Your own home business. Proper domain parking and how to make money on it

Registration and parking of domains has long been a profitable business. By purchasing a domain name and linking its DNS addresses to one of the parking services, you can earn money even without having your own website and hosting. In Russia, domain parking gained popularity a little later than in the West - in 2007-2008. The reason for the development of commercial parking was great amount registered and unused domain names.

Parking services

There are quite a lot of similar services on the Internet today. When choosing, you should focus on the topics offered, the convenience of the interface and the withdrawal of earned money.
Foreign auction of domain names, with more than 4 million parked domains. The service has clear interface and a simple registration procedure. The domain owner can set his own price or accept offers from advertisers. For users from the CIS, the inconvenience is that the withdrawal of money is carried out only to bank card or through PayPal system, minimum amount for payments of $100.
A service that allows you to park domains for free and place targeted advertising on them from partners Google. The user has the opportunity to choose the appropriate template for his page. Payments are made to PayPal account monthly on the 15th, minimum amount is $20.
The first Russian-language platform for domain parking, owned by the domain name registrar Ru-center. Pays a fixed fee for each Internet user click advertising banner. The service is convenient because it supports WebMoney system, payments can be ordered weekly, and the minimum is only $10.

Secrets of successful parking

A guarantee of good traffic and solid earnings is right choice domain name. Even a large number of domains will not bring significant income if you do not adhere to certain rules for their selection. For these purposes, it is recommended to select a domain name using:

  • keywords (words and phrases most frequently typed by users in search engines Oh);
  • names of popular things, objects, names;
  • famous brands, websites, companies with intentional typos.

Having parked a domain in order to earn money, you should not promote it (purchase paid links, place it in directories, social networks, etc.) since this is prohibited by the rules of most parking services and their owners can ban the account without paying out the money earned.

Search engines also have an extremely negative attitude towards sites that lack information other than advertisements, and impose sanctions on them. Knowing this, parking services prohibit indexing parked domains in the robots.txt file; however, sometimes such domains still end up banned by search engines.

The largest category of users who are interested in domain parking are cybersquatters. They acquire domain names hundreds, and even thousands, for the purpose of resale, in anticipation of which it makes sense to carry out parking and earn money on domain renewals.

Due to the lack of free space in modern cities, finding convenient parking is often not possible. Taking this into account, motorists are willing to pay for comfort, and entrepreneurs who decide to make money by providing such services can make excellent profits. Successful business in a parking lot - this is a great idea in a big city, and it should definitely be used by those who have at least a small free area at hand for organizing parking.

Who needs parking?

Everyone needs parking lots sooner or later, and even in the quietest hours they are rarely completely empty, especially when it comes to parking in the business part of the city. Taking this into account, it is not difficult to assume that the owner of such parking lots will always make a profit. At the same time, the answer to the question of how to open a parking lot and make money on it is elementary:

  1. Enter into an agreement with the City Paid Parking Service (state enterprise)
  2. Select a parking space
  3. Approve it at the mayor's office (you need to provide design documentation for parking to it)
  4. Receive a warrant indicating the required number of spaces, the operating hours of the parking lot, how vehicles will be parked there, etc.

Before this, of course, you need to create a legal entity, because only it can enter into an agreement for organizing parking. It is also worth registering with the tax authority and choosing the appropriate tax system. Well, after the formalities are completed, it is worth concluding a cooperation agreement with any enterprise, whose employees will subsequently be able to place their cars in this parking lot.

How much can you earn from parking?

If you do not cooperate with any company, then each of your clients will pay 50-100 rubles per hour for a car left in the parking lot. That is, a parking lot for 10 cars will bring you at least 500-1000 rubles hourly and 10-20 thousand per day (provided that the parking lot is completely full for at least 20 hours out of 24). If you have entered into an agreement with a company, its clients and employees will park with you for free, but the company itself will pay you a certain amount for parking maintenance. It can also reach 10-15 thousand rubles per month. Also, your parking business can bring additional profit if you allow unauthorized motorists into the parking lot and charge them a fee. However, this can only be done if there is guaranteed availability free seats and confidence that every employee and client of the enterprise will find where to park the car in any situation. Additional profit is also possible if you organize valet parking - this system assumes that the guest does not park his car himself: he drives up to the entrance of the company, receives a token from the parking attendant and gives him the keys. The parking employee independently drives the car to the parking lot. In this case, it can be very large and located not next to the office, but about 500 m from it. And, of course, in such a situation you will be able to attract “outside” clients to this parking lot, which will allow you to earn extra money from parking. Also, with such a system of work, parking lot employees can count on additional income in the form of tips that will be left by customers.

