How much RAM is best to install? How much RAM do you need? (updated)

Probably many remember, or have heard about the first, now ancient computers, such as, for example, the ZX Spectrum? For those who don’t remember or have forgotten, let us remind you that the RAM for these dinosaurs was measured in kilobytes. Yes, yes, exactly in kilobytes, not even in megabytes. Now any mobile phone is many times more powerful than ancient Spectrums Technology is advancing, time flies, and RAM It is no longer kilobytes that are required, but Gigabytes. In the future, this, of course, will not be enough, and our current powerful computers, will also be called dinosaurs of the past. But let's return to our time.

Today we will talk about - How much RAM does Windows XP, 7, 8.1 and 10 support?
Let's say you wanted to install additional lines of RAM in your computer. Let's say you had 4 GB, and you plugged in another 4 GB. We turn on the computer, and in the properties there are still the same 4GB (And even then this is a rounded figure, in fact the maximum is 3,750 GB). Why is this so? Oh horror!!!

Why are the same 4 GB of RAM left? Let's settle these questions once and for all.

All Windows operating systems with x86 (32 bit) bit capacity, no matter what version, they all see only up to 4 GB. memory. Even if you poke the entire computer with memory, like a hedgehog with needles, it will only see up to 4 gigabytes. This is due to internal architectural limitations.

If you install a 64-bit operating system on your computer, then the system will see all your memory lines.

How much RAM does each version of Windows see?

Windows XP
Windows XP x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows XP x64 (64 bit): 128 GB

Windows 7
Windows 7 Starter x86 (32 bit): 2 GB
Windows 7 Home Basic x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 7 Home Premium x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 7 Professional x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 7 Enterprise x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 7 Home Basic x64 (64 bit): 8 GB
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (64 bit): 16 GB
Windows 7 Professional x64 (64 bit): 192 GB
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 (64 bit): 192 GB
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (64 bit): 192 GB

Windows 8/8.1
Windows 8 x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 8 Professional x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 8 Enterprise x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 8 x64 (64 bit): 128 GB
Windows 8 Professional x64 (64 bit): 512 GB
Windows 8 Enterprise x64 (64 bit): 512 GB

Windows 10
Windows 10 Home x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 10 Home x64 (64 bit): 128 GB
Windows 10 Pro x86 (32 bit): 4 GB
Windows 10 Pro x64 (64 bit): 512 GB

As you can see, 64-bit editions support a huge amount of RAM, but in the case of the 32-bit version you need to be careful with your choice: often the system does not even support the specified 4 GB.

Result: Maximum quantity RAM, which are able to “see” 32 bit versions Windows is 4 GB. Therefore, if you have more RAM, you should install the 64-bit version to take advantage of that memory. To find out what version of Windows is installed on your computer, open the “System” item in the Control Panel (or right-click “My Computer” and select “Properties”).

RAM capacity

Next, let's take a closer look at the following important characteristic RAM – its volume. First, it should be noted that it most directly affects the number of simultaneously running programs, processes and applications and their uninterrupted operation. Today, the most popular modules are sticks with a capacity of: 4 GB and 8 GB ( we're talking about about the DDR3 standard).

Based on what operating system installed, as well as for what purposes the computer is used, you should choose and select the right amount of RAM. In most cases, if a computer is used to access world wide web and for working with various applications, and Windows XP is installed, then 2 GB is quite enough.

For those who like to try out a recently released game and people who work with graphics, you should install at least 4 GB. And if you plan to install Windows 7, you will need even more.

The most in a simple way to find out how much memory your system needs is to launch the Task Manager (by pressing the keyboard combination ctrl+alt+del) and launch the most resource-consuming program or application. After this, you need to analyze the information in the “Memory Allocation” - “Peak” group.

In this way, you can determine the maximum allocated volume and find out to what volume it needs to be increased so that our highest indicator fits in RAM. This will give you maximum system performance. There will be no need to increase further.

Selecting RAM

Now let's move on to the question of choosing the RAM that is most suitable for you. From the very beginning, you should determine exactly the type of RAM that your computer's motherboard supports. For modules different types There are different connectors accordingly. Therefore, to avoid damage motherboard or modules themselves, the modules themselves have different sizes.

The optimal amounts of RAM were discussed above. When choosing RAM, you should focus on its bandwidth. For system performance, the most optimal option is when throughput module matches the same processor characteristic.

That is, if the computer has a processor with a 1333 MHz bus, the bandwidth of which is 10600 MB/s, then to ensure the most favorable conditions for performance, you can install 2 strips, the bandwidth of which is 5300 MB/s, and which in total will give us 10600 Mb/s

However, it should be remembered that for this mode of operation, the RAM modules must be identical in both volume and frequency. In addition, they must be manufactured by the same manufacturer. Here is a short list of well-proven manufacturers: Samsung, OCZ, Transcend, Kingston, Corsair, Patriot.

