Emoticons semantic meaning. Guide for emoticons: how to figure it out and not get into an awkward position. Examples of emoticons emoticons.

What do the emoticons mean? How to decipher them? These questions ask the guys, when for the first time enter the social network. After all, emoticons in social networks, as well as in VC, is a traditional and easy way to express one picture long phrases.

A person is not always able to express his emotions through the usual words, sometimes even the most beautiful phrases do not reflect the essence of the conversation. And then the thread of the conversation is lost, because the interlocutor who is on the other side of the screen, too, is not a telepath and thought does not read.
Online correspondence is a special type of conversation, in which, as well as at a personal meeting, play a large role of emotion and the ability to express them. The opponent cannot see the expressions of the face, the movement of the hands, does not hear surprised or questioning intonations. Then they will become useful emoticons.

Examples of Emodyz emoticons

Your supergroups, bots and channels will be completely removed along with all messages from all users. If you sign again, you will look like a new user, and you will not get your story, groups or contacts. People who have your phone number in contacts will be notified. New user It will create a separate conversation in your list of messages, and the story of conversations with a new user will be empty.

Question: My phone was stolen

This feature was introduced on November 19. First of all, sorry for the phone. Anyone who has a phone will not be able to connect, as it does not know your password. If you decide to go to new number Phone, do not forget to enter "Settings", click on your phone number and change the telegram number to the new one. But if you have a reason to worry about data on your phone, and you can not, it is best to reset them remotely. Unfortunately, it requires you to prepare for this scenario.

Any social network provides to its users truly huge selection Smiles, for all occasions. And we will mostly focus on VK. Since they are mainly there children and adolescents are sitting there, as well as some young parents will be interested to learn about emoticons in VK.

What do the emoticons mean? These symbols help to clearly and harmoniously describe the necessary state, express the emotional reaction and relieve the lack of a vocabulary stock.

Nevertheless, it does not consume and should not consume more than enough battery energy, so you will receive immediate information about all cases associated with high battery consumption. Close the application, then re-open the application and check whether it is serviced.

  • If it does not help.
  • Remember that, coming out of the system, you clean the whole secret Chat.
  • Re-run the application.
  • Temporarily change the name of your contacts to your phone.
  • Repeat the login.
  • Check to use last version Applications.
To remove the contact, open the chat with this person, click its profile image in the right upper corner, and then.

Most social networksAs, however, any other resources for interactive communication - have a certain number of so-called hidden emoticons in their arsenal. Most users about such a function simply do not know, since the administration of the communities themselves such information does not intentionally apply. And yet - they are, there are many of them, and they are absolutely free!

Where are my messages about the secret chat end?

If you want to completely remove the contact, be sure to delete it from address book. Telegram remains synchronized and add contact again if you do not. The secret chat is stored on two devices in which they were created. This means that all these messages are not available in the cloud, and other devices cannot access it.

In addition, secret chat rooms are associated with the current login session on your device. If you turn off and then contacted, you lose all your secret chat. This means that if you accidentally contact people you do not know, sending annoying messages, you can lose the opportunity to do this in the future.

Each of the emoticons has a specific iconic code belonging to him only. Therefore, to send to a friend such a smile - you need to register this very code into the clipboard, well, or copy it directly to the message sent. So, where to take these secret signs to diversify your online lexicon?

Just below, this article will contain basic codes, and speaking them anyone will receive unique emotions and action designations. It is important that these emoticons are suitable for sending not only in private messages, but also for comments for photos, videos and other friends. In the standard set of faces, opening when communicating, such a function is not provided. Hidden smiles can be improving even in status, the main thing is to know - which means one or another sign.

As for the others that we have seen in another article. Just with the help " additional app"Instead, without damaging the last access of others. All details are given in another article. The application is not automatic and requires a manual choice one by one. Each person, at some point or another, may have to deal with curious friends who want to see what we wrote and with whom we communicated. To avoid Pirring, you can talk about it in the past.

How to insert smiles in the status of VK

Thanks to a special makeup it is possible. In another article all. It's nothing but normal system Social Mail Management, but new tool, including chat, to improve interaction between real-time subscribers. Real revolution for those who slowly removes it social name, too clogged.

Insert the necessary character in your text is quite easy - this will help the Ctrl + V combination or the "Insert" mouse menu item.