How much should you invest in a parking lot business?

One of your main expenses is the cost of renting land on the selected site. Prices may vary, but the average amount is $40-150 per 1 sq. m. m annually. For a plot of 30 sq. m ( minimum size parking), so $120-$4,500 should be allocated. The next important expense item is the purchase of parking equipment. It can be:

  • barriers
  • security guard posts
  • special dividers for parking spaces
  • locks for spaces purchased by a specific client (set when a space becomes vacant and protect it from parking of other vehicles)
  • posts, bumpers and other equipment

The cost of different units may vary depending on their brand and features, but on average the minimum amount will fluctuate between 50-60 thousand rubles. You can save on this expense item by spending on regular parking lot markings. For installation of a parking sign, the marking itself and the creation of a separate “pocket” in the roadway for parking, you will need to pay 2-5 thousand dollars. And, of course, you should allocate 15-25 thousand rubles for paperwork that your business needs in the parking lot. For these purposes, it is better to hire a professional lawyer who will help carry out all the procedures as quickly as possible, and the bulk of these funds will be spent on paying for his services. In general, when organizing a business in a parking lot, you will need to have at least 200-300 thousand rubles on hand. This amount will be enough to arrange a small parking lot with a limited number of parking spaces and a small amount of equipment. For larger parking lots, you need to plan costs at the level of 1-1.5 million rubles. However, even the largest expenses can pay off within 1-2 years. And if you regularly monitor the condition of the parking lot, customers will always choose it, providing you with excellent profits.

Domain parking: what is it? It's very simple: registering a domain name without creating a website is called parking. To technically implement parking, the domain is registered on the DNS server of the service that provides such a service. Visitors to the parked domain are redirected to special page with advertising and contact details of the owner.

Parked domains are not indexed by search engines, so if you create a website, it is advisable to remove it from parking within 2-3 weeks, but deny access to search engine robots in the robots.txt file. These steps will help speed up indexing in the future.

Why and when is parking needed?

In general, parking is great way storage required domains. This need may arise when you need to:

  • stake out a suitable URL for a future website that is just planned for development,
  • prevent attackers from registering domain names with a spelling similar to the brand name,
  • show the terms of sale of pre-purchased promising domains.

Domain parking, as paid or free service, is provided by registrar companies, hosting companies, as well as services that place contextual advertising on parking pages.

Paid parking services offer not only security guarantees, but also additional services:

  • templates, and sometimes constructors, for creating parking pages,
  • possibility to register free mail to contact the owner,
  • park-frame - forwarding with saving the domain name in address bar or otherwise masking the address in the frame,
  • parking-redirect - substitution of the desired URL in the address bar.

In what cases is the domain masking service in demand? For example, the site is located on free hosting and there is no way to attach an arbitrary domain name to it. When masking is enabled, the visitor enters the required URL and is directed to a site located on a technical domain, but sees the correct URL in the address bar.

Another common case of using parking is due to the desire of the project owner not to lose those visitors who wrote the address incorrectly. The webmaster registers all available domains with misspellings, parks them and enables a redirect to the main resource. As a result, all these visitors will end up on the target site.

The period for which domains are parked is unlimited - as long as payment is received, the service can be renewed indefinitely.

Paid and free domain parking services

As mentioned above, parking can be paid or free. Among the latter, Yandex and Google are beyond competition. First of all, this is due to high reliability and additional options:

  • by mail,
  • a place in the cloud to store files,
  • hosting,
  • availability of chat.

Free ones include bonus domains with parking from hosting providers, provided for using them paid services. But in this case you need to pay Special attention on additional conditions. Sometimes organizational problems may arise with transferring a domain to another hosting.

