Create a program on iOS. Step-by-step creation of an application for iOS

If you are a regular iOS user, then the idea of ​​creating your own has probably occurred to you. mobile app for iOS. Moreover, now, with the development of technology, you don’t even have to study programming languages ​​to develop an iOS application, you just need to use simple constructors.

The digital App Store is filled to the brim with entertainment content - and the lion's share of the available content is allocated to mobile iOS applications (followed by music, books, and films): through the search it is easy to find games, browsers, social network clients, services that provide the ability to order a taxi and food, instant messengers, animated wallpapers and email tools. It is almost impossible to list the many available mobile applications at once, and there are several reasons for this.

First, the market mobile iOS content changes all the time - each time there are new developers who decide to create a product that the world has never seen before, or “newbies” appear who are trying to rewrite the content of “professionals” with new words, under the influence of modern trends. And secondly, the library of one App Store consists of a million available offers. And this is far from the limit, taking into account the development of technology and the sharply decreased level of entry into mobile development.

Yes, programming languages ​​are still worth learning (if you want to change the mold and change the world), but recently you can develop an application without knowledge - the main thing is to arm yourself the right tool and use a suitable service, designer.

Why you might need your own application

The development of an application for the modern iOS mobile operating system should be considered from several angles:

  • Business tool. Hard to imagine modern service delivery, a large restaurant or a taxi company operating exclusively through mobile and home phone. Who wants to hang on the line for hours instead of virtual card call every now and then required addresses, getting confused, sometimes on trains, sometimes in driveways, and choosing food by asking the call center operator for suitable positions. In this case, the “mobility” of the application is everything! Yes, and there are hardly any ways to interact more effectively with the crowd, attracting the audience with new discounts and offers.
    However, mobile applications should not always be considered solely as a promotion tool - sometimes assistants downloaded through the App Store simply simplify interaction with certain resources. For example, you don’t have to use your browser all the time to read recently received mail. Why go through this every time? long haul, if you can download the mobile application, log in to the system, and then set up the notification system. You won’t miss anything unnecessary, and the remaining time after checking your email will also be enough for a cup of coffee;
  • Entertainment. The second aspect of content that makes novice developers dream of getting into the App Store is an attempt to create entertaining content. And there are a lot of options here - games, parodies of social networks, services for virtual communication, new products that have become “trends”. The content in this section is collected solely for entertainment purposes and is in no way associated with an existing business.

Accordingly, there are two options why you might need a mobile application - either you have accumulated interesting ideas that you want to express using the developer environment, or the business has long been moving uphill and you want to reward clients using the company’s services with something really useful and convenient (for example , a mobile catalog with goods that allows you to quickly create an order, select a delivery method and make payment at lightning speed).

What should a beginner do if he doesn’t want to learn programming languages?

Just a few years ago, the path from a beginner to a professional mobile application developer went through a bunch of various tests. Firstly, in order to create something, you had to learn a programming language (if you need development for Android, then Java is suitable, if for iOS - Objective-C or the now popular Swift constructor), and you had to start not from scratch, but right away after a course in mathematics, logic and markup studies.

Secondly, every iOS application developer must own Apple technology for full work with suitable tools (like Xcode) and for direct use of the App Store as a platform for distributing developed content.

If you look closely at the iOS operating system, you cannot help but note the fact that the OS is extremely closed, which results in all sorts of restrictions at the stage of creating and developing a new mobile iOS application.

Success is greatly affected by the inability to load certain versions iOS on PC to test versions and check compatibility. But every developer is obliged to check how well the new product copes with both iOS 11 and 5, if anyone else still has one. There are also difficulties encountered at the stage of adding content to the App Store, where moderation is strict - the created new product can be rejected even because of incorrect screenshots.

Recently, times have changed a lot - any computer, be it Windows or Linux, is suitable for developing mobile applications for Apple products. You won’t have to learn languages ​​either, because there is a place on the Internet for special “designers” that offer, in a few steps, to create a store that details the goods available in the warehouse, or to develop a platform for calling a taxi with a virtual card.