And some years ago, all the years ago everything was actively used ICQ. Over time more modern programs It was crowded out this way of communication, but the smiles that were in ICQ were trapped in everyday life and were loved by many. How to get exactly the very first and most positive emoticons? If you allow the skill - then you can install special applicationFor example - "vkopt" or "vkplugin". In each of them, there is a catalog of emoticons, about thirty unique images, from good-natured and laughing, to evil and sarcastic. In addition to standard yellow faces, the applications will delight and cheerful blue.

But let's see together these new items one by one, trying to clarify new opportunities and how to use them correctly. Start from the beginning: The icon in the menu bar has changed. Nothing shocking, clear. Before the bag appeared, now there is a classic icon, which refers to a "digital conversation", chat so much to be clear.

Rules of consumption of emoticons

This news is simply included by clicking on this new icon. As you saw, the section was changed not only in graphics, but also by functions. Access to you will be in front of the 4 regions. Starting with left down. In fact, some of them are slightly exaggerated. . In all these updates, however, something is lost on the street.

Of course, the smiles will not replace you with live communications with their peers and friends, but they are able to decorate online dialogues in the incredible paints of emotions and understanding. It is simply impossible to allow communication to be reduced only to the exchange of symbols, even if they are eloquent, and sometimes it is just too lazy to write a capacious and detailed answer. If you write completely non-nightness - agree with the interlocutor and create a smiley commerise, the meaning of which will be available only by two. Abused emoticons - ugly, expressing his opinion with the help of funny characters - modern and relevant.

Managing customer requests

No need to bypass the obstacle and try to start the message, starting with the "Send Message" function from the person's profile. Although formally left in the message formation mask, the "Theme" field after its delivery disappears, bringing with you any text you turned on. Half of empty glass: Goodbye with multiple send messages. Half of the full glass: Can anyone possibly arise a problem with sending standardized messages with multiple contacts at the same time, which limits spam?

  • The inability is now inserting an object to the sent message.
  • In my opinion, something lost.
  • Especially when in the early stages of building relationships with a person.
In my opinion, it was a good step from correct valueRelevance I. right tools For processing a very thin phase of what is the process of building a high-quality network.

The sticker from VKontakte differs from the generally accepted emoticon

IN lately Vkontakte offers us a lot of new stickers, some of them are free, for the other will have to be calculated with real money.

What is the sticker? This is a big picture on a given topic: cats, faces, people, fruits and vegetables, cars and others. They are available in by the usual menu Smile, which opens to any user during correspondence. Here are just the site developers most of the most of the stickers open access only for money.

Smiles VKontakte, denoting action

All functions were grouped into one section available from the old icon in the upper right corner of the main menu panel. After you enter this section, you will have fields in which you can process contact requests. It is useful to understand how this man came to you. Also clicking the icon upper rightYou can see: Imported contact list. List of invitations sent. Access to which you can manage and, perhaps, get a sent contact request. List of contact requests you blocked.

  • Can read the accompanying message to contact request.
  • You can, as before, respond to the message without accepting the invitation.
  • Just click the icon marked with a point.
  • You can see general contacts.
But especially how do you use them?

Sometimes the next thematic selections are coming out for free access, but really cool and individual - they do not fall into this list. These ones paid stickers You can get three ways: pay for them, ask for stickers from a friend as a gift or download the corresponding plugin. The third method is the most logical and fast, moreover, expansion will allow you to attach stickers not only to messages, but also to make them in the comments.

Emvir and emoticons are often confused for the same thing. Here is the news for you: it is not. It is very possible that the emoticon was invented by centuries to online bulletin boards or even computers. In the end, typewriters belong to the era of the Civil War. Who will say that Falima, and not some kind of bored 19th century secretary, first realized that the colon and round brackets, when they are paired together, look terribly similar to the side smiling face?

What do the emoticons mean, what emotions are expressed, how are you called correctly?

Over the past five years, the use of emoticons was largely replaced by EMBI. Anyone who tried to printed, knows the answer to this question. Insofar as social media They develop to become more visual and educated, Emik appeared as a bright, modern, equivalent black and white emoticon. But unlike emoticons, Emvi does not require head slope sideways to understand the meaning of the image. This is a kind of picturesque alphabet stored on the phone, which can be displayed instead of a regular keyboard, which makes it easy to display a visual message.

Choice similar programs So wide that all of them here simply does not make sense. Each of us can "google" and select the extension that will correspond to its operating system.

If during a conversation in the dialog field, when you press the sticker from the plugin only it appears digital code - Do not panic, when sending a source, the picture itself must be displayed. This is a peculiar feature of such ad-donov programs.

