Special software arm. Coursework: Creation of software for an automated workplace of registration and documentation

3.1 General workstation software

General software is part of the automated system software, which is a set of programs designed for a wide range of users and designed to organize the computing process and solve common information processing problems.

General software includes:

· OS;

· system programs;

· programming languages;

· tools for creating programs.

Operating systems (you must specify the operating system recommended for use in a given workstation).

The most widely used interactive operating systems in Russia are Windows (95; 98; 2000; 2007, etc.), Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista, etc.

Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP are the simplest operating systems that allow a person to interact with a computer in a convenient way.

Windows NT is most often used in workplaces in large corporations. It places increased demands on computer resources and has built-in capabilities to restrict access to data.

The Windows Vista operating system is distinguished by increased security and reliability of virus protection, design, ease of search and systematization of information, and the ability to work with audio, photo and video files. But it places increased demands on the PC.

System programs.

System programs include:

· Driver programs that expand the capabilities of the OS to manage input/output devices and multimedia;

· Auxiliary programs (utilities): copying programs, backup programs, anti-virus programs, access restriction programs, archiver programs (WinRAR), etc.

Programming languages.

Programming languages ​​determine the principles of creating programs and are most often used to write narrowly focused programs commissioned by specialists. The most commonly used are BASIC, Pascal, Fortran, C++, Prolog, Lisp, etc.

Narrowly focused programs can be effectively created using Excel and MathCAD.

Tools for creating programs.

Program creation tools are, as a rule, program editors for the corresponding programming languages, which provide a means of highlighting subroutines or functions and greatly facilitate debugging of programs. These tools include: Visual Basic, Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, etc.

3.2. Functional software

Functional or application software of an automated workplace is a set of interrelated programs designed to implement functions or a group of functions of an automated system and customized for a specific application.

Functional software includes:

· Multifunctional packages:

Text editor for publishing houses;

Graphic editor AutoCAD;

Database management systems;

Computer games;

Electronic directories;

Training programs;

Computer-aided design systems, etc.

· Integrated Packages(unit some of the most frequently used programs under a common ideology).

In integrated packages, all the necessary tools are combined within one package, which ensures compatibility of data recording, the ability to switch to other programs, and continuity of different types of commands and methods of working with menus. The most popular integrated packages: Microsoft Office, Lotus - 1-2-3, etc.

The integrated Microsoft Office suite includes:

Microsoft Word is a text editor that is effective for typing and editing text, creating formulas (Microsoft Equation 3.0), setting tables, constructing charts and trend lines, constructing elementary diagrams;

Microsoft Excel – spreadsheets that are effective for carrying out calculations in tabular form, creating formulas for carrying out calculations using mathematical and statistical functions, including sections of probability theory, mathematical statistics, linear programming, differential equations and creating databases;

Microsoft Power Point – used for preparing reports in the form of slides;

Microsoft Access – database management system (used to store information in the form of tables and perform data analysis);

· Problem-oriented packages.

Problem-oriented packages cover a specific area of ​​knowledge (mathematics, physics, economics, mechanics, etc.). A prominent representative of problem-oriented packages is the universal mathematical package MathCAD, designed for solving engineering and scientific problems in the scope of higher mathematics.

· Narrowly focused programs are created at the request of specialists by professionals in the subject area of ​​knowledge (dynamics, strength, production organization, etc.) who speak programming languages.

Narrowly focused programs developed at the request of AWS users in traditional programming languages ​​or in the Excel and MathCAD environment must be accompanied in accordance with GOST 24.207-80 by the following documents: “program description”, “programmer’s manual”, “operator’s manual”, “text” programs".

As part of the course work, narrowly focused programs are developed for the following tasks:

  • Calculation of the technical and economic criterion of competitiveness;
  • Selection of optimal strategies;
  • Construction of statistical models;
  • Construction of linear mathematical programming models;
  • Conducting a production examination
  • Development of calculation algorithms and narrowly focused programs within the framework of an individual task.

3.3. List of selected standard software and narrowly focused programs


3.4. Methodology for determining the technical and economic criterion of automated workplace competitiveness

The numerical values ​​of the technical and economic criterion can be determined by the formula:

Where - integral indicator of competitiveness according to technical parameters;

Number of technical parameters studied;

weight coefficient of the technical parameter:

absolute weight of the technical parameter;

Empirical coefficient ( .