But what’s surprising is not even the fact that you no longer have to learn programming languages, but the way the iOS application development is structured - everything is intuitive, accessible and visual. The choices made at each stage of creation are visible on the screen in real time.

What are services for creating applications, what are the advantages and opportunities

Application designers are modern, fast-growing services that allow beginners, even without knowledge of programming languages ​​and without access to special equipment, to create an interesting and perfected application. modern technologies, a platform (game, tool, utility) that simplifies some actions or opens up some additional features(search for the best eateries in the area using geolocation).

What are the advantages of constructors?

  • Minimum financial investment. No “paid” developers, long planning and vague development deadlines. In just a few days, you can develop and bring an idea to its essence and release it in a suitable digital store;
  • Quick response check. If for some reason customers do not pay attention to a new product in the App Store, even with a sufficient amount of advertising, and are reluctant to agree to download it, then, most likely, it is too early to transfer the business to mobile platforms and it is worth focusing on other ideas;
  • Low barrier to entry. Each designer available on the Internet is thought out to the smallest detail - it offers intuitive interface, special instructions for beginners and a set of tips for preventing mistakes;
  • It's easy to choose a template. If the idea is typical (developing a platform for selling goods, delivering food, searching for available cars), then beginners don’t even have to come up with anything from a technical point of view - everything has already been done by professionals. The main thing is to correctly fill out the product grid in the constructor and rewrite the name of the available menus and sections;
  • You don't have to worry about the result. If a suitable template is chosen, practically no money is invested, and the time spent barely lasts for several days, then what is there to worry about? The result obtained as a result of launching the application can be considered as another attempt to evaluate an invented idea or an established business that required a restart;
  • Total support. Well, where would we be without knowledgeable people who are both in the voice and text chat They will tell you where to click and where to look.

Unfortunately, designers are not without their drawbacks. And templates can be very limited in capabilities, and unnecessary functionality cannot be attached at the first request, and you will have to pay to disable advertising, and it is not always possible to remove the link to the constructor. In addition, it is not always possible to conduct multi-stage testing before the actual launch.

The best designer services

The list of constructors suitable for use is expanding every year - identifying the “best” in this case is very problematic, but it is still possible to single out three constructors that are definitely worth a look:


A constructor for those who have owned a small business for a long time and decided to expand their capabilities. The designer is designed for both inveterate beginners in development (special instructions are available, templates are open, you can chat with experts and get useful advice), and for real professionals - anyone can open the program code, get into the jungle of the created iOS application and, with the help of the studied programming languages ​​to achieve perfect results.

And one more thing - the GoodBarber designer allows you to use all aspects of smartphones and tablets - notifications, integration into various mobile services(from calendars to maps), fast access. By the way, when you want to put a project on the App Store, you won’t have to deal with such matters yourself - the main thing is to contact support, pay the specified amount (for the opportunity it’s in App store Store you need to pay monthly) and then wait for the result!


A constructor similar in functionality to GoodBarber, which allows you to get from the registration stage in the constructor to the moment when the main functionality of the application has already been created in just ten minutes. Almost all the features available in the service require a positive assessment - templates, a built-in graphic editor, and a special graphical interface that allows you to create buttons, menus and sections with one click and at the first request.

The first prototype obtained during development can be immediately loaded into a special testing environment and checked how the development will potentially look on an iOS smartphone or tablet.

Appy Pie

Cross-platform designer (you can develop for any mobile operating systems - even for iOS, even for Windows Phone), main feature which is the ability to create a mobile application directly in the browser! You need to choose a design and suitable colors, add links, decorate free space pictures and links and you can send the development for release. No more than 30 minutes until publication!

By the way, the designer can be configured literally right away - even the authorization menu can be redefined at the first request. The downside is that everything is in English (just like its competitors), and you have to pay for the ability to remove advertising.

What should you do next with your application?

If you have a desire to create applications and experiment not for the sake of results, but for your own pleasure, then you can spend all day using the above-listed designers and design your own ideas in the form of mobile applications. You won’t have to pay for this, and the result will remain on paper.

