Creation of landing. Creating a one-page website using the WordPress engine

Hello, dear blog visitors. As I promised you in, in this article I want to tell you about how to create a landing page yourself for free. In fact, I create sales pages for my information products myself, and I want to tell you how this can be done.

Don’t listen to the nonsense of Borisov, who said that “Guys, it’s not about the graphics, the main thing is the value of the product!” I'm telling you guys, make great sales pages, they are where 99% of the success of selling a product lies. But this does not mean at all that every g…. it must be packaged in a beautiful landing page. Create only high-quality information products, and not just make cool sales pages.

If your landing page is so-so, then there will be no sales at all! All efforts in the landing page are mandatory! And remember that even on your own with the help of a sales designer it takes about 3 - 4 hours, you need to come up with everything, interest the buyer, and so on. You need to write reviews, or better yet, immediately order video reviews for 1000 rubles apiece, you need to draw the initial graphics in Photoshop, and so on. This will simply scare away many people now, especially those who are looking for how to create a landing page quickly and for free!

In reality, there is nothing complicated, and all the skills will be required are initial, nothing more.


If you want to receive a list like this every morning, then you should take care of the landing page. I started an information business just 4 weeks ago, and realized that without quality landing page you won't get far. Moreover, I myself need to learn a lot of things, but for complete beginners I want to talk about how you can create a landing page for free.

1. Using constructors. For example, you can create it for free on SETUP. >> Register and create

2. Make it yourself using only Photoshop

3. Do it using the KompoZer constructor, manually with help html editor

I’m just using the third option, and creating landing pages myself using html editor, namely using KompoZer. In fact, I don't know html at all, I can only paste

or , but despite this, I can easily create a landing page even without knowledge of html, because in reality it is no more difficult than a simple visual editor in WordPress.

If you cannot create a landing page, then it means you are a simple lazy person or a slacker who is used to having everyone do it for him! Dmitry Smirnov =))))))))

Something does not work? There are articles on blogs and YouTube, and so on, you can learn everything!

What is required to create a landing page?

To create it yourself Landing Page you will need the following, namely:

1. KompoZer program or similar visual html editors

2. A terrible desire to create a landing page

3. Set of selling infographics. You can buy the same Grafocom, or something similar, but we know where you can get all this for free =))))

4. Various videos and photos, well, that’s clear!


A special task is to combine all the ready-made images to create a sales page. Here's an example:

Download the KompoZer program

We created a folder on the hosting specifically for images, for example: images_landing1. The header of your landing page was uploaded there. A table was selected in the program.

Select one cell and press OK.

Click 'image'.

You need to enter the address of the image (header) that you uploaded to your hosting in the folder that I told you to create. For example, for me it will be like this: folder/picture name. jpg png and so on. Click ok.

Now I have a picture, now I create the table again and put the second image. And so on. Then you simply save it through the program html file and upload it to the domain. It will be called index.html and that's it!

Just don't ask me where to get the image or the header! As I said, download the sales kit somewhere, or make it yourself in Photoshop, or there is a special option!


We make a landing page through some constructor with subscription fee, for example plp7. But of course we don’t want to pay 600 rubles a month, so we simply create a landing page in their builder, then take screenshots of our landing page piece by piece, upload all these screenshots to the hosting, and manually assemble the landing page using KompoZer like LEGO!! =))) I came up with this =))))))

Creating a landing page is actually very simple, but if you are a complete lazy person and don’t want anything, then create it using designers, and if you are persistent like me, you can create it using the KompoZer program. It’s very easy to create a landing page yourself for free, but remember that the most important thing is that you need to make a great selling landing page, because more than 90% of success is in the graphics, no matter what anyone says! Good luck!

Friends, I welcome you again! Now I’ll tell you how to make a landing page yourself. This article will step-by-step instruction in which you can easily handle this matter on your own.

And so, you must have your own domain with the WordPress engine installed. If anyone now doesn’t understand what is being said here, then at the end of the article you will download the video course and you can easily purchase a domain and install WordPress there.

Now let's go to WordPress admin and install a plugin there, with which you can create a landing page yourself for free and quickly. It will take you a maximum of 10 minutes to create a one-page website.

