tab and set the settings for mail servers:

  • and - in the sending and receiving mail fields, respectively;
  • 465 and 993 - as port numbers;
  • Set the type of connection to “Secure on special.” port (TLS)".

For others popular services indicate the appropriate server addresses. Immediately after the name of the protocol, indicate the name of the service, for example, or The port numbers are in most cases the same as those listed above.

In the “Sending Mail” section, click on the “Authentication” button. In the window that appears, make sure that “SMTP Authentication (RFC-2554)” is checked and that the use of mail receiving settings (POP3/IMAP) is selected. Apply the specified settings and log into The Bat again.

Right-click on the mailbox name and select “Refresh Folder Tree.” After that, in the same menu, click “Mailbox Properties”. In the “Mail Management” block, set “Sent” in the item of the same name and “Deleted” in the “Trash” line. Below, check the box “when you start The Bat”.

Select “Delete” from the menu on the left. In both “Move to specified folder” fields, set “Deleted”. At the bottom of the window, check the boxes next to “Automatically compress...” and “Mark deleted...”.

In the “Options” window, enable the “Scan when The Bat starts” and “Compress all folders...” functions.

    Launch the program and configure it using the installation wizard.

    In the window Creating a new mailbox specify the following account parameters:

    Click "Next .

    If you already have a The Bat! and you want to add another one, open Box → New mailbox.

    In the Incoming mail window, specify following settings account:

    • To receive mail use- IMAP - Internet Mail Access Protocol v4;

      Server address -;

      Port - 993.

    Click "Next .

    In the Outgoing Mail window, specify the following account settings:

    • Outgoing mail server address (SMTP)-;

      Connection - Secure according to specifications. port (TLS) ;

      Port - 465;

      Enable the option My SMTP server requires authentication.

    Click "Next .

    In the window Account Information Click the Finish button.

  1. Synchronize the created account with the server to get a list of folders. To do this, right-click on the name of the mailbox and select Refresh folder tree.

    ","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))" >

    Right-click on the mailbox name and select Mailbox properties. On the left go to the menu Mail management. Find the block in the field on the right Using IMAP folders as default. Turn on the Sent options and select Sent from the list. In the same block, enable the Recycle Bin option and select Deleted items from the list. Then go to block Automatically connect to server and set the value when launching The Bat!.

    ","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape ":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric": false)]))">

    Click item Mail management→ Delete and specify the Deleted Items folder as the folder for normal and alternative deletion. Also disable the option Use alternative deletion for old emails and enable the option Automatically compress folders after emptying.

    ","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape ":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric": false)]))">

    Click Settings and enable options Check when starting The Bat! And Compress all folders when exiting The Bat!.

    ","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape ":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))">

    Click OK to apply the changes and restart the program.

Problems with The Bat!

This step by step guide will help you solve problems related to your email program.

Select an issue:

What message did you receive?

If a message appears about no connection to the server, try logging into Yandex.Mail with the same username and password that you use in the program. Enter your username and password manually, without using those stored in the browser.

Make sure that the protocol you want to use is enabled in the Mail programs settings section.\n

Make sure that in the mail program settings you have accurately specified\\n the following server parameters:\\n \\n \\n

If you are using IMAP

    \\n \\n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \\n
  • port - 993.
  • \\n
    \\n \\n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \\n
  • port - 465.
  • \\n
\\n \\n \\n \\n\\n

\\n \\n \\n \\n

If you are using POP3

\\n \\n \\n Incoming mail \\n \\n

    \\n \\n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \\n
  • port - 995.
  • \\n
\\n \\n \\n \\n Outgoing mail \\n \\n
  • mail server address -;
  • \\n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \\n
  • port - 465.
  • \\n
\\n \\n \\n \\n\\n

\\n \\n \\n \\n\\n

For more information on how to check server settings in different mail programs, see the section.

\\n ")]))\">

Make sure that in your mail program settings you have accurately specified\nthe following server parameters:

If you are using IMAP

  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 993.
  • \n
  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 465.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n

If you are using POP3

\n \n \n Incoming mail \n \n

  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 995.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n Outgoing mail \n \n
  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 465.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n\n

Encryption of transmitted data.

\n\n ")]))">

Make sure that the protocol you want to use is enabled in the settings section.

Make sure that in the mail program settings you have accurately specified\n the following server parameters:\n \n \n

If you are using IMAP

\n \n \n Incoming mail \n \n

  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 993.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n Outgoing mail \n \n
  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 465.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n

If you are using POP3

\n \n \n Incoming mail \n \n

  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 995.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n Outgoing mail \n \n
  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 465.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n\n

For more information on how to check server settings in different mail programs, see the section Encrypting transmitted data.

\n ")]))">

Make sure that in your mail program settings you have accurately specified the following server parameters:

If you are using IMAP

Incoming mail

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 993.
Outgoing mail
  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 465.

