The most popular words in the Yandex search engine. Find out what people search for on the Internet most often

Correct selection keywords- the basis search engine promotion and high-quality contextual advertising settings. It is on the formation of the semantic core (compiling a database of queries and creating pages relevant to them) that the further result largely depends: the popularity of the resource and conversion.

Do you want to become a real SEO guru and get ready-made instructions work with the best services for the Russian-speaking segment? Then this article was written especially for you!

On this moment There are two main ways to collect popular queries in Yandex - Yandex.Direct and Yandex WordStat. Let's study them in more detail, consider the advantages and disadvantages.


The Yandex search engine regularly collects information about user requests - based on this data, the convenient Yandex WordStat service has been created. It helps website owners and optimizers become familiar with the needs of Runet visitors, track trendy topics, and select the most appropriate keywords.

Screenshot of the Yandex.Wordstat interface

Among the advantages of the service, one should highlight the simplicity and high speed work. This free service has excellent functionality. With it you can:

  • find out the frequency of the request in Yandex in exact, phrase and broad terms;
  • get statistics on a particular region;
  • use “Query History” to determine seasonality.

Now about the cons. Advanced SEO specialists agree that the selection of keywords in Yandex.Wordstat allows you to compile a list of keywords of only up to 50% of the full semantic core. To save data to your computer and search for other phrases, you will need to use additional services.

Another drawback - WordStat only shows 2000 nested phrases (up to 40 pages), missing low frequency queries which lead additional traffic. Many people are annoyed by the frequent introduction of captchas, and there is a possibility of account blocking.

Advice! To collect more keywords, use a paid program Key Collector or take it into service a little trick advanced optimizers. They get around the limitation by introducing queries into different options. For example: blouse, blouse, blouse, blouse.

Remember! Are you going to collect a lot of keywords? Create a separate account in Yandex to avoid the consequences of potential blocking.


It is a contextual advertising service on pages search engine and YAN partner websites. Despite its different purpose (the service was created to carry out paid promotion And fine tuning advertisements with output for specific queries), Yandex.Direct also allows you to select keywords.

Besides, this service makes it possible to study the search phrases used by competitors in order to apply them next time in your own website development strategy.

The majority of Yandex users. Direct are advertisers and online sellers, so this commercial tool is also designed to calculate the profit received from promoting individual keywords.

The main disadvantage of Direct is that it is not particularly convenient for solving large-scale problems. In such cases, it is better to opt for the powerful Key Collector or the free Slovoeb service.

How to use Yandex.Wordstat to select keywords?

The platform interface is simple and understandable even for beginners. Main elements of the main screen:

  • query input field - here you need to enter the search phrase about which you want to receive information;

  • button “by words” - displays the list taking into account the specified operators ( Special symbols to narrow the search range);
  • “by region” - allows you to go to the section dedicated to geodependence;
  • “request history” - generates data received over the last two years;

  • left row - shows statistics of queries in Yandex for the entered word;
  • right column - used to identify other keys from users who searched for the original phrase;
  • transition to statistics by device type: requests from mobile phones, phones and tablets.

Advice! To improve your work with Yandex.Wordstat, study its operators - they will save your time by eliminating unnecessary words or by combining information from several requests at once.

Instructions for working with Yandex.Wordstat

  1. Log in or register a Yandex account.
  2. Go to the page
  3. Enter the phrase you are interested in in the search bar.
  4. Click the "Select" button.

To clarify the required request, use a set of service commands:

Word order in keys

The method of collecting statistics in Yandex WordStat has a serious drawback - there are no differences in the frequency of queries that are essentially the same, but with different word order. Even taking into account the operator "!" the service provides the same number of impressions per month. But in fact, the phrases “radio online” and “ online radio» have an uneven number of views.

Attention! You must first activate the “Take into account word order” option in the settings.

Defining keywords based on regions

To analyze the demographic aspect, you will need the “By Region” tool. It will be useful when the optimizer is looking for queries for advertising or creating semantic core for a website selling goods or services.