Hover your cursor over it and click on “add page” in the menu that appears. A page will open in front of you where you can create a one-page website right now.

First of all, write down the title. This is necessary for you personally in order to understand what landing page you have about what, this is when there will be a lot of one-pagers.

Immediately create a beautiful and easy-to-look link. To do this, click change, erase what appears there and write your own. At the same time, you will have constant YOUR-DOMAIN/wppage/, and then you can write your word.

After you have written the title and made the link, you can start creating the landing page. You can write text in an empty field, but above this field there are many different tools that are necessary for a sales or subscription page.

I’ll tell you in order what functions there are for creating landing pages. First there is a long button for adding pictures. Everything is simple here, click on it and look for the picture either in the media storage or on your computer.

Our next button is for adding an audio recording. Next comes adding video. Moreover, video clips can be added from any video hosting sites, such as YouTube or the like, and there is also the opportunity to put your video in a frame.

Here big choice frames, this will make the video more attractive. And I would also like to note that by clicking on any button, at the top you can watch a video instruction on how to install this function on the landing page.

For example, I clicked on the following “Google Form” icon and turned on the video to see what it is and how to install this form on the page.

After installing the subscription form code on the page, scroll down to insert the code itself that you created on your service.

In the picture I show where your code is inserted. By the way, as you can see, you can also insert statistics code to track this site there by going to “scripts”.

We click on the next icon with a dollar sign and here we get numerous buttons “buy”, “order”, “get access”.

Next we have a variety of tapes on which you can write texts. I always put the feed at the very top and write the title. As you can see, making a landing page yourself is not at all difficult using this plugin.

Our next icon contains a huge set of arrows that look great on the site. Be sure to remember to use them.

The next feature is ready-made colorful headings. See for yourself how they strongly attract the attention of customers.

And of course, you can’t do without a timer on the sales page. A huge collection of timers that can be customized at your discretion are on the next button.

After all the listed functions, we have two lines of text settings. Here you can make very beautiful and colorful texts. You can easily figure it out on your own, it’s very simple.

To make a quality landing page yourself, you need to be able to design the page well. To do this, we go down, under our page and click on the “design” button.

Here you either select a background color or set your own background by placing a link to it in the field on the right.

Next, the body of the page is configured. Here you need to choose a color that will fill the page, frame and shadow. When choosing the color of the frame or shadow, do not forget to set the number of pixels, otherwise they will not be visible. Next, if necessary, you can create a header and footer.

What’s most interesting is that you can even configure it right away SEO promotion your landing page. To do this, click on SEO and enter a title, description and keywords. This is necessary for search engine robots to show your site in searches.

Friends, now you know how to make a landing page yourself from scratch, now go ahead follow this link and download completely free step by step videos lessons with all the necessary links. Here you will download the plugin and, if necessary, register a domain and install WordPress.

Write in the comments how you liked quickly creating sales and subscription pages yourself, I’ll be waiting. See you in the next articles.

Landing page can be translated as “landing page”. It is used to sell a specific service or product, as well as for other similar purposes (subscriptions, etc.). If a visitor clicks on advertising banner, then he usually ends up on a landing page that will allow him to quickly do what was promised in the advertisement.

Such landing pages are used both on large and small sites. There is even such a concept - “landing pages”. Usually these are one-page sites (at most, up to five pages), which are created for the sale of a specific product or service. It is about them that I will talk about in my article.

What is the point of creating a landing page?

There is only one point - increasing conversion. Logically, any page of an online store with a product that the user came to through an advertisement can also be called a landing page, however, compared to a specially tailored landing page, the conversion will be much lower. According to statistics, conversion rates for landing pages are on average 15% higher. This is explained quite simply:

  • the user is not distracted by third-party links, menus and other elements that are found on large sites;
  • on the page there is full information about a product or service, where you can buy them without additional clicks on the links;
  • the correct landing page is made taking into account the characteristics of the target audience.

In addition, the cost of creating such pages is much lower than large sites. Even we're talking about about selling several products, it is more profitable to create landing pages that will provide better conversion.

What subspecies are there?

There are usually four types of landing pages that are used to solve different problems.