If it is important to convey everything to the audience, then the simplest option is to seek help from digital stores. For example, to the App Store. There is a place there for those who want it. The only negative is the long fuss with registrations, the need to obtain certificates and the obligation to pay for the release. In the latter case, it will be possible to test a mobile application and earn both an audience and real money.

It all started when I looked around and, not seeing the car of my dreams, decided to design it myself
Ferdinand Porsche

Hello, Habr. I want to tell you how I created my first iOS application and what came out of it.


The idea for the application arose naturally: create something that you would be happy to use yourself. I write notes all the time. After all, every busy person has a certain set of facts that he receives during the day, and which are worth remembering. And since all people forget (and this is normal!), then no best solution than just writing it down. I always felt some kind of inconvenience when working with the note-taking applications presented in the AppStore. Excessive complexity in management, presence of unnecessary categories, clutter additional information- all this prevents the application from performing its main function. Plus, many of these things just look ugly.

Therefore, putting all bets on simplicity and convenience, I began to create a concept. Application model with a single list of notes. Everything in one place, what could be simpler? If something is of great value or relevance, it is not necessary to attach a label to it, because it is enough to simply move more important note to the top of the list. Old and unnecessary entries will gradually fall down and will subsequently be removed by the user.


After the concept was thought up, I wrote down the main functionality - those things that I would like to focus on in management:

Quite standard functionality for this kind of application, you will agree. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, the devil is in the details.


Before writing the code in Xcode, I completely recreated appearance applications in vector editor Sketch. This program is great for quick creation layouts. There are a lot of plugins available for this application, among them there is Sketch Preview - viewing the artboard directly on the device through the Skala Preview program. You just need to download the free Skala Preview programs to your computer and mobile device and install the plugin. After that, select the desired artboard, press the Command+P combination, and within a second the appearance of the application is transmitted to the device.

In addition, the application is very convenient for creating screenshots for publication in the AppStore. For each screen size, a different set of artboards was created, along with the use of styles; the time spent on formatting was minimal. But about the publication a little later.


In the application, I used only two controllers - one directly for all, all, all notes, the other to display a small tutorial when first launched. I organized work with the database using the CoreData framework.

After creating the basic functionality (creating, deleting, editing notes), I decided to improve each of these functions.

Agree, text editing in iOS is implemented quite inconveniently. If you make a mistake in a word, to move the cursor to the desired position, you must touch and, without removing your finger from the screen, try to get into the selected area. In addition, after correcting the error, you need to return the cursor back to the end of the line. In my application, I decided to rework the mechanism for moving the cursor: in order to make a change to a word, you just need to swipe in the area between the keyboard and the phrase being typed without blocking the view of the text.

I decided to implement the animations of deleting and moving to the top myself, and to bring the visual accompaniment as close as possible to real life. Something has acquired a higher priority - swipe to the right and the note moves to the top of the list. To delete, swipe left and the strikethrough animation will show how long you need to extend the swipe to complete the deletion. If you accidentally delete it, you just need to shake the device (“Shake”), and the note will return to its original place.

In order to highlight the note, I used LongTapGesture and the application's three main colors - white, blue and red, which formed the main color palette.

I decided to make the transition between day and night themes automatic - why has no one yet thought of changing the appearance depending on the position of the sun in the sky? It's very simple - after dark and after sunrise, the theme changes, and the user does not need to be distracted from taking notes, because the application will always automatically adjust to the surrounding conditions.