As technical parameters, you can, for example, take the following characteristics of the system unit and monitor:

clock frequency ();

amount of RAM();

mean time to failure ();

hard disk memory capacity();

video card memory capacity ();

fan noise();

response time () etc. ( the set of parameters is selected by the workstation developer);

or - a relative indicator of competitiveness, compared parameters of a system unit or monitor ( the first ratio is used for indicators with a growing trend, and the second - with a decreasing trend: the first five indicators have a growing trend, and the last two have a decreasing trend). An increase in the relative indicator should correspond to an improvement in product quality (APM);

The absolute value of the technical parameter for the designed option;

The software used in the process of constructing and operating automated workplaces is divided into general and functional software.

General Software (GS) ensures the functioning of computer equipment, development and connection of new programs. It includes system software and programming systems. ...

Functional software software (FPO) determines the professional orientation of the automated workplace. It is here that the focus on a specific specialist is realized, the solution of problems in certain subject areas is ensured.

The specialization of a particular workstation depends on the composition of the functional software. Since the FPO ultimately determines the scope of the automated workplace and the composition of the tasks solved by the user, it should be developed on the basis of software tools of dialogue systems designed to perform functions with similar information processing procedures.

Dialogue systems are software tools in which the user interacts with a computer by transmitting and receiving information through appropriate devices in real time. In this case, the user issues commands to the program, in response to which it provides him with the necessary data or performs certain actions.

Dialogue systems must satisfy the following set of requirements:

– quick and relatively easy adaptation of the user to working with the system;

– the presence of unified and user-friendly computational and logical procedures, as well as terminology;

– use of short forms of dialogue, simple, easy-to-remember user commands;

– providing the user with the necessary reference information and instructions for working with the system.

Let's consider the main groups of software tools used to automate the most common functions performed by employees. Such software tools include the following:

– systems for preparing text documents (text editors and desktop publishing systems);

– systems for processing financial and economic information (spreadsheet editors and other similar programs);

– database management systems;

– systems for preparing presentations;

– project management systems;

– personal information systems (organizers);

– Web browsers;

– programs for working with e-mail;

– expert systems;

– systems for intelligent design and improvement of control systems;

– document image processing systems;

– optical character recognition systems;

– document management systems and electronic document management systems.

Systems for preparing text documents

Systems for preparing text documents are divided into word processors and desktop publishing systems, which differ in the number and scale of functions performed. All types of systems for preparing text documents allow you to quickly enter information, edit it, search for errors themselves, help prepare text for printing, and also perform a number of other functions.

Publishing systems are used to create printed materials: for the design of magazines and books, colorful advertising booklets and to perform other tasks that are impossible or difficult to accomplish using conventional text editors. Publishing systems allow you to prepare for printing and print on high-quality laser printers, as well as output complex documents that require high quality printing to phototypesetters (Aldus PageMaker, Ventura Publisher)

Systems for processing financial and economic information

Systems for processing financial and economic information are used when working with numerical data (characteristics of economic and financial processes) to compile analytical reviews and other documents based on them. Such software tools include spreadsheet processors, specialized accounting and banking programs (for intrabank and interbank settlements), specialized programs for financial and economic analysis and planning.

Database Management Systems

Specialists often have to work with large volumes of data in order to find various information necessary for preparing documents. To facilitate this kind of work, database management systems (DBMS) were created.

A database (DB) is a collection of specially organized and logically ordered data.

The development of information technologies and their application in various fields of activity has led to the creation of various databases of varying complexity. The complexity of a database depends on the volume and structure of information stored in the database, the variety of forms of its presentation, connections between files, performance and reliability requirements.

Organizing a database requires the preliminary construction of a logical data model. Its main purpose is to systematize information by content, structure, volume, mutual connections, as well as reflect the properties of information taking into account the needs of end users.

Convenience of working with the database, obtaining the necessary information from data arrays stored in the database, etc. is ensured by the presence of a well-thought-out and correctly implemented database management system.

A database management system (DBMS) is a set of tools and methods for collecting, registering, storing, organizing, searching, retrieving and presenting information in a database.