Of all the functions, the most interesting is regional popularity - the percentage that a city occupies in impressions for a phrase, divided by the share of all search results. If you see more than 100%, it means that the region’s interest in the keyword is increased, if less, it means it’s decreased.

Analysis of seasonality of requests

Would you like to determine the dynamics of demand for the selected key throughout the year? Then you need to look at the statistics in Yandex.Wordstat (the “Query History” tool).

Using the service, you can assess the seasonality of any topic with detailed frequency by month and week. In addition, the tool will save money and effort by further eliminating the “dummy” phrases that site owners have created in a short time.

Advice! To get a deep understanding of traffic dynamics, analyze different keywords from the same group. Be sure to take into account obvious seasonal requests (for example, “buy a swimsuit” or “how to decorate a Christmas tree”), as well as unexpected ones important events and news that can change SEO trends.

Advice! Low-frequency operators are focused on more effective and less costly promotion; they specify the request as much as possible. We recommend using them in the semantic core.

Low frequency phrases are phrases that users have entered less than 10 times in the last month.

Parsing queries with a fixed number of words

If you need to search for queries of a certain length, type the keyword on the appropriate line the required number of times, enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, a webmaster needs to find popular three-word phrases with the key “flowers” ​​- he should enter “flowers flowers” ​​into the search.

Such experiments with a length of up to seven words can increase the reach of the target audience, because the result is the same words WordStat will be replaced by analogues that are often entered by Runet users.

Expansion of the semantic core

To increase traffic to an Internet resource, try to cover as many queries as possible that are similar in linguistics and syntax. By finding the maximum number of keys, you will create an effective and powerful semantic core.

When compiling it, pay attention to other interests of the target audience - by deciding to look at such query statistics in Yandex.Wordstat, you will better understand the needs of your potential readers and clients, and expand the list of queries by topic.

Browser plugins for comfortable work

To ensure that using the service leaves only pleasant memories, we recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Helper extension or Yandex Wordstat Assistant. The mentioned plugins will significantly speed up the selection of keywords and take your website’s Internet marketing to a new level.
The first extension allows you to add your own queries; it copies, deletes and appends data to the buffer.

As for Yandex Wordstat Assistant, it also displays the total frequency key phrases, supports different types sorting.

1. Go to and click “Create a campaign” - Text and image ads.

2. Below, select the region you are interested in.
3. Open the “Group Management” tab and enter the masks collected in Yandex.Wordstat there, that is, the main phrases. Click "Save" and proceed to create an ad group. In the “Settings for the entire group” column, enter the masks collected earlier in Yandex.Wordstat.

4. Start searching for additional phrases by selecting "Find Words"

5. Click “Start collection” and be patient: the operation may take many hours, especially when working with a huge semantic core.

6. Filter the received keys from non-target requests.

Do you want to learn how to use Yandex.Direct to select keywords with maximum benefit? Calculate duplicates, as well as obvious negative keywords that are not suitable for your site, and then remove all phrases collected by the program that contain them.
Interface features

In 2017, Yandex.Direct developers distributed options into semantic blocks and improved usability - working with the service became even more pleasant. Previously, the platform supported two versions of the interface: light and professional.

Now all that remains is a convenient advanced option, with which you can find out the frequency of the request in Yandex with the addition of negative keywords, independently adjust the keys, manage bids and receive data on financial expenses.

Other services and key selection programs for Yandex

  • Key Collector - helps automate advanced collection of the semantic core, obtaining effective search phrases as quickly as possible. In this paid program always used latest statistics, updates come out frequently.
  • “Slovoeb” is a convenient free analogue suitable for compiling a large list of queries. It analyzes regionality and seasonality, allows you to determine the timing of promotion, as well as calculate its approximate cost.
  • "- it can be used for free and without registration. The service instantly selects search phrases from its own large database. It shows not only their frequency, but also competition and seasonality.