The name of the application is the most an important part during development, this is the first thing the user sees in the store. There is information about this on Habré. I decided to approach the selection of the name thoroughly: to begin with, I went through the list of the 1000 most popular words in English language and wrote down all sorts of combinations that would be suitable for the name of a mobile application for notes; besides, I wanted to keep it within 8-10 characters. But at the same time, I didn’t want to choose the name SuperNotes or NotesPlus etc, I wanted something new. I liked the combination mad note, which I accidentally came across in Urban Dictionary:
mad note - excellent, entertaining, surprising, unexpected or awesome

The slogan immediately appeared: MadNotes - Note your passion. Since I already had a palette of primary colors ready (white, blue, red), I decided to immediately come up with a suitable icon. The situation with logos for applications of this kind is deplorable:

Since notes on paper are written with a pencil or pen, I decided to display this on the icon - a pencil rotated at an angle of 45 degrees. It turned out like this:


Since the project was initially conceived as a design project, I decided to participate with my application in the all-Ukrainian competition Ukrainian Design Awards: The Very Best Of in the Digital Design category. There were several weeks left before the competition, during which time I managed to make a publication on Behance, where I visually showed all the main functions of the application, and also recorded a video preview.
Since the winners of the competition are not disclosed until the very last moment, it was incredibly pleasant to see my work at the exhibition of the winners' works - the jury saw and appreciated the main concept - minimalistic and, at the same time, functional application for taking notes.

The application has been in the AppStore for several months, during which time I made six updates and rewrote the code in Swift. IN latest version(1.2) added synchronization with iCloud, so the notes have already moved to the cloud.

Thank you for your attention.
Note your passion

Application development for mobile devices brings in good income. Programmers receive a handsome salary for this, and development companies actively sell software through the store AppStore applications, making a profit from every sale. Writing your own program is easy and difficult at the same time. In some cases, you need to be a programmer to do this, and in others, you need to be a regular user.

There are two ways to create a mobile application for iOS from scratch:

  1. Writing in Objective-C and Swift languages;
  2. Writing using visual editors and services;
  3. With the help of additional languages ​​- C++ and some others.

The latest development option is created for professionals who are cramped within the traditional ecosystem.
As for the Objective-C and Swift languages: both are involved in the development of the application. Only Objective-C is outdated, because it appeared almost three decades ago. It was replaced by Swift, which is used to create modern software, both paid and free. Professionals also use C++ coding in their programs, but this is beyond the scope of this article.

Primary application development environment

Regardless of what device the application is created for, the programmer will need the Xcode development environment. This environment is universal - applications for smartphones, tablets, computers and other Apple devices are created in it. It is downloaded through the store Mac applications App Store, no version for Windows. The program is distributed free of charge, it already contains an emulator for testing software.
The latest version of the environment was released on March 27, 2017 - version number 8.3. Also, the updated software is characterized by support for new functions and faster operation.

  • Swift 3 language support;
  • View the application on different platforms;
  • Performance analysis of created programs;
  • Analysis of the use of system resources when executing programs;
  • Emulation various devices from Apple;
  • Built-in code editor.

Each a new version provides more and more new opportunities.

Application development example

This example shows the basics of developing the “Hello World” program - the creation process is described step by step, which allows you to repeat it yourself. The instructions provide for the use of the object-oriented programming language Objective-C. It inherited many of its features from the C language, but it uses a dynamic data type system rather than a strictly typed one. For a more detailed introduction, it is recommended to work with the book “The Power of Objective-C 2.0. Efficient Programming for iOS and OS X." The author of the publication is Matt Galloway.
In the programming world, it is common to start learning new languages ​​with the Hello, World program. It will display a button on the screen, when you click on it, this inscription will appear and disappear on it. First you need to select the application type:

  • Single View Application is a template for creating simple software. Contains component View Controller with Interface Builder form designer;
  • Page-Based Application – a framework for writing magazines and readers with support for multiple screens;
  • Tabbed Application – the basis for software with several switchable screens;
  • Master Detail Application – the basis for software with tabular display of data;
  • Game is the basis for creating gaming applications based on the Metal, OpenGL ES, SceneKit and SpriteKit frameworks. The first framework is used in demanding games, the second two work with 3D graphics, and the last one works with 2D graphics.

There are two more types: Sticker Pack Application with images for iMessage, as well as iMessage Application for creating add-ons for iMessage or developing analogue applications.
For “Hello, World”, the first type is selected - this is Single View Application. Select it and set the project name, specify the Objective-C language, select “Universal” in the Devices list (the software will work on iPad and iPhone), uncheck the Include Unit Tests and Include UI Tests checkboxes and save the project.