DBMSs allow you to store large amounts of information and quickly find the necessary data. (Microsoft Access)

Web browsers and email programs

Currently, the main information resource for obtaining data is the Internet. To work with it, special software tools are used - Web browsers, which allow you to receive a wide variety of information around the world.

In modern management processes, one of the central places belongs to the rapid exchange of information. According to some estimates, data exchange takes up to 95% of a manager’s time and up to 53% of the time of ordinary specialists. In this regard, e-mail software has now become widespread in the work of all types of organizations. Email allows you to exchange emails, as well as distribute documents within an organization, send, receive and process messages from different workplaces, and even hold meetings of specialists located at a considerable distance from each other.

Expert systems

The purpose of expert systems is to help employees perform high-quality analysis of source data in a certain area and make informed and informed decisions.

Expert systems are a special class of automated information systems that perform analysis, classification, diagnosis and advice. During analysis, they reproduce the reasoning pattern of a human expert - reasoning based on informal rules used to improve the efficiency of solving a specific problem.

Expert systems not only perform the necessary functions, but at each step they can explain to the user the reason for a particular recommendation and the sequence of analysis.

Document management and electronic document management systems

Document management systems are used to automate the search, management and storage of electronic documents of various formats. Modern software products of this type allow you to perform a wide variety of operations on documents.

With today's high level of development of computer technology, it has become commonplace that payment orders, cash receipts, invoices and other primary economic documents are generated using computers.

When choosing a document management system, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters: ease of learning and ease of use, the ability to integrate with other automated systems and work in computer networks, system reliability, availability of information security tools.

One of the common software products of this type is “1C: Electronic Document Management”.

From a technological point of view, information process procedures are built, detailed in a certain sequence into a technological process and implemented through software and hardware, methods and methods for converting information, which constitutes information technology specific subject area.

In accordance with the functional responsibilities of specialists, automated workstations (AWs) of an accountant, economist, secretary, teacher, lawyer, etc. are distinguished. Also, workstations can be developed for technical personnel - archivist, secretary-assistant, inspector, etc.

Depending on the information and computing resources used, automated workstations are divided into: corporate and individual. Corporate workstations require more stringent requirements for the methods of organizing the user's work and a clear allocation of administration functions. Information workstations solve the problems of collecting, classifying, structural organization, issuing and retrieving information, adjusting, searching and storing. All these problems are characterized by simple logical and computational procedures. Information tasks take up most of the time and are the most labor intensive.

Automated workstations (AWS) of the computing type solve mainly logical and/or computational problems. They are divided into two types: partially formalized and fully formalized. Problems of a fully formalized type are solved using formal algorithms that implement either direct calculation methods or those based on well-known mathematical methods. The implementation of tasks of a partially formalized type is carried out using special tools (algorithms and methods of neuromathematics, heuristic programming, neural network solutions, neural algorithms, etc.)

The range of tools is currently almost endless. It may include various database management systems, programming systems, specialized design and development tools for software products, expert systems in combination with knowledge bases, CASE tools, etc.

Table 2.1. Tool Components

Tools that support the functioning of automated workplaces

Programming systems

C (+,Visual, ++, Turbo,), Basic (Visual, Turbo), Pascal (Visual, Turbo), Delphi (Visual, Turbo), Java

Application packages

Problem-oriented, general purpose, specialized, specific application

Office tools

Graphic editors, text editors, spreadsheets, etc.

Integrated Tools

Domain-specific, general purpose,

Database Management Systems

Object-oriented, relational (Quattro Pro, X-Base, Clipper, Clarion, Paradox, Access, Oracle),

Client-server technology

Client-server, application server, database, integrated client-server architectures

Network information systems

Industry (RosPac, RosAgroNet), regional, email, local, Netware, Relcom, Intranet, Netware, Internet

Means of protection

Network, local, firewalls, virtual secure networks (VRN)

The software of the automated workstation (AWS) is built on a modular basis. Each module is associated with homogeneous functions that are performed as needed

Intelligent automated workstations (AWS) are focused on the implementation of tasks that are associated with semantic processing of information (speech, text and video information).