Offline page

This is a classic one-pager. They usually contain detailed information about a product or service, as well as calls to action - buy, subscribe, order. Very often elements are used that should encourage the visitor not to delay the purchase. long box: countdown timers, highlighting product benefits, beautiful slogans, etc.

Landing pages on a large website

On large sites you can create many landing pages, but their conversion rate will be lower than with a standalone page. The design and navigation elements of the main site will distract users. However, this approach is seen quite often, and it is effective. But most often it is used for individual offers (promotions, discounts, etc.).


A site with several pages dedicated to one product or service. A type of stand-alone page, it is used when there is a lot of information, and placing it all on a single page would not be the best the best solution. For example, a construction company is building a residential complex - classic landing page obviously it won’t be enough, but the microsite will completely allow you to display all the necessary information.

Website made from landing pages

IN in this case the resource consists entirely of landing pages that do not intersect with each other in any way. That is, there are no navigation elements common to the entire site, and there is no linking. The disadvantage is that SEO promotion of such resources is quite difficult, especially if they are sold different types goods.

How to create such a site?

From a technical point of view, creating a landing page is not a very difficult process; any beginner can learn it in a couple of days. However, the creation effective landing page Page is a completely different matter. You need to think very carefully not only about the design, but also about the texts. Landing page design greatly influences conversion, so don’t think that in a couple of days you will learn how to create excellent and selling one-pagers

Appeal to professionals

This can be either a freelancer or a company. It is best to contact those who specialize in creating landing pages, have extensive experience and can show examples of their work. At the same time, you need to remember that you need services not only for the actual page development, but also for marketing - landing pages are often changed to increase conversion.

This method of creating a landing page can be either cheap or expensive. It will be cheap if you know what you want: concept, text, design, you are familiar with the niche and have analyzed competitors. If you order the development of a landing page completely from scratch, then the right approach on the part of the performer it will be quite expensive. In this case, the cost of creating landing pages can be higher than 40–50 thousand rubles.

Create it yourself

As I wrote above, from a technical point of view, creating a landing page is not particularly difficult. You can even use free templates and make a website in bare HTML; there are online landing page generators and similar services and constructors. But in classic form landing page development looks like this:

  • audit of a company or product/service. This is necessary to determine the target audience;
  • analysis of existing competitors;
  • development of the landing page concept;
  • creating a landing page prototype;
  • writing texts, creating headlines, SEO optimization (if required);
  • design creation;
  • layout.

Designers and ready-made templates They only save you from the last two points, and even then, the design and layout usually still have to be remade to suit your tasks. However, it’s still worth trying to create a landing page yourself. The cost savings will be very significant, and if at the very beginning the results are bad, then you should not be upset - they will improve with experience.

Is landing page optimization necessary?

Often, landing pages are not optimized, since traffic is received from paid sources, and they do not count on visitors from search. But if your landing page can run for a very long time, oh search engine optimization still worth thinking about. Of course, there are much fewer opportunities here compared to a classic site, and high frequency queries You won’t be able to reach the top, but neglect search traffic not worth it. Here are some tips:

  • use low and mid range queries to promote, their number should not be more than 2–3;
  • the text should be good, informative and structured. It’s difficult to promote pages with only images; there must be text. at least 2–3 thousand characters;
  • use h1–h2 headings;
  • The alt of pictures, title and description of the page must be filled out;
  • If appropriate, add a map and business address. a review block would be a good idea;
  • buying links will help promote your landing page in search engines, but you shouldn’t chase quantity, it’s better to buy several expensive ones, but good links. LF and MF requests can be promoted quite easily this way;
  • The landing page domain must contain keywords - this is very important.

Services for creating landing pages - good service, there are a lot of templates trial version. The cost of creating and hosting one landing page starts from 560 rubles per month. - there are many templates, there are section templates that allow you to create individual solutions. The cost is from 450 rubles per month, but it is possible to first create a landing page, evaluate the result, and only then pay. - page generator for Wordpress. It costs 2162 rubles (it is already free). This is a plugin that will allow you to easily and quickly create one-page websites on Wordpress database. But you need to know how to work with this CMS.

09/14/15 32K

Creating a landing page ( landing page) or landing page, landing page, simplifies the user’s path to your desired goal as much as possible. Such a page is designed to influence a person’s basic instincts, to encourage him to perform targeted actions: click, call, order, buy “right now”.

