Blue screen of death (BSoD) - dealing with errors. Problems with the remote control program

Many of you have probably already heard more than once from friends and acquaintances about such a thing as the Windows 7 blue screen of death that appeared on their computer, also called BSOD ( Blue Screen of Death).

With the appearance of a blue screen, Windows warns us that, and it is advisable to eliminate them in a timely manner. The death screen displays error codes by which you can understand why it is happening, and from this you can conclude which component of the computer is malfunctioning or a software problem.

If your computer with Windows 7 begins to issue a BSOD, then you and I need to understand why it appears, and to do this you need to write down the error code in your notepad or take a photo of the monitor screen, and then fill in the error data in the search bar or, we look for what it means or read the entire article, in it you will find codes for the most common errors due to which the blue screen of death appears. But first, we will do the preparatory work.

In order for you and me to have time to record or photograph the blue screen error code, we need to do some system settings.

You need to disable rebooting the PC when an error occurs, and also enable recording of debugging information in a memory dump.

  • Memory dump- the contents of RAM at a certain point in time, let’s say a special image.
  • Small memory dump - part of memory that is written to HDD during failures, only the most important information remains there.

In order to go to the system settings, open “Start”, select “Computer”, click on it right click mouse and select “Properties”

A new window will open in which we select the “Advanced” tab and click the “Options” button in the “Boot and Recovery” item

Next, look at the “Recording debugging information” section, where you need to select “Small memory dump 256 KB”

Now your computer is set up, the next time it fails it will not reboot, and you can safely write down the error code or take a photo of it.

Blue screen of death, Windows 7 error codes

Let's now look at the most common error codes.

  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED - the computer generates this error if there is a problem with the hardware (for example, some computer component has failed) or a problem with the drivers.
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM – problems with the file system hard drive, this problem may occur in several cases:

* presence of viruses in the boot area of ​​the hard drive

* damage to the file system structure.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE - when this error appears, the Windows operating system says that it could not access the boot partition disk. There can be many problems that caused this error. For example, a problem in the PC hardware: the hard drive is damaged, the controller is faulty, the individual components computer or a software problem: viruses or file system errors.
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL – this error may appear due to a problem with drivers or some Windows system service
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA - a blue screen of death with this code means that the data that the system is looking for is not in memory; accordingly, when the operating system accesses, for example, data in the paging file, but there is nothing there, such an error will appear. The error often appears due to problems with RAM, errors system services Windows or due to a damaged file system.
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR – the operating system is unable to read data from memory. This error can be caused by faulty RAM, problems with hard drive due to unreadable sectors or HDD controller problem.
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR – The OS was unable to read the paging file and write data to the hard drive. The main reasons for this error: a problem with the RAM or hard drive.
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP is an error that appears at the system kernel level. The reasons that caused it can be both hardware and software.
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED – error caused by software glitch, problems with system services, drivers or applications
  • DATA BUS ERROR - a blue screen appears when there is a failure in the RAM or when the video adapter malfunctions.

Blue screen of death Windows 7, what to do?

After you and I have determined what error we are getting, we need to establish the reason why our computer began to malfunction. To do this, you need to remember what last changes happened on your computer. You may have installed new program or updated drivers for some device. To eliminate the human factor, you need to remove the latest installed programs, and also roll back the drivers to previous versions. If errors began to appear after installing new hardware in system unit, then you need to turn it off and watch the computer work.

In order to resolve the error caused by a software glitch, you need to try the following steps.

  • Roll back installed new drivers to the previous version;
  • Execute Windows startup with last known good configuration;
  • Perform a system restore using standard function Windows.

I advise you to check the amount remaining free space on system partition hard drive, as a small amount of memory can cause system failures. Don't forget to check your computer for viruses, you can use free utility Dr.Web Cureit or the utility from Kaspersky Lab KVRT. If the blue screen of death continues to appear, I recommend installing the latest Windows 7 update package.

Reset BIOS settings by default, the computer components may have been overclocked incorrectly, causing the hardware to run at incorrect settings, different from the factory ones, thereby causing malfunctions during operation. To reset the settings, you need to go into the BIOS, press the F5 key and press F10 to save the settings. The computer should restart and apply the new settings.

Good day readers, Trishkin Denis is in touch.

So we come to a scary topic that scares many computer users - a blue screen. It appears as a result of a variety of reasons. At the same time, you can fight them using both software and physical level. In this article I will tell you how to remove the death screen in the operating room. Windows system 7 as a result of various problems.

BSoD (short for Blue Screen of Death), known as the blue screen of death, is an error that is familiar to many users working on Windows different versions. If it occurs, an image of the corresponding color appears on the monitor. Written on it in white various information. At the same time, it is impossible to go anywhere. This occurs as a result of the system detecting a serious error. In fact, a blue screen is an abnormal shutdown.

