Modern information technologies in transport. Directions for IT implementation in transport

Federal agency by education State educational institution of higher education vocational education Vladimirsky State University Department of Automobile Transport


Work program, lecture notes and test assignments

Compiled by M.Yu. BAZHENOV

Vladimir 2008

Reviewer Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Metrology and Standardization, Vladimir State University

M.V. Latyshev

Published by decision of the editorial board of Vladimir State University

Computer technology in road transport: work-95 tea program, lecture notes and test assignments / Vladim. state University; comp. M. Yu. Bazhenov. – Vladimir: Publishing house Vla-

dim. state Univ., 2008. – 84 p.

The work program for the course is outlined, and lecture notes covering development issues are provided. computer technology and areas of its application in road transport, the concept of new information technologies and automated control systems. Computer information systems in road transport and their technical, software, information, organizational and legal support, basic principles of network information technology.

Intended for students of specialty 190601 - cars and automotive industry, part-time courses.

Il. 30. Bibliography: 5 titles.

UDC 004:629.113 BBK 32.97:39.33


Issues of development of computer technology (CT) and the scope of its application in road transport (AT). The concept of new information technologies. Requirements for modern information systems. History of development.

2. Basic provisions of automated control systems (ACS)

Definitions and concepts of automated control systems. Trends in the development of information technology (IT) management. Classification of automated control systems. Options for using data as information.

3. Criteria for the quality of information, assessment of their influence on management decisions. Features of information systems (IS)

The timeliness of obtaining the necessary information, its completeness and accuracy are signs of information that significantly influence the effectiveness of management decisions. Management functions: planning, control and regulation. Specific features of the IP.

4. Structure of the information model of the control object. Typical structure of an automated control system

Model of the transportation process. Construction of a control system model based on a diagnostic analysis of the functioning of enterprise services and a detailed study of the existing data processing system. Typical structure of an automated control system: functional and supporting part. Methodological principles for creating automated control systems: the principle of new tasks, the principle of an integrated approach, the principle of the first leader, the principle of continuous development, the principle of automation, the principle of modularity and typification, the principle of consistency.

5. Information systems of motor transport enterprises (ATP)

General structure of the system. Basic automated work

What places (AWS), their structure and main functions.

6. IS information support

Database as the basis of information support. Distributed databases. IS architectures: file-server, client-server. Decision support systems.

7. Technical support

Modern technical means of automotive transport information systems and recommendations for choosing software technical means for processing AT information.

8. Software IP

Classification of information systems software. System and network software. Tools: database management systems and programming languages. Application software. Recommendations for selection.

9. Organizational and legal support for IP

Production and consumption of information products and services. Information law, ensuring information security.

10. Paperless technologies and means of automatic object identification

Means of ensuring the reliability of primary information. Automatic identification methods: magnetic, radio frequency, barcode. Bus traffic control system (SCAD). Satellite navigation systems.

11. Using the Internet when organizing transportation

Websites that provide the ability to search for both available rolling stock for transportation and a potential shipper. Interaction with global information networks.

12. Prospects for the development of new information technologies and automated control systems on AT

Competition in the information technology market. Qualitative consequences of the development of telecommunications. Prospects for the development of technical means of automated control systems.



The purpose of teaching the discipline is to study the field of application of computer technology in road transport and obtain practical skills in the use of computer technology in engineering activities in the field of operation of road transport.

Objectives of the discipline:

study trends in the development of VT and its role in AT;

study computer information systems on AT and their software and hardware;

gain practical skills in creating, editing and displaying various types of information (text, graphic, tabular, etc.) using VT tools;

study and gain practical skills in solving managerial and accounting and statistical tasks AT;

study the basic principles of network information technologies. Studying the discipline is complicated by the fact that practically

There is no single textbook for higher educational institutions, therefore the bibliography lists several sources, brief summaries of which are included in this teaching aid.

acquainted with work program and methodological instructions;

study the material of the discipline according to the proposed literature and this lecture notes;

answer the self-test questions at the end of each section;

To consolidate the material being studied, the student must complete test, including answers to two questions per section (task options are given on p. 80). Upon completion of studying the discipline, distance learning students take an exam, and accelerated correspondence students take a test.


3.1. Concept of new information technologies

Stimulating effect on application computer equipment Vehicles are subject to state auto safety standards Vehicle, fuel economy and protection environment, as well as the need to find internal reserves in a difficult economic situation.

With the increasing complexity and dynamism of systems, information flows increase many times over; there is a need to streamline them and consider them as one of the components of the technological process, which led to the emergence of the concept of “information technology” (IT). IT is a method of information production, a set of methodological provisions, organizational settings, instrumental and technological means, etc. - everything that regulates and supports the activities of people involved in information production based on the use of computers. In the eighties, due to the acceleration of the IT development process, the concept of “new information technologies” (NIT) appeared.

NIT is a set of fundamentally new tools and methods of data processing built into organized management systems, which are integral technological systems that ensure the targeted creation, transfer, storage and display of an information product (data, ideas, knowledge) with the laws of a particular environment where NIT is developed .