If you are using POP3

Incoming mail

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 995.
Outgoing mail
  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 465.

For more information on how to check server settings in different email programs, see the section Encrypting transmitted data.

If the "Authentication required" message appears, "Sender address rejected: Access denied" or “Send auth command first”, authorization on the Yandex SMTP server is disabled in the mail program settings. Make sure the option is enabled User Authentication(For Outlook Express) or SMTP Authentication(for The Bat!).

If a message appears "Sender address rejected: not owned by auth user", the address from which you are trying to send a letter does not match the one under whose login you are authorized on the SMTP server. Make sure that in the mail program settings, the return address is set to exactly the address from which the login is used in the SMTP authorization settings.

If a message appears "Login failure or POP3 disabled", the mail program cannot access the mailbox using the POP3 protocol. Make sure you have entered correct password from the mailbox and in the settings section, access via the POP3 protocol is enabled.

If a message appears "Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM", the contents of your email were recognized by Yandex.Mail as spam. To solve the problem, open Yandex.Mail and send any one letter as a test. This way you will prove to the system that the letters are not being sent by a robot.

Check your computer for viruses using free antivirus programs: CureIt! from Dr.Web and Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab.

If your mail program does not accept or send letters, check that your mail program settings are correct, as well as your computer’s Internet connection settings.

If you are using antivirus program, firewall or proxy server, disable them and check if this reproduces the problem.

Read step by step instructions to search for missing letters. Before starting work .

Select an issue:

When you delete messages, they go to the Deleted Items folder and are stored there for 30 days. During this period you can restore them:

    Go to the Deleted Items folder.

    Highlight necessary letters.

    Click the To Folder button.

If more than a month has passed since they were deleted, it will not be possible to restore the letters - they have been permanently deleted from the Yandex.Mail servers.

If the letters are not in the folder where they should be, then most likely they ended up in another folder, for example in Deleted Items or Spam. If you remember the sender's name or address, part of the text of the letter or the subject, try searching for letters in all the folders in your mailbox.

Have you found the letters?

You can restore letters:

    Go to the folder in which the letters were found.

    Select the required letters.

    Click the To Folder button.

    Select from the list the folder where you want to move the letters - for example, Inbox.

Why emails disappear and how to avoid it

The Deleted emails folder is stored for 30 days, and the Spam folder for 10 days. After this, they will be permanently deleted from Yandex servers. Why can emails end up in these folders without your knowledge:

Another user has access to your mailbox

Emails can be deleted by a user who has access to your mailbox: perhaps you forgot to end your session after working on someone else's device. To end your session, click the link in your account menu Log out on all devices. This can also be done on the page - using the link Log out on all computers.

Letters disappear in the mail program

A rule has been configured that deletes or moves letters. Letters disappear in the mail program.

If you use a mail program and delete letters in it, they disappear on . This happens because your program is configured using the IMAP protocol - in this case, the mailbox structure on the service is synchronized with the mailbox structure in the program. To delete messages only in the program, but leave them in Yandex.Mail, you can configure the program using the POP3 protocol, but we recommend not doing this: the messages may not synchronize correctly with the server.

A rule has been configured that deletes or moves emails Indicate authentic ones in Yandex.Passport and link them to your account. Our security system may have found your account suspicious and blocked your mailbox. Most often, this happens due to the fact that the phone number is not attached to the box or the Passport contains a fictitious first and last name. It usually takes a couple of hours to remove the lock.

If you delete letters in your mail program, but they are still in their folders on the Yandex.Mail website, then most likely your mail program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not synchronize correctly with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use the IMAP protocol. To learn how to migrate your email program from POP3 to IMAP, see Migration from POP3.

If your email program does not display sent emails, then most likely your email program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not synchronize correctly with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use the IMAP protocol. To learn how to migrate your email program from POP3 to IMAP, see Migration from POP3.

The report always indicates the reason for non-delivery. About the most common reasons can be read in the article ../web/letter/create.html#troubleshooting__received-report.

If you receive errors about an incorrect certificate when activating SSL encryption in your email program, make sure that your email program and operating system configured correctly:

  • On a computer (without lags and "date from the future"). If installed wrong date, the system erroneously determines that the certificate has not yet expired or has already expired.
  • All installed.
  • Checking HTTPS connections is disabled in your antivirus settings. You can change your antivirus settings according to our instructions for Kaspersky Internet Security and ESET NOD32 Smart Security See the Security Certificate Errors section.

Manually add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates (Windows)

Attention. If you are not sure that you can install the certificate yourself, contact a specialist.

To add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates:

    Download the certificate. (If the linked file opens directly in your browser, click CTRL + S and save the file to your computer; there is no need to copy text from the file.)

    Open the Start menu.

    In the search field, enter certmgr.msc and click Enter key.