Finally, it is worth summarizing the main points:

  • Based on the definition: random access memory or RAM is component computer, necessary for temporary storage of data, which in turn is necessary for the processor to operate.
  • After completing any operations (closing programs, applications), all associated data is deleted from the chip. And when you launch new tasks into it with hard drive the data that the processor needs is loaded into at the moment time.
  • The speed of access to data located in RAM is several hundred times more speed access to information located on the hard drive. This allows the processor to use necessary information, gaining instant access to it.
  • Today, the most common 2 types are: DDR3 (with a frequency from 800 to 2400 MHz) and DDR4 (from 2133 to 4266 MHz). The higher the frequency, the faster the system operates.

If you have difficulty choosing RAM, if you cannot determine what type of RAM your motherboard supports and what volume will best suit your needs, then you can always contact the service website. We are this computer help at home in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our specialists will help with selection, replacement and installation in a computer or laptop.

Almost any composition computer equipment There are two types of memory. Permanent (non-volatile) memory is used to store MP3 songs, photos, videos, documents and others important files. What is the difference between RAM? What does RAM affect, how many gigabytes do you need? modern smartphone? This article will answer all these questions.

Any smartphone consists of many components. The biggest impact on the performance of the operating system is CPU(CPU). The second place in this ranking is definitely taken by random access memory (RAM). If this component is very slow, and the free space is very low, then the system and most applications will experience stuttering. As an example, let's remember the very first Symbian-based smartphones, the amount of RAM in which was measured in a few megabytes. On those devices, it was almost impossible to pause music playback to respond to incoming call- upon returning to music player the track started over again because there was not enough space in the RAM to store the current position.

The main difference between RAM and permanent memory is volatility. When the power is turned off, the RAM is reset to zero. But this type of memory is much faster than ROM.

Both then and now, RAM is divided into several conventional sections:

  • System- here is the operating system (Android, iOS), as well as all sorts of service modules pre-installed by the smartphone manufacturer. A branded shell may also be present in this segment. It is the system section that is filled with information first. The more speed memory used in the device, the faster the operating system loads.
  • Custom- this memory is available after the loading of the OS finishes. This section contains executable files different applications- Internet browser, instant messengers and others. Also here, firmware additions may gradually appear here, released by the gadget manufacturer in the form of updates.
  • Available- a small section reserved by the operating system. This “reservation” is needed to prevent problematic situations and quick launch new applications.

What does RAM affect?

What benefits does a user get if a smartphone has an increased amount of RAM? On such a device, more applications can run in the background. That is, the Internet browser will not load the page from scratch if you return to it after visiting many other programs. Also, with a large amount of RAM, it can work in the background huge amount messengers, torrent client and other types of applications. But the performance of the operating system itself depends not so much on the volume as on the speed characteristics of the RAM. Affects the operation of Android or iOS OS and optimization of the operating system.

Bill Gates once said that 640 KB of RAM is enough for any computer. Now, even a mobile operating system requires approximately 1 GB, and to this you also need to add a proprietary shell and applications that are then installed. And if the code is poorly optimized, then slowdowns and freezes will occur in any case. A good example are Samsung smartphones and tablets released before 2015. There was a sufficient amount of RAM in such devices, but the cumbersome and unoptimized interface literally forced the gadget to slow down from time to time.

The duration depends on the amount of RAM battery life. Everything here is banal. More background processes loads the CPU quite heavily. And this, in turn, entails increased energy consumption. Smartphone manufacturers are combating this with thinner chipset process technology, more capacious battery And better optimization pre-installed software.

How much RAM does a smartphone need?

As mentioned above, the operating room Android system can take up from 512 MB to 1 GB of RAM. Also, RAM is needed for those applications that will be installed as the device is used. This means that now you should not buy a smartphone that contains less than 2 GB of RAM. And this is already the minimum parameter! If you need to purchase a device that will definitely not be unloaded from memory recently running applications, then you need to think about a device whose characteristics include 4 GB or even more RAM.

Please note that you shouldn’t overdo it either. 8GB of RAM is just a marketing ploy. Android simply cannot yet consume such a huge amount. Only future versions of the operating system will learn to do this, which will quite possibly never arrive on the selected device.

How to free up RAM?

Many smartphone owners think that to free up RAM, they just need to open the list of previously running applications, and then click “Close all”. In part, this really helps to free up some RAM, which will help, for example, run the game better. But sometimes more effective methods are required.

Many branded shells have built-in tools for freeing up RAM. Applications can be unloaded from it automatically, once every certain period of time. But much more often you have to free up memory manually. Let's consider the user's actions using the example of a smartphone from Samsung:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Click on the item " Optimization».

Step 3. Wait until the device check is completed, then click on “ RAM" Or click on the button " Optimize"if you want to free permanent memory.

Step 4. An additional check will be launched in the “RAM” subsection. Then you need to press the button " Clear" The system will first tell you exactly how much RAM will be freed.

On smartphones and tablets from other companies, the built-in optimizer utility may be located somewhere in the menu; in this case, visiting “Settings” is not required. There are proprietary shells without a built-in ability to free up RAM. Fortunately, no one prevents the user from downloading from Google Play special application doing the same thing. The site has a separate article about the best optimizers for Android - all you have to do is choose the appropriate option. Let's try to download and install CCleaner.

Step 1. Launch the installed application. When starting for the first time, you will need to press the " Begin».

