Erase browser history. How to delete history in Yandex on a computer and smartphone

It is always recommended to regard the history of visited sites as private, confidential information. Even if you don’t view, download, or attach any importance to this data on the Internet.

Why? There are at least two reasons:
1. Many sites and online services often “look” at the browser’s log of visited pages. They are curious about what the user was interested in, what queries he asked in the search engine, what sites he opened, and, imagine, they record all this. Collecting user data is a special trade on the Internet. This and the view paid services, and the treasured keys for promoting your business online. You may be asking, what does the user gain from this? By and large - nothing. What may be is only certain problems according to information security(leakage of personal information).

2. If several people use the computer, the situation is similar to the previous one. The only difference is the human factor. That is, among those who want to “comb through” the history of visits are not bots, but other users. And this may not always be safe either. If we take into account, for example, the fact that an outsider is driven not only by banal curiosity (what was discovered here and when?), but also by some kind of malicious intent. well and parental control We will not take into account the page view log. Because in this aspect there are other tasks.
Therefore, after completing an Internet session, you should always get rid of traces of web surfing. And in this article we will look at all sorts of ways, allowing you to delete your browsing history from your computer.

Quick cleanup of all browsers

This solution will be especially useful for those who use daily different browsers. It allows you to clean up history magazines in just a few mouse clicks. The only “BUT” is that you will first need to equip your PC with a special cleaning program called CCleaner. Her free version available on the developers' website - So it's good business, and no expense.

How to install the utility, follow these instructions to quickly completely delete history in all available browsers:
1. In the left panel, click the “Cleaning” section. In the adjacent block, click the mouse to make the “Windows” tab active.

2. Here you can set cleaning settings for the integrated (system) Internet browser Explorer. Naturally, you must check the box next to the “Browsing history” item (this also applies to other browsers!).

3. Once you understand the IE cleaning options, go to the Applications tab. And by analogy, set the settings in the blocks of third-party browsers (installed by you). Use the scroll bar in a tab to move through sections.

Advice! In addition to browsers, CCleaner can be used to clean other applications (archivers, utilities, editors, Skype messenger). This way you will kill 90% of all birds with one stone: you will do it cleanly both in web browsers and in some software in one fell swoop (mouse click).

4. Click the Analyze button.

5. Upon completion of the scan, information will appear about the objects being deleted for each program and their size in megabytes.

6. Run the final command - click the "Cleanup" button.

Confirm the start of the operation: click “OK” in the request window.

7. Once the cleaning is complete, a report on the deleted items will appear.

Selective deletion of history in individual browsers

When you want to put things in order in the log of visited web pages for a specific browser, you just need to use its settings. Every modern web browser has built-in history viewers and editors. They have very simple controls, and when it comes to cleaning, even easier.

Let's look step by step and separately for each browser, what and how to do to get rid of saved pages.

Google Chrome

1. On the right top corner Click the “three dots” icon (menu).

2. In the window that pops up, go to: History → and again “History” in an additional window.

3. On the page that appears on the left, click “Clear history”.

4. On the “Basic” tab, in the “Time range” column, specify the time period for which you want to perform the cleaning. To delete all entries, you need to set the value to “All time”. Click "Delete Data".

Note. The principle of setting up clearing the history log, cookies, cache in other browsers is approximately the same.

You can also go to the “Advanced” tab and configure the removal of temporary files in more detail.


1. Click the mouse to open the menu in Opera (icon “O”).

2. In the list, open: History → History (item of the same name in the sidebar).

3. On the log tab, activate the “Clear history” command.

4. Specify the period “from the very beginning”, be sure to check the box in the “Visit history” line.

5. Click “Clear”.


1. B top menu browser (above address bar) open the “History” section and select “Delete recent history”.

2. In the “Delete” line, select “All” for complete removal history log contents.

3. Make sure that the “Visit log...” item is enabled in the list of elements.

4. Click the "Delete Now" button.


1. Click the menu button (three stripes icon).

3. On the right side of the tab, at the top, click “Clear...”.

4. Set necessary settings and start deleting the log.

Advice! In this panel you can activate automatic cleaning when closing Edge. To enable, click the switch in the line “Always delete...”.