    In the program window, in the folder tree, click on the folder Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

Email client The Bat! is, perhaps, the most popular among the user audience, who prefer to work with email using special software and are accustomed to receiving much more than the web interface of each individual can offer postal service. The Bat! (colloquially referred to as a mouse) is a powerful desktop email client that is superior in its capabilities to many similar programs, including such a functional monster as .

In this article - in the first part review The Bat! - Let's look at installing the program, setting up mailboxes and get acquainted with the interface. We will consider individual functionality of the mailer, such as: sending letters, built-in notepad, task scheduler, working with templates, built-in RSS reader and data backup.

The Bat! – more than the capabilities of regular mailers

The Bat! - the brainchild of Moldovan developers from the company Ritlabs - it is mega-functional, stable and the most safe program for working with e-mail within the local space of the computer.

Like any other desktop mailer, The Bat! allows you to manage multiple email accounts using IMAP, POP, APOP, SMTP protocols, as well as RSS subscriptions from a single software interface. Sorting filtering emails, letter templates for the flow of work with correspondence, spell checking in forms for sending letters, anti-spam protection, contact book- this is functionality Must Have for any more or less normal email client. In addition to this basic functionality, The Bat! has much greater capabilities that distinguish it favorably from the mass of other mailers on the software market. So, in The Bat! allows you to flexibly configure the organization and appearance programs tailored to the preferences of each user. Flexible settings are also available for email sorting criteria. The template system will help minimize the process of creating emails.

The Bat! is an advanced mailer that can offer advanced users the ability to work with macros to create email templates and rules for the program.

The Bat! is equipped with protection against viruses that are spread by email. The mailer interacts with almost all antivirus products. Not only incoming correspondence, but also outgoing mail can be checked for threats.

The Bat! – a paid mailer, on the creators’ website you can download an urgent demo version for free, which you can freely use for 30 days. Let's take advantage of this opportunity and download the latest current version from the official website.

Installing the program and connecting the mailbox

During the installation process after standard commands launch the installer and agree with license terms The Bat! will offer full or custom installation. Choose full installation- This universal option installation on the system disk with all program components.

Upon completion of the installation process, launch the program.

When you launch The Bat! A window will appear asking you to protect your data with encryption. If you want to protect the data of your email accounts, you can take advantage of the program's offer by checking the data protection box accordingly. If, as in our case, there is no super-secret information in the mailboxes, we simply skip the sentence and click “Next”.

In the next mailer settings window we will see the automatically specified data storage directory on system disk. Owners regular hard drives with magnetic plates, in principle, nothing needs to be changed here. But those who have the system installed on an SSD drive, in order to minimize the number of cycles of writing and reading data, can create a special directory on a regular hard drive for the needs of the mailer, if the computer assembly has one. Set the option to create a program shortcut on the desktop and click “Ok”.

If The Bat! used for the first time, you must enter data account email in the welcome window of the first launch of the program. At the bottom of the window there is a button to start the process of restoring from a backup - a tool thanks to which the mailer can quickly be restored to a previously saved state. Program tools with backup and restoration we will consider below. Now let's start working with The Bat! from scratch and connect the mailbox. Fill in the required fields and click the “Advanced” button.

IN additional parameters in our case, the IMAP protocol is selected by default for the Yandex.Mail mailbox - a modern, secure mailbox connection protocol that allows you to manage mail on the server in real time (literally with every second synchronization) without downloading mail locally to your computer. In rare cases, IMAP can be replaced by those who fundamentally need the classic POP3 protocol, which completely downloads correspondence from the server. Here, in additional parameters, you can check the displayed data of incoming and outgoing mail servers and their ports with the data of a particular mail service, if you are unable to connect your account on the first try.

Incorrect server and port data in The Bat! - quite a rare occurrence. This mailer has a large and up-to-date database of mail servers for automatic connection without unnecessary dancing with tambourines. If the connection was unsuccessful on the first attempt, although the mailbox data was entered correctly, most likely the cause of the problem lies in the mail service not being trusted by the client email applications. A common reason why any email client (be it The Bat!, be it l, be it ) will not be able to connect an email account is unauthorized access of email clients to mail server. This point must be checked in the mailbox web interface settings.

After connecting your email account, you will be taken to the main window of The Bat! and we can see how all our correspondence from the mail service appears in incoming messages.

To connect another email account, you need to follow the path described above by selecting the “Mailbox” menu section at the top of the mailer window, and in it – “New mailbox”.

If before installing The Bat! you used another email client, you can import mail from it. Open the “Tools” menu section, then “Import letters”, then either select the appropriate option or click “Import Wizard”.

Selecting “Import Wizard”, follow step by step process extracting data from another email client into The Bat!.

Setting up a mailbox

You can change the data entered when setting up or importing a mailbox at any time. To do this, on your mail account in the The Bat! call context menu and select “Mailbox Properties”.

On the right in the first section of the tree navigation panel " General information“We can change the name of the mailbox, sender data, data in the “Return Address” field and address book settings.