Hidden functions of VKontakte. Finding out a person's age by birthday

There are quite a few interesting features and opportunities that users are not aware of.

With the help of various tricks, you can greatly change the site interface, make the design original, receive votes for free, and much more.

The tricks and secrets of VKontakte that we will talk about in this article can be useful to everyone. Some of them are not so useful, but are intended more for transformation appearance website and profile, but this can also be interesting for active users of social networks.

8 secrets of using VKontakte

1. Empty fields.
If you have not completely filled out the information in your profile, then by default, “No information” will be written next to some lines. You can remove these inscriptions if you add a set of special characters to the lines.

2. VKontakte design.
Anyone can change external design VKontakte website, through the use of special themes. To do this, use the service, where you can download a special plug-in for the browser and choose an original design. Everything is free, and after using it, social pages. networks will look unusual:

3. Non-standard menu.
The side menu displays all the items for using VKontakte, and you can change them by changing the language. In the settings you can select the language Soviet or Pre-Revolutionary and you will see the following menu view:

4. Interesting work.
When editing your profile data, on the career tab, you can select any community in which you are a member. This great way so that a link to the group always accompanies your name on social media. networks:

5. Hiding ads.
Everyone is tired of advertising on websites, and annoying blocks always appear under the VKontakte menu. It’s not difficult to remove them, all you have to do is install them free add-on for the browser we talked about in the article on how to remove ads from websites.

6. Free votes.
Periodically, each VKontakte user can receive free votes using shares. Go to settings, go to the “Payments” tab, click on the top up balance button and select Special offers. After this, you will see a list of all options for receiving free votes:

7. Downloading media files.
To listen to music or watch videos, you have to constantly log into the social network. In the standard VKontakte interface there are no buttons to download media files, but this can be done using the extension from . Now the video format has changed, so the add-on does not work with videos, use

Hello everybody! In today's article we will reveal VKontakte secrets! Despite its apparent simplicity and convenience, the VK social network is full of secrets and tricks.

Over time, all the simplicity of Vk began to acquire more and more functionality, which can be very useful, but, unfortunately, they are sometimes difficult to find. Of course, they are not particularly needed, but in order to unravel some of the confusing things, I suggest you learn the following three tricks:

  1. How to access the version of the vk.com website for mobile phones?
  2. Check-ins or let friends know where I am?
  3. How to subscribe to an unfollowed friend's news feed?

As you can see, there are not many chips, but they are voluminous, and the article was written specifically for those who have a lot of books...

Secrets of the VKontakte site

1) Mobile version of VK

This feature is not even a secret, but an urgent necessity, because all fans of the social network Vk want not only to communicate with family and friends, but also to use cool games and applications, share videos and music. There is nothing easier than using your Personal Computer or laptop.

But what to do if you don’t have a computer at hand? Just go from your phone to mobile version VKontakte at the following address:

Using this mobile client Vk for phones you can make the most of your mobile phone, PDA or tablet. All friend pages, widgets and music are made for comfortable work on mobile phone, however, for a change, you can try logging in from your computer.

2) Check-ins: we inform everyone about our location

Check-ins appeared not so long ago; their essence is the synchronization of the addresses of establishments registered in communities with geotags. Even today, while in a cinema, cafe or visiting, you can easily tell your friends about it in a few clicks!

After you check in, it will appear on your wall. The entry will indicate your current location with your exact name and address, and this message will be instantly available to friends in news feed. Here’s a cool secret on VKontakte, and if you click on the name, you can see a map and people who checked in at the address specified in the message:

How to check in? There are two options: send from your page or from a group.

To post a check-in on the wall from the page you need:

An additional option for informing friends about your whereabouts are communities and events (the “check in” function is not provided for public pages):

Attention! In order to be able to enable check-ins in a group, administrators need to go to settings later or later and specify the location:

3) How to receive news from users who are not friends?

