Create a temporary email without registration. Fast mail will save you from long troubles

If you are a more or less advanced Internet user, then you should be familiar with situations when you need to register on some forum or service site only once. After all, many sites now require registration both to send a message and to work, but it often happens that in the future there is no need to use this e-mail. For example, you need to download some file on the site, and to download it you need to register on the site. Sound familiar? Or you need to leave a question and then just look at the answers. Or registration in different catalogs. In general, there can be many situations. For such purposes, disposable (temporary) e-mails (mailboxes) have long been invented. You can use them to instantly receive your mailbox, register on some site, receive an activation link (and sometimes you don’t even need it) and then forget about it.
To create such boxes, you do not need to come up with a name and password, as well as any additional questions or enter a phone number. In general, you can create it in a second.

Why are temporary mailboxes needed?

In addition to what was described above, these e-mails will help you “not reveal” your main (permanent) e-mail. After all, as often happens, after such a regular registration indicating a mailbox, you may begin to receive a lot of mailing letters both from the site on which you registered, and from completely wrong ones - spam. I think few people will benefit from receiving letters with advertisements or some links to their mail.
In general, you yourself can understand why you will need it. Mailbox for one time.
The main disadvantage of such boxes is that you will not be able to access it later (after deletion). And this can come in handy when you registered on something and forgot the password for it. But this is no longer a case for one-time use and you need to decide in which cases to use such a temporary mailbox and in which not.

Now let's move directly to the services that allow you to create and use temporary mailboxes (e-mail).

The most famous and popular service disposable emails. And this is justified. After all, all you need to do is follow the link and you will immediately receive your (randomly generated) temporary mailbox (lifespan - 10 minutes). In the same tab, you can immediately see the list of incoming messages, and if necessary, extend the period by another 10 minutes right there (if there is not enough time). In a special field, you can immediately select and copy your address, and then paste it where you need it and do your business.

When using, you should be aware that this service blocks attachments and if you respond to letters, the Russian letters will be damaged and unreadable.

Good postal service for disposable e-mails. The same as the previous site, only a more beautiful design and the ability to redirect mail to your (real) mailing address.

What's good about the redirect feature? Yes, because your “shine” somewhere there during registration is only temporary and not required address, and all the information you need (as written above, for example, login and password for forums) is sent to you to your existing mailbox and saved. It turns out that spammers will get a mailbox that no longer exists, and you will only receive necessary information. Comfortable.

Nice, beautiful, comfortable, modern. Initially, 2 hours are created and the remaining time can be monitored from above

pay attention to left panel- in it you can immediately copy the address, update letters, change the mailing address (indicating your login, choosing a service and time), extend the period (1 hour per click) and delete the mailbox.

Automatic generation of mailbox name, mail storage time is 60 minutes, mailbox lifetime is until a new session is created.

A little “crooked” in terms of design (for me personally), but it allows you to store up to 5 days and supports attachments

A simple English-language service translated into Russian. Supports Cyrillic, you can create it with your own name (login) and domain (which comes next @). Creates for 15 minutes

Several English-language services that will help you create a temporary e-mail. They are distinguished by simplicity and asceticism. You just need to select a login (name), enter it in the field, select the lifetime and get the address:
Finally, I would like to note that some services and sites do not allow you to register using these services and write that they need normal ones - from Rambler, Gmail, Yandex, Mail, etc. I advise you then either use another service (or domain) or create one email specifically for spam.

Sometimes we all need an inbox for “five minutes.” Register on a forum, or some website, just to download some the desired program, or for “one-time” correspondence with a person who does not want to provide his main email.

In such cases, temporary services come in handy. Email. They can be used without fear that your main email address will be exposed in spammer databases or used for commercial mailings. Disposable mail can be used in other cases, for example, to send anonymous letters.

All the services discussed below work using HTTPS protocol and most have a Russian interface. If one of them does not work, use the next one.

Attention! Do not use temporary mail for getting important letters, with personal data and information that can be used to access resources you value. Basically, mailboxes created in such services are public and can be viewed by anyone. is an advanced temporary mail service that provides the user with many useful features. You can use a random email address or set your own by choosing one of several dozen domains. For some domains it is possible to use a password.