Having gained experience in selecting keywords in Yandex.Wordstat, Direct and other programs, you will become a real promotion specialist, because its basis is precisely right choice keys. After compiling the semantic core, all that remains is to create quality pages, relevant to the selected queries.

Good traffic and crazy conversion to you!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today there will probably be a rather boring article about working with search query statistics from Yandex, Google and Rambler. Well, what could be interesting in analyzing the frequency or number of questions entered by users into search engines?

Therefore, it turns out that if you write articles yourself, then your project is simply doomed to success and high traffic, the lion’s share of which will come from referrals from Yandex and Google ( search traffic). But, unfortunately, in the real world this is far from the case and everything is to blame for the notorious search query statistics, damn it.

Why bother with search query statistics?

The fact is that the statistics of queries from Yandex, Google or Rambler (Wordstat is usually the most popular) can negate all your attempts to attract users from search engines by writing interesting, absolutely unique articles, but blindly optimized for randomly selected queries.

This is exactly what happened with most of the articles on my blog site, when I finally decided to conduct a full analysis of all the keywords that may be related to my blog in Yandex statistics.

The results mostly disappointed me, although there were some successful articles that could attract visitors right away. a huge number keywords that often have a very high frequency. But let’s still begin to deal with the problem of accounting for statistics on search queries from Yandex and, to a lesser extent, Google (well, although this system can probably already be classified as the living dead).

The problem is that by working blindly (without preliminary drafting at least for the article that you are writing at the moment) you can seriously miss and optimize the text of the article and internal linking(link anchors from other pages of your site to the promoted page) are not at all suitable for the search queries that can bring you a large number of visitors.

It’s very easy to miss the intuitive selection of promising queries, but then it will be very disappointing to see in the statistics of Yandex or Google that they turned out to be dummies (i.e., search engine users extremely rarely use this particular combination of keywords in their questions).

No, of course, if all webmasters were in the same conditions and no one had the opportunity to view and analyze statistics in the same Yandex, then there probably wouldn’t be such a problem. But the statistics of requests from search engine users is available to everyone without restrictions, and by not using it, you are simply putting yourself in unfavorable conditions.

You should not listen to the “trolls” who shout that you have lowered your SDL (project for people) to the level of GS (project for making money, designed for a short life cycle) having previously compiled a small semantic core for a future article, using online service statistics of Yandex or Google and Rambler search queries.

This is due to envy or their “troll” nature. But you shouldn’t spam the text of the article with keywords - in this case, you can ruin everything.

Let me first provide factual information, and only then will I pour water on the matter your experience working with search query statistics, mostly Yandex (I don’t know how to write briefly, so there will be a lot of letters; sorry, but it seemed to me that this was all important). So, the facts. Why do you think search engines like Yandex, Google or Rambler give you the opportunity to delve into their statistics?

After all, optimizers (Seo specialists) have always been on the other side of the barricades in relation to search engines. Do you know why? There is no place for any principled considerations or ideologies. Everything is tritely simple and, as one would expect, comes down to money, because optimizers take away from search part of their main source of income from contextual advertising. A large number of potential clients Direct or Adwords receive visitors to their projects using the services of optimizers (SEO specialists).

Therefore, it looks very strange that Yandex and Google give optimizers (you and me) access to search query statistics. The answer here again depends on the main way search engines make money - contextual advertising. The fact is that contextual advertisers need this information to compile the most or Google Adwords. It is thanks to them that this request statistics is available to us too, and it would be a sin not to use it in our personal (selfish) interests.

Yandex, Google and Rambler statistics services

In my unprofessional opinion, there are three or even four main sources of receiving direct (there are services that collect data from these services in automatic mode- parse them) search query statistics:

How to work with Yandex query statistics

I am not a professional SEO specialist, so for me to understand the overall picture and compile a semantic core, Yandex statistics are quite enough, although it is possible that when promoting a project using very high-frequency phrases, it would make sense to clarify the data in Rambler or Google services, but I do not need this.