Being predominantly paperless in nature, NIT reduces the role of the subjective factor in receiving, transmitting and processing information, which radically differs from traditional IT, significantly surpassing it in efficiency, productivity, and accuracy.

A distributed data processing network is used as a technological model of modern IT, and the main function is “decision support” for the manager (operator).

The technical basis is computing systems fifth generation, equipped with peripheral devices and communication networks. The components of NIT and the main areas of its activity are presented in the diagram (Fig. 1).

New technology

New technology

New technology

communications based


management processing

local and

management decisions,

information based

distributed networks

using funds

Computers and workstations

artificial intelligence

New information technologies





Creation and provision


planning and

functioning of new








Rice. 1. Components and main activities of NIT

Thus, NIT combines new communication technologies based on local and distributed computer networks, methods for processing management information using PCs and automated workstations, as well as developing management decisions based on artificial intelligence tools (databases, expert systems, various types modeling) providing various (graphic, audio, text) forms of displaying simulated situations, thus implementing a “friendly interface”.

Requirements for modern information systems:

functionality (embeddedness), i.e. how easily and naturally information can be entered, changed, organized and stored using an automated system;

operability (reliability) of the information system (its information component and equipment);

interactivity - the degree that characterizes the convenience of communication between workstations and the operator with the machine;

– office interior, including placement of equipment, availability free space etc.

When considering the concept of NIT, it is necessary to note their socio-psychological significance. Personnel remains one of the main elements of an automated human-machine system, therefore, efficiency largely depends on their interaction with elements of scientific and technical information production system generally. From the point of view of the human factor, production automation must be considered from two sides. The use of modern technology makes it possible to increase the productivity of a manager (operator), reduce fatigue and the likelihood of errors, and increase the prestige of his activities. At the same time, NIT places increased demands on the qualifications of personnel and their preparedness in the field of modern management methods, making it necessary to change professional knowledge.

History of the development of information systems on AT

Since the advent of computing technology on AT, there have been three circuit diagrams its uses:

centralized processing of all ATP information in the region based on comprehensive information and computing centers (CICC);

two-level automated control system with processing of part of the information in the CICC, and part in the ATP;

processing of information flows by automated control systems directly at the enterprise.

The choice of one scheme or another was determined by the level of development of computer technology, programming tools and their cost.

Transition to information processing on computers had a number of advantages:

from the general information flow normative reference information (RNI) was allocated, which in volume is about

ka 60 – 70%;

primary documents were unified and typed;

on the basis of the CICC, a single array of reference data was formed on magnetic media, which was used to solve ATP problems throughout the region;

A system for classifying and encoding information was developed, which made it possible to compare the results of the work of various enterprises, reduce the volume of information stored on magnetic media and increase the speed of its processing.

enterprise personnel were relieved of routine, settlement work, the volume of which, for example, when processing waybills, was about 90%, the efficiency of document processing increased

And counting errors were eliminated.

However, more than 20 years of experience in the operation of such automated control systems, as a result of which many indicators of the planned efficiency of the created systems were not achieved, allows us to draw conclusions about the shortcomings centralized systems data processing. To those

V the first priority should be:

duplication of information on paper, punched and magnetic media;

the presence of errors when transferring information from paper to punched media;

a significant delay in the receipt of processed information to management personnel, which does not make it possible to solve operational problems;

significant complexity of error control when entering (punching) information;

duplication of both input and output information;

difficulties in the phased implementation of the system associated with covering new divisions of the enterprise;

long periods of development and commissioning of the system;

The system does not generate optimal management decisions (only output forms are issued).

Under these conditions, the automated control system, as a rule, performed separate functions, mechanizing elements of private calculations.

In the mid-80s, personal computers (PCs) began to spread in our country, which in their characteristics first approached large computers and then surpassed them. The PC software had a user-friendly interface and did not require special knowledge from personnel. Fundamentally new ARs began to be created on the basis of these software and hardware tools.

We. They were installed directly at workplaces and the enterprise personnel worked with them. Due to the fact that two intermediate links were eliminated in the information processing system (punched information carriers and computer operators), the range of production problems solved with the help of computers expanded, and the efficiency of the solution increased significantly.

Most of the functions of the equipment (traditional workstations) can be performed Personal Computer(PC) equipped with appropriate peripheral devices and connected to enterprise communication systems. Research data show that a significant part (80%) of work operations do not require access to the general information base of the enterprise. This is another argument in favor of using a PC as the technical basis of an automated workplace that works autonomously most of the time.

The next stage in the development of PC-based workstations are automated workstations, which are multi-seat instrumental complexes with distributed information processing. Unlike an automated workplace, a station is a system for the collective use of data and software products for performing production functions of the same type.

The analysis of the production tasks of automated workplaces shows that for effective functioning this element NIT must be included in the enterprise information system, i.e., in the local network. A local network is a set of computers united by communication channels into a single information system. The presence of a local network makes it possible to simplify and reduce the cost of using PCs due to their collective use in a time-shared mode, as well as the most expensive resources, such as disk memory large capacity and printing devices.

