Telephone jammer. Jammers for cell phones and data transmission devices

Total tracking of cars has now become widespread, since all domestic cars come off the assembly line with a built-in GLONASS system. This is done in order to use the system while driving or stealing, but it is still tracking each person.

To cope with the problem of unwanted tracking, you will need a GPS jammer that can suppress the navigator and interfere with its operation. Such a device can be purchased in the store electronic technology or create your own new gadget yourself, if available basic knowledge in radio engineering.

Stationary option for indoor installation

This sample will easily fit in your pocket

The device consists of the following parts:

  1. generator;
  2. antenna;
  3. scheme;
  4. amplifier.

A voltage control generator that allows you to eliminate system overvoltage and save the circuit from burning out. Additionally, it serves as a current amplifier, maintaining system functionality even when weak source nutrition.

Antenna. This device uses different kinds transmitting parts, but preferably SMA or OMNI, which provide the largest coverage area and can operate in civil band frequency

Amplifier. Part of the circuit responsible for supplying a more powerful and, accordingly, understandable signal.

Customized circuit. This part includes the generator and the core coil. The first creates oscillations, which are subsequently transferred to the coil. In order for the gadget to work correctly and not jam cellular communications, you will need to wind the correct number of turns, equivalent to the frequency. The choice of core will determine how long the device can last and the gain.

The design also contains other elements that allow it to operate in different modes:

  1. interfering with the operation of tracking devices, allowing you to hide a car or mobile phone from radar screens;
  2. change active signal, so that it shows false information. For example, the screens will show a different street location.

Such gadgets are much more difficult to implement due to the presence of a special processor.

Features of creation and configuration

The GPS jammer you create yourself must fully correspond to a similar factory device. To do this, you will need a GPS jammer circuit, which is a small cascade that includes transistors and diodes.

GPS jammer circuit:

A simple frequency jammer for jamming a GPS signal

Capacitors and resistors can be created using current mirrors and other replaceable circuits. Thanks to this substitution, it is possible to reduce the size of the gadget and its cost.

The most important point is the setting, which helps to get rid of problems such as jamming of other signals, for example, 3G or Bluetooth. To prevent frequencies from mixing, it is best to adjust the inductor, on which the emitted frequency depends. This action is performed by changing the number of turns on the core.

To more accurately determine the turns, you will need to use a special formula showing the relationship between frequency, inductance and windings.

Thompson's formula. Determination of the resonant frequency v - frequency, L - inductance of the coil, C - capacitance of the capacitor

Additionally, you will need to arrange the operation of the amplifier. This unit will be able to show how strong the signal will be, which may not give the desired effect when the device is operating.

In some cases it is best to reduce the gain, thereby reducing interference third party sources communications. Adjustment of this indicator involves experimental manual setting amplifier, simultaneously checking the operation of the entire complex and its impact on tracking devices.

The antenna is a part that does not require tuning, but you need to be more careful in choosing it. According to the recommendations of radio amateurs, the right solution would be to install SMA antennas that radiate the signal in all directions and give the best gain.

SMA connector options

The appearance of the SMA antenna can be almost any

The GPS jammer is also made from other types of transmitting parts:

  1. whip antenna;
  2. log-periodic;
  3. panel, used on an industrial scale.

Depending on the coverage area, there will be a choice between the number of antennas to be installed. If you need to get results within a couple of meters, then only 1 piece is used, while in some structures up to 4 pieces are installed. The latter is much more difficult to do on your own, since you will need additional terminals with contacts and a distributor of both signal and voltage.

Before receiving permission for installation, you will need to undergo inspection and testing. Of course, a jammer GPS trackers a handmade one is not able to obtain the appropriate permission, so it is best to use it unofficially.

Since the device has low power and is used only in the civilian range, it cannot be tracked. The main problems will arise if a driver, under close surveillance of the employer, is caught with such a device, this can lead to a large fine or even dismissal.

Each person decides to buy a device himself or create it himself. If you use existing circuits, it is possible to get a really high-quality gadget at minimal cost. Despite the lack of permits and certificates, the device can be configured specifically for you and your situation.

Today there is hardly a single person who does not use information Technology. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops help solve many problems, but along with these useful devices, there are also those that can harm us. One of effective ways To protect yourself is to use special phone jammers and voice recorders, detectors magnetic field, blockers cellular communications, GSM/GPS signal suppressors, wifi, telephones, cellular communications, other signals, voice recorders. You can always find and purchase them in Moscow at the ARGO company at the most attractive prices.