Mail on each of the created mailboxes is stored for 30 days. Users have the ability to receive letters in text and HTML formats with attachments (up to 10 MB), write and respond to letters, print and save letters, manage their spam list, use a direct link to access their mailbox, and view letters in RSS feed or ATOM.

Among the advanced features, we should mention the ability to use your own domain for mailboxes. In this case, you can choose whether you want to make this domain public or private.


This temporary mail service creates for you, when you visit its website, a mailbox, the letters from which are deleted an hour after receipt. The mailbox itself does not have an expiration date, but if desired, you can quickly delete it or create a new one. By default, the email name is generated in automatic mode, but it is possible to change it by the user. It is also possible to choose one of the available 11 domains if one is blocked on the site on which you plan to use mail.

The service understands HTML perfectly and accepts emails with attachments. GuerillaMail also allows you to send letters and attach files up to 150 MB in size. In addition to the web version, this service has applications for Android (with somewhat reduced capabilities) and an extension for the Chrome browser.


When you first visit the site, an E-Mail will be created for you. If for some reason you are not satisfied with it, you can change it using the name you came up with and one of the 10 proposed domains.

You can use TempMail indefinitely. It will be valid until you delete it. The only thing is that received letters are destroyed after 60 minutes. There is no possibility to send letters.

In addition to the online service, TempMail offers its users extensions for Chrome browsers, Opera and Firefox, as well as applications for Android and iOS. The interface of this temporary mail service has been translated into many languages ​​(including Russian and Ukrainian).


As with many other temporary mail services, a DropMail mailbox is created immediately when you visit the service’s web page. With the click of one button, you can create additional addresses with one of six available domains or “multiply” an existing address using a template. Each temporary address is unique and is issued only once.

The service provides the ability to configure the forwarding of letters from a temporary mailbox to a permanent one. You can also enable notifications of new emails using browser pop-ups. To save letters on your computer, you can download them all as an archive or download them individually.

Unlike other similar services, a mailbox on DropMail is provided without any time restrictions. It will exist until the page is refreshed. If you need access to previously created mailboxes, use the “Restoring Access” section, but remember that this way you can only restore email addresses, but not the letters themselves.

The DropMail interface is available in Russian and Ukrainian, displays Cyrillic correctly and works with attached files. But it is impossible to send letters from it.


Moakt is a temporary email with a simple and intuitive interface. It is possible to specify the address yourself or use a random one. Mailboxes are public - anyone who enters the same address can view its contents.

All information about the mailbox is deleted an hour after receiving it, but its lifetime can be extended. Among the advantages is the ability to send letters and receive attached files.


Mailsac's disposable email service allows you to create a temporary address with the name you specify. In this case, you can use a public (available to everyone) or private (registration required) mailbox.

Without registration, you are only allowed to receive and read letters. After registration, users have the opportunity to create an unlimited number of addresses, save letters, and access via POP3 and SMTP.

Temp Mail Address

A mailing address consisting of a randomly generated first and last name is created in this service immediately upon entering it home page. By default, you can use it for 60 minutes, but you can set it to a different time – up to two weeks. You can delete the address (a new one is immediately created) or create your own.

A nice little thing - Temp Mail Address immediately offers you a randomly generated password and avatar for use on the site where you are going to register using this temporary mail.

10 Minute Mail

When you enter the website of this service, you will immediately be allocated a temporary randomly generated Email address. There is no option to set your own or change your email address.

Any letter sent to this address will appear on the 10 Minute Mail page. You will be able to read and answer it. By default, the mailbox will self-destruct after 10 minutes. You can increase its lifespan with a special button, each click of which resets the counter to 10 minutes.

10 Minute Mail allows the use of HTML, but does not accept emails with attachments. It is possible to reply to letters and forward them. The service has been translated into many languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.


NADA is a service that provides its users with a “permanent temporary” email account. It will be active as long as the domain on which it is hosted is active. With NADA, you can create multiple aliases and domain combinations for your email, and after using them, delete them if necessary. For this purpose, the service provides 10 domains.

From time to time, developers drop something that is too familiar domain names and replace them with others. At the same time, a month before such an event, they inform users about this so that they can transfer their mailbox to another domain without haste.

Despite the durability of the mailbox, individual messages it stores only 7 days, which is much longer than some other similar services.

