Collection of direct keywords. Paid and free services for keyword parsing

We continue the series of articles about Yandex Direct. Last week, let me remind you, we talked about where it could be located. Today Vera Kargina talks about how to select words for Yandex Direct (although it would be more accurate to call them queries), how to correctly use special operators, and how to forecast a campaign budget.

By the way, if you share the article on social networks (for this there are social network buttons under the subscription form under the article), more people will have access to such detailed and understandable information about Direct. Otherwise we write, “but the men don’t know” :)

What is a request?

A query is a phrase or word that a user enters in the search bar. It is she who reflects his interest, and this should be used first of all.

All queries are like a nesting doll: they are included in each other from the broadest to the narrowest. The narrower the request, the more words he contains.

In this example, the broad query “bicycle” includes all other narrower queries. And, in turn, each of these queries includes all subsequent narrower phrases.

Queries can also be represented as a pyramid:

In this example, the broadest query is “refrigerator.”

Broad queries cover a very large audience that may be interested, for example, not only in purchasing a refrigerator, but also in repairs, reviews, and proper storage in the refrigerator of any products, since this query includes absolutely all phrases in which the word “refrigerator” is present.


Yandex Direct does not take into account morphology by default, so requests in any number and case are perceived by the system as equal. But please note that if these are just words with the same root, but different parts of speech, these will be different queries for the system.


Before talking anything else about queries, you need to get acquainted with the most important statistics tool in Yandex - Wordstat. You can find it using the “Word Selection” link in the Yandex Direct interface or using the direct link:

It’s worth noting right away that selecting words in Yandex Direct for further loading into the campaign is not very convenient here, since you will have to copy the phrases manually. This tool is more intended for viewing statistics.

To view statistics for a keyword, you must first select the region where future ads will be displayed.

We add the query itself to the line (by default, the checkbox is on the “by words” item, which is what we need) and click “select”. We get a sign like this.

In the left column we see all the words that the query “New Year's gifts” includes, and statistics on them (how many times users from the selected region typed this query in Yandex search over the past month).

In the right column are queries that were also typed by users searching for plastic windows. They can serve as hints on what other words to choose on a given topic.

In the same tool, you can see how query statistics differ in different regions. To do this, you need to tick the “by region” box.

Many requests are seasonal. For example, tires or New Year's gifts. If you calculate the budget for the winter season in the fall, you may get incorrect data, because... statistics are taken for the previous month. It is unlikely that these requests will be popular in the summer or early autumn, but you can see how statistics have changed throughout the year and know what to expect from the budget. To do this, check the “query history” box:

The graph shows that the peak for the request “winter tires” occurs in November-December and the difference is huge.

Using Special Operators

Imagine the user enters search bar word aquarium. What could he mean? Does he want to buy an empty aquarium? Or maybe he needs an aquarium with fish? Or does he want to make an aquarium with his own hands? Looking for desktop wallpaper? Or does he want to listen to Boris Grebenshchikov?

Let's assume that we are selling aquariums, and we don't need our ad to be seen by fans of BG or jacks of all trades.

To clarify the request and restrictions target audience special operators can be used.

Operator "-" (negative words). Allows you to exclude queries that include a particular word from statistics. The “-” operator is placed close to the excluded word, without a space. The operator is preceded by a space. For example, if you specify repair - warranty, you can get impression statistics for all queries that include the word repair, except those that contain the word warranty. If you need to exclude queries with words from the calculation warranty And free, you need to specify: repair - warranty - free.

For our aquarium it will look like this:

Let's look at another example. We need to sell a house by the lake and, of course, we will use such a request for our advertising. But using this phrase, users can search for information about the film of the same name.

To cut off unnecessary audiences, we need to cancel everything related to the film.

The request in this case will look like this: house by the lake -film -keanu -reeves -download -dvd – watch – online – free.

Please note that a space is not placed after the minus, but before the minus.