Automated workstations (AWS) are also classified according to the type of interaction of specialists with a computer. When developing interfaces, the following methods for organizing a dialogue mode have become widespread: selecting functions and/or actions from the proposed menu; a list, the execution of functions and the sequence of which are prescribed by command language tools, combined mode (command language tools in combination with a menu). In addition, active interaction between the user and the computer can be achieved through the use of markup languages, dialogue languages, special languages), as well as speech dialogue systems.

The effectiveness of using any of the listed tools is determined not only by the convenience and simplicity of implementing software and design solutions, but also by the requirements for organizing dialogue, taking into account ergonomic, psychological and linguistic factors.

Currently, speech dialogue systems are known that are directly built into the computer. They are able to adapt to both the vocabulary of the subject area and the voice of the performer, which are essentially self-learning systems with characteristic artificial intelligence (AI) components. Moreover, they have elements of protecting information resources and hardware from unauthorized access. The voice interface has a number of advantages: it provides prompt interaction with the system, corresponds to the most natural form of communication, is easy for the user to master the vocabulary of the subject area, and does not provide intermediaries in the form of intermediate media and means. Based on the degree of dependence, automated workstations (AWWs) are divided into distributed, semi-autonomous and autonomous.

Autonomous automated workstations (AWS) use their own resources and are characterized by a closed information processing cycle. The first systems of this type were built on the basis of microcomputers and/or minicomputers, and currently such systems are created on the basis of personal computers. Autonomous automated workstations (AWS) ensure autonomy and independence in the work of the performer, simplicity of the structure of the complex of technical means. Their disadvantages include the complexity of maintaining data integrity and ensuring its consistency and duplication of information in different places of its processing. Semi-autonomous workstations use external resources to solve certain problems. As a rule, they operate either in connection with external data sources or in autonomous mode. They are built on the same technical basis as autonomous ones, but are supplemented with more powerful computing resources by means of communication (in the form of data reception and transmission equipment).

The workstation must be equipped with the necessary software and tools (see Table 2.1):

  • - translators (interpreters) from various algorithmic languages ​​and user languages;
  • - computer operating systems;
  • - actual user programs (processing, training, knowledge DBMS, etc.).
  • - design and data processing tools (on-screen editors for text and graphic information, DBMS, table processors, output form generators);

Most often, semi-autonomous automated workstations (AWS) function as components of a local computer network located in a limited area (within one or several premises); in this case, general purpose telecommunications are not used.

The supporting components include:

  • - software;
  • - Information Support;
  • - organizational support;
  • - technical support;
  • - software;
  • - legal support;
  • - linguistic support;
  • - methodological support;
  • - ergonomic support.

Software allows you to improve the organization of the operation of a computer system in order to maximize the use of its technology.

The need for software development is determined by the following:

  • - increase the efficiency of using technical resources;
  • - ensure the operability of technical means, since without software they cannot carry out any logical and computational operations;
  • - ensure user interaction with equipment;
  • - shorten the cycle from setting a problem to obtaining the result of its solution.

Special software for automated workstations usually consists of functional packages of application programs and unique programs. The specific specialization of an automated workstation depends on the functional software. If we take into account that special software determines the composition of tasks solved by the user, the scope of application of the automated workplace, it should be created on the basis of software tools of dialogue systems focused on solving problems with similar information processing features.

Software for automated workstations (AWS) must be adaptable and customizable for a specific application in accordance with user requirements. As operating systems for automated workstations created on the basis of sixteen-bit computers, MS DOC is usually used, based on thirty-two-bit UNIX and OS/2.

The main applications of application software packages that are part of special software (software) of automated workstations are word processing, tabular data processing, computer and business graphics, database management, networking, organizing human-machine dialogue and communication support. The effective functioning of the control system and automated specialist workstation, in conjunction with modern organizational forms of equipment placement, is based on the integrated use of modern information processing software.

The choice of organizational forms of using software tools would most correctly be carried out taking into account their dispersion across the levels of the management hierarchy in accordance with the organizational structure of the automated object. In this case, the main principle of choice should be the collective service of users, which should correspond to the structure of the economic object.

Taking into account the modern functional structure of territorial government bodies, the set of software and hardware tools should form at least a global three-level data processing system with a developed set of peripheral tools at each level.