4. Click Clear.

Don't forget to clear your browser history logs regularly. Better yet, make it a rule: when the Internet session ends, mandatory cleaning before closing. By the way, to start deleting saved URLs, you can use the hotkeys - Ctrl + Shift + Del. In almost all popular browsers this combination is supported. And if you don’t feel any particular need for the history of sites visited, in some browsers you can disable saving it altogether. For example, in Google Chrome For these purposes, there is a special “Incognito” web surfing mode.

Safe and private work on the Internet!

To find out how to clear history in the Yandex browser, you need to repeat all my steps.

  1. In the settings menu that opens, we move the mouse cursor over the “History” item. The “History Manager” sub-item from the drop-down list will open.
  2. We press the left list key once on it, after which it will open in a separate browser tab - “History Manager”.
  3. There is also a shortcut key combination this menu. To do this, we need to press the Ctrl+H key combination on the keyboard at the same time.
  • After opening the “History Manager” item using any of the listed methods, a page with visited sites will open in your browser.
  • Here you can choose required pages and delete them, or completely delete your entire visit history - for all time.
  • To delete your browsing history in Yandex browser, you need to move the cursor over the “Clear history” button by clicking once with the left mouse button.

After this, a pop-up window will open with settings that you can choose at your discretion.

  1. By clicking on the “Delete the following items” item from the pop-up menu, select the time for which you need to clear the history.
  2. The pop-up menu contains items such as deleting history for the past hour, past day, past week, past 4 weeks and for all time.
  3. The default option is to delete the following elements for all time.

Having selected the time for which you want to delete your history of visited resources, proceed to the selection additional settings, namely, we need to select such items as - browsing history, download history, cookies and other site data, files saved in the cache, passwords, form autofill data, and the last item - data from saved applications.

Having selected the items we need and the time for which we need to delete the history, click on the button just below to the right - “Clear history”. The process itself takes from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the amount of history you have accumulated.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and clear, and now you yourself know how to delete history in Yandex browser. If you want to receive my lessons by email, write your email in the box at the end of the article, and I wish you good health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Each web browser leads to us, the users, with its own “dossier” - it stores information about all the pages visited. Some people are happy with this function, because it helps us find sites that we once looked at but did not save as bookmarks. But for some, this is the most disservice - for example, if mom and dad or boss (or wife) closely monitor what we do on the Internet, and we want to get away from control.

This article is devoted to spy mania, or more precisely, to how to hide traces of your activity on the Internet from prying eyes. By the way, some time ago, we looked at the topic using the example of Opera, Chrome, Firefox and IE.

How to clear your browsing history different browsers

How to clear history in Internet Explorer and Edge

These two Microsoft browsers handle browsing logs differently. I'll show you how to do this using IE 11 and Edge 25.10586.0.0 as an example.

Internet Explorer

  • To access the log of visited web resources, go to the browser properties: click on the gear-shaped icon in the upper corner of the window or expand the “Tools” menu. The “Properties” item is at the very bottom.

  • In the properties window, go to the “General” tab and in the “Browser History” section, click on the “Delete” button.

  • In the next window, check “Log” (a list of visited websites) and click “Delete” again.


  • Click on the “Elements” button in top panel Let's open the main menu. Let's go down and click "Options."

  • Find the option to clear browser data in the list of parameters and click “Select what you want to clear.”

  • In the next menu, check “Browser history” and click the clear button.

How to clear history in Opera

Opera makes it possible to both clear the entire history and delete only selected pages from it. But first you need to enter the main menu (Opera button) and click on the “History” item. Or simply press Ctrl+H on your keyboard.

  • To delete all data for a selected period of time (from the very beginning of using the browser, for a week, for a day or for the last hour), click “Clear visits” in the upper right corner.

  • In the new window, mark the item of the same name and press the clear button.

  • To delete individual viewed pages, go back to the log (Ctrl+H) and move the cursor over the desired line. Click on the cross that appears on its right side.

How to clear history in Google Chrome

IN different versions Google Chrome's cleanup options are in the same places, and as far as I remember, the order has never changed.

  • To delete information about all visited sites, click the button with three stripes in the top panel (main menu) and select “Additional tools” - “Delete data on pages viewed.” Alternatively, press Shift+Ctrl+Delete on your keyboard.

  • In the next window, mark the views, indicate the time period and click the clear button.

To delete individual entries:

  • open the “History” section (via the main menu or by pressing Ctrl+H);

  • Mark the unnecessary checkboxes and click “Delete selected objects”.