Now imagine that you, on the contrary, are advertising an online cinema. In request Lake house there is a preposition " at", and Yandex does not take into account prepositions by default. That is, requests Lake house And house lake will be the same for the system. And, if in the case of real estate, users can type a query in any form, for example, houses by the lake, house in front of the lake, house near the lake, then the title of the film will certainly not change in any way, and the pretext “ at" will be present in the phrase in any case. A preposition can be fixed using a special operator.

Operator "+". Allows you to force prepositions or conjunctions that are ignored to be taken into account in statistics search engine and, accordingly, the statistics of word selection. For example, the total number of impressions for a query car products matches the number of impressions on request car goods. If the preposition " For"Basically, you need to type in the input field: goods + for car. The preposition will be included in the request in all its forms.

Usually in query statistics the operator " + » is used by default in all phrases containing prepositions or conjunctions. To get the number of impressions for a phrase without taking into account function word it is necessary to reformulate the request, removing from it “ + "or the function word itself.

But let's return to the film "House by the Lake". After fixing the preposition " at“It is necessary to eliminate everything related to real estate.

The phrase will look like this: house + by the lake – Moscow region – big – small – city – meter – square.

Sometimes it happens that a word needs to be deleted completely, that is, ad impressions should be strictly based on the request that you have chosen, and there should be no impressions for all phrases embedded in it.

This need arises when the request is very broad, and there are few necessary phrases among the included ones and it is better to write them separately. To avoid minus this query endlessly, there is a quote operator.

Operator "" (quotes). Allows you to take into account impressions only for this word (phrase) and all its word forms in the calculation, and not take into account impressions for queries containing a phrase with a given word.

Let's look at an example. If you enter in Wordstat word blankets, then we will see that over the past month users have typed it in the search engine 199,068 times. But here is the phrase blankets includes all queries nested within it.

If we enter a query in quotes, we will see that one word at a time blankets there were only 3,934 impressions.

Now let's imagine that we need to select queries for the website of a company that sells billiard cues.

As we already know, Yandex Direct does not take into account declination, and if we put the word “cue” in the genitive case and plural, we get...

To fix the form of a word, use Exclamation point in front of him.

Operator "!" Allows you to take into account impressions only for a given word form in the calculation. Operator "!" placed close to the keyword, without a space. The operator is preceded by a space ( sale! billiard cue).

If we don't use an exclamation mark before the word cue V in this example, then upon request " sale of billiard cues"We will be seen by those who enter, for example, the query " sale of billiard tables in Kyiv».

And one more example. We sell household goods and use the request cover. In addition to the noun we need, this word is a verb in the past tense. And the verb cover in turn is a form of the imperative mood cut, which is also a noun (for example, dress cut). Thus, cover And cut for the system will be the same request. Therefore, here you also need to fix the form of the word with an exclamation mark.

Sometimes the word order is important for a query, which the system does not take into account by default either. This is most often necessary when selling tickets for directions requests.

Operator "" (order). Allows you to fix the order of words in the query. IN square brackets It is not necessary to take the entire phrase, but only that part of it that needs to be recorded.

Or, for example, you sell auto parts. Request car parts equal to request car for parts, since prepositions are not taken into account. Of course, you can fix the preposition “ For", but there will probably be users who will write and car for parts. Therefore in in this case It is better to fix both the preposition and the word order.

The request will look like this: [spare parts + for car].

With their help, you can create an expression like: repair (cars | motor vehicles) (VAZ | GAZ) - warranty - free. It will be equivalent to queries using the following set of words: VAZ car repair - warranty - free, GAZ car repair - warranty - free, VAZ car repair - warranty - free, GAZ car repair - warranty - free.

Operators are very useful tool, which can be used not only to clarify key phrases in Yandex Direct, but also for Yandex search.

How to select queries for different types platforms?

Search sites and thematic sites have different audiences, so you need to select queries for them differently.

Direct search platforms

The search audience is a hot audience, it is already ready to buy your product or service, and is already looking for it. Search platforms are great for selling something quickly.