A little theory. Search queries and keywords very often confused with each other, so I’ll try to clarify. A search query is a set of words that any user types in the search bar. There are sets of words that are searched very often ( high frequency queries or HF), there are less popular combinations words (mid-frequency or midrange), and, naturally, there are rarely encountered sets of words (low-frequency or low-frequency).

I don’t draw a clear line between these queries based on the frequency of their displays, but it is usually considered that if a set of words has a frequency of over 10,000 impressions per month, then it is high-frequency. If a phrase has a frequency of less than 1,000 impressions per month, then it is low frequency, but mid frequency lies somewhere in the middle. But these figures are more than arbitrary and strongly depend on the topic.

It is clear that it is best to choose more frequent queries for the future semantic core, because if you get on the first page search results you will receive a very large influx of visitors. But it will most likely be very difficult to advance in HF or MF, because there will probably be a lot of other webmasters as smart as you.

Therefore, when selecting search queries for the future semantic core, both for the site as a whole and for a separate article, you should correctly calculate your strengths - otherwise you may not get a single visitor at all via HF, because you won’t be able to get even close to the Top 10 (first page of results).

True, there will not always be many people willing to promote themselves for high-frequency and mid-frequency queries. There are cases when the competition in HF and MF is quite low and everyone has a chance to make it. Here you need to look and analyze those sites that are in the Top for your chosen query. If there are not very trusted resources there, then you can try to fight.

When we came directly to optimization, this is where we talk about , which essentially represent individual words from the queries you have chosen, for which you will try to advance and get to the Top (the first ten sites in the search results).

Very often, the dozen search queries selected (as a semantic core) for a given specific article may consist of only a few keywords, which you will need to use N number of times in the text of the article and be sure to include them in the Title. Moreover, at the beginning of the Title, include the words of the more frequent request and then in descending order. For example, the semantic core of this article can be said to consist of:

I checked the frequency according to Yandex statistics, enclosing the given words and phrases in quotation marks to weed out obvious dummies. Those. I started by typing something like “query statistics” and got a bunch possible options with these words, as well as a bunch of associative queries in right column. I checked each of the proposed options for the actual frequency of impressions by enclosing them in quotes and as a result I received the list given just above.

As you can see, with all the richness of phrases from the semantic core of the article, there are not so many keywords for which I should optimize the text. Now you just need to create the correct Title for the page with the article, so that at the beginning there are keys from the most frequent request, and use each keyword in the article from one to two percent of the total number of words in the article.

Be careful not to spam the text and increase the density of keys to 3 percent or more - it is possible to exclude the article from . It is better to use keywords in different word forms (do not try to cram only direct occurrences into the text), in accordance with the logic of your narrative. I once mentioned that online service where you can conduct articles on the density of occurrence of keys.

As you can see, this article seems to have everything in order, except that the frequency of the first word (I am not citing it so as not to further increase the density of its occurrence) should be reduced. You can ignore the nausea indicator, because... it is calculated there as the square root of the most frequently used word, which means that the larger the text, the higher the nausea will be, which is not logical. And in general, nausea has already sunk into oblivion.

Let's summarize again. After you have sketched out on a piece of paper those queries (analysis of statistics in Yandex usually takes a few minutes) from which you expect to receive an influx of visitors, you will need to isolate keywords from this semantic core of the article and be sure to use them in the Title of the promoted page (which the higher the frequency, the closer to the beginning Title tag) and use keywords selected from the semantic core in the text of the article with frequency from 1 to 2 percent of their total number.

I admit that I started writing articles taking into account Yandex query statistics only a little less than a year ago, and doing it with my eyes completely open only about a month ago. And the reason for this is not laziness at all (I don’t have a lot of it), but rather some inertia (not flexibility) in relation to something new. Well, like, I’ve always done this and will continue in the same spirit.

But sometimes you need to take a breath, look around and understand whether you are moving in the right direction. It is precisely the use of Wordstat to analyze your project that allows you to look around and change the direction of movement if necessary. For the last couple of weeks, I have been trying to extract from Yandex statistics all the options that may be relevant to my blog.