News feed - the best option keep abreast of all events social network, it also provides a chance to follow the most attractive events in life interesting people. But how can you find out the VKontakte subscription secrets? What can you do if not all people want to add you as a friend or, on the contrary, you don’t want to be among their subscribers?

Few people know, but on VK there is a way to receive news not only from friends, but also from complete strangers. I want to warn you that you will still have to submit a friend request, but after some simple steps you can quickly unsubscribe.

Step-by-step instruction:

The first step: subscribe to friends or a group that interests you. If you don’t want a person to even know about your existence, find a time when he is not online, because he will definitely receive a message about friendship, but if you do everything clearly and quickly, he won’t even know anything.

Second step: go through left menu in My news (1), click on the plus sign (2) and add a new tab.

There is hardly a VKontakte user who would not want to read a personal message from someone without the sender finding out about it. For example, because you don’t have the time or desire to respond to the person right away. There is an easy way to do this. Insert into address bar link http://vk.com/im?q=day:31122014 , where numbers are the date in the format DD:MM:YYYY. Instead of these numbers, you enter another date, until which all messages, including unread ones, will be displayed. You will be able to read them, but they will remain unread status.

Let's return to the conversation

Sometimes we may leave the dialogue in which we were added in our hearts, but over time we will realize how hasty and questionable this decision was. Fortunately, there is always a way to add back, even if you deleted the correspondence and no longer see it on your account.

But let's start with simple case- if you just left the conversation. To do this, you need to go into it, click “Actions” and in the drop-down menu find the “Return to conversation” item. That's all.

If you managed to delete the correspondence, then even in this case you can return, but you will have to find it first. To do this, you need to paste the link into the address bar.

Good afternoon friends. In this article we will look at the possibilities social network"In contact with". What can this social network do, what set of tools and functionality does it have for users? Let's talk about this in more detail and do a review so that you can clearly see everything that Contact can do.

The capabilities of VKontakte today are truly amazing. Every year something new appears. This is no longer just communication or sharing news and media files, this is real virtual life. It’s not for nothing that they say that modern doctors have even identified this type of addiction – addiction to social networks. Nowadays, part of our lives has been moved to virtual world online, and it’s hard to do anything about it. So, let's go... Let's see what kind of virtual life this is and what you can do there :)

What capabilities does VKontakte have?

Communication: sending messages, creating news in groups, commenting

On the social network “VKontakte” you can communicate in any way convenient for you. The first, the simplest– this is between two people or a group of users (). This is, so to speak, private communication in a narrow circle of people. For example, you can chat with a friend or create a group conversation based on interests. Any conversation has a wide range of functions - from basic sending messages (by the way, messages can be not only text, but also voice) to attaching media files (photos, videos and audio materials), sending gifts, marking places on maps and expressing emotions using emoticons and stickers.

Second way- this is commenting. You can comment on anything - be it a photo, video, news or. Thus, communication can also take place in the form of discussion. For example, someone posted a video or some news. You left a comment under it, then another person commented, etc. In this way, communication is structured in the form of discussions of any materials or news.

Third way communication – creating news in groups and on public pages. You can convey some information to people using , create a poll and provoke a discussion. This method is directly related to the second method and provides huge opportunities to discuss anything.

As we can see, the communication possibilities on VKontakte are almost limitless and are available to any user of the social network :)

Search for new acquaintances

Many people use social networks as a platform for meeting new people. This could be romantic dating, searching for people with similar interests, searching for business partners or services or goods. We will talk about how to search for people on VKontakte in the next article. In the meantime, one thing can be said - the possibilities for meeting and finding old acquaintances and friends in VK are truly endless. You can also find new acquaintances based on interests and hobbies, and maybe even find your soulmate. You can search either simply through search or by various parameters. You can also find new friends with similar interests through thematic groups and public pages.