The information support of an automated workstation (AWS) - this is its data bank - is a display of information flows and arrays, which corresponds to a specific subject area for which the automated workstation is designed. The data bank is intended for entering, updating and storing data about specific objects of the subject area, which are contained in databases (DBs), such as various economic indicators, regulatory and reference information, and others. In addition, the data bank must contain information that provides dialogue between the user of an automated workstation and a personal computer: instructions, forms of input and output documents, lists of dialogue scenarios, etc. In other words, a data bank is a kind of information model of a subject area. A data bank includes one or more databases (DBs), which are information models of objects included in the subject area, as well as a database management system (DBMS). The requirements that must be presented to the organization of a data bank can be divided into three large groups. The first group is general methodological requirements for a database (DB), a database management system (DBMS) and a data bank as a whole, which do not depend on a specific subject area. Information support is divided into two large groups: in-machine and extra-machine support. In-machine information support includes the AIS-BU information base. An information base is a collection of data that is located on computer media in accordance with certain storage rules. In AIS-BU it is represented by arrays of current and conditionally permanent information. The second group includes classifiers of all types, specially stored and organized in the long-term memory of personal computers. The first group includes data on balances on analytical and synthetic accounts at the beginning and end of the reporting period, arrays of current data on business transactions, arrays of primary documents. The methods of organizing and storing this data are determined by the features of the software used and may vary.

Off-machine information support is represented by a system of codifiers and classifiers of information, organization of document flow, and documentation system. The automated accounting system uses local, industry and national classifiers. Industry and all-Union types of classifiers are developed centrally, local types - with the direct participation of accounting personnel and other services at a specific economic facility. At the same time, compatibility of all types of classifiers must be ensured. The AIS-BU documentation system is represented by normative reference and output, primary documents.

Primary documents can be standard industry and intersectoral documents, as well as documents that are developed at the economic facility itself. Output documents are presented in the form of a printed document and are generated by a computer; they reflect the resulting information. They are divided into standard reports, specialized reports; corresponding to accounting registers; regulated reports. Interindustry documents are contained in albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, which are part of the unified documentation system. Regulatory and reference reporting includes industry and regional reporting, state reporting, which has unified standard forms. Regulatory reference documents contain semi-permanent information about the norms and standards of labor and material costs, tariffs, prices, etc.

To characterize automated workstations, we can identify the main components of its implementing information technology. These include:

  • 1. Communication and network devices (email, corporate and local networks).
  • 2. Information support (unified forms and document standards, classifiers, standards for presenting indicators and reference information);
  • 3. Operating systems (OS) and application software;
  • 4. Hardware and technical support (printers, computers, cash registers, scanners and other additional equipment).

Organizational support for automated workplaces aims to organize their development, operation, administration, as well as personnel training. Administration includes: accounting, work planning, analysis, documentation of the rights and obligations of users of automated workstations, control, and regulation. Organizational support for an automated workstation (AWS) includes:

  • - staffing schedules, instructions, regulations, orders of structural units, qualification requirements for specialists, managers and employees;
  • - documents that regulate and describe the organizational structure of an economic entity, its divisions and automated workplaces, interaction with the object and management system, supporting divisions;
  • - schemes of functioning of an economic entity and its divisions, the procedure for interaction with internal divisions and external organizations, etc.

It is possible to use special training tools that allow a gradual introduction of the user into the environment of his main automated workstation, if the user does not have special skills or the device of the automated workstation is quite complex. When implementing the functions of an automated workplace, as its actual functioning, methods for determining information needs, the goals of current activities, and all kinds of scenarios for describing the processes of its implementation are necessary.

The method of functioning of an automated workstation (AWS) cannot but be related to the methodology of its design, because the functioning of a developed workstation provides for the possibility of its development by the users themselves. From the point of view of the end user, language tools of automated workstations (AWS) are the implementation of methodological tools, and software enable the end user to perform all necessary actions and implement the user’s language tools. Organizational support includes methods and means of organizing the development, improvement and functioning of automated workstations (AWS), as well as the improvement, qualifications and training of personnel.

Technical support for an automated workstation (AWS) is a reasonable choice of a set of technical means in order to equip the workplaces of specialists.

The basis of the technical support of an automated workstation (AWS) is personal computers (PCs) of various types of power with a wide range of peripheral devices. The configuration of an automated workstation with peripheral equipment depends on the functional tasks that the specialist solves. In addition to the main data input and output devices (printer, monitor, etc.), if necessary, the automated workstation may include digitizers (graphics tablets), plotters, speaker systems, etc.