How to clear history in Yandex browser

Let's look at the example of Yandex browser versions

Steps to clear viewed pages in Yandex Browser almost the same as in Opera and Google Chrome. And now you will see how slightly they differ.

  • We go to the “historical” section of the Yandex web browser by opening the main menu by clicking on the button with three stripes. Or by pressing Ctrl+H.

  • To erase an individual entry, right-click on the triangle-shaped arrow that appears on the right when you hover over the line, and check “Delete from history.”
  • To completely delete the log, click “Clear history”.

  • In the next window, mark the views, select the time range and click on the corresponding button to start cleaning.

How to clear history in Firefox

I use Mozilla version Firefox 43.0.4. If you have one of the earlier ones, these instructions will work for you too. So…

  • The main menu, from which we can access the section we need, is still hidden behind the icon with three horizontal stripes in the top panel. Let’s go into it and select “Journal” or press the combination Ctrl+H.

  • Our next choice is the “Delete history” item, which is also opened with the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+Delete.

  • In a new window, mark visits and downloads, indicate the time period and click OK.

To erase individual records of pages viewed, return to the previous menu and select “Show entire log.” The list, divided into periods, opens in the “Library” window. To remove unnecessary entry, click on it " right mouse" and select "Delete this page".

How to recover deleted information about visited sites

I hope everything is clear with the techniques for removing traces of web surfing. Now some information for those who act as controllers of careless Internet users. Know: information about which sites were viewed on your computer can be restored!

If you think about regular ones, then they are unlikely to help as much as a small spy utility that can extract all the “ins and outs” from most popular browsers.

How to use HstEx:

  1. Install and run HstEx with administrator rights.
  2. In chapter Input/Output Settings specify three parameters:
  • Data Source– the volume or disk image where the search should be performed.
  • Export Folder– folder to save the recovered file.
  • Data type– the browser whose data will be read.
  1. Click “Start” and wait until the recovery is complete.
  2. Enjoy compromising information on the user's ward.

Walking through the open spaces global network, remember that many data that you think is deleted can be successfully recovered. To avoid being “excruciatingly painful” one day, visit compromising sites in incognito mode and only with personal computer or smartphone.

There is one thing that we do not pay attention to when visiting Internet sites. What is this? Content that is hidden in the browser history. We usually don’t pay attention to this, since we are primarily concerned with the ease of use of sites and their content. But have you ever wondered what exactly is contained in the browser history and why some users prefer to clear it almost every day?

The following data is usually stored in the browser history:

— Visited pages and downloads (programs, movies, music, etc.)
— Search queries and form data
— Data about your settings for the sites you visit
— Information about authorization on sites
— Cached data of visited pages (pictures, scripts, etc.)

If no one else is using your computer (you are the only user), then it may not be beneficial for you to delete all this data, since to a greater extent it still helps by improving the usability of sites and web services. But if you use a certain public computer or other people have access to your computer (for example, family members or work colleagues), then deleting the history will be very useful in cases where you do not want to “shine” the sites you visit, authorized accounts in in social networks or on other sites.

What are you revealing if you don't clear your browser history?

You might be thinking, “What’s the big deal if someone looks at my browser history?” They cannot access personal information such as passport details or numbers bank cards. But they can access information such as your full name, date of birth, your address Email and much more. How is this possible? If you refer to the list above of the data contained in your browser history, you will find the line “Search queries and form data” there. This is exactly the data that you often enter on various sites when filling out forms (registration and others).

When you visit such a site again, the data you entered previously is automatically filled in again and you do not have to fill out the form again. If the form has been filled out several times, then as soon as you start entering something, a drop-down list appears with options that were also used when entering in this form. You can take and choose the most suitable one. Comfortable? Definitely yes. Safely? Not really.

How can this information be used?

The information itself on individual sites may be useless to an attacker and may not play a special role. But when there is a lot of it and the most diverse, the situation changes radically. Imagine this situation. On site "A" you entered only your email address. On site “B” you indicated your mother’s maiden name. On site “B” is the home address. And on the “G” website you can see your full name. Now imagine that third parties got this database and they can get access to all this information at once.

If this information falls into the wrong hands, your privacy could be at serious risk. The longer you don't clear your browser history, the more information accumulates in history and the more data an attacker can obtain about you. And this seriously increases the chance that there will be a loophole through which you can be robbed or harmed in some other way.