Reasons for appearance( )

Exist different reasons, leading to the appearance of BSoD on the computer:

    Problems with hardware (hard drive, video card and other components)

    There is a conflict between connected devices.

    Incompatible hardware with the operating system used.

    Overheating of one of the components.

    Inappropriate drivers or driver conflicts.

    Incompatibility of the program with the system.

    Incorrect BIOS settings.

  1. Artificial acceleration of the processor, video card or RAM.

According to statistics, most often problems arise with drivers. That is why it is recommended to install the appropriate software only from official or trusted sites. The best thing is to find the program on the manufacturer’s website.

Blue Screen Diagnosis( )

To fix current situation, you first need to find out why the failure occurred.

If for some reason you get a blue screen, don’t worry too much right away. In most cases, this can be fixed without losing any information.

All the necessary data appears on the screen itself, which is enough to find a malfunction or conflict.

It shows the following information:

    The entire third line is the name of the error.

    Then after the word STOP: the hexadecimal error code (0x100000d1) is indicated.

    The following shows the name of the file that is likely causing the problem.

    The name is followed by the address of the place where the event took place - this is not always indicated.

Most likely, the information found to a simple user may not say anything, and therefore it is advisable to look for any matches on the Internet. Fortunately, today many people have not only a computer or laptop, but also a smartphone, tablet and even TVs with access to the world wide web. The information found will indicate problematic device or software.

You can specify different data in the search bar:

    Name of the error.

    Error code.

    Code along with driver.

    Code and name.

Don’t get upset right away, because most likely someone has already encountered a similar problem and solved it. This could be unplugging a new device, reinstalling drivers, uninstalling a program - in other words, anything.

In addition, find out all necessary information possible using special program. It is simple and straightforward to use.

If you experience a blue screen, don't panic. First, clean your computer from dust. If this does not help, change the battery on the board. The machine started working without problems - everything was fine. If this happens again, you need to move on to the next measures.

Speaking globally, the reasons appearance of BSoD are divided into three main groups:




If any additional boards are connected, they must also be tested. The best thing is to take them out of the case one by one and work at the computer for a while. If everything is fine, the problem has been found. If not, try another one.

If, after checking all the boards, everything is in working mode, you need to pay attention to the power supply. To do this, you need to conduct appropriate tests with it.

It is advisable to load the system and measure operating temperature. If the norm is exceeded, contact a service center where they will clean the system, change the thermal paste and, if necessary, replace the power supply.

One of the most effective options (by at least this has helped me more than once) is to disconnect all components from each other, including the hard drive and optical drives, and then connect back. Before doing this, you need to remove the power cord.

Important! In this case, problems may arise even when installing Windows, since the hardware itself does not work well.

This includes problems with certain software. How to fix? It's simple - reinstall. If necessary, contact the developer resource to find the latest version.

It is important to remove previous software in advance. To do this, you can use not only built-in capabilities.

Don't forget about Windows updates. Important ones must be set. Others view and use the most necessary ones.

Sometimes cleaning the system of viruses helps, because they can affect the performance of not only programs, but also devices. At the same time, you should not overdo it and install two antiviruses at once, because most likely a conflict between them will lead to a blue screen (unless, of course, no problems arise during installation).

As mentioned earlier, they are the most common causes of BSoD.

What to do? No need to worry - find and reinstall. Initially, it is advisable to remove the past software yourself. If this does not help, just as in the case of programs, go to the developer’s website and download latest version. Sometimes, on the contrary, using a previous build helps.

If the version of your utility does not differ from that offered by the developer, check compatibility. In case of discrepancy, replace the equipment or reinstall Windows.

Death screen delay( )

Often, many people use computers without thinking about the occurrence of such a problem. When it occurs, by default the system has an algorithm that automatically restarts the computer. This happens quickly, which is why many people simply don’t even have time to write down necessary information For search.

To avoid such problems, you need to set the blue screen delay on your monitor in advance.

To do this you need:

Most popular mistakes( )

There are many problems that cause BSoD. Accordingly, the computer produces different information.

Despite this, there are error codes that are more common than others:

    0×00000001: APC_INDEX_MISMATCH. Internal error kernels. It usually appears due to a mismatch of some parameters in file system. If possible, they should be changed. Otherwise, reinstall the OS.

    0x0000001E: KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. Similar problems most often point to the functions or programs that led to the appearance of the screen of death. It is important to look not only at the name, but also at the address that contains the error.