Range of products offered

Jammer cell phones, GPS, GLONASS and wifi do an excellent job of protecting confidential information and helping to avoid surveillance. The operating principle of such a device is based on radio signal suppression and various standards communications (for example, GSM, GPRS, Wi-Fi, etc.) using a noise generator. In addition to ensuring safety, this technology It is also widely used in cases where it is necessary to disconnect telephones from the network (this applies to large theaters, music halls, etc.).

At ARGO you will find any models of wifi jammers and GPS jammers, mobile phones and GLONASS for cars. They differ in their varied radius (from 5 to 350 m) and the number of suppressed signals. Some models are capable of blocking wireless video cameras or radio microphones. Jammers are divided into the following types:

  • portable. They are mainly used to protect your own car or during off-site meetings. Characterized by compact size and a small range. Thanks to the availability battery You can always carry such devices with you;
  • stationary. Used to protect offices or meeting rooms. These devices can be installed in libraries or universities. They have a large reception radius.

The main advantage of the proposed devices: signal suppression occurs only at certain ranges frequencies, while other devices can continue to operate at normal mode. In addition, mobile phone and GPS jammers do not have any negative impact on human well-being.

Buy jammers for phones, GPS, wifi and voice recorders in Moscow

ARGO LLC is a rapidly growing company in Moscow, main activity which is the supply of a variety of security systems, including car GPS jammers. To place an order for a cell phone jammer from China or a GPS jammer, Wi-Fi and various signals, cell phone blocker, you just need to call us or write to us by e-mail. You can make a purchase through the website or by visiting our office.

With the advent of mobile phones, communication between people has become much easier. Mobile phones allow you to save a huge amount of time and quickly decide important questions and simply maintain pleasant communication with a loved one who is at a distance. However, thanks to various spy devices, a personal mobile phone can turn from a faithful assistant into a source of constant leakage personal information, which can lead to serious problems.

Nowadays, in order to become the owner of a device that listens to mobile phones, it is not at all necessary to be a special agent or intelligence officer. Anyone who wants he can buy bugs both on the Internet and in specialized stores and install them anywhere.

Fortunately, protect your personal information and phone against illegal intrusion is quite simple. To do this, you need to have cellular jammers and jammers for GSM and GLONASS signals. Fortunately, in order to protect yourself, it is not necessary to buy such devices. Experienced radio amateurs are quite capable of assembling devices that suppress cellular signals with their own hands. We will talk about how telephone signal jammers work, what they can do and how to make them yourself in this article.

GPS jammers I GSM communications They work on a fairly simple principle. When telephone signals enter the jammer's range, interference occurs, blocking the ability to receive and send calls from mobile devices.

GSM and GLONASS jammers signals, in turn, work on a different principle. They scan frequencies looking for a specific signal, and as soon as it appears, the device begins to interfere and block the signal.

Differences between cellular jammers

The operation of GPS and GSM jammers is primarily distinguished by their range. The simplest signal suppressors work within a radius of 10 meters and will only be effective in a car. More complex devices are designed for a range of 50 meters. This is quite enough to protect yourself from “bugs” in large rooms. There are also devices, allowing you to jam signals within a radius of several kilometers, but such equipment is used exclusively by special services.

Installation and use of the jammer

The signal suppressor installation diagram is very simple. You need to screw the antenna into the connector of the device and turn it on. After turning on, the device will silence all detected signals within 10 seconds. The signal blocker is capable of operating from the network and in offline mode. It can also be easily charged using a car cigarette lighter.

Sometimes a situation arises when, when you turn on the telephone, GSM and GPS signals It doesn't work well, it doesn't find the right frequencies or something like that. This happens when the operators mobile communications use other frequencies. In order for the device to pick up all frequencies, you must perform the following steps:

  • Remove the switch;
  • Unscrew the antenna;
  • Remove the cover of the device;
  • Remove the device chip;

· To adjust the purity, use a screwdriver to tighten the trimming resistor on the microcircuit.

Legality of using communication jammers

According to the Law “On Communications”, which operates in our country, any devices that suppress signals from mobile phones or other devices are required to be certified and registered. And if a certificate can be obtained from sellers upon purchase, then you need to register the device yourself. In case of non-compliance with the rules of the current law, violators face a fine, and the use of the device is considered illegal. Although it is worth noting that illegal use Such devices are very rarely brought to justice, and when it comes to storing personal information, then in such conditions the risk is justified.