To effectively select words for ads that will appear in searches, it is important to follow the following principles:

On thematic sites, the query as such is not used, because there is nothing to search for here.

And although requests are not visible on the sites themselves, in the Yandex.Direct interface it is with the help keywords We choose which sites our ads will be shown on. Therefore, for thematic platforms it is best to:

Forecasting the advertising campaign budget and selecting queries in the forecasting tool

The Budget Forecast tool is convenient not only for planning expenses for an advertising campaign, but also for simply selecting queries, because it is here that the selected phrases can be uploaded to an Excel file.

The budget forecast is located at the link of the same name in the Direct interface. Here you also first need to select the regions in which you will work advertising campaign. Then you can immediately enter the words in the field (separated by commas or in a column), if they already exist.

In this case, a column with tips will appear on the right, from which you can also select queries by simply clicking on them.

You can also click the “select” button, then Wordstat will open, but in it you can now check the boxes next to the necessary queries, thereby adding them to the calculation.

After the words are selected, you need to click the “count” button. A page with a forecast opens, which can later be downloaded into one file.

In the resulting table you can see the forecast of the click price for each word in different positions and the approximate forecast of CTR. Below there is a field in which you can add more requests.

Now you can work with the selected words, clarify them, or select more words.

If you click the “clarify” button next to a query, queries nested within this phrase will appear. Choosing unnecessary ones among them, we add negative keywords to the phrase.

By clicking the “select” button, we can add phrases from those included in this request to the calculation.

Here you can upload the budget forecast into a table, which will then be convenient to work with.

Word selection within the campaign

You can add new words to existing advertisements or create new ones.

The familiar selection tool will open:

Now you know how to select the right queries for an advertising campaign.

  • you can read the beginning of our story about Direct.
  • We'll talk about which texts are needed for search and which for platforms next week.
  • Well, the last part of our story will be devoted.

Keywords are search queries of Yandex users.

For the Yandex.Direct test, it is better to use only hot keywords with a clear purchasing need. You need to prepare for the gathering - make a list of masks.

1. Keyword masks

Masks are general queries that include keywords. An example of a mask and its occurrences in the word selection service -

To collect masks, you need to make a list of thematic words. I do this in the program xmind, but it can also be done in Excel. Basic functions enough and they are free.

Example brainstorming in xmind:

Filling a map in xmind:

Materials for the video:

  • selling supplements - .

Let's continue. When the map is ready, you need to multiply its components. The meaning is:

  1. we need primary masks that characterize the product and can be selling ones - “buy wallpaper”, “sale wallpaper”
  2. and secondary, any word from the card categories, for example - “liquid”, “children’s”, “kitchen”
  3. by multiplying the 1st and 2nd we obtain the main masks; we will use them to collect the semantic core.

Here is a video on multiplying masks:

Multiplication services:

The masks are ready, now we need to get the keywords - collect the semantics. More on this below.

2. Collecting keywords

The long way— enter each mask into and copy queries from statistics. Please note that there will be up to 40 pages of statistics for each mask. Wordstat instructions:

Fast way- buy Key Collector on the official website, he himself collects keywords from Wordstat. Collector instructions:

3. Removing duplicates

The keywords have been collected, now they need to be checked for duplicates. I’ll tell you how to do this in the key-collector program...


4. Sorting keywords

I already wrote that Yandex.Direct needs to be tested on hot keywords.

If a person does not leave a request for “apartment renovation,” then the request “tools for apartment renovation” is unlikely to change anything. Keywords need to be sorted into hot, warm and cold.

Sorting video:

5. Cross track

To prevent keywords from intersecting and creating competition for each other, you need to minus them.

Video about the backing track:

Backing track service:


You should have a list of keywords on hand - save it, we will need it later. If something seems unclear, write in the comments.

To be as broad as possible, you need to use keyword parsers. General principle The work is as follows: we compile lists of basic queries from which we will collect other queries; select the region we need; enter necessary requests and by pressing a button we begin collecting keywords. Further using quick filter we delete key phrases containing . After this, we will find out the frequency of all ready-made key phrases for the area we have chosen. We export the data to Excel, sort the phrases into low-frequency and high-frequency ones. Next, we begin to work on creating ads for the selected keywords.

