Create and manage quick notes. How to add a note to a web page

You will learn what a note is, as well as what features and structure it has in journalism. Let's look at its main types and writing rules. There will be many more detailed examples and descriptions.

The purpose is not so much to inform the audience of the existence of a new publication as to briefly describe its qualities.

Example of a note as an annotation

The abstract includes a description of the main topic, object problems, research objectives, main methods, research results and conclusions. Here they indicate what is new in the material compared to others.

Therefore, information must be informative, original, meaningful, structured and compact. The volume is usually from 150 to 250 words.

It is important to know that the abstract is prepared after the main text of the article or book has been written.

It is most convenient to write a structured abstract on a structured article. In this case, you need to select only the most important information from each section of the article. Together they should form a complete picture of the information presented in the article.

The abstract does not include links to sources from the full text. It is also not advisable to use abbreviations and abbreviations. But if you simply need to use some kind of abbreviation, then do not forget to disclose its meaning in the annotation itself.

Mini review

A mini-review is an evaluative, sometimes advertising note. Its subject is some kind of information phenomenon ( book, movie, play, etc.).

Purpose of publication of this type is to inform the reader about the impression received by its author during his acquaintance with the displayed object. Moreover, the author’s opinion is not substantiated by any evidence, but is a simple statement of emotions.

Analysis is not important here. Here, only the author’s relationship, his opinion and assessment are important. The narration is usually in the first person.

Example of a mini-review on film search

Blitz portrait

This is a type of note where you can find brief information about a person. Here a primary idea of ​​personality is given.

Most often, a blitz portrait is not a separate genre. It accompanies large material, where it is issued as a separate marked sidebar. For example, brief information about where a person was born, what he did, and so on.

Mini review

Here some set of events is compared. The criterion for this comparison is some common feature.

For example, these events could have happened at the same time. Or they could be dedicated to one specific topic.

Mini story

There is a certain intrigue at the heart of the mini-story. Very often, such short historical notes are published by women's magazines. They tell about professional, love or family adventures.

Example of a mini-tip

Example of a newspaper note

Let's get on specific example From the newspaper we will see how an event note is written and what its structure is.

Event note in the newspaper

In the headline we see that the main news has already been reported. In the lead ( first paragraph) there is an explanation with answers to the questions: what, where and when.

What's happened? Putin signed a decree requiring spectators to register. When did it happen? November 15, 2013. Where did this happen? IN in this case This is not a pressing issue since it is already clear that in the Kremlin. Therefore, there is no clarification here.

Look, if a person skims only through the title and lead, then he already receives sufficient information. And if he wants details, he continues to read the text further.

The only thing where there is a manifestation of the author’s personality and assessment is the most last paragraph. But this is not done in an intrusive way. The author is simply informing us. There are no ratings here. Just the facts.

Bad note example

Let's look at a second simple example of an event note. Everything is here typical mistakes inherent in this genre.

Gross mistakes in the note

Heading there is no valuable information here. Phrase " fined for smoking"is not immediately clear. You can be fined for a fire in the forest, for smoke in the kitchen or for smoking. That is, this is not an informative title.

Here, too, it is not clear what, where and when happened. Firstly, the first phrase is absolutely banal. That hundreds of people die every year is not a statistic. It's all abstract. But we need more accurate numbers. For example, 2,765 people.

Secondly, how this relates to the headline and our news is also not clear. Only the second sentence of the lead somehow tries to introduce us to the essence of the matter. But it doesn't work out well. As a result, it does not convey the main message. The introduction is not very specific.

Just below him comes the completely inappropriate

Hello, dear site visitors! In this article we will look at very interesting topic– notes in Odnoklassniki. Let's learn how to add them to your feed and status so that all your friends can see your post. Let's figure out how you can add photos and music to them, mark a place on the map or a friend.

With their help, you can share various thoughts with friends or add quotes from other users or classics of world literature. You can also attach an interesting photo or music to it, or create a poll.

Now, first things first.

Taking notes

In order to do it, open the main page of your profile and in the menu under your name you will see a small window that says “What are you thinking about?” Click on it with your mouse.

The window will enlarge and additional buttons will appear in it.

Enter the required text in the top field. If you want to add another field, click on the button with the pencil icon.

Using other buttons, you can add music to it - an image of a note, or make it with a photo - an image of a camera.

To add a photo, click on the desired button, find the file on your computer, select it and click “Open”.

To add music, the selected song must be saved on your page in the “My Music” section. You can read an article about that on the website. Then click on the note and opposite the selected composition, click on the plus sign, then “Add”.

Another button in the form of three stripes is for creating a survey in Odnoklassniki. Write your question and provide answer options.