Restrictions on the 90s in space and time went into digital connection, but Emvir seem to be here to stay. Below we present a list of all emoticons Site site. Now you can, for example, " new friend»Mark the emoticon of the Red Heart. It is also possible to restore emoticons by default in snapshots.

You can learn them in general as "emoticons", but Emvik is a concrete subset of these phenomena. You just need to find them to unlock the fun. There are 72 new characters, including a female fire and a female scientist, as well as other new Emvi, such as Avakado, Shark, Orel and Gorilla. Many EMBRI were reworked, so you may find that some of your favorites now have a new appearance.

The emotional meaning of emoticons - which means each of them, and how to use it correctly

Now let's talk about how to use the symbols in the Internet speech.

What do the emoticons mean, what emotions are expressed, how are you called correctly?

Smiley Emoticon code in VK Decryption of emoticons VKontakte - value, options and cases for emoticon
😊 - it is a smile. The easiest and most polite symbol, which denotes your good nature, consent with the opinion of the interlocutor, contentment of the tone of the conversation and just a good location of the Spirit. It is always appropriate to use it, if the opponent is pretty and talking about pleasant things.
😆 - Laugh to tears. Answer them on a really great joke or excellent "Podk".
😍 - Love. Here you do not need an explanation, but also to send it to everyone without disaster, not very beautiful. Leave only for your favorites.
😒 - chagrin. They can show the entire degree of your confusion and non-acceptance of the situation. Very deep emotion and does not require any verbal additions.
😘 - Light flirt. Symbolic recognition in love often acts as a sign of gratitude for the help or tip. Sit down to close friends or relatives.
😛 - tease. It is used to file the interlocutor to the dispute or as a symbol of disbelief, for example, in history, told by another.
😡 - very angry. Just evil-crep. Extreme degree of conversation, resentment, indignation.
😦 - bewilderment and fear. You can post it in any incomprehensible moment, and also when the opinion of the interlocutor is extremely contrary to your own.
😏 - a contemptuous smirk. Used to respond to messages in which fake information And you know about it.
😎 - incredibly cool. Indicates the degree of your significance and steepness. Boldly place it when you definitely have something to boast.

Smileys Symbols Morden Cotes VKontakte

Now very popular and even touching. Let's talk about catans. This is all known symbols, but a funny face in them is replaced on a cat's face. The liquefy of the emoticons of the cats of the cats is shown below (the most popular emoticons are taken pictures):

A significant difference between EMBRI and emoticons is that the "smiley" is a common term for emoticons used in text messages. When you use 🙂, and it allows the face schedule, that is, emoticon. You can also find that some Emvi have a particularly Japanese flavor. Japanese products, animals and characters are widely represented.

Smiley characters on the keyboard

And some images simply do not translate. There are also several new flags. This exciting update brings more gender options to existing characters, including new athletes and women professionals, adds beautiful redesignes of popular Emzy, the new flag of rainbow and many options for the family.

Emoticon code in VK
Decoding emoticons
😺 - Cotan in the detachment. Hints the interlocutor about Tom. That it is time to go outside and really have fun
🙀 - "Nakosi" Kotan. Sign of extreme surprise, fright and distrust. Such a symbol suggests that you are waiting for some explanations from the interlocutor to its actions.
😾 - Disranged Kote. He describes the whole degree of your discontent with the conversation or actions of a friend. And if he is right now, now I don't apologize - you can hurt much
😸 - Miracle cat. You really have fun, the conversation is pleasant, and jokes, told by a friend - very fun
😹 - Just into tears. It is used when there is no longer a strength to restrain laughter, and you can not say anything from this laughter
😿 - Playing Kote. Symbol of despair, resentment, extreme disappointment. Very sincere and gulling emoticon
😼 - Kotya - Supil. Sarcastic face hints a companion not only to your superiority over him, but also shows a sarcastic smile, which can be how to raise a friend and offend
😻 - March cat. The symbol of extreme love and attachment to the partner in conversation
😽 - Kiss for good luck. This smile usually finish a conversation with a close man or just a kind friend.