The mathematical support of automated workstations is a set of algorithms that ensure the formation of resultant information. Mathematical software serves as the basis for the development of a set of application programs.

Legal support is a set of legal norms that regulate the functioning and creation of information systems and automated workstations (AWS).

Linguistic support for the formalization of natural language combines a set of language tools, combinations and construction of information units, which are generally focused on the effective implementation of the user interface. Linguistic support AWS includes languages ​​for communicating with the user, information retrieval languages, intermediary languages ​​in networks, and query languages. The language tools of automated workstations (AWS) provide an unambiguous semantic correspondence between the hardware in the form of a personal computer and user actions.

Methodological support is a system of general and specific methods of analysis. Methodological support for an automated workstation consists of recommendations and regulations for implementation, guidelines, operation and evaluation of the effectiveness of their functioning. It also includes training tools for working on an automated workplace, computer-organized reference information about the automated workplace as a whole and its individual functions, and demonstration examples. The basis of the methodological support of the automated workplace is:

  • - methods that determine the effectiveness and purpose of the automated workplace, information needs at management levels;
  • - scenarios that describe the implementation of management procedures in the operating conditions of automated workstations (AWS);
  • - methods of preparing employees to work using automated workplaces (training methods, necessary instructions, training systems and tools, etc.);
  • - documents that characterize the composition, rules of operation and selection of software and hardware for automated workplaces;
  • - tools and methods for designing automated workplaces, which provide for the possibility of its adaptation and development to changing conditions directly by subject matter specialists (without contacting the developers of the corresponding software modules).
  • - documents that describe the behavior of a specialist in the new operating conditions of an economic entity.

Ergonomic support for automated workplaces is a set of measures that provide the most comfortable conditions for the use of an automated workstation by specialists. This involves organizing file cabinets for storing documentation and magnetic media, choosing special furniture to accommodate automated workplace equipment.

As part of automated workplace software, two main types of software can be distinguished, differing in functions: general (system) and special (application). General software includes a set of programs that automates the development of programs and organizes the economic and computational process on a PC, regardless of the tasks being solved. Special (application) software is a set of programs for solving specific user problems.

Taking into account the modern functional structure of territorial government bodies, the set of software and hardware tools should form at least a three-level global data processing system with a developed set of peripheral tools at each level.

The first level is the central computing system of a territorial or corporate body, which includes one or more powerful computers, or mainframes. Its main function is general, economic and financial control, information services for management employees.

The second level is the computing systems of enterprises (associations), organizations and firms, which include mainframes, powerful PCs, and provide data processing and management within a structural unit.

The third level is locally distributed PC-based computer networks serving lower-level production areas. Each site is equipped with its own PC, which provides a range of works on primary accounting, recording needs and resource distribution. In principle, this could be an automated workstation (AWS) that performs functional computing procedures within a specific subject area.

Problem-oriented PPPs are the most functionally developed and numerous PPPs. They include the following software products: word processors, publishing systems, graphic editors, demonstration graphics, multimedia systems, CAD software, work organizers. And also, spreadsheets (table processors), database management systems, character recognition programs, financial and analytical-statistical programs.

Spreadsheets (table processors) are software packages for processing organized data in a tabular manner. Using the package's tools, the user has the opportunity to carry out various calculations, build graphs, manage the format of input/output data, assemble data, conduct analytical studies, etc.

Work organizers are software packages designed to automate procedures for planning the use of various resources (time, money, materials) both for an individual and for the entire company or its structural divisions.

Word processors are programs for working with documents (texts), allowing you to arrange, format, and edit texts when the user creates a document.

Desktop publishing systems (DPS) are programs for professional publishing that allow for electronic layout of basic types of documents, for example, a newsletter, a short color brochure and a voluminous catalog or trade application, reference book.

Graphic editors - packages for processing graphic information; are divided into PPP processing raster graphics and images and vector graphics. The first type of PPPs are designed for working with photographs. The packages provide options for converting photos into different resolutions or other data formats. Vector graphics packages are designed for professional work involving artistic and technical illustration followed by color printing. They have a wide range of functional tools for complex and accurate processing of graphic images.