Step 2. The program may also offer to update to paid version. It is devoid of advertising and supplemented with some useful features. If you don’t want to spend money yet, then click the “ Continue for free».

Step 3. The main window of the application indicates the filled amount of ROM and RAM. In order for the program to understand exactly how much volume can be released, you should click the “ Analysis».

Step 4. When you first start on latest versions Android will display a warning that the utility requires permission to work with certain sections of the operating system. Click the button Clear" and provide the requested permissions.

Step 5. Analysis can take quite a long time long time- it all depends on how long ago CCleaner was launched in last time. When the process is completed, you need to check the boxes next to those elements that can be deleted from permanent and RAM memory. After this, all you have to do is press the “ Clear».

Step 6. In the future, you can order the program to automatically clear RAM and ROM. This is done in separate section. However, to activate this feature you will need to purchase a paid version of the application.

Cleaning RAM in modern Android versions required quite rarely. Mostly this action may be needed before starting some very heavy game. In general, you don't have to think about RAM if the amount of this type of memory is equal to or greater than 4 GB.

Summing up

This article made it clear what RAM is in a smartphone. RAM is much faster than flash memory, but it requires a constant supply of energy, without which all information will simply be deleted. We advise you to familiarize yourself with how to increase permanent memory - this article is also very relevant for owners of budget smartphones.

Your computer uses random access memory (RAM) to operate running programs. If it runs slowly, it may be due to low RAM. So, how do you find out how much RAM is on your computer?

Run diagnostics

You can check how much memory is installed, as well as how much is actually used.

First, you should open the “System” form in one of the following ways:

  1. Press the Win + Pause key combination at the same time - this will open the “System” form.
  2. Open the Start menu, call context menu from the “Computer” item by clicking right button computer mouse. In the list, select “Properties” - the “System” form will open.
  3. Open the "Start" menu, select "Settings", go to "System", and click on "O" (Windows 10).

Find the inscription " Installed memory(RAM)". You can read the information about how much is installed and actually available for use.

Note that the “useful” amount of RAM is less, since manufacturers report the size differently than Windows recognizes. For example, out of 8 GB, 7.88 GB may be available for use.

Use command line to download a detailed report: find it in the Start menu or by pressing Win + R. In the text field, enter CMD to launch. Type WMIC MEMORYCHIP and press Enter. You will see the size and speed of each installed module.

Check your current RAM usage. Ctrl combination+ Shift + Esc open Task Manager. Select the "Resource Monitor" option, find the "Memory" tab. It is intended to be used, so there is no cause for alarm when you see that most of it is currently occupied by processes.

Reasons why the OS does not show the entire volume

There could be several different reasons why the full amount of RAM is not shown.

How to determine why there may be a lack of memory:

  1. If you work in Windows versions 32-bit, no more than 4 GB of RAM will be available for use. Any amount of RAM greater than this value will not be recognized. You can find out which version you have at the top of the System window. Upgrade to 64-bit.
  2. If your modules have different speeds, they cannot interact together properly. Use the command line to view the characteristics of each module.
  3. If one of your memory modules fails, the operating system cannot work with it. Use free MEMTEST program to scan modules and find errors.
  4. If modules are not supported by your motherboard, they will not be recognized by Windows. Read the documentation for motherboard in order to purchase RAM that will be supported by it.

For quite some time now, there has been a myth circulating around the computer world that the more RAM is installed on a computer, the faster it will work and the performance will grow and grow. One of my friends, following the principle “the more the better,” spent a lot of money and installed as many as 64 Gigabytes of RAM. Imagine his surprise when he no longer felt much difference after 16 Gigabytes. This raises the question: how much RAM does a computer need? Now we will look into this issue in detail!

Random access memory - RAM or RAM - in a computer device is designed to store temporary data used during the operation of the operating system and programs installed in it. Depending on what the computer or laptop is used for, the volume required for comfortable work RAM.

So how much RAM should you install?

First, let's define this moment. I will give recommendations for modern PCs, which means we will assume that it uses an SSD drive and an operating system Windows system 10. The fact is that modern operating systems perform operations with a regular HDD much slower than with a solid-state drive.

Now let's move on directly to the selection of memory. If you are assembling a simple office computer to work with text, tables and the Internet, then 4 GB of RAM will be enough for him. For maximum comfort, you can install 8 GB, but this is at your discretion.

For average home PC, used for the Internet, watching movies and sometimes playing mid-level games, 8 GB of RAM should be enough. If the computer is larger with a focus on games, then it is better to install 12 GB of RAM.

Minimum amount of RAM gaming computer at the time of writing - 12 GB. Here the emphasis on the word is minimal. Optimal volume, if the user is not an ardent gamer who loves to set the maximum quality of textures, it will be 16 GB. This amount of RAM is quite enough for games now! Don’t forget that the lion’s share of the video processing load is taken by the video card, which means it should also be given attention and upgraded as needed.

I am often asked whether it is necessary to add RAM if now everything is working fine and there is enough performance. Kind of like looking forward to the future. Personally, I think that in this case, upgrading the RAM does not make any sense, since it will not affect the overall performance of the system. Better spend this money on upgrading those components that need it!