Working with text and buttons

At the next stage, we make the program interface - expand the ShowLab menu and select the Main.storyboard item, after which a window with a device layout (Interface Builder) will open. In the components panel, select two components - Button and Label. Expand the list of properties by clicking on Show the Attributes Inspector and configure the Label component - select Text property, select Plain from the drop-down list and enter the future inscription “Hello World”. If necessary, change the borders of the inscription and center it horizontally using the Size Inspector - open the panel and select the “Center Horizontally in Container” item in the Arrange drop-down list. Here you need to change its property from Text to Switch.

Working with code

The next point is to create a connection between the code and the elements used in the application. Sequencing:

  • Open the contents of the ViewController.h file by double-clicking in a separate window;
  • We take the component with our text with the mouse held down Ctrl key, and release inside the above window;
  • In the Outlet window that opens, you must enter the object name (for example, lab) and specify the UILabel type;
  • In the Storage list, select the type of reference to the weal object and click Connect - the line “@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *lab;” is inserted into the code. (without quotes);
  • We perform similar actions for the component with the button, but give the Outlet the name but;
  • Open the implementation file ViewController.m, take the component with the button with the mouse, holding down the Ctrl key, drop it into the window with the file until the closing bracket @end;
  • In the window that opens, specify the name of the event handler (for example, Click), and in the Type field set the value id;
  • Open the Event drop-down list in the same window, select the Touch Up Inside item - this is the action when you release your finger;
  • In the Arguments list, set the value to Sender;
  • Click the Connect button.

A line with curly braces, between which you need to enter the code “_lab.hidden = !_lab.hidden;”. As a result, we should get - “(IBAction)onClick:(id)sender (“_lab.hidden = !_lab.hidden;)” (without quotes). Now all that remains is to launch our first application in the emulator.
The application has a simple interface, it only has two elements – a button and a text field. When you click the button, “Hello, World” appears in the text field. Click again and it disappears.
It may seem like we've been building the app for too long. If we manage to create at least the simplest software, this will become an incentive to further study programming for iOS.

Swift language

If you think that the process of creating programs for iOS is too complicated, try getting acquainted with Swift language. Its main advantages:
  1. Swift is lighter than Objective-C;
  2. Swift is almost three times faster;
  3. Swift is more convenient in developing programs.

The written application can be sold through the App Store. Free distribution is also possible. Regardless of how you distribute your applications, you must purchase a special license.

Services for creating applications for iOS

It will be difficult for a person unfamiliar with programming to do own program. Learning programming languages ​​will take a lot of time. To create an application for iOS as quickly as possible, you can use special designers. Let's look at them in more detail.

This powerful tool, which does not require knowledge of programming basics. Instead of full development program templates are used here - these are stores, product catalogs, multimedia software, medical software, templates for restaurants, fitness clubs and even churches. In total, more than 1000 templates to facilitate the development process. And many of them are provided absolutely free.
An undeniable advantage of the service is that it allows you to compose programs not only for iOS, but also for Android. The downside is the need to pay money for placement. Minimum tariff plan– 2400 rub./month. The tariff includes 500 installations. For corporate clients There is a tariff for 10 applications and an unlimited number of installations.
The service has a clear Russian-language interface, so there will be no difficulties with it.

Apps Globus service

Here we have another designer that allows you to create an application for iOS without programming knowledge. There is a powerful framework with decent functionality that allows you to create programs high level difficulties. There are many templates for users to choose from - you can work with graphics, publish coupons with QR codes, create business software for taxis, develop software for hotels and restaurants.
The minimum tariff for iOS is 6000 per year. The administration of the designer independently publishes the created applications in the App Store. It is also possible to design software for Android here.
An interesting opportunity is a reseller account for developers, which allows you to launch your own business developing software for your own clients.

App2b constructor

Online stores, product catalogs, online magazines and much more are developed here. Users will find many ready-made templates that can be customized to their taste. Your software will be able to work with graphics, multimedia files, push notifications, navigation, social networks and many others. Launch photo galleries, online showcases, music catalogs and other software in just a few mouse clicks.
The main focus of the service is on business software. Development here is free, but you need to pay for access to the designer, technical support, access to statistics and placement of programs in the App Store. The cost of one application is 9990 rubles.