Integrated software packages are a small number of products, but in computational terms they are a powerful and actively developing part of the software. Traditional, or fully connected, integrated software systems are a multifunctional autonomous package in which the functions and capabilities of various specialized (problem-oriented) packages, related in the sense of data processing technology at a separate workplace, are combined into one whole.

AWP software

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: AWP software
Rubric (thematic category) Technologies

The software allows you to improve the organization of the computer system in order to maximize the use of its technology.

The need for software development is determined by the following:

· ensure the operability of technical means, since without software they cannot carry out any computational and logical operations;

· ensure user interaction with equipment;

· shorten the cycle from setting a problem to obtaining the result of its solution;

· increase the efficiency of using technical resources.

There are a number of requirements for automated workplace software: reliability, efficient use of PC resources, structure, modularity, efficiency, and user friendliness.

When choosing software, it is extremely important to focus on the architecture and characteristics of the PC.

As part of the automated workplace software, two basic types of software can be distinguished, differing in functions: general(system) and special(applied).

TO general software refers to a set of programs that provide automation of program development and organization of the computing process on a PC, regardless of the tasks being solved. General software is designed to run programs and manage their execution.

Special (application) software is a set of programs for solving specific user problems. Special software determines the specific specialization of the workstation, ᴛ.ᴇ. scope of its application.

Rice. 15. Classification of workstation software

The automated workplace software must have the properties of adaptability and customization for a specific application in accordance with user requirements.

Application program packages (APP), included in special AWS software, implement the functions of word processing, tabular data processing, database management, computer and business graphics, organizing human-machine dialogue, supporting communications and working in networks. PPPs are the fastest growing part of software because... the range of tasks solved with their help is constantly expanding. The introduction of PC in all areas of activity became possible thanks to the emergence of new and improvement of existing software.

The structure and principles of constructing the PPP depend on the class of computer and the operating system with which the package will operate. The classification of these software packages according to functional and organizational characteristics is presented in Figure 16.

Rice. 16. Classification of PPP

Spreadsheets(tabular processors) - software packages for processing tabularly organized data. Using the package's tools, the user has the opportunity to carry out various calculations, build graphs, manage the format of input/output data, assemble data, conduct analytical studies, etc.

Work organizers- these are software packages designed to automate procedures for planning the use of various resources (time, money, materials) both for an individual person and for the entire company or its structural divisions.

Word processors- programs for working with documents (texts), allowing you to arrange, format, edit texts when the user creates a document.

Desktop Publishing(NIS) - programs for professional publishing that allow for electronic layout of basic types of documents, for example, a newsletter, a short color brochure and a voluminous catalog or trade application, reference book.

Graphic editor- packages for processing graphic information; are divided into PPP processing raster graphics and images and vector graphics.

Among multimedia programs Two large groups can be distinguished. The first includes packages for education and leisure, and the second includes programs for preparing video materials for creating multimedia presentations, demonstration discs and poster materials.

Another type of software package related to graphic image processing is - design automation systems. Οʜᴎ are intended for automation of design and engineering work in mechanical engineering, automotive industry, industrial construction, etc.

Character recognition programs are designed to convert graphic images of letters and numbers into ASCII codes of these characters and are used, as a rule, in conjunction with scanners.

Packages of this type usually include a variety of tools that make the user's work easier and increase the likelihood of correct recognition.

Available in a variety of packages group of financial programs: for maintaining personal finances, automating accounting for small and large companies, economic forecasting of company development, analysis of investment projects, development of feasibility studies for financial transactions, etc.

Integrated software packages- in terms of the number of product items, it is a small, but computationally powerful and actively developing part of the software.

Traditional, or fully connected, integrated software systems are a multifunctional autonomous package in which the functions and capabilities of various specialized (problem-oriented) packages, related in the sense of data processing technology at a separate workplace, are combined into one whole.

An integrated package provides connectivity between data, but at the same time reduces the capabilities of each component compared to a similar specialized package.

Today, another approach to software integration is being actively implemented: combining specialized packages within a single resource base, ensuring the interaction of applications (package programs) at the object level and a single simplified switching center between applications. Integration in this case is object-related nature.

AWS software - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Workstation Software" 2017, 2018.

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