Unfortunately, you cannot send emails using NADA, nor can you receive files attached to incoming emails. Another disadvantage is that anyone who enters their name can gain access to a particular mailbox. After all, it is impossible to password protect “your” email here. Among the advantages is the presence of an extension for the Chrome browser.

Crazy Mailing

The CrazyMailing service provides a temporary mailbox for 10 minutes. Just go to his page and you will receive a randomly generated email address (you cannot choose the email name yourself). If the default time is not enough, you can extend its lifetime by pressing the “+10 min.” button the required number of times. In this case, the maximum period of activity of the box is limited to 30 days.

CrazyMailing allows you to accept emails with attachments and displays the Cyrillic alphabet correctly. The website interface has been translated into many languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.

To provide greater ease of use of the service, developers offer extensions for Chrome and Firefox browsers that make it easy to create and use CrazyMailing. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the extension for Firefox is outdated and cannot be installed on latest versions this browser.

After authorization using social networks, the Crazymailing user receives additional features– sending mail with attachments up to 10 MB, forwarding incoming letters to the main mail, generating up to 10 additional addresses, button to increase the service life of the mailbox “+30 min.” etc.

My Temp Mail

My Temp Mail is a simple and convenient temporary email service. Go to the main page of this site, click the “Start Here” button and you will be redirected to view the incoming letters of the newly created address. Click, if necessary, on the “New Inbox” button and you will create another address.

Among the useful features of this service are the ability to send letters, the ability to link your own mailbox domain, automatic opening of links in received letters, and notifications about the receipt of letters. Disadvantages - only English version of the interface.


Go to the AirMail website and click on the “Get temporary mailbox” button so that the service will generate a unique email address for you and move you to the “Inbox” page. Here you can copy the newly created address, replace it with another one and view the received letters. Like most similar sites, AirMail does not have the ability to send emails, does not support forwarding, and does not allow you to receive attached files.

You can access your mailbox on this service using a unique link, so you can leave the page (after saving it in your bookmarks) and return to it later. But you should remember that AirMail deletes letters and journals every 24 hours.


Tempail provides everyone with email address which will be destroyed after 1 hour. To receive it, you just need to go to the main page of the site.

There are few available options in this service. You can use the QR code to access the page with mobile device and delete the mailbox (a new one will be generated immediately). The service has been somehow translated into Russian and Ukrainian.


As the name suggests, the MailForSpam service is designed to receive spam. Letters are stored on it limited time and removed as needed free space on the server (this can happen several times a day or once a month).

Logging into your mailbox on MailForSpam is easy. You just need to enter the address in the form on the main page and click the “Login” button. There is no option to send emails or receive attached files.


Flashbox is a simple Swedish service that provides basic capabilities on creating and using a temporary postal address. Just enter the desired address or use one created by chance and go to your inbox.

Letters from the mailbox (which holds 200 letters) are deleted 30 days from the date of receipt last message. There is no option to receive attachments or send emails. Since all created mailboxes are password-free, be careful not to use this email for important correspondence.


When you enter the main Mailinator page, you are immediately prompted to create a name for your temporary mail. Just enter it in the form and click the “GO!” button, after which you will be taken to the web interface of the newly created mailbox. Subsequently, you can check mail coming to this address simply by entering his name in the appropriate field. Of course, there is no need to talk about any privacy here. The lifetime of letters is several hours.

The free version of Mailinator only works to receive emails. Service understands HTML markup and Russian language, but does not accept attachments (they are simply deleted from letters). Paid version This service has great capabilities (saving letters, forwarding, chat, API access, private domain...).


You can create a temporary email on the EmailOnDeck service in two clicks - the first is to pass the captcha, the second is to receive an automatically generated email address. You cannot change the name of this address or add additional addresses to your mailbox in this service. There is also no ability to send letters and receive files attached to letters, but there is the ability to restore access to the mailbox using a previously saved token. The interface has, among others, Russian.

The EmailOnDeck developers do not set any lifetime for the temporary address. It is only known that it “must be valid more than an hour" If you close your browser or clear your cookies, you will lose access to it sooner.

In addition to free functionality, this service also has paid features - custom mailbox names, saving addresses, exclusive domains, secure deletion of logs, private letters, etc.