I do this manually, which is quite tedious, but I am gradually gaining an understanding of the overall picture of this entire kitchen (my eyes are opening). At the same time, the brain is already melting, but the analysis is drawn out and gradually reveals obvious mistakes, and also allows determine the topics of future articles, because what users most often type in search engines is what interests them most. And keeping up with the wishes of future readers is, in my opinion, a direct path to the successful development of the project.

By the way, when analyzing your project using Yandex query statistics, you may need to find out whether your site already has any positions for the word or phrase you are interested in. To do this, I use the capabilities of the program, which I already wrote about, but forgot to mention the possibility of determining the visibility of a site by the keys you need using this wonderful program.

You will need to go to the “Selection” tab of the Site Auditor program, enter the words you are interested in in the “Check” area and click on the arrow located on the right. You will be redirected to the “Site Visibility” tab, where you will need to enter the URL of your resource and click on the “Check” button.

As a result, you will see the position of your site for the keyword of interest in the Yandex and Google search engines. If no positions appear, it means your project ranks below fiftieth in the search results.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Every day, search engines collect all user queries and analyze this data. Use information about user preferences in your work: popular queries, distribution of search queries by time, device type and location. Every year Yandex also publishes the most popular topics of the year.

What queries were popular among users in 2017

Popular topics. At the end of each year, Yandex collects statistics on queries that aroused the greatest interest among users. Top topics are different from top queries. In the topics, Yandex analyzes events and people of the past year and compiles a rating:

  • events in Russia and in the world;
  • things and phenomena;
  • popular men and women;
  • sport events;
  • music;
  • movies;
  • memes.

Information is taken for January-November.

Additionally, popularity is shown by month separately. The popularity of certain topics grew throughout the year, while others lasted only a couple of months.

Dynamics of popularity of the topic “Cryptocurrency” in 2017

Dynamics of the popularity of the “Spinner” theme in 2017

Mobile interests on the map. Internet searches vary from area to area. In the spring of 2017, Yandex collected statistics on requests sent from mobile devices, and compiled interactive map interests of users in different areas of Moscow. Explore popular categories with its help.

Search in the metro. Yandex separately conducts research on the interests of users in the subway. According to the search engine, in 2017, 150 thousand metro passengers accessed Yandex search every day.

Internet activity in the metro also has peak hours. This is 7.40 - 9.40 in the morning and 17.20 - 19.50 in the evening. The greatest number of requests occurs between 8 and 9 am and from 6:20 pm to 6:50 pm in the evening.

The overwhelming majority of requests are informational. They are related to the topics IT, Transport and Leisure. Requests change throughout the day. In the morning, the most popular words and phrases are “how to get there” and “how to get there.” Courts, museums and shops lead the way in terms of destination. In the evening, users search for recipes and food delivery services. Before the metro closed, most requests related to the night bus schedule.

The most popular queries in the Moscow metro every hour

Search by time of day. In Yandex, search starts at 6 am. From 9 am to 5 pm the main search queries are related to work, from 5 pm to 10 pm - with study, after midnight - movies, games, sex.

Distribution of user interests by time of day

How to select popular queries

Select queries in Yandex using the Wordstat.Yandex service. If the topic of the queries being analyzed is broad, use a parser to reduce the time for collecting information.

Frequency. Drive into search bar Yandex analyzed words, the word can be single or as part of a phrase. The frequency shown by the service includes words and phrases in any cases and word forms. Sorting goes from maximum to minimum.

Working with operators. To find out the number of queries in the exact word form, use operators. Main operators:

  • "" - statistics only for specified words without taking into account additional ones;
  • ! - for precise entry, fix the endings;
  • + - to add prepositions to the query: trip + to London.

We talked about operators in detail in the article “”.

Regions. In Wordstat, select a region before searching for a query, or analyze a query across all regions. Filter separately by region: countries, federal districts, regions and cities, or by large cities and their subordinate regions. Pay attention to the regionality index. It is calculated based on the popularity of the request on average in Russia. For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg there is increased interest in the query “blockchain”, and in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk the interest is lower than in Russia as a whole.