To popular paid services providers of parking services in Russia include REG.RU and NIC.RU, as well as numerous partners and resellers of these companies. SEDO.COM and NAMEDRIVE.COM are considered well-known players in the industry worldwide

Russian parking services are not inferior in characteristics to similar foreign ones and are more convenient for most domain owners. is the world's largest parking operator. For Russians, a problem may be the lack of the possibility of mutual settlements using electronic payment systems, as well as a rather significant minimum amount for withdrawal equal to 100 euros. – no less popular service parking. Its advantage is a higher cost per click than SEDO. Namedrive also does not support domestic payment systems.

Procedure for parking a domain

To park a domain, you need to select the appropriate service and carefully study the documentation. Particular attention should be paid to the ns servers, which will need to be registered in the registrar's control panel. Then everything is simple.

Domain parking sequence:

  • log in to the registrar,
  • log in to the control panel,
  • change ns servers,
  • set up a parking page,
  • for RU zone wait 6 hours.

Ways to make money parking domains

Parking gives you a good chance to make money just by registering a domain without creating a website. It's about about registering hundreds or even thousands of domain names, because you can’t expect significant profits from just one. People involved in this business are called cybersquatters. Using a special software they register abandoned or unpaid domains on time and park them. Profit comes from displaying advertising and reselling domains at prices significantly higher than the cost from registrars.

It should be understood that this earning model is feasible exclusively on domains that were previously used on sites. Domains without history are practically useless to cybersquatters. The exception is URLs that are consistent with brands, which theoretically can be sold to their owners. Domain names that are high frequency can also be expensive keywords for various businesses.

What advice can you give when choosing a parking service? An important factor is the registrar's reputation, prices and expected traffic sources. In addition, there are potential risks of blocking or dividing the domain by decision government agencies, so English-language Internet services still seem more reliable.

Prospects for domain business

In addition to organizational and image components, the main factor in making money on domains is the cost per click contextual advertising. This parameter largely depends on the parking service itself. Some foreign parking lots are able to provide up to $5 per click. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the talk about the fabulous profits of the world leaders of the domain business.

In the Russian segment, statistics on parking income are tens and hundreds of times more modest. The situation can be explained by the relative underdevelopment of the market and the small total turnover of the parking business in Russia.

Those thinking about investing serious money in domain parking should take a closer look at English-language services and focus their purchase on the needs of the Western market. The Russian segment is interesting, to a greater extent, for its growth rate and the ability to justify investments in the long term. Those who manage to take leading positions now will receive maximum income over time.

The Ministry of Transport wants to force all companies and private entrepreneurs to take care of personal parking for all their cars, as well as specialized premises for their servicing. On the Unified portal for posting draft regulations, the Ministry of Transport of Russia published a bill “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Safety” traffic" and Code Russian Federation on administrative violations."

In this way, officials are going to eliminate spontaneous parking along roads and in the courtyards of residential buildings. A company or private entrepreneur will have to organize its own parking lot, or enter into a rental agreement with specialized organizations. For violators they offer to pay a fine of 25 thousand rubles. Experts believe that if this system for legal entities works, then private motorists will be next. This practice exists in some countries: in Japan you cannot buy a car until you prove that you have a place to park it.

Every evening, Muscovite Sergei drives his small business - a MAZ van - to the Savyolovsky station area. Here the car will spend the night in one of the courtyards, because the owner lives nearby. When Sergei drives up to the impromptu parking lot, his old neighbors are already standing there - several “gazelles” of the Azerbaijani Alizada. Cars are parked here and repaired here - empty oil cans and boxes lie nearby.

There are such spontaneous parking lots for trucks and private commercial vehicles in every residential area of ​​Moscow. The city authorities are fighting them as best they can, but they can’t win. According to the Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate (MADI), in the first half of 2016, 90 thousand cases of violations of stopping and parking rules were registered. Most of all, spontaneous parking worries firefighters and other special services, who cannot access houses and other objects during an emergency. Recently, the deputy head of the capital Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Pyotr Ostapenko, said that in three months of 2016 there were 11 cases when department employees were unable to install lifting mechanisms in courtyards when extinguishing fires due to spontaneous parking.