Smiles VKontakte, denoting action

Smiley Smiley code in VKontakte
Decoding emoticons
📢 - can you hear me? Attracts the attention of the interlocutor
📖 - I am reading. Says that in this moment you're busy
📮 - Open mailbox - I'm waiting for letters from you
🚖 bright sun. Means you have a sunny mood and you are located not to quarrel
🙌 - Timeout. He is thrown into the chat when they want to interrupt the conversation or change her theme. Such a smile is well resolved suddenly emerged negative disputes, stop aggression
🛁 - Shower. Here everything is extremely simple - I went swimming
🚫 - Stop or something impossible. Means that now you are very busy, so you do not have the opportunity to support the dialogue
- Metro. You are leaving or offered to a friend will meet at a certain metro station. Just do not forget to clarify which
- telephone. The non-verbal substitute for the phrase is "Sorry, the call is distracted."
- Attention! So you show that you are going to pronounce an important or significant phrase, attract the attention of Comrade

Emoticons - action

Smileic code Decoding emoticons VKontakte
🍳 - Yaishnitsa. "And can we let down? In another meaning - direct invitation for dinner
🎁 - present. "Give me something and that." Allegorically this smile can be described by the thing that you recently presented
🎂 - Name-day cake. So you say that you are invited to celebrate, or what you invite to the celebration
🎆 - fireworks. Offer a friend not just to have fun, but to arrange a grand gulyan who will remember both for a long time
🎦 - Camera. "Let's go watch a movie?". The same smile can start a description of the film that you recently looked and have been satisfied with his plot.
🎮 - Joystick. Invitation to network game
🎳 - Kegley and ball. Indicates not only Bowling himself, but also any active pastime
🎿 - Let's go skiing or at all play sports
💤 sleep. Speaks of the end of the conversation and from that that you have been time to sleep
👀 - What? Where? Hinting an opponent about the need to pay close attention to the event, roller, man, etc.

This is such a decoding of emoticons VKontakte we offer you. Now you know the value of emoticons and in front of you in the tables of their decoding to use in the popular social network VKontakte.

In business correspondence

A new water gun is shown in the accompanying picture, but it does not explain whether there is a political measurement in motion. This is a pretty good water pistol. Select "Add new keyboard"And then click Emvi. The keyboard has been added in this picture. In each topic you can scroll to the left or right to view more. This is Emoki, so hack. In each case, you install the app, and then enjoy additional and bright emotions. Enjoy them, but use them with the mind!

This pictograph is called differently: we have an inverted smiley or inverted Emoji, they have Upside Down Emoji, Silly Emoji, etc. One way or another, but everyone is already accustomed to the correct orientation of emoticons on the screens of our smartphones, tablets and computers.

Nevertheless, if suddenly he wanted to send someone an inverted smiley, then in the network you can save a couple of three applications with which in electronic correspondence, let's say, it is possible to more mean feelings and emotions. Programs such in particular are useful when it is necessary to urgently compose a message more interesting, demonstrating personal originality, sense of humor and other power of intelligence.

Manufacturers and Developers The Importance of this kind software solutions They understood relatively long ago and very correctly. Because iPhone-, iPad- and even MAC users even look for anything (and especially buy separately) is not necessary, since the extensive emoji catalog is initially completed oS iOS 9.1 and OS X EL Capitan. In mobile devices with Android 6, the stock of ready-made emoticons is also no worse, they are in social networks, for example in Twitter, Instagram or Yelp.

On the other hand, an inverted emoticon is somehow lost throughout the current Emphage-ray. In the sense that he is, but in undeservedly limited quantity. Again, if you wish, you can find a suitable program for turning including emoticons. But here in the staffing emoji catalogs of the same iOS and Android, the switching option is not yet provided. Not yet provided.

How and where to find an inverted smiley in the usual set?

Of course, it will depend on the model mobile Device.. For example, in the iPhone, when compiling a new message, open the Emoji keyboard (if it is not turned on, then: "Settings" -\u003e "Basic" -\u003e "Keyboard" -\u003e "Keyboards" -\u003e "Emodi") Simple click on the emoticon icon. And since the embedded search by Emodi in iOS back No, then inverted emoticon We are looking for "manually", luracing the whole catalog.

At first, this lesson is very similar to a certain quest, but with experience find the desired pictogram you will still learn. In iOS 9 and OS X 10.11.1, the "inverted face" is in the section " Smileys and people "(Smileys & People), the third row, the third smiley from above. By the way, an inverted emoticon will not change the color - this option does not provide. But it can be sent to messages, it is also displayed on Facebook, on Twitter and in other applications.

What does an inverted emoticon mean? Well, officially some kind of definite importance for this emoticon has not yet been gained and it can be used depending on the situation. True, in Emojipedia there is already a brief mention of the following content: " The face that is inverted, depicts stupidity and stupidity «.

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