Request history. See the growth of the request's popularity over time. The service shows changes over the past two years. The operators in the request are not valid; the total number is indicated in all word forms and phrases.

Example of request dynamics

Seasonality. If the query history clearly shows peaks of user interest throughout the year, then such goods or services are considered seasonal. When planning advertising or promotion, keep this in mind.

Example of a seasonal request

Mobile search. The service displays statistics separately for desktop and mobile requests. There is a separate division for phones and tablets.

Our company’s specialists decided to find out what queries users in the city of Vladimir ask the Yandex search system more often than others. The choice of this city is due to the location of our company’s main office there.

To analyze statistics, we chose the Yandex service

Fig.1. Yandex request statistics

This service allows you to view statistics of requests to the Yandex search engine for specified phrases over the last month.

At the beginning of the review, we will describe the methodology for compiling the rating, then we will present the final results, divide requests into segments, determine the most popular topics and directions, the further, the more interesting it will be.

How popular is the website promotion service?

First, let's determine how popular the services are. SEO promotion in Vladimir and the region, compared to regions traditionally active in this direction.

In addition to statistics on the number of requests, the service has the ability to view statistics on a specific request in a certain region, from which we can find out:

1. Number of page impressions for a specific request from a particular region

2. The popularity of a particular query in a particular region, the average value of which is designated 100%, i.e. if we see a popularity indicator of more than 100% in any region, this means increased interest; if less than 100%, this means decreased interest.

Fig.2. Statistics on the request “website promotion” for the Moscow and Moscow region, popularity 176%.

Fig.3. Statistics on the request “website promotion” for the Vladimir region, popularity 119%.

In general, as expected, the topic of SEO and search engine promotion is most popular in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg. However, in Vladimir and the Vladimir region there is interest in the topic of SEO and is determined by an above-average indicator of 119% popularity; this circumstance cannot be encouraging. The region has all the prerequisites for the active development of this area.

Search query analysis

Most users, when searching for any product or service, often add the name of their region to the search bar, for example, if you are looking for website creation services located in the city of Vladimir, then most likely you will ask a request indicating your city, “ website creation in Vladimir" In some cases, such a clarification is justified, despite the fact that Yandex takes into account your location and by default produces results with priority for sites located in the same region as the user.

If you look at the query statistics for the phrase “in Vladimir”, a large number of queries will be dedicated not to the city and region, but to political and cultural figures wearing given name. The leader on this list is a currently popular TV presenter, high frequency The request is due to the search for replays of radio and television programs with his participation for subsequent listening and viewing online.

Fig.4. Statistics for the request “in Vladimir”

However, among others, in third place we see the query “Vladimir 2014” with a total of 322,735 impressions.

Fig.5. Statistics for the request “Vladimir 2014”

Let's look at the statistics for the phrase “Vladimir 2014”, the number of impressions reflects the number of all requests and phrases that include words from the request, such as “Vladimir Soloviev Sunday evening 2014”, as well as “bus schedule Vladimir 2014” or “concerts in Vladimir 2014” . By sorting the statistics results, we can get a selection of the most popular queries and topics by region.

Fig.6. List of popular queries for the phrase “Vladimir 2014”

Based on the data obtained, we can determine which rating is most frequent requests with reference to 2014 and the region we have chosen, in the ranking we will not take into account requests that are repeated on the topic, except for those that have an additional territorial reference (the most popular bus routes, etc.), while excluding interest in a single concert or event not directly related to the city.

The list, sorted by our parameters, amounted to 101 items; the full list can be found in this file.

IN this review, we segment the received data for ease of perception and clarity of information.

Rating of popular routes

Based on the data received, we have prepared a rating of the most popular destinations of interest to Yandex users in Vladimir.