A fairly simple constructor, their development will take a minimum of time - content preparation will take more time. The service works for free, you don’t need to pay money for it. In order to start development, you need to download the desktop utility to your computer (Windows). We install the software, open it and get to work - using ready-made modules And free templates you can quickly build the program you need.


If you need really beautiful and functional software, pay attention to the AppsMakerStore constructor. This is a powerful business tool that allows you to create applications for business, and do it yourself - without the help of third parties. There are many templates for users to choose from:

  • For restaurants and cafes - with the ability to place orders, reserve tables or organize loyalty programs;
  • For trade – push notifications are supported, there is a catalog of goods with the ability to purchase online, there are functions for organizing events;
  • For beauty salons – organization of bookings and appointments, gallery of works, customer reviews, gift certificates;
  • For radio – organizing broadcasts to the whole world, publishing useful information and news;
  • For events and activities - a template for event agencies and organizers. Powerful functionality with geolocation and notifications;
  • For government services – launch event calendars, publish protected information;
  • For hotels, boarding houses, guest houses - booking functions, ordering additional services and much more that is necessary in the hotel business.

Thus, here developers will find impressive functionality for developing programs for various purposes.
The service team will help you publish your application in the App Store without complex actions on your part, all you have to do is create the software.

What is the best way to develop applications?

It is quite difficult to answer this question. Therefore, we have compiled a comparison table:

Service pros Minuses
iBuildApp Many templates for applications, Russian-language interface, 24/7 support You need to pay money for development, and quite a lot of it
Apps Globus Russian language support, affordable prices for publication and support of programs, many tools for software development, design flexibility, access to analytics, provision of source codes Few templates available
App2b Lots of development tools - from simple pages to online stores, own hosting, tools for app promotion Not the most informative site to get detailed information for development you need to call the contact number
New Digital Times No need to pay money, the ability to develop an application through a web interface or a computer application. You can create a store, a magazine, there is hosting for data There are few modules, many of them will have to be ordered from service programmers
AppsMakerStore A huge number of professional, polished templates will allow you to create a product of any level of complexity. Many additional modules. Supports multiple platforms. Difficult to understand pricing policy

Creating an application using services is very simple - development will not take you much time. All actions here are carried out in visual editors, the results can be viewed without publication in the App Store. Also, almost all services support software for Android - you can cover two mobile platforms at once. This opportunity is relevant for those who run a business and promote it in the Internet environment.
But not all programs can be created using constructors. By the way, mobile games it will not be possible to create using constructors. Therefore, learning programming languages ​​will open up a wide range of opportunities for you to work with software for Apple products.

Neil Ferguson, the developer of Virus Strike, believes that anyone can create a game, including an iPhone game. He himself developed an iOS application with zero budget, without any experience in programming for iPhones. It's not easy, but creation will be successful if you have the necessary skills.

Of course, Neil is an experienced specialist and his experience helped make Virus Strike, but he believes that you don’t have to be a computer scientist to successfully complete the task. Simply follow the following tips.

1. Quality idea and the right tools

Think about the original intent, and then check the AppStore for availability similar applications. This may take from a couple of hours to several days.

If you are not an experienced programmer, there are special virtual libraries especially for you (for example, GameSalad), which allow you to create an idea without programming knowledge and are specially designed for iOS.

In addition, you will find that Flash development is much easier than learning Objective C (the standard language of the Apple platform). For fans of flash applications, there are many instructions for beginners.

If you still decide to develop in the traditional direction, you should use ready frames to make coding easier. The built-in physics engine will save a lot of time and effort!

2. iOS specific features and thoughtful concept

The most successful iOS entertainment in the AppStore are those that are designed specifically for the iPhone and use its features (for example, touch screen, accelerometer, etc.). To create a successful game or multiple games, consider how the iPhone's unique controls can make all the difference in your application. Bet on originality!