Create and share media files

The possibilities of social networks are not limited to communication alone. Here you can upload your own photos or videos, upload music or. Please remember that all media files you download will be included in general access, unless you restrict access to them in the page settings. Since the visual part during communication is also very important, most users will have a lot of photo albums reflecting their life. Previously, we went to visit people to look at photographs, now it’s enough to go to the person’s page and go to the “Photo” section. The same can be done with video recordings. Distinctive feature social networks is that all media files can not only be uploaded, but also shared - for example. in news, comments or private messages. You can also comment on photos and videos, which takes the communication process to a new level.

Using social media content

On VKontakte (and other social networks) you can easily listen to music, watch some videos or even entire films, find the documents or photographs you need. The good thing is that you don't need third-party sites or resources. While communicating on VK, you can simultaneously listen to music or watch a movie here. All this is done to ensure that people’s needs are satisfied within one site, and a person remains on one resource for as long as possible without resorting to the help of others.

Creation of groups, public pages and news. Spread of information

“VKontakte” can truly be called a huge news portal. Every day, a great variety of different news is created in groups and public pages, as well as on user walls. Thus, a colossal amount of information circulates on the social network. Many active Contact users now do not even go to news sites - it is enough to subscribe to several large news groups to receive the latest news instantly. In addition, any news can be spread through reposting. For example, imagine that a person has gone missing, and a search group is posting information about the missing person. Caring people repost the post to themselves ( in simple words– post it on their wall, in their group, or forward the news personal message). Thus, information is constantly disseminated.

Selling goods or services

Many people create mini-shops on social networks or advertise goods or services in their own groups. Imagine, for example, that you are a wedding photographer. You can easily create a group where you will post your work, and you can also create a page there with information about prices and working conditions. If you sell products of your own production (for example, home-baked cakes), you can post photographs of your culinary delights, descriptions and prices in the group. By modern means You can even advertise and promote your products and services with your contact. Here we discover another wonderful function of social networks - a wonderful platform for advertising and business.

games and applications

Are you bored on the road or in queues? VKontakte is full of all sorts of games and applications that will help brighten up your leisure time. Previously, there were “Tetris” and “Well, wait a minute,” but now all you need is one smartphone and registration on a social network, and you will find any game to suit your taste.

The capabilities of VKontakte are impressive!

Isn't that impressive?! From all of the above, we can conclude that the possibilities of VKontakte are truly limitless. Here you can do whatever your heart desires. It’s no wonder that social networks have become so wildly popular these days. And it’s true - it’s only worth it, and on your computer or smartphone powerful tool, with which you can do almost anything. VKontakte has a lot of tools and opportunities, which ones you use is up to you. Perhaps you will limit yourself only to communicating with friends, perhaps you will make VK the main source of news for you or a launching pad for business. You decide! All in your hands! Welcome to the huge and virtual world called “VKontakte”! (:good:)

Limitations of VKontakte

There are restrictions on some actions on a social network - for example, a limit on the number of audio and video recordings on your page, a limit on maximum amount friends or maximum length messages. If you are interested, follow the following link ( https://vk.com/page-28894382_49349878) you can see full list restrictions on VKontakte. And here we present the most important of them:

  • the maximum number of audio recordings on your page is 6000, you can upload no more than 50 per day;
  • You can upload no more than 5,000 videos to the page, the maximum size of one video is 2GB;
  • the maximum number of communities that a user can subscribe to is 5000, and you can also invite no more than 40 people to your group per day;
  • The maximum number of friends is 10,000 people. You can send no more than 50 friend requests per day;
  • maximum message length is 4096 characters, attachments in a message are no more than 10;
  • You cannot upload more than 200 photos to the site at a time, the maximum weight of one photo is 5MB;
  • the number of hours during which you can edit a post on your wall – 24;

What should you not do on social networks?

Finally, I would like to talk about what you cannot (or should not) do on social networks. Naturally, it is always worth remembering that there are restrictions provided for by law. Russian Federation, and simply ethical standards. So, below is a small list of prohibitions and restrictions for VKontakte users.