Challenges and opportunities of new information technologies

And their use in road transport enterprises

accounting and statistical;

analytical and management: planning and control of vehicles for maintenance and repair, inventory accounting and control, formation of a set of technical influences, etc.;

The IT market for the transport industry is beginning to emerge from stagnation. The main driver of its development in 2016 was the preparation for the 2017 Confederations Cup and the 2018 World Cup. Innovation is already being actively used in the industry. Ahead are high-speed trains, driverless trains and cars.

According to the Russian Ministry of Transport, in 2016, the volume of investments in the transport industry increased by 5% and exceeded ₽1.5 trillion, which is comparable to pre-crisis indicators. The IT market in this segment is developing at approximately the same pace. According to Dmitry Trofimov, Deputy Head of the Commercial Directorate of Asteros, 2016 was the year of a smooth exit from stagnation, but the volumes of 2013-2014 were achieved. It's too early to say.

“The transport industry today is one of the most stable in terms of infrastructure IT projects,” says Mikhail Golovachev, deputy general director"Amtel-Service". “However, obtaining an IT budget now is a very difficult task that requires justification,” clarifies Dmitry Trofimov.

The majority of IT spending has traditionally been in the rail and air transport segments. “Many of these companies are now launching large-scale projects to update their IT infrastructure, which should lead to a qualitative change in services,” comments Alexander Semenov, President of Corus Consulting. The state remains an active player in the market, taking part in projects that are directly related to the image of the country. “Remember, for example, the 2012 APEC Summit, the 2014 Olympic Games and the active development of territories and transport infrastructure for them,” says Dmitry Trofimov. – Now the same scenario awaits us with the upcoming World Cup. The state participates in all these projects: as a financier, technical customer or customer.”

IT supplies for transport: growth by 37%

Participants in the rating of the largest IT suppliers for transport companies, prepared by CNews, demonstrated unprecedented growth in 2016 - their total revenue increased compared to 2015 by 37.2% and reached ₽27.6 billion. The threshold for entry into the rating also increased significantly - from ₽7 million in 2015 to ₽19 million in 2016. In first place is Luxoft, which has developed software for enterprises in the transport industry worth more than ₽7 billion. It is followed by the top three of last year - integrators Technoserv (₽3 .8 billion), Croc (₽3.4 billion) and Asteros (₽1.8 billion). In 5th place is a permanent participant in the ZashchitaInfoTrans rating with an indicator of ₽1.8 billion.

The most impressive results of revenue growth in 2016 from projects in the transport industry were demonstrated by Corus Consulting (638% growth), Lanter (229%), Breeze Technologies (148%) and Amtel-Service (122 %).

The largest IT suppliers for transport companies 2016

№ 2016 № 2015 Company City Total revenue from IT projects in the transport industry in 2016, RUB thousand. Total revenue from IT projects in the transport industry in 2015, RUB thousand. Revenue growth 2016/2015
1 Luxoft* Zug (Switzerland) 7 030 120 n/a n/a
2 1 Technoserv Moscow 3 773 002 3 979 000 -5,2%
3 2 Krok Moscow 3 420 583 3 161 685 8,2%
4 3 Asteros Moscow 1 841 619 2 103 177 -12,4%
5 5 ProtectionInfoTrans Moscow 1 782 049 1 250 766 42,5%

Corus Consulting talks about the implementation of several large projects for Russian transport and logistics companies in 2016, in particular in the field of implementing customer interaction systems. According to Andrey Agafonov, commercial director of Lanter, the company’s revenue growth is due to an increase in the number of large projects, such as the supply of solar-powered parking meters to Krasnodar and Stavropol. The pilots were also successful - for example, equipping Moscow metro stations with readers for paying for travel using bank cards. “We started the project with several stations, and later installed reading devices at stations of the Moscow Central Circle,” says Andrey Agafonov.

Amtel-Service explains the achieved result by the high demand for the company’s services in the field of service support and information security from aviation enterprises. The largest project last year, the Breeze Technologies company began developing software for the Moscow metro ticket system.

Largest industry projects

Among the main tasks of the transport industry for 2017, representatives of the ministry name preparations for the 2017 Confederations Cup and the 2018 World Cup, as well as the construction of a bridge to Crimea, the modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway and the development of the Moscow transport hub.

The most notable IT projects were the modernization of the IT infrastructure of Russian Railways, Aeroflot, and the development of the Platon system. “Aeroflot has created one of the most advanced IT infrastructures in the transport industry,” comments Alexander Semenov. “He managed to create a multimodal platform that takes into account customer needs, allowing dynamic management of the transport fleet. It is obvious that such projects require large investments, but in a competitive situation on the market - including the Russian one - one cannot do without such software and hardware solutions, and they certainly pay off.”

In addition, Dmitry Trofimov draws attention to projects to modernize Russia's air gates - reconstruction of the runway at Norilsk airport, the second stage of reconstruction of Tolmachevo airport, construction of a new terminal at Yemelyanovo airport in Krasnoyarsk, Yuzhny hub in Rostov-on-Don. Don, the new air terminal complex of the international airport "Simferopol". Finally, in 2016, Zhukovsky Airport in the Moscow region opened for regular flights.

What innovations await transport

Despite the economic cataclysms, over the past 5 years the number of innovations used on roads has increased 5 times and today has reached 350, they say in Rosavtodor.