You can find all the created posts on your page by clicking on the “Notes” button under the name.

How to tag a friend in a note and indicate a location

If you want to tag a friend, click on the corresponding button below and select a person from the list. The tagged friend will receive a notification that they were mentioned in the post.

To specify a location, also click on the desired button. Enter the name in the search bar and select the appropriate one from the list provided.

How to set a note to status

If you want the entry you made to be displayed in the status on your page, and for each of your guests to see it, then in the creation window, check the “In status” box.

The status note I created in Odnoklassniki looks like this. To view it in its entirety, you need to click on the three dots below.

How to write a note from your phone

If you want to create a recording from your phone or tablet, open mobile app and in the menu at the top, click on the appropriate button.

Write your text in the middle box. Using the buttons below, add photos, music, create a survey. You can also specify a location and choose a friend. All this has been described above.

In order for the note you made to be displayed in the status, check the “status” box.

After you write and add everything you need, click on the button at the top right in the form of an arrow.

Create various notes in Odnoklassniki, sharing your emotions, photos, memories. They will be saved on your page, and if you wish, you and your friends can always view them.

A note differs from a regular entry in being more presentable and larger in size. In a note, you can add images in the middle of the text, insert quotes, center, left, or right text, and highlight quotes.

Only the title of the note will be visible on your page, but the note itself will only be shown if you click on the title.

You can add a note only from your own home page in Vkontakte" . To do this, click in the field to create a record. An “Attach” button appears under the post; when you hover over it with the mouse, a drop-down menu appears.

In this menu, hover over “Other” and the entire list appears additional elements. Point to “Note” and left-click.

A window opens for creating a note, or it can also be called a text editor. If you are already familiar with text editors, it will be very easy to figure it out.

In the top field, enter the name of the note.

The “B”, “I”, “H 1”, “H 2” and “H 3” buttons are convenient to use with already written text - select the desired part of the text and press the button.

Next comes the creation of the header - for this, use the “H 1” button. The subheading is highlighted in blue and the entire line is separated by an underline. If necessary, create a subtitle (if you need to describe several topics in one note), press “H 2”. The subheading is also highlighted in blue and separated by an underline; it differs from the heading in that the font size is slightly smaller. “H 3” is a second-level subheading that differs from “H 2” in that it is not separated by underlining.

For subheadings, other text editing (alignment, making text bold or italic) is not possible.

Button "B" creates bold font, "I" creates italic font. When pressed again, the text returns to its original form.

If necessary, the text can be aligned to the right edge or in the middle of the field - text alignment buttons (left alignment occurs by default). The entire line or several lines are aligned. You can write the text first, then select and apply alignment, or set the alignment right away, and then type the text.

By the way, instead of the “H 1” button for the title, you can use bold font and center alignment.

Bulleted list is used for more presentable appearance notes and for highlighting enumeration elements. Each list item is automatically preceded by a blue square. To create bulleted list, before listing, press the button, the cursor is moved to a new line, a blue square appears and behind it “List element”. Select the words “List element” and replace them with the first element of the list. After each element, press “Enter”, the cursor is moved to new line to write the next element. To finish the list, press “Enter” twice. Another option for writing a list is to create a list where each element is new line(via Enter), then select the entire list and press the button.

In the list, you can only change the font to italics or bold; no other actions can be applied to the list (alignment, adding photos or audio, etc.).

The quote button creates a quote. That is, not the quote itself, but highlights the desired expression in a separate block, thereby separating this expression from the main text.

In notes, unlike regular entries, photographs can be inserted in the middle of the text. We select a place for the photo, press the button with the camera icon and select the desired photo.

If required photo not uploaded to the site social network VKontakte, you can upload it from your computer or take a photo using a webcam. “Upload photo” - a window for selecting a photo to upload from the computer opens, and when you press the button with the camera icon, the video camera is turned on to create a photo.

This picture appears in the middle of the note. This is much more convenient than when all the photos are under the text.

Using the button with a videotape icon, you can add a video.

If you don’t have a single video on VKontakte, then you can download a suitable one from those that have been uploaded by other users. Enter the description or name of the entry you need into the search and select from the results obtained.

Audio recordings are added using the same principle as videos. If you don’t have your own, you can add those that are already downloaded.

It is very convenient to write short notes into your smartphone:

  • Firstly, mobile phone always at hand.
  • Secondly, notes on pieces of paper get lost and need to be stored somewhere.
  • Thirdly, electronic notes can be edited and photographs and pictures can be added to them.
  • And the most important thing is that they can be managed: sorted, made lists with completion marks (for example, for going to the store - bought, marked and did not forget anything).

Such phone applications are often called “universal notepad”.