Watch the video on correct selection Yandex Direct keywords

The most popular and in a convenient way selection of keywords for Yandex Direct is a service from Yandex itself called “Wordstat” at . In this article, we will consider in detail its main functions and capabilities, and also use an example to show the process of collecting the semantic core. You can also watch our video below.

Let's start working with Wordstat by selecting the region or regions for which further promotion is planned. For example, let's take the most popular ones - Moscow and Moscow Region.

We see that people searched for our phrase a total of 91,367 times in one month. To find out how many people entered the exact request “Yandex Direct”, let’s put it in quotation marks.

We learn that it was administered about 40 thousand times. Let's return to the previous window to select keywords. We have work ahead of us in several stages:

Stages of creating a semantic core for Yandex Direct

1. Collect what you find search phrases.

2. Find additional mask queries from the right column. These are similar relevant queries to ours, but with a different component. For example, our request “Yandex Direct” and the request from the right column “Yandex Advertising” are both suitable for compiling a semantic core, but they differ from each other and belong to different masks. The form of the word is not taken into account: “ ” and “ ” are the same search phrase, although the meaning may be different.

3. Save the masks in a separate file.

4. Using ready-made masks, we collect queries that Wordstat shows.

5. Filter requests.

Let's give another example. Let's say we have an online store selling all types of furniture. Enter the word “furniture” into Wordstat.

In the right column you can select masks such as: kitchen, sofa, closet, and so on.

However, when we enter the same word "closet" we see great amount search phrases. In this case, you need to segment the mask into subsections to avoid collecting unnecessary non-target phrases. For the theme “Wardrobe”, masks for further collection of phrases can be the phrases “Buy a wardrobe”, “Wardrobe” and so on.

Once the masks are selected, we move on to the fourth step - collecting search phrases. It is not possible to do this manually (especially with a large semantic core), so we will turn to a third-party service for help. In our case, this will be a program from the site. Go to the “Seo software” section, and then select the second program in the list (it is free, unlike the first). Download and run on your computer.

Working with the Yandex Direct keyword parser

1. Open the program and go to the “Create project” tab.

2. Select the required regions below to collect indicators and search phrases (as in Wordstat). We also indicate exactly your region, as shown in the photo below.

3. On the right there is a menu “Manage groups”. We use them to enter our previously collected masks. We enter the first “Yandex Direct”. Next we have two similar phrases “set up direct” and “set up direct”: logically they are the same thing, however, despite the common root, the form of the words is different. Therefore, they are 2 different masks and you need to collect search phrases for each of them separately. Let’s add the “advertising direct” mask to our program and start collecting phrases.

4. Go to the settings section. Next, go to Yandex Direct. We indicate the login and password for the unused Yandex Direct account using a colon. This is mandatory, since he may eventually be banned due to being too large quantity requests from our program. If you don't have extra account- create. Click the “Save changes” button.

5. Now directly collect search phrases using masks. Select “batch word collection” as shown in the image below.
In the window that opens, select “distribute into groups.” Let's add all the masks and subgroups (if you have them). It looks like this:

To prevent phrases from intersecting, leave a checkmark at the top for “Do not add a phrase if it is already in any other groups.” And click “Start collection”. It is worth considering that when collecting a large number of phrases, the program can work for hours, and sometimes tens of hours. At this time, you can prepare your pages for future advertising. If you have a small or medium semantic core- Most likely, one hour will be enough. Once the search phrases are collected, it's time to move on to the next step - filtering keywords from non-target queries.

The next step in selecting queries deserves special attention, as it contains quite a few nuances. We will describe filtering results in the next article and in the corresponding video.

Keywords – set specific words or phrases, when used in search queries or website context, will be shown advertisements specific advertisers.

  • using the advertising system interface;
  • using additional software- Direct. Commander;
  • via Excel spreadsheets.