Who can listen to you

Install bugs and listen to your phones maybe even schoolchildren. It is very easy to purchase listening devices on the Internet. But mostly employees usually resort to using “wiretapping.” law enforcement, wanting to get dirt on criminals, influential businessmen wanting to eliminate competitors, jealous husbands suspecting their wives of infidelity, and so on. Therefore, in order not to become a victim It is necessary to protect yourself from information leakage using signal suppressors.

How to make a telephone jammer with your own hands

You can find enough on the Internet various schemes, with the help of which an effective suppressor of GPS and GSM signals can be designed independently. The most common telephone signal jammer operates at 800 MHz. Since most mobile phones are tuned to this frequency. Despite the simplicity of the operating principle of the device, it self-assembly requires certain skills.

In order to make your own home suppressor of GSM and GPS signals, you need to take a synchronous signal generator with a frequency of 45 MHz, to which the local oscillator port responds. As a result of this, interference appears. Next, the antenna on the generator is tuned to a frequency of 800 MGC. After this, the RF output is connected to the amplifier, due to which the power of the device increases to 16 dBm. Next, already amplified signal is fed to the device antenna. The final stage of self-assembly of the device is considered to be a self-made case, into which the battery is installed, and a switch is also created. In general, a finished signal suppressor will consist mainly of:

  • Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO);
  • Amplifier stage;
  • Source of interference;
  • Superstructure diagram;
  • Antennas.

A diagram of one such device is presented below:


From the above, it becomes clear that a cellular jammer in the modern high-tech world is a very useful device that will help save personal information and protect you from huge amount unpleasant situations. It is very easy to purchase such a device today., and if you are also an experienced radio amateur, you can easily assemble such a device yourself.

Quite often people come to us with similar statements. In fact, no effect was found.
Even if we assume that there is some radio noise coming from the power lines, then everything modern systems The connections are noise-proof and therefore there is no need to worry.
In all such cases, the issue was resolved by installing an antenna.

“We have “special” neighbors nearby. They are jamming communications" (military unit, intelligence services, etc.)

This myth is even the most common. Firstly, why would someone “jam” you?
Secondly, in our country there is GKRC (State Committee on Radio Frequencies). It distributes frequencies to everyone, for example, television operates at its own frequencies of 50-800 MHz, FM radio at 100 MHz, cellular operators - 900, 1800, 2100, 2600 MHz, WiFi - at 2.4 GHz, etc. Then each system and each structure operates at its own frequencies so that there is no mutual interference.
Again, from practice, each such situation turned out to be banal low level signal from base station mobile operator. And everything was solved by strengthening the cellular signal.


There were also cases when the connection was actually “jammed”, namely:
1. Cheap amplifier cellular communications, purchased for 5 thousand rubles, can worsen the connection around you. At the same time, a neighbor installed such an amplifier, and the connection deteriorated for you and other neighbors. As a rule, it ends with the arrival of a SCRF employee and the presentation of an administrative violation. If the issue is not resolved, then the second visit will come with a fairly large fine, and for legal entities with an order to close activities for 90 days.

2. Wireless WiFi camera. There was a case - a client contacted me. It was necessary to install a video camera in the kitchen, the renovation was done, the cable could not be laid. Installed wireless. The result is that the connection from the camera did not work within a radius of 7-8 meters.

To eliminate the problem associated with tracking, you will need a communication suppressor device that suppresses the navigator and also introduces certain interference during its operation. Such jammers are sold in an electronics store, or created with your own hands if you have some knowledge in the field of radio engineering.

What does the jammer consist of?

The jammer, as in the photo, consists of certain elements:

  • A generator for voltage regulation, through which the overvoltage of the entire system is removed and combustion is prevented. It also enhances the current flow, while maintaining the functionality of the entire system at any voltage.
  • Antenna. This device uses various types of transmitting elements, but the more suitable one is SMA, which provides the maximum coverage area and also operates in the desired frequency mode.
  • Amplifier. A certain part of the circuit that is responsible for supplying a powerful signal.
  • Scheme. IN this element includes a generator as well as a coil. The first produces vibrations that are gradually transmitted to the coil.

To ensure uninterrupted operation of the gadget and avoid communication jamming, you will need to wind the required number of turns. The duration of operation of the device and the gain directly depend on the correct choice of core.

The design also provides other details, thanks to which it functions in different modes:

  • interference in the functioning of tracking devices, which makes it possible to remove a phone or car from radar screens;
  • changing the signal so that it conveys distorted information.

Photos of do-it-yourself jammers