In addition to fleshing out the core mechanics (line art, color matching, and engine), the following important step is the structuring of the conceived concept into a complex but accessible scheme.

It is important to have an idea of ​​the duration and complexity of each stage of the fun. They must be challenging, but at the same time fair - participants must feel progress, otherwise they will lose interest. Some virtual rewards for each completed tour are well worth it.

3. Sound effects

There are many resources (for example, where you can find sound effects. This process is quite tedious and it would be better if you ask the opinions of others, since you can subjectively select annoying sounds. There are free programs like Audacity for editing audio.

4. Free manuals and outsourcing

Virus Strike was Ferguson’s first try for iOS; before that, he had never encountered Objective C. Online lessons helped a lot, as well as many useful manuals. When creating a game, you can also use similar resources, such as

If, in fact, you are not a programmer yourself, you can entrust the main development to someone more experienced. You can create an order on a freelancer exchange or contact a company offering outsourcing. The main thing to remember is that a detailed description of the expected result will increase the likelihood of getting what you want.

5. Video, marketing strategy and testimonials

User testing confirms the need to create a training video that helps you quickly get used to and understand the presented game, and also contributes to the PR of the application. It’s easier for journalists to watch a one-minute video than to sit and figure out what’s what directly in the application.

No matter how good your project is, without promotion it is unlikely that anyone will find it. Expect to spend a lot of time writing reviews for specialized websites to promote your game.

Prepare a high-quality press release (you can do it yourself or hire a copywriter who understands the topic) and place it on popular portals. Even if you have to pay for publication, such expenses will quickly pay off, since large services are a source of information for hundreds of other resources that reprint articles from there (often in full). In this simple way, you will get good advertising.

Even if it seems to you that the development is finished, without feedback from other people you will not be able to assess the real situation regarding the accessibility of the user interface and the mechanism as a whole. Don't rely on honest feedback from your friends and don't tell them what to click and where - make sure it's easy for them to figure it out. Observe the process - this way you can quickly identify all possible shortcomings.

Let's first understand the relevance of development under Apple devices generally. Indeed, today there are more than 2 million applications in the App Store.

Each application and its update must go through strict moderation. All applications in the store are updated every 1 month.

Every self-respecting developer wants to make the highest quality application with beautiful animations, well-designed user interface and maximum productivity.

Development of applications for iOS, or how to love Apple even more

The salary of iOS developers varies from 60,000 to 250,000 rubles. The relevance of development for iOS is undeniable.

In this article, we will create an application where we will display a message “Hello World” on the main screen and we won't write not a line of code.

Let's figure out what we need in order to develop the most primitive iOS application:

  1. Device with MacOS on board
  2. Downloaded Xcode

As you can see, we don't need a head. Yes, Apple has made every effort to simplify the process as much as possible and reduce the development time of mobile applications for their platforms, such as: iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS. Apple also introduced the language in 2014 Swift programming, which is very simple for beginner developers and very functional for professionals. If you can create an application for one Apple platform, for example, iOS, then it will not be difficult for you to create an application for other platforms. Everything is unified to such an extent that you can use almost the same code and run it on different types of devices.



And so, as mentioned earlier, we need a computer Apple, and installed application Xcode, which is in App Store in free access.

Let's figure out what it is Xcode and why we need it.
Xcode is a software development environment that includes: a code editor, an editor graphical interfaces, a version control system and tools for debugging and publishing applications we have written. In short, this is the program in which 90% of all interactions in the development of applications for the family are carried out operating systems Apple.

And so, having launched the software development environment, we see a welcome window where we can open, create or clone a project. We need to create a new one by clicking on “Create a new Xcode project”. Yes, the entire interface Xcode in English, so I advise you to stock up on an English-Russian dictionary.

The next step we see this window:

where we are asked to choose a platform and application type. We need software iOS provisioning(at the top of the dialog) and Single View App. Any application starts with a Single View, and then grows to 50 View Apps.

The next step is to enter the name of the project, the organization in which we are developing it, select the language and enable/disable additional functions.