TempMail is another public temporary mail service. This means that if two or more people If they choose the same name for their mailing address, they will use the same mailbox. And they will be able to read all the letters coming to him. According to the creators of the service, they do not save any information and delete the mail after two hours. The advantage of the service is the ability to receive attachments up to 30 MB.

In addition to the temporary mail service, TempMail also provides the opportunity to use toll free numbers phones to receive SMS.


The service with the self-explanatory name HarakiriMail destroys letters received at the address you entered 24 hours after they were received. You won't be able to set a password for your mailbox here. You can't send emails, just like you can't receive attachments. Pros: Availability of an application for iOS and extensions for popular browsers.


Mailgutter, like other sites in this list, allows you to get a free temporary email address. You can choose between an automatically generated address, or enter one yourself. A password is not set for the mailbox, so anyone who enters the address in the form on the main page of the service can view the letters in it.

Goes) from a dozen options.

Although the service is bourgeois, it has the ability to switch to a Russian interface. As far as I understand, mail is stored in it for up to 30 days, and files up to ten megabytes in size can be attached to incoming letters.

  • - you will be asked to create a temporary Email either by generating or by entering the future name of your mailbox (you cannot select a domain).

    Then a page will open where you can view incoming correspondence, and, if necessary, respond to letters (this service allows this). The Disposableinbox interface is in English, but I think you can figure it out. “Cinderella’s carriage will turn into a pumpkin” exactly one day after the box is created.

  • one of the most serious and functional temporary mail services. There are essentially no time limits, but if you reload the page, a new one-time Email will open. However, a “Restore access” button has appeared for logging into previously created mailboxes.

    You can also configure the forwarding of correspondence to your main Email so that you always have access to correspondence received in this one-time mailbox. If you wish, you can create new box with the name you need and the ability to choose one of three domain zones. Overall, amazing service.

  • GetAirMail- after clicking on the “Get Temporary Email” button, your temporary (for the next 24 hours) Email address will be automatically generated, which you can copy at the top of the page that opens. And just below, the contents of this box will be checked at ten-second intervals. Actually, that's all.
  • Guerrillamail- Not good user-friendly interface, but you can get used to it. The name for the mailbox is generated automatically, but you can change it to your own and select the appropriate domain, i.e. the ending of the email that comes after the @.

  • Hidemyass- an anonymous mail service with a fairly self-explanatory name. The principle of operation is quite interesting. You are immediately asked to come up with a name for the anonymous mailbox and a password (which is unusual for similar systems), and also indicate your main Email, where all correspondence from this anonymous mailbox will be sent.

    At the same time, it will be possible to select the period of time during which this same “disposable” Email will function (from a month to a year).

  • Incognito Mail- by going to this URL you will need to come up with a login (or get a generated version) and become a “caliph for an hour” with a temporary box like [email protected] and a lifespan of just one hour (it will be possible, if necessary, to extend it to a full hour). At the same time, it is possible to respond to incoming letters, which may be important for some.
  • MailForSpam- from the name it is obvious that this mail is intended for receiving spam. She, so to speak, is ready to take the fire upon herself, especially since this is not very expensive for the owners, because letters are stored there for a very limited time and are deleted as needed for free space on the server (this can happen several times a day or just once per month).

    The interface, by the way, can be switched to Russian, but even without this, in my opinion, it is the height of brevity. Just enter your desired login and click on “Login” to view your incoming emails. What could be simpler?

  • MailInator- no more than ten messages (each weighing no more than 120 KB) can be stored in this temporary mailbox at a time, and all existing attachments to letters are deleted. To start working with it, just enter the desired mailbox name and click on the “Check it” button:

    As a result, a page with the contents of your new Email will open, where incoming letters will be stored for several hours. You can view them and write a response if you wish.

  • MinteMail- a fairly simple service where you don’t even need to enter anything. Immediately after clicking on the specified link in the right top corner you will see an automatically generated temporary Email. Copy it, and without closing the page, register (or why else did you need a temporary anonymous email address with a lifetime of three hours) so that after waiting a little you will see the message that has arrived there.
  • Disposable anonymous mail services

    1. MyTempeMail- this temporary mail service offers you the choice of either creating a redirect from an automatically generated Email address to your main mailbox (you can set its lifetime from one hour to one month), or simply creating one-time Email(with a random name or one you choose):

      The lifespan of such a box is half an hour (a countdown will begin at the bottom of the page that opens). In general, everything is quite convenient, but the interface of this service is somewhat slow.