Thus, at the XX St. Petersburg International Economic Forum held in June 2016, the topic of launching the Hyperloop high-speed train in Russia was actively discussed. According to the Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolova, this project is implemented by a company operating under the auspices of the group Elon Musk, with the participation of Russian investors. It is planned that commercial operation of supersonic trains in Russia will begin in 2020. In the meantime, preparations are underway to implement a pilot project in the Primorye-2 corridor, connecting the Chinese province of Jilin with the ports of Slavyanka, Zarubino and Posyet.

Another innovation that should appear in the transport industry in the near future is the widespread adoption of drones. It's about not only about the already widespread drones, but also about unmanned vehicles. According to the Ministry of Transport, their use should lead to optimization of transportation logistics, fuel savings, and, most importantly, increased safety. First of all similar solutions will appear on transport that is strictly tied to its route. For example, these are railway trains that follow dedicated tracks, or subway trains.

Unmanned vehicles require appropriate transport infrastructure. Rosavtodor intends to begin its development in 2017. On federal highways, solutions should appear that provide unmanned driving by selecting certain key scenarios of the road situation in real time.

We are talking about the Caravan project, based on technologies developed in Finland for creating tracks for unmanned vehicles. One of the participants in the project is KamAZ, which is working on a solution in which one driver-driven vehicle will be followed by several unmanned vehicles. Testing of equipment and the infrastructure necessary for its operation should start on the federal highway Kazan - Naberezhnye Chelny in 2018.

The logistics company Traft has also joined the Caravan project, which this year plans to complete testing of unmanned control systems and carry out the first commercial flight of an unmanned truck from Moscow to Krasnodar.

Not forgetting about safety

Another important topic is improving transport safety. In addition to organizational measures, it is planned to focus on further development and commercialization of the ERA-GLONASS information system. Thus, interaction tests were successfully carried out on the Moscow-Helsinki highway Russian system"ERA-GLONASS" and a similar European eCall system. User support was provided in three languages ​​– Russian, English and Finnish.

Improving the level of safety and efficiency of transportation is also facilitated by the introduction of automated traffic management systems, the installation of information boards and the development of intelligent transport corridors using big data technologies. Today, Rosavtodor, with the support of Yandex, is testing a traffic jam and accident forecasting system. The system divides the route into kilometer segments and builds a forecast for each of them. average speed traffic one hour ahead and the probability of an accident 4 hours ahead. This will allow drivers to plan routes in advance, and road services to carry out a range of work, such as clearing snow.

Near future

The 2018 World Cup will become the main driver of development of the transport industry in the near future. However, in addition to the implementation of revolutionary projects related to it, quite everyday tasks will also be solved. “We attribute the cautious growth, first of all, to the development of new transport hubs, an increase in the level of transportation safety, as well as an increase in the share of private investment in this sector,” says Dmitry Trofimov. The growth points of the Russian IT market in transport can be software and mobile solutions that help increase the attractiveness of large transport hubs for both passengers and carriers. We are talking about geopositioning systems, geolocation, virtual support, automated access control, etc.

Alexander Semenov is confident in the imminent “Uberization” of the market and the emergence of operators offering marketplaces where the client can receive a comprehensive transport service - contextual and multimodal. “At the same time, such operators will not divide the market into passenger and cargo transportation - the main thing for them will be to solve the customer’s problem,” says the expert. He considers another important market trend to be the creation of large government information systems, similar to Platon, which will collect great amount data that can subsequently transform the market and lead to the emergence of completely new services.

Natalia Rudycheva

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are currently the main tools through which modernization in the transport sector is carried out. Modern information systems are characterized by the creation of a single information space for all participants in interactions. Due to the vastness of the Russian territory and the coverage of transport services in the most remote regions and points of the country, transport is the most geographically distributed industry. For this reason main feature transport infrastructure is its high technological dependence.

The specificity of the transport industry is the need for constant exchange of information between points very distant from each other. This necessitates the use of the latest network equipment and data transmission technologies. Due to the fact that people’s lives depend on transport safety, the industry has increased requirements for the reliability of data transmission to long distances and protecting data from outside access. Since data exchange occurs between data centers using different server equipment (x86 architecture servers, RISC architecture servers), different operating systems ( Microsoft Windows Server, IBM AIX, Linux Red Hat, Linux Ubuntu, IBM i, i5/OS, OS/400, z/OS, zTPF, Z/VM & z/VSE, HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, others operating systems UNIX family), various data exchange protocols (iSCSI, Fiber Channel, InfiniBand). The range of equipment used in the industry is very wide: from low-cost servers with a single Intel Xeon processor or AMD Opteron x86 processor architecture and unmanaged switches to powerful data centers with high computing density based on blade servers, modular systems and storage arrays hi-end level. The largest companies in the industry use mainframe-level server solutions. Modern virtualization and terminal access technologies (VMWare, Citrix) allow you to concentrate everything computing power and data storage and backup systems in one central center data processing, allowing you to deploy only auxiliary IT infrastructure in remote offices and branches.

IT technologies in air transportation.