    0×00000012: TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN. This code indicates that the cause of the problem is unknown. In this case, it is important to track the moment when exactly it occurs. For example, you may have done something or tried to do something. In any case, some changes had to happen.

There are many reasons why screens of death occur. Personally, they appeared for me due to problems with the hard drive and drivers. In the first case, reconnection helped. And in the second the problem went away after Windows installations. In any case, don’t panic, just check everything point by point and fix the problem.

I hope my knowledge helped you. Invite your friends to join us so that they too understand computers.

Blue screen death (BSoD – blue screen of death) – the result of a serious error that occurred during operation operating system. Actually, that's why it got its name - if you saw it, the error is so serious that the computer has nothing left to do except turn off Windows and reboot. This does not always mean that something is broken, perhaps just some isolated failure occurred. This article describes the most common reasons why a Blue Screen of Death occurs when loading Windows, and what to do if it happens on your computer.

General information

The operating system is a very complex complex various programs and services. They all constantly interact with each other, create new files according to given algorithms, which are then used by other programs, and so on. Of course, Windows developers provide great amount protection against failures and errors, but they can still occur.

Blue Screen of Death occurs if built-in measures Windows protection were unable to fix the problem. The system will try various methods, but if all else fails, she will have to urgently shut down her work and restart the PC. Such errors are called unsolvable.

For comfort Windows users shows the reason why the operation was stopped. If you carefully examine the blue screen, it becomes clear that the reason for the “death” of the OS is written on it, recommendations on what to do to eliminate errors, as well as special code. You can enter this code in your search engine to find out more about this problem full information, and also receive instructions on how to solve the problem.

Possible causes

In order to understand what to do to fix the problem, you need to know why it happened. IN this list most represented common reasons Death screen appears:

  1. There is not enough free space on the system hard drive. If your drive C (or another one containing system Windows files) is packed to capacity, a similar error may occur.
  2. Drivers are not working correctly - you may have installed wrong version drivers for one of the devices, or during the installation process an issue occurred system failure, system operation may be interrupted, including when attempting to boot.
  3. Registry errors - occur when incorrect installation programs. You may have downloaded a broken application installer, or your PC is infected with viruses, which is causing the problem.
  4. Damaged system files – this often happens on older operating systems. Over time, many small errors accumulate on the disk, which may one day cause the death of Windows.
  5. Unstable work internal components personal computer. A normal breakdown, power outages, overheating - all this can also cause a blue screen.

Problem solving

Some of these loading errors can be easily resolved by users on their own. For others, you may have to turn to specialists.

The first thing you should do if you see a blue screen of death is try to remember the code indicated at the very bottom. After this, try turning on your computer as usual. Often problems occur once and will not happen again.

If the problem returns after a reboot, you need to start Windows using the Last Known Good Configuration. To do this you need to do the following:

If the cause of death and the appearance of a blue screen were problems with the registry, system files, or recently installed drivers, a similar approach can solve this problem.

If BSoD appears every time you boot Windows, it is recommended to try performing a system restore using a disk or bootable USB flash drive.

The Windows 7 blue screen of death, also known as BSOD (blue screen of dearh), appears when a critical error occurs in the operating system, due to which it is impossible to continue using the computer. Typically, this error occurs due to the fault of system drivers, but this does not always happen. It is worth noting that despite its menacing appearance, the error is often solved quite simply, which many users do not know about. Sometimes it even goes away on its own after rebooting the system. Therefore, in this article I will tell you what this “Blue Screen of Death” error is, when it occurs and how it can be overcome.

It is noteworthy that every operating system has this kind of error, for example, in Linux this is akin to the “Kernel Panic” error.

The Windows 7 operating system provides many different tools to solve error problems. For example, if you noticed, then when an error appears in individual programs, the system itself continues to execute, showing you only a small window with text.

However, Windows 7 is essentially the same set of programs. Internal mechanisms allow you to cope with a number of your own errors, but there are also those after which the system simply cannot continue its execution. These errors are insoluble and the only thing the system can do in this case is to warn the user about them, and then perform an emergency reboot of the computer.

Since errors may be related to the video card, they are displayed in the in simple form, namely in the form of white or yellow text on a blue background, which fully describes the situation in which a critical system failure occurred. Actually, because of the background and fatality of the error, it received the name “Blue Screen of Death”, which became the basis of many existing jokes about Windows 7.

For most users, only two fragments of the entire typing are important; they are shown in the figure below:

As you can see, the first fragment is an inscription with uppercase letters and an underscore separator, and the second fragment is a description of files and codes. These are the ones that need to be written down or remembered, and then look for their decryption on the Internet or on the Microsoft website.