Landings the best way suitable for conducting advertising campaigns for a specific service or offer with a unique (low) price, as well as for attracting target audiences from systems contextual advertising Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, social networks and email newsletters:

What is Landing Page?

Landing page – separate page, which is used for:

  • sales of a specific product or service;
  • creating a subscription base.

When you decide to create a landing page, you must use the necessary influence triggers that push the user to quickly make a decision ( purchase a product, enter information to receive a discount, take a course, webinar, etc..).

From the user’s point of view, a landing page is the page on which he finds himself after clicking on an informer, banner, advertising post and so on. A landing page is fundamentally different from an online store. To sell one product and conduct one advertising campaign your own page is created and different influence triggers are applied.

Landing page types:

  • Autonomous. This is the most common type of landing page. The main task is to encourage the user to purchase or take a specific action recommended by the page;
  • Microsite. A small, often separate website, consisting of no more than 5 pages containing information about a product or service;
  • Main site. For a landing page, uses one or more resource pages;
  • Lando website. A resource that consists entirely of independent landing pages:

Landing Page Types

  • Advertising. Contain a large number of text, graphic and video information about the service;
  • Viral. The advertisement is disguised as an article or game. It often involves Email, social networks, chats;
  • Target Lead Pages. Designed to collect information about the target audience, as a rule, they contain a minimum of information.

A well-designed landing page can increase the conversion of visitors into real buyers.

Why do you need a Landing Page?

The main purpose of a landing page is sales. The landing page contains selling text, a presentation of a product or service, and a call to action. Landing page is a great tool for quick start services or goods on the Internet. Landing pages allow you to collect subscribers and requests for services, etc.

If you present your product/service correctly, make a good presentation, indicating strengths, and also configure the traffic flow ( advertising in in social networks, contextual advertising, etc.), all you have to do is collect applications from your customers and sell them the advertised product/service.

Benefits of using Landing Page

Landing page in comparison with regular pages resource offering services or goods has a number of advantages:

  • Targeting a specific audience. The landing page does not require multiple decisions requiring the user to choose, but one special offer, which is difficult to resist;
  • High conversion. According to statistics, using landing pages for advertising purposes can increase conversion by 10-15%;
  • Full information about the product/service offered, but without additional transitions and links;
  • The ability to collect contacts of visitors and replenish the database of potential clients, to whom you can later send information about upcoming promotions/sweepstakes;
  • Low cost of creating a landing page. Even novice businessmen can afford to create a landing page, thus testing product niches in order to start selling on the Internet:

Where and how are Landing Pages used?

You can make the landing internal or home page corporate resource, one-page website, page on a social network. IN Lately is becoming more and more popular ( offline pages) for key products, while the company already has a corporate website. This is what legal and medical companies, banks, mobile operators and many others.

Where are Landing Pages used?

  • In advertising campaigns using contextual advertising with pay-to-click (PPC) in Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Begun. In this case, traffic is redirected to landing pages optimized for key queries;
  • In banner advertising campaigns, provided that the graphic material is placed on thematic resources designed for target audience. For example, banner advertising for new products in the field of electronics is placed on news portals in the segment for specialists in the field of IT technologies;
  • In newsletters and marketing letters containing a link to landing page. For example, newsletters for an online store that take into account previous purchases user;
  • Running blog campaigns that redirect the user to landing page a resource with the owner of which the blogger previously enters into a partnership agreement for the placement of banner advertising, postal advertisements, and PR articles;
  • Social Media Campaigns ( VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or on popular media hosting sites ( for example YouTube, Flickr, etc.). Users are redirected to the landing page of the advertiser who has an agreement to place advertising materials with the selected media resource:

Basic ways to create a Landing Page

  • Free landing page templates and generators. Nowadays there are many options on the Internet for free templates and designers that allow you to generate a landing page. The most popular service. This is an excellent option for companies with a limited budget, but with a staff of specialists versed in marketing and design;
  • Contacting specialists. You can order text for a landing page from a copywriter, design development from a designer, and integration with the engine from a programmer. At the same time, the company must have a marketer on staff who will monitor the project at all its stages. To the benefits this method include a relatively low cost and a fairly high result; the disadvantages include the risk of error in choosing specialists;
  • Agency outsourcing. This method of creating a landing page involves contacting an agency that will take on the analysis of competitors, select a concept, develop an advertising campaign strategy, resolve the issue of integration with the engine, and launch the project. All that is required from you is a brief for creating a landing page, and the agency will take over the development of a turnkey landing page. The advantages of this method include high efficiency and time saving, the disadvantages are higher cost than in previous options;
  • Maintain a staff of specialists who will deal with... This is the most expensive and most effective method. Own team, consisting of a designer, copywriter, marketer and layout programmer, will allow you to fully promote your product/service to the market.

Is it possible to create a Landing Page yourself?

You can create a landing page yourself, but you will need to have certain skills in web development, analytics and design. If you don’t have such experience, use services that offer ready-made templates in which you only need to fill out the text and configure the domain and hosting.

Creating a landing page yourself will save money and time. On the Internet you can find resources with templates of various subjects, which include instructions for quick installation And software, allowing editing. The cost of such kits can be much lower than the price of developing a landing page in a specialized agency:

Is it possible to create a Landing Page for free?

Since interest in landing pages is constantly growing, developers are offering more and more tools for creating landing pages based on templates. Here is a list of the most popular methods and services:

  • You can create a free landing page if you register on Wix;
  • You can make a landing page using Adobe Photoshop;

The third option is most suitable for beginners who have a minimum of knowledge and do not want to waste time learning complex web programming systems.

Landing page optimization

Creating a landing page is half the battle; it is important to optimize it correctly. One-page websites have one, but quite significant, drawback - search engines quite difficult to find them. Multi-page resources have unique titles, competent linking and a comprehensive structure indicating the weight of pages, etc.

The architecture of a one-page site does not allow for high-quality internal optimization in the classical sense, “tailor” the site to the requirements of search engines. A solution from Google allowed us to get rid of this problem - layout with using JavaScript and the PushState method.

To optimize your landing page, you should do the following:

  • break the landing page into blocks;
  • Each block must receive its own unique indicator, title, description and title, URL.

That is, each block must have the same properties as any individual page of the site, while search robot will perceive your site as several unique pages. Visitors to the landing page may not notice this decision; only the most attentive will notice that while scrolling along the page, the URL and title change. To implement such a project you will need certain knowledge in SEO areas and layout with JavaScript.

Creating a landing page simplifies a person’s path to a goal and at the same time brings profit to the company selling required by the user goods or providing the necessary service. This happens because a one-page website acts on an instinctive level, motivating a person to call, buy, click. You can develop a landing page yourself, saving time and money. That’s why business owners are wondering: how to make a landing page?

There are four ways to create a landing page:

  • Take advantage free template and a generator. An option for companies with a small budget, employing employees who are familiar with design and marketing.
  • Turn to professionals: the text will be written by a copywriter, the page design will be developed by a designer, the integration will be done by a programmer, the work is controlled by a marketer.
  • Agency outsourcing.
  • To create a landing page, hire specialists for the company.

Landing page is considered from three points view:

  1. Technical side. A one-page website includes the same components as an ordinary page (html, video, text, images).
  2. Marketing moment. A sales page is an effective lead generation web resource.
  3. Visitor's point of view. This is a landing page that a person came to via a link from another page.

To develop a landing page correctly, you need to follow the rules yourself.


Often the headline is called an offer because it includes an offer addressed to a potential client. The first impression of the page depends on the title, so it should be given Special attention. There will be no second chance to make a first impression on the visitor.

If you need to clarify the title or indicate benefits, use a subtitle.

One landing page has only one goal

This important point, since the landing page conveys only one goal to visitors. Otherwise it is not effective.

Advantages of the offer for the consumer

The highlighted benefits will interest the visitor. The offer will seem more tempting to him. This technique is intended to convince you to order the company’s service and begin cooperation. The benefit of the offer should be presented simply and clearly accessible language.


It is necessary to demonstrate to the visitor that he is important. To do this, you need to write “You” or use other personalization methods.

Correct landing page structure

Information needs to be structured. A person who comes to a landing page will not be interested in long lists; it is necessary to present clear and accessible text that the visitor can easily understand.