Air transport is an area where modern achievements IT technologies are finding rapid practical implementation. Automation of airports, flights, aircraft maintenance, baggage and air cargo tracking have rapidly burst into our lives and are ahead of many other areas of automation. It is no longer possible to imagine a reality when online booking and ticket sales, remote check-in for flights using web kiosks at airports or via the Internet were not available, not to mention free access to information about aircraft departures and arrivals.

IT technologies became the main tool of competition between airlines when, during the global crisis, there was a significant decline in air travel.

Thus, in 2009, the Sirena-Travel system was introduced, which covers a quarter of the volume of passenger traffic on Russian air transport and allows bookings for charter flights by both tourism operators and almost any air carrier online. At the same time, for the convenience of users, the system is supplemented with the eGo payment gateway.

The ability to increase the efficiency of the company's activities through innovative technologies, the ability to competently manage income have become necessary conditions for the survival of aviators in the current conditions. Integration of information products between all participants in air transportation, reducing transportation costs, increasing the attractiveness of air travel for passengers and increasing flight safety - these are the main objectives of IT solutions for modern aviation, used in multiple industry information systems. There are quite a lot of areas for the development of IT technologies in air travel - starting with video surveillance servers and access control systems, with the deployment of servers to provide additional services to passengers (for example, a web server for the Aeroflot Bonus program using a Microsoft DBMS SQL Server 7.0) to airline training servers, which, using visualization and 3D modeling technologies, allow pilots to practice takeoffs and landings on unfamiliar routes or new technology. It is airline companies and airports that are the most advanced in terms of the development of IT infrastructure in the transport industry.

IT technologies for railway transport.

Russian Railways (RZD) lags somewhat behind aviation in promoting innovative solutions. But nevertheless, here too the coverage of passengers for whom an electronic ticket becomes available is expanding: online booking, ticket purchase.

It is at Russian Railways that the implementation of the largest corporate information system (ERP) in Russia and Europe based on SAP R/3 continues. It has now been translated into more modern platform- SAP ERP 2005. 17 railways, 3 thousand enterprises and 15 thousand structural divisions, about 20 thousand system users - these are the quantitative characteristics of the infrastructure created to implement this design solution.

Russian Railways is the world's largest railway company in many respects, including the length of roads. The principle of centralized development allows the implementation of IT systems in such difficult conditions. The creation of a Standard Road System (TDS) and its centralized modification as part of product development with further local replication is the key to success and successful implementation.

The company has a large number of systems that control various aspects its activities, including management of the transportation of passengers and cargo (for example, ETRAN - an automated system for processing transportation documents), planning of transportation and technical resources. All data external systems using developed interfaces, they are integrated into a unified automated information system (ACS of JSC Russian Railways). Modernization of communication systems and telemechanics used in railway transport is one of the ways to significantly increase the intensity and safety of railway transportation.

IT technologies in logistics.

Optimizing the loading of transport units and transportation routes, tracking cargo online throughout the entire journey - such tasks require processing speed, high accuracy and consistency in logistics chains. Only modern innovative ICTs make it possible to implement tasks of this level. Nowadays, there are many out-of-the-box solutions that allow you to reduce the delivery time of goods and the costs associated with it, optimally plan and track the movement of goods. Such solutions exist for all types of transport, but especially this area has found wide development in motor transport with the beginning of the use of GPS navigation, which allows tracking in real time the location of each transport unit.

The tasks of logistics are relevant in the area where there is a connection in the transportation of goods between different modes of transport, and, consequently, between various systems data processing due to regulations in force in various sectors of transport. Modern innovations in the form using GPS monitoring (using the GLONASS satellite system), virtual distributed computing (or cloud computing) and Internet services make it possible to implement the tasks of modern logistics.

Information technologies are of particular importance in passenger transportation and transportation of goods abroad. Only a free transport corridor makes it possible to ensure timely delivery of goods, and this is the key to increasing the competitiveness of companies. The creation of a unified Eurasian transport system, a unified open information space based on the Internet, unified standards for processing and transmitting information - the basis for global integration in the field of transport logistics.

Transport logistics is no longer visible without special Internet services that allow you to design channels for the delivery of goods and supply chains, without prototypes of virtual forwarding services, without transportation route planners that allow you to create routes interactively. Internet video windows enable dispatchers of transport companies to monitor the situation in border areas, in places where goods are transshipped, and control transportation upon request. The international logistics and telematics program TEDIM exists and is being widely implemented.

IT technologies are the information basis of the Transport Strategy.

Since 2010, Russia has adopted the Transport Strategy until 2030. As part of this ambitious program, it is envisaged to implement a unified automated control system for the transport complex (ACS TC), which will allow for the integration of information from all sectors of Russia related to the transportation of people and goods.

The initial relevant aspects of this program are the implementation of electronic document management between divisions and organizations of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, as well as the formation of unified reporting within 120 days after the end of the current year.

In accordance with the general strategy, all transport sectors are developing information and communication development programs for many years. The main pilot integrated project is the project of transport support for the Olympics in Sochi, which is being developed on the basis of European requirements for both IT infrastructure and the information support itself.