Regular buses turned out to be the most in demand in Vladimir, request " bus schedule Vladimir 2014"ranks second in our ranking with 4,370 impressions. The electric train is mentioned only in 12th place, with the request “ Vladimir Moscow train schedule 2014"and the number of impressions equal to 905.

The next group of requests consists of users interested in a particular brand of car, among which the most in demand in Vladimir at the moment is Renault Logan. Request " Renault Logan 2014 in Vladimir» users typed in the search engine 168 times.

The next group of queries can be conditionally called “information and entertainment”, i.e. users were interested in any events and activities.

Most popular request

This group contains the leader of our rating, the most popular request among Vladimir residents at the time of compiling our rating is the request “ Vladimir City Day 2014» with the number of impressions 14035. It should be noted that the statistical data on which the analysis is based date back to September-October 2014, this year, the holiday was celebrated on October 11, the coincidence of these time periods caused interest in the request.

Next, we can identify a group under the general name “help”, people who searched in Yandex wanted to find certain information and get help, the basic questions “when” and “how much”.

Fig. 10. Popular reference Information city ​​of Vladimir

The next group, conventionally designated as "information", it is compiled according to the interests of users on the principle of searching for certain information, which in the future can be the basis for further actions, or the user is simply interested in a certain event in the city and wants to know its details and news.

Fig. 11. Popular news and other information

The next group is formed from requests whose purpose is to find reviews, ratings, or get a list of more complete information about certain places in the city.

Separately, we can highlight queries about the weather, statistics data were updated in mid-November, statistics are given for the previous month, i.e. user request period is the end of September - beginning of October.

Fig. 13. Weather in Vladimir

IN latest list all other requests are included, after consulting briefly and deciding unanimously, we named this group accordingly - “the last group.”

The group includes queries that have a dual or ambiguous interpretation, or for certain reasons, we decided not to include them in the previous, fairly strictly segmented groups.

Fig. 14. Queries of interest to Yandex users in the Vladimir and Vladimir Region regions

As a result, we identified the most popular topics and news, routes and events that interest city residents. This rating reflects only a general picture of user interests, and the method of its compilation is not the only possible one.

If you were interested in this material and want to know more information, we invite you to read our company’s review of the situation with regional and SEO services using the example of the Vladimir region, in it you will find a lot of useful information and learn what you need to pay attention to when selecting a contractor to provide SEO services.

Thank you for taking the time to review our review, if you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to answer any of them!

Today, the demand for a particular group of goods, as well as the value of certain services, can be judged based on the RuNet service “Wordstat”. Popular Yandex queries in the form of statistical data are of interest not only to professional group users. An objective analysis of a word or phrase allows each interested party to determine the “current weight” of information and outline the most accurate direction for the search process as a whole, as well as develop (for themselves) a specific action scenario, depending on their needs. What is the meaning this term and how is such a service useful? You will find the answers here and now!

The many faces of Yandex

Everyone needs something, and people are constantly looking for something, based on a certain “algorithm” of actions. We don't go to the grocery store to buy shampoo or ask why the music is so loud when we're at a rock concert. Everything in our life is more or less ordered and systematized, filled with meaning and reasonable by definition. Popular Yandex queries reflect the dedication and interest of users. This is a kind of aggregator of our life, capable of noticing the direction of our thoughts and confronting us with a fact - where we are going, what we are interested in and what is important to us. In other words, it can summarize statistical data reflecting the quantity, quality and objectivity of the words most often used for searching, or phrases and phrases not bound by the rules of syntax. Ladies and gentlemen, it is we who think, and we decide how to respond...

Effective search

To find the most valuable information, you need to search for a specific query. For example, if you enter: “I want to buy a car,” a list of online resources that sell or conduct surveys and publish various materials related to general issues on motor transport, or considering specific automotive topics. However, such information does not always meet your expectations, because many users forget to indicate the data that specifies the request: car make, properties (used or new), color and price parameters. Even in this case, popular Yandex queries may turn out to be useless for you, since it is quite possible that the desired car is sold in a place that is not entirely convenient for you (a remote city, region or region), that is, you should always take into account the versatility of the search process. Only in this case will you be able to quickly find the desired object without unnecessary reasons for frustration.