You cannot oversaturate your landing page design with graphics or text: there must be an optimal balance between them.

Social proof

The sales page must include customer reviews and certificates. Optimal option- if there are several of them. Social proof strengthen the company’s reputation and increase the limit of trust in it.

Call to action

A properly made landing page includes a CTA or motivates to action. A similar call should be in the header and at the end of the landing page. Sometimes placed with a lead form.

The text of the CTA button should sound as if the landing page visitor were saying it in his head or voice the user’s wish.

Lead forms

A self-developed landing page contains a lead form. It is made simple and non-questioning, since cooperation with potential client or his contacts.


An irreplaceable component of the landing page is the counter, which adds urgency and encourages you to make a choice quickly.

Landing design page tells about the service provided. Landing is aimed at the target audience.

Programs used to create one-page pages

For those who are interested in how to create a landing page from scratch, there are six programs that allow you to do this yourself and there is no need to attend training.

  1. Adobe Muse. Most often used. You can create or edit web resources in visual mode; there is no need to write codes. The program does everything itself, you just need to correctly place the components on the page.
  2. Microsoft Expression Studio. The program is used infrequently and includes a package of several programs for developing websites and web graphics.
  3. Serif WebPlus. To create and edit one-page pages, you don’t need to know any programming languages, you don’t have to write codes.
  4. WebSite X5. Using this program, you can develop even a complex website. It will help even a person who does not understand website building.
  5. WYSIWYG Web Builder. The program issues required code automatically, so there is no need to write it here either.
  6. Axure RP Pro. It is convenient to work with the program, since the actions are clear and you do not need to undergo special training.

It’s easy to work with these programs and create a unique design: you just need to take an image, drag it to the right place, add buttons and the landing page is almost ready.

WordPress service for creating a do-it-yourself capture page

Often the sales page is made on WordPress. Features of the plugin for such a CMS:

  • Settings in Russian.
  • There are video courses on the Internet that provide step-by-step instructions. Such courses will help you quickly complete your training.
  • Lots of ready-made buttons (social networks, reviews, dividers, content inserts, “Order”, “Buy”).
  • Split testing can be done.
  • Accessible interface.

A WordPress landing page allows you to quickly and inexpensively generate customer flow. There are nine modules for developing capture pages on WordPress engine:

Using this plugin, a person who is not familiar with the main html tags can write a one-page website. The editor works without coding, you just need to drag the elements where you want them, creating a unique design.

  1. Thrive Landing Page WordPress.

The catalog contains more than 122 templates with high conversion, you just need to choose the right one. The tool allows you to write landing pages that will have a unique design thanks to the available drag-and-drop function. An adapted landing page is generated automatically and functions equally well on different types of devices.

  1. WP Profit Builder.

High conversion is guaranteed, since all sixty templates have already been tested. The main thing here is to design the landing page correctly. You can customize the design yourself. Opportunity self-configuration makes the one-page website suitable for long-term use.

  1. WordPress Landing Pages.

An excellent way out for companies with a small budget, since you don’t have to pay for its use. Any change in the sales page can be checked using statistics, which allows you to create a one-page page with the highest possible conversion.

  1. InstaBuilder.

Allows you to quickly write a one-page website that will be adapted for computers and mobile devices design.

  1. OptimizePress.

Using this tool, you can create a one-page page in WordPress automatically configured for a search engine in a matter of minutes. When you make changes to a page, the results are visible immediately.

  1. LeadPages.
  2. Ultimate Landing Page.

The plugin allows you to create a sales page from scratch or using a template. The provided templates are free and can be edited.

  1. Parallax Gravity.

Weaker than the previous ones, but with its help you can create a landing page with key components.

WordPress plugins allow you to create a one-page website in 1 evening from scratch, but not all of them are distributed for free.

Paid tools have a greater number of functions, so it is advisable to use them if you need to sell a product. Suitable for testing demand for a service or product free services: WordPress Landing Pages or Ultimate Landing Page.

Adobe programs Muse, Microsoft Expression Studio, Serif WebPlus, WebSite X5, WYSIWYG Web Builder, Axure RP Pro allow you to create a landing page yourself, without writing codes or knowing a programming language.