Equipment used to create IT infrastructure at transport and logistics enterprises

  • The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR550 server features high performance and fault tolerance. High performance is ensured by embedded resources, 20-core Intel processor Xeon Scalable, 768 GB RAM installations. In addition, this system has support for USB adapters that allow you to transfer data to high speed, thereby saving time.
  • The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR630 server provides a more affordable alternative to traditional offerings for growing businesses and branch offices without sacrificing performance. For more intensive workloads, the SR630 supports up to 3TB of internal memory.


In the ASOUP (or in the EMPP), telegram-nature sheets (TGNL) are transmitted via information communication channels, which are compiled by the operator of the station technology center using a computer as part of one of the tasks of the automated marshalling yard control system (ASCS).

In the task you need to do:

· Calculation of the final part of the full-scale train sheet;

· Analysis of one official and three informational phrases, identification and description of errors made in them;

· For car numbers in selected information phrases, calculation of the control character (if the number is seven-digit) or control of the correctness of the number transmission (if the number is eight-digit);

· For all station codes in the selected service and information phrases, calculating control characters (if the code is four-digit) or checking the correct transmission of the code (if it is five-digit);

· For all cargo codes in selected information phrases, calculation of the sixth control character;

First of all, it is necessary to select TGNL for subsequent processing based on the last digit of the training cipher.

The remaining input data is selected as follows:

· According to the penultimate and last digits of the training code, the number of the conditional option;

· By this number the analyzed service phrase (message 02);

· Using the same number, the numbers of the analyzed phrases;

· Actually informational phrases.

Service and informational phrases should be written down in a notebook in accordance with the form of the information layout.

Table No. 1

Error code

Nature of the error

The structure of the service phrase is broken

Discrepancy between the point of information transfer and the point of completion of the operation (train formation)

Identical station of destination and formation of the train

The message contains an incorrect calendar date (day, month) or time (hour, minute)

The sign of writing off the composition is incorrectly indicated (indicate: 1 - the composition is written off from the head, 2 - from the tail)

The structure of the information phrase is broken

The weight of the cargo in the carriage exceeds the permissible carrying capacity

The weight of the cargo is indicated in the absence of a destination station for the car

Information about roller bearings is incorrect (indicated as 0, 1, 2, 3)

List of detected errors in the service phrase.

107 - discrepancy between the information transfer point and the train formation point.

102 - the structure is broken, the composition number must be indicated in a two-digit format.

123 - the message contains the wrong time (hours).

List of detected errors in the information phrase.

When transmitting data in automated information systems in railway transport, it must be ensured high degree reliability of information. Errors can occur at the stages of registration, preparation, transmission and processing of information due to operator errors, interference, computer failures, etc.

To ensure the reliability of information, program-logical control methods are widely used. In ASUZhT, modular protection is used to protect train index codes, car numbers, and ESR codes. The controlled details are supplemented with a control number (sign), which is determined in advance according to a certain formula. It also controls the props. If the check number does not match during verification, this indicates an error.

Since 1985, domestic railways have adopted a rolling stock numbering system of eight characters (the eighth character is control), railway station coding of five characters (fifth is control) and cargo coding of six characters (sixth is control).

To calculate the control sign of rolling stock, the modulo 10 method is used: each digit of the number located on a non-black, counting from the left, place is multiplied by 2, on an even number - by 1; then all the digits of the resulting series are summed up; the check sign is calculated - a figure that complements the resulting amount to the nearest number that is a multiple of 10.

When checking the correctness of reading the number of a rolling stock unit, a similar calculation is carried out. The eighth digit is involved, multiplied by one. If the received amount is a multiple of 10, the number was transmitted correctly, otherwise it contains an error.

The modulo 10 method allows you to detect all errors caused by the distortion of one digit of the code, and most of the double errors (from the rearrangement of adjacent digits). However, for station and cargo codes, the specified accuracy is not enough, and it is considered advisable to use a more noise-resistant modulo 11 code. In this case, each digit of the ECP code is multiplied by the digit number (1, 2, 3, 4), read from the left; all numbers of the series thus obtained are summed up; The remainder is calculated when the resulting amount is divided by 11.

If the sum of the numbers is less than 11, or the remainder of the division is 10, you should recalculate by multiplying each digit of the ECP code by (3, 4, 5, 6), reading from the left. The check sign will be the remainder of dividing the new amount by 11. If the remainder is again equal to 10, the check sign is taken equal to zero. If the digit sum after recalculation is again less than 11, then the value of the digit sum according to the first calculation is taken as a control sign.

the digit sum after recalculation is again less than 11, then the value of the sub-digit sum according to the first calculation is taken as a control sign.

The calculation of control characters for cargo codes from information phrases is carried out according to the same rules as for stations, however, a fifth digit is added in the weight series (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Analyzed service phrases (messages 02)

Message code

Information transfer point code

Train no.

Train index

Sign of cheating

Train departure

Conditional length

Gross weight

Cover code

Oversize index

Mark on animals

Route mark

Formation station code

Composition number

Destination station code

Analyzed information phrases

Calculation and verification of control marks


Car number

Weight coefficient

40-35=5 - correct car number 83390575

30-29=1 - correct car number 61737771


19/11 - stop. 8 - counter. sign.