These amendments are aimed at introducing liability for individual entrepreneurs and organizations for the lack of the required number of parking spaces to provide parking for all vehicles owned by them and used in business activities, - the chairman of the Interregional Trade Union of Professional Drivers CS MPVP Alexander Kotov is indignant.

According to Kotov, all these amendments by officials are illegal. “They do not have such a right to restrict business. All this is being done in order to oust small businesses from the road transportation market,” says Alexander Kotov, leader of the MPVP Central Committee. transport companies there are areas where they store their vehicles, but private entrepreneurs or small companies have 5-10 cars; there are no such parking lots, and they are forced to park either in courtyards or in illegal parking lots located in the suburbs.”

The capital's Gazelle driver, Sergei, also agrees with him. “Parking in Moscow per day for my gazelle costs 150 rubles, and per month that’s already 4.5 thousand. For me, that’s money. And if I switch to a five-ton ZIL or a 15-ton truck, then I’ll pay per day for parking from 250 to 300 rubles,” Sergei tells Life. “This, of course, is less than the fine of 25 thousand rubles that officials plan to impose for the lack of a permanent parking space, but for me, even 300 rubles a day is money.”

But if the initiative of the Ministry of Transport is supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, then Sergei, his colleagues - individual entrepreneurs - and transport organizations are planned to be punished with a fine of 25 thousand rubles for the lack of premises and equipment necessary for the maintenance and repair of vehicles. To avoid sanctions, businessmen will have to enter into agreements with third-party organizations for the maintenance and repair of their cars.

Alexander Kotov, however, is confident that the initiative of the Ministry of Transport on mandatory parking for all cars of companies and private entrepreneurs will not be supported by the Government of the Russian Federation. “This is stupid, ridiculous, and most importantly, in my opinion, illegal. Our trade union, which has been operating since 1998 and unites thousands of Russian cargo carriers, will stand up to defend the rights of its colleagues,” said Laif Kotov.

The Ministry of Transport believes that currently the legislation does not establish requirements for transport and service infrastructure facilities for business. Therefore, most organizations that own vehicles do not have necessary equipment to ensure its parking and Maintenance. Since such vehicles are used by businesses for work, for example, to transport passengers and cargo, this creates certain inconvenience and even danger for other road users. The developers of the initiative believe that it is necessary to establish additional control over the activities of business entities that use road transport for their own needs.

The head of the Trucker trade union, Valeria Voitko, believes that the main problem is that there is a catastrophic shortage of legal parking spaces, despite the fact that the authorities announced the opening of almost 200 parking lots designed for 5.5 thousand heavy trucks.

As of July 1, 2016, there are 3.69 million trucks in Russia, of which 168 thousand are in Moscow. Many of them settle in spontaneous sites.

The founder of the social movement "Blue Buckets" Pyotr Shkumatov believes that the innovation can become a test "springboard": later the same rules can be extended to individuals. “Our authorities have repeatedly cited the example of Asian megacities where similar rules are used, for example, such a practice exists in Tokyo. There, a citizen cannot have a car without a parking space,” says Shkumatov. “Therefore, it may well turn out that this initiative will subsequently spread and on individuals. And this, in turn, may lead to people starting to enter into fictitious contracts with so-called “rubber” parking lots, the public figure believes.

If the draft of the Ministry of Transport is approved, it will come into force one year from the date of official publication. Alexander Kotov and his colleagues still have time to prepare to meet the new requirements. The document is currently undergoing public discussion, which will end on October 24. After which the bill will be submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation for consideration.

Currently, restrictions on the sale of cars without parking are in effect in Tokyo and several other Japanese cities. They also thought about introducing similar laws in Beijing in 2015, where more than a third of motorists do not have an “assigned” parking space, but so far they have not gone further with the initiative.

From December 25, the geography of paid parking in Moscow will expand to another 454 streets in 17 districts, completely covering the area of ​​the Third Transport Ring. There is hardly an innovation that would cause more irritation among car owners than paid parking. Many people are perplexed why it is necessary to pay a lot of money “for a piece of asphalt,” and paid parking is called nothing more than trading in air. “Yod” decided to figure out where the money was going from the pockets of car enthusiasts.