How to protect yourself?

You can train yourself not to enter personal information in the browser in normal mode. If you need to buy something or use some site that requires personal data, then do it through safe mode(private, incognito, “porn mode”). Actually, its essence is that after closing the tab, all data about the site being visited is deleted (history, settings and everything else).

The disadvantage of this method is that you will need to enter your login and password for the required sites each time, and enter delivery addresses each time (if we're talking about about online stores) and so on. This is not very convenient, but quite safe. And a regular password manager (the same one) can help simplify the task with this method of work.

Second important point is that the search engine Google system, for example, saves your browser history on its servers so that you can access it from any device where you enter your login and password for your account Google posts. So when clearing history in your browser, make sure that they are also deleted in your account or their collection is completely disabled (I wrote more about this in the article “”). Moreover, this may not only be search system, but just Account browser (if you are using something like Mozilla Firefox, For example).

You can also use a utility like this to clear your browser history, which is very suitable for this task. Or you can clear the cache and history manually through the browser settings (there is a special button for this, it won’t be difficult to find).

All the pages we view on the Internet are recorded in a special log. And if someone sits down at our computer, they can get into it. This means he will be able to see all the places we visited, and even read the correspondence.

This journal is called History and, fortunately, entries from it can be deleted.

How to clear history on your computer

Google Chrome. To erase your browsing history in Chrome, you need to click on the button with three dots. It is located in the upper right corner, under the “Close” button (red cross).

Select “History” and “History” again.

A list of Internet pages that have been recently visited opens. You can remove individual addresses from it. To do this, click on the small arrow button next to the page title and select “Remove from history.”

And if you need to remove all pages for a certain period of time (for example, today), click on the clear button at the very top of the list.

A small window will appear. At the top, select a time period and mark with birds what exactly needs to be removed.

Yandex. To clear the visit log, click on the small button with horizontal lines in the upper right corner and open History.

If you need to delete one page, hover the cursor over it and click on the small arrow that appears. From the list, select “Delete from history.”

And if you need to erase more data from Yandex, click on “Clear history” on the right above the list of sites.

In the window that appears, select a time period and indicate what exactly needs to be deleted.

Opera. Menu (most top button left) - History

To delete a specific page in the list, hover the cursor over it and click on the cross on the right.

If you need to erase more entries, click on “Clear history...” at the top right.

In the window, select the time period and data type. It is better to leave three birds, as in the picture below.

Mozilla Firefox. - Journal - Delete history...


In the window, select the time and data that you want to erase. I recommend leaving only three birds, as in the picture:

To delete pages manually (when you only need to erase a couple of addresses), go to full version log: - Log - Show the entire log. And there we delete it piece by piece through right button mice.

Internet Explorer. - Security - Delete browsing history…

To clear by day: - “Log” tab. Delete required pages or days/weeks via the right mouse button.


This way we erase log entries, information about downloads and clear the browser memory (pages, photos, videos). But all passwords and logins that the program remembers remain in place.

This means that if you, for example, logged into your mail or Odnoklassniki/Contact/Facebook without entering any logins or passwords, then everything will remain that way. And anyone at this computer will be able to do the same: type the address and open your page. That is, he will receive full access- will be able to read the correspondence, delete something, add something.

To prevent this from happening, you need to erase cookies and passwords. And for global cleaning, there’s also everything else. This is done by checking certain boxes in the deletion box.

And all because many users do not remember, and some do not even know, their login passwords. And after such cleaning, they are unable to log into their pages and mail. And then they write to me: save me, help me, what should I do?! But nothing can be done - previously you had to think and connect your mobile number to each page and mail.

How to prevent sites from being included in history

Nowadays every browser has a special private mode, the so-called Incognito. You can open your program for the Internet in this mode and then nothing will be captured. But everything will work as before: sites will open, files will be downloaded, bookmarks will be added.

Immediately after exiting incognito mode, the browser will erase everything that happened there:

Note: this will not protect you from viruses or make you invisible on social networks.

How to open anonymous mode

Google Chrome. - New window in incognito mode

Yandex. - Advanced - New window in Incognito mode

Opera. - Create a private window

Mozilla Firefox. - Private window

Internet Explorer. - Security - InPrivate Browsing