The full station code is 19008.

27/11 - stop. 5 - counter. true sign

Weight coefficient

41/11 - stop. 8 - the control sign is correct.

Problem 2

Based on the needs of the technological process at a cargo or marshalling station in personal computers and peripheral devices, as well as the necessary computer network stations:

b Justify the location of workstations;

b Describe what application problems the LAN will be used to solve;

ь Select LAN type(With centralized management or peer-to-peer);

The number of workstations (automated workstations for station personnel) is 2+9=11. Station type - freight.

1). The range of workers at whose workplaces automated automated systems can be installed:

6. STC-1 (arrival))

7. STC (write-off post)

9. Transceiver.

11. Act-claims group

I. For DS, DSZ, DSTs, DSP, DSPG, STC-1, STC-2, STC PS, acceptance and delivery person, PKO, PTO, act-claims group, VOHR are installed at the workplaces of the TST automated workplace.

II. For DS, DSZ, DSC, the OSCAR-M program (operational system for monitoring and analysis of operational work) is installed at the workplace.

III. For TVK, a traffic control workstation is installed at the workplace (preparation of transported groups).

2). Functions automated in every workstation.

DS - station manager.

Monitoring the performance of train and freight work by the station in accordance with plans and tasks for transportation, loading, unloading and downtime of cars (viewing output forms and station reporting DU-3, DO-6, DO-2, loading/unloading certificates 2190, 2001 , 5083, etc.).

DSZ - deputy station manager for operational work.

Function - operational work, monitoring the station's performance of train work, drawing up shift and daily station work plans. Monitoring the execution of train formation. Viewing and analysis of output forms and station reports DU-3, DO-15, DU-11, DU-4, balance journal of train arrivals/departures).

DSC - operational management of shift work, control over the implementation of daily shift plans, processing of trains and cars according to the technical process, shunting work on the disbandment/formation of trains in accordance with the plan for the formation of PTE, IDP, supply/removal of cars onto access tracks.

Together with the train dispatcher and DNCO, they plan the station’s operation by hourly periods. Provides a reduction in interoperational intervals and the total time spent by cars at the station.

DSP - duty officer at the station, park. Manages the reception and departure of trains in the park, shunting movements. Forms trains in accordance with PTE and IDP. Issues warnings for DU-61 trains, performs shunting work to cordon/couple cars to trains. Creates messages: 200, 201, 209, 206; requesting certificates DU-61 (355), maintaining a log DU-3 (arrival, departure of trains by directions).

DSPG - duty officer at the hump. Functions - TNGL request, drawing up a sorting list, disbanding cars, disbanding trains (message 203). Analysis of the accumulation of cars in the marshalling yard. Draws up a message about shunting rearrangements of cars (2866) in the fleet. Sorting and selection of cars by destination.

STC-1 receives, processes and transmits nomenclature information about trains and cargo, which is used in the process of processing trains. They process documents for arriving and departing trains. They compile full-scale train lists, NPP, formation of trains (02), selection of documents for cars in the formation, approval, adjustment of data on the train, accounting for downtime and monitoring the timely departure of cars from the station (request for certificates 213, 217, 7101).

STC - write-off post - to check the accuracy of information about the inventory numbers of cars and the quantitative components of trains arriving at the station, as well as groups of cars being removed from the train tracks.

TVK - commodity cashier. Functions - monitoring the implementation of the loading plan at the station. Registration of transportation documents for sent and arrived cargo, redirection, delivery of cargo, settlement of transportation payments with shippers and consignees. Filling out applications in the automated workplace PPD, GU-12 (requesting certificates 7777, 2190, 2001, processing messages 410, 253, 251, 256, processing reports GU-3, KOO-4).

Transceiver. Functions for sending delivery/cleaning reminders for cars to access tracks and places common use for loading or idle wagons. We prepare and manage VU-14, prepare wagon sheets (GU-38) for loaded wagons.

VET - carriage facilities, train inspectors. Functions: technical inspection of wagon trains, fencing. Registration of acts VU-23, VU 25, VU-36 for uncorrected cars or determination of suitability. Preparation of work orders for repairs. Request for information about the presence of faulty cars on this moment(fill out messages 1352,1354, certificates VU-23, VU-26, VU-45, test the brakes). Maintaining an autonomous journal based on the results of the work of the technical department shift. Information on carrying capacity 1367, latest repairs, passport data on cars 4618,2651.

Act-claims group. Registration of claims reports drawn up at the station. Preparation of materials for the station manager to investigate cases of unsafe cargo according to commercial acts and operational reports; maintaining records and reporting on claims. Prepares applications for the search for cargo and requests from other stations (viewing/requesting certificates 213,217,2790, archive of cars in the TST automated workplace program).

3). Selecting the LAN type.

The most convenient are local networks with centralized management, which provide for a second file server (application server). In networks with centralized control, workers differ depending on the volume and nature of the information processed. They are characterized by more convenient interfaces with a visual representation of information about the state of the tracks, decomposition of trains from any composition. The automated workplace allows you to solve non-specific problems. The centrally managed network is connected to the railway data network (RDN) through a Cisco device.