Let's go in order:

After filling in the information, click Next, and select the location of the project on our computer and click Create


Our main workspace opens up and let's figure out what we have here. Let's divide the entire application into several parts: top, left, right, bottom and middle.

At the top of the workspace you see buttons launch or stops applications, the launch settings field, which consists of two parts: what we launch, what we launch it on.

We also see the status bar, in which we can see the current task being performed by the development environment; to the right we can see the editor view settings: standard editor, editor with assistant And view changes in the version control system, and there are also buttons to show/hide parts of the environment, which we will look at next: below (debug information), on right (navigation) and left (utilities)

Left we see several buttons that will switch the functionality of the left panel, namely:

  1. Navigating through files and folders
  2. Version control system
  3. Hierarchy of classes in a project
  4. Search by project
  5. Notifications about build warnings and errors
  6. Automated tests
  7. Debugging
  8. Breakpoints
  9. Build logs

On right we have two parts: top and bottom. The entire right panel is called utilities. At the top we will see the settings for the selected file and/or UI element. At the bottom of the utilities, we see the user interface elements that we can use.

IN lower part software development environment, we can see debugging information, application logs and other useful information, to check. correct work applications. You can open the lower part using the penultimate button at the top of the application, and this panel opens automatically upon startup.

And in main (central) part environment we can observe the editor in which code is written and work is done on the user interface of the application.

And in the main (central) part of the environment we can see an editor in which code is written and work is done on the user interface of the application.

  1. Identity
    1. Display Name— the name of the application that will be displayed on home screen devices
    2. Bundle ID— A unique identifier that will be used in the App Store
    3. Version -Current version project, which is carried out using semantic versioning
    4. Build— Build number, which should be increased by one with each installation of the application on the device
  2. Signing
    1. Automatically manage signingautomatic control application signature
    2. Team- name of your team
    3. Provisioning profile— profile for signing the application
    4. Signing Certificate- a certificate that allows you to sign the application with Apple
  3. Deployment Information
    1. Deployment Target— the minimum version of iOS on which the application can be installed
    2. Devices— Device types
      • iPhone
      • Universal
    3. Main Interface— Storyboard file from which the application will begin after
    4. Device Orientation— Possible device orientations when working with the application
      • Portrait
      • Upside down
      • Landscape counter clockwise
      • Landscape clockwise
    5. Status Bar Style— Color bar status ( top panel information with time, operator and battery)
      • Light
      • Dark
      • Hide
  4. App Icons and Launch Images
    1. App Icons Source— application icon
    2. Launch Screen File— the screen that is shown while the application is running

We won't need the rest of the items for now.

Now that we understand what our development environment consists of, we can start creating our “Hello World” application.

If you are interested ready-made templates, then you should pay attention to our review of online designers, with the help of which you can develop an application for your phone or tablet yourself.


First of all, we need to find the interface file, which is called Main.storyboard. It can be found on the left in the navigation bar.

Having opened the file, we see the application screen. Now we need to drag the element called Label to this screen. This element is located at the bottom left.
Drag it anywhere on the screen. Then in the utilities panel, look for the field that says "Label".
And we change Label on Hello World. After this, we will see that our element on the screen does not fully show our text that we entered, since it initially had smaller text, and it took its dimensions.

Let's force this element Fix in the center of the screen and take the correct shape so that our text is fully displayed. To do this, we need to find the second button at the bottom left, which is called Align and click on it.

Here we see some options for the placement of our element. We need the last two parameters. Activate them and press “Add 2 Constraints.” After this, we can observe how our element is fixed in the middle of the screen and takes the form in which our text is displayed in full.


Now, we need to run our application on the device and see if everything is displayed correctly. To do this, we click on the choice of application launch destination at the top and see a drop-down list:
In this list we see devices and device simulators on which we can run our application. Select any one and click Run. The application will start building and Xcode will show us the tasks it performs in this moment time:
After successfully building the project, we will see that Xcode will go into standby mode for the application to launch and the simulator window will appear and load. Once the simulator is loaded, we will be able to observe our application on the device