Adding keywords in the Yandex.Direct interface

Keywords are added to the interface when creating a new campaign or editing an already running campaign.

To create a new campaign, click on the “Create Campaign” button on top panel controls:

From the drop-down list, select the type of advertising campaign “Text and image ads”. The first form to fill out is loaded on the page - information about the advertising campaign. Here, be sure to indicate the name of the campaign and the region of display:

Information is indicated directly in the form - about the name and type of group, headings, text and links to which the advertisements lead are entered. Here they also add additions to ads, as well as information about keywords and negative phrases.

The field for adding keywords to an ad group looks like this:

Add no more than 200 keywords to one ad group. Keys are inserted into a field as a list, in a column, or entered manually. The system will offer options for new keywords in the right column, similar in meaning to the keys entered in left column. If you click on the arrow next to a word, it moves to the left column, that is, it is added to the list of keywords that will be used to display ads.

If the situation with keywords is unsatisfactory, or you have not yet managed to collect keywords, the word selection function will come to the rescue - the built-in statistics collection service Wordstat. First you need one phrase that corresponds to the advertised product:

If you intend to use individual negative phrases for this ad group that do not affect impressions of other groups from this campaign, enter the following phrases in the “Negative phrases per group” column:

In each ad group, set individual parameters for display region, audience selection, tags, bid adjustments, and the highest bid for new and changed display conditions.

After filling out the required fields (don’t forget about the ads themselves), saving and sending the group for moderation, the keywords will be published, and after passing moderation they will become active.

Since all actions in the interface are performed online, do not worry about cross-backing, as the system will make the adjustment automatically.

On the Ad Group Management page, set bids for the added keywords, either individually or for all of them at once.

To add keywords to an existing group, click “Edit Group” in the interface, after which you will see a form for editing an ad group with the same fields as when creating it. The added keywords will be placed in separate fields, and the area for entering new keys will remain empty. Then add new phrases to this area.

How to add keywords via Direct. Commander?

Direct. Commander is an application for working with the Yandex.Direct advertising service. The main advantages of the application are processing a bulky array of data and working offline. The main rule is that before making changes to already downloaded campaigns, update the campaign data by downloading from the server.

Interaction with accounts, campaigns, ad groups, ads and keywords occurs in separate windows, into which the program interface is divided:

The first window is a list of managed accounts for agents (partner accounts), which regular accounts do not have. The second window is a list of campaigns and account parameters (in the tab). The third window is a list of ad groups and campaign parameters (in the tab). The fourth window is advertisements and phrases (keywords).

Add keywords to Direct. Commander manually or automatically.

To add keywords to Direct. Commander manually, create a campaign and ad group. On the “Campaigns” tab, click “Create a new campaign” and select “Text and image ads” in the new list:

Enter the name and go to the ad groups tab. Click “Add group” – this will give you access to adding keys and advertisements manually.

A red STOP sign means there are one or more errors in the ad set. To find out about the problem specifically, hover your cursor over the symbol. The field with an error is highlighted in red dash-dotted line. Until the error is corrected, the campaign cannot be uploaded to the server:

When creating ad groups manually, errors occur due to missing data in the Title, Ad Body and Link. Uploading changes without announcements is prohibited, but without phrases in the group it is allowed, so be careful when entering keywords.

Add keys in the tab phrases by clicking on the “Add Keyphrase” button:

In the pop-up window, add one or more key phrases - in a column or separated by commas.

Let's not forget. You can add a maximum of 200 keywords to one ad group.

To add phrases with negative keywords at once, add them to the line next to the keyword with a dash before each negative word. If these are general negative keywords that will be suitable for all ad groups in one advertising campaign, add them at the campaign level in the parameters (Ad Group Window - Parameters Tab).

To adjust the intersections of added keywords automatically, select the “Multi-edit” tool – “Adjust phrases” – “Adjust intersections”:

The Multi-Edit tool also allows you to find duplicate phrases in campaigns, ad groups, selected phrases and remove unnecessary ones. So, the keywords have been added and are awaiting bid settings.