Possible causes of the Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death error

Before you try to solve a problem, you need to understand its source. There can be many of them, but there are the most basic ones:

1. Problems with drivers. Unlike regular programs, with drivers, not everything is simple. Their errors can be critical for the operating system and therefore cannot simply be taken and restarted. For example, one of common mistakes there is a problem with the drivers network cards. In such cases, a simple reinstallation of the drivers is usually sufficient.

2. Lack of free space on the system disk. The operating system, during its execution, like some programs, creates temporary files on the system disk, so if at a critical moment there is no disk space, the system may display the “Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death”. This problem can be solved by simply cleaning the system disk.

3. Another mistake is damaging important system files. In this case, it is necessary to carry out Windows recovery 7.

4. Registry errors. This kind of error occurs very rarely, but it does happen. IN in this case, you need to search for a solution on the Internet using the text from the blue screen of death.

5. Equipment breakdown. Errors can arise not only from programs and this is also important to take into account. For example, statics on motherboard may cause the screen of death to appear. Or normal computer overheating. At home, it is not always possible to cope with these types of errors. For example, with cooling you can solve the problem yourself, but with statics only if you have the tools and appropriate skills.

In most cases, errors occur due to some changes in the system configuration, for example, reinstalling drivers or installing specific programs, so loading Windows 7 with the last known good configuration can solve the problem (sometimes just a reboot is enough). However, I advise you to look on the Internet for the true cause of the error after loading the system. Returning, here are instructions on how to load the latest configuration:

1. Restart your computer and wait until after the first information screen, the screen turns black.

2. At this point, press the F8 key to display a menu as shown in the figure above.

3. Within 30 seconds, among the items you must select “Launch with the latest successful configurations" and press the enter button.

If the problem is not solved, then you need to try to start the system in safe mode, to do this, in step 3 you need to select the appropriate item. In other cases, you need to look for an explanation of the error on the Internet and the appropriate way to solve it. However, it is also useful to know something about diagnostics.

The problem with the Windows 7 blue screen of death is not only the error itself, but also the fact that by default, this error is displayed for only a few seconds. This is done so that an abandoned computer due to an accidental failure will reboot without user help and “possibly” continue to function (if the error disappears after a reboot). Be that as it may, this is quite inconvenient when diagnosing, but this feature can be disabled and here’s how it’s done:

The blue screen of death really is global problem on any computer. Its appearance always confuses any user, because the text displayed is very difficult to understand. But if you analyzed the information in the BSOD and found a failure System_Service_Exception(error code 0x0000003b), then it is likely that you will fix this stop error even without reinstalling Windows (7/8/10).

Causes of System_Service_Exception error

This problem is so widespread that Microsoft has officially initiated proceedings within the operating system. We managed to find out the root cause of the blue screen of death. They turned out to be several of the most important drivers Win32k.sys And IEEE 1394, or rather an error in initializing their buffer. THEIR conflicts provoke major problems with RAM on the computer.

More often error 0x0000003b notice in Windows 7(with x64 bit). Typically, a blue screen is the main problem when there are many users on the PC. Switching them frequently leads to failures, so you should definitely try to reduce the number of administrators. Also often the crash occurs due to the browser Google Chrome.

How to fix STOP error 0x0000003b?

The user needs to initially notice when exactly the error appears. If it appears after turning on specific program on your computer, then uninstall it, and before reinstallation clean the registry of residual entries.

Checking RAM

In cases where system_service_exception appears in at the very beginning launching your OS, you need to consider the RAM(her fee). Open your computer and remove the boards one by one, unless of course there are several of them. Perhaps one of them, by coincidence, stopped working. If this helps, then you should change the non-working RAM stick.

You can also check your RAM via special utility- MemTest86.

Also worth a try old-fashioned method- remove the battery (tablet) on the motherboard, pull all the cables and contacts, reconnect the boards. And it won’t hurt to clean everything from dust once again.

Apply the patch “Stop 0x0000003b Win32k.sys”

Visit Microsoft's page about code 0x0000003b - You can learn a lot here useful information regarding possible reasons Problems. A file will be offered for download at the top of the site. "Hotfix Download Available"(but it may be written differently). The company recommends installing this patch for Win32k.sys to fix the blue screen. Download and install this update only if the error code is exactly 0x0000003b. In other cases it will not help you.

Here is a short video instruction (in English, but no less understandable) that shows how to download and install the patch for Win32k.sys.

Other options

  • Download the latest version from the official website DirectX. Try updating it on your PC.


"STOP error 0x0000003b" in Windows 7/8/10 (x32, x64) can be solved thanks to several simple updates And third party utilities. However, in extreme cases, resort to complete reinstallation Windows. The main thing is to use clean builds. I hope you found a solution for yourself, and in the comments please note which one it is. Thank you.