  • insult other people;
  • post materials prohibited by Russian law: related to weapons, drugs, pornography, violence, etc.;
  • incite ethnic hatred, disclose state secrets, provoke unrest or hostility, etc.
  • promote extremism and terrorism;
  • openly discuss prohibited topics;
  • post prohibited symbols (for example, Nazi);
  • slander other people;

And if you just think logically, you can’t do everything on social networks that you can’t do in real life. Social networks are created for communication and exchange of information, business advertising and product promotion, and not for some “dirty” and unkind deeds.

In the next article we will find out. We wish you pleasant communication! 🙂

Switch language

You can change the language. The choice is large: Russian, English, German and others. But there are also more exotic/fun ones. For example, Pre-Revolutionary or Belarusian. Try it yourself. At the top right, click on your profile and select Settings. Language – Change. And there from big list you can choose whatever you want. We recommend trying Pre-Revolutionary.

Leave the field empty

There is an option to fill out your profile in the Career section, but leave most of the fields blank. To do this, go to Edit Profile. Then in all lines (Career section) we insert a set of characters:


In order to prevent people from finding you by your phone number on VKontakte, you need to go to Settings - Privacy - Contact me. There, in the line: “Who can find me when importing contacts at +37529******,” select “Only me.”

Disabling advertising

You're probably annoyed intrusive adware"In contact with"? It is time to turn it off once and for all. Just download and install the extension Adblock plus for Firefox or Chrome. Activate all filters by default, and advertising will disappear not only on VKontakte, but also on other sites. How nice and calm it is to read the news without advertising. Thank you Adblock.

Listening to music

There is a lot of music on VKontakte. Lots of good music. New items appear here quickly. But we want to listen to it not only on the website, but also on a smartphone, in a car, and without the Internet at all. No problem. We go to a special website, it will ask you for authorization, allow it and start downloading! Enter the song you are interested in into the search and go!

Changing the design

Do you want to freshen up your page design a little? Or are you a little tired of the classic VKontakte design? Nothing could be simpler. You can change the theme of the site at your discretion. Only you will see this design. To do this, you need to go to the site and install the extension for Chrome/Firefox. Then, on the website, select the theme you like and click “Apply”. This is what we end up with:

News updates

In “News” you can sometimes get a lot of necessary and not so necessary information. How about looking at the list of people your friends have added today? Click the News section, then Updates on the side. Voila! Now we can see specifically who your friends have added to their friends list.


If you are a very private person and value privacy, you can hide your page completely. Users will only be able to see your main photo. To do this, let's go to Settings - Privacy. Next, select “Who sees the basic information of my page”, check “Only Me”. Ready!


If you need to completely hide from one person, just block him. Go to his Profile and select – Block. Now he will not be able to write to you, see your photos, friends and information about you.

Hiding friends

By default, all VKontakte users can see all your friends. For some it is convenient, for others it is not. VKontakte stands for openness. We will stand up for confidentiality. It is possible to hide certain (but not all) friends. To do this, go to Settings - Privacy. There, click on the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, select “Show all friends except”. Select the friends you want to hide. Ready!

Delayed publication

To post a note or photo on your page in certain time, There is useful feature– Delayed publication. It's easy to launch. Go to the message writing interface, then click “More” - “Timer”. There we select the date and time of publication of the message.


If you suspect that someone is following you and secretly logging into your account, it won’t be difficult to check. Go to the Settings section - Security - Show activity history. There you will see the IP address, country, time and type of device from which you logged into VKontakte the last few times. Clear and accessible. If you see some strange IP addresses from other countries, but you yourself are in Belarus, this is a reason to think about it and change your passwords.

Free votes

There we will be offered to play various online games, reach a certain level and receive our free votes. Why not?


If you want to mention someone in your wall post, you can do this in a similar way to Twitter, use @. For example, like this: @Petrov

Changing the page address

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