The type of workstation depends on the tasks solved on the installed workstation. Workstation that actively works with the database should be more powerful. For WINDOWS support NT requires 32 MB of RAM.

In addition to system units and monitors, it is necessary to provide a source uninterruptible power supply(one per server or one per two servers), printers at the corresponding workstations and network adapters to connect a PC to a local network (32-bit adapters provide higher speed transmission of information).

When calculating the approximate cost of a set of technical means for building a local network at a station, we assume the distance between workstations and servers is approximately 300 m. In real conditions, it is necessary to calculate this distance using a large-scale diagram of the station.

When calculating, we take into account that for 1 workstation The server can allocate up to 1 MB of RAM, and for its own purposes the server uses at least 8 MB of RAM. When working with large databases, the server may require additional resources (up to 20 MB of RAM).

The economic calculation is made in the table:

Station type - freight

Number of workstations - 11

Number of servers - 1

Number of printers - 11

Estimated cost of technical equipment when building a LAN.

Technical means

Price (cu)


File server

PENTIUM IY 2000/512/120

Work station

PENTIUM 1200/512/80


HUB 24 port 3 COM

Network adapters

Uninterruptable power source

BackUPS-1000 B/A

List of used literature.

1. Information Technology by rail:

Uches. For universities of railway transport / E.K. Letsky, V.I. Pankratov, V.V. Yakovlev and others; Ed. E.K. Letsky. - M.: UMK Ministry of Railways of Russia, 2001

2. Tishkin E.M. Automation of car fleet management. - M.: Intext, 2000

3. Gershwald A.S. Optimization of operational management of the process of freight transportation by rail. - M.: Intext, 2001

4. Tulupov L.P., Zhukovsky E.M., Gusyatiner A.M. Automated systems for operational transportation management. - M.: Transport, 1990

5. Avetikyan M.A., Polukarov A.F., Fefelov A.M. Station Technology Center. Directory. - M.: Transport, 1994

6. Buyanov V.A., Ratin G.S. Automated information systems in railway transport. - M.: Transport, 1984.


Lecture notes

at the rate « Information technologies in the management of enterprise vehicles"

for students of the field of study

7/8.07010102 “Organization of transportation and management of transport (road)”

full-time and part-time forms of education


UDC 656.13:681 (075.8)

Burlakova G. Yu. Information technologies in the management of enterprise vehicles: lecture notes for the course “Information technologies in the management of enterprise vehicles” for students of the training direction 7/8.07010102 “Organization of transportation and management of transport (automobile)” full-time and part-time forms of study / G. Yu. Burlakova. – Mariupol: PSTU, 2014. – 136 p.

Lecture notes include content, brief lecture material, according to the course program, test questions, a list of basic and additional literature, and information resources.

Information about the main means of identifying objects when managing the operation of road transport is presented. Separate methods of transmitting information are described. Examples of the implementation of information technology in a motor transport enterprise and the organization of a logistics supply chain are considered.

Reviewer A. A. Lyamzin, Ph.D. Sciences, Associate Professor

Approved at a meeting of the Department of Automobile Transport,


methodological commission of the Faculty of Transport Technologies

© State Higher Educational Institution “PGTU”, 2014



1.1 New information technologies - basic concepts. 9

1.2 Objects and indicators of production accounting at ATP... 9

1.3 Formation of accounting documents for ATP... 11


2.1 Basic information technologies for communication between the driver and the car. 14

2.2 Basic technologies of transport telematics systems in road transport. 19


3.1 Automated information technology. 21

3.2 Characteristics of modern global navigation systems satellite systems 26

3.3 Features of the developed European satellite navigation system"Galileo". 28


4.1 Basic concepts of cartography. 29

4.2 Geographic Information system. 31


5.1 The importance of automatic identification systems. 34

5.2 Automatic identification methods. 36


6.1 Tasks and purpose of automated dispatch control systems in road transport. 39

6.2 Composition of hardware and technological means used in automated control systems.. 40

6.3 General Information Support traffic movement. 42


7.1 Dispatch systems based on satellite navigation systems. Passenger Transportation. 45

7.2 Features of modern ANSDU... 47

7.3 Automation of the collection and transmission of information about transportation processes when managing passenger transportation. 50

8.1 Typical structure of an automated navigation system for dispatching cargo transportation. 53

8.2 Subsystems of satellite navigation dispatch system for cargo transportation management. 54


9.1 Transportation management subsystem. 57

9.2 Subsystem of planned and analytical calculations. 61

9.3 Complexes of tasks for processing waybills and shipping documentation. 65


10.1 Types of barcoding. 70

10.2 Thermal printers... 74

10.3 Types of reading scanners. 75

10.4 Data collection terminals. 77

10.5 Barcode shipping label. 77


11.1 RFID technology. Areas of use. 85

11.2 International standards for vehicle and cargo identification systems. 87


12.1 Purpose and advantages of smart cards. 91

12.2 Basic formats of smart cards. 92


13.1 Monitoring the operation of vehicles. 94

13.2 Methods for determining the location of vehicles. 96