How to take notes on Huawei (Honor) smartphones?

To work with notes on HUAWEI smartphone(honor) there is an application "Notes". To launch it, you need to click on the “Notes” icon on the Work screen of your smartphone.

To create a new note in the Notes app:

1. To create a new note, you need to click on the icon "New note" at the bottom of the screen.

2. Type the text of the note on the keyboard.

You can add a picture from the gallery to the text of the note, add new photo, change the text format (font size, paragraph format, etc.), add tags (from English " tag» — “label”, “label”, “tag”; "mark")

For convenience, in order to further monitor the implementation of plan items, the text of notes can be formed in the form of lists of tasks. To do this, use the “Task” icon, which translates plain text into task items.

After creating a note, you must save the new note; to do this, click on the “checkmark” in the upper right corner of the screen.

3. Previously created notes can be adjusted, changes can be made, and new task items can be added.

And what’s very convenient is that you can make marks of completed plan items. To do this, opposite the building text, you need to click on the “circle” icon - in this case, the text seems to be crossed out, saying that the task has been completed and is irrelevant.

An example of creating one note from two tasks:

1. Create a new note by clicking on the icon "New note".

We type the text of the note on the keyboard (in our case, “Call Timur back at 15:00”).

2. To make changes in the note display settings, click on the icon "Note Format".

By moving the font size slider to the right, we increase the size of the letters.

3. To add a special label (tag) to our note, click on the icon "Add tags".

4. In the “Add tags” section, select a tag "Personal".

6. To convert the entered text into a list of tasks, click on the “Task” icon.

Now a “circle” icon has appeared opposite each line of the task.

7. In order to mark the completion of the first building, click on the “circle” icon in front of the first line of the plan. Now a task completion mark appears in the circle icon and the text is crossed out.

As a result, we have a note consisting of two tasks, the first of which has already been completed.


Consider marginal notes the electronic equivalent of a straight yellow sticky note. Unlike paper, however, marginal notes (formerly known as marginal notes) are instantly saved in your OneNote notebook so you can find and organize them.

Create a new Quick Note while OneNote is running

Note: Closing the window does not remove the marginal note. OneNote automatically saves marginal notes like regular notes as you create and edit them. Notes in the margins are saved in the Unfiled Notes section of your notebook by default. You can quickly find them by opening the list notebooks(click the down arrow next to the notebook name and look at the bottom of the list Notes in the margins).

    To open additional notes in the margins after launch OneNote, on your keyboard, press WINDOWS+ALT+N.

    In any marginal note that you want to make always visible, in the toolbar, select View > On top of other windows. If the toolbar is not visible, click the ellipses ( ... ) at the top of the window.

    To unpin a note from the top of the screen, repeat step 1 (toggle button).

View all quick notes

You can leave notes in the margins in the Notes in the Margins section, or move selected notes to other parts of your notebooks. To move the page, click right click mouse over its tab, select the command Move or copy and follow the instructions.

Create a quick note while OneNote is running

You can place marginal notes anywhere on the screen and leave them there as long as you need them. When a particular marginal note is no longer needed, close the window.

Note: If you close the marginal note window, the marginal note itself will not be deleted. Just like regular notes, OneNote automatically saves marginal notes as you create and edit them, so you can use them later. Field notes are saved in your notebook, in the Field Notes section located at the bottom of the list of notebooks.

Create a quick note when OneNote is not running

You can create a marginal note even when OneNote is not open.

    On your keyboard, press the WINDOWS+N keys.

    When the Send to OneNote window appears, press N to create a new Quick Note.

    Type your note in the small window.
    You can format text by selecting it and then using the commands on the mini toolbar that appears.

    To create additional marginal notes, repeat the previous steps. This process can be speeded up by pressing the WINDOWS+ALT+N keys on your keyboard.

Note: Even when OneNote isn't running, any marginal notes you create are automatically saved in the Notes section of your notebook.

Pin important quick notes to the screen

If you use marginal notes to keep small reminders and important information at your fingertips, you can pin them so they are visible on top of all windows on your computer screen.

    In any Quick Note you want to always see, select View > On top of other windows.

    Move each pinned note to the desired location on the screen.

    To unpin a note from the top of the screen, repeat step 1.

View all quick notes

Regardless of how or when the marginal notes were created, they can all be easily viewed at any time.

    At the top current page Select the name of the current notebook (for example, "My Notebook").

    At the bottom of the list of notebooks, select Notes in the margins.

    In the Side Notes section, click the tabs for the pages you want to view.

    To create additional marginal notes, repeat the previous steps.

You can store marginal notes in the marginal notes section, or you can move selected notes to other parts of your notebooks.