    2. No-Spam- an anti-spam box that can hardly be called disposable, because there is no specified time interval after which it will stop functioning. Just after it starts getting clogged with spam, you can abandon it with a light heart and immediately get a new one (without tedious registrations). In addition, this service supports Unicode (UTF) encoding and allows you to receive emails with attachments.

      To create a mailbox, just enter its desired name in the form located in the upper left and click on the “Go” button (you will get something akin to this Email - [email protected]). After this, you will be taken to a page where you can view incoming correspondence. It is better to add its URL to your browser bookmarks if you plan to use this box in the future.

    3. Spamobox- this service is very similar to the Incognito Mail described above (even the color scheme and arrangement of elements on the page are the same).

      The lifetime of the created box is one hour, and at the same time you can either choose a name for it yourself, or rely on chance.

    4. 10minutemail- in fact, from the name of the service it is probably clear that this temporary mailbox lasts only ten minutes, but if you wish, you can get another ten minutes by clicking on the corresponding link.
    5. a temporary email address is generated automatically when you go to the main page of this service. You can see it and copy it in the upper left part of the page. The interface is Russian-language and intuitive (more similar to an email service than others). If you don’t like the default mailbox, you can choose a name for it yourself and domain zone by clicking on the “Change” button from the left menu. As far as I understand, Email lasts about an hour.
    6. TempeMail- provides anonymous mailing addresses for a period of two weeks. Unlike other services, there is Top Menu, where you first need to select the “Create” item to create a mailbox (you will need to guess the captcha and come up with an Email name):
    7. at the very bottom of the page that opens, enter the desired name of the mailbox and click on the “Check mail” button, which will take you to the page for viewing correspondence. You can update it while waiting for a new letter. The box will last a little less than a day (about sixteen hours), according to the description.
    8. Wh4f- this temporary mail service allows you to store up to one megabyte of correspondence (but no more than ten messages) for a period of eight hours to one week (this interval is set when registering the mailbox).

    9. YOPmail- you can get it here disposable addresses email without registration and for a period of eight days. What’s noteworthy is that mailboxes are created automatically when you receive a letter to or fourteen other domains belonging to this service (by default, all messages to this mail domain are accepted).

      You can check mail on the mailbox created in this way by entering address bar browser is like this Url: There are extensions for Internet Explorer and FireFox browsers.

    10. ABC-k- this free (but temporary) mail service makes it possible to use up to one gig of space for incoming correspondence, and attachments of up to ten megabytes can be attached to letters. You can reply to incoming emails, forward them, and send new messages. Messages are stored on the server for sixty days.

    Anonymous email services with recipient substitution

    Well, in conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of services that allow you to replace the contents of the fields of the recipient or the email address from which the message is sent. It’s hard for me to immediately imagine situations where this might be needed, but you at least you will know where to look if suddenly such a situation arises (you can add this publication to your browser bookmarks just in case - I added it).

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages

    A valid email address is required when creating various accounts and registering on certain sites.

    But it is not always advisable or possible to indicate your real email, and in such cases, temporary one-time email without registration may be required.

    The essence of the service

    What exactly is temporary mail and how is it provided?

    Temporary mail services generate random mailboxes located on their server.

    These boxes, depending on the “scope” of the service, can range from several tens to several thousand.

    When starting to use the service, the user receives an email address on the server and login credentials.

    Access is provided for different periods of time, depending on the conditions, from a single opening of a letter to several months.

    After this, the passwords for the provided mailbox are reset, stop working, and the mailbox can be provided to another user with different credentials.

    The functionality of such a service may differ depending on the format of work.

    It can work only to receive incoming messages, or it can assume the ability to send correspondence and receive incoming messages over a short period of time.

    Why is it needed?

    Why can’t you indicate your real email when registering, since almost every user has one?

    In what cases might a temporary dummy mailbox be needed?