Moscow began making money from parking in November 2012. But motorists still don’t understand who they are paying to. The authorities claim that the funds go to the budget. Bloggers suggest that the money is hidden offshore. Evgeniy Shultz found out that the company "City mobile systems", which owns the number 7757, is registered in Cyprus. The Moscow authorities, in fact, do not refute this, although they do not see anything reprehensible in it. The question is whether this company manages its money. The experiment conducted by the Moskovsky Komsomolets journalist also left many questions: for example, does the “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (AMPP), the operator of Moscow parking lots, accurately comply with tax laws?

The cost of official Moscow parking services depends on proximity to the center and ranges from 40 to 80 rubles per hour. Thus, for a Muscovite who comes to the office by car, an average working day today costs from 400 to 800 rubles. This year, paid parking has already brought the budget more than 1 billion rubles. Of these, 359 million were spent on major repairs of houses and 470 million on landscaping courtyards. According to the draft Moscow budget for 2015-2017, Moscow will earn almost 6 billion rubles a year from city parking lots.

Reports on the expenditure of funds from paid parking can be found on the websites of district governments; photographs of the work are also available under the hashtag #funds from paid parking in the albums of the “Moscow Parking Space” project in Facebook And In contact with.


As is usually the case, the global experience of organizing paid parking has collided with Russian reality. Officials are seizing sections of the road network for free departmental parking, so metal fences, bollards, cones and “selected” cars are a common sight on the streets of the Central Administrative District. Thus, parking officials do not earn money, but rather save money.

Often, paid parking lots have signs “For employees only...”. Such advertisements should be safely ignored. The traffic rules list signs additional information, which must be followed. Anything else is illegal.

Since Moscow is a city of federal significance, there are organizations with a special status - they are protected by federal Service security According to Federal law on state security, the FSO may not allow vehicles and citizens into certain territories.

The space around the State Duma or the Federation Council is just such a territory. From the point of view of the law and the Federal Security Service, employees of these departments can park near them. It is the area along the facade wall - not the entire perimeter - that is allocated for departmental parking.

This does not apply to all Moscow officials - they, just like other car owners, must pay for parking. Squatting of Moscow roads and sidewalks is a constant target of actions by Moscow auto activists


“The Ministry of Transport has absolutely no parking arrangements. They are trying to prove that they have leased land, although cadastral map the land is in city ownership, the road was and remains the property of the city of Moscow. However, they put up their fences and don’t let anyone in there, and even demand that cars be removed if you park there completely legally. We wrote a statement to the prefecture and are waiting for a response.

But the General Prosecutor's Office, for example, after the expansion of Bolshaya Dmitrovka refused to seize the sidewalk. They now have a sign, but they have stopped putting up pegs and posts.”

Residents of the paid parking zone

Enterprising Muscovites have also found a way to make money in paid parking lots. For each apartment located within the paid parking zone, two free parking permits are issued from 20:00 to 8:00. A fee of 3,000 rubles per year allows local residents to park without time restrictions.

Previously, the resident may not have been the owner of the car. Many sold discounted parking spaces to those who came to the center to work.

In an effort to combat the resale of parking spaces, the authorities have revised the terms of the residency agreement. According to the new rules, the benefit can only be issued for your own car, and not for any vehicle, like before. However, this is not a problem for enterprising residents. You can buy a car, register it in your name and rent it out. Complete with parking permit.

Of course, the temptation for motorists to save money is great. At reasonable price Residents of the outskirts and Moscow region will be happy to take advantage of the offer: renting is much cheaper than buying a personal car, and there is no need to pay for parking. The car owner only has to pay 13% personal income tax. Not bad, considering minimum investment and no labor costs.

"Our people"
In the center of Moscow, the vast majority of shops, hotels, restaurants and office buildings have parking “for their own people”. The owners take care of their cars and guests, but charge others money or don't let them in at all. Most people simply drive by, without thinking that the barriers can be safely removed from the road and they can park safely.

All official parking that has not entered into a lease agreement with the City Paid Parking Service is illegal. Responsibility for this is provided for by the Moscow Code of Administrative Offences.