Set bids for key phrases manually by entering the amount opposite each key into the “Bid” column, and for all keywords at once using the “Bid Wizard”:

Set a single rate or a rate that will provide the required amount of traffic. The last bid option is calculated automatically by the system for each keyword:

There are phrases for which the cost per click, even to receive a minimum amount of traffic, is too high and exceeds the projected income from such a key. Here it is advisable to calculate the maximum allowable costs per click and set bids with an upper line that cannot be exceeded. Add this cost as a condition in the Bid Wizard to automatically place bids on all keywords.

Add a small number of keywords via Direct. Commander manually is possible and easy. But what to do when there are more than 20 keywords and ads? In this case, automated addition of keywords will help using Excel tables(we are not saying goodbye to the Commander).

Adding keywords to Yandex. Direct via Excel

As mentioned above, the advantage of Direct. Commander - ability to work with large amounts of data. Yes, the program has useful feature“Import a campaign from a file” and “Import campaigns from the clipboard”. In both cases, prepare information for the program in Excel tables.

To correctly upload keywords with ads, create Excel file with the following headers:

  • Campaign name
  • Group number
  • Group name
  • Phrases
  • Heading 1
  • Heading 2
  • Announcement text
  • Display link
  • Link
  • Headings quick links
  • Quick link addresses
  • Quick Link Descriptions
  • Clarifications

If you only need to upload keywords, for example, to an already running campaign, the first four columns are enough:

We insert already grouped keywords into the “Phrases” column (possibly with minuses separated by a dash, or without minuses). If two or more phrases are included in one group, opposite the phrases in the columns “Group number” and “Group name” should be present same values so that the system classifies them into one group:

If you need to add advertisements, fill in the remaining columns in Excel. Next to each keyword we write the corresponding headings and ad text, display links and end links. If the number of phrases in 1 ad group does not correspond to the number of ads, you can leave empty cells in the column with a smaller number, but in all rows, write down the names of groups and campaigns.

For example, clarifications:

We work 24/7||Fast delivery||For all holidays

Quick link addresses:||||

Note! The total length of quick link titles is no more than 66 characters.

Before importing, check whether the line types match the header names that are written in the file. If a heading is not recognized by the program, manually select the desired column name from the drop-down list:

If the campaign is new, at the bottom of the form, select “Create a new campaign (or campaigns) for imported ads.” If you want to add keywords to an already running campaign, select “Place all imported ads into the currently selected campaign.”

To import campaigns from the clipboard, before clicking on the corresponding button in Direct. Commander, select the desired data range with headings in the Excel table:

When you click the button, the program will automatically use a fragment of text on the clipboard and provide the user with the same form for edits as when importing from a file.

After downloading all the keywords, ads, filling out information on the campaign, upload it to the network: That's all. Now you know how to add keywords to Ya Direct and you can cope with this task without any difficulties.

Everyone already understands that on the Internet without contextual advertising nothing to do. And so that advertising campaigns bring desired result and attracted a larger number of the target audience, it is important to take care of the competent collection of the semantic core. Correctly selected keywords will allow interested users to see your ad and become your client. How to correctly collect the semantics of an advertising campaign - we share tips based on our experience and the work of FireSeo managers and directologists.

Selection Tools

Initially, it is better to compile a list of keywords yourself, but in order to expand it and get additional options– use tools specially designed for this purpose. Let us designate the main two services for collecting keywords - the semantic core: Key Collector and Wordstat. We'll look at these tools in more detail a little further. Now let’s look at the principle of collecting keywords.