How can statistics on popular Yandex queries help me?

Of course, this is a question that requires precise definition. First of all, it should be understood that search engines are designed to significantly simplify the process of finding the information the user requires. Most Relevant Sites and Other Sources useful content moving up the hierarchical ladder of global demand. In other words, each search engine uses a mechanism for carefully selecting (ranking) the most meaningful sources of unique information. At the same time, search engines exercise a kind of control over the practical activities of a particular Internet resource. It should be noted that Yandex has succeeded quite well in this. Yandex query statistics allows literally every registered user to analyze and objectively evaluate the direction of their actions, which can be related to any life activity: work, everyday life, family, etc.

Where millions strive: people, events, interests and much more

So, it’s time to move on to the main part of this article, so to speak, to the culmination of the story. After all, you probably want to know what or who exactly is an indicator of the intriguing phrase: “The most popular queries in Yandex.” However, the most complete answer can be formulated only based on the results of the general annual indicator, the results of which can be found in the corresponding section of the search engine. Yandex systems— “Research/newsletters.”

What interested users most in 2013?

The word “Minecraft” took the leading position. It was the construction game that became a kind of champion in search queries of the past year. Mobile social network Instagram took second place in terms of user interest. Further, the list of popularity continued with the following queries: “online postcards”, “mobile Internet messengers” and “web photo editors”. By the way, the word “slow cooker” was also entered quite often into the search bar.

However, women, as always, were most interested in the topic “how to lose excess weight,” while men devoted their time on the Internet to the IT industry and invariably showed interest in sporting events, remaining devoted to the “fans” group.

Women's emancipation has nothing to do with it, or the predictability of events

Culture as such is not in fashion today, but Ksenia Sobchak is the number one figure. People are more interested in the events that happened in “House-2” than in any passed law in the state legislative framework. For example, Andrey Panin is a popular man of 2013. And this is our “achievement”, which is formed and based on our opinion, and, among other things, is just a reflection of the finished formulation - “popular Yandex queries”. takes into account literally every element of the attention we show. Women do not change their natural beginning: family, wedding and dacha. Men are most attracted to science and sports. Of course, the stronger sex is still captivated by technical innovations and results advanced technologies... Everything is as usual, except for the “predetermination” of unpredictable political events! The world is developing, and the system sees some patterns...

How it works?

So, having an account, you can always use free service"Yandex. Wordstat". Statistical data can be displayed based on several search criteria:

  1. According to the words - the very first checkbox (activated by default). Allows you to get results for the most frequently used queries or phrases entered by the user.
  2. By region - most often used by webmasters and marketers to determine public demand (local interests).
  3. Query history - detailed analysis by month and week.

In the first case, information is displayed in two independent windows. The list of words on the right is associative.

Careless influence...

The most popular Yandex search queries will always be a part of us, the surrounding society. The weather forecast and critics' reviews, as well as the “mind-blowing news” are the result of information influence. We are all subject to outside influence... However, it is you, dear reader, who can influence the overall outcome of the completeness of the opinion and regulate the meaningful value of the information; “vector truth” depends on you and only you have the right to “one”...

Food for thought: popular Yandex search queries

If you notice a certain predetermination of some services of the Yandex aggregator, do not be surprised. not only looking unique content, but are also the first collectors of “identifying” information - we are calculated, predicted and reduced to common system interactions. Alas, we are all components of a single Internet network! And the point is not whether we want it or not, the point is non-stop technical progress.


It is worth noting that the most popular queries in Yandex are also a highly competitive “product”. Therefore, in order to reach top positions in search engines, website developers have to roll up their sleeves and purposefully work on the project for many months. The result of their efforts is receiving our recognition. And it depends only on us, ordinary users, whether this or that Internet resource will be in the top. After all, the situation can be radically opposite, so always be in trend, dear ladies and gentlemen.