This practice, popular in the past, is not so popular today, but nevertheless occurs. Opportunistic scammers take advantage of the lack of awareness of drivers, especially those from out of town, and demand payment in cash (although this is generally impossible in a paid parking zone). Nowadays, Korovin says, this can most often be found in the area of ​​Moscow train stations.

In a private parking lot, you can distinguish a legal parking attendant from a swindler by a reflective vest on which the tariff is indicated and a badge with individual number. In addition, official parking attendants, upon the driver’s first request, present a warrant for parking operation and an employee’s identification.

Legal valets
Today luxury is not a car, but a free piece of asphalt for parking. By 2016, they promise to create 1.6 million parking spaces in Moscow, taking into account existing ones. But already there are 4.5 million registered cars in the capital. Considering the shortage of parking spaces, you can make good money in the parking business.

The mechanism for organizing parking is elementary. You need to rent land, pave and mark the site, and put a barrier at the entrance with a guard. Of course, you first need to formalize land legal relations for the use of the site, enter the parking lot into the register of the Moscow Department of Housing, Communal Services and Public Improvement, and obtain a warrant.

With reasonable rates, guarded parking will take customers away from city parking lots. If you set the tariff at 50 rubles per hour, then 10 parked cars will bring 500 rubles hourly and 10 thousand per day (provided that the parking lot is full for at least 20 hours out of 24). It is precisely making a profit at minimal cost that attracts those who want to make money from their own parking lot.

Illegal parkers

But there are not enough legal parking spaces for everyone. Businessmen come to the rescue with their “services.” The fraud lies in the fact that they do not have any rights to the land for parking. Only uniforms and fake papers. They earn money in one territory for some time, and then move. But others take their place.

Today, illegal parking lots have learned to masquerade as official ones - a fence, a barrier and a traditional security guard's booth. Nobody bears responsibility. Here you only earn money - no obligations. Such “black parking” is carried out not only by enterprising individuals, but also by official organizations. Thus, in May of this year, illegal paid parking was discovered near the cancer center on Kashirskoye Highway.

According to official data, Moscow authorities close more than a hundred underground parking lots every month, but others are springing up in their place. It is quite difficult for law enforcement to deal with them. This is a Sisyphean task - if the organizers can be brought to justice, then they are tried either for fraud, or for extortion, or for arbitrariness. In most cases, dealers get off with an administrative fine, but for a business with such a huge margin this is a very insignificant expense.

In addition, even if all the formalities for collecting money from car owners are observed, the very methods of organizing parking often border on outright raiding.

Kirill Umrikhin CAR OWNER

“We had garages on Voykovskaya in front of the office. Recently they were demolished and a large area was rolled into asphalt. Recently, bollards appeared around it, a booth and a proud inscription appeared: parking! Well, I think it’s a blessing (just last week I saw cars being towed away near the office). For several days I parked my car near the parking lot and looked at it closely: the cars were parked, there was no barrier, it was strange. Today I couldn’t find parking, so I left my car there and went to the office for a couple of hours. I come back, a man flies to me and asks for 100 rubles - and when I ask for a check, he asks in surprise, “Where do they give you checks?” Then it’s even better: “Listen, don’t you feel sorry for giving the men a beer? Well, I would give as much as I don’t mind, what are you doing? We installed the lights here, cleaned the parking lot with an excavator, did everything, set up a booth. Work for the guys!”

And tomorrow I’ll put up a booth on the road and I’ll take money for travel... Or I’ll wash a bus stop, put wool on the bench and take money for it. Why not?"

In February 2012, the State Duma prepared a bill proposing criminal liability for organizing illegal parking. It is clear that illegal parkers have their own shadow agreements at the local level to use a plot of land, so the effectiveness of this bill is still in question.

Illegal parking is a profitable shadow business that deprives the city budget of billions of dollars (exactly how much is difficult to understand: Andrey Mukhortikov, an expert at the project, says that there is no systematic assessment of the shadow parking market). But car owners prefer to pay for such a service. It's cheaper than changing a punctured tire or painting over a scratched side of your car.

The Moscow City Property Department plans to provide land plots to private individuals who want to organize a parking business. The main idea is to legalize illegal parking in Moscow.

Olga Ageeva
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