Working with requests

As mentioned above, at the first stage we can compile a list of basic queries manually. This stage is called collecting keyword masks. What are keyword masks? Key masks – one-word or two-word key queries, which are allocated for further collection of the semantic core. For clarity, here is an example of a keyword mask. For example, our store sells children's bicycles. One of the keyword masks can be Children bicycle. And queries such as Children's bicycle inexpensively, Buy a children's bicycle, Online store of children's bicycles and others are queries included in the impression mask. Therefore, to begin with, we write down similar masks in a file - a children's bicycle, a bicycle for children, a bicycle for a child, a bicycle for a girl, and the like. Then we proceed to further parsing. It is clear that the larger the range of goods or services, the more masks of keys you should collect. For convenience, we recommend using the website itself, where the assortment is presented in detail in each section. A price list will also be useful. In some cases, don't forget about synonyms.

All types of keywords are divided into four main groups:

  • Direct requests– phrases that clearly state the user’s goal. For example: buy a children's bike
  • Near targeted queries – requests that do not directly indicate the goods or services we offer, but are indirectly related to them. For example: buy a gift for a boy or what to give a boy, etc.
  • Situational– requests indicating a search for a solution to a problem or closure of a need.
  • Competitors. Everything is simple here. If there are well-known competitors in our niche - a store, a manufacturer, a brand - we collect requests for them, thereby offering an alternative.

After we have carefully worked through the site and written out keyword masks in the file, we move on to tools that will help significantly expand this list.

Most often, Key Collector and Wordstat are used for parsing.

The easiest tool to use for beginners is Yandex Wordstat( This program from Yandex is free. Should only be available Account on Yandex.

In addition to selecting keywords, using Wordstat it is easy and convenient to carry out analysis search queries and determine whether requests are targeted and in demand - the service has the appropriate functionality. Keyword analysis in Yandex Wordstat comes down to:

  • Word frequency analysis - query popularity
  • Popularity of queries in different regions
  • Determining the seasonality of a search phrase

Now let's return directly to the process of collecting the semantic core. The process is quite simple. Let's take ready-made keyword masks and start parsing them one by one. Don't forget to select the desired region first.

In the search results we see a lot of nested queries, which we copy and save to a file so that we can work with them in the future. We take keywords only from the left column. Right column We use it to search for additional keyword masks.

We also do not forget that we need results in the greatest possible quantity, so we are not lazy, but copy queries from all pages of search results. Their maximum can be 41 pages.

We do the same with all keyword masks.

After all the key queries have been collected, we move on to the next stage - we select from the many collected keywords those that are needed as a priority, and those queries for which we do not want to see transitions. We analyze such queries into negative keywords.

For example, we don't want to see conversions for the following queries:

Accordingly, our negative keywords include: Avito, reviews, stealth, stels and world. When setting up our account in Direct or AdWords, we add such requests to the appropriate sections. Negative words are extremely important for the effective operation of an advertising campaign. Well-designed negative keywords provide the most relevant traffic, and you don’t pay for untargeted clicks.

Based on the remaining keywords, cleared of “cons,” we build a future advertising campaign.

To work with a large number of requests or to the maximum professional customization contextual advertising - we use a more advanced tool for collecting the semantic core. This is the program Key Collector. Its only drawback compared to Yandex Wordstat is that the program is paid.

We will not consider such a tool in detail today, since in the current article the main task– talk about the principle and sequence of collecting key queries for an advertising campaign.

And finally, a few more words about keywords for YAN and Display Network campaigns. They are assembled according to the same principle and with the same tools. The only difference is that for YAN and Display Network we can safely use both targeted queries and near-targeted queries.


Working with semantics when setting up an advertising campaign is undeniable important stage, which determines success further process. Correctly selected key queries and negative keywords will make your advertising more profitable by reducing the cost of attracting customers. Therefore, do not save time and effort on collecting the semantic core.

To fully compose the semantic core for a site, you need:

  1. Collect a list of basic keywords – keyword masks. They should be compiled based on the site’s assortment and brainstorming.
  2. Extend semantics with available tools– Yandex. Wordstat or Key Collector.
  3. Analyze the collected keys and identify queries that do not suit you. Add such phrases to negative keywords.

That's all, friends! Now you know how to choose keywords for Yandex Direct, and a properly designed advertising campaign will work for your results - increasing business profits every day. Good luck! 🙂