    There may be a number of reasons for this:

    • The user has already registered on the site with his real email, but now cannot remember any backup data of his account for recovery;
    • The user has been blocked from the site, for example, for violating its Rules or for some other reason, and can no longer re-register with the real address;
    • An account registered to a real address on this site already exists, but another one is needed;
    • After registration, many sites begin to send unnecessary information– account login information, message notifications, etc., and disable this in the settings account long and complicated, so it’s easier to create temporary mail;
    • Other purposes are a prank, a surprise, confidential distribution of any information when the sender’s email address should not be recognized.

    Of course, you can just start it every time different mail on standard servers(gmail, mail, rambler, yandex, etc.), but this is quite complicated and inconvenient.

    The process takes a lot of time, and it is inappropriate to carry out it if the mail is needed “one time”.


    The main advantages of using temporary mail services are described below:

    • Saving time on registration procedures;
    • There is no need to invent different credentials every time;
    • Getting rid of mailings, spam and other unnecessary letters on the main mail;
    • Ability to maintain confidentiality when necessary;
    • Ability to create multiple accounts at once.

    Although using temporary mail can be associated with a number of difficulties, it is still more advisable than using a permanent mailbox.


    However, using the service also has some disadvantages associated with the very principle of its operation, and which cannot be avoided.

    These are phenomena such as:

    • Since email passwords no longer work, it is impossible to recover the password from the account that was registered to it;
    • Since addresses on some services are transferred from user to user when passwords are changed, when creating an account on a popular site, there is a possibility that the email you use has already been used there - in this case you will have to request an additional address;
    • You will not be able to receive important news about changes to the service.

    Such shortcomings, in principle, are not too critical and are not always relevant, so the benefits of such services still outweigh.

    As soon as you walk along it, immediately Home page, at the top of the screen you will find a randomly generated email address that you can use.

    Above the address itself in this field there is a countdown timer showing how much longer the mailbox will work.

    The address obtained in this way remains valid for 10 minutes.

    If there is not enough time, and you cannot accomplish everything you need in 10 minutes, find the section Need more time?

    On the left side of the page and click on the +10 minutes button.

    To use the adjacent +30 minutes button, immediately adding half an hour of time for using the box, you need to register on the site or log in to it using social networks.

    To do this, in the upper left corner home page Find the social media buttons under the service logo. Press the desired button and log in to the service with your data social network(Google, Twitter, Vkontakte).

    On blue background, just below the address field, the contents of the mailbox are located.

    When you first enter the site, you see in your mail only one welcome letter from the service administration.

    But if you register with this mailbox, another inbox will appear - to open it, just click on it.

    The appearance of the letter is no different - it is the same as when using any other mailbox.

    At the top of the screen are the Mark as Unread, Reply, and Delete buttons.

    The service also functions normally for sending letters - on the start page, on the right, under the address field, there is a Write button.

    When clicking on it, the user is redirected to the authorization form - only authorized users can send emails.

    If you need to save an incoming or outgoing letter, then find the corresponding button. Do you want to save the letter? on the left side of any page on the site.

    After clicking on it, an input field for the real e-mail will open, to which a copy will be sent ( this service is also available only to users authorized in the service).

    When crossing it, to Home page you'll immediately find an email address ready to use.

    Click on the address and copy it. Now it is ready for use during registration, but in order for it not to stop working, the site cannot be closed - while the site is open, the email is active, but as soon as you close it, another one will be generated.

    Important! Additional benefit is that in the site header on a blue background you can find a QR code button. When you click on it, you will automatically receive the appropriate code corresponding to your temporary email. There is no particular point in such a service, but sometimes it can be useful and even necessary.

    The disadvantage of the service is that you cannot send letters from such temporary mail. It only works for receiving and viewing incoming messages.

    A service with a name similar to the previous one, but completely different in functionality.

    To use this service, follow the algorithm:

    • Find your temporary email address in the field at the very top of the start page and copy it - there's even one for that special button at the top of the page, left;
    • The main part of the page is occupied by the field where your inbox will be displayed;
    • The Refresh button in the menu on the left is needed to check the contents of the mailbox - automatic update No;
    • The Change button involves creating any desired temporary email address - click on it to open the corresponding field, enter all the necessary data in it and click Save;
    • You will be notified of a successful address change by a message on a green background that appears after clicking the Save button;
    • The Delete button is used to delete a mailbox after use so that others can use it.

    The main disadvantage of this service is the same as in the previous version - it is impossible to create an outgoing letter.

    A simple service for generating temporary mailboxes, located at

    Provides minimal but sufficient functionality and is easy to use.

    The time it can be used is unlimited, but the page cannot be updated either - when updating, a different address is generated.

    • The address itself is located in the very top field on the start page;
    • By clicking on the button with the image of a tablet to the right of it, you can copy the data to paste on the site;
    • The orange I don’t like button is needed to generate another address - click on it and the data in the top field will be updated;
    • The field below is necessary to display inboxes - they appear automatically, there is no need to refresh the page;
    • A letter is opened by clicking on it, just like in any other mail.

    This service is not suitable for sending letters and does not provide any additional services, but, nevertheless, quite convenient, simple and functional.

    A simple and functional service is located at

    • In the field Your temporary mailbox, the actual address is displayed, which can be easily copied by clicking on the image of the tablets to the right of it;
    • In the Incoming mail block, which is updated automatically, all incoming correspondence will be displayed, which can be opened by clicking on it;
    • There is no time limit for using the generated combination, but you cannot refresh the page or restart the site, as this will lead to the automatic generation of another email;
    • Click on the button Additional drawer and another address will be automatically generated for you, and if you click on the arrow next to this button, you can also select the desired domain for it;
    • To the right are buttons for setting up audio and visual notifications about receiving a new letter (disabling or enabling both types).

    You can contact support by clicking the Having problems?

    The site is convenient and multifunctional, but like many, it does not allow sending outgoing messages.

    A simple service with some unique functions is located at

    His distinguishing feature – creating a unique mailbox address.

    To do this, find the input field in the upper left part of the page and enter the desired combination, then click on the Check mail button.

    If the address is not busy, then the mail page will open for you.

    On the left there is a list of incoming correspondence; the main field contains the contents of letters, which are opened by clicking on them.

    At the top there is a Write button that allows you to send messages. Click on it and generate text.

    This site does not provide the function of copying incoming and outgoing messages to a real mailbox.


    All such services provide approximately the same functionality, with the exception of a number of features.

    For example, not too convenient characteristic is the limited time of using the service, as in the first case.

    If you need to send a letter from a temporary address, then you need to be more careful when choosing a service, since not all sites provide this opportunity, as well as copying correspondence to a real mailbox.

    Temporary email required for today a huge number Internet users, but not all the proposed options are convenient and simple, and many are often “stupid” so that it is not always possible to receive mail to a temporary address in a timely manner. From the abundance of options for online temporary electronic services postal addresses, we are interested in those that are, at a minimum, Russian-speaking - for ease of use, and, at a maximum, reliable, simple and intuitive to use.

    Below I have made a short description of three Russian-speaking such postal services. These are the easiest to use and very reliable options. The sites are extremely convenient because they are intuitive, which makes me happy - you don’t have to rack your brains. In a couple of seconds, you can create and receive temporary mail for yourself without registration. Obtained from the ones described below online service x temporary mail, correspondence arrives instantly after it is sent.

    Receive temporary mail at . This service is convenient because to create a temporary email address, you just need to reload the page in your browser. The second undeniable advantage is this. What do you get email not for 10 minutes, as on many similar online services, but for the entire time you have the page open in your browser.

    Letters are received instantly, there is no need to register on the service, you can receive letters with attachments (pictures, files). The number of one-time temporary boxes is not limited - just reload the page.

    Receive temporary mail at . This temporary email address service is, in principle, no worse than the first one, with the only difference being that initially the temporary address is given for 10 minutes. But this is not a problem at all, since you can easily extend the validity period of the box an unlimited number of times, just timely click on the bookmark image at the top left + 10 min. And if you do this several times, you can give yourself quite a big time the life of your one-time mailbox, for example, one hour or more.

    The second serious advantage of this online service is that here you have the opportunity not only to receive correspondence, but also to send it, which is also often in demand. This service also works without registration.

    Temporary email on the service

    Receive temporary mail at . This option temporary email address service has something similar to the first option. For example, here you cannot send correspondence, and mail created for you once will always be yours until you forcefully